EA2 : Unable to delete Foreign Key

I draw a FK between two tables. Then I discovered that it was the "wrong way around", so I tried to delete it. But the FK stays on the model (also in the navigator). After closing SDDM and reopening again the FK is gone...

Created an FK (draw), then hit Cancel in the properties window that pops up (so don't hit Apply or Save).
Then the FK is in the drawing/model and in the navigator. But you can't delete it ... because it isn't really there ;-)
The log directory is empty

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    Sid (MCP - http://www.sugata.eu)

    I know this is kind of old post, but did this realy solved your problem?
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    The FK that can be selected is normally the oldest FK that was created for the Table.
    So one option would be to delete and then recreate the FK that is selectable. This process may need to be repeated if there are several FKs that are "older" than the one you wish to use for Reference Partitioning.

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    as I ran into this today as well I feel like answering this question, as I suppose that the thread opener did the same mistake as I did, and maybe
    some others do it as well :)
    of course you need to open a DDL session on the parent table as well in order to drop foreign key constraints, just as you do when you add them.
    so the correct order to make it work would be:
    EXECUTE DBMS_WM.CommitDDL('PARENT_TABLE');I felt kind of stupid that it took me 1 hour to figure this out ;)

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    Hi Pankaj,
       i hope that u r trying to delete K.F directly. here i am giving steps to do...
      1. first u check that ur k.F contains data
         if it carrind data ..first u need to delete the    
         perticular  data
      2. now u r able to delete the K.F
    change the data type
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      Utility)?  or
      go to rsa11 right  context menu and select manage

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    foreign key (university_id)
    references university (university_id)
    on delete cascade;
    I keep getting error message saying table or view does not exist

    hi u are using the right format
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    ADD <constraint_name> FOREIGN KEY
    (<column_name1> ,
    <column_name2> )
    REFERENCES <table_name>
    (<column_name1> ,
    ALTER TABLE ora1.student
    ADD student_fk1 FOREIGN KEY
    REFERENCES university (university_id)the problem may be your table doesnot exist or u are refering the table which is in different schema

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    2. zpr_dpt Department Master
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    pl. help

    ZPR_EMP table is defined as a check table. For reasons of consistency, changes to the primary key of the table are not allowed.
    If it is essential that you change the primary key, you must delete the relevant foreign keys. Refer to the where-used list to find all tables containing a field that is checked against this table. Delete the foreign keys for these fields.
    If necessary, maintain the deleted foreign keys again.
    Value table - It's a field in a domain it helps in domain level data validation.
    Check table - unlike value table it helps in feild level data validation.
    The relational data model contains not only tables, but also relationships between tables. These relationships are defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary by foreign keys. An important function of foreign keys is to support data integrity in the relational data model. Foreign key fields may assume only those values allowed by the check table, in other words, values occurring in the primary key of the check table.
    A foreign key provides a link between two tables, for eg.,T1 and T2 by including a reference in table T1 to the primary key of table T2. For this purpose, Foreign key fields assigned to the primary key fields of T2 are included in T1. Table T1, which is the one being checked, is called a foreign key table, and table T2 is called a check table. The terms dependent (foreign key) table and referenced (check) table are also used.
    VALUE TABLE:If the domain of the check field has a value table, this is proposed by the system as check table in the foreign field maintenance. The key fields of the value table are in this case assigned fields of the foreign key table with the same domain. These fields may assume only those values allowed by the value table.
    The value range of the domain can be defined by specifying value table.All table fields referring to this domain can then be checked against the corresponding field of this value table.In order the check can be executed, a foreign key must be defined for the value table.

  • Delete a user from a table whose name is a foreign key in other tables

    Dear All;
    I am trying to figure out an easy way to do this. I just recently took someone application who utilized 500 tables. I am trying to delete a user from a table called member_table. However, I am having problems doing so because the user name is a foreign key in other tables which has a relationship with this member_table. I really can't naviagte through all 500 different tables and start deleting the user from each table . hence, I would like to figure out a way to delete the user from the member_table without getting the error message
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    Unless you want to find and re-create all of the FK's that point to that field so you can make them ON DELETE CASCADE (note it is the FK not the PK that has that attribute), you will need to either delete that member id from each of the child tables individually or update each one individually to either null or some valid value in member_table before you can delete the id from member_table.
    You can find all of the tables, and the corresponding column_name that have an FK relationship to memeber_table with the following:
    SELECT c.table_name, col.column_name
    FROM user_constraints c, user_cons_columns col
    WHERE c.constraint_name = col.constraint_name and
          c.r_constraint_name = (SELECT constraint_name
                                 FROM user_constraints
                                 WHERE table_name = 'MEMBER_TABLE' and
                                       constraint_type = 'P') and
         c.constraint_type = 'R';If there are a lot of these, you could use something similar to generate the set of delete/update statements that would be needed.

  • Foreign keys on cascade delete rules are not migrated

    hello folks, i tried to migrate a database from sql server 2005 to oracle 10g express using SQL Developer 1.5.5 and noticed that the cascade delete option of the foreign keys was ignored by the tool.
    I'd like to know if it's a limitation of the tool or a bug. I have over 500 fks with such configuration and it would be simply impossible to manually configure every migrated fk in oracle.
    thanks all.

    Already logged:

  • BUG: foreign key not altered when on delete is changed

    Problem: create a master/detail relation in the database diagram. Set the foreign key to restrict references. Generate DDL directly in the database to create the tables and FK. Alter the FK to cascade on delete and regenerate the DDL in the database. The FK does not get the cascade delete value.

    Thank you for reporting the problem, I have filed the bug as bug number 4710066.
    Lisa Sherriff
    JDev QA

  • Foreign keys without ON DELETE CASCADE; Database Design question

    This is the 3rd company i am working, where i see Foreign Keys created without
    My colleague says that it is created without ON DELETE CASCADE clause in order to make deletion of data (child records) difficult. So, for Purge/Archive codes, before we delete from Parent table we have to delete from the Child table first.
    Occasinaly , something goes wrong and we'll end up disabling all FKs and then do Purging, Archiving, etc..
    So, isn't it better to create Foreign keys with ON DELETE CASCADE clause rather than having all these hassles?
    From you experience, what do you guys think?

    ON DELETE CASCADE is usually not a good idea - something 'magical' happens in the background and rows go away. Instead, consider making the FK DEFERRABLE INITIALLY DEFERRED. That way you can delete the parent and child rows in any sequence and the constraint will not be checked until commit time. You want to use an API (stored procedure/package) to make sure DML is executed in the proper sequence and in the proper way for your business rules.

  • Create foreign keys to delete child records

    I am unfamiliar with foreign keys, I have 3 tables one is the parent table if a record is deleted in the parent table I would like the record to be deleted from the child record but I think that I am also confused about which should be the parent table
    (purpose is to use in a form)
    parent table (i think)
    AdminEntry table
    entryid ,
    In a form each date and its description is placed in the following table
    CalendarEntry table
    entryid (fk)?
    so CalendarEntry will have many entries at least 3 from one entryId, this I get but what if I want to delete lets say date2 and date2desc record. If I delete it from AdminEntry table how will calendarEntry table know which one to delete?
    Please help very confused.
    (the other table also inserts to the CalendarEntry table)

    There is a demo of this functionality in Morgan's Library at www.psoug.org under Foreign Keys.

  • Drop foreign keys and recreate foreign keys with on delete cascade dymanica

    I need to drop foreign keys and recreate foreign keys with on delete cascade dymanically via a script. Does anyone have a script available?

    You could also disable the integrity contraints.
    -- create a disable script
    SPOOL do_disable.sql
           || table_name
            || chr(10) ||
            || constraint_name
            || ';'
      FROM user_constraints
    WHERE constraint_type = 'R'
       AND status = 'ENABLED'
    select 'alter trigger '
           || trigger_name
            || ' disable;'
      from user_triggers
    where status = 'ENABLED'
    -- now create a enable script as well
    SPOOL do_enable.sql
           || table_name
            || chr(10)
            || 'ENABLE CONSTRAINT '
            || constraint_name
            || ';'
      FROM user_constraints
    WHERE constraint_type = 'R'
       AND status = 'ENABLED'
    SELECT 'ALTER trigger '
           || trigger_name
            || ' ENABLE;'
      FROM user_triggers
    WHERE status = 'ENABLED'
    SET FEEDBACK ONif you run this script on a TESTdatabase you will end up with a do_disable.sql and a do_enable.sql script on youre local directory.
    Running do disable will disable all the currently enabled triggers and contraints.
    Running do_enable.sql will enable the previously disables triggers and contraints.
    be sure to test before executing this on a real live production database.
    Make sure you have a good backup!

  • ORA-02292: integrity constraint - foreign key delete

    I am getting the above error message when attempting to delete an entry with a foreign key constraint. I have the standard delete button and the standard DML process for inset, update, delete, and a page validation conditioned on the delete button for EXISTS with the following code:
    select 1 from dual
    where (select count(*) from mdeccommitments
    where producer = :P25_COREID
    and receiver = :P25_COREID) = 0
    and (select count(*) from mdecbriefcal
    where primarytarget = :P25_COREID
    and primaryowner = :P25_COREID) = 0
    This code works in SQL directly. However, when I try to run this, I do not get the inline error associated with the validation routine, I just get the popup for the delete and then the very user-unfriendly Oracle error, almost as if the validation wasn't there. I tried removing the popup associated with the delete button, but it did not make a difference.
    I want to provide a friendly intercept and return. I do not want to cascade the delete. What am I missing here?

    Thanks Varad, by running the debug, I realized I misinterpreted what the validation did - I had used EXISTS instead of NOT EXISTS. Making this change resulted in the correct processing. Being a newbie, I wasn't sufficiently familiar with the debug option to think about it.

  • Hibernate: how to null out foreign key references when deleting an entity?

    We use Spring/Hibernate3 in our app, and ran into kind of a bummer of a problem. We have a relationship that is many-to-one (e.g. Student -> School). This is represented by a schoolId on the Student table. When we delete the school through the Hibernate layer, we are immediately receiving foreign key constraints because Hibernate does not null out the Students' schoolId columns where applicable.
    What we'd like to see happen is something like this:
    1. SchoolDAO.delete(id)
    Hibernate: UPDATE Student set schoolId = NULL where schoolId = ?
    Hibernate: DELETE from School where id = ?
    But what we're actually seeing is:
    1. SchoolDAO.delete(id)
    Hibernate: DELETE from School where id = ?
    And hence the foreign key constraints.
    Was wondering if someone else here has run into this. Someone on the Hibernate forums suggested using an Interceptor, but the Hibernate3 interceptors don't give us access to the Session to allow us to do a bulk update to null out these references. Apparently the interceptor javadoc says that the interceptor is basically there to change properties on the object in question and should not involve the session at all.
    We then looked at implementing an Event, and that worked, but was not called for every cascade deleted event. We have a lot of cascade activity in our database, so that was a little disappointing.
    We had briefly considered manually nulling out that FK in the DAO itself, but that would not work with the large amount of Hibernate driven cascade deletion that goes on in our app (Hibernate does not call our DAO every time it cascade deletes an entity).
    Would greatly appreciate any pointers on this subject. We're hoping that others have run into this as well.

    I'm not sure why you'd expect that given that there's
    not really an equivalent object oriented operation -
    if you want to relinquish the object in the OO scheme
    of things you have to null all the references to it;
    you can't just say "make everything that points to
    this object null".I can field that question. We came from EJB 2.x where in the event that you deleted a School entity bean using ejbRemove() you would see the following queries generated:
    UPDATE Student set schoolId = NULL where schoolId = ?
    DELETE from School where id = ?
    Basically, it would manage the relationship for you. I know it's a completely different system but we were a little surprised to learn that Hibernate did not do this on its own as well.

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