Edit in Blank

On LR1.0 the first option on the Preferences.External Editors tab says Edit in Blank. I assume this should say Edit in Photoshop. I have PS 7.0 installed. How do I get LR to recognise it - other than using the Additional External Editor setting.

Thanks. Found it eventually - here it is for those anyone else (works for any version of PS):
Lightroom does not recognize Photoshop - Windows
Perform this at your own risk. Here's how to fix it:
1) Run regedit.exe from start menu->run
2) Look for this folder:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\photoshop.exe
In that folder, there should be a key "Path" and its value should be the folder where Photoshop CS2 (or any other Photoshop version) is installed."
If your registry does not have that folder, created it and add a "Path" key with the value being the path to Photoshop CS2:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS2\
I also modified the Default key to point to the .exe.

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    Hi Ravi,
    With the help of Dharmakasi Thotakura...
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    DATA : lr_ent TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lr_btadminh TYPE REF TO cl_crm_bol_entity,
    lv_object_id TYPE string,
    lo_context TYPE REF TO /RCRM/15IT__ITEMS_CN00.
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    Hi William,
    -> 1000.
    You are using an old version of WPC, the actual version for your SPS is Patch 3. The newest patches really do help in solving problems with WPC.

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    Lionnel2n wrote:
    I tried to have a look trough all the topics on this forum, but it is impossible.
    These questions have probably been treated already, but I didin't find the answers:
    1) when editing formulas and refering to the same cells several time in this formula, I can't click on it a second, third .. time. I can click once on it, then i have to highlight it, copy it, and paste it in the rest of formula; here is an example:
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    Here, D4 is set the first time by clicking on the cell, and after that, I have to copy and paste it to use it again.
    Why is that ?. Why can't I just click on the reference cell as many time as needed ?.
    *_Because itsn't designed to behave this way !_*
    The correct way of use is described in a recent thread entitled : "Formula question":
    In this one, Badunit wrote :
    You have to hold down the command key to make a second reference to a cell if you already have a reference to the cell in your formula. Or you can type it in rather than clicking to create the reference.
    2)How do i make the formula understand that a cell remains blank (no space, no 0, .. nothing) under conditions ? And then, using this "blank" cell in a sum, as a "0" value in the sum ?.
    There is no way to set a cell to blank with a formula. It's a feature which I already asked to Apple.
    At this time, when a formula is supposed to returned a NIL value, I ask it to return the nil string defined by "" (string whose length is zero).
    When we use the SUM() function, cells which don't store a valid number are carefully dropped.
    So, when you aren't sure that cells contain a valid number, don't use the + operator but use the SUM() function.
    SUM() behave flawlessly when cells contain the nil string described above.
    An alternate soluce is to ask the formula to return zero and apply a custom format which doesn't display the zeroes.
    A problem arise when we fill an entire column with calculations.
    The custom format is applied to the entire column but it doesn't make the difference between a zero which must be displayed and a zero which doesn't.
    In such a case, using the nil string makes the difference and the document is lighter.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) mercredi 6 octobre 2010 13:49:04

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    I tried to rebuild from backup
    Are you referring to rebuilding with option #5 selected?
    Click to view full size
    If so and that didn't help have you tried rebuild the library using iPhoto Library Manager as follows:
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    1 -Download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
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    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File->Rebuild Library menu option
    4 - In the next window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
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    What I wish to happen is when a user begins to edit that empty row a new blank row is added to the bottom of the table.Well a user could start to edit the last row, but then they could use the escape key to cancel the cell editing. So I would only add the empty row once a cell has actually been updated.
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    and performed a replace like the script in the prior link had performed.
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    /Applications/iWork 08/Pages.app/Contents/Resources/Templates/Blank/Blank.template/index-iso.xml.gz

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    NIkesh Shah

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    for ADS check these
    Adobe Document services

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