E-Commerce Frameworks

I'm hoping that this is the right spot for this post. I would like to build an e-commerce system. I would like to host it on a Windows Azure server. I don't want to recreate the wheel, but at the same time, I don't want to be locked in to a front end.
I am a systems developer but not a web developer. I don't want to get sucked in to building front-end, web facing code for the general public to consume. That's not my thing, and I don't want the people I'm partnering up with to come to me and say "Can
you change the colour on this or that font, bla bla bla?".
So, I'm explicitly looking for a framework that puts a line right through the middle and divides up the front end code from the back end code. I.e. the framework should be WCF or REST based. I would work on the back end side, and the front end web developer
would work on the front end.
There are a couple of attractive solutions already out there:
But, the questions are: will these solutions allow me to focus on the back end, and perhaps some of the front end code for the administration part of the system, but allow me to hand the public facing part of the app to the web developer? Ultimately, it
would be great if the framework didn't even have a front-end so that the web developer could use PHP to build the front end based the REST services or whatever.
Also, it's important that I work with a framework (i.e. a set of code that helps to build a system), and not a predefined app that only has some minor customisation capability.
Another important feature is that the website should be upgradeable. So, for example, as the framework API code is developed, I should be able to compile my code against the latest code and redeploy the app at the drop of a hat.

 Thanks for Posting.
 Azure supports a large and growing number of open-source applications, frameworks, and languages, as a result of Microsoft’s collaboration with the open source community. We understand that developers want to use the tools that best fit their experience,
skills, and application requirements, and our goal is to enable that choice.
 The following Link has list of Open-Source E-Commerce platforms supported by MS among other S/Ws
 The ones you may be interested in are.
 nopCommerce : nopCommerce is an open source e-commerce solution that contains both a catalog frontend and an administration tool backend. nopCommerce is a fully customizable shopping cart. It is stable and highly
usable. (How to use)
 Spree : Spree is a 100% open source e-commerce platform powered by the popular Ruby on Rails framework. It was designed to make customization and upgrades as simple as possible. (How
to Use)
 Magento : Magento is the eCommerce software and platform trusted by the world’s leading brands. Grow your online business with Magento! (How
to Use)
Nithin Rathnakar

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    So a couple days ago my 27" iMac running Snow Leopard started making some weird noises and stalling out. Annoyed, I talked for a couple hours with apple tech support which eventually lead me to run an Apple Hardware Test. This test returned the error
    "Alert! Apple Hardware Test has detected an error.
    4HDD/11/40000000 SATA(0,0)"
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    I'm currently trying to restore from my time machine backup again, but I'm not hopeful.

    Here's what I got - apologies for any formatting peculiarities.
    The problem: 10.6.6 mac won't boot after time machine restore to disk.
    Further symptoms: Booting with Command-v shows several errors: usually blued and loginwindow collapse with errors from launchd. Errors will be of the style "dyld: Symbol not found: CSSMOID_APPLE_TP_MACAPPSTORERECEIPT" and other CommerceKit / CommerceCore framework errors.
    A solution: Your Framework Security library may be an older version (possible cause with Time Machine below). The easiest way to fix this is to find another, working 10.6.6 Mac, and update the Security library on the broken machine.
    Identifying if you're affected:
    1) Boot the broken machine into "target" mode - hold "Command-t" during boot until the [Firewire|http://itunesu.utah.edu/terms/images/Firewire_Icon.png] icon appears.
    2) Connect the broken machine to the working 10.6.6 machine with a firewire cable.
    3) On the working machine, the disk of the broken machine should mount.
    4) Open Terminal
    5) Run "ls /Volumes" - the name of disk you mounted should be there (in this example, we'll use "Macintosh HD".)
    6) Typing in the path of the broken machine, run:
    nm /Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security | grep random_fd | cut -d. -f2
    (this does a dump of the library, looking for the version value)
    If this comes back with the value 22457 (or less?), your Mac is not booting because it does not have the updated version of the Security library, which is required in 10.6.6 since Snow Leopard added the Appstore / Commerce framework.
    Fixing if you're affected:
    1) First, make sure the working 10.6.6 Mac has a correct version of the framework:
    nm /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security | grep random_fd | cut -d. -f2
    For 10.6.6, this should be at least "22458"
    2) *Be extremely careful at this point* - Make sure on the mounted disk (not the machine you are working on!) run the following
    2a) Make a backup of the broken library
    mkdir /Volumes/Macintosh HD/savedLibrary
    cp /Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security /Volumes/Macintosh HD/savedLibrary
    2b) Copy the working version over the non-working version:
    cp /System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security /Volumes/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security
    3) Eject the mounted disk from the working Mac, disconnect the firewire cable, and reboot the "broken" Mac. It should come up.
    If it doesn't, you have problem(s) that are probably outside the scope of this. I'd also suggest restoring your original security library that you saved off.
    Suspected cause:
    It appears that Time Machine never recorded the change to the Security library after the update. If the library hadn't changed, the machine should have failed to boot like it did after restore the moment a 10.6.6 update was applied.
    Inspecting the contents of my Time Machine backups before and after updating shows that Time Machine never updated the Security Framework library - why is still not 100% determined, but restoring from it is definitely broken. Combing through the backup databases on my Time Machine disk:
    (I upgraded to 10.6.6 on January 6)
    for name in 2010-12-30-093337 2011*
    echo -n "In backup on ${name}, version of Security library is: "
    nm "${name}/Macintosh HD/System/Library/Frameworks/Security.framework/Versions/A/Security" | grep random_fd | cut -d. -f2
    In backup on 2010-12-30-093337, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-04-100707, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-05-082402, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-06-092846, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-07-094827, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-10-093559, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-11-110542, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-12-094137, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-13-103238, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-14-113145, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-18-112856, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-20-114953, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-21-103642, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-24-102321, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-27-002508, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-27-011931, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-27-104406, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-27-114322, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-27-123928, version of Security library is: 22457
    In backup on 2011-01-27-134523, version of Security library is: 22457

  • How to create custom adapter for Products and CommerceService

    Hi guys!
    First of all I wanted to say that I did search. Only relevant material I found was this http://dev.day.com/docs/en/cq/5-5/ecommerce/eCommerce-framework.html
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    Also I guess I need to add MyProductAdapter somehow  so when shoppingCart executes following it returns my implementation instead of geoProductImpl.
    Product product = productResource.adaptTo(Product.class);
    I'd really appreciate if anyone could share an example or point me in the right direction for a guide.

    Hi Kostya,
        Look at this presentation recorded at http://dev.day.com/ddc/en/gems/commerce-framework.html

  • General Question Regarding Image Processing

    Hi All,
    I need a suggestion regarding image processing and this is the best place to get best advise.
    we need an image processing utility for our web processing.
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    we have a e commerce based application where we need to display product images which we are currently displaying successfully.
    now we have to provide user with image processing functionality like user can zoom image can flip image can rotate image.
    what we want like when user click on zoom we can generate a dynamic image of that region based on a single source of image and can provide zooming functionality.
    more over company requirements is to go for only open source solution [:-)]
    we tried some open source solutions but due to the in house E-Commerce framework constraints we not able to integrate them,.
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    [Zoom Demo|http://s7d2.scene7.com/s7ondemand/zoom/flasht_zoom.jsp?company=S7Web&sku=AnthroISwebDemo&config=S7Web/AnthroISwebDemo&zoomwidth=500&zoomheight=500&viewer=/skins/S7Web/SWFs/loaders/genericzoomLfour.swf&vc=codeRoot%3D%2Fis-viewers351%2Fflash%2F]
    any help in this regard will be much appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    It is never safe to assume that any allocation was successful, and while it's incredibly unlikely that you're running into any such situation, it's entirely possible for a formal protocol to declare that a given message send should return immediately without waiting around:
    http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/ObjectiveC/Articles/ch apter13_section_8.html#//appleref/doc/uid/TP30001163-CH9-BAJIGHAF
    An "impression" doesn't prove much unfortunately, so I'd recommend getting friendly with the debugger to see what's really going on.

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    the above link is broken

    Till the issue is resolved The cq gems page has been updated with non gated recording links so that you can watch the sessions.

  • Convert HTML/javascript AIR app to flex-based AIR app?

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    I've already built an AIR app using HTML/javascript that I
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    There's no simple way to convert an HTML AIR app to flex.
    But it is possible to create HTML Root windows from a Flex
    AIR App. By root window, I mean the same kind of window that is
    launched when you launch an HTML AIR App.
    For more info, look at the HTMLLoader.createRootWindow()
    call. (This will be available from a Flex AIR app as well)

  • Mac App Store crashs on launch - Lion 10.7.1

    PLEASE help me, as I'm not able to use the Mac App Store at all right now.
    It simply crashs when I start it, like that:
    The error message is as follows:
    Process:         App Store [453]
    Path:            /Applications/App Store.app/Contents/MacOS/App Store
    Identifier:      com.apple.appstore
    Version:         1.0 (54)
    Build Info:      Firenze-540000~6
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  launchd [214]
    Date/Time:       2011-08-29 18:57:25.411 +0200
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.7.1 (11B26)
    Report Version:  9
    Interval Since Last Report:          10376 sec
    Crashes Since Last Report:           26
    Per-App Crashes Since Last Report:   8
    Anonymous UUID:                      A1FFB064-97D5-4E42-9C2B-213C5FBDFA90
    Crashed Thread:  0
    Exception Type:  EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP)
    Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000000
    Application Specific Information:
    dyld: launch, loading dependent libraries
    Dyld Error Message:
      Symbol not found: _OBJC_CLASS_$_PKDistributionController
      Referenced from: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/CommerceKit
      Expected in: /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Install.framework/Versions/A/Install
    in /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CommerceKit.framework/Versions/A/CommerceKit
    I tried tons of things from the forums and the rest of the internet:
         *deleted the Mac App Store - copied from another Mac
         *reinstalled the 10.7.1 update (the error actually happened on 10.7.0 before I updated to 10.7.1)
         *shouted at the Mac (sorry for that)
         *booted in Safe Mode - tried the same things there
         *unmounted Boot camp
         *deleted all cache, property and cookie files
         *unpacked the 10.6.6 combo package and used the commerce framework from there, and the App Store too
         *pulled my hair
         *and so on...
    Nothing helped!
    PLEASE tell me how can I start the Mac App Store again!!?
    Thank you!!

    Since you have Lion installed, use Lion Recovery

  • Administration of Multiple Product Catalogs

    How can I use the Personalization and Commerce Framework to present customized product catalogs, product bundles (packages) and multiple pricing (e.g. Standard Calculated Discount, Standard Calculated Price, Fixed Price/Fixed offerings etc) for the channel partners ?

    Can you please explain your requirement.
    Standard RG1 register from SAP is as per the Legal requirement from Excise.
    In case if you need to have more detailed customer specific requirement, its advisable to develop your own RG1 register , which calls for technical development.
    Reward points if it helps.

  • Sitemesh with e-commerce 5.0

    I am trying to use a decorator framework (Sitemesh) and it does not seem to work properly (or as intended) with SAP e-commerce 5 application. The reason I assume is that because the e-coomerce application uses sturts framework which does a forward to resultant jsp pages. Now sitemesh can work with forward or request and looks for patterns in the URI (eg *.jsp) and then decorates the page but with e-commerce application I can get it to decorate jsp page which get served as a request but not forward from a ".do".
    I have the following filter in my web.xml.
    Additional information:- I tried this with Tomcat 6 with Struts2 and everything works fine there. My e-commerce application runs on SAP J2EE 7.0.
    Has some one out there tried this and had any success.
    Points will be rewarded and thanks in advance for your help.

    Hello Martin,
    The E-commerce 5.0 guide for ERP, says that the minimum version supported is 4.6C with the specific patch level version. We had issues initially with the TREX 7.0 installation on 64 bit windows ( lot of modifications have to be done manually here).
    But now TREX 7.0 is working fine and i can see the replication happeing from R/3 4.6C. We are configuring the webshops and doing all the XCM settings currently so, would be able to tell in a days time, if  it works for us or not.(with 4.6C).
    Dipender Singh


              the E-Commerce Transactions Company
              Attend BEA's free technical seminars, and you'll walk away with both the
              knowledge and the BEA WebLogic software to build and deploy
              personalised, reliable, and amazingly responsive Web sites.
              Don't miss these information-packed workshops scheduled for major
              European cities during March and April. We know you don't have time to
              waste, so you'll hear about how BEA can help you create "instant
              With live demonstrations, we will lead you through the step-by-step
              process for building intelligent and reliable e-commerce sites. Learn
              how to build Web sites with a high-performance Commerce Server. During
              the three-hour seminar, you will see and hear practical insights into:
              · Personalisation and Portal frameworks
              · Creating 'shopping advisors' and building with EJB components
              · Ensuring reliability and scalability on the Web
              · Tying WAP into e-commerce applications
              The sessions will be led by BEA technologists who have experience with
              hundreds of successful commercial installations to date using the BEA
              E-Commerce Transaction Platform - the solution used by organisations
              including British Airways, Vattenfall, Carrefour, Nokia, E*Trade,
              Deutsche Telekom, and Amazon.com.
              And, just for attending, you will walk away with a copy of BEA WebLogic
              Server and the new BEA WebLogic Commerce Server - the software you will
              see used to build an e-commerce site during the seminar. You will be
              able to practice your new skills as soon as you get back to the office.
              Seminar Schedule:
              21 March Zurich
              22 March Munich
              23 March Prague
              28 March Paris
              28 March Copenhagen
              29 March Hamburg
              30 March Frankfurt
              30 March Stockholm
              4 April Warsaw
              4 April Helsinki
              5 April Oslo
              6 April Dublin
              11 April Manchester
              13 April Madrid
              18 April London
              19 April The Hague
              20 April Brussels
              20 April Milan
              These practical workshops are FREE of charge, but spaces are very
              limited, so we advise signing as soon as possible.
              Visit http://www.bea.com/events/instant/ to find out more details and to
              Please note that the technical information at these seminars will be
              given in English.
              Best regards,
              BEA Systems, Inc.
              The E-Commerce Transactions Company
              For conference registration by phone: +32-11-300-640
              Learn how to build reliable, personalised e-commerce Web sites -- and
              walk away with FREE BEA software.
              Visit http://www.bea.com/events/instant/ to sign up for one of BEA's
              European 'Instant E-Commerce' seminars.

    You could look at www.cartweaver.com
    It plays very nicely with Dreamweaver.
    Adobe® Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    Unique CSS Templates | Tutorials | SEO Articles
    Web Design & Development

  • Want to find program to set up an e commerce website.  What should I use?

    What is a good program to use to set up an e commerce site on my iPad 8.1.2?

    You can refer to the BOL about data type mappings between SQL Server data type and .NET Framework type:
    Fanny Liu
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click here. 
    Fanny Liu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Java publishing framework using Weblogic personalization

    Hi All, Has anyone used the Weblogic personalization server/portal or
    a different Weblogic product as a publishing framework.
    We want to design a publishing system in which we can quickly create
    templates for new type of content on the website, and provide an
    interface for entering the data to the admins. The data can then be
    presented using XML/XSL transformation, and the source can either be a
    database or static XML file.
    Cocoon does provide a framework that comes close to our requirements,
    but as we are using weblogic it might be worth expoling if a
    commercial product can be used for such a framework.
    I am sure many people have a need to post content on the site and use
    a variety of mechanisms to use it.
    Also, can the Portal product be used to generate portlets which can be
    placed on multiple pages. We are looking at 500+ pages in our site,
    with 100+ portlets.
    I can give more specific details if needed. Any help is appreciated.
    Please feel free to also email at [email protected]
    Thanks, Yogi.

    1) http://commerce.bea.com/showproduct.jsp?family=WLP&major=8.1&minor=4
    2)Make sure you add your JDBC drivers to the beginning of CLASSPATH in either setDomainenv.cmd or setEnv.cmd
    3)What really helped was BEA support and playing with BEA's JDBC example that shows how to create and deploy and use a data source.

  • Problem bringing up WL Commerce Server

    Platform: Win 2000
    Installed the product(s) in the following order:
    1. WebLogic Server 6.1 (with SP2)
    2. Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, WebLogic Personalization
    Server with Portal Framework (WLCS 3.5 with SP2).
    3. E-Business Control Center client tool
    Upon starting the WLCS, I get the following exception:
    The WebLogic Server did not start up properly.
    Exception raised:
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: value 0 for attribute
    CapacityIncrement of MBean "wlcsDomain:Name=docPool,Type=JDBCConnectionPool" is
    smaller than the minimum allowed: 1
    at weblogic.management.internal.xml.ConfigurationParser.parse(Configurat
    at weblogic.management.internal.xml.XmlFileRepository.loadDomain(XmlFile
    at weblogic.management.internal.xml.XmlFileRepository.loadDomain(XmlFile
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMB
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(Configurat
    at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:15
    at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:15
    at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468)
    at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209)
    at $Proxy1.loadDomain(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.management.AdminServer.configureFromRepository(AdminServer.j
    at weblogic.management.AdminServer.configure(AdminServer.java:173)
    at weblogic.management.Admin.initialize(Admin.java:239)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(T3Srvr.java:362)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:202)
    at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35)
    Reason: Fatal initialization exception
    Please let me know what the reason for this is, and how to remedy.
    P Kesh

    Platform: Win 2000
    Installed the product(s) in the following order:
    1. WebLogic Server 6.1 (with SP2)
    2. Campaign Manager for WebLogic, WebLogic Commerce Server, WebLogic Personalization
    Server with Portal Framework (WLCS 3.5 with SP2).
    3. E-Business Control Center client tool
    Upon starting the WLCS, I get the following exception:
    The WebLogic Server did not start up properly.
    Exception raised:
    weblogic.management.configuration.ConfigurationException: value 0 for attribute
    CapacityIncrement of MBean "wlcsDomain:Name=docPool,Type=JDBCConnectionPool" is
    smaller than the minimum allowed: 1
    at weblogic.management.internal.xml.ConfigurationParser.parse(Configurat
    at weblogic.management.internal.xml.XmlFileRepository.loadDomain(XmlFile
    at weblogic.management.internal.xml.XmlFileRepository.loadDomain(XmlFile
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invokeLocally(DynamicMB
    at weblogic.management.internal.DynamicMBeanImpl.invoke(DynamicMBeanImpl
    at weblogic.management.internal.ConfigurationMBeanImpl.invoke(Configurat
    at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:15
    at com.sun.management.jmx.MBeanServerImpl.invoke(MBeanServerImpl.java:15
    at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:468)
    at weblogic.management.internal.MBeanProxy.invoke(MBeanProxy.java:209)
    at $Proxy1.loadDomain(Unknown Source)
    at weblogic.management.AdminServer.configureFromRepository(AdminServer.j
    at weblogic.management.AdminServer.configure(AdminServer.java:173)
    at weblogic.management.Admin.initialize(Admin.java:239)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.initialize(T3Srvr.java:362)
    at weblogic.t3.srvr.T3Srvr.run(T3Srvr.java:202)
    at weblogic.Server.main(Server.java:35)
    Reason: Fatal initialization exception
    Please let me know what the reason for this is, and how to remedy.
    P Kesh

  • CIC Framework Configuration Cookbook

    Could someone provide me with the CIC Framework Configuration Cookbook? <REMOVED BY MODERATOR>
    Edited by: Alvaro Tejada Galindo on Mar 19, 2008 3:50 PM

    hi check this...
    IC WebClient : Prior to 4.0 CRM used to have the Interaction centee on winclient. this emeans that you when you open the CIC, normal SAP GUI with all the CIC functionality is displayed. From 4.0 onwards, they have introduced another concept called Interaction Centre WebClient. This enables you to have all the Winclient features avaialbe to you on Internet Explorer. For you to unergo SAP Training, you have a course called CR410 - IC WebClient.
    ICSS : Internet Customer Self-Service - is a part of E-Commercre (CR800).Training on this is avaialble from SAP Academy (CR800-E Commerce). This enables you to implement the Service Functionality on the Internet. You basically carryout this implementation in a component calle XCM (Extended Configuration Management). You would have the CRM transaction types configured in order for the customers to access from the web site.

  • Licensing Framework

    does anyone know where one can find a freely distributed licensing framework, or suggest any solution to unblock certain functionalities only for the users provided with a licence? (talking of experimental software that I developed, not minded for commerce at present status) .

    Hello Yassine,
    What license do we have to take if we want to use only this provider ?
    You will need a SQL Anywhere client license (a "seat") for each of your client deployments. You may want to talk to SAP Sales for further details about your exact requirements for your planned deployments.
    What are the limitation of this provider (Sybase database version comptatibility, EF6 limitations ?)
    See further details about EF6 support here:
    EF6 support was first released with CR #768717, in SQL Anywhere and 16.0.1993. There was an additional fix required for the design-first wizard in CR #770760 in and 16.0.2014.
    Finally, there was an issue with Microsoft EFTools 6.1.1 and lower where the third-party provider would not be detected correctly until the project included the assembly reference in the app.config file and the project was built. In EFTools 6.1.2 and higher, only the app.config reference is required - building the project or cleaning the project should not affect this issue now.
    Is there support regarding this provider ?
    Yes, any issues with the provider can be reported as an incident to SQL Anywhere SAP Support via the component BC-SYB-SQA. You can also post issues to here or on our alternative forum: http://sqlanywhere-forum.sap.com/
    Where can i find differences between v12 and v16 ?
    The official documentation ( http://dcx.sap.com/ ) lists the changes between version 12.0.0 and 16.0:
    DocCommentXchange - What's new in 12.0.1
    DocCommentXchange - What's new in 16.0
    Jeff Albion
    SAP Active Global Support

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