Effect button crashes fcp x

hey , just installed fcp x 10.1.2 , when i click the effect button fcp x crashes and for next launches stuck at "restoring layout", i tried to reinstall but with no success , does anyone can help ? thx

Proxies are ProRes too ;-)
I agree though.. Absolute no reason to convert to Opt. Media. Which is just one more degredation of image quality. Convert org to proxies and when exporting out... Use the originals.
First to try  hit "Revert to original Layout" from the windows menu..... (DOnt think it will help but worth a shot)
I notice you state that you more than one monitor.... Final Cut Pro X --- suffers from severe erratic behavior when more than on is connected...
On my machine (Two monitors) -- 90% of the time FCPx keeps displaying the clip currently selected in the event library although I am in the timeline.... Also, when I click and select an effect in the inspector and hit delete (To delete the effect) FCPx will delete the clip on the which the effect is inserted. All those problems are not there on a single monitor setup... My partner has severe issues as well. If his main OS X Menu bar is on, say the right monitor (Two identical monitors) and he choose to show viewers on 2nd display. The content turns purple or green. If he moves the OS X Menu bar to the other display... no problem.. Etc etc etc... using multiple monitors with FCPx is quite an exciting exerience full of surprises all day ;-)))
In your case...
Try using ONE display only.. JUST to check if it still happens. And I mean.. Physically UNPLUG the 2nd display and reboot the Mac...
If THAT helps... Plug in the other monitor and and reboot Mac (You dont have to reboot, but I recommend that). Now goto system preferences and click displays... IN "Arrangement" drag the white OS X Menu bar to the other display... Other as in .... where it was NOT when the problem was occuring...
Now boot FCPx... and hit "Revert to original Layout" from the windows menu.....

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    Hi All,
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    Couldn't agree more Jim - hence why I'm not using Snow Leopard yet as I had a nightmare in the early adoption of an older operating system. As for MBL, there seem to be many using it without problems so I don't think it's an issue with the product per say and it really is a very good plug-in. (That view will change to excellent once the problems go away) I just need to get to the bottom of which square peg is destined for which round hole and I'm hopeful that all will be well. I've also submitted a support question to Magic Bullet so will update if I get a solution. I like the CleanApp idea. I'll try that as well. (and I may even give Snow Leopard a go!)

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    Is this image saved in a colorspace mode that is anything other than RGB?
    CMYK & Grayscale images will cause problems.
    Some light reading regarding your choice of 300 dpi: http://www.scantips.com/no72dpi.html
    Unless you plan on panning and zooming your images, the best procedure is to use one of the video preset templates in Photoshop and paste your content into it. Scale and position using the Transform controls. For best results save as a TIFF without compression. Don't forget, always in RGB colorspace.

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    Though I realize Motion 2 isn't available as a separate item anymore, it is absolutely worth getting as far as speed and performance.
    I remember thinking that on the same hardware it felt like it was 2x as fast.
    Definitely check out the linked Motion Smarts article - it's a great explanation or introduction to the specific problems you can have working with a GPU-based FX program like Motion. This stuff matters - if you can master optimizing your projects by design Motion will be a nice addition to your toolbox.

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    iMac 2.8 Ghz intel duo core
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    4 GB RAM
    QT 7.6.2

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    I've never had the same experience, so this is purely speculation.
    Changing brands used in the same camcorder has been reported as the cause of recording & playback problems. But, since the playback from the DSR was okay, I'm guessing the brand isn't the problem.
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    2.Create a composition
    3.Import photos (.png)
    4.Put photos on timeline
    5. Add BCC Morph from Effects&Presets BCC7 OpenGL to first photo on timeline
    6. Select Source Unwarped in Render Mode field
    7. Select 2nd photo in Destination field
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    B.Crash in progress. Last logged message was : <5000> <DynamicLink><5> C:\ Program Files (x86) \Common Files\Adobe\dynamiclink/CS5/dynamiclinkmanager.exe
    C. AE can't continue: sorry AE has crashed. See www.adobe.com/support/products/aftereffects.html for know issues (0 :: 42)
    Expected results:
    Able to continue selecting options (setup the duration of the Morph by adding a key frame using the Key Marker)
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    - I Removed the OpenGL plug-in from the After Effects plug-ins folder and After Effect still crashed
    -  My PC meets the minimum requirements for After Effects
    - My video card driver is the most current the manufacture has available to date
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    Prod Name: After Effects CS5
    Prod Ver:
    OS: Windows 7
    OS Ver: 64-bit
    DirX: 11
    BCC ver:
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU
    Memory: 6.00 GB

    Sorry, but you are at the wrong forum; this one is only for disc
    ussions on the forums themselves. The After Effects forums is here:

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    Anyone else seen this?

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    - Dumped Prefs
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    - Created new projects & bins, etc.
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    I am using XDCAM EX files at 1080p 30fps. To further isolate this problem as something having to do with the XDCAM files, another user posted on another thread:
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    *To possibly isolate it I reinstalled FCP on one system, and installed latest Blackmagic driver on the the same. Both systems are up to date visa vi OS, FCP, and QT.*
    *Both still crash with the same regularity as described here."*
    Apple, this problem has persisted for more than two years and is a major problem. Just search the forums including this one. Any further upgrades of Final Cut Studio or OS X are worthless until this problem is fixed. A brand new body and interior won't fix a car with a broken engine. Please help!! Please solve this issue with the XDCAM footage in FCP!
    If anyone has any solutions or work arounds please notify me. I need it!
    [email protected]
    Message was edited by: MichaelRev1412
    Message was edited by: MichaelRev1412

  • After Effects CS6 crash error dynamiclinkmanager

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    Start here:
    fixing permissions problem that impedes start of Adobe applications

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    Screen Shot Here:http://gyazo.com/794429fd1091973c8a296a27d2af6fab.png
    AE: After Effects CS5 (64-bit)
    OS: Windows Home Premium (64-bit)
    RAM: 8gb
    Processor: 1st Gen. i7 Quad-Core
    Graphics Card: NVIDIA GeForce GT 320
    Updates: Installed All Updated For Adobe Products
    Source Footage: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 @ 60fps using UT Video Codec YUV 420
    Worked Before? Yes
    Open GL: My open gl is not enabled
    I've read other forums and watched tutorials. I've already done the following. (Not in order used)
    1. Downgrade Magic Bullet Looks from 1.4.3 to 1.4.2 (Didn't Work)
    2. Upgrade Magic Bullet Looks to MBL 2.0 from Magic Bullet Suite 11 (Didn't Work)
    3. Uninstall my gfx card and re-install it with the newer version (Didn't Work)
    4. Reset AE preferences by pressing alt+shift+ctrl on the shortcut (Didn't Work)
    5. Change render settings from H.264 -> .AVI (Didn't Work)
    6. I've deleted "AE_OpenGL" from my After Effects folder (Didn't Work)
    My Composition:
    The look file is not that complex but i don't know if it'll help but there it is.
    Look File Settings:
    I've never had this problem before and hope that someone has a solution to this problem... if so please post an answer. I don't know if its because i put the plug in on all of my clips and then made an adjustment layer with another Magic Bullet Looks or if it's my clips fault but i just dont know what to do.

    It sounds like Looks is only crashing on this project. If that is so then it's most likely a problem with one of your video clips. Either there's a corrupted frame or some other codec glitch that's throwing the errors. I'd suggest replacing footage items with temporary footage. You could even use solids. Replace one at a time, then undo, until you find the footage that's causing the crash. Then either re-compress that footage to another codec or replace it.
    If Looks is crashing on every type of footage then you need to pursue other options that are more system related.

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    Any thoughts? (Besides don't use templates)

    You might want to post this in the Motion forum

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    Using FCPX 10.1.2 and trying to adjust a luma key, when selecting the Effects button on the Toolbar, the adjustments do not appear.  Any suggestions?

    TThe effects controls should be in the inspector. Select the clip in the timeline and post a screen shot of the video inspector.

  • AVCHD files crashing FCP using Perian

    Hi everyone, I'm wondering if anyone can help with a rather hard to pin down issue.
    AVCHD files on a SD card recorded on a Panasonic broadcast camera have started crashing FCP on random file transfers (log and transfer window), say I have 30 clips to transfer, it'll freeze then crash the system on clip 22 but the other clips will be fine.
    I have had a look at the report window and it says' Perian has unexpectedly quit' (why the **** are apple using third party software to do the job) and the log is just code to me.
    I first suspected the camera an AG HMC151 (150) because I have two so it was easy to just test the other one, but it does it on both.
    Then I suspected the cards, it does it on all of them.
    So I can only assume it's the macs, of which I have two, both have 10.6.6 and I'm running FCP 6.0.6. they are both about a year old.
    Because this is a random problem it's actually rather stressful as this is my living.
    If anyone has any good ideas or has experienced this please let me know, I think I have mentioned everything I know and apologise if I have left out some piece of vital info.

    I've been having the same issue with importing AVCHCD footage from my Sony NXCAM. Through some major digging, I discovered someone else in another forum recommend the program Clip Wrap 2 (which I see someone also recommended above). I downloaded it just now and it works GREAT for creating useable clips. Highlight recommend.

  • AVCCam Crashing FCP

    Just back from Cannes where my latest short film was picked up by a distributor...aside from that great news, back to reality:
    I'm just trying to load in some footage from the new HMC151 panasonic AVCCam.
    However, everytime I try log and transfer it crashes FCP saying there's a problem with Perian. I've tried different Macs, card readers, using the camera as the reader etc, but the clips won't load in.
    I tried shooting in 720/25p and the clips came in fine, but that doesn't help the fact I have a card full of 720/50p clips I need to get in and edit.
    Any ideas? How do I remove Perian to get that out of the equation?
    Help as always appreciated.

    It has an uninstaller.
    Look in the system preferences.

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    how you doing guys, i hope you have solved your problem,if not this is how i solve it most of the time...
    we all like fonts... alot.. sometimes we like it so much that we install every font we find kool, but after effects has a little bit of problem
    caching most of those kool fonts ( i have 3,037 ).
    what i did was booting my pc using HIREN'S BOOT CD in mini windows xp, download or if you have a backup of the basic xp fonts ( like me )
    go to your windows folder in c: and cut and move the font folder to other drive and replace it with the basic one, reboot and voila! it worked
    hope it helps. ;-)

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