Editing Events - Original event still appears as well as edited one

Every time I edit an event on ICal I end up with two events.  The original one and the edited one.  Even after I delete the original event, it somehow reappears.  Does anyone know why this is happening?

I had a similar problem after upgrading to 10.7.2. Every time I added an event a New Event would appear. I tried deleting the New Event but it kept coming back.
Here is what I did to fix my problem. First make copies of all these files as I am just a regular user of Mac.
1. Close     your iCal
2. Go     to /Users/<Your Username>/Library/Calendars
Delete the Calendar Cache file and Calendar Sync Changes Folder
*****Do not delete your other files as this is your data
3. Go to /Users/<Your Username>/Library/Caches
I deleted the folder com.apple.iCal
4. Go to /Users/<Your Username>/Library/Preferences
I deleted followiong files:
5. Start     iCal. All of these files got re-created for me.
Everything     should import back into your calendar and you hopefully will be     fine. Again make copies of all these files before trying what I did. Worst case copy the old ones back.

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  • Aperture - Importing iphoto events - original & edited copies

    Sorry if this has been asked before!
    I'm going through each event in iphoto tossing out the bad photos and editing the good ones. Once I've finished with each event I'm trying to move them into Aperture one by one and then deleting the event from iphoto.
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    2) I wish the library to use a 'managed' system rather than a referenced system. Will this still happen if I move the events one by one (it doesn't give me as many options as if I were to move the entire library, which I'm not ready to do yet)
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    Thanks in advance,

    the most efficient option to move from iPhoto to Aperture is indeed to import the whole iPhoto Library into Aperture at once: This way you will preserve most of the work you invested in setting up your iPhoto Library (albums, books, slideshows, keywords) and can avoid to import duplicates for many of your images, without having to decide if you want to keep the original or the edited version.
    One of the big advantages of Aperture is the lossless workflow: When you edit an image the original master will remain as it is, and Aperture will only store the steps necessary to render the final version of the image - it does not actually create the edited image until it is needed on export. So you can have many different edited  versions of the same image without needing much extra space. When you import your complete iPhoto lIbrary at once (after weeding it out), then Aperture will try to import your iPhoto originals and the edited versions exactly like this, as proper master image - version pairs, so that you keep your iPhoto edits, but can always revert to the original master, in a space saving fashion.
    The way you are importing now forces you to decide if you rather want the edited version or the original master, and if you decide that you want both, then you will need twice as much storage space.
    1) If I delete the iphoto original version what are the consequences?
    You will never be able to revert to the original if you find that you made a mistake when editing your images; or when better algorithms/ raw processing become available. If you only want to keep one of the images I'd strongly suggest to keep the original and not the edited version.
    2) I wish the library to use a 'managed' system rather than a referenced system. Will this still happen if I move the events one by one (it doesn't give me as many options as if I were to move the entire library, which I'm not ready to do yet)
    No proble, even if you import initially als managed master files, you can always relocate the managed images to a folder of your choosing afterwards and thus turn your library into a referenced library.
    3) The only way I've found to stop two copies importing is by copying the events from iphoto to the desktop and then importing them to Aperture - does this cause degradation of the photo?
    That will depend on your export settings. If you export the original you will not loose any quality on export, but exporting the edited versions will depend on the quality setting for the versions.
    If you import your whole iPhoto library at once, Aperture will mirror the structure of your iPhoto Library; iPhoto events will be mapped to projects, and you will keep your albums, books, etc.
    All your work you are doing now to prepare for your transit you could do as easily in Aperture and the problems you asked about could be avoided.
    Good Luck and welcome to Aperture!

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    Settings> Mail, Contacts, Calendars> in Calendar section change the Sync setting.

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    What does the ~ symbol mean next to an event?  I have never seen this before but today when I edited a few events this appeared next to the event.

    Hm. I've never seen that in iCal.  In some other Applications the tilde "~" indicates a restore point or a before / after for a file.  My guess is there is a broken cache file in iCal.
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Language & Text > Formats > Region. Region should be set to the country of your choice. Do not have it set to "Custom" as this can have unexpected results in the iCal window.
    If that doesn't resolve the issue:
    1. First make an iCal backup:  Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    2. Go to iCal > Quit iCal
    3. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
    --- NOTE: To get to "Home > Library" in Lion: Click anywhere on the desktop and then click on the "Go" menu at the top of the computer screen while holding down the "option" key on the keyboard.  You will see "Library" in the menu.
    4. Launch iCal and test.
    If the issue persists:
    1. Go to iCal > Quit iCal
    2. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    --- NOTE: Removing these files may remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    3. Launch iCal and test.
    Hope that helps.

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    Yes, yes, yes. Definitely a must for cancelled events, and an option to show/hide them. I'm sure it's possible, as per this opposite problem people are having syncing Zimbra http://www.zimbra.com/forums/isync-caldav/23849-cancelled-events-ical.html . They want to get rid of the strikethrough that occurs with cancelled evens that sync over to iCal, but they also want to just show/hide them.
    I'm going to have a look around.

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    Upon further poking around --
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  • In making a "highlights" movie, using clips from different imported iMovie events, can I delete the larger iMovie event file from the Events browser and still work w the smaller clips in the Projects browser w/o having the larger files still loaded?

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    Here's my question: If I load the first 5 large files back onto my internal HD, and paste in various shorter clips into each of my kids' Highlights project, and then if I delete those first 5 large files (they are backed up on 2 other 3Tb external HDs), can I keep doing this (reloading the next 5 large .dv files to work with), and ultimately take each of my kid's Highlights project and export as a .4mv movie EVEN THOUGH the earlier large .dv files are no longer on my internal HD, OR does my iMac need to have all these larger files loaded on my internal HD for me to eventually export each of my kid's Highlights project to a .4mv movie?
    I have a 2011 era 27" iMac desktop w 2Tb HD internal and 250 Gb flash drive, and Lion OSX and iMovie 11.

    Thanks. I tested it out and you were correct. I loaded 2 .dv movies from my external HD back onto my internal HD, and got them re-imported into iMovie, took a few short clips from each of the 2 iMovie events and pasted them into a new project in the Project Browser. Then I deleted these 2  "source clips" from my internal HD, closed iMovie and then re-opened it and found that iMovie would NOT export the smaller clips for a "highlights" .4mv movie without the "source clips" being available.
    I read your link on Quicktime. It talks about mostly trimming, which is what I did with each iMovie event before I took each one as a project to export as a smaller .4mv file. But if I use Quicktime (do I need QT Pro or basic), what advantage is it to me to use QT over iMovie (I must admit I am a novice at iMovie and have never used QT or QT Pro as a tool)? Will it then convert any edits I make to a .m4v movie or do I need iMovie to do that?
    Does QT allow trimming multiple segments out of a movie during one edit session, or can you only do 1 at a time? By that I mean that, for example, when I use Sonys Picture Motion Browser for my .mts movies, you can only set one Start and one End point for each edit/trim you do: it does not allow you to set multiple Start Stop points like iMovie allows in its Event or Project browser. You can only do one "trim" at a time, save it and then reopen to do another trim. not very useful.

  • I can not edit or delete events in ios calendar app

    iPhone 5s.  iOS7. 
    I have synched my google calendar with my iphone using caldv.  The calendars appear just fine.  I can add events, but when I attempt to edit them, they go back to the original event (prior to edit) after a few seconds.  Also, if I delete an event, a few seconds later, it reappears.  Very frustrating
    Am I missing something?

    Not sure if you had same problem as I did but I had to go into settings then cloud and make sure contacts was set to on... (I had turned them off as I was a bit wary of the iCloud )

  • I can no longer EDIT nor VIEW events created in iCal...

    I have a problem with my iCal in that I can longer edit nor view events.
    I can create events, but only the first line of the details for a new event. I am not able to edit or add more info in any way after that (date, time, details, etc.)
    I can delete the event though.
    When I say I cannot edit nor view events, this problem occurs when double-clicking, when right/CMD-clicking, choosing the relevant command from the menu, or when typing the keyboard shortcut of either CMD-i or CMD-e.
    Nothing works. Nothing happens. It's as if I have chosen to do nothing at all.
    I have an iPhone which I use to sync events between my Mac and my iPhone, but without being able to properly create an event on my Mac with a chosen time and alarm, etc. iCal on my Mac is almost useless. All my events now have to be created on my iPhone - even when I am sitting right in front of my Mac.
    The only use my Mac's iCal is to me now is for pop-up reminders after an event from my iPhone has been synced to my Mac.
    The problem I am having with iCal is happening with all the calendars I have set up.
    I have no online subscriptions, everything's local.
    I have my iPhone set to auto-sync with my Mac for all data.
    I am running the latest versions of iCal, the Mac OS (Leopard), the latest iPhone OS, etc.
    I tried deleting all my iCal preferences from the ~username/Library/Preferences, but that didn't work.
    I tried deleting all my calendars from within iCal in case there was a corrupt calendar, but that didn't work.
    I trashed everything I could find that had anything to do with iCal (knowing I could restore from a recent Time-Machine backup), but still nothing worked.
    Even when I had an empty iCal to work with, creating a test new-event revealed the same problems of not being able to edit the event after the first line.
    I have since restored all my data from the backup I did the other day, so I am back to square one - not that anything I tried before this actually moved me off square one in any way...
    Can anyone help me here? It's getting really frustrating having to type all my events out on the iPhone screen, especially when I'm sitting at my computer.

    Similar problem here. My Ical refuses to edit or delete events. Viewing is possible, though sometimes the whole screen turns grey. Adding new events from mail is still possible. The task-pane completely disappeared. My local apple technic-centre messed about with disk utility for a bit and than told me to reinstall leopard. I could of course do that, but it seems to me that reinstalling Leopard just to fix iCal events is a bit invasive.
    I tried also tried removing everything, installing a new copy of iCal from the leopard-cd, software updates, all to no avail.
    At the moment I'm open to all suggestions that do not include a complete leopard reinstall.

  • How do I restore all my flagged photos to their original events?

    Not sure how this could have happened, but a month or two ago, I went to view 'All Events' and there appeared one huge mega-event which contained all my flagged photos from all events from Feb 2010 (my initial use of iPhoto) until October 2011, containing over 900 photos.
    How could I have inadvertently done this?  But more importantly,
    How do I redistribute them to their original events?
    I'm considering splitting the mega-event into events with the same dates as the originals then merging those flagged photos with the unflagged photos into the original event.  However, trying to do a single split for the first 20 photos from the original event took over an hour.
    Also considering going back to a backup prior to this happening and restoring only the affected Events, if this is possible.  To accomplish this, hopefully all flagged photos would then reappear in their original Events and the mega-Event would go away.  But I havent seen how restore operates and I'm concerned for deleting those pix and Events done since October 2011.
    Anyone have any experience with this one???

    Evidently you accidentally selected this menu option under the Events menu:
    I don't know of any way to undo that.
    Also considering going back to a backup prior to this happening and restoring only the affected Events, if this is possible.
    No you'll have to restore the entire library from Time Machine.  But here's something you might want to try:
    1 - restore the library(B) from just before this happened.
    2 - use the  paid version of  iPhoto Library Manager to import your current library (A)  into your restored library (B) with the option to not import duplicates.  That should get you pretty close back to where you want to be.  Of course be sure there's a current backup of your current library (A) before starting the merge. 

  • I've read two solutions to my problem and neither worked. I can't get the repeat option to show in some events, though it does appear in others.

    I can't get the "repeat" option to show in some events, though it does appear in others. How can i get it to show when I need it? (I read two "soluntions" that supposedly worked, but neither worked for me.)

    I can't say I've seen that behavior before.  I' be curious to see a screen shot of it in the edit mode where you edit the fields.
    Beyond that I'll offer generic troubleshooting steps:
    Go to Apple Menu > System Preferences > Language & Text > Formats > Region. Region should be set to the country of your choice. Do not have it set to "Custom" as this can have unexpected results in the iCal window.
    If that doesn't resolve the issue:
    1. First make an iCal backup:  Click on each calendar on the left hand side of iCal one at a time highlighting it's name and then going to File Export > Export and saving the resulting calendar file to a logical location for safekeeping.
    2. Go to iCal > Quit iCal
    3. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
    --- NOTE: To get to "Home > Library" in Lion: Click anywhere on the desktop and then click on the "Go" menu at the top of the computer screen while holding down the "option" key on the keyboard.  You will see "Library" in the menu.
    4. Launch iCal and test.
    If the issue persists:
    1. Go to iCal > Quit iCal
    2. Remove the following to the trash and restart your computer:
    Home > Library > Caches > com.apple.ical
    Home > Library > Calendars > Calendar Cache, Cache, Cache 1, 2, 3, etc. (Do not remove Sync Cache or Theme Cache if present)
    Home > Library > Preferences > com.apple.ical (There may be more than one of these. Remove them all.)
    --- NOTE: Removing these files may remove any shared (CalDAV) calendars you may have access to. You will have to re-add those calendars to iCal > Preferences > Accounts.
    3. Launch iCal and test.
    Hope that helps!

  • Can anyone explain to me why some of my photos are landing in events and others are appearing only in photo stream?

    I want to delete photos from camera roll on my iPhone to clear space to install ios7 but after importing photos to iPhoto on my macbook pro only 4 out of 339 photos taken in September landed in events, though all 339 are in Sept photo stream. It seems like on previous uploads all photos "fell" into events according to the day they were taken, as well as into photostream. I want to make sure these photos stick around permanently and do not exist only in photo stream where I imagine they will eventually be bumped from my computer (photostream). Can anyone explain why some of my photos are landing in events and others are appearing only in photo stream?

    You have uploaded two different things - pHotos are in one and only one event - if you have the same photo in two different events then you have imported it twice
    Please explain what you want - your initial question and yoru current comments are 180 degrees apart
    You say they are not all in events
    Can anyone explain to me why some of my photos are landing in events and others are appearing only in photo stream?
    Now you say they are
    All 15 pics appear in  Sept 2013 PS
    It sound to me like you have no problem except you imported some photos twice adn you may not understand how the automatic import form PS works - but that is not clear
    you can choose to have all of your My Photo Stream photos automatically downloaded. In iPhoto or Aperture preferences on your Mac, to select Photo Stream > My Photo Stream > Automatic Import. All of your photo stream photos will be imported into your Events, Projects, Photos, Faces, and Places folders in iPhoto or Aperture.
    The event they are imported into is MMMM YYYY PS
    If you import via iTunes sync or by connecting your IOS device via USB then they are importeed into the regular event structrue as defined in your iphoto preferences - and if you imoport via two or more different methods you will ahe duplicates

Maybe you are looking for