E72 menu style

i'm using an e72 with firmware update to 053.001 and i feel jealous when i saw a video of an e72 and the menu mode is slightly different than mine
see if u highlight an icon in the menu it just tends to move in the phone original theme (like in flash palyer or something) but mine doesn't why ??? so i searched for all reviews for e72 they are the same except mine.... may be the new firmware doesn't support that menu style
i know it's not a big deal but i feel jealous....  
Nokia E72-1 Black
firmware : 053.001
of 26 of nov 2010
Go to Solution.

thanks a million guys u r the best
it works but it slows down the system a little bit
Nokia E72-1 Black
firmware : 053.001
of 26 of nov 2010

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    Hi Thomas,
    To create a menu or to modify the configuration of an existing menu based on a Java class, choose <b>Content Management --> User Interface --> Menus</b>.
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    you could add a mouse listener and change the color...
    menu.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
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       public void mouseExited(MouseEvent me) {

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    Welcome to the Support Communities.
    a_kovalevych wrote:
    Not sure if i posted it in the right place...
    Here's the right place for next time:

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    so to change the style on the css
    you have to add the new name at the beginning of each of the different styles present in the sprymenu.css
    .newstyle .Tab {}
    .newstyle .TabSelected {}
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    I commented out the line in "spryMenuBar.js" that says
    "this.createIframeLayer(menu);" and this fixed the problem for me.
    Good luck.

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    I believe you are talking about the orange Firefox button on top left corner. This style is disabled by default in Windows XP. To get that, you need to hide your ''Menu bar'' as follows:<BR>
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    Flash menus (Flash navigation, period) is a terrible thing from a functional standpoint. It looks really nice, but the honeymoon ends there. As far as SEO goes, your entire site, beyond the landing page, is invisible. A search robot will only see an embeded Flash object.
    You have to ask yourself a basic question.
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    Turn off power saving in the advanced settings of WLAN.
    ‡Thank you for hitting the Blue/Green Star button‡
    N8-00 RM 596 V:111.030.0609; E71-1(05) RM 346 V: 500.21.009

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    i have never worked on a portal application myself but this tutorial should help you.

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    The whole point to nativeMenus in Air is, that your app can adapt to the users systems settings, be it Mac or PC. To Answer your question: No, there is no way.

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