Editor Link (Carry value to Next Screen)

I use Editor Link to carry a key from one page to another to populate select list.
It is very strange. One seletion list is populated right with correct value. The other select is just shown "select a value" since I put it in Null Display Value.
I compared these two lists. There is no difference.
What happens?
Thank you.

It could depend on the values that are being passed by the Edit link. Does one of these values contain a colon, for example?

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    Hi Zakir,
    Do you have any button for calling the second screen after entering amount in the first table control screen or you have to call the screen on pressing enter on the table control?
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          t_outtab                 = ist_final[].
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      set pf-status 'ZPP_NCO_STATUS_PTEI' excluding rt_extab.
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                            wa_selfield type slis_selfield .    "#EC CALLED
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    In the Flow logic of your screen under the PAI Event in the default module user_command_xxxx INPUT , use case statement to check for the sy-ucomm value for the double-click event and check then check the GET cursor value, if it is the text field(double-clicked enabled textfield), then call whatever screen you want to.
    Reward points if this is useful!

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    Hi Nikita,
    Refer the below mentioned links for your requirement.
    Both have good guidelines on coding as well as configuration part.
    Deepak Kori

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    actually when we double click then AT LINE SELECTION event gets triggered in order to navigate to secondary lists by getting value PICK in the sy-ucomm if u want it only for a single click simply keep the hotspot then it behaves single click same as double click
    plzzzzzzzz reward if useful
    my mail id [email protected] feeel free to ask any quiries

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    I started from the Adobe Customer Support Portal. as instructed by the accompanying documentation.That took me to here:  https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/support/index.cfm?event=opencscase&loc=en_gb&issue=z015&csed utype=steI entered the details there.
          From: John T Smith <[email protected]>
    To: Jonathan May <[email protected]>
    Sent: Sunday, 28 December 2014, 2:11
    Subject:  I submitted details to retrieve serial number for education version of CS6 Design and Web premium.  Next screen after submission was Error 404.  Should I be worried?
    I submitted details to retrieve serial number for education version of CS6 Design and Web premium.  Next screen after submission was Error 404.  Should I be worried?
    created by John T Smith in Adobe Creative Cloud - View the full discussionAre you using these links to provide your proof of status?http://www.adobe.com/store/au_edu/academic_id.htmlRedemption Code https://creative.adobe.com/educardCS6 Education https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1585740 If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7046705#7046705 and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed an image in your message please visit the thread in the forum and click the camera icon: https://forums.adobe.com/message/7046705#7046705 To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at , click "Following" at the top right, & "Stop Following" 
    Start a new discussion in Adobe Creative Cloud by email or at Adobe Community For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516624.

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    Thank you so much...
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    2. I understand what you said about the timeline export...I decided to export the sequence without the matte it was nested in and that sequence did have the chapter markers on the timeline and they again didn't export??? I'll look tomorrow at this it makes no sense if what you're saying is how to do it...the final cut pro book said they should have showed up if I export from the browser and that didn't work either.
    3. I then matted that output and rendered it to output but I am worried this will degrade and compress the sequence more than I want by outputting the same sequence with current settings twice???...the couple of outputs I could make nested looked very good as this was one render...however, I tried doing a quicktime "current settings" with the dvd studio pro info still trying to export chapter markers and maybe it's my imagination but the output didn't look as sharp as just an output with just chapter markers???
    r. I did look at the final cut pro book and it says that mpeg 2 movies will not read chapter markers anyway if you create one in compressor...if this is true it makes no difference if the quicktime output isn't having chapter markers show up. I assume when I go to author though I can put an mpeg 2 movie into dvd studio pro and create chapter markers at that point!! It seems weird it says it can do it with an mpeg 1 but not an mpeg 2 when everyone is using that for dvds.

  • Able to call the next screen

    Dear Gurus,
    I have craeate a a New Transcation through module pool for PDA. PDA will be use through SAP Console and I have set that T Code default after logon.
    I am getting first screen as I designed. That feild is mandatory, but after that I could not able to call the next screen.
    Some one who will help me to give topic or tell how to link the seccond screen. SAP Console is running through internet.
    Thanking You
    Manoj Kumar

    If your screen sequence is constant then give your next screen number in the layout attribute screen.
    Or you can do this also in the before screen when any command call screen 'NO'.
    Hope this helps.

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    2. press the back button to get back to the first screen
    3. enter criteria for var2 (I am again on the next screen, but since all variables are set this is okay).
    What do I have to do to prevent that the system goes to the next screen upon setting selection criteria?

    In the subscreen attributes set Next Screen as the number of subscreen i.e.100.
    This way, whenever there is any action on subscreem you will be back in same screen (it will be redisplayed). If there is some specific action triggered like pressing any button, catch that in PAI and navigate to new screen explicitly with LEAVE TO SCREEN new_screen_number.

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    I want to link the value to Numbers sheet.
    If in ecxel, I can express ='Macintosh HD:Users:fridayge:work:[list.xls]list'!A1, then get value of A1
    In numbers, how can I get this?

    If you can't combine documents for some reason, there are ways to mitigate the effects of having them separate.
    I would give the Source and Receiving documents similar names such that reside next to each other in the Finder window when organized by FileName. Also, position the data you need to retrieve at the top of the Sheet that the Source document will display when opened - you could have a small summary table there.
    Now when you are going to do edits, Select both files in Finder, Right-Click ond Select Open, opening both at once. Copy the source data from the convenient cells in the source document then close the Source document and Paste into the Receiving document. Now continue as though the data had transferred by formula.

  • When i click the listview items I have to call two odata webservice and pass that data to next screen ?

    Hi All,
                I Have two odata webservices When i click the listview items I have to call that two odata webservice and pass that data to next screen ?

    You don't have to pass the data to any page.
    onInit method of controller set your oData model like this.
                  onInit: function() {
                  //var oModel = sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel();
                  var oModel = sap.ui.model.json.JSONModel("http://services.odata.org/V3/Northwind/Northwind.svc/Customers?$format=json");
    After this you can access your model from any views by just binding the elements with your odata. Suppose i have a table in a view of my application then i can write like this.
                  var oTable = sap.ui.table.Table({
                         tableId: "myTable",
                         visibleRowCount: 5,
                         editable: false
                  oControl = new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{CustomerID}"});
                               new sap.ui.table.Column({                             
                               label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Customer ID"}),
                               template: oControl  
                  oControl = new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{ContactName}"});
                               new sap.ui.table.Column({                             
                               label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Contact Name"}),
                               template: oControl  
                  oControl = new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{ContactTitle}"});
                               new sap.ui.table.Column({                             
                               label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Contact Title"}),
                               template: oControl  
                  oControl = new sap.ui.commons.TextView({text: "{CompanyName}"});
                               new sap.ui.table.Column({                             
                               label: new sap.ui.commons.Label({text: "Company Name"}),
                               template: oControl  
    Here you can see i have binded the oData with table.
    Just what i am seeing that you are trying to pass this model to a page. You don't have to do so. Just bind your oData with relevant elements lite table or anything by writing like this.
    these functions are different for different elements.
    for listItem you may write like this.
                  var oList = new sap.m.List({
                  inset: true,
                  items : [
                                        new sap.m.DisplayListItem({ label :"Category ID", value : "{oDataId>/CategoryID}"}),
    {oDataId>/CategoryID} this has been used for binding.

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    You may have an application running that grabs the "Focus" and moves the Dashboard out of the way. Try starting in Safe Boot Mode and check if the fault is still present. If it works correctly you will need to find the application that is causing the problem. Check in your Login Items first.

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