E65 : Image Rotation Issue

I have just bought an E65 and have a question about the image rotation in Gallery.
When I go into an image and choose to rotate it it does not save the position I leave it in, when I go back to the picture it has reset itself to its original position!! There does not seem to be a save feature so i was wandering whether anyone knew a way of doing this?

Hi Sanjit,
This issue also seems to have “fixed itself”.
Thanks again,
Adrienne Buccella
TAD Associates
330 West 38th Street, Suite 702
New York, NY 10018
Office - (646) 216-9222; ext. 119
Mobile - (616) 446-4543
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  • Bridge on a server working with 2 mac's image rotation issue

    I wonder if anyone can help:
    I'm asking a question for my father-in-law who is a proffessional Photographer http://www.johnholbrookphotography.co.uk
    He has recently switched to Mac from PC. He has 2 support staff that collate all the photos from his photographers, do any editing, print the pictures and construct the albums.
    He has 2 iMac's and 4TB of Server space. The iMac's both have adobe bridge and any editing is done through photoshop.
    The biggest problem he has currently is that when the images are viewed on bridge and rotated they keep the rotation in Bridge but not in the actual file. When they are then exported to the printing software they loose the rotation. From what i can gather Bridge does not save this type of edit.
    I've looked at Aperture and Lightroom as alternitives but neither will run on a server (acording to Apple or Adobe) allowing 2 computers to open the one library. All photo's/albums need to be edited by either computer.
    Do you know of a work around for bridge or an other bit of software that would work in this way?

    NIC teaming?
    Does this issue only occur on mail delivery? If it also occurs to other network traffics, I suggest we ask the Windows Server forum to fix the NIC NLB issue.
    Simon Wu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Image rotation working in template, but nowhere else

    I'm relatively new to Dreamweaver.
    I have a page with some rotating images, created following a Communitymx recommendation (http://www.communitymx.com/content/article.cfm?cid=651FF).
    The website template (http://www.johnaverill.com/templates/main_template.dwt) seems to rotate images perfectly; however, image rotation on index.html and the others will not work.
    Any help or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks, Paul

    ah, you are correct.  sorry, I didn't catch that I was i am just posting the same old apparent bad code (index.html).
    I did create index_2.html and rename it to index.html per your instructions of Mar 5 (i've actually done it twice now). Pictures not rotating with the index_2 or the new index.html either.  
    Also noticed recreating the index continues to get me the extra:
    function randomImages(){
    if(counter == (imgs.length)){
    counter = 0;
    the template seems to be putting this in there new index for some reason.
    New index here:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
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    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
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    /* pw - removed old code
    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
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    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
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        if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}}
    // Comma separated list of images to rotate
    var imgs = new
    // delay in milliseconds between image swaps 1000 = 1 second
    var delay = 3000;
    var counter = 0;
    function preloadImgs(){
       for(var i=0;i<imgs.length;i++){
    function randomImages(){
       if(counter == (imgs.length)){
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       MM_swapImage('rotator', '', imgs[counter++]imgs[i]);
    function randomImages(){
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      <p align="justify">Welcome, this is an online bio for John C. Averill.  This site also has a description of my capabilities, services offered and successes</p>
      <p align="justify">FIDUCIARY ROLE</p>
      <p align="justify">My team and I take our  fiduciary role as insurance brokers and risk consultants seriously. I am held  accountable to a select group of risk management professionals who have an  enormous amount of wisdom and knowledge about the property and casualty insurance  world, providing my team and me consistent guiding principles. Due to our  fiduciary role, we do not publicize our clients list but we do have several letters  from clients on file as part of this site, see Client Testimonials.</p>
      <p align="justify">CONFIDENCE IN THE PROCESS</p>
      <p align="justify">The process of  designing a risk management strategy and purchasing insurance should be  comprehensive. The focus should be on pre-engineering claims payments. You should have  total confidence in your broker and insurance company. After a claim has  occurred is not the time to second guess the dollars you spent on insurance  premiums and the commissions or fees you paid a broker. </p>
      <p align="justify">PHILOSOPHY</p>
      <p align="justify">Our philosophy and  goal is to never have a client have an uncovered claim that he / she failed to insure. We have developed   processes and procedures to determine exposures, forecast claims and efficiently  purchase the needed insurance coverage.</p>
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  • Image Rotation Problem in LR 3.2RC

    Anyone else having an issue with image rotation in Lightroom 3.2C?
    Here's what happens:
    I import images from my card. There are a combination of images taken horizontally and vertically. The vertical images come in sideways (horizontally). This is no big deal: maybe the cameras I was using in this case (Olympus E-PL1 and Panasonic GF1) don't properly mark the orientation.
    So, in Grid view,  I select one of the improperly orientated images and click the "Rotate Photo Left" arrow in the toolbar. Here's where it gets weird. Instead of rotating the image 90-degrees counter clockwise, the thumbnail rotates about 45-degrees, so now it's crooked in Grid view. However, on my second monitor, the image now looks properly orientated.
    I've tried rotating using the menu (Photo menu / Rotate Left) and got the same result. If I repeatedly rotate, it ends up in all sorts of odd positions in grid mode.
    What's up with this? Is it just me?

    Restarted Lightroom and all looks good now. I'll be interested to see if the problem returns next time I import images.
    UPDATE: I spoke too soon. Closed LR3 and opened it again. No, the cockeyed thumbnails are not saved at their odd angles. But they still don't match the image shown on my 2nd monitor (or on my main monitor either if I go to Loupe View). The Grid view image might show the vertical image lying on its side (horizontal), even though the 2nd monitor shows it in the correct orientation.
    This happens with horizontal images too if I try to rotate them - something I tried just now but wouldn't normally need to do.
    Trying to rotate the thumbnail again results in the cockeyed thumbnail. If I then CLICK on that thumbnail, it straightens out, but never in the correct orientation. Here's a screen grab:
    Something seriously wrong here. Something that NEVER happend in Lightroom 3 until I installed version 3.2RC. So, I doubt that it's a video card problem - looks like a bug to me.

  • Image Rotation with AE SDK

    Hello all,
       I am wondering if someone could suggest a desription of image rotation using Adobe AE SDK - in a Forum entry or in some other related document. While some elements of rotation may be considered available in SDK sample projects - Shifter for all pixels, CCU for individual pixels manipulation - I will appreciate more details for variable subpixel processing and neighbouring pixel interpolation for variable row-by-row shift. It is assumed the angle of rotation is fixed during the effect, and there are no worries about the appearance of out-of-border picture elements since there is a background. Speed will not be an issue as well.
       Thank you in advance.        

    well, the easiest way for rotating an image through the sdk is by using transform_word().
    it takes a matrix (or matrices for motion blur), so you can do any transform operation concievable via a matrix.
    here's a thread with some detail about this function:
    as for line by line transformations...
    there are some toos in the SDK, but they're available only for AEPGs of type "artizan" (the plug-ins that render whole comps),
    so if you're planning a layer effect, these tools are out of the question.
    you can do that calculation manually in a few ways.
    you can create a tranformation matrix and run each pixel through it, which would probably be the fastest most versitile way.
    or you can use trigonometry, which would probably be the easiest to implement but the slowest to process.
    using the sdk's subpixel sample functions would complete the tools you need, but keep in mind that this would be the slowest possible way of rotating an image.

  • Images Rotated 90 Degrees on prints

    i am having this issue with the Apple version of Adobe Illustrator CS3. We just got a new printer (Sharp MX-3501N) and it has a Fiery 2 print server on it. When i print illustrator documents to it, the first page comes out great. Comes out landscape on 11x17 paper. But if i tell it i want any more then just one print (2 or more copies) the first page comes out fine, each additional page comes out with the image rotated 90 degrees and is printed right off the page and leaves a blank space on the bottom of the page. Adobe is updated, MacOS (10.5) is updated, i have tried printing from other programs and everything else prints fine, and i have updated the drivers.
    I am an authorized sharp service center and i talked to Sharp technician support about it and they said that because Adobe handles the print job from start to finish, there is likely a setting in illustrator that is messed up. Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?

    I'm not sure if I understand your problem. If it uses a proper PS RIP, the rasterized version will be stored in it and it should initiate printing multiple copies, not the computer that sends over the PS/ PDF data. Are you sure you're not missing out on some silly check mark somewhere in teh printer driver? what you describe strikes me more as an "only print first page differently/ print cover sheet" option as you would use them in an office program. Is Illustrator actually set to handle the print job (which would be kinda pointless on a hardware RIP)? If so, you should get this odd behavior with other printer drivers as well (PDF document printer etc.) and then indeed it would be the program's fault...

  • Lightroom 3 Beta-Image Rotate and Crop Tool

    Good Morning Adobe,
    First of all let me say Lightroom 3 is fantastic! I do have a couple of suggestions that might make the image editing more efficient. I find that I use the image rotate and crop tools frequently and think that possibly locating these 2 features below the image in the tool bar with the loupe view/zoom fit/before and after will allow the user to edit the images more efficiantly.
    I believe that this is an incredible program and can't wait to see the finished product!
    I will offer more suggestions as they evolve.
    Thank you Adobe! You are the BEST!

    Thank you...I discovered this answer online from another post last night and tried it.  (Since I didn't re-size the thumbnails, I wasn't aware that you could do this.)  After re-starting Lightroom and my computer, the crop issue corrected itself.  Thank you very much for your response.  It worked!

  • FaceTime rotation issue

    I have an issue with FaceTime and rotation on ipad2.
    When I open it in landscape mode (in which I always use my ipad), it defaults to portrait and so the picture is 90o out. I have to rotate my ipad 90o and then back again to fix it.
    The same sometimes happens if I put FaceTime into the background mid-call to check an email etc and then return to the call. The image can again be back in portrait mode again.
    This probably wouldn't be an issue for most people, but it is for me as I am disabled, and need help to rotate it.
    Does anyone know if a fix is planned for this? Presumably it's been reported before as I've been experiencing it for a while.

    I don't know that this is an issue that has ever been reported. I use my iPad exclusively in landscape mode and I have never had this problem. But sometimes rotation issues in general crop up in a number of apps. The first things that I would try is to close FaceTime completely in the recents try and reboot the iPad. This is the basic starting point that I always suggest, and if you haven't given it a try, do so now.
    Tap the home button once. Then tap the home button twice and the recents tray will appear at the bottom of the screen. Tap and hold down on any app icon until it begins to wiggle. Tap the minus sign in the upper left corner of the FaceTime icon. Tap the home button twice.
    Reboot the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider if it appears on the screen - let go of the buttons. Let the iPad start up.
    See if that fixes it.

  • I find that after updating my ipad to ios8 banking applications to deposit funds no longer work. The camera image rotates from horizontal to vertical and cannot be corrected. Is this a new ios8 error. I tried two different bank applications for ipad.

    I find that after updating my ipad to ios8 banking applications to deposit funds no longer work. The camera image rotates from horizontal to vertical and cannot be corrected. Is this a new ios8 error. I tried two different bank applications for ipad.

    Hi, Thanks for that further bug description In Your Last Message That Describes The Problem I Am Having perfectly and is exactly the same for me.
    unfortunately that fix for my camera Powershot G6 does not work or apply as the view pictures switch is different on G6 is not usable during download as once you plug in DC/USB cable it turns off, and makes no diff and problem still exists exactly as you just described.
    thanks anyways "Selz Boy"
    it has been 17 days since apple promised to get back to me within 3-5 days hopefully with a solution, but I have still not heard from them.
    They blew me off, i guess, probably i will have to wait for new Yosemite OS update, which they pre-warned me could take as much as 6 months.
    I cannot believe apple released this new update with such major bug issues for camera downloads and that horrible "Photos" pgm which has all sorts of downgrades in features, usefulness and new bugs compared to iPhotos which I just finally got used to and was much better software.
    I am starting to lose faith in Apple and I am getting that Microsoft "FEEL" like I used to have when I was a PC user, which was why I originally switched to Apple  computers in first place.
    Oh well got my fingers crossed here.
    Thankfully the memory card reader solution  is working well, but cost me $45.

  • Image rotation with fade effect

    I am new to the spry framework and have just started going
    through the examples to see if I could create an image rotator that
    fades the images into each other when changing. I have taken
    snippets from different places to do this and think I have the
    answer but really wanted some feedback to sanity check and let me
    know if this is the best way of doing it. If it is, then I hope
    others will find it useful.
    Here is the url to the example:
    rotation example
    And here is the code:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
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    var dsImg2 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("spry.php",
    "gallery/photos/photo", { method: "POST", postData:
    "c=2&d=<?php echo
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
    charset=UTF-8" } });
    var imageInterval = 8000; // 8 seconds
    var imageFadeInterval = 4000; // 4 seconds
    var image2Loaded = null;
    var effect = new Spry.Effect.Fade('animate', {from: 100, to:
    0, toggle: true, duration: imageFadeInterval});
    // Prepare an observer that will change the opacity of the
    // hidden element in oposition with the initially visible
    var obs1 = new Object;
    // On each effect step we calculate the complementary
    opacity for the other image container.
    obs1.onStep = function(ef){
    if (typeof otherEl == 'undefined')
    otherEl = document.getElementById('display');
    var opacity = 0;
    opacity = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(ef.element,
    'filter').replace(/alpha\(opacity([0-9]{1,3})\)/, '$1');
    otherEl.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + parseInt(100 * (1
    - opacity), 10) + ")";
    opacity = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(ef.element, 'opacity');
    otherEl.style.opacity = (1 - opacity);
    // Attach the observer to the Fade effect
    function fadeInContent() {
    // 1st time in so set the current rows so that the 'animate'
    set is 1 ahead of the 'display' set
    if(image2Loaded == null) {
    dsImg.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 1)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    dsImg2.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 2)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    image2Loaded = 0;
    } else {
    if(image2Loaded) {
    dsImg.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 1)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    image2Loaded = 0;
    } else {
    dsImg2.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 1)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    image2Loaded = 1;
    var obs2 = {
    onPostLoad: function() {
    setInterval("fadeInContent()", imageInterval);

    I think that I might have got this going now. Here is the
    code if anyone wants to use it.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0
    <html xmlns="
    <title>Sample Image Rotation</title>
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
    charset=iso-8859-1" />
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"
    content="IE=7;FF=3;OtherUA=4" />
    <meta name="author" content="www.baytree-cs.com - Peter
    <meta name="copyright" content="(C)2006 Baytree Computer
    Services, All right reserved."/>
    <meta name="abstract" content="ISM Homepage" />
    <meta name="description" content="ISM Homepage" />
    <meta name="keywords" content="ISM Homepage"/>
    <meta name="robots" content="all,index,follow"/>
    <meta name="distribution" content="global"/>
    <meta name="mssmarttagspreventparsing"
    <meta name="rating" content="general"/>
    <style type="text/css">
    position: relative;
    width: 350px;
    text-align: center;
    opacity: 0;
    filter: alpha(opacity=0);
    left: -350px;
    opacity: 1;
    filter: alpha(opacity=100);
    <noscript><h1>This page requires JavaScript.
    Please enable JavaScript in your browser and reload this
    <div id="container">
    <div id="display" class="element"
    spry:detailregion="dsImg"><img src="<?php echo
    <div id="animate" class="element"
    spry:detailregion="dsImg2"><img src="<?php echo
    <p class="clear"></p>
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    var dsGalleries = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("spry.php",
    "galleries/gallery", { method: "POST", postData:
    "c=1&d=<?php echo $baseDir;?>", headers: {
    "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8"
    var dsImg = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("spry.php",
    "gallery/photos/photo", { method: "POST", postData:
    "c=2&d=<?php echo
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
    charset=UTF-8" } });
    var dsImg2 = new Spry.Data.XMLDataSet("spry.php",
    "gallery/photos/photo", { method: "POST", postData:
    "c=2&d=<?php echo
    headers: { "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;
    charset=UTF-8" } });
    var imageInterval = 4000; // 8 seconds
    var imageFadeInterval = 2000; // 4 seconds
    var effect = new Spry.Effect.Fade('animate', {from: 100, to:
    0, toggle: true, duration: imageFadeInterval});
    // Prepare an observer that will change the opacity of the
    // hidden element in oposition with the initially visible
    var obs1 = new Object;
    // On each effect step we calculate the complementary
    opacity for the other image container.
    obs1.onStep = function(ef){
    if (typeof otherEl == 'undefined')
    otherEl = document.getElementById('display');
    var opacity = 0;
    opacity = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(ef.element,
    'filter').replace(/alpha\(opacity([0-9]{1,3})\)/, '$1');
    otherEl.style.filter = "alpha(opacity=" + parseInt(100 * (1
    - opacity), 10) + ")";
    opacity = Spry.Effect.getStyleProp(ef.element, 'opacity');
    otherEl.style.opacity = (1 - opacity);
    // Attach the observer to the Fade effect
    function fadeInContent() {
    // 1st time in so set the current rows so that the 'animate'
    set is 1 ahead of the 'display' set
    //use this flag to avoid the effect running on load
    if (typeof image2Loaded == 'undefined') {
    dsImg.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 1)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    dsImg2.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 2)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    var curRow = dsImg.getCurrentRow();
    image2Loaded = 0;
    } else {
    if(image2Loaded) {
    var img = document.getElementById('display');
    dsImg.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 1)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    var curRow = dsImg.getCurrentRow();
    image2Loaded = 0;
    } else {
    var img = document.getElementById('animate');
    dsImg2.setCurrentRowNumber((dsImg.getCurrentRowNumber() + 1)
    % dsImg.getData().length);
    var curRow = dsImg2.getCurrentRow();
    image2Loaded = 1;
    var imgPath = '<?php echo $rootDir.$baseDir;?>/' +
    var gImageLoader = new Image();
    gImageLoader.onload = function()
    gImageLoader.src = imgPath;
    var obs2 = {
    onPostLoad: function() {
    setInterval("fadeInContent()", imageInterval);

  • Image quality issues in PS - word to PDF

    I am having major image quality issues when trying to make my word document a clean, clear PDF. Images become distorted. Borders for tables and text that are equal px size look like they are different sizes throughout the document.
    I have searched the internet, read help, and tried many different things:
    Word 2007 - Changed image %, image size, export options, adjusted px for borders, used different styles
    Acrobat 9 Pro - Changed import settings, import options, print options, tried press quality, high quality, etc.
    Photoshop CS4 - Changed ppx, file format, compression options
    What can I do to get a clean, clear PDF file with the images and borders preserved?
    Thank you.

    In converting a MS Office file to PDF, Photoshop cannot help in any way and will likely cause more harm as it may rasterize vector data. Expect your ideal answer in the Acrobat forum.

  • Image rotation

    Hi, on my website i have made a div that i have put a image in, and i made the images rotate, so from image 1 -> image 2 -> image 3 etc...
    This is the website i used to help me do this -->
    And the code for this was:
    <title>Untitled Document</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
    img2 = new Image()
    seconds = "2";
    function imgOne()
    setTimeout("imgTwo()", seconds * 1000);
    function imgTwo()
    document.myimg.src = 'http://devyne.org/Images/E&B.jpg';
    setTimeout("imgThree()", seconds * 1000);
    function imgThree()
    document.myimg.src = 'http://devyne.org/family.gif';
    setTimeout("imgOne()", seconds * 1000);
    <body onload="imgOne();">
    <img src="http://devyne.org/Images/babyboy1.gif" name="myimg">
    My question is at the moment the images just snap abruptly from one to the other, how can i modify the code to make the images fade into one another?
    If anyone could possibly point me to a webpage or something that might be able to help me then i would be greatful.

    You will require jQuery or some otehr convoluted script (collection) for this.

  • Image rotator

    Hi I have a problem with editing my image rotator in Dreamweaver, when I go to open it I get this message: This is not located with in your defined site, please save the document in your Dreamweaver site first, I built the rotors in my Dreamweaver site, and they also work, I just cant edit them, I tried the suppliers of the rotator image magic, Projectseven.com but they said this is a Dreamwever problem. Can any one help please, thanks Jeff

    Hi Ken, to the best of my knowledge all the dependent files are on the server, remember all the rotators work I just can’t edit the, the same thing applies to all of the rotators on the site, the URL is: http://qualitycarpets.net/index.php
    Since I left this message in the forum I have noticed the same is happening on my other site: http://thecarpetandflooringconsultant.co.uk/
    Sorry to be a pain. Thanks Jeff

  • Pixel-slop in Photoshop image rotation

    See three small bitmaps attached: <<original.bmp>>; <<45cw.bmp>>; <<45ccw.bmp>>.
    The original is a simple 21x21 pixel test pattern, black except for white pixels in the center and corners.  It's appearance should be the same whether rotated 45 deg clockwise or counterclockwise, and the appearance should keep the symmetry of the original.
    I used "Bilinear Interpolation".  I used a gamma = 1 profile, and to be extra-safe set Edit>Assign Profile>Don't Color Manage ...
    I set the background color to black in the toolbox.  Thank you John Joslin.
    Then I rotated the original image 45 deg clockwise and counterclockwise to make the other two files.  Why to the resulting images look so different?  Why are they lacking in symmetry?  With the other interpolation methods too, clockwise and counterclockwise rotations give quite unlike images.  A partial explanation could be that Photoshop rotates about a point not in the image center, but this doesn't explain enough. I tried 20x20 patterns which showed similar problems.
    I'm mostly interested in bilinear interpolation because this is supposed to conserve the total pixel value.  Each white pixel in the original has value 255, so the blob resulting from this pixel should have total value 255.  Look at <<45cw.bmp>>.The blob on the left has total value 69+94+13+5+18+1=200.  The blob on the right is an almost perfect antipode with total value 1+18+6+13+95+68=201.  The blob at the bottom doesn't resemble the side blobs and has total value 42+56+40+3+55=196.  The blob at the top has total value 40+41+56=137.  Clearly Photoshop has lost the top of the top blob.  (It also does this with 45 deg counterclockwise rotation, and also with 135 deg rotation.)  The blob in the center has total value 49+49+48+47=193.  All of the blobs fall far short of 255.  Photoshop might be excused for messing up edge pixels, but not a central pixel.
    Photoshop messes up rotation at the single pixel level.  I made a test pattern with clusters of 4 white pixels and the rotation of this did conserve the total value for the central four.  Edge pixels still showed problems.  Photoshop image rotation appears to be based on sloppy code.

    Then how do you account for my post 11? How to you account for X2 detecting a extra hidden row on the left and top side of of the image? There is no hidden row on the bottom or rightside.
    Adobe digimarc did not detect anything.
    Paint Shiop Pro X2 digimarc did.
    I have posted the proof. It is not my fault that Adobe digimarc addon cannot detect the watermark.
    The watermark is there.
    dcouzin wrote:
    Fantasy watermark.  First of all a black pixel isn't a watermark.  It can't "hide" a watermark.  Hiding has no meaning in this context.  If the file header has a digital ID that's fine, but it's not "hidden" in the image, not under a black pixel.
    All of your reported O=255 data is not in the image either.  There aren't enough bytes in the file to specify opacity at each pixel.  This is a 24-bit RGB image not a 32-bit RGBO image.  Maybe O=255 is specified globally somewhere in the header, but I don't see "FF" anywhere in the header.  More likely full opacity is presumed for a RGB image.
    I suggest you download BinViewer 2.0 and BinEditor 2.0 which are freeware. Look at the file <<original.bmp>>.  You will count 114 zeros between the first "FF FF FF" and the next "FF FF FF".  114 divided by 3 equals 38 so "00 00 00" appears 19 times between the "FF FF FF"s.  Hey, that's the 19 black pixels between two of the corner white pixels.  Now you can use BinEditor 2.0 to change some of the "0"s or "F"s to anything you want.  You can write "dec9" in there.  Save and open in Photoshop to see what you've painted.  It's great fun creating colors and shapes by poking numbers into a file.  It's the opposite of Photoshop's glistening gliding paintbrushes, and it has a powerful truth. 
    This is why I want to know what Photoshop does when, for example, it rotates an image.

  • How to set canvas extension color for arbitrary image rotation?

    I'm using Photoshop CS4 v 11.0 with Windows XP.  When adjusting canvas size there's a menu for chosing the canvas extension color.  Where is the menu for chosing canvas extension color for arbitrary image rotation?

    This will be the background colour selected in your toolbox.

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