Eigrp Keychain

I know how to create eigrp authentication to form neighborship.........but I need to clear the concept
FortWorth#configure terminal
FortWorth(config)#key chain MYCHAIN
FortWorth(config-keychain)#key 1
FortWort(config-keychain-key)#key-string securetraffic
------ I want to know the definition of
1. key−chain
2. key
3. key-string
----- what these commands actually define......what are the difference between them.......??

Hi, indrajith,
All these concept are for the authentication purpose. i will try to explain each points
1. key−chain
You are making a keychain with name of MYCHAIN. in side of this key chain iu can make many keys . 
Its like the bundle of your house key.  each key  bundle have many keys  for different rooms or stores
2. key- one key from budle of keys 
 Each key can use for authentication . and u can specify wich period each key need to use
key-1 mandy to friday
key 2 satuday only
key 3 sunday only
3. key-string
It is the simple password for the authentication ( can be clear test or MD5)
shiji varughese

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    Every time I login I get the message "aosnotifyd wants to use your confidential information stored in "my name" in your keychain." How do I know if it is safe to allow this? Can anyone advise please?

    My immediate reaction is to deny.
    Have you downloaded or installed any application that may relate to the abbreviation AOS? It may not necessarily be the application's name, could be the developer or distributor.
    As it's occuring at log-in, go to System Preferences > Accounts > your account > Login Items and look for a related item. If there's one there, right-click (or ctrl click) on it and select Reveal in Finder. That will show you where the originator of the item is on your system and should give you more of a clue as to what it is.
    I'd remove the item from login items anyway (highlight and click the minus sign at the bottom of the window). There shouldn't be anything trying to use your keychain info to notify anyone.

  • How to use Keychain for multiple users on one computer?

    I have a new Macbook Pro with Yosemite.  I just moved over from PC for my work computer and the Keychain thing is killing me!  I am a social media consultant so I manage multiple accounts for multiple clients.  I need a way to log in and out as them on many different platforms.  The reality is that I am the only user but I log in and out of different things as if this was a public computer with multiple users. 
    PC allowed me a drop-down option with each login.  For example the email box could be clicked and then I could select the client email that I needed to fill in.  The password would then auto-populate.  Is there any setting I can change to make this happen on a Macbook? I have been logging in, deleting the info in Keychain, then logging in for the next client, delete...etc.
    Most password managers don't work because of this same problem.  Please don't recommend a password manager app unless it can handle logging in and out of (for example)10 different LinkedIn profiles.
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Tanja Turtsanyi wrote:
    I have a new Macbook Pro with Yosemite.
    Apple>About This Mac>More Info>Service
    Please read the warranty paperwork that came w/your computer.
    You have 14 days to return the computer w/no questions asked. 
    You have 90 days of FREE phone tech support on top of your standard 1 year warranty unless you also purchased AppleCare which gives you an additional 2 years of coverage plus FREE phone support.
    Strongly suggest that you take FULL advantage of the above before it runs out.  Let Apple deal w/the problems.
    Mac OS X (10.4)
    Conflicting info:  Please update/correct your profile so that you can receive the correct troubleshooting suggestions.  This will assist the users in trying to help you.  Thank you.

  • How can I use iCloud-keychain if i can not find my country in the country code list?

    How can I use iCloud-keychain if i can not find my country in the country code list?

    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    If your country code does not appear in the list…
    Go to System Preferences > iCloud > Keychain and enter your Apple ID password (Settings > iCloud > Keychain, from a mobile device)
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    A "keychain" is a secure database in which passwords are stored in an encrypted format to prevent unauthorized discovery of your passwords. Think of it like a bank safe deposit box in which you can safely store your passwords.
    If you have a problem with your keychain then perhaps you have not changed the passwords correctly or need to repair your keychain. You might try:
    Assuming that you are using a recent build of OS X, go to /Applications/Utilities and launch the app called Keychain Access. Go to the Window pulldown menu and select "Keychain First Aid". Enter your password, set the radio button to "Repair", and click "Start".

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    Next step is to create a new admin user account, log into it, and see if the problem remains. If not, then it's a problem with the original account. If so, then the problem's system-wide.
    If the original account, you have two options: 1) try to find the corrupted file, maybe the com.apple.keychainaccess.plist file in ~/Library/Preferences/. Move it to the desktop, log out and back in, relaunch Keychain Access. If that doesn't work, then check all the .plist files with something like Preferential Treatment. 2) reset your prefs in the new account and eventually delete the original.
    If system-wide, then reinstalling the OS using the Archive & Install option, saving user and network settings, might be your only option, especially since reinstalling the combo update didn't fix the problem.

  • Backing up and restoring Keychain file

    How can I backup the Keychain file and also load it on another mac?

    We are talking about retrieving information from the copied keychain when access to the original machine is not possible
    You didn't say that in your previous posts (or I misunderstood what you did say). For this new situation, it seems trivial to create a new admin user account, using the same username/password combo as on the old machine's account, log into it, and replace the new login.keychain with the saved one, log out and back in. and everything in the keychain should be available.
    It would seem that pen and paper might be the most reliable way after all of retaining sensitive passwords
    I have a simple AppleScript which I use to generate a list containing the name, account username, and password for each key in my login.keychain. I use this list as a backup for all generic and webpage keys. You'll have to edit the resulting text file "Passwords" (saved to the desktop) to eliminate the garbage characters that are contained within. No need for pen and paper. Paste the below into Script Editor, run it, and click appropriately on the dialog boxes that pop up. It'll take awhile during the first pass, but subsequent runs only pop up the dialog boxes on new item. HTH
    set osXKeychainScriptingPath to ¬
    (path to scripting additions from system domain as Unicode text) ¬
    & "Keychain Scripting.app:" -- one line
    set theSecuridPIN to {}
    tell application "Keychain Scripting" to launch
    tell application "Keychain Access" to launch
    using terms from application "Keychain Scripting"
    tell application osXKeychainScriptingPath
    set KeyList to every Internet key of current keychain
    repeat with aKey in KeyList
    set theSecuridPIN to theSecuridPIN & (name of aKey) & tab ¬
    & (account of aKey) & tab & (password of aKey) & return
    end repeat
    end tell
    end using terms from
    tell application "Keychain Scripting" to quit
    tell application "Keychain Access" to quit
    tell application "Finder"
    open for access file (((path to desktop folder) as text) & "Passwords") with write permission
    set theFile to result
    write theSecuridPIN to theFile
    close access theFile
    end tell
    G4 450 MP Gigabit   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

  • Mail & Mavericks & Keychain Access

    After updating to Mavericks (from Mountain Lion), I noticed that there's a new keychain called "local items" inside Keychain Access App.
    so I have a couple of questions regarding this and my usage of Mail:
    1) from what I read in this forum, "local items" is the keychain created by Mavericks, it should sync to the login keychain (which is usually, and certainly in my case, the default keychain, meaning it is in bold face on the left hand side of the Keychain Access window). And as far as I understand, if you have icloud enabled, this keychain would be called "icloud keychain", if not, it will remain the name "local items", is this correct? I do not want to have anything to do with icloud, so I don't have any icloud keychain. When I log into the my account on the mac both the login and the "local items" keychain are unlocked (I guess this makes sense if they are supposed to be synced. So basically this is my understanding of this "local items" keychain, please correct/inform me if this understanding is not correct.
    2) now, I noticed that the passwords that I typed in for my e-mail accounts (set up in Apple's Mail) are saved inside this "local items" keychain. So everything seems to be fine. However, I noticed that the passwords saved inside this "local items" keychain cannot be edited in the "access control" panel (this is accessed by double clicking the password item and click on the "access control" tab.) This is odd because all the other items in the "login" keychain can be edited in this way.
    3) so my main goal is to ask Mail to NOT remember my password (I know this is not the prefer setting for most users, but I prefer to have it this way). In Leopard, Mail had a little checkbox where you set up your account that asks the application to NOT remember the password. This is really handy because it prompts me to re-enter the password whenever I restart the application, which is exactly what I want it to behave. But since upgrading to Mountain Lion (I'm not sure how it is in Snow Leopard or Lion, as I jumped from Leopard straight to Mountain Lion, and now to Mavericks), this box has disappearred. I found a work around online. Before Mavericks, the mail account passwords are saved (if I remember correctly) in the login keychain, the work around works by saving (i.e. dragging) all your email  passwords into a separate/new keychain (let's call it Keychain A) which has a different password than your login keychain (which, by definition, is unlocked upon login). So I set this up and Mail automatically knows to prompt me to enter the password for Keychain A in order to access my e-mail account passwords. This doesn't behave exactly like unchecking "remember the password" box in Leopard, but it comes close. and I was happy with this work around. However, now having upgraded to MAvericks, Mail insisted on using "local items" as keychain, and keeps asking me the passwords for my e-mail accounts (NOT the  local item keychain password, since my local item keychain IS synced up with Login keychain, therefore they are both unlocked upon me logging in) so that it can store them. The thing is I do NOT want the e-mail passwords to be stored inside "local items" keychain (because I don't want account access to equal e-mail access (for reasons I do not want to get into, but I feel like this is not too much to ask and was possible before so why not now?).
    Could someone please help me out with this?  I've called Apple, and they were quite annoyed with me because the person I talked to keeps saying that I'm not using keychain for the way it is suppoed to be used, but my question then, is, if I canot get applications to use special keychains I set up, what's the use of the function "add new keychain" inside keychain access?  (in fact, the phone supporter basically keep saying "I don't know" to my questions and finally offered me to talk to a senior advisor, at that point I had to leave (and after 1hour on the phone I was quite fed up anyway). so I thought I should turn to the forum.....
    so a recap/summary:
    my login and local items keychain sync up fine
    but I don't want Mail to store my e-mail passwords in the local items keychain
    I want to make Mail use another keychain (i.e. a keychain I set up myself), can we possible to this?
    or another other work around that will make Mail to prompt me to enter passwords when I fire up the application (not constantly, but just when I restarting the application, OR after the computer wakes up)
    I'd appreciate any pointers!
    thank you very much!

    I have the same concerns.  I'm frustrated that the Mail app doesn't currently allow you to use a separate keychain for the passwords.  After many years with Keychain I am being tempted to look to a third party.  Or perhaps it's time to look for a third party mail app?  This is a security issue since email is the primary way that a password change is verified with other accounts. 

  • How Do I Use Keychains Properly?

    I'm considering making more use of Keychains instead of an old fashioned paper notebook. I've tried reading the on-line help in the Help Viewer but I don't fully understand it all. I think that I'm missing some conceptual context. I was hoping that I could get a few answers to my questions here.
    1. I routinely use many web based application services that require me to log in before I can use them. One example is these Discussions Pages. Can I store my password in the keychain somehow and have Safari automatically fill in the form for me so I can just click the login button or even by-pass this step entirely? If so how?
    2. I am considering storing sensitive personal data such as bank account numbers, access codes etc. Secure Notes seem to be the right place to do this. Just how secure are they? The keychain seems to get backed up to my .Mac account. Is the information stored in an encrypted way there? I'm aware that any encryption can be cracked given a powerful enough computer and sufficient time but would like to get a feel for the risk I'm taking.
    3. There is a note in one of the help pages about allowing applications to access your keychain. It says: "IMPORTANT: If you select "Allow all applications to access this item" for an item in your keychain, you make it easy for a computer virus or other software to read the password.". My .Mac account and Mail synchronises on a regular basis often when my computer is unattended with the screen lock on. If I don't allow the applications to always access then they will stop unless I'm there to click the button and authorise it. Am I taking a big risk by selecting Always Allow for these individual applications involved in synchronisation?
    4. If I back my keychain up to a CD or USB drive using the .Mac backup utility. Is the data encrypted?
    5. Is there any way to access the data in your keychain without a Mac? I'm unfortunate enough to be compelled to use Windows at work. It would be handy to have the keychain on a USB stick just so I could look it up. I'd be surprised if Windows could automatically exploit the content but if there is a way, please let me know.
    6. How vulnerable is a keychain to corruption and what can you do to protect yourself against it? If I put loads of data in there without keeping a hardcopy record, I can just imagine something breaking and losing the lot. Is that likely?
    Apologies if these seem like dumb questions. I'm happy to be pointed at some overview material if it exists somewhere.
    Many thanks
    PS sorry about the long post and thanks in advance to anyone who takes time to properly answer all this.

    Good question. I hadn't thought about it before. I so notice that on very dark photos I get better results moving the right level indicator to the left than I do when when using the shadows adjust. The shadows adjust really gives me a grainy/noisy appearance whereas the levels a much smoother and cleaner effect. Other than that I just play with them till it looks good to my eye.
    Do you Twango?
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 08 libraries and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.

  • How do I access my Web Form Keychain password?

    I lost the original email containing my password from a web site months ago and need to access the password in the Keychain WEB FORM file.
    I dont' need to CHANGE it, I need to see the old one so I can log into the web site again since they changed the site, and the login page is now different with a new URL etc....so the autofill doesn't work.
    I'm in Keychain access and I see the event but how do I edit the form so I can see my password?
    It's my computer, this shouldn't be so hard to do.

    Hey Kappy
    I jsut found out how to do it.
    When I double clicked on the Keychain item, there was a checkbox I didn't see before " show password" I clicked it then entered my system password then it showed it.

  • How do I access icloud keychain?

    I know the password was kept in the icloud keychain?
    On my Mac I start up the utility keychain. Put in enough letters too narrow the search, pick the correct password/user name. Authorise viewing the password in plain text. And read the result.
    How do I do this with icloud?  I have a couple of websites where I can't authorize it anything.

    Hi Everret.
    Aside from keychain, you can access your iCloud keychain on your iOS devices.
    All you need to do is go to your Settings > Safari > Password > Autofill > Saved Passwords (you will need to enter your device passcode)
    and then you can now view all the saved password from your iOS device.
    Hope it helps

  • Why does a Login Error occur: "AFP Client wants to use Keychain Login"?

    I have three people in my house with separate logins. We are currently using two desktop G4s which are networked via 1000 Base T. When the users login to one of the Macs, they must enter their passwords twice. Once for the AppleShare login and then a second time for the KeyChain Login.
    If I attempt to unify the passwords, which are exactly the same, I will get a login error: "AFP Client wants to use Keychain Login". At this point, a dialogue box will appear looking for a password, but not accepting any kind of text at all. All I can do is reset the Mac, go into my admin login and remove the login.keychain file from the local Library folder to get back into the User account.
    In my attempts to fix this, I have removed every preference file with the word "login" in it and re-logged in without success. I have also used the Keychain Access software to administer Keychain First Aid without success. Finally, I have deleted the keychain login in Keychain Access without success. I have done all of these separately and together without success.
    This is only happening on one Mac. The Mac that has no files on it. All working files are stored on the other Mac and it does not have the same problem at all.
    This is not a huge problem, but it is annoying. I would appreciate it if anybody knows anything about this and could shine some light on the situation.

    Sorry about the delay from your last reply. I have been busy with work and studying for a licensing exam.
    Anyway I tried the AppleJack Utility you suggested. It looked like it tidied up some things. But as for my particular issue, it did absolutely nothing.
    Interestingly enough, you know when you aren't looking for something and that something just happens by accident? When I logged in the other day, I typed in the first login. The second dialogue came up immediately and I hit the cancel button instead of the OK button. When I was passed on to the Finder, the second login dialogue came up again. I typed in the password this time and checked the checkbox. When I relogged in, the problem vanished. I only waited this long to let you know to make sure the problem is gone and it is. I wish I would have thought of selecting the cancel button before. Sometimes solutions are simple like this one.
    Thanks for your help.

  • Safari wants to use the "login" keychain. -- Why can't Safari remember???

    When I launch the Safari application, I get a dialogue box with a message indicating the following:
    Safari wants to use the "login" keychain.
    Please enter the keychain password.
    Cancel -- OK
    When I get this dialogue box, I enter the login keychain password in the Password text box, and I click the OK button. Then, Safari proceeds as normal. This is extremely annoying, because it happens almost every time that I launch Safari.
    This only started to happen after I upgraded on Monday to Mac OS X Leopard version 10.5. During the Leopard upgrade, I had problems with the keychain passwords, and so I then upgraded again with the new "Login and Keychain Update 1.0". But, the problems with Safari forgetting the login keychain password continue.
    The strange thing is that there is NO option in the dialogue box to indicate that Safari should REMEMBER the password. The option does NOT exist, so I can NOT click the Remember box.
    I also went into the Keychain Access utility and double-checked and confirmed that my First Aid preferences were properly CHECKED for "Synchronize login keychain password with account" and also "Keep login keychain unlocked". Both of these preferences options are checked. So, I can't understand why Safari cannot remember the login keychain password?
    I have this exact same problem with the Mail application, as well.
    And, it looks like many many people are having the same problem -- See the following link to related discussions:
    Can anyone please help? -- When is Apple going to release a fix for this problem? -- Has anyone received any kind of acknowledgement from Apple that they are aware of this problem and that they intend to fix it?
    Please help !!!

    I had the same experience and found a solution.
    After the upgrade, I had a login keychain (the default) and my original username keychain. Both are in the chain of keychains, but since it has a choice, Mail keeps asking you to confirm.
    I moved all the entries out of username into login, deleted username, and all is well.
    Note that Keychain asks for your password on EACH ITEM that it moves, which can be tedious. So I changed the keychain password to a single character, just for the duration, then changed it back to something secure.
    If, on the other hand, you don't have two keychains, then I can offer no suggestion.

  • Information stored in "Adobe.APS" in your keychain message

    Hi all,
    I've developed an application using Adobe AIR 1.5.3 and am looking into upgrading to AIR 2.0. When I install the AIR 2.0 runtime and try to upgrade an existing AIR 1.5.3 application to a new AIR 2.0 application I get the following message when the application starts:
    <AppName> wants to use your confidential information stored in "Adobe.APS" in your keychain.
    One of the first things that the application tries to do when it starts is access encrypted local storage (I'm assuming that this is where this message is coming from).
    Is there any way to avoid this message when upgrading to AIR 2.0?

    Thanks for taking the time to look into this Chris,
    I've one other issue where a person trying to install the AIR 1.5.3 application I work on is having difficulties during install. Here's what their .airappinstall.log file looks like:
    Starting silent app install of file:///C:/Users/Gordon/AppData/Local/Temp/Eye-Fi_Center.air
    UI SWF load is complete
    UI initialized
    Unpackaging to C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Local\Temp\flaC2BF.tmp
    unpackaging is complete
    application is bound to side-by-side version 1.0
    application is bound to this version of the runtime
    app id fi.eye.center
    pub id E430518E652B889A80EC0E8A6E532C09FF36DF62.1
    Application not located
    creating native installer in: C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Local\Temp\flaFAB1.tmp
    native installer creation complete
    Starting install
    Destination for installed application is C:\Program Files\Eye-Fi
    stateInstalling: [ErrorEvent type="error" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Unhandled exception Error: App already exists" errorID=5007]
    starting cleanup of temporary files
    application installer exiting
    Their .airinstall.log file looks like this:
    Starting silent x1 install from file:///C:/Users/Gordon/AppData/Local/Temp/Eye-Fi_Center.air
    UI SWF load is complete
    stateRunningAppInstaller: appinstaller -runtime C:\Users\Gordon\AppData\Local\Temp\AIR33AA.tmp -silent -withRuntime -url -location "C:\Program Files\Eye-Fi" -programMenu file:///C:/Users/Gordon/AppData/Local/Temp/Eye-Fi_Center.air
    App installer failed; exit code 7
    begin quitting
    I tried asking the user to uninstall an older version of Eye-Fi Center via the Control Panel before attempting another reinstall of Eye-Fi Center, but that didn't seem to do any good.
    FWIW, this user is running Adobe AIR and the application in question has been developed to work with AIR 1.5.3. A quick snippet from it's application descriptor file looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <application xmlns="http://ns.adobe.com/air/application/1.5">
    <filename>Eye-Fi Center</filename>
    They're seeing a popup at the end of installation which says:
    "This installation of this application is damaged. Try re-installing or contacting the publisher for assistance."
    I don't mean to hijack this 'Adobe.APS' thread with a separate issue - if you feel that this second issue would be better served in a separate thread, please let me know and I'll repost.
    Thanks again for your help - much appreciated.

  • "Safari wants to use login keychain" how do I stop this message popping up

    Hello out there!
    Everytime I go to a new web page in Safari I box pops up on the screen with the message " Safari wants to use the login keychain. Please enter the keychain password." I click on the "cancel" button and the message disappears and I can get to the web page ok. It's just that having this message box pop up all the bloody time is driving me crazy. Is there anybody out there who knows how I can get rid of it entirely and restore my sanity please?
    I don't want to use passwords or keychains.
    Thank you so kindly for reading my posting and thank you in advance for any help.
    Best regards Wooziewooster.

    Ah yes, you may also (or instead) need to "Open Keychain Access, and choose Preferences from the Keychain Access menu, and click the Reset Keychain button. Enter your current login password and you're done." See http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8318028&#8318028

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