Effects & transition plugins on Mac?

We've been using FxFactory with their stock plugins for several years, effects and transitions for FCP. Unfortunately FxFactory does not yet support PP. So, I'm looking for some good quality 64bit plugins. I"ve googled and found Pixelan, Digieffects, etc. But wondering if anyone has a recommendation. Thanks!

Thanks Jim. I did find that and looked through them a few weeks ago. I was just hoping to get a few recommedations from users.
We don't use a lot of effects, mostly cuts, but it would be nice to have something like FxFactory (not supported in PP). Basically FxFactory is a plugin "engine" for lack of a better word. They are a company that represents many other vendors creating a wide array of plugins. So it made it real easy if I was looking for a specific effect to first look for the plugins they represented. Often that was as far as I needed to go. I really like that concept.
Boris is doing some nice things, so I'll keep my eye out for that when it is supported on the Mac, especially if no one has any more specific thoughts.
All the best!

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    Flash-based extensions will be deprecated for CC extension with the release of ExtensionBuilder 3.0.
    But flash-based extensions will keep working for CS5 and CS6 applications.
    But you are right, this is not the solution to choose if you want to make an hybrid extension for CC.

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