Eclipse: Referencing Class Files

I have an Eclipse project A that references another project B (ie, files in project A have import statements which import classes in B). Project B is explicitly referneced in the properties of project A.
However, Eclipse is not recognizing the import statments. The files in project B are class files only (no source). But I didn't think that should matter.
Any ideas about what could be going wrong?

This is precisely what I meant by "project reference."
This is thing that has always worked for me too but
is not working in this current situation.
So, did you put the classes on Project B's classpath and then export them on the "Order and Export" tab in the Java Build Path properties? If not, then adding Project B to Project A's build path won't add the class files you want.
If you have already done this, then how about telling us more about your setup? - What does your folder structure look like in project B? What does your classpath look like in both projects? What classpath elements have you exported from Project B and in what order? Can Project A find the imports if you copy some of Project B's source code to Project A?

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    Elliott Gonshor

    I remembered that some of the AWT components have
    their corresponding Serializable form. I am not too sure
    if Swing components has such a form. But since you
    have make it happened, I think that it should be yes.
    I found some words in the book, Java Enterprise in a
    Nutshell. I excerpt some of them in the book as follows :
    java Djava.server.rmi.codebase=- Regaccount
    We've setting the codebase to,
    so we have to make sure that an htpp server is running on
    the machine and that the necessary class files
    (eg, the AccountImpl stub class) are in the classes
    directory of that http server's document root
    Now we can run the AccountClient class on the remote
    client as before, but the client's host machine doesn't
    have the stub class for the Account remote object
    available locally. WHEN THE AccountClient TRY TO
    LOOK UP THE REMOTE Account OBJECT, we want
    the stub class to be loaded remotely. ......................
    You may notice that I uppercase one sentence !
    So if I believe the description, then I think those
    referenced class files should be loaded when the
    called class is instantiated. Since it happens at the
    time when the action of look it up.
    Since it has been load into the client, I think that it should
    loaded those reference class on the client side. Although
    it just said that
    but the client's host machine doesn't
    have the stub class for the Account remote object
    available locally. ...........
    it seems to mean that it does not have it locally so it
    start loading it from remote. So it might be the case if
    it existed in local, it should be cached and without
    reloaded from remote.
    It is my assertion. I could not promise ii it is right
    or not. In fact, Try it might be better.
    For the first question, you may try to insert some
    flag in the code which is downloaded firstly and
    observe if it happen in which phase, loaded at
    the same time, or when the called class is instantiated
    For the second question, You may try to make it
    work, that is, all classes have been downloade to
    the client side and works smoothly. Consider that
    remove those reference class file stored in the remote
    side. and request again.
    if it works, it means that local class is reference firstly.
    if not, it means that it reloaded from the remote side
    without considering the copy in local.
    if all of them are wrong , Well ..... God bless you !
    good luck,
    Alfred Wu

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    Maybe this is just an issue with the view? The build folder in "Project Explorer" does not display the class files by default. However, it can be customized to display the .class files. Follow these steps...
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    Hi Sundar,
    You need to add the ejb20.jar file to your Project classpath.
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    com.ECS.client.jax.ItemSearchRequest itemRequest = new com.ECS.client.jax.ItemSearchRequest();
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    com.ECS.client.jax.ItemSearchRequest itemRequest = new com.ECS.client.jax.ItemSearchRequest();
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    (2) one more question,is if I do not need to disturb any existing coding and need to create a seperate java file which will do my customisation,then what should I do.I could not get any interfaces in the program.
    Please help me as the matter is most urgent.
    Thanks in advance
    With regds

    I tried saving .jad file to .java file.Then it is
    showing lot of errors in Eclipse Platform.I doubt if
    there are any errors in the .class file already,then
    how could the program would run.I put all the programs
    in the respective platforms only and then testing.It
    fails.So who's Java program/library are you trying to steal?
    (2) one more question,is if I do not need to disturb
    any existing coding and need to create a seperate java
    file which will do my customisation,then what should I
    do.I could not get any interfaces in the program.
    Please help me as the matter is most urgent.Wow, you urgently need to steal someones program/library. The best person to give you advice urgently is the owner of the program/library you are trying to steal.
    Thanks in advancePlease don't thank me because I'm not going to help you!
    With regds

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    I need to determine how to compile and register a Java CFX
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    supporting classes. All of the documentation that I have found
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    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Yes, it will involve a jar. Use your java IDE (eclipse,
    etcetera ..) to create a jar containing all of the classes. Check
    your ide's documentation for how to create jar files. After you
    have created the jar, place the jar in the CF class path so CF will
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    must be restarted before it will detect the new jar. After
    restarting CF, register the CFX tag in the ColdFusion Administrator
    using the name of the class that implements the CustomTag
    Though it is worth noting you can also instantiate java
    classes directly from ColdFusion (ie without using a CFX

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