Editing and Mixing downloaded songs...

Hi. I am trying to edit and mix two songs that I downloaded off of itunes. I have attempted to import it into garageband by making the song's souce an .band source as opposed to the .aac source it was in previously. However, after reformatting the songs, garageband will not let me import the songs. Any suggestions? Thanks!

Welcome to Discussions.
The songs from iTunes, AAC and MP3 are encoded, there is no way to use these (as they are) to mix in Garageband. Maybe I'm wrong.
But I think iMovie is excellent for this.
You could try re-posting in the garageband forum. They'll know 1000x more than I do.

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    Restoring iPod to factory settings - Apple Support
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    gjmnz wrote:
    in a commercial sense? (moving this from another thread as not to hijack)
    For the most part, I think the answer is no. There are always exceptions, and GB can do a lot, but the exceptions in which people have used GB to fully produce a released album are statistically rare for legitimate reasons.
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    I'm not dissing GB.
    Quite the opposite.
    I love GB, use it, advocate its use, praise it to the high heavens.
    GB is revolutionary and democratizing.
    But the features in GB don't reach into the kind of pro features necessary to produce a typical commercial release.
    Not that GB isn't a great starting point, and I think a number of artists do just that. Start in GB, but the tracks are then imported into a more full featured digital audio workstation where they can be more adequately mixed.
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    The wall I hit was when I needed to edit. I need to edit some parts together and couldn't really do it without Logic's more precise editing tools, cross fading, etc. The machine I was using didn't have Logic on it, so I was all intent on staying in GB, but the song was hobbled by lack of a more complete feature set. Of course, maybe if the song didn't need those edits I wouldn't have hit a wall, but it did.
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    or .... whats the stigma?
    People can produce fantastic work in GB and, as an empty vessel, if you fill it up with top grade music, that's what matters most. But if you're serious about releasing your music above a certain threshold of production standards, the type of tools that come with Logic, ProTools, Digital Performer, Cubase, etc. start to get fairly essential fairly quick.
    It's not a stigma. If you can do it in GB, if anything, that's kind of cool. But try asking this question in the Logic forum and see what kind of answers you get from musicians who regularly use Logic. Seriously. See what kind of points Logic users would make to advocate bumping up to Logic if your goal is to release a commercial production.

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    emerchua wrote:
    a new playlist ws created automatically and all recent song i"ve downloaded goes to that playlist
    Might that new playlist be a smart playlist named something like "Recently Added"?
    Yes, iTunes does create such a smart playlist and uses it to house recently downloaded songs.
    If you want the songs to go to an existing playlist as well, set up the smart playlist to include rule(s) to include the latest additions.

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        Let's find out what can be done, aismarcia! Did you download a ringtone specifically, or did you download a full song that you want to be used as a ringtone?
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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    Zapya.apk is an android app and will not work on an iOS device.
    How did you transfer your songs from your Android phone to your iPad?

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    iTunes Store loads partially or returns "Error 306" or "Error 10054"
    Proxies, parental control settings and software, security or filtering software, or a bad iTunes Store cache can cause this.
    To address proxies, Remove Internet Options proxy settings  ( http://support.apple.com/kb/TS1490 ) and connect to the Internet without a proxy.
    To reset iTunes Store cache:
    In iTunes, choose iTunes > Preferences (Mac) or Edit > Preferences (PC).
    Click the Advanced tab.
    Click the "Reset cache" button.
    Click OK and see if the issue is resolved.
    Adjust Parental Controls in iTunes:
    Open iTunes.
    Access iTunes preferences:
    On a Mac: From the iTunes menu, choose Preferences.
    On a Windows PC: From the Edit menu, choose Preferences.
    Click the Parental Controls tab.
    Remove restrictions on Parental Controls.
    For more information on parental controls or content filtering software, see iTunes 10.5 for Windows: May see performance issues and blank iTunes Store.

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    Dear sir/mam
    i need ur suggestions for this problem please do the needful .i can't download songs from nokia mix radio & i cant play so please help me

    Hi, ManuTewari. If you already have an active subscription, make sure you are signed in with the account you used to activate your MixRadio with Unlimited download subscription. If you are already signed in, try to log out and then log back in again. To log out, go to your phone settings and select Nokia Account > … > delete > delete. To log back in, go to MixRadio and select settings > Sign in. If you have forgotten your password, go to https://account.nokia.com/acct/passwordReminder to retrieve it.
    Let us know the outcome. BTW, thanks for posting your concern and welcome to our forum.

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    Recently I got my phone replaced by the company as previous one had some irrepairable issues.....
    Now when I try to download songs on nokia mixradio on my new phone .....
    it gives following error :
    " There seems to be problem with your downloads .
    but you can still listen to 100's of curated mixes"
    please reply soon

    Hello, MJ883. Where are you currently located? Where did you buy your Nokia phone? Is the phone's regional setting set correctly? 
    MixRadio is a region-dependent service. The phone's regional setting should be set correctly and the location service is enabled for you to be able to use this service. BTW, have you used another Nokia account with the phone aside from the one currently set up in it? If you have logged in multiple Nokia accounts to activate the MixRadio subscription, the service license will be tied up to the one you registered first.
    We'll wait for your feedback. BTW, congratulations on your first post! 

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    There's also Sound Studio, but it's more expensive than Amadeus.
    It can be used for recording vinyl to digital, merging, mixing, cutting, and it's very simple and accessible.
    Message was edited by: HD

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