Trying to dynamically output form fields returns URL values

If there is a better way to go about this (which is quite likely), please let me know how to go about it.
I'm working on some code that is supposed to dynamically set the form variables as regular variables so that we can be lazy and not have to refer to the variable with form.somevariable name.
That part works perfectly.  Until I start testing for URL conflicts in which a URL variable has the same name.  For instance. . .
I have a form that passes two variables; FirstName and LastName.  If I hit the page, the form shows up, I input a first and last name and click submit.  The code works perfectly.
However, if I have URL variables with the same names, the code reports the url variable values instead of the form values.
Some sample values;
url.FirstName = Joe
url.LastName = Black
form.FirstName = Steve
form.LastName = White
My code that exposes the form variable will correctly find the form field names, but then when I 'evaluate' the value of the given form field, it will return the value of the URL variable of the same name rather than the form variable.
What I am really wanting (as I described briefly up above) is to have code that automatically converts client, URL and Form variables into 'regular variables' so that you don't have to write lots of extra code grabbing them later on.  Frameworks like CFWHEELS and ColdBox do this by default, but at the company I work out, we aren't using any of them.  I need it to expose the URL variables, but give presidence to form variables if they have the same name, because they are likely to be intended to do an update or such.
The code follows  Feel free to ignore the code for the URL and client variables if you wish as they don't directly affect how the form code works, I have tested with them commented out and I get the same result.  I provided all of it to give a more complete idea of what I have been toying with so far.  Please note that I don't normally use 'evaluate'.  There is probably a better way to go, but I don't know what it is.
<!--- Create a form so that we can post some form variables --->
<form action="" method="post">
    First Name <input type="text" name="FirstName" />
    Last Name <input type="text" name="lastName" />
    <input type="submit" />
<!--- Set a variable to hold the list of URL variable names --->
<cfset paramsurl = structKeyList(url)>
<br />
URL variables:
<!--- Loop through the list of url variables and then dynamically set a new variable to be equal to whatever is held by it --->
    <cfloop index="i" list="#paramsurl#">
        <cfset myDynVar = Evaluate(i)>
        <!--- Let's output the dynamically created variable as a test --->
        #i# = #myDynVar#<br />
<!--- If form fields exist --->
<cfif isdefined("Form.FieldNames")>
        <b>Field Names:</b> #Form.FieldNames#
            <b>Field Values:</b><br>
            <cfloop INDEX="TheField" list="#Form.FieldNames#">
                #TheField# = #Evaluate(TheField)#<br>
                <cfset TheField = Evaluate(TheField)>
        Lets try and output the two form fields without using the "form." notation<br>
        FirstName : #FirstName# <br />
        LastName : #LastName#
<br />
The client variables currently available are:<br />
    <cfset nVarCounter = 1>
    <cfloop list="#GetClientVariablesList()#" index="whichClientVar">
        #whichClientVar# : #client[whichClientVar]#<br />
        <cfset whichClientVar = Evaluate(whichClientVar)>

Try this:
<cfset structAppend( FORM, {
          'alpha' = 'bravo',
          'charlie' = 'delta',
          'echo' = 'foxtrot'
}, true ) />
<cfset structAppend( URL, {
          'alpha' = 'zulu',
          'lima' = 'mike',
          'echo' = 'papa'
}, true ) />
<!--- List the scopes in ascending order of importance. --->
<cfdump var="#FORM#" label="FORM scope" />
<cfdump var="#URL#" label="URL scope" />
<cfset scopes = "url,form">
<cfloop list="#scopes#" index="i">
          <cfloop list="#structKeyList( evaluate( i ) )#" index="j">
                    <cfset structInsert( VARIABLES, j, evaluate( i & '["' & j & '"]' ), true ) />
<cfdump var="#VARIABLES#" abort="1" label="Combined Variables Scope" />
What I did is insert 3 key/value pairs into the FORM and URL scope.  I then dumped the scopes to show their structure and values.  Then I defined a variable (scopes) which is a list of the least important scope to the most important.  After that, the loop I do simply goes through the SCOPES, their exisiting key/values and sets them into the VARIABLES scope.  Then, when it moves to the next scope of importance, it simply puts their value into the variables scope as well (overriding in the event it already exists), thus, the scopes defined later in the list override and replace.
Then I just dump the VARIABLES scope (you'll notice it has the I, J and SCOPES variables in there that I used to create the loop.  If you perform this action in a function, simple make the I, J and SCOPES variables part of the LOCAL scope so they won't be in your VARIABLES scope.

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    Thanks for the response. Yes, I have started a new form and not locating the flowable text fields into tables, but into their own individual cells.
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    What kind of form you have a tabular form or a normal form?
    what version of apex you are using?
    if its a tabular form then you have to use ajax to fetch the values from database.
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    My apologizes for posting this question in the wrong forum. Since I have already started the discussion here I will ask you my question here still. I put in the lines of code you suggested however when I go to the drop down list and select "Commercial" no text input box appears for the Company Name field. If you have a min I will post my code below. Your help is very much appreciated. I should let you know I also tried adding the on change to the actual option tag for commerical i.e <option onChange...>Commercial</option> and still did not appear. I put the work area in red text hope it helps.
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.username")>
      <cfquery name="MM_search" datasource="Access">
        SELECT Logininfo.Username FROM Logininfo WHERE Logininfo.Username=<cfqueryparam value="#FORM.username#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_clob" maxlength="50">
      <cfif MM_search.RecordCount GTE 1>
        <cflocation url="taken.cfm?requsername=#FORM.username#" addtoken="no">
    <cfset CurrentPage=GetFileFromPath(GetBaseTemplatePath())>
    <cfif IsDefined("FORM.MM_InsertRecord") AND FORM.MM_InsertRecord EQ "customer">
      <cfif IsDefined('form.propertytype') and len(form.propertytype) NEQ 0>
      <cfset #CustomerTypeRefFullName#=form.propertytype/>
      <cfif IsDefined('form.companyname') and len(form.companyname) NEQ 0>
      <cfset #CompanyName#=form.companyname/>
      <cfif IsDefined('form.salutation') and len(form.salutation) NEQ 0>
      <cfset #Salutation#=form.salutation/>
      <cfif IsDefined('form.firstname') and len(form.firstname) NEQ 0>
    <cfset #FirstName#=form.firstname/>
        <cfif IsDefined('form.lastname') and len(form.lastname) NEQ 0>
        <cfset #LastName#=form.lastname/>
      <cfset Name=#FirstName#&''&#LastName#/>
      <cfset BillAddressAddr1=#Salutation#&' '&#FirstName#&''&#LastName#/>
        <cfif IsDefined('form.streetaddress') and len(form.streetaddress) NEQ 0>
        <cfset #BillAddressAddr2#=form.streetaddress/>
        <cfif IsDefined('') and len( NEQ 0>
        <cfif IsDefined('form.state') and len(form.state) NEQ 0>
        <cfset #BillAddressState#=form.state/>
      <cfif IsDefined('form.zipcode') and len(form.zipcode) NEQ 0>
        <cfset #BillAddressPostalCode#=form.zipcode/>
    <cfset Contact=#FirstName#&''&#LastName#/>
      <cfif IsDefined('form.dayphone') and len(form.dayphone) NEQ 0>
        <cfset #Phone#=form.dayphone/>
      <cfif IsDefined('form.eveningphone') and len(form.eveningphone) NEQ 0>
        <cfset #AltPhone#=form.eveningphone/>
      <cfif IsDefined('') and len( NEQ 0>
    <cfquery datasource="QBs">  
        INSERT INTO Customer (CustomerTypeRefFullName, CompanyName, Salutation, FirstName, LastName, Name, BillAddressAddr1, BillAddressAddr2, BillAddressCity, BillAddressState, BillAddressPostalCode, Contact, Phone, AltPhone, Email)
    VALUES (
    <cfqueryparam value="#CustomerTypeRefFullName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#CompanyName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#Salutation#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="15"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#FirstName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#LastName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#Name#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#BillAddressAddr1#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#BillAddressAddr2#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#BillAddressCity#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="50"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#BillAddressState#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="25"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#BillAddressPostalCode#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="13"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#Contact#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#Phone#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="15"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#AltPhone#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="15"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#Email#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_carchar" maxlength="75"/>
    <cfif IsDefined('form.firstname') and len(form.firstname) NEQ 0>
    <cfset #FirstName#=form.firstname/>
    <cfif IsDefined('form.lastname') and len(form.lastname) NEQ 0>
    <cfset #LastName#=form.lastname/>
    <cfif IsDefined('form.username') and len(form.username) NEQ 0>
    <cfset #Username#=form.username/>
    <cfif IsDefined('form.password') and len(form.password) NEQ 0>
    <cfset #Password#=form.password/>
    <cfquery datasource="Access">
    INSERT INTO Logininfo (FirstName, LastName, Username, Password)
    VALUES (
    <cfqueryparam value="#FirstName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#LastName#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#Username#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>,
    <cfqueryparam value="#Password#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" maxlength="41"/>
      <cflocation url="login.cfm">
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    <h1>Welcome to our sign up Page!</h1>
    <p>Please fill out the form below to register with out site and gain access to our members account page.</p>
    <form name="customer" action="<cfoutput>#CurrentPage#</cfoutput>" method="POST" id="customer"><table width="auto" border="0" align="center">
    <td><label for="propertytype">
      <div align="right">Property Type:</div>
        <td><select onChange="showHideInput(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value,'companyname');" name="propertytype" id="propertytype" accesskey="n" tabindex="02">
          <option selected>Residential</option>
          <option >Commercial</option>
      <td><label for="companyname">
        <div align="right">Company Name:</div>
        <td><span id="sprytextfield11">
          <input type="text" name="companyname" id="companyname" accesskey="n" tabindex="03" style="display:none;">
        <td><label for="salutation">
          <div align="right">Salutation:
        <td><select name="salutation" id="salutation" accesskey="n" tabindex="04">
          <option selected>Mr.</option>
        <td><label for="firstname">
          <div align="right">First Name:
        <td><span id="sprytextfield1">
          <input type="text" name="firstname" id="firstname" accesskey="n" tabindex="05" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="lastname">
          <div align="right">Last Name:
        <td><span id="sprytextfield2">
          <input type="text" name="lastname" id="lastname" accesskey="n" tabindex="10" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="streetaddress">
          <div align="right">Street Address
        <td><span id="sprytextfield3">
          <input type="text" name="streetaddress" id="streetaddress" accesskey="n" tabindex="15" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="city">
          <div align="right">City:
        <td><span id="sprytextfield4">
          <input type="text" name="city" id="city" accesskey="n" tabindex="20" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="state">
          <div align="right">State:
        <td><span id="sprytextfield5">
          <input type="text" name="state" id="state" accesskey="n" tabindex="25" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="zipcode">
          <div align="right">Zipcode:
        <td><span id="sprytextfield6">
          <input type="text" name="zipcode" id="zipcode" accesskey="n" tabindex="30" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="dayphone">
          <div align="right">Day Phone:</div>
        <td><span id="sprytextfield8">
          <input type="text" name="dayphone" id="dayphone" accesskey="n" tabindex="31">
        <td><label for="eveningphone">
          <div align="right">Evening Phone:</div>
        <td><span id="sprytextfield9">
          <input type="text" name="eveningphone" id="eveningphone" accesskey="n" tabindex="32">
        <td><label for="email">
          <div align="right">Email:</div>
        <td><span id="sprytextfield10">
          <input type="text" name="email" id="email" accesskey="n" tabindex="33">
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="username">
          <div align="right">Username:
        <td><span id="sprytextfield7">
          <input type="text" name="username" id="username" accesskey="n" tabindex="40" />
          <span class="textfieldRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="password">
          <div align="right">Password:
        <td><span id="sprypassword1">
          <input type="password" name="password" id="password" accesskey="n" tabindex="45" />
          <span class="passwordRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span></span></td>
        <td><label for="passwordconfirm">
          <div align="right">Confirm Password
        <td><span id="spryconfirm1">
          <input type="password" name="passwordconfirm" id="passwordconfirm" accesskey="n" tabindex="50">
          <span class="confirmRequiredMsg">A value is required.</span><span class="confirmInvalidMsg">The values don't match.</span></span></td>
        <td colspan="2"><div align="center">
          <input type="submit" name="submit" id="submit" value="Register" accesskey="n" tabindex="50" />
      <input type="hidden" name="MM_InsertRecord" value="customer" />
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  • FormsCentral - design form : Initialize form field with default value

              My customer asks me to initialize text fields with default values. Example , Name , email , phone number etc to be displayed by default till it is overwritten by values entered. Could you please guide me how to achieve this ?
    Many Thanks,

    see Re: sequencing problem-Forms
    Regards Michael

  • Dynamic output & input fields in the table control

    HI Guys,
    How can one change the attribute of  input field to output field basically greying of field) dynamically
    based on the some flag. Loop at screen does not work. I need to change the attributes
    of field 'outfiled' and output field display only'.
    Any help is highly appreciated.

    Hi Harsha,
    I generated a table control (ERP 6.2) and somewhere I found the coding like this (the name of the table control is TABLE_CONTROL):
    *&spwizard: output module for tc 'TABLE_CONTROL'. do not change this lin
    *&spwizard: get lines of tablecontrol
    module TABLE_CONTROL_get_lines output.
      g_TABLE_CONTROL_lines = sy-loopc.
    If I do a loop at the screen at this place, I can control the individual input/output for the screen fields (the table fields). In my work area (WA_CONTROL) I can see the actual value of fields. Depending on this, I choose to enable/disable input via:
    loop at screen.
    if wa_control-material <> ' '.
    screen-input = '0'.
    modify screen.

  • Forms field returning date but not time

    Hello everyone, I currently have a field in my database to store a certain date and time. However the corresponding field in my forms builder only seems to display the date and not the time. Does anyone have any idea why this is occuring?
    Thank you.

    also check if you have set a format mask. if so, make sure that time format is included.

  • How to populate a hidden form field with a value passed from another page

    I'm using PHP/MySQL and DW CS4.
    I am trying to obtain the external key for a table, and include it as a hidden field in a form for a second table.
    The user selects a "need" from a list and is taken to a new page which displays the need selected in the prior page and a form the user can fill out with details of his offer, there should also be a hidden field in this form that contains the index to the needs table, this hidden field holds the external key. Most of the code is working, except for populating the hidden field with the external key. I have proven(by printing it to the screen) that I have obtained the external key and stored it in a variable ($saveNeedId) . What I'm unable to do is assign this variable to the hidden field in the form I'm about to store in a table. Sometimes I get zero and sometimes I get the index to the first need in the table. This ought to be simple but I can't get it to work, I must be missing something obvious - still very new to PHP.
    Here's the code that sets up the variable and prints it to the screen for test purposes
          $saveNeedId = "-1";
              if (isset($_GET['needId'])) {
                $saveNeedId = $_GET['needId'];
                print $saveNeedId;
    Here's the code that sets up the hidden fields in the form, the one I'm trying to set up is the first one, needId
         <input type="hidden" name="needId" value="<?php echo $row_rsNeedsUnmet['needId']; ?>" />
         <input type="hidden" name="offerId" value="" />
         <input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="form1" />
    The page where the user sees the list of needs is here
    I'd really appreciate sone help with this, I've tried all combinations of double quotes, percent signs and nothing works...sigh.

    Here's the code that sets up the variable and prints it to the screen for test purposes
          $saveNeedId = "-1";
              if (isset($_GET['needId'])) {
                $saveNeedId = $_GET['needId'];
                print $saveNeedId;
    Here's the code that sets up the hidden fields in the form, the one I'm trying to set up is the first one, needId
         <input type="hidden" name="needId" value="<?php echo $row_rsNeedsUnmet['needId']; ?>" />
         <input type="hidden" name="offerId" value="" />
         <input type="hidden" name="MM_insert" value="form1" />
    <input type="hidden" name="needId" value="<?php echo $_GET['needId']; ?>" />
    I looked at your page. It looks like you figured it out.

  • Few Projectproperty and Listproperty fields returning empty values (CrossListQueryInfo)

    I am running a CrossListQueryInfo and the ViewFields for the CAML includes
    <ProjectProperty Name="Title"/>
    <ProjectProperty Name="Url"/>
    <ListProperty Name="Title"/>
    <ListProperty Name="DefaultViewUrl"/>
    I am getting empty values for Url and DefaultViewUrl, although it is returning Titles correctly. Is this some limitation or I am missing something?

    I Feel I have to say this... Just a thought: have you received legal
    advice on whether the "data sent by email is not secure" disclaimer
    would hold up? I'd recommand also checking with your merchant account
    provider. Your form could be argued as leading the user into
    irresponsible use of their card.
    Aandi Inston

  • SELECT MAX(field) / SELECT MIN(field) return wrong values

    I have the query:
        MAX(b1.time_s) as time_s 
        b1.time_s >= 1219217034000 
        AND  b1.rec_sess_id = 2197756621378027521 
        AND  b1.comp_id IN  ( Select id  From J2EE_CONFIGURATION_BEAN  Where j2eeApplicationsTableId = 378302371920347137 )
    This return the MAX value of the comp_id and not the MAX value of the b1.time_s
    looks like there is a BUG in MAXDB when i have a join of two tables the MAX/MIN functions works on the wrong fields!
    If i change the query to be:
        max(b1.time_s) as time_s 
        b1.time_s >= 1219217034000 
        AND  b1.rec_sess_id = 2197756621378027521
        AND jcb.j2eeApplicationsTableId = 378302371920347137
        AND  b1.comp_id =
    The MIN/MAX functions works good and return the right value
    Pleasehelp me to find what is the problem and if any one already have a solution.

    Hope this will help:)

  • Need a Dynamic SQL statgement that returns multiple values.

    I'm using Oracle
    In an anonymous block I have a dynamic SQL statement that finds the table name and column name that a string value resides in.
    It looks like this:
          l_sql := 'SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE exists (SELECT 1 FROM '||
                   r.owner||'.'||r.table_name||' WHERE '||r.column_name||
                   ' = :b1)';
             EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO l_res USING l_contents;
             DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line(l_contents||' exists in '||r_owner||
                                  r.table_name||'.'||r.column_name);I'd then like to do a 'Select Distinct' to list all the other values in that column in the anonymous block,
    preferably as another dynamic SQL statement.
    How can I do this?

    user10382685 wrote:
    I'm using Oracle
    In an anonymous block I have a dynamic SQL statement that finds the table name and column name that a string value resides in.
    It looks like this:
    l_sql := 'SELECT 1 FROM dual WHERE exists (SELECT 1 FROM '||
    r.owner||'.'||r.table_name||' WHERE '||r.column_name||
    ' = :b1)';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO l_res USING l_contents;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.Put_Line(l_contents||' exists in '||r_owner||
    r.table_name||'.'||r.column_name);I'd then like to do a 'Select Distinct' to list all the other values in that column in the anonymous block,
    preferably as another dynamic SQL statement.
    How can I do this?Well, it would be nice for you to post the whole context of your present solution so we know what's going on. I'll assume r comes from a loop referencing user_tab_cols or some equivalent view.
    If so, you'll likely need to check the DATA_TYPE column.
    Keeping in mind, doing something like this is going to be pretty ridiculous if you have a large amount of distinct values ... I'm hoping/assuming this is a one off type of thing.
      type        l_date is table of date;
      v_date      l_date;
      type        l_char is table of varchar2(4000);
      v_char      l_char;
      type        l_numb is table of number;
      v_numb      l_numb;
      l_distinct_ set sys_refcursor;
      open l_distinct_set for 'select distinct ' || r.column_name || ' from ' || r.owner||'.'||r.table_name;
      --expand on the data types you care about as needed, this is a BASIC set
      if r.data_type = 'DATE'
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_date;
      elsif r.data_type in ('VARCHAR2', 'CHAR')
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_char;
      elsif r.data_type = 'NUMBER'
        fetch l_distinct_set bulk collect into v_numb;
      end if;
      close l_distinct_set;

  • Dynamic SQL: how to return a value

    Hi all
    I am going to construct statement which will be running some select statement and I need to return value, in this case just 1 value, into the program.
    I know I can insert this value in a table and later select it from there.
    Is there any way to avoid creation of table?
    Thank you, Gene.

    Did you mean you are going for PL/SQL. If so,
    Declare a variable of appropriate data type (It would be best to declare it as the same as the column data type you are pulling in a SELECT Statement)
    If your select statement returns one row for that record you can use something like:
    SELECT your_column INTO the_variable_declared
    FROM your_table
    ....Hope this helps,

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