Editing clipart insertions

I'm trying to create a document using some clipart (ai files) from the Pagemaker 7 Content cd. They place fine and I can fill the placeholder boxes without any problem. However, the images print slightly dark and muddy on my color laserprinter. I'm trying to lighten them up but can't find any controls in ID to alter the brightness and contrast. The transparency palette allows you to change the opacity but that just fogs up the images. When I choose to 'Edit original', Illustrator opens but there are no brightness or contrast controls available. Opening the image in Photoshop allows me to change everything but when it is placed in the ID doc, it is pixellated. The ID document will not open in Photoshop. Have tried everything that I can think of, but always wind up in a blind alley. Any suggestions?

My thanks for all the responses to my original post. However, I tried all of them before I even posted. Opening and saving the file as .ai is redundant since the file is already converted when it opens. All you have to do is delete the work (converted) from the filename. Changing the fill color in Illustrator would be an enormous job since there are quite a few different colors in these cliparts. It's mainly the midtones in certain colors, such as green, blue, purple, and red that print darker than they look on the screen. A simple midtone brightness correction in Photoshop does the job. Even tho it is now a raster image, it prints fine. The sheets that I create are used by church groups and civic organizations and are output in small quantities, usually 40 or 50.This eliminates the need or cost of going to print. Ergo, the requirement of editing the image in order for the laser print output to match the monitor screen. And Scott, when you say that someone is over their head, it usually means that they have undertaken a task that they cannot finish. Such is not the case. I got exactly what I set out to accomplish, albeit a little more complicated than I would have liked. True, the file size is larger, but that's o.k. All's well that end's well.

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    Also the first time I click on the edit program link it
    doesnt show any data in the combo. Then when I click on new store.
    It fills up the comboboxes. When I go back to the edit program tab.
    It now also has the data inside the combobox.
    When I add a new program, store or categorie. It says
    operation succesfull. But the new program is not added to the new
    comboboxes. I have to close the browser and rerun the application.
    Then it shows the entered value inside the comboboxes.
    I have attached all my code for this application, any help
    would be greatly appreciated. Also could you advise me on what is
    the best approach to do this?
    With friendly regards,

    A few things:
    * Do not use lastResult in AS code. It is intended for use in
    binding expressions only. I suspect that it is the cause of your
    error, since it will not yet exist where you are trying to
    reference it.
    * All data service calls in Flex are asynchronous. this means
    you can *never* access the result data in the same function you
    call send(), as you are attempting.
    * Use a result handler for all HTTPService calls
    * Your data model methodology is *good*, using instance vars
    to hold ArrayCollections, and binding to those vars. Just set the
    vars in a result handler, instead of in the send function
    * the default resultFormat of HTTPService is object. This
    causes Flex to convert the HTTPService XML into a tree of dynamic
    objects. While it provides a quick start, it has long term
    drawbacks. I advise setting resultFormat="e4x", so that youcan use
    the powerful e4x XML API on your data.

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    but I need to have overwrite mode too in my JTextPaneThen why didn't you state that in your original question?
    Here is my version that allows you to toggle between both modes:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.plaf.*;
    public class OvertypeTextArea extends JTextArea
         private static Toolkit toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
         private static boolean isOvertypeMode;
         private Caret defaultCaret;
         private Caret overtypeCaret;
         public OvertypeTextArea(int row, int column)
              super(row, column);
              setCaretColor( Color.red );
              defaultCaret = getCaret();
              overtypeCaret = new OvertypeCaret();
              overtypeCaret.setBlinkRate( defaultCaret.getBlinkRate() );
              setOvertypeMode( true );
          *     Return the overtype/insert mode
         public boolean isOvertypeMode()
              return isOvertypeMode;
          *     Set the caret to use depending on overtype/insert mode
         public void setOvertypeMode(boolean isOvertypeMode)
              this.isOvertypeMode = isOvertypeMode;
              int pos = getCaretPosition();
              if ( isOvertypeMode() )
                   setCaret( overtypeCaret );
                   setCaret( defaultCaret );
              setCaretPosition( pos );
          *  Override method from JComponent
         public void replaceSelection(String text)
              //  Implement overtype mode by selecting the character at the current
              //  caret position
              if ( isOvertypeMode() )
                   int pos = getCaretPosition();
                   if (getSelectedText() == null
                   &&  pos < getDocument().getLength())
                        moveCaretPosition( pos + 1);
          *  Override method from JComponent
         protected void processKeyEvent(KeyEvent e)
               //  Handle release of Insert key to toggle overtype/insert mode
               if (e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED
               &&  e.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.VK_INSERT)
                   setOvertypeMode( ! isOvertypeMode() );
          *  Paint a horizontal line the width of a column and 1 pixel high
         class OvertypeCaret extends DefaultCaret
               *  The overtype caret will simply be a horizontal line one pixel high
               *  (once we determine where to paint it)
              public void paint(Graphics g)
                   if (isVisible())
                             JTextComponent component = getComponent();
                             TextUI mapper = component.getUI();
                             Rectangle r = mapper.modelToView(component, getDot());
                             int width = g.getFontMetrics().charWidth( 'w' );
                             int y = r.y + r.height - 2;
                             g.drawLine(r.x, y, r.x + width - 2, y);
                        catch (BadLocationException e) {}
               *  Damage must be overridden whenever the paint method is overridden
               *  (The damaged area is the area the caret is painted in. We must
               *  consider the area for the default caret and this caret)
              protected synchronized void damage(Rectangle r)
                   if (r != null)
                        JTextComponent component = getComponent();
                        x = r.x;
                        y = r.y;
                        width = component.getFontMetrics( component.getFont() ).charWidth( 'w' );
                        height = r.height;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              JFrame frame = new JFrame();
              frame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
              OvertypeTextArea textArea     = new OvertypeTextArea(5,20);
              textArea.setFont( new Font("monospaced", Font.PLAIN, 12) );
              frame.getContentPane().add( textArea );

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    This is an alteranative way to do the same
    This code has been tested by me in Apex 4.1.1
    Step 1 --> Create a Java Script and add it to the JavaScript --> Function and Global Variable Section
    One Can get the name by using Right Clicking on the PK field in Chrome and Selecting Inspect Element
    function ro()
        var pk_id = document.getElementsByName("f02");
        for (var i=0;i<pk_id.length;i++)
               pk_id[i].readOnly = "readonly";
    Step 2 --> Create a Dynamic Action
    Select Advanced
    Select the Event --> Framework Events -->After Refresh --> Region --> Select Your Tabular form Region
    Condition --> No Condition
    True Action --> Execute JavaScript Code
    In the Code box type javascript:ro()
    The box will only make the Existing Rows RO, When one presses the AddRow as the region is not refreshed the user is able to add new data in the text field.
    Works with Delete and Cancel as well.

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    Note that this is boilerplate text.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand,
    such as your platform (Mac or Win),
    exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop (not just "CS6", but something like CS6v.13.0.6) and of Bridge,
    your settings in Photoshop > Preference > Performance
    the type of file you were working on,
    machine specs, such as total installed RAM, scratch file HDs, total available HD space, video card specs, including total VRAM installed,
    what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far,
    what error message(s) you receive,
    if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them,
    if you're having printing issues, indicate the exact make and model of your printer, paper size, image dimensions in pixels (so many pixels wide by so many pixels high). if going through a RIP, specify that too.
    A screen shot of your settings or of the image could be very helpful too,
    someone may be able to help you (not necessarily this poster, who is not a Windows user).
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Powl- how to make one line editable for 'Insert line' button

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    & after entering it when they click on 'SAVE' i'll append the record in c_result_tab.
    Now my Que is - How to give Editable Line in ALV Display table of POWL, where User can enter New Record ??
    or is there any other std. procedure, like popup or something - which can help to enter record in same format as c_result_tab.??

    z-order for what? the Canvas class itself? It's AWT, so why would they be adding to that? For Graphics? That's not really needed, since to paint you have to override paint in a subclassed component and in there by definition you can fully control your painting.

  • Making a PDF with LiveCycle then being able to edit pages, insert pages, delete pages, attach files to document, be readable in Adobe Reader etc.

    We have been working for some time with LiveCycle to creat a documents and have experienced a host of problems with the end product.
    1.  Images inserted into the LiveCycle PDF document often come up as "broken links" after editing the document and resaving it.
    2.  Documents will not display in Acrobat reader unless a digital signature is applied to them and the document is re-saved.
    3.  After making the document, we are unable to use Adobe Pro to insert pages, delete pages, or insert files into the document as attachments.
    The end state was to use the simplicity of LiveCycle to create a document and do most of the hard work, and then save it as a PDF document that could be easily edited with Adobe Pro.  It has proven difficult, to say the least, to figure out how to make this work.
    Thanks in advance for any assistance.

    1- Thank you
    2- It only seems rational that if I make a form with LiveCycle that I should be able to view it with Adobe Reader or Adobe Pro.
    Making a form with LiveCycle to be distrubuted to personnel internally that have Adobe Reader and Adobe Pro and cannot open it without it having a digital signature field in it that has just recently been signed just doesn't make sense.  Nor does it seem to make sense to have to purchase 200 additional licenses just for LiveCycle so that people can open a PDF that was made with LiveCycle.  If I make it in LiveCycle and only people with LiveCycle can open it, what is the purpose of making it to begin with?
    3- This also totally sucks.  In a standard Adobe Doc I can at least attach documents to it?
    So, what, exactly then, is the purpose of LiveCycle if the only benefit it seems to provide is ease of creation, but the end product has way less functionality?
    And how do I go about contacting an Adobe rep on the phone in regards to this without getting "there is no support for this product, go to Adobe.com"
    We have millions of dollars of Adobe software and can't get support other than hunting and pecking in these forums?  Really?

  • Master-detail editing or inserting

    I'm very sorry because I don't write English well...
    I'm studying ADF and I want to know master-detail editing(inserting) method using ADF.
    I know master-detail view and deleting.
    I need one master row editing(inserting) and multi detail row editing(inserting) in the same page(.JSP file) and Form tag.
    For reference, I read and practice below URL.
    Please help me..
    Have a nice day..
    Thank you...

    Have you looked at our Oracle JHeadstart offering? If you truly need multi-row editing, it extends the base ADF DataAction to easily generate pages that handle multi-row operations of all kinds.
    A complete tutorial is available here:
    Otherwise, you'll need to indicate more about what's not working for you after you have read Duncan's tutorial you cite above.

  • Trying to edit newly inserted detail record

    I'm using Jdev 3.2. I have a JSP which successfully submits the insertion of a new master (job) record, and then successfully inserts a detail (jrefs) record using a view link.
    I then want to go to a new JSP and edit the newly inserted detail record. The way my pages are at the moment, I always get the first detail record in the table, but I need to access the newly inserted one. I've messed around a bit with trying to pass the ROWKEY or retrieve the primary key from the master - but I'm just not getting it. Please can someone tell me how to set the current record to be the new detail record when I use EditCurrentRecord with the detail record view in the second JSP.
    Here's some code from the first JSP, which successfully inserts the master and detail records:
    <jsp:useBean id="RowEditor" class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord" scope="request">
         RowEditor.initialize(application, session , request, response, out, "JtrackJSPSPRJjpr_jtrackpkg_JtrackpkgModule.JtjobsView1");
    // this is submitting the master row
    Row row = RowEditor.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
    String wprov = (String) session.getAttribute("WPROV");
    String sprov = (String) row.getAttribute("SpCode");
    // the incremental part of the job number is temporarily
    // stored in task_status by the business components
    String jobcode = wprov + sprov + row.getAttribute("TaskStatus");
    // get the view link to Jtjrefs and create a linked record
    ApplicationModule appModule = RowEditor.getRowSet().getApplicationModule();
    ViewLink vl = appModule.findViewLink("JobJrefViewLink");
    ViewObject voMaster = vl.getSource();
    ViewObject voDetail = vl.getDestination();
    Row newRow = voDetail.createRow();
    <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="1; URL=JobRefAdd.jsp">
    Here is the code from the second JSP which needs to edit the new row (newRow)
    <jsp:useBean class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.RowsetNavigator" id="rsn" scope="request" >
    <jsp:useBean id="RowEditor" class="oracle.jbo.html.databeans.EditCurrentRecord" scope="request">
         RowEditor.initialize(application, session , request, response, out, "JtrackJSPSPRJjpr_jtrackpkg_JtrackpkgModule.JtjrefsView");
    Row row = RowEditor.getRowSet().getCurrentRow();
    RowEditor.getFieldRenderer("Ref1").setPromptText("Job Ref 1");
    RowEditor.getFieldRenderer("Ref2").setPromptText("Job Ref 2");
    Any assistance would be gratefully received...

    if you want to see the info that is on the track then look to the top right of the window and there is a button you can drag up and down and it closes or expandes the information so you can see if it is recording in stereo or not.
    It looks like a marker pointing to the left with lines running parellel.

  • Editing Process-Inserting Silence not working

    I have Captivate 3.0.1 Build 589.  I have noticed recently during the editing process when attempting to insert silence at the beginning of the audio, upon save (ok) the silence is removed completely eliminating the extra time needed to view the screen before the audio begins.  Has anyone experienced this as well?

    Hi there
    If you can't make the insert silence work, please note that you are also able to move the audio waveform on the slide in the Timeline so it starts a short while later than it does at the moment. Pretty simple to do. Just click and drag it to the right.
    Other than that, I've seen Captivate balk at inserting pure silence at the beginning of a clip. Normally it helps to try inserting a teensy bit beyond the "White noise" of the clip. Actually, what I do is to select some of the white noise and copy it. Then paste it as needed. Makes for a smoother sounding audio clip.
    Cheers... Rick
    Click here for Adobe Authorized Captivate and RoboHelp HTML   Training
    Click here for the SorcerStone Blog
    Click here for RoboHelp and Captivate eBooks

  • Name of editable instance inserted on page based on template

    I use a template that has an editable area named "scripts."
    The code, when I open the template in Dreamweaver, looks like this:
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="scripts" --><!--
    TemplateEndEditable -->
    However, when I use a browser to go to a page based on that
    template, the word "scripts" appears at the upper left corner of
    the page. You can see an example here:
    When I view the source in my browser, the code reads like
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="scripts"
    -->scripts<!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    Why does the name of the area appear between the tags and
    therefore on my page, when it's not in the original code? I've just
    modified the template and uploaded all the changed pages, so I know
    that they reflect the current template.
    Thanks for any help!

    Change this -
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="scripts"
    InstanceEndEditable -->
    to this -
    <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="scripts" --><!--
    InstanceEndEditable -->
    in the child page.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "ellenfinkl" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gla783$chl$[email protected]..
    >I use a template that has an editable area named
    "scripts." The code, when
    > open the template in Dreamweaver, looks like this:
    > <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="scripts"
    --><!-- TemplateEndEditable -->
    > However, when I use a browser to go to a page based on
    that template, the
    > word
    > "scripts" appears at the upper left corner of the page.
    You can see an
    > example
    > here:
    > When I view the source in my browser, the code reads
    like this:
    > <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="scripts"
    > InstanceEndEditable
    > -->
    > Why does the name of the area appear between the tags
    and therefore on my
    > page, when it's not in the original code? I've just
    modified the template
    > and
    > uploaded all the changed pages, so I know that they
    reflect the current
    > template.
    > Thanks for any help!
    > Ellen
    > www.ellenfinkelstein.com
    > Thanks,
    > Ellen

  • Sharepoint 2010 add/edit form: Insert link from sharepoint disabled

    I have a list with enhanced rich textbox field. I can click on Insert link, "from addres" is enabled, but "from Sharepoint" is disabled.
    Is there a reason why is this button disabled? Field is enhanced rich textbox... Paste button is also disabled.

    Microsoft says
    it is an issue but you can check
    design this strange behavior on other occasions:
    If we have a Web page in the root
    of the site and insert a Web Part content "from SharePoint" will
    disabled, but if this same Web Part Page
    is in a library "from SharePoint"
    is enabled What is the difference? I do not know.
    Worse. If we insert the Web Part
    to a page in the root of the site is
    a list or library that has a link produced by a
    workflow, an error as seen in
    But the link works correctly if the
    page is within a library.
    Are these design issues also?
    Sorry for my English.
    Soy Miguel de Torre Arias

  • JTree Edit after Insert

    Sorry - post moved to the Swing forum...
    Edited by: QetuP on Mar 1, 2008 8:04 AM

    Actually - to simplify the question, I have the following:
    JTree --> UserTreeModel --> UserData
    This is similar to the Genealogy example. So, given a UserData item, how do I find the TreePath for that item in the JTree and start an edit on that Path in the tree programatically?
    Edited by: QetuP on Mar 1, 2008 8:42 AM

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    how can i find se16 change log like SE16N change log (SE16N_CD_KEY,SE16N_CD_DATA)

    Hi Mustafa,
    I am not able to get your point. Could you be more descriptive and clear.
    Please see below links
    It might be helpful

Maybe you are looking for

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