Edge Animate - future perspective

I'm using Edge since beta versions etc. and as an internet user and developer with over 17 years doing web stuff I have few comments to share about Edge Animate.
In short I don't like it, I don't see any purpose of it.
First of all we have Flash that can do ALL that and beyond that, what Adobe should have done is implement better export options for Flash and problem solved.
Edge Animate 1.5 has so many issues that i don't know where to start, from GUI (user interface) to all those functions, bugs and problems...
To consider there are much more Flash developers, designers, animators than for Edge Animate, so you would think that it would better to make it similar to Flash for those devs to better understand its functionality.
I don't know who works at the Adobe, but I could write like 30 maybe even 40 pages just explaining what is wrong and how it can be better, and you have people on salary there perhaps 50 of them working on Edge Animate who couldn't figure out all the issues...
I truly don't know where to start Flash's timeline is waaay better, much more advanced, much more flexible etc..
Simply you can't compare Edge Animate with anything, except with Flash version 2 or maybe 3.0 from the 90's, I've red few articles online already about that, offered coding option is so much similar to ooold Flash 3.0.
I have no idea why the waste of time and money developing something new from scratch, when you already have top notch professional tool that should have been upgraded for better HTML5 export or JS.
TIP for Adobe: If you really want to continue working on Edge Animate and not make same mistake as LiveMotion, get proper expert for positions of project manager or product manager, because current one(s) don't see the obvious mistakes in first version, and I do belive that with those salary some folks do have some experience that are hired to work on such product...

Hi Mari,
Edge Animate Product Manager here. If you're coming to Animate from a Flash background yes, there is a magnitude of difference. When authoring in Flash Pro you have the advantage of targeting the Flash Player - since Adobe owns both, we were able to accelerate the creative capabilities of FP since we owned the player it targets. Animate targets the web and we rely on the browser to play content. The gotcha is Adobe doesn't own a browser so the creative content is dependant on the capabilities of HTML. Also keep in mind FP has had decades of development while Animate is about two years old.
I understand there can be some challenges in learning something new. We have the advantage of starting anew and took a solid look at some of the ways we can innovate on the content creation process. Personal anecdote; before I joined Adobe I was working as a graphic designer, web developer and Flash animator. I have a hard time going back to FP authoring because of the intuitive improvements we've made in Animate. If you have a desire to learn Animate for the sake of deploying content on desktop AND mobile I suggest approaching the tool with an open mind instead of perceiving flaws which are merely differences between the two tools.
If your only concern is targeting the Flash player then by all means remain within FP. Animate is for creating content to be viewed all across the modern web - which means targeting places the Flash player can't reach. You also might be interested in Toolkit for CreateJS, which converts your Flash content to HTML5 canvas. Caveat emptor; Toolkit is again bound to the restraints of HTML so you have to be mindful of the content you create since not everything available in FP is available on export. The advantage you get with working inside a tool like Animate is you're working on a Webkit based stage so everything available to you in the tool is exactly when you get on save. There is no "tada" magic FP or Animate can do to make web browsers offer all the capabilities you get with the Flash player. Today authoring content for the web means doing so without plugins.
As Marie and others in this thread pointed out (thanks!), myself and the Animate team are genuinely interested in constructive feedback on the tool. The feedback we've received to date has helped shape and craft the tool into what it is today. Find a bug? Tell us about it! Feature request? Let us know! (Hint: "Make it more like Flash" isn't a feature request. "I want to mask objects like I can in Flash" is a more constructive example on communicating feedback)

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    where can i found a roadmap for the next releases of Edge animate and new features?

    Hi tsiky64,
    I think you might need to check the screen shot attached: Tech specs | Adobe Reader XI
    To download other version of Reader you may visit : Acrobat-Reader Enterprise Toolkit Home
    Ajlan Huda.

  • How do I keep an Edge Animate banner ad file size small?

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    Hi SGPGirl,
    We were just forming what became the Edge Animate team two years ago, so many questions were asked at that time.  The 30k-50k ad standards were built with Flash in mind; HTML advertising standards are still emerging.  In the meanwhile, we are making a continuing investment to improve the form factor of Animate output.  Here are a few things we've done so far in "Publish":
    - Frameworks via CDN (for jQuery)
    - "Polite" preloader - this allows you to sneak-in under 30k size limits.  It shows a light-weight "preloader" and then pull in a larger payload after the page has loaded.  The preloader UI contains a meter that indicates the gzipped size of the preloader including its resources.
    - Compressed composition output.  When published, the animation (xyz_edge.js) is written in an efficient/compact form that shaves as much as 80% from the composition size.
    I'd be grateful for your perspective on the "polite preloader" approach vs. trying to fit the entire composition into 30k.  If Animate were to support an "areo-gel weight" output format, what kinds of experiences would you expect to produce with it?  If you have any examples, please share!
    - Josh

  • Lesson for Adobe Edge Animate

    Hello Everyone.
    OK. Have been doing Edge Lesson's for quite nearly a year now, and wanted to share them with the community.
    If you have any request or questions, please feel free to post them to the video links below, or in here, and I will
    Try my best to assist you any way that I can.
    Edge Animate has really come a long ways, and with the new CC, it has taken on a life of its own.
    Look forward to what the future may bring with this awesome Adobe program release.
    Wayne Barron
    Dark Effects Production
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  • How to pass javascript variables into an Edge Animate project from HTML

    I have just about got the basics nailed for Edge Animate now - coming from a Flash background it's been fairly straight forward, nice work so far (but more on that later)
    I have had to build a "promoted items" slider for the homepage on one of our sites....previously this would have been a flash animation but, hey ho .
    I originally built it as a jQuery extension/plugin but found it too time consuming to make minor alterations - that's where Edge came in and SEEMED to fill the job pretty well.
    Now for the moment i'll put on hold the whole issue about how we NEED to be able to work with dom-level elements directly on the page (eg, animating divs and images within a ul-li structure which is how these things usually work) and concentrate on the Edge specific issue...
    I've seen a few people asking this same question, but none of the answers either a) work at all for me , or b) are good enough for what I need to do.
    see previous solutions here http://support.muse.adobe.com/message/4658175 and here : http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1065343
    My project uses an internal array of data, and while in "preview" mode it works reasonably well.
    in the Stage creationComplete event i have Edge code like, for example :
       var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["http://www.adobe.com", "http://www.adobe.co.uk", "http://www.adobe.net"];
       //variables set to full internal scope, used immediately after this and called from sub-elements afterwards
       sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("imagesArrayData", imagesArray);
    this code obviously needs to be changed via the HTML page that is calling it.
    IDEALLY i would have these elements already on the page ( <div><h1>Product 1</h1><img src="....  etc ) and then jquery it to hell to make it look funky. This is how we NEED to be doing it in the future...that way our content is still searchable and findable by search bots etc. Edge will output a "static" version of the page, i tried that, but it won't work for dynamically built objects. There's no way i've found of building an array of Symbols based on the existing DOM structure like you can do in jQuery itself.
    however, in the meantime i'll settle for being able to set a javascript call up somewhere - like the old flashvars solution (which was horrible fudge, but worked as a way to get data into a project )
    i'd REALLY rather not use an internal jSon call .... it's adding uneccessary bandwidth and additional server processing when the data it needs has already been retrieved from the database when the HTML page is drawn - AND it means i need to make sure that the json producing web service gets ported accross to any other projects that use this same "slider"
    i've tried removing the internal declaration and changing my HTML to :
    var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["http://www.adobe.com", "http://www.adobe.co.uk", "http://www.adobe.net"];
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="index_edgePreload.js"></script>
    but this hasn't worked.
    i'm going to attempt the solution using
    AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback(function(compId) { ....
    as found on http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1065343
    but this doesnt explain how to set up Stage level variables, rather than targeting a specific Edge property
    Anyone got any ideas? Or do I just scrap the project?
    IMHO : Adobe need to be careful of falling into the same mindset that most of the anti-flash brigade have.
    Please remember that Flash is used for WAY more than just adverts.
    At the moment, Edge will work great as a way to put a simple animation onto the page with REALLY basic interactivity - suitable for a basic advert - but we need our HTML5 animations and scripts to be fully dynamic, data-driven, and portable, and preferably using existing DOM elements.
    One last thing, any chance of a feature to say "my page already uses jQuery, don't import Edge's own outdated version"
    Message was edited by: j1mp

    I have just about got the basics nailed for Edge Animate now - coming from a Flash background it's been fairly straight forward, nice work so far (but more on that later)
    I have had to build a "promoted items" slider for the homepage on one of our sites....previously this would have been a flash animation but, hey ho .
    I originally built it as a jQuery extension/plugin but found it too time consuming to make minor alterations - that's where Edge came in and SEEMED to fill the job pretty well.
    Now for the moment i'll put on hold the whole issue about how we NEED to be able to work with dom-level elements directly on the page (eg, animating divs and images within a ul-li structure which is how these things usually work) and concentrate on the Edge specific issue...
    I've seen a few people asking this same question, but none of the answers either a) work at all for me , or b) are good enough for what I need to do.
    see previous solutions here http://support.muse.adobe.com/message/4658175 and here : http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1065343
    My project uses an internal array of data, and while in "preview" mode it works reasonably well.
    in the Stage creationComplete event i have Edge code like, for example :
       var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["http://www.adobe.com", "http://www.adobe.co.uk", "http://www.adobe.net"];
       //variables set to full internal scope, used immediately after this and called from sub-elements afterwards
       sym.getComposition().getStage().setVariable("imagesArrayData", imagesArray);
    this code obviously needs to be changed via the HTML page that is calling it.
    IDEALLY i would have these elements already on the page ( <div><h1>Product 1</h1><img src="....  etc ) and then jquery it to hell to make it look funky. This is how we NEED to be doing it in the future...that way our content is still searchable and findable by search bots etc. Edge will output a "static" version of the page, i tried that, but it won't work for dynamically built objects. There's no way i've found of building an array of Symbols based on the existing DOM structure like you can do in jQuery itself.
    however, in the meantime i'll settle for being able to set a javascript call up somewhere - like the old flashvars solution (which was horrible fudge, but worked as a way to get data into a project )
    i'd REALLY rather not use an internal jSon call .... it's adding uneccessary bandwidth and additional server processing when the data it needs has already been retrieved from the database when the HTML page is drawn - AND it means i need to make sure that the json producing web service gets ported accross to any other projects that use this same "slider"
    i've tried removing the internal declaration and changing my HTML to :
    var imagesArray = ["images/img1.jpg", "images/img2.jpg", "images/img3.jpg"];
       var headlinesArray = ["product 1", "product 2", "product 3"];
       var subTxtArray = ["lovely widgets", "smelly doo-dads", "purple whatchamacallits"];
       var linksArray = ["http://www.adobe.com", "http://www.adobe.co.uk", "http://www.adobe.net"];
    <!--Adobe Edge Runtime-->
         <script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8" src="index_edgePreload.js"></script>
    but this hasn't worked.
    i'm going to attempt the solution using
    AdobeEdge.bootstrapCallback(function(compId) { ....
    as found on http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1065343
    but this doesnt explain how to set up Stage level variables, rather than targeting a specific Edge property
    Anyone got any ideas? Or do I just scrap the project?
    IMHO : Adobe need to be careful of falling into the same mindset that most of the anti-flash brigade have.
    Please remember that Flash is used for WAY more than just adverts.
    At the moment, Edge will work great as a way to put a simple animation onto the page with REALLY basic interactivity - suitable for a basic advert - but we need our HTML5 animations and scripts to be fully dynamic, data-driven, and portable, and preferably using existing DOM elements.
    One last thing, any chance of a feature to say "my page already uses jQuery, don't import Edge's own outdated version"
    Message was edited by: j1mp

  • Trying to create HTML5 Video Playlist in Edge Animate - I can't get it to work. Please help!?!?

    Hi All,
    I am creating an interactive site through Edge Animate and am in the process of trying to create a HTML 5 Video Playlist to function within Edge Animate.
    Current Process - Example:
    I have 3 videos that need to be played on a certain page.
    I created a symbol and dragged the videos to the stage and hidden them within that symbol's timeline.
    I then use thumbnail images in a side playlist to either .remove(); .hide(); a video and .show(); the next.
    However when I do a hide / show option, the video continue to plays in the background if I don't also create an if/else statement to pause it.
    My concern with pausing it is that it will continue to load and dramatically slow down the load time of the site.
    I found this which looks very helpful but don't know how to add this to edge composition.
    Please help or put me in the right direction to create a playlist would be hugely... AMAZINGLY.. helpful.

    Hi Joe,
    Thank you so much for your help on this one. It is hugely appreciated!!
    I have been working frantically to implement your solution to get this working. I used the 'change src' method.
    I have added all my code below in case anyone wants the solution in the future.
    Could you please help below as I am now totally stuck with the <track> and 'event listener issues' !!
    Issue #1:
    I am having major problems with loading the 'closed captions' track element.
    Everything I click for the video to change source / to the next video, the closed caption track adds to the video and doesn't 'unload' the previous one. You then end up with multiple different subtitle tracks on the video screen
    - The closed captions / subtitles are not showing up in Google Chrome either?
    Issue #2:
    I can't get the event listener in edge animate to work for 'playing' and 'ended'. Can you please help and point me in the correct direction??
    Screenshot (showing what happens after the 3rd video is loaded)
    This is the Code I am currently using in the "Creation Complete" of this Symbol.
    var vid = sym.$("video_Chapter5");
    vid.html('<video id="ch5video" width="100%" height="auto" margin= "0 auto"  \
    position ="relative"  poster="video/video1_poster.jpg"  controls="controls" </video> \
    <source id ="videomp4src" src="video/Video_mp4_1.mp4" type="video/mp4" </source> \
    <source id ="videoogvsrc" src="video/Video_ogv_1.ogg" type="video/ogv" </source> \
    <source id ="videowebmsrc" src="video/Video_webm_1.ogg" type="video/webm" </source> \
    <track id ="trackvtt" kind="subtitles" src="video/Video_1_Script.vtt" srclang="en" label="English" hidden </track>');
    $(document).ready(function() {
      var videoID = 'ch5video';
      var sourceID1 = 'videomp4src';
      var sourceID2 = 'videoogvsrc';
      var sourceID3 = 'videowebmsrc';
      var trackID = 'trackvtt';
      var vid1mp4 = 'video/Video_mp4_1.mp4';
      var vid2mp4 = 'video/Video_mp4_2.mp4';
      var vid3mp4 = 'video/Video_mp4_3.mp4';
      var vid4mp4 = 'video/Video_mp4_4.mp4';
      var vid1ogv = 'video/Video_ogv_1.ogv';
      var vid2ogv = 'video/Video_ogv_2.ogv';
      var vid3ogv = 'video/Video_ogv_3.ogv';
      var vid4ogv = 'video/Video_ogv_4.ogv';
      var vid1webm = 'video/Video_webm_1.webm';
      var vid2webm = 'video/Video_webm_2.webm';
      var vid3webm = 'video/Video_webm_3.webm';
      var vid4webm = 'video/Video_webm_4.webm';
      var script1vtt = 'video/Video_1_Script.vtt';
      var script2vtt = 'video/Video_2_Script.vtt'; 
      var script3srt = 'video/Video_3_Script.vtt'; 
      var script4vtt = 'video/Video_4_Script.vtt';   
      var newposter1 = 'video/video1_poster.jpg';
      var newposter2 = 'video/video2_poster.jpg';
      var newposter3 = 'video/video3_poster.jpg';
      var newposter4 = 'video/video4_poster.jpg';
      sym.$('btn1').click(function(event) {
      sym.$('#'+sourceID1).attr('src', vid1mp4);
      sym.$('#'+sourceID2).attr('src', vid1ogv);
      sym.$('#'+sourceID3).attr('src', vid1webm);
      sym.$('#'+trackID).attr('src', script1vtt);
      sym.$('#'+videoID).attr('poster', newposter1);
      sym.$('btn2').click(function(event) {
      sym.$('#'+sourceID1).attr('src', vid2mp4);
      sym.$('#'+sourceID2).attr('src', vid2ogv);
      sym.$('#'+sourceID3).attr('src', vid2webm);
      sym.$('#'+trackID).attr('src', script2vtt);
      sym.$('#'+videoID).attr('poster', newposter2);
      sym.$('btn3').click(function(event) {
      sym.$('#'+sourceID1).attr('src', vid3mp4); 
      sym.$('#'+sourceID2).attr('src', vid3ogv); 
      sym.$('#'+sourceID3).attr('src', vid3webm);
      sym.$('#'+trackID).attr('src', script3srt);
      sym.$('#'+videoID).attr('poster', newposter3);
      sym.$('btn4').click(function(event) {
      sym.$('#'+sourceID1).attr('src', vid4mp4);
      sym.$('#'+sourceID2).attr('src', vid4ogv);
      sym.$('#'+sourceID3).attr('src', vid4webm);
      sym.$('#'+trackID).attr('src', script4vtt);  
      sym.$('#'+videoID).attr('poster', newposter4);
    sym.$('#'+videoID).get(0).addEventListener('playing', function () {
    sym.$('#'+videoID).get(0).addEventListener('ended', function () {
    //code to play next video

  • Edge Animate will not open in Adobe Application Manager

    Do I have to buy a monthy subscription?

    You do not have to buy a subscription.
    From the Edge Animate FAQ at http://html.adobe.com/edge/animate/faq.html under Pricing & Availability:
    How much is Edge Animate and how do I get it?
    As a limited-time introductory offer, a perpetual, non-expiring license of Edge Animate is available for free. Edge Animate is therefore available to both free and complete Creative Cloud members.
    Edge Animate is valued at $499 USD (perpetual license) or $14.99/month (single product subscription).
    Why is Edge Animate free?
    During the preview period for Edge Animate we received tremendous feedback that helped shape the tool into what it is today. To thank our community for actively participating in the development of Edge Animate we are offering the first full release of the product for free.
    How long will Edge Animate be free? What will it cost later?
    After the free introductory offer ends, we anticipate that future versions of Edge Animate will be available to complete Creative Cloud members, as a perpetual license and as a monthly single product subscription.
    Is Edge Animate only available as a subscription product?
    No. Once the current version of Edge Animate is downloaded and installed, it is available to use at any time, without an ongoing subscription.

  • How long will Edge animate keeps free?

    The description in the official document is not clear. I was wondering how long (until when) will this software kept free? They mentioned that the free licence will never expire, is that means that since I am alreay a member in this project and I have already installed a Edge Animate with free licence, I can use it forever (even be able to update in the future)?

    Hi, Rico-
    The version you have will not "time out" at the promotional price of $0.  This, however, does not mean that all versions of Animate will remain free, so upgrades are not assured at the promotional price.
    Hope that helps clear up the confusion.

  • Is Edge Animate intended to replace Flash?

    Is Edge Animate intended to replace Flash?  I have worked with Flash for almost 15 years and love it, what is its future?

    With Apple rejecting mobile support for Flash and Apple's dominance in those markets, I believe Edge is Adobe's attempt to stay relevant in areas where Flash is not  (HTML5, JQuery the new web darlings). As far as Flash's future it's an open question,  I don't think it's predicament is Adobe's fault, but end users that use it primarily for it's animation/video prowess,which it's great at. Few use it's ability to marry the former with it's  ability to retrieve and serve data as another part of an interactive banner, for example. Plus the tablet market is in flux. Apple is still the dominant player but it's market share is slipping (most other tablets support flash), at least in the recent fiscal quarters. I have worked on a two large jobs in which this situation was ignored and upon completion the reality set in and I'm sorry to say, heads rolled. They didn't listen to the market, which Adobe is doing or heging. That's my two cents.

  • Edge Animate - Exception    An error occurred. Please save your work and restart Edge Animate

    I get this error every time I try to open the project I have been working on for days - I've attempted to create a new project and swap out the different pieces/parts from the previous project folder but it still causes the same exception error. I have also uninstalled/reinstalled Edge Animate CC twice, and cleared my preferences. Neither has resolved the issue.

    I had exactly the same problem and in my case I could not resolve it. It appears that somehow the file with contains the editable code gets corrupted leaving only the rendered content which cannot be reverse engineered.
    I had to start all over again.
    It has left a bad taste in my mouth. I do not think that the software is robust enough for professional use yet. I feel very insecure when I am working with it. Constantly expecting it to crash. I now save to two different folders but only compile in one. This helps to avoid the problem in the future.

  • Do I need to pay to use Edge Animate

    I hace a paid account I'm still in the 30 days I close my paid account  do I need to pay to use Edge Animate ?

    No you do not need to pay currently use Edge Animate.
    From the Edge Animate FAQ at http://html.adobe.com/edge/animate/faq.html under Pricing & Availability:
    How much is Edge Animate and how do I get it?
    As a limited-time introductory offer, a perpetual, non-expiring license of Edge Animate is available for free. Edge Animate is therefore available to both free and complete Creative Cloud members.
    Edge Animate is valued at $499 USD (perpetual license) or $14.99/month (single product subscription).
    Why is Edge Animate free?
    During the preview period for Edge Animate we received tremendous feedback that helped shape the tool into what it is today. To thank our community for actively participating in the development of Edge Animate we are offering the first full release of the product for free.
    How long will Edge Animate be free? What will it cost later?
    After the free introductory offer ends, we anticipate that future versions of Edge Animate will be available to complete Creative Cloud members, as a perpetual license and as a monthly single product subscription.
    Is Edge Animate only available as a subscription product?
    No. Once the current version of Edge Animate is downloaded and installed, it is available to use at any time, without an ongoing subscription.

  • Interview with Edge Animate Product Manager Sarah Hunt | Web & Mobile Design with Creative Cloud | Adobe TV

    Adobe Evangelist Paul Trani sits down with Product Manager of Edge Animate, Sarah Hunt. Learn about her plans for Edge Animate as she talks about new features and the future of the web.

    This was not useful. why should we know who is she.

  • Edge animate

    I've managed to make a simple animation in edge animate, publish it as an OAM file drop it into InDesign and sucessfully preview it on my ipad using the content viewer. If I come to publish it to the app store in the future using a single edition account will my animation still be supported. I'm confused but it looks like only the enterprise and professional let you add edge animations.

    edge is just html, so I don't see why it would be blocked, I have published stuff with HTML and jquery overlays and they have gone through fine (granted they weren't generated with edge).  Though I see on this page it says professional or enterprise... http://www.adobe.com/devnet/digitalpublishingsuite/articles/enhancing-your-dps-folios-with -edge-animations.html  I'm guessing this is wrong, maybe some of the staff can chime in on this one.

  • Use Top/Left instead of webkit transform in Adobe Edge Animate

    I had a nice simple interaction using Adobe Edge Animate with jquery ui draggable and droppable. You drag boxes from one area into other places. All worked fine.
    Then, I decided to add an entrance animation for the boxes. That ruined everything because jquery draggable animates the top: left: values of your object, but somehow adding animation in Edge made it set top: and left: to 0 and use webkit transformX / Y.
    So now as soon as I begin dragging, the box jumps way down because draggable is animating the top: left:, and Edge Animate is keeping the transform
    Is there a way to force EA to use top: left: for animation? Note, part of the box entrance includes a rotation, so possibly that's why it decided to use transform so it could do the X / Y and rotate all in one.
    Any ideas?

    I'm sorry, the blog post was not helpful for this situation.  The problem is that in AE you can animate "Top" and "Left", but you have no control over whether that becomes a transformX /Y or a change to the css top: left:.   AE makes it's own mind up.  It seems that once you somthing other than just move the item (eg rotate or scale) it decides to stop using top /left and combine it all into a single transform including x y and rot.   AE does not let you choose to animate the css top: left: property and also add a css transform for rot.
    nevertheless, I've found a working hack for now.  when the drag starts, I add a class
    .notransition {
    and so the transform is erased and the drag works perfectly.  The weird thing is that after I drop, I DO NOT remove the class.  It stays for the remainder of the time.  Now that I think about it, it makes sense, since the transform is none and the top: and left have been permanently modified by jquery-ui draggable.
    If I still wanted to do any further animation after that, I imagine it would get very weird. 
    so anyway, ability to force x and y transformations to use top: left: instead of transform would be a key feature for a (near) future release.

  • Edge animate to control navigation in a folio

    Is it possible to include a code/script on a element in an Edge Animation (enclosed in a folio) to navigate to a page of a folio ?
    Merci par avance.

    I'm a little late to the party, but there's a video tutorial on how to do this very thing here:
    For what it's worth, this is something we're looking to make much easier inside of Animate for a future release.
    Sarah Hunt
    Product Manager, Edge Animate

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