Editing ACLs to add system-level users

So, I'd like to edit the permissions on a file to match another file. The ACL for the other file includes users such as system and wheel. The one I need to edit does not, and I can find no way to edit this to add anything other than user-level users. What the heck? This was no problem in Tiger, yet in Leopard I have no way of modifying the permissions properly. What gives? How do I add users from the entirety of the system, not just the upper-level fluff?
Message was edited by: Noble Brown

I'm trying to copy over a system file from another machine to replace one that I believe is corrupted. However, doing this in the user space messes up the permissions, removing the system user and adding the active user account. Trying an mv in the Terminal was met with little success as well and it didn't even move the darn file. Using the "get info" window to check the ACL shows the user account, wheel, and everyone. I need to delete the user account and add system, but neither appear to be possible from the Finder, which is ridiculous. This is a grotesque downgrade from Tiger's permissions settings which, although a bit crude, were just fine for this kind of thing. Now it's a better interface, but one that's been severely limited.

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    Open the Java Console and execute "dump system and
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    and see if what you want is there.Thanks, but I don't think I can use these at the system level, can I?
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    "Hacked" is not my terminology, and I don't believe it's intended to be derogatory. What you describe is a perfectly legitimate reason to alter Hosts.
    If your Mac still isn't working as expected after uninstalling Intego and Trend Micro, read on. The necessity to have a reliable backup cannot be overstated, since what you describe may be an indication of impending disk failure.
    Back up your Mac if you have not already done so. To learn how to to that read Mac Basics: Time Machine backs up your Mac - Apple Support
    If your Mac is momentarily unresponsive, consider the following.
    Launch the Console app - it is in your Utilities folder. You can find it by selecting Utilities from the Finder's Go menu.
    If the log list column on the left is not already displayed, show the log list by selecting Show Log List from Console's View menu. Select Show Toolbar if it is not already shown.
    Locate system.log in the list and select it. Many date and time-stamped entries will appear, hundreds of them, and you must find the entries relevant to your Mac's problem.
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    One or more of them, along with their time stamps, may reveal the reason for the problem you describe.
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  • ACL rights assignment in new user script

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    Thank you in advance.
    [email protected]

    Here's what I came up with for the File System Stuff:
    foreach ($user in $userlist)
    $samaccountname = $user.empid
    $FQN = "domain\" + $samaccountname
    $homedirpath = "\\fileserver\users\$samaccountname"
    new-item -ItemType directory -path $homedirpath -force
    #Set ACLs for user and required groups
    $homedir_acl = get-acl $homedirpath
    $acl_access1 = 'domain\HomeDirectory Admins'
    $acl_access2 = "domain\$samaccountname"
    $fullrights = "Fullcontrol"
    $modifyrights = "Modify"
    $inheritrights = "ContainerInherit,ObjectInherit"
    $rule1 = new-object system.security.accesscontrol.filesystemaccessrule ($acl_access1, $fullrights, $inheritrights, "none", "Allow")
    $rule2 = new-object system.security.accesscontrol.filesystemaccessrule ($acl_access2, $modifyrights, $inheritrights, "none", "Allow")
    set-acl $homedirpath $homedir_acl
    set-acl $homedirpath $homedir_acl
    #Set owner on home directory
    $owner = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($FQN)
    set-acl $homedirpath $homedir_acl
    [email protected]

  • JRE System-level settings does not work - JRE1.6.30

    Good day,
    I need to set deployment.security.mixcode parameter to "DISABLE" within of deployment.properties configuration file.
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    <User Application Data Folder>\Sun\Java\Deployment\deployment.properties.
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    deployment.system.config=file/:C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\deployment.properties
    #Fri Feb 17 15:54:57 CET 2012
    deployment.browser.path=C\:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\iexplore.exe
    #Java Deployment jre's
    #Fri Feb 17 15:54:57 CET 2012
    deployment.javaws.jre.0.path=C\:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\bin\\javaw.exe
    deployment.security.mixcode=DISABLE <<====
    Thank you in advance
    Adriano C.
    Edited by: user12025469 on Feb 20, 2012 6:23 AM
    Edited by: user12025469 on Feb 20, 2012 7:48 AM

    user12025469 wrote:
    This is the configuration I have used.
    deployment.system.config=file/:C:\Program Files\Java\jre6\lib\deployment.propertiesHm, try using a file URL like this:
    file\:C:/Program Files/Java/jre6/lib/deployment.propertiesI believe that the file is interpreted as a properties file, which means the colon and slashes need to be escaped. This would be it if you want to use a proper Windows path:
    file\:C:\\Program Files\\Java\\jre6\\lib\\deployment.properties

  • Creating "help" systems for users (not other LV programmers) - where to start?

    How should one approach giving users a built-in "Help" system?  Users, that is, of a distributed application written in LabVIEW.
    These users ideally would have no way of knowing the application was written in LabVIEW.  To them, this application is just another program.  The way the LabVIEW Help system works would be fine, but all the content would be inappropriate.
    From the docs I see we can write "Descriptions" that show up in context-sensitive help when the user puts the mouse over a control, and a "Tip" that shows up when the context-sensitive help isn't even enabled.  Are these typically the only help features built into a distributed application?
    In the LabVIEW Help there is an article called "Development Process Tips" discussing creating web pages that document the VIs that you create, and another article called "Linking VIs to HTML Files or Compiled Help Files.  Another discusses Creating Compiled Help Files, but refers to third-party software for doing this.  Is this a typical approach for doing a nice job of providing help?
    Or is there some other way to create a Help system that works like the existing LabVIEW help but has content we create?

    Let me take your questions in order:
    Q. How should one approach giving users a built-in "Help" system?
    A. Here's one approach I have used: 
    a). Give all front panel controls and indicators a description so that the context help will show information for those front panel objects, and also for relevant front panel objects a tip - this will pop-up when the user hovers over the object, and can be annoying if it's used excessively, but nice if used where appropriate.
    b). Create html files, one for each "Page" of your user interface, and place a Help button on your user interface which will launch the corresponding document for that "Page."  I'm not sure what your UI is like, but basically if there are multiple front panels the user will see, a page describing each object on that panel, and the panel's purpose is nice.  If you're using a tab control in any of those panels, then a page for each tab is nice as well.
    A variation of b). is to use a so-called compiled help file - a .chm file.  These are only relevant for Windows machines, so if you plan to deploy across multiple OSs, then this is out.  The reason documentation suggests you need a third party tool is because those .chm files basically collect a set of html files together into a nice document, with the usual search, index, browse etc. capabilites and we don't have a product which does this.  The LabVIEW Help on Windows is a nice example of a .chm file.  You can do something SIMILAR with just HTML and javascript, creating at least a contents page which has organized links to the rest of the pages (which themselves can contain links back to the contents page), and even include the ability to search keywords etc.  You'll find various free examples of such html and javascript on the web.
    Once you have your html or compile help file, you can use the LabVIEW Help VIs to launch them.  For chm files you can open the file and direct to a particular page of the chm file, and for html files all you really need to do is launch the relevant html file in the browser of your choice.
    Q. In reference to descriptions and tips for controls/indicators: "Are these typically the only help features built into a distributed application?"
    A. No, the html or chm idea is a nice touch, and can add a professional feel to the application.
    Q. In reference to html or chm files: "Is this a typical approach for doing a nice job of providing help?"
    A. Yes, it is used internally as a standard - chm for windows and html for linux and MAC.
    Q. "Or is there some other way to create a Help system that works like the existing LabVIEW help but has content we create?"
    A. One ideas is that you could implement your help entirely in LabVIEW if you'd like.  Basically you would be launching your own VI or VIs which would show whatever documentation you wanted/created.  You could use a tree structure or something to provide some convenient navigation by topic, and even a search - you would be coding this, and although I haven't done it, it seems like it would be pretty easy to do.
    I hope this helps, and happy LabVIEW programming!
    Best Regards,
    Message Edited by JLS on 08-30-2006 01:57 PM

  • Add an Admin user to external boot drive?

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    Update: I tried installing Mavericks on the same drive using a USB install drive (using createinstallmedia via Terminal). Same result--no admin user created. Then it occured to me I was trying all this running 10.8 on my MacMini. I'll assume that's the problem, but anyone with further insights, fire away!

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        ./ldapmodify -h localhost -p 1389 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password --defaultAdd --filename admin.ldif
    Here is the content of admin.ldif
        dn: cn=oimuser,cn=Root DNs,cn=config
        objectClass: inetOrgPerson
        objectClass: person
        objectClass: top
        objectClass: ds-cfg-root-dn-user
        objectClass: organizationalPerson
        userPassword: Oracle123
        cn: oimuser
        sn: oimuser
        ds-cfg-alternate-bind-dn: cn=oimuser
        givenName: OIM User
        ds-privilege-name: -config-read
        ds-privilege-name: -config-write
        ds-privilege-name: -backend-backup
        ds-privilege-name: -backend-restore
        ds-privilege-name: -data-sync
        ds-privilege-name: -disconnect-client
        ds-privilege-name: -jmx-notify
        ds-privilege-name: -jmx-read
        ds-privilege-name: -jmx-write
        ds-privilege-name: -ldif-export
        ds-privilege-name: -ldif-import
        ds-privilege-name: -modify-acl
        ds-privilege-name: -privilege-change
        ds-privilege-name: -proxied-auth
        ds-privilege-name: -server-restart
        ds-privilege-name: -server-shutdown
        ds-privilege-name: -update-schema
        ds-privilege-name: -cancel-request
    I got the error as below:
    The provided entry cn=oimuser,cn=Root DNs,cn=config cannot be added because its suffix is not registered with the network group network-group
    Would you please advise how I can fix that? Thanks

    I got the reason. cn=config is an administrative suffix.
    In general, direct LDAP access to the administrative suffixes (using
    the ldap* utilities) is discouraged. In most cases, it is preferable
    to use the dedicated administrative command-line utilities to access
    these suffixes.
    If you must use the ldap* commands to access the administrative
    suffixes, you must use the administration connector port (with the
    --useSSL or -Z option).
    It works when I use the command:
        ./ldapmodify -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w Oracle123 --defaultAdd -Z --filename admin.ldif
    You can verify it by:
        ./ldapsearch -h localhost -p 4444 -D "cn=Directory Manager" -w password --useSSL -b "cn=root DNs,cn=config" "cn=oimuser"

  • How can i add a new user and change user'password with javamail?

    how can i add a new user and change user'password from a mailserver with javamail?
    email:[email protected]

    Well user creation and updation is a system property..U need to go through that part...as it depends on the system you are hosting pout your application...
    if it is linux...u have to use some shell programming\
    bye for now let me know if this guides you or if you need some more stuff.

  • System and user status to BW

    Hi all,
    I need to bring system and user statusses to BW (for wbs-elements and cs/pm orders). I'm fairly new to BW and I cannot find any business content regarding statusses. I have varying reporting needs where these statusses are important. Are there any pitfalls in bringing jest and jcds tables to BW. What would be the most logical place to put this information in: ODS-object or infocube? I want to do an initial full load of all these objects with their current status and status history. After that, I want to weekly load   the delta's.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi Peter and welcome to the SDN!
    well depending on your needs, you can extract all status information coming from jest and/or jcds, tj02 and/or tj30 using generic extraction and posting it into a ODS firstly. Additionally please check note 300300 from SAP. It describes how to add the status information to infoobjects.

  • Add userid to user group in Windows Vista OS

    The operating system is WINDOWS VISTA on my machine. I successfully installed Oracle 10 R2 and upgraded it to
    I have the following issue after upgrading to
    From the DOS command prompt, I ran as "Run as Administrator" and then did I did sqlplus /nolog.
    I have the following issue when I CONNECT / AS SYSDBA:
    When I do sqlplus /nolog and CONNECT / AS SYSDBA, I get the following error:
    SQL&gt; connect / as sysdba
    ORA-01031 insufficient privileges
    {color:#0000ff}I should be able to CONNECT / AS SYSDBA without using the SYS password to do exports and imports.
    Oracle suggests that I could ADD my userid on my machine to the ORA_DBA group (Windows Group) and this could fix the issue.
    Please let me know where I can find the ORA_DBA group (Windows Group) in WINDOWS VISTA.
    How do I add my userid to the ORA_DBA group in Windows Vista?

    Duplicate Thread.
    Add userid to user group in

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    It is referring to the fonts installed on your computer - to edit text within a PDF you must have the same font installed (i.e. one with the same PostScript name). Acrobat doesn't have a separate way to load fonts, you install them in the normal way through your operating system control panel after downloading/purchasing the font files from a vendor.

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    Account cannot be added. Ensure that the Active Directory Domain Services service is running....
    I searched the web for this and found the following which was not applicable http://support.microsoft.com/kb/958890 
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    But when i now click on the "Edit User Account Properties" action i get a pop up message from SBS Server saying "There is no such object on the server".
    Any ideas on ow to fix this broken console would be appreciated.

    Hi, using default names i AD will help. For everyone who lost original. grr... 

  • System.getProperty("user.name") not working without /etc/passwd, CentOS 4.3

    Dear all,
    I'm having trouble getting the system property user.name (which we need in our ant scripts) on our CentOS box. :(
    When running the program below thru
    java dumpproperties2
    it prints "user.name='?'" on our CentOS 4.3. On win32 it works. It turns out that if you add the account corresponding to the EUID to /etc/passwd it works correctly. However, we don't use passwd authentication but an enterprise wide LDAP-system. Our /etc/nsswitch.conf says:
    passwd: files ldap
    One work around is to replace the java executable with a script that does
    /path/to/jdk/bin/java -Duser.name=$USER -Duser.home=$HOME $@
    Used jdk is j2se 1.5.0_13 Linux 32-bit.
    Some questions for the experts:
    1) Is there any other way?
    2) Is it a known issue that Linux versions of the jdk just looks in /etc/passwd to map uid to user name (and home dir) instead of doing what the rest of the system, like whoami, does? I haven't found anything in either the readme or installation instructions, nor in the bug db.
    Br, Jesper Tr�g�rdh
    public class dumpproperties2 {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
         String s = System.getProperty("user.name");
         System.out.println("user.name='" + s + "'");

    Does this work?
    //public final class System
    public static String getenv(String name)Then you can access the USER environment from inside Java.

  • Setting javaplugin.maxHeapSize -Xmx at system level

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    I would really like to know whether it is possible to set the default value of javaplugin.maxHeapSize at the System Level (I know how to do it on a per user basis).
    In particular, I am interested in doing this on Windows Vista, where I've read the limit can be as low as 64M (!)
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    Did you ever find a solution to this problem?
    I'm in a similar boat...

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