EDI Data into BW

We receive some external EDI data that we want to move into BW directly or indirectly.
Does anyone have suggestions on how this can be automated? The easiest way that i can think of, but it is also manual.  Is to cleanse the EDI file and dump it into a FF and load it that way into BW.  I would like to get some ideas on how this can be automated either using the FF method or some other way.

Hi Nick,
Can you just specify how you are receiving your EDI data..Is it in some data base or some file like flat file. If its lying in some data base then you can use UD or DB connect to pull into bw. If there are large number of files then you can upload into bw from application server.

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  • Parsing an EDI file and populating the data into database table

    Hi ,
    Please help me in parsing an edi file and getting the required columns.
    we get an EDI file from a bank. I need to parse that file and populate the db table with the required columns.
    the file is '*' delimited and every line ends with '\'.
    The record starts with 'ST*' and ends with 'SE*'.
    sample edi file is
    ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*043000096820   *ZZ*2156833510     *131202*0710*U*00401*000001204*0*P*>\  ignore first 2 lines                                                                                                                                                                                              
    N1*BE*MICHAEL    DRAYTON*34*159783633\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    N1*PE*BPS*ZZ*183383689C2 ABC\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    N1*PR*ABC  TREAS 310\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    SE*9*000041031\ ST*820*000041032\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    N1*BE*SAMIA      GRAVES*34*892909238\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    N1*PE*BPS*ZZ*184545710C5 ABC\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
    N1*PR*ABC  TREAS 310\                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    Below is the procedure I am trying to use for parsing that file. but the logic is not working. can you please help me in doing this. its very urgent requirement.
    CREATE OR REPLACE package body p1 is
    Function parse_spec(p_str varchar2) return t_str_nt is
          return regexp_replace(p_str,'\\$',null);
    procedure edi( is
    l_out_file              utl_file.file_type;
    l_lin                 varchar2(200);
    field1            number(9);
    field2                varchar2(10 byte);
    field3           varchar2(15 byte);
    field4               varchar2(15 byte);
    field5              varchar2(20 byte);
    field6             varchar2(20 byte);
    field7              varchar2(20 byte);
    field8                  varchar2(9 byte);
    field9              varchar2(15 byte);
    field10             varchar2(5 byte);
    l_item_nt             t_str_nt:=t_str_nt();
       l_out_file  := utl_file.fopen (file_path, file_name, 'r');
       IF utl_file.is_open(l_out_file) THEN
           l_item_nt:= utl_file.get_line(l_out_file, l_lin);
            IF l_item_nt IS NULL THEN
              raise no_data_found;
              for k in 1..l_item_nt.count loop
                   when l_item_nt(k) like 'ST*%' then
                           field1:= ltrim(regexp_substr(parse_spec(l_item_nt(k)),'[^*]+',1,3),0);
                   when l_item_nt(k) like 'BPR*X*%' then
                           field2 := regexp_substr(parse_spec(l_item_nt(k)),'[^*]+',1,3);
                    when l_item_nt(k) like 'TRN*1*%' then
                             field3:= regexp_substr(parse_spec(l_item_nt(k)),'[^*]+',1,3);
                    when l_item_nt(k) like 'DTM*007*%' then
                            field4:= regexp_substr(parse_spec(l_item_nt(k)),'[^*]+',1,3);
                    when l_item_nt(k) like '%*BE*%' then
                            field5 := regexp_substr(regexp_substr(parse_spec(l_item_nt(k)),'[^*]+',1,3),'[^ ]+', 1, 1);
                            field6 := regexp_substr(regexp_substr(parse_spec(l_item_nt(k)),'[^*]+',1,3),'[^ ]+', 1, 1);
                             field7  := regexp_substr(parse_spec(l_item_nt(k)),'[^*]+',1,5);
                    when l_item_nt(k) like '%*PE*%*ZZ*%' then
                            field8:= regexp_substr(regexp_substr(parse_spec(line),'[^*]+',1,5),'[^ ]+',1,1)
                            field9 := regexp_substr(regexp_substr(parse_spec(line),'[^*]+',1,5),'[^ ]+',1,2);
                     when l_item_nt(k) like 'SE*%' then
                                                         insert into t1(field1,field2,field3,field5,field6,field7,field8,field9)
                                --  values(field1,field2,field3,field5,field6,field7,field8,field9);
                            dbms_output.put_line ('end of line');
                         end case;
                end loop;
            end if;
    end loop;
       when no_data_found then
                   dbms_output.put_line('No data found');

    I would not use regular expressions for parsing as it is CPU intensive - and standard string processing suffices.
    I would break the EDI up into lines. I would tokenise each line. I then have 2d array that can be referenced to find a specific field. E.g. line x and token y is field abc.
    Basic approach:
    SQL> create or replace type TStrings as table of varchar2(4000);
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> -- create a parser that tokenises a string
    SQL> create or replace function Tokenise(
      2          csvLine varchar2,
      3          separator varchar2 default ',',
      4          enclosedBy varchar2 default null
      5  ) return TStrings is
      6          strList         TStrings;
      7          str             varchar2(32767);
      8          i               integer;
      9          l               integer;
    10          enclose1        integer;
    11          enclose2        integer;
    12          encloseStr      varchar2(4000);
    13          replaceStr      varchar2(4000);
    15          procedure AddString( line varchar2 ) is
    16          begin
    17                  strList.Extend(1);
    18                  strList( strList.Count ) := Replace( line, CHR(0), separator );
    19          end;
    21  begin
    22          strList := new TStrings();
    24          str := csvLine;
    25          loop
    26                  if enclosedBy is not null then
    27                          -- find the ennclosed text, if any
    28                          enclose1 := InStr( str, enclosedBy, 1 );
    29                          enclose2 := InStr( str, enclosedBy, 2 );
    31                          if (enclose1 > 0) and (enclose2 > 0) and (enclose2 > enclose1) then
    32                                  -- extract the enclosed string
    33                                  encloseStr := SubStr( str, enclose1, enclose2-enclose1+1 );
    34                                  -- replace the separator char's with zero char's
    35                                  replaceStr := Replace( encloseStr, separator, CHR(0) );
    36                                  -- and remove the enclosed quotes
    37                                  replaceStr := Replace( replaceStr, enclosedBy );
    38                                  -- change the enclosed string in the big string to the replacement string
    39                                  str := Replace( str, encloseStr, replaceStr );
    40                          end if;
    41                  end if;
    43                  l := Length( str );
    44                  i := InStr( str, separator );
    46                  if i = 0 then
    47                          AddString( str );
    48                  else
    49                          AddString( SubStr( str, 1, i-1 ) );
    50                          str := SubStr( str, i+1 );
    51                  end if;
    53                  -- if the separator was on the last char of the line, there is
    54                  -- a trailing null column which we need to add manually
    55                  if i = l then
    56                          AddString( null );
    57                  end if;
    59                  exit when str is NULL;
    60                  exit when i = 0;
    61          end loop;
    63          return( strList );
    64  end;
    65  /
    Function created.
    SQL> declare
      2          ediDoc  varchar2(32767) :=
      3  'ISA*00*          *00*          *ZZ*043000096820   *ZZ*2156833510     *131202*0710*U*00401*000001204*0*P*>\GS*RA*043000096820*2156833510*131202*0710*1204*X*003020\ST*820*000041031\BPR*X*270*C*ACH*PPD*01*101036669***9101036669**01*031000053*DA*00000008606086714*131202\TRN*1*101036661273032\DTM*007*131202\N1*1U*BPS\N1*BE*MICHAEL      DRAYTON*34*159783633\N1*PE*BPS*ZZ*183383689C2 ABC\N1*PR*ABC  TREAS 310\SE*9*000041031\ST*820*000041032\BPR*X*686*C*ACH*PPD*01*101036669***9101036669**01*031000053*DA*00000008606086714*131202\TRN*1*101036661273034\DTM*007*131202\N1*1U*BPS\N1*BE*SAMIA        GRAVES*34*892909238\N1*PE*BPS*ZZ*184545710C5 ABC\N1*PR*ABC  TREAS 310\SE*9*000041032\';
      5          lines   TStrings;
      6          tokens  TStrings;
      7  begin
      8          -- split EDI string into lines
      9          lines := Tokenise( ediDoc, '\' );
    11          -- process line and extract fields
    12          for i in 3..lines.Count loop
    13                  dbms_output.put_line( '***********************' ) ;
    14                  dbms_output.put_line( 'line=['||lines(i)||']' );
    15                  tokens := Tokenise( lines(i), '*' );
    17                  for j in 1..tokens.Count loop
    18                          dbms_output.put_line( to_char(j,'00')||'='||tokens(j) );
    19                  end loop;
    20          end loop;
    21  end;
    22  /

  • How to input data into an arraylist from a text file?

    I am trying to take data from a text file and put that data into an arraylist. First here is the text file:
    [item1, 10, 125.0, item2, 10, 12.0, item3, 20, 158.0]
    [item5, 65, 555.5, item4, 29, 689.0]
    [item7, 84, 34.5, item6, 103, 0.5, item8, 85, 1.36]
    3065.1The text between the [ ] is the output from my arraylists. I have three arraylists. The first [ ] belongs to arraylist A, the second to arraylist B, and the third to arraylist C. The format of the arraylists is this:
    <item name>,<# in stock>,<value of one item>
    The first number below the arraylists in the text file represents the number of items in the list. The second number below the arraylists represents the total value of the items in the arraylists.
    Here is the class file I have (yes, it does everything):
    import java.io.*;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class Inventory extends Object
         public int toAdd = 0;
         private boolean done = false;               //Are we done yet?
         public String strItemName;                    //The name of the item type.
         public int intNumInStock;                    //The number in stock of that type.      
         public double dblValueOfOneItem;          //The value of one item.
        public String strNumberInStock;               
        public double dblTotalValueA;               //The total value of warehouse A.
        public double dblTotalValueB;               //The total value of warehouse B.
        public double dblTotalValueC;               //The total value of warehouse C.
        public int intWarehouseAItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse A.
        public int intWarehouseBItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse B.
        public int intWarehouseCItemCount;          //Counter for items in warehouse C.
         ArrayList warehouseAList = new ArrayList();     //Create the Warehouse A ArrayList.                                   
         ArrayList warehouseBList = new ArrayList(); //Create the Warehouse B arrayList.
         ArrayList warehouseCList = new ArrayList(); //Create the Warehouse C arrayList.
         /** Construct a new Inventory object. */
         public Inventory()
         /**Add items to the Warehouse A ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseA()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse A.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseAList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseAList.size());
         /**Add items to the Warehouse B ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseB()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse B.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseBList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseBList.size());
         /**Add items to the Warehouse C ArrayList.*/
         private void createWareHouseC()
              System.out.println("!" + toAdd + " item types will be added to warehouse C.");
              String strNumInStock = Integer.toString(intNumInStock);
              String strValueOfOneItem = Double.toString(dblValueOfOneItem);
              this.strNumberInStock = strNumInStock;
              System.out.println("!Initial size of warehouseCList :  " +
              //Add items to the array List
              System.out.println("!size of arrayList after additions " + warehouseCList.size());
         /**Interpret the commands entered by the user.*/
         public void cmdInterpreter()
              Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
              while (!this.done)
                   //"line" equals the next line of input.
                   String line = cin.nextLine();
         /**Execute one line entered by the user.
          * @param cmdLN; The command entered by the user to execute. */
          private void executeCmd(String cmdLN)
               Scanner line = new Scanner(cmdLN);
               if (line.hasNext())
                    String cmd = line.next();
                    //What to do when users enter the various commands below.
                    if (cmd.equals("help"))
                    else if (cmd.equals("Q!"))
                         this.done = true;
                    else if (cmd.equals("F") && line.hasNext())
                    else if (cmd.equals("K") && line.hasNext())
                         int numItemsToAdd = Integer.valueOf( line.next() ).intValue();
                         this.toAdd = numItemsToAdd;
          /**What to do if input comes from a file.
           *     @param inputFile; The name of the input file to process.*/
          private void inputFromFile(String inputFile)
               Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
               System.out.println("!Using input file " + inputFile + ".");
               System.out.print("!Enter the name of the output file: ");
               String outputFile = cin.next();
               System.out.println("!Using output file " + outputFile + ".");
                   BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFile));
                   //Scanner in = new Scanner(new File(inputFile));
                   //Initialize the String variables.
                   String line1 = null;
                   String line2 = null;
                   String line3 = null;
                   String line4 = null;
                   String line5 = null;
                   String line6 = null;
                   String line7 = null;
                   String line8 = null;
                   String line9 = null;
                   System.out.println(in.equals(",") + " see?");
                   //System.out.println((char)(char)in.read() + " experiment");
                   /**This loop assigns values to the string variables based on the
                    * values on each line in the input file. */
                   while(in.readLine() != null)
                        line1 = in.readLine();
                        line2 = in.readLine();
                        line3 = in.readLine();
                        line4 = in.readLine();
                        line5 = in.readLine();
                        line6 = in.readLine();
                        line7 = in.readLine();
                        line8 = in.readLine();
                        line9 = in.readLine();
                   //Print the contents of each line in the input file.
                   System.out.println("!value of line 1: " + line1);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 2: " + line2);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 3: " + line3);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 4: " + line4);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 5: " + line5);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 6: " + line6);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 7: " + line7);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 8: " + line8);
                   System.out.println("!value of line 9: " + line9);
                /**Add items to the warehouses.*/
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse A.*/
                   int intLine2 = Integer.valueOf(line2).intValue();
                   this.intWarehouseAItemCount = intLine2;
                   double dblLine3 = Double.valueOf(line3).doubleValue();
                   this.dblTotalValueA = dblLine3;
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse B.*/
                   int intLine5 = Integer.valueOf(line5).intValue();
                   this.intWarehouseBItemCount = intLine5;
                   double dblLine6 = Double.valueOf(line6).doubleValue();
                   this.dblTotalValueB = dblLine6;
                /**Add the item count and total value for warehouse C.*/
                  int intLine8 = Integer.valueOf(line8).intValue();
                  this.intWarehouseCItemCount = intLine8;
                  double dblLine9 = Double.valueOf(line9).doubleValue();
                  this.dblTotalValueC = dblLine9;
                /**Ask the user how many items to add or delete from inventory.*/
                  System.out.print("Enter the number to add to inventory for " +
                                                               warehouseAList.get(0) + ":");
                  String toAddOrDel = cin.next();
                /**Print the contents of all the warehouses. */
                   System.out.println(" ");
                   //Print the contents of warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse A:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse A.
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseAItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse A.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueA);
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse B:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("!warehouseB: " + warehouseBList);
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseBItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse B.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueB);
                   System.out.println("!----------Warehouse C:----------");
                   //Print the item list for warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("!warehouseC: " + warehouseCList);
                   //Print the total amount of items in warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("Total items: " + this.intWarehouseCItemCount);
                   //Print the total value of the items in warehouse C.
                   System.out.println("Total value: " + this.dblTotalValueC);
              catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: Unable to open file for reading.");
              catch (EOFException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: EOF encountered, file may be corrupted.");
              catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("!Error: Cannot read from file.");
          /**What to do if input comes from the keyboard.
           *     @param numItems; The total number of items that will be added to the
           *                      Warehouse(s). */
          public void inputFromKeyboard(int numItems)
               System.out.println("!You will be adding " + numItems + " items to " +
                                             "inventory from the keyboard. ");
               this.toAdd = numItems;
               Scanner cin = new Scanner(System.in);
               //Prompt user for name of output file.
               System.out.print("!Enter the name of the output file: ");
               String outputFile = cin.next();
               /**This loop asks the user for information about the item(s) and inputs
                 *them into the appropriate array.*/
               int count = 0;
               while (numItems > count)
                    //Item name.
                    System.out.print("!Item name: ");
                    String addItemName = cin.next();
                    //Number in stock.
                    System.out.print("!Number in stock: ");
                    String addNumInStock = cin.next();
                    //Initial warehouse.
                    System.out.print("!Initial warehouse(A,B,C): ");
                    String addInitWarehouse = cin.next();
                    //Value of one item.
                    System.out.print("!Value of one item: ");
                    String addValueOfOneItem = cin.next();
                    //Add or delete from inventory
                    System.out.print("!Enter amount to add or delete from inventory: ");
                    String strAddOrDelete = cin.next();
                    System.out.println("!Amount to add or delete: " + strAddOrDelete);
                    int intAddNumInStock = Integer.valueOf(addNumInStock).intValue();
                    double doubleAddValueOfOneItem = Double.valueOf(addValueOfOneItem).doubleValue();
                    int intAddOrDelete = Integer.valueOf(strAddOrDelete).intValue();
                    /**Add intAddNumInStock with intAddOrDelete to determine the amount
                     * to add or delete from inventory (If a user wishes to remove items
                     * from inventory simply add negative values). */
                    intAddNumInStock = intAddNumInStock + intAddOrDelete;
                    System.out.println("!Inventory after modifications: " + strAddOrDelete);
                    this.strItemName = addItemName;
                    this.intNumInStock = intAddNumInStock;
                    this.dblValueOfOneItem = doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                    //Put items into warehouse A if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock < 25)
                        //Increment the warehouse A item count.
                        this.intWarehouseAItemCount = this.intWarehouseAItemCount + 1;
                        //Calculate the total value of warehouse A.
                        this.dblTotalValueA = this.dblTotalValueA + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                        //Create the warehouse A array list.
                    //Put items into warehouse B if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock >= 25)
                        if (intAddNumInStock < 75)
                             //Increment the warehouse B item count.
                             this.intWarehouseBItemCount = this.intWarehouseBItemCount + 1;
                             //Calculate the total value of warehouse B.
                             this.dblTotalValueB = this.dblTotalValueB + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                             //Create the warehouse B array list.
                    //Put items into warehouse C if appropriate.
                    if (intAddNumInStock >= 75)
                        //Increment the warehouse C item count.
                        this.intWarehouseCItemCount = this.intWarehouseCItemCount + 1;
                        //Calculate the total value of warehouse C.
                        this.dblTotalValueC = this.dblTotalValueC + intAddNumInStock * doubleAddValueOfOneItem;
                        //Create the warehouse C array list.
                     //display helpful information.      
                    System.out.println("!" + addItemName + " is the item name.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addNumInStock + " is the number in stock.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addInitWarehouse + " is the initial warehouse.");
                    System.out.println("!" + addValueOfOneItem + " is the value of one item.");
                   //Increment the counters.
               /**Create and write to the output file. */
                     //Use the output file specified by the user.
                    PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(outputFile);
                 /**Write warehouse A details.*/
                      //Blank the first line.
                      out.println(" ");
                    //Write the array list for warehouse A.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse A.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse A.
                 /**Write warehosue B details.*/
                   //Write the array list for warehouse B.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse B.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse B.
                 /**Write warehouse C details.*/
                      //Write the array list for warehouse C.
                    //Write the amount of items in warehouse C.
                    //Write the total value for warehouse C.
                    //Close the output file.
                catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                   System.out.println("Error: Unable to open file for reading.");
               catch (IOException e)
                   System.out.println("Error: Cannot read from file.");
               /**View the contents and the value of each warehouse.*/
               System.out.println("!---------------Inventory Summary------------------");
               System.out.println("!<item type>, <amount in stock>,<value of one item>");
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse A:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse A.
               //Total items in warehouse A.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseAItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse A.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueA);
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse B:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse B.
               //Total items in warehouse B.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseBItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse B.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueB);
               System.out.println("!------------------Warehouse C:--------------------");
               //Display Items in warehouse C.
               //Total items in warehouse C.
               System.out.println("Total items: " + intWarehouseCItemCount);
               //Display total value of warehouse C.
               System.out.println("Total value: " + "$" + dblTotalValueC);
         /**Display a help message.*/
         private void displayHelp()
              System.out.println("! General Help:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'help' display this help message.");
              System.out.println("!'Q!' quit this program.");
              System.out.println("! Input File Specific Commands:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'F' <name> type F followed by the name of the " +
                                       "file to be used for input.");
              System.out.println("! Input From Keyboard Specific Commands:");
              System.out.println("! ");
              System.out.println("!'K' <number> type K followed by the number of " +
                                        "items that will be added. ");
              System.out.println("! ");
    }Program file:
    public class InventoryProg
         public static void main(String[] args)
              //Create a new Inventory object.
              Inventory test = new Inventory();
              //Execute the command interpreter.
    }Right now I am stuck on this and I cannot progress any further until I figure out how to input the data in the text file back into a arraylist.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thanks but I figured it out. Heres a sample of the code i used to solve my problem:
                           //Warehouse A BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inA = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseA));
                   //Warehouse B BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inB = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseB));
                   //Warehouse C BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inC = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileWarehouseC));
                   //Warehouse details BufferedReader.
                   BufferedReader inDetails = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inputFileDetails));
                   //Will hold values in warehouse arraylists.
                   String lineA = null;
                   String lineB = null;
                   String lineC = null;
                   //Will hold the details of each warehouse.
                   String line1 = null;
                   String line2 = null;
                   String line3 = null;
                   String line4 = null;
                   String line5 = null;
                   String line6 = null;
                   //Get the item count and total value for each warehouse.
                   while(inDetails.readLine() != null)
                        line1 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line2 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line3 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line4 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line5 = inDetails.readLine();
                        line6 = inDetails.readLine();
               /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse A.*/
                   int intLine1 = Integer.valueOf(line1).intValue();
                   double dblLine2 = Double.valueOf(line2).doubleValue();
                   //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseAItemCount = intLine1;
                   this.dblTotalValueA = dblLine2;
                /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse B.*/
                   int intLine3 = Integer.valueOf(line3).intValue();
                   double dblLine4 = Double.valueOf(line4).doubleValue();
                     //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseBItemCount = intLine3;
                   this.dblTotalValueB = dblLine4;
                /**Assign the item count and total value to warehouse C.*/
                     int intLine5 = Integer.valueOf(line5).intValue();
                   double dblLine6 = Double.valueOf(line6).doubleValue();
                   //Assign the values.
                   this.intWarehouseCItemCount = intLine5;
                   this.dblTotalValueC = dblLine6;
                /**Put the items back into the warehouses arraylists. */
                   //Add items to warehouse A.
                   while((lineA = inA.readLine()) != null)
                   //Add items to warehouse B.
                   while((lineB = inB.readLine()) != null)
                   //Add items to warehouse C.
                   while((lineC = inC.readLine()) != null)
                   }(this isn't the whole try statement its pretty long)

  • Splitting comma seperated column data into multiple rows

    Hi Gurus,
    Please help me for solving below scenario. I have multiple value in single column with comma seperated values and my requirement is load that data into multiple rows.
    Below is the example:
    Source Data:
    Product         Size                                 Stock
    ABC              X,XL,XXL,M,L,S                 1,2,3,4,5,6
    Target Data:
    Product         Size                                 Stock
    ABC              X                                     1
    ABC              XL                                   2
    ABC              XXL                                 3
    ABC              M                                    4
    ABC              L                                      5
    ABC             S                                        6
    Which transformation we need to use for getting this output?
    Thanks in advance !

    Do you need to do this tranformation through OWB mapping only? And can you please tell what type of source you are using? Is it a flat file or a table?

  • Can not extract data into BW from SQL SERVER

    Dear All,
      I meet a problem to extract data from database(MS SQL Server 2000(sp3)) into BW now and can not extract data into BW ODS, even PSA, In the monitor, display yellow light(0 from 0 record), detail message just display message "data request arranged" "confirmed with: confirmation" in requests(message) step; "missing message: request received" in extract (message)  step; "no data" in processing(data packet) step and so on. but in fact, there are two records in my database test table and DB connection is OK. Even I can extract data from another test oracle database into BW ODS successfully.
       Our BW system has two BW applicaton server and use oracle database. the one application server locates on IBM AIX host. the another one locates on one NT server. the application server on NT server is used for data extration from MS SQL SERVER  database into BW oracle database. and MS SQL SERVER and NT platform application server locate on same one host. DBSL was installed on the NT application server already. and DB connector also was created successfully for MS SQL SERVER and datasource also was generated. DBSL type is Kernel640-WIN-IA32bit-unicode. my BW system is ECC5.0/UNICODE/ORACLE. all table/view/field name of MS SQL server is upcase and have not any specific character. for example: ZDEMO etc.
    wait your help.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi  Ravi,
    Could you help me to get knowledge about the followings:
    approximately how many records    extracting and transfering  from SAP R/3 to BIW  in an organisation. for that how much time  will take .
    How to extract data from  two are three source system  to BIW. Kindly help me with step by step explanation .If any screen shots with documents pls fwd to my ID. "[email protected]"
    Your help highly appreciated.

  • Can not load data into the ods.

    When I was trying to load data into BW3.5 from R3 system, I am getting this message
    "For InfoSource ZSD_A507_011, there is no Hierarchies for master data in source system R3PCLNT300
    "  any idea.  There is no hierarchies for this.

    Hello Mat,
    What are you trying to load??
    If the data source is a hierarchy datasource??
    just check this thread
    There are no hierarchies for this InfoSource in source system

  • How to Get data into I_ table which is Created dynamically

    Hi Guys ,
    I created one dynamic internal table , now I am want to display same internal table in my ALV? , how can I populate data into this internal table from my internal table based on some condition.
    My Requirement is?
    I have to display like this
    1.This is my heading (field_cat of my ALV in which pack size may varry based on the flavor).
    Plant flavor pack_size1----
    2. I have internal table( itab2) with all the pack-sizes and plant details.
    3. how can I pass the these data into (itab1) which going to display in ALV ?
    I can loop at itab2.
    How to pass this data into itab1 relevent fields ?
    Looking for Val. Inputs
    With Best Regards
    TC-Team SAP
    Pepsi India
    [email protected]

    This is a code snippet.
        DATA: r_dyn_table      TYPE REF TO data,
              r_wa_dyn_table   TYPE REF TO data,
              l_fields_table type SOI_FIELDS_TABLE.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <t_dyn_table>    TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                       <wa_dyn_table>   TYPE ANY,
                       <w_field1>        TYPE ANY,
                       <w_field2>        TYPE ANY.
        DATA: l_oref_structure TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
              l_abap_compdescr type abap_compdescr.
        data: check1 type i,
              check2 type i,
        r_dyn_table = IL_DYNDATA-r_dyn_table.
        ASSIGN r_dyn_table->* TO <t_dyn_table>.
        CREATE DATA r_wa_dyn_table LIKE LINE OF <t_dyn_table>.
        ASSIGN r_wa_dyn_table->* TO <wa_dyn_table>.
        l_oref_structure ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data(
                             wa_supl ).
        loop at il_fill_itab into wa_supl.
          loop at l_oref_structure->COMPONENTS into l_abap_compdescr.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT l_abap_compdescr-name
                   OF STRUCTURE wa_supl TO <w_field1>.
            check1 = sy-subrc.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT l_abap_compdescr-name
                   OF STRUCTURE <wa_dyn_table> TO <w_field2>.
            check2 = sy-subrc.
            if check1 = 0 and check2 = 0.
              <w_field2> = <w_field1>.
          APPEND <wa_dyn_table> TO <t_dyn_table>.
    You can access your dynamic internal table via a field symbol.

  • Inserting data into one table using another table

    Hi i have 2 tables
    N_ST_ID NUMBER(38) NOT NULL, ---- PK
    DFTID NUMBER ------ FK
    I entered the data into the N_SET table using sequence in column N_ST_ID (using procedure)
    Now i need to enter the data into RZ table where NST_ID should contain the value of N_SET.N_ST_ID
    so for this i've written another procedure
    but confused how to write the select statement to retrieve the above condition..
    Could you help me in this please...

    I have a table Target whose structure is
    create table employee
    id VARCHAR2(20),
    name VARCHAR2(20),
    employee_seq NUMBER not null
    -- Create sequence
    create sequence test_seq
    minvalue 1
    maxvalue 999999999999999999999999999
    start with 5
    increment by 1
    create table emp
    id VARCHAR2(20)
    name VARCHAR2(20)
    ( id, name )
    VaLUES ( '100','test1');
    ( id, name )
    VaLUES ( '100','test2');
    i have to insert into the TARGET table the fsa value from
    SOURCE table along with the sequence number using sequence test_seq.nextval.
    INSERT INTO employee
    ( id, name, employee_seq )
    SELECT id, ename, ( select test_seq.nextval from dual )
    FROM emp ;

  • Copy a certain row of data into the next row in a same internal table ??

    HI, guys.
    May i know how to copy a certain row of data into the next row in a same internal table ?? Bcz I plan to update a certain colum of data in the row just now into another value..
    For example:-
    *at first...
    ebeln1   ebelp1   xblnr1
    ebeln2   ebelp2   xblnr2
    ebeln3   ebelp3   xblnr3
    *after that, become...
    ebeln1   ebelp1   xblnr1
    ebeln2   ebelp2   xblnr2
    ebeln2   ebelp2   xblnr4
    ebeln2   ebelp2   xblnr5
    ebeln3   ebelp3   xblnr3
    Thanks in advance.

    If you have this kind of requirement then you must be having 2 internal tables ,one existing data and 2nd from which you have to insert the records into 1st table.
    so in this case,
    loop at itab1.
      v_index = sy-tabix.
      loop at itab2 into wa where pri_key = itab1-pri_key.
      v_index = v_index + 1.
      insert  wa into itab index v_index.
    Using this code ,your data records similar to your 1st tables primary key records will get inserted into table.

  • Unable to Loda the data into PSA.

    Hi Xpert,
    i am uanble to load the data into PSA.
    my source system is not R/3,it is BI.
    (ctually we are xtracting the data (from a cube) with the help of programm to a table and then i am creating a generic data ource on that table and loading the data to my cube.)
    i am getting this error message.
    Error message from the source system
    An error occurred in the source system.
    System Response
    Caller 09 contains an error message.
    Further analysis:
    The error occurred in Extractor .
    Refer to the error message.
    How you remove the error depends on the error message.
    If the source system is a Client Workstation, then it is possible that the file that you wanted to load was being edited at the time of the data request. Make sure that the file is in the specified directory, that it is not being processed at the moment, and restart the
    Then i replicated the data source and activate ti also then also i am getting this error message.
    when i am checking my data source on RSA3 i am getting this error message,
    Two internal tables are neither compatible nor convertible.
    t happened?
    Error in the ABAP Application Program
    The current ABAP program "SAPLAQBWEXR" had to be terminated because it has
    come across a statement that unfortunately cannot be executed.
    or analysis
    You attempted to move one data object to another.
    This is not possible here because the internal tables concerned
    are neither compatible nor convertible.
    gger Location of Runtime Error
    Program                                 SAPLAQBWEXR
    Include                                 LAQBWEXRU01
    Row                                     419
    Module type                             (FUNCTION)
    Module Name                             AQBW_CALL_EXTRACTOR_QUERY

    Problem looks to be with generic datasource
    share details of data source and how you created it.

  • How to insert data into a table only when data has changed its value (when compared to the previous inserted value)

    I wish to insert data into a table only when the value of the inserted data has changed. Thus, in a time series, if the value of the data at time, t-1, is 206 then if the data to be inserted at time t is 206, then it is skipped (not entered).
    If the value of the data at time t+1 is 206, it is skipped also; until the value changes, so if the value at t+1 was 205, then that would be inserted, and if at time t+2 the data is 206, it would be inserted too.
    What is the best way to do it without increasing overheads?

    This view works:
    mytable i
    JOIN mytable
    = i.IDNO-1
    <> d.[Level]
    on this mytable below.  A trigger could be quite useful here although I am cautious using them. However I wish to avoid the overhead by not having a temp table (which could be sizable).  mytable below
    should give 3 lines. The IDNO is an identity column.
    12/23/13 10:41
    12/23/13 10:41
    12/23/13 9:21
    12/23/13 9:21
    12/23/13 9:22
    12/23/13 9:22
    12/23/13 9:22

  • How do you access a web service to insert data into table?

    Ok I have a simple html/jsp survey form to host on our web site. Because of firewall issues I cannot do a direct connect to the database and insert the data from the form. So I need to take the data from the survey form, and pass it to an existing web service, or create a web service that will insert this information for me into the database table?
    Thanks again.

    Thanks for the reply shanu. Well, because of firewall issues, as a work around we use a web service to insert data into the database table. Since the Web Service already exist, we just thought it would be easy enough just to pass the parameters to it, and have it do the insert. So really all I need is just to communicate with the already existing web service. I will be honest though I have not really worked with web services before.

  • Search data into ResultSets to genrate a complex report

    I am writing a report called "Product Flow". The report headings are follows
    prodcode prod name opening qty purchase_qty sales_qty closing_qty
    To achieve this, I need to know the products, their opening qty, their purchase qty, sales qty and finally I will I will calculate the closing stock.
    All this information is into different tables. I want to create 4-5 resultsets and then take the prodcut's resultset and scroll into it, take product one by one and then search its details into other resultset of opening, purchase and sales resultsets
    How can I do it with resultsets? can anyone guide me? I am very much new for Java.

    Evenif I use SQL join. While designing the report finally, do I not have to write some code to compare and search some data into various resultsets or some kind of collections?
    For example, in the above report, when I want to display report on screen, I will have to take the list of product and then search its values into tables and display it on the screen. So for this, do I not have to take the resultset of product table (rs) which will give me a list of product.
    use while (rs.next()) >
    take each product code
    search the values in other resultsets (to search these values in actual table may be time consuming becasue of huge size of table. If there are 500 products in the table, I will have to use the table for 500 times using SQL.
    Finally display the report on screen.How can I get more information about the collection type of resultset as u mentioned in the first reply? I will read the tutorials on SQL joins as you suggested and see if I can use it for this report.
    Thanks for the reply. I would high appreciate if you can guide me to achieve my aims of project I am doing my studies.

  • Loading MS Access Table and Data into Oracle

    I have few tables in MS Access. I want to create same layout of tables in Oracle and want to populate data from MS Access tables to Oracle tables.
    Please let me know if there is a way by which I can create tables and load data automatically (thru some option or script)?
    I have Oracle 10g database and its clients.
    Thanks in advance,

    You can use Oracle migration workbench
    Loading MS Access Table and Data into Oracle
    It´s very easy to use and good to import

  • Display data into Chart Js

    I Have Problem in display data into Chart Or chartJs ,
    In my Controller I Return Json and
    use it in javascript like this but i have
    error that tell me 't' is undefined
    $(document).ready(function () {
    $.getJSON("/Report/GetTransactions/", function (data) {
    var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext("2d");
    var myBarChart = new Chart(ctx).Bar(data);
    data = {
    labels: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July"],
    datasets: [
    label: "My First dataset",
    fillColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.5)",
    strokeColor: "rgba(220,220,220,0.8)",
    highlightFill: "rgba(220,220,220,0.75)",
    highlightStroke: "rgba(220,220,220,1)",
    data: [data]
    label: "My Second dataset",
    fillColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.5)",
    strokeColor: "rgba(151,187,205,0.8)",
    highlightFill: "rgba(151,187,205,0.75)",
    highlightStroke: "rgba(151,187,205,1)",
    data: [data]
    and my controller is this
    return Json(_reportRepository.GetTransactions(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

    Hi Mario Castro,
                              In selection Screen  initially u have to enter the input value after provides some user command only next screen will be trigger.
    In the next screen PBO event you cant assign selection screen Variable into next screen fields.
    Selection Screen Variable
    Next Screen
    In PBO  you can code
              t_belnr  = s_belnr
              t_bukrs = s_bukrs
             s_gjahr  =   s_gjahr
    Revert back if any difficulties to do.

Maybe you are looking for

  • A report layout  for address labels using Word's label-table

    Hello, I sent the following question to the BIPublisher forum, but didn't get any answers. Maybe it wasn't the right forum. I'm a little desperate with this problem, because I have spent days trying to solve this. Could somebody please help with this

  • Converting Images to CMYK for Print Publication

    When in my workflow should I be converting images to CMYK for print publication? Currently, I shoot RAW photographs with my DSLR in Adobe RGB, import the images into Photoshop for manipulation and then convert the final, sized image to CMYK before pl

  • Final Cut Pro 2nd monitor not working properly?

    Been here before a long time ago, can't remember how it was resolved. Working in a new edit suite, FCP Studio.  Two new Samsung monitors (not my choice).  I want one to be my playback monitor. I set: Final Cut Pro > Audio/Video Settings > Digital Cin

  • Report variants missing in PC00_M10_REC after upgrade from 4.7 to ECC 6.0

    After Upgrade to ECC 6.0 from 4.7 version, two  variants for  Payroll Reconciliation report  in PC00_M10_REC  are missing. These variants were of users who have left the organisation/company. Can anyone help me to restore those variants and tell me w

  • Problems with Pitch-Shifting in GarageBand 10.0.1

    I'm trying to reconstruct a song by showing the sample source, then showing its progression by pitch-shifting it to the point where its sound matches with the song that samples it (e.g., the YouTube tutorials on the "Shook Ones, Pt. II" and "Ice Crea