E-Recruiting generated user names

We want to change the format of generated user names (for internal candidates). By default, if they don't already have a user name in IT0105 a user name gets generated in the format of EEXXXXXXXX where XXXXXXXX is their personnel number.
The data is coming from the HR system to the E-Recruiting system by means of ALE. Other than inserting an 0105 record with desired user name in the IDoc is there any other way of changing the format of the generated user name?

Hello Rich,
there is no easy customizing / configuration way to replace the algorithm for the user name.
Still there are different approaches to do this other than rewriting the IDoc and add a line. As the whole processing is a BAdI implementation you could replace it entirely by a customer implementation. This would be modification / enhancement free but as it is a quite large implementation it could be troublesome to key track of changes / corrections SAP does in the standard coding.
Another way is the enhancement / modification of the coding as suggested above.
There is also another BAdI which is called in the implementation itself (following a basic design rule there should always be one if sap delivers an implementation - in in this case it is really there :o)). You could use it to replace the standard user name assigned. Unfortunately this leaves you with this generated user which would have to be deleted so it is not the best choice from a performance and perhaps a security problem.
Last solution I could imagine is changing the HRP558* table. It is used as a temporary storage for the IDoc data with EhP 4.
All of these solutions have their pros and cons. Personally I'd use the posibility of changing the IDoc directly and add a line either in the outgoing BAdI on the HR server or in the inbound processing of the e-rec. server.
Kind Regards

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    Post Author: jasonangus
    CA Forum: General
    I am using Crystal Reports to generate email user names and passwords that I then export to Excel and mass upload to the email server.  I am running in to an issue of what happens when there are more than one jsmith. I know there has to be a way to do it with an array or something smilar but I am stumped.  I can hand code it to automatically do jsmith, jsmith2, and jsmith3.  But I would rather put something in place I don't have to worry about.  Any one know of a way to increment a number at the end of a user name if there is more than one user with the same username? Thanks

    Post Author: V361
    CA Forum: General
    I am sure there are more elegant ways, but this works.
    I grouped on name, and worked off the details area,
    Created a few formulas, and a running count.
    Formulas are named {@IsNameSame}, and {@newname}
    Formula text has been underlined.
    If Previous({Sheet1_Print_Area.name}) ={Sheet1_Print_Area.name} then"Same" Else "not same"
    if {@IsNameSame} = "same"
    then {Sheet1_Print_Area.name}&{#Counter}&"@website.com"else {Sheet1_Print_Area.name}&"@website.com"
    My running total I called counter
    Field to summarize is Sheet1_Print_Area.name
    Type of summary Count
    Evaluate using a formula
    Previous({Sheet1_Print_Area.name}) ={Sheet1_Print_Area.name}
    Reset on change of field {Sheet1_Print_Area.name}
    Sample Output below
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    not same
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    not same
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    not same
    [email protected]
    not same
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    not same
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    not same
    [email protected]
    [email protected]
    not same

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    HELP PLEASE! None of your forums, FAQs or instructions tell you what to do in this situation.
    ''Edited to remove swearing - TonyE''

    In Firefox, go to Tools, Options, Security, Saved Passwords.
    Look for the entry of chrome://weave (Mozilla Services Password).
    You will see a user name field there. Use that as the user name in Firefox Home and it will work.
    Very annoying and a pain to setup on the iPhone, but at least it works. My assumption is that Firefox Home needs to update their app so that it asks for your e-mail address instead of this auto-generated user name.
    This fixed it for me.

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    this account is only needed to do one thing.. upload documents to a folder.
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    Hi SPSAdminTC,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to create sites and grant users permissions on the sites via workflow in SharePoint 2013.
    Users are stored in AD, before you grant site permissions to them, the name and password have existed in AD users and groups. So, you need to add the users into AD before you grant permissions to them.
    In SharePoint 2013 Designer, you can use REST API to create site and assign permissions to users. You can use Send Email action to send email to users and customize the body of the email.
    More information, please take a look at:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Generating new user name

    Hey All,
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    Hi, best should be to use PowerShell for that, here is a sample Script.
    Depends on how you want to create the Username, but should help
    This is a Powershell script to clean up the Sid-History of Users in a specified Organization Unit.
    > Set Verbose to $true for Testing mode
    > Set Verbose to $false for Productive mode
    > Default Value: $true
    > Set DistinguishedNameOU to define the scope
    > Default Value: "DC=voestalpine,DC=root,DC=local"
    > Set RecreateDatabaseEntries to $true for Database Rebuild (necessary after Domain Migration), Duration: approx. 1 Week
    By setting RecreateDatabaseEntries to $true all other Parameters will be ignored.
    > Set RecreateDatabaseEntries to $false; using existing DatabaseValues
    > Default Value: $false
    > Set UserReportLoggingPath to change Logging Path for User-Report
    > Default Value: "C:\Temp\"
    > Set FullLoggingPath to change Logging Path for User-Report
    > Default Value: "C:\Temp\"
    Clean SID-History of Users and Groups in OU "OU=Stahl,DC=voestalpine,DC=root,DC=local"
    ./AD_SID_CleanUP_SCRIPT_V0.2.ps1 -DistinguishedNameOU "OU=Stahl,DC=voestalpine,DC=root,DC=local" -Verbose:$true
    Rebuild Database Entries
    ./AD_SID_CleanUP_SCRIPT_V0.2.ps1 -RecreateDatabaseEntries:$true
    ##################Section: Parameters###################
    #Parameters for Script-Mode:
    [ValidateSet("A", "B")]
    [string]$FullLoggingPath = "C:\Users\Michael\SkyDrive\3-Work\3 - TECH\Scripts\PowerShell\ActiveDirectory\GetUsername ",
    [ValidateSet("Yes", "No")]
    [string]$Cleaning = "Yes"
    $FullLoggingFileName = "FullLog"+"_"+$GivenName+"_"+$lastname+".txt"
    #Settings Mode A
    ##################Section: Functions####################
    # Function Get-MyModule:
    # Function Get-MyModule imports the given $name Module or PSSnapin.
    # Return Values:
    # $true => success
    # $false => error
    Function Get-MyModule ($name)
    if(-not(Get-Module -name $name))
    if(Get-Module -ListAvailable | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $name })
    Import-Module -Name $name
    return $true
    else {
    if(-not(Get-PSSnapin | where { $_.Name -eq $name })){
    if(Get-PSSnapin -Registered | Where-Object { $_.name -eq $name })
    Add-PSSnapin $name
    return $true
    return $false
    else { return $true }
    else { return $true }
    # Function Write-LogAppendLine ($Text, $Public):
    # Function Write-LogAppendLine adds the formated Text to the Log-File ("<current Date> - $F_Text - $F_Value")
    # No return Value
    function Write-LogAppendLine ($Text, $Public) {
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $FullLoggingPath)) {
    New-Item -Path $FullLoggingPath -ItemType Directory
    if (!(Test-Path -Path $FullLoggingPath\$FullLoggingFileName)) {
    New-Item -Path $FullLoggingPath\$FullLoggingFileName -ItemType File
    $Datum=Get-Date -format dd.MM.yyyy-HH:mm:ss
    $Log="$Datum - $Text"
    add-Content -Path $FullLoggingPath\$FullLoggingFileName -Value $Log
    if ($Public -eq "Yes") {
    Write-Host $Text
    if ($Text -match "Error") {
    Write-Host "Script stoped"
    # Function Clean-Akzent ($Name):
    # Function Clean-Akzent cleans all Names from Akzent
    # No return Value
    function Clean-Akzent ($Name) {
    Write-LogAppendLine "Info: Name cleaned from Akzent => $Value." "Yes"
    return $Value
    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed on cleaning Akzent." "Yes"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed Item => $FailedItem" "No"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: ErrorMessage => $ErrorMessage" "No"
    return $false
    # Function Clean-Size ($Name):
    # Function Clean-Size uppers the first Character and lowers all others
    # No return Value
    function Clean-Size ($Name) {
    $NameArray=$Name.Split(' ')
    foreach ($Entry in $NameArray) {
    if ($CountNameArray -gt 1) {
    $Value+=" "
    Write-LogAppendLine "Info: Name cleaned uppere and lower => $Value." "Yes"
    return $Value
    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed on cleaning Akzent." "Yes"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed Item => $FailedItem" "No"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: ErrorMessage => $ErrorMessage" "No"
    return $false
    # Function Get-Username_A ($LastName, $GivenName):
    # Function Get-Username_A
    # No return Value
    function Get-Username_A ($LastName, $GivenName) {
    If ($LastName.length -gt $A_CharLastName) {
    $A_LastName = $LastName.ToLower().Substring(0,$A_CharLastName)
    $A_LastName = $LastName.ToLower()}
    If ($GivenName.length -gt $A_CharFirstName) {
    $A_GivenName = $GivenName.ToLower().Substring(0,$A_CharGivenName)
    $A_GivenName = $GivenName.ToLower()
    while ($UserExist -lt 1) {
    if (!(get-aduser -filter {SamAccountName -eq $Username})) {
    Write-LogAppendLine "Info: Got a Username => $Value." "Yes"
    return $Value
    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed on cleaning Akzent." "Yes"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed Item => $FailedItem" "No"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: ErrorMessage => $ErrorMessage" "No"
    return $false
    # Function Get-Username_B ($LastName, $GivenName):
    # Function Get-Username_B
    # No return Value
    function Get_Username_B ($LastName, $GivenName) {
    If ($LastName.length -gt $B_CharLastName) {
    $LastName = $LastName.ToLower().Substring(0,$B_CharLastName)
    $LasTName = $LastName.ToLower()
    If ($GivenName.length -gt $B_CharGivenName) {
    $GivenName = $GivenName.ToLower().Substring(0,$B_CharGivenName)
    $GivenName = $GivenName.ToLower()
    $Position = 3
    while ($UserExist -lt 1) {
    if (!(get-aduser -filter {SamAccountName -eq $Username})) {
    if ($Position -lt $Length) {
    elseif ($Position -eq $Length) {
    return $Username.tolower()
    Write-LogAppendLine "Info: Got a Username => $Value." "Yes"
    #return $Value
    $ErrorMessage = $_.Exception.Message
    $FailedItem = $_.Exception.ItemName
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed on cleaning Akzent." "Yes"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: Failed Item => $FailedItem" "No"
    Write-LogAppendLine "Error: ErrorMessage => $ErrorMessage" "No"
    return $false
    ##################Section: Module-Imports/Add-Snappins###############
    $CheckModuleImportAD = get-mymodule -name "ActiveDirectory"
    if($CheckModuleImportAD){ Write-LogAppendLine "Info: ActiveDirectory-Modul successfully imported." }else{ Write-LogAppendLine "Error: ActiveDirectory-Modul not avaiable." }
    ##################Section: Magic##################
    if ($Cleaning -eq "yes") {
    $GivenName=Clean-Akzent $GivenName
    $GivenName=Clean-Size $GivenName
    $LastName=Clean-Akzent $LastName
    $LastName=Clean-Size $LastName
    #Set DisplayName
    $Displayname=$LastName+", "+$GivenName
    Write-LogAppendLine "Info: Displayname defined => $Displayname." "Yes"
    Get-Username_A $LastName $GivenName
    Get_Username_B $LastName $GivenName
    Seidl Michael | http://www.techguy.at |
    twitter.com/techguyat | facebook.com/techguyat

  • Generating item names when user provides # of items

    Ok I have a problem here where I have to take a number from the user and generate that many items. Only thing is I don't know how to generate the names of these items. I tried using an array but I think the problem prefers the items remain separate.
    Here is what I have working without arrays :
    System.out.println("Please enter the number of boxes : ");
    Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
    int userChoice = scan.nextInt();
    for (int i=0;i<userChoice;i++)
    System.out.println(new Box());That will just print the box's toString but doesn't name them. I have been able to put them into arrays and go through the array but I need to do things and present it in a way that requires them to remain separate. Any help would be appreciated...this is just a small part of a larger problem.

    Here's the full problem....
    Suppose that you have a number of boxes, each of which can hold total
    weight 10 and items i1, i2, i3, ?, iN, which weight w1, w2, ?, wN, respectively. The objective is to pack all the items using as few boxes as possible, without placing more weight in any box than its capacity. For instance, if the items have weights 4, 4, 6, and 6, you can solve the problem with two boxes. This problem is difficult, and no efficient algorithm is known. Several strategies give good, but not optimal, packings.
    Write a program with name Packing.java to implement the following three
    approximation strategies:
    ? Scan the items in the order given; place each new item in the most-filled box that
    can accept it without overflowing. Use a Priority Queue to determine the box that
    an item goes in.
    ? Sort the items, placing the lightest item first; then use the strategy above for the
    rest items (from lightest to heaviest).
    ? Sort the items, placing the heaviest item first; then use the strategy above for the
    rest items (from heaviest to lightest).
    ? Use java.util.PriorityQueueI've created a box class and an item class that I think has everything I need. I tried working with arrays to do what the problem asks but I couldn't get it to print right.
    example :
    ?--- Now, packing items FIFO ---
    The following boxes are filled:
    (Box 0, remaining capacity = 0): (Item 0, weight = 6)
    (Item 1, weight = 3) (Item 7, weight = 1)
    (Box 2, remaining capacity = 2): (Item 3, weight = 8)
    (Box 3, remaining capacity = 3): (Item 2, weight = 4)
    (Item 4, weight = 3)
    (Box 1, remaining capacity = 5): (Item 5, weight = 5)
    Don't have enough boxes for the following items:
    (Item 6, weight = 6)hope this helps.

  • I receive an error stating user name and password are not valid on my ipad and iphone 3Gs when attempting to load email from my icloud account. When I log onto icloud from my Mac, it wont load the email either.

    One day, my ipad and iphone pick up my emails (.mac account) from icloud just fine. the next day, I recieved error messages that say my user name and password are not accurate. I removed the icloud program on both devices and added it back on to both devices and get the same message. I logged into icloud from my Mac and while I can log in, it times out when I select email and wont load the email there either. Any Suggestons?

    I am having the same problem; it started about 24-36 hours ago.
    I know my ID/PW combo are correct because I can access all other aspects of iCloud except mail.
    iPhone -- returns incorrect ID / Password
    iPad -- Same
    Mail.app on Mac -- returns incorrect password error
    icloud.com -- allows me to log in and use all functions accept mail.  When I try to use mail it stays on a white screen for about 60 seconds then returns a dialogue box that indicates a server error.
    I contacted Apple and they placed my iCloud account into something called "Troubleshooting" mode.  They generated a new strong password and sent it on to "Engineering."
    I suspect there are a small number ofo users like you who are affected with the same problem I am.  Too small a number for it to be reported as an outtage.  I suggest you call Apple and open a case to have your mail investigaged.
    Hope this helps...

  • How to get Current Log in BO user name in data access driver

    In universe, to get the current log in user is via @Variable('BOUSER').
    Right now, I need to be able to get the user name in the data access driver. I am writing a customized data access driver because we need to patch some where clause on the the query generated by the universe based on the logged-in user info. I only think of using end_sql parameter or adding an universe level filter to patch the @Variable('BOUSER') to the query, which would not work if user want to use customized query.
    Can anyone tell me how to get currentBO user name from connection server ? or how @Variable('BOUSER') is translated into the logged-in user name in the universe?

    The link you provided was the Auditor guide for BO 6.x, I'm not sure it that is going to help Karen or not.
    There is function called connection
    (usage:  =connection([Query Name]), where [Query Name]
    denotes the name of the tab for the query under Edit Query)
    Here is some of the output from connection:
    4;ODBC18;MS SQL Server 2000166; VERSION=7; USER=xxxxx;
    PASSWORD=; DBTYPE=Relational; DATABASE=xxx_xxxx;
    ODBC_USER=xxxxxx; ODBC_PASSWORD=; BO_DSN=xxxx_xxxx;
    BO_DRV_CONNECT_MODE=0; 224; VERSION=6; Name=xxxxx; Shared=4;
    LoginTimeout=600; Timeout=600; Pool Time=60; Array Fetch Size=10;
    Array Bind Size=5; RecommendedLenTransfert=1000; Password_Encryption=x;
    AliasTable=; MeasureDimension=; Hint=; ConnectInit=; ArrayFetch=1;
    I'm not sure if this info helps out either, being that connection provides info on a post-processing basis and it sounds like you need to get out ahead of the SQL generation.  The @variable('bouser') would seem like the place to be, however, in allowing custom SQL to take place you loose the bouser due to an individual could customize the SQL to the point that it gets unwantingly yanked out.  The end_sql might be your answer...

  • How to get current logged-in user name in data access driver or in universe

    In universe, to get the current log in user is via @Variable('BOUSER').
    Right now, I need to be able to get the user name in the data access driver. I am writing a customized data access driver because we need to patch some where clause on the the query generated by the universe based on the logged-in user info. I only think of using end_sql parameter or adding an universe level filter to patch the @Variable('BOUSER') to the query, which would not work if user want to use customized query.
    Can anyone tell me how to get currentBO user name from connection server ? or how @Variable('BOUSER') is translated into the logged-in user name in the universe?

    I do not know your EJB Service. But you should pass the credentials of the current logged on portal user to your service. That's not by default I think.
    I had a similar problem with CAF developed webservices. I had to turn on permission checks in my web service and passed the credentials via logon ticket.
    Regards, Bernd

  • How to restrict the entries of a database table based on the user name

    Hi All,
    I have created a Database Table. Table maintenance generator is generated for the table.
    UNAME(user name) is one of the fields in the table. whenever the user creates a new entry, the field UNAME will be populated automatically with SY-UNAME value. I have used Table event '05' to do this.
    My requirement is...
    When a user tries to maintain the entries of the table using SM30, when 'DISPLAY' is chosen, all the records of the table should be displayed.
    When 'MAINTAIN' is chosen, only those records which have UNAME = SY-UNAME(User Logged in) should be in EDIT mode. and rest all the records should be in DISPLAY mode(greyed out). It should allow to edit only those records which are created by the user logged in.
    Could you please tell me how to do this..? Thanks in advance.
    Thanks & Regards,

    In table main. gen there are number of events , try to select one event like 05 for the Sy-uname.
    For the  requirement:
    In that event write the code like
    this is basic idea not the code:
    Case ' Sy-ucomm'.
    when 'display'.  " button
       Nomally for the display button it will show all the records, but we need to write a code like this.
    select all records frm the table.
    ( Need to write the code in case if the user first maintained the data then again press the display , list has to be refreshed.)
    when ' Maintain'. " button.
    Fetch the records that are with SY-UNAME and find out the edit function and implement it on each and every record.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Help: consuming an external web service with user name token

    Hello Together!
    I need to consume an external web service secured with WS-UserNameToken. The way, how did I do it:
    1. I generated a web service consumer (proxy) in SE80 from the wsdl file
    2. I created logical port for the consumer in SOAMANAGER
    3. I created security profile in WSSPROFILE with telpmate SET_USERNAME and assigned it to consumer operation in LPCONFIG  (I use LPCONFIG, because I didn't find any way to do it in SOAMANAGER)
    3. I called the web service and got the error back:  session token is missing or invalid or has inspired
    My questions are:
    1. is this possible to consume an external webservice in SAP, which is secured with WS-Usernametoken?
    2. do I need therefore any settings in java stack? do I need java stack in general?
    3. Is this any way to configure the consumer without writing programs, which set header parameter manually?
    4. if the answer on the third question is no, do you have any examples, how to implement session management in report? (I mean sending session id and checking the validaty of id)
    I appriciate any help of you!
    best regards Anna

    it should be possible to use WS-UserNameToken for consuming web service. It should be available on AS BAP 7.0 and higher. This profile should be under category Document authentication. You can try to dump a message send from SAP to see what is going out of SAP. This should be supported in ABAP so you don't need a Java stack. What exactly do you want to configure? Do you want to just set user name and password for that service which will be used for any calls of that proxy?

  • How do I ensure user name is shown rather than 'another user' on the 'File in Use' dialog box?

    How can I ensure user names are shown rather than just 'another user' on the 'File in Use' dialog box that appears when attempting to edit a checked out document in Microsoft Word/Excel? 
    All suggestions welcome. 

    If I recall correctly, that dialog is generated by the Office client product supporting that file type. There would be no way to modify it.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • How to change user name in OIM 11

    I have a custom java class to generate unique user names based on last name + initials + numbers (for duplicates). We have this implemented in plugin framework and it seems to be working fine. But when someone changes his name (first, last or middle), the user names need to be recalculated. How can we automate this process?
    Any ideas are highly appreciated!

    I will suggest update your existing eventhandler and instead of Create operation use both CREATE and MODIFY operation under your eventhandler and your same code will be working fine.
    Make sure you use EntityManager.modify to update userprofile.(don't use Usermanager.modify)
    In MDS you can say Operation ANY
    While writing code use: if (operation.equals("MODIFY") || operation.equals("CREATE")){                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • Generate User Login in "Create User" Request

    Hi Guys,
    I have more a problem. To create user, I am using a Request (Create User Template), I managed add the attributes that would necessary normally, but I use a Event Handler (Post-Process) to generate user login. So I marked the User Login in Attributes Restrictions, fixing an user login default for example: autogenerate.
    Then I created a new request to create user, I filled out all the fields that I marked to appear. I approved this request, and the user is created with the User Login generate by my Event Handler normally. The issue is, when I create 2 create user requests, as I use a Default value in the User Login attribute, if the first request still isn't approved, the second request isn't created because the "autogenerate" user login already being used.
    Exists some otherwise to I resolve this issue?

    Hi Bikash,
    Use a prepopulate adapter an attribute with timestamp is nice idea, but I use the "Create User" template CreateUserDataSet.xml and not exists a form in Design Console to associate the prepopulate adapter.
    I had thought in eventhundler because I use a method that check on Active Directory if the user login generated by other method, already is being used. And I use this eventhandler in HR GTC recon too.
    About XL.LDAPReservationPluginImpl, I opened the oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.impl.plugins.reservation.ReservationInOID but I not understood as use this option. If I needs add in this class my method of generate user login. If I needs implement an new class similar to this class, using my methods and associate the name of class in XL.LDAPReservationPluginImpl.
    Thanks a lot

  • How can I get the attributes details like user name, mail , from sAMAccount csv or notepad file through powershell or any other command in AD?

    How can I get the attributes details like user name, mail , from sAMAccount csv or notepad file through powershell or any other command in AD?

    Ok what about If i need to get all important attributes by comparing Email addresses from excel file and get all required answers
    currently I am trying to verify how many users Lines are missing , Emp numbers , Phones  from AD with HR list available to me.
    I am trying to Scan all the AD matching HR Excel sheet and want to search quickly how many accounts are active , Line Managers names , Phone numbers , locations , title , AD ID .
    these are fields I am interested to get in output file after scanning Excel file and geting reply from AD in another Excel or CSV file
    Name’tAccountName’tDescri ption’tEma I IAddress’tLastLogonoate’tManager’tTitle’tDepartmenttComp
    Name,SamAccountName,Description,EmailAddress,LastLogonDate,Manager,Title,Department,Company,whenCreated,Enabled,MemberOf | Sort-Object -Property Name
    Can you modify this script to help me out :)
    Depending on what attributes you want.
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    #From a txt file
    $USERS = Get-Content C:\Temp\USER-LIST.txt
    $USERS|Foreach{Get-ADUser $_ -Properties * |Select SAMAccountName, mail, XXXXX}|Export-CSV -Path C:\Temp\USERS-ATTRIBUTES.csv
    #or from a csv file
    $USERS = Import-CSV C:\Temp\USER-LIST.csv
    $USERS|Foreach{Get-ADUser $_.SAMAccountName -Properties * |Select SAMAccountName, mail, XXXXX}|Export-CSV -Path C:\Temp\USERS-ATTRIBUTES.csv
    Gautam Ji<abbr class="affil"></abbr>
    Thanks for replying I tried both but it did not work for me instead this command which i extended generated nice results
    Get-ADUser -Filter * -Property * | Select-Object Name,Created,createTimeStamp,DistinguishedName,DisplayName,
    | Export-CSV Allusers.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
    only one problem is that Manager column is generating this outcome rather showing exact name of the line Manager .
    CN=Mr XYZ ,OU=Users,OU=IT,OU=Departments,OU=Company ,DC=organization,DC=com,DC=tk

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