EJB3 / TopLink EntityManager - invalid query key in expression

with Glassfish and TopLinka s the entity manager, I'm getting an QueryException that I don't understand. The complaint is that my key (enamelId) is invalid. However I can use the same key in a different query successfully.
Any thoughts?
this query gets no complaints:
SELECT sh FROM Showpiece as sh WHERE sh.enamelId = '0301'
this query fails:
SELECT ex FROM Exhibition as ex, Showpiece as sh WHERE sh.enamelId = '0301' AND ex.id = sh.showId
Exception [TOPLINK-6015] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.4 (Build 060412)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException
Exception Description: Invalid query key [enamelId] in expression.
Query: ReportQuery(com.schwarcz.enamels.model.Exhibition)
at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException.invalidQueryKeyInExpression(QueryException.java:608)
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.QueryKeyExpression.validateNode(QueryKeyExpression.java:657)
at oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.Expression.normalize(Expression.java:2542)
at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.DataExpression.normalize(DataExpression.java:343)

I don't remember the specifics of my solution. The base cause was indeed an error in my code. I dimly remember that I had written something so that TopLink was trying to generate a join table and I had defined one as a POJO as well. What I do remember was what I did to find a solution...
I switched to using the Hibernate entity manager, got some different error messages and was able to correct my code. I now routinely switch back and forth between TopLink and Hibernate. Both seem to me to be pretty likely to produce error messages that are vague and not too helpful.

Similar Messages

  • QueryException Invalid query key in expression.

    Hi, I'm trying to run this select
    Query q = em.createQuery("SELECT R.receivedOn, COUNT(R)) FROM Responders R,"+ "ConsumerHistory ch WHERE ch.jobid = "+job.getJobid()+" and ch.trackid = R.trackid"+ "GROUP BY R.receivedOn");
    the[i] job.getJobid() is a parameter, the exception it throws
    Exception [TOPLINK-6015] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 9.1 (Build b33e-beta)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException
    Exception Description: Invalid query key [jobid] in expression.
    Query: ReportQuery(com.a2mks.scimark.entidad.Responders)
         at oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException.invalidQueryKeyInExpression(QueryException.java:608)
         at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.QueryKeyExpression.validateNode(QueryKeyExpression.java:657)
         at oracle.toplink.essentials.expressions.Expression.normalize(Expression.java:2562)
         at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.DataExpression.normalize(DataExpression.java:343)
         at oracle.toplink.essentials.internal.expressions.QueryKeyExpression.normalize(QueryKeyExpression.java:440)
    The ConsumerHistory Class implementacion is
    @Entity(name = "ConsumerHistory")
    @Table(schema = "SCIMARK", name = "CONSUMER_HISTORY")
    public class ConsumerHistory implements Serializable {
    @Column(name = "HISTORYID", nullable = false, length = 20)
    private long historyid;
    @Column(name = "JOBID")
    private long jobid;
    @Column(name = "TRACKID")
    private String trackid;
    Can any body give me some ideas.... thanks

    The specification states that "A property or field name specified as an orderby_item must correspond to a basic persistent property
    or field of the associated class or embedded class within it", so you cannot use type.code since it does not represent a property in Item.
    Please file a feature request if you wish to have this added to EclipseLink as an extension to JPA.

  • ReadObjectQuery - Invalid query key

    Hello again :)
    A have still stuck on TopLink :(
    I created very simple example:
    create table TESTIK
    ID NUMBER not null,
    NAZEV VARCHAR2(255),
    I created new project in TopLink WorkBench, created new session.. I mean, there is no problem (but I'm not sure :) ) .
    I created new Dynamic WebApplication in Eclipse, using Glassfish server and framework JSF...
    My source:
    This is my entity, represent table TESTIK
    package toplink.model.entity;
    import java.io.Serializable;
    public class Testik implements Serializable { // implements Serializable
         private int id;
         private String nazev;
         private int version;
         public Testik() {
         public int getId() {
              return id;
         public void setId(int id) {
              this.id = id;
         public String getNazev() {
              return nazev;
         public void setNazev(String nazev) {
              this.nazev = nazev;
         public int getVersion() {
              return version;
         public void setVersion(int version) {
              this.version = version;
    This is for create session - i don't now, is it rights? :)
    package toplink.services.settings;
    import oracle.toplink.sessions.Project;
    import oracle.toplink.threetier.Server;
    import oracle.toplink.tools.workbench.XMLProjectReader;
    public class SessionSetting extends oracle.toplink.platform.xml. jaxp.JAXPPlatform {
         public SessionSetting() {
         public Server getSession(){
         System.setProperty("toplink.xml.platform", "oracle.toplink.platform.xml.jaxp.JAXPPlatform");
              Project myProject = XMLProjectReader.read("c:/ecl_work/TopLink_Intro/src/META-INF/TopLink_Intro.xml", Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
              Server serverSession = myProject.createServerSession();
              return serverSession;
    And if I want used some query:
    public Testik findById(int id) {
              SessionSetting ss = new SessionSetting();
              Server session = ss.getSession();
    Testik testik = (Testik) session.readObject(Testik.class, new ExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));
              return testik;
    But this return Exception:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: #{testikManagedBean.najdiTestik}: Exception [TOPLINK-6015] (Oracle TopLink - 11g ( (Build 080909)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.QueryException
    Exception Description: Invalid query key [id] in expression.
    Query: ReadObjectQuery(toplink.model.entity.Testik)
    Where testikManagedBean.najdiTestik call findById(int id) !
    I tried used StoredProcedureCall, ReadObjectQuery, ValueReadQuery, ReadAllQuery and nothing works :(
    public Collection<Testik> findAll(){
              SessionSetting ss = new SessionSetting();
              Server session = ss.getSession();
              Collection<Testik> testiky = session.readAllObjects(Testik.class);
              return testiky;
    but in this example, it works a long time and return:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: #{testikManagedBean.vsechnyTestiky}: Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 11g ( (Build 080909)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: Exception input/output: The Network Adapter could not establish the connection
    Error Code: 17002
    Query: ReadAllQuery(toplink.model.entity.Testik)
    I know what it means in this problem, but I do not know where is it, because in the workbench I can normally connect to the database... Is this problem in sessions or where?
    Please, I tried some very simple example, how to use TopLink and Queries and i'm still stuck.. I'm newbie in toplink and I do not know your advice...
    Please, could you help me with my problem?
    Thanks in advance

    I still cannot find a problem :(
    My Toplink_Intro.xml source is here :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <toplink:object-persistence version="Oracle TopLink - 11g ( (Build 080909)" xmlns:opm="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ias/xsds/opm" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:toplink="http://xmlns.oracle.com/ias/xsds/toplink" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <opm:class-mapping-descriptor xsi:type="toplink:relational-class-mapping-descriptor">
    <opm:field table="TESTIK" name="ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:events xsi:type="toplink:event-policy"/>
    <opm:querying xsi:type="toplink:query-policy"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="TESTIK" name="ID" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="TESTIK" name="NAZEV" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <opm:attribute-mapping xsi:type="toplink:direct-mapping">
    <opm:field table="TESTIK" name="VERSION" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:locking xsi:type="toplink:version-locking-policy">
    <toplink:version-field table="TESTIK" name="VERSION" xsi:type="opm:column"/>
    <toplink:copying xsi:type="toplink:instantiation-copy-policy"/>
    <toplink:table name="TESTIK"/>
    <toplink:login xsi:type="toplink:database-login">
    and sessions.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <toplink-sessions version="11g (" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <session xsi:type="database-session">
    <logging xsi:type="toplink-log">
    <primary-project xsi:type="xml">C:/ecl_work/TopLink_Intro/src/META-INF/TopLink_Intro.xml</primary-project>
    <login xsi:type="database-login">
    <default-sequence xsi:type="table-sequence">
    Any idea, why I have still this exception:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: #{testikManagedBean.najdiTestik}: Exception [TOPLINK-6015] (Oracle TopLink - 11g ( (Build 080909)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.QueryException
    Exception Description: Invalid query key [id] in expression.
    Query: ReadObjectQuery(toplink.model.entity.Testik)
    in this code?
    Testik testik = (Testik) session.readObject(Testik.class, new ExpressionBuilder().get("id").equal(1));
    Thanks in advance
    And if I used this code:
    Collection<Testik> testiky = session.readAllObjects(Testik.class);
    then returns this exception:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: #{testikManagedBean.vsechnyTestiky}: Exception [TOPLINK-4002] (Oracle TopLink - 11g ( (Build 080909)): oracle.toplink.exceptions.DatabaseException
    Internal Exception: java.sql.SQLException: ORA-00936: missing word
    Error Code: 936
    Query: ReadAllQuery(toplink.model.entity.Testik)
    Edited by: KLD on Nov 10, 2008 12:34 AM

  • Invalid query key - JPA

    I'm trying to create a select which has 5 different tables and i'm getting the following error:
    Exception [TOPLINK-6015] (Oracle TopLink Essentials - 2006.4 (Build 060412)): oracle.toplink.essentials.exceptions.QueryException
    Exception Description: Invalid query key [
    Query Key usuarioSubgrupoPK
    Base entity.Usuario] in expression.
    Query: ReportQuery(entity.Usuario)
    My select is:
    List<Projeto> pList = em.createQuery(
    "select p "+
    " from "+
    " Usuario u, "+
    " UsuarioSubgrupo usb, "+
    " Subgrupo sb, "+
    " Grupo g, "+
    " Projeto p "+
    " where usb.usuarioSubgrupoPK.cdUsuar = u.cdUsuar "+
    " and usb.usuarioSubgrupoPK.cdSubgr = sb.cdSubgr "+
    " and sb.grupo = g "+
    " and g.projeto = p "+
    " and g.stAdmin = 1 "+
    " and u.cdUsuar = 1 ").getResultList();
    Relevant code:
    @Column(name = "CD_USUAR", nullable = false)
    @SequenceGenerator(name="SqUsuario",sequenceName="SQ_USUARIO", allocationSize=20)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy=javax.persistence.GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="SqUsuario")
    private Long cdUsuar;
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "usuario")
    private java.util.Collection <entity.UsuarioSubgrupo> usuarioSubgrupoCollection;
    protected UsuarioSubgrupoPK usuarioSubgrupoPK;
    @JoinColumn(name = "CD_USUAR", referencedColumnName = "CD_USUAR", updatable=false, insertable=false)
    private Usuario usuario;
    @JoinColumn(name = "CD_GRUPO", referencedColumnName = "CD_GRUPO", updatable=false, insertable=false),
    @JoinColumn(name = "CD_SUBGR", referencedColumnName = "CD_SUBGR", updatable=false, insertable=false)
    private Subgrupo subgrupo;
    @Column(name = "CD_USUAR", nullable = false)
    private Long cdUsuar;
    @Column(name = "CD_SUBGR", nullable = false)
    private Long cdSubgr;
    @Column(name="CD_GRUPO", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
    private Long cdGrupo;
    @Column(name="CD_SUBGR", nullable = false)
    @SequenceGenerator(name="SqSubgrupo",sequenceName="SQ_SUBGRUPO", allocationSize=20)
    @GeneratedValue(strategy=javax.persistence.GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="SqSubgrupo")
    private Long cdSubgr;
    @JoinColumn(name = "CD_GRUPO", referencedColumnName = "CD_GRUPO")
    private Grupo grupo;
    @OneToMany(cascade = CascadeType.ALL, mappedBy = "subgrupo")
    private java.util.Collection <entity.UsuarioSubgrupo> usuarioSubgrupoCollection;
    Could someone give me a hand, please?
    Thanks a lot!
    !_Let's share ideas_!

    Is UsuarioSubgrupoPK.class annotated as @Embeddable? If not, that is required.
    Also, try removing the @Id annotations within the UsuarioSubgrupoPK and instead use basic mappings (the default). The @EmbeddedId annotation in UsuarioSubgrupo should be enough to make those fields IDs.

  • Invalid query key/Mapping View

    I am mapping a view without any primary key to a ValueObject. I am selecting three fields as primary keys such that the values are unique. I am getting an exception like
    EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Invalid query key [lookupType] in expression.
    The expression I am having is
    Expression contactTypeExpr = builder.get("lookupType").equal("COUNTRIES");
    constantsCol = tcaServerSession.readAllObjects(ConstantsLookupVO.class, contactTypeExpr);
    Pls help me regarding this problem.
    I have created a new Class mapping in which also I am facing the same problem.
    Is there any other parameters that I have to consider while mapping objects to DB View.

    This error generally occurs when the mapping for this attribute does not exists. Please ensure that the attribute you are attempting to use in the expression has a valid mapping.

  • Invalid query key

    I have the following class hierarchy
    A has a one-to-many relationship with B, B has a one-to-one relationship with C, C has a one-to-one relationship with D and D has a one-to-one relationship with E. B, C, D, and E each have a derived class B1, C1, D1 and E1 respectively.
    I am getting Invalid Query Key exception while trying to access a query key defined in E1 using the following toplink code
    Any help on this will be greatly appreciated.
    Milan Dattawade.

    I assume by "derived class" you mean subclass. If so, then this query breaks polymorphism. Although you may know that you only want A's that have an E that is specifically E1, the language doesn't know that.
    Luckily there is an easy way to handle this. You can create a Query Key in the class E that has the information about the subclass attribute in E1 that you want to be able to query through. In other words, hint to TopLink that you'd like to occasionally query and break polymorphism by assuming you're querying on specific subclass attributes.
    (or search your PDF for Foundation Library for "DirectQueryKey") See Javadoc for DirectQueryKey too.
    - Don

  • Invalid Query Key when using ReadAllQuery.addOrdering()

    I have an object called Request mapped to the Request table and a field within it called creator which is mapped to the User object with a 1-1 mapping. the User object is mapped to the user table.
    Now when I do addOrdering() with an expression as below and execute the ReadAllQuery, I get an exception which says "Invalid Query Key[lastName]".
    where raq is an instance of ReadAllQuery.
    Have anyone experienced this? Any help would be much appreciated.
    Thank you,
    Sanjay Mathew.

    I double checked and the attribute names look ok.
    Please see the code below:
    SearchCriteria p_searchCriteria = new SearchCriteria();
    sc.setSortAttribute (
    ReadAllQuery raq = new ReadAllQuery(Request.class, queryExpression);
    if (p_searchCriteria.getSortAttribute() != null &&
    p_searchCriteria.getSortAttribute().trim().length() > 0) {
    StringTokenizer st1 =
    new StringTokenizer(p_searchCriteria.getSortAttribute(), ",");
    while (st1.hasMoreTokens()) {
    ExpressionBuilder eb = raq.getExpressionBuilder();
    String sortattr = st1.nextToken();
    StringTokenizer st2 = new StringTokenizer(sortattr, ".");
    Expression orderexpr = null;
    while (st2.hasMoreTokens()) {
    String st2Str = st2.nextToken();
    if (orderexpr == null)
    orderexpr = eb.get(st2Str);
    orderexpr = orderexpr.get(st2Str);
    if (p_searchCriteria.getSortOrder() == null ||
    (p_searchCriteria.getSortOrder() != null &&
    ASCENDING))) {
    orderexpr = orderexpr.ascending();
    } else {
    orderexpr = orderexpr.descending();
    I tried creating the expression with hard coded attribute names as well like this:
    In both cases I get "Invalid query key" exception.

  • Query Key Definition when Inheritance is present

    Let me describe the domain model I am working with. There is a ProjectAgreement class that is a Contract (via extends) that is a VersionedObject (via extends). There is also a ProjectAgreementVersion class that is a ContractVersion (via extends) that is an ObjectVersion (via extends). The domain model also specifies that a VersionedObject has a collection of ObjectVersion instances.
    From the data model perspective, there are four tables of interest : CONTRACT, PROJECT_AGREEMENT, CONTRACT_VERSION, and PROJECT_AGREEMENT_VERSION. The persistent VersionedObject and ObjectVersion attributes are captured in these tables. The CONTRACT_ID column is present on both CONTRACT and PROJECT_AGREEMENT tables and is the primary key in both those tables. The CONTRACT_VERSION_ID column is present on both CONTRACT_VERSION and PROJECT_AGREEMENT_VERSION and is the primary key on both those two tables. There is also a CONTRACT_FK column on the CONTRACT_VERSION table to house the one to many relationship there.
    What I am attempting to do is add a OneToOneQueryKey to the Descriptor, at Descriptor definition time, for ProjectAgreementVersion so that I can write an expression of the form projectAgreementVersionExpression.get("projectAgreementQueryKey").get("someAspectOfAProjectAgreementInstance") ... While TOPLink doesn't complain at startup, I do get an invalid query key exception at run time when this relationship is attempted to be traversed via this query key.
    Here is one version of the query key as I have it defined against the ProjectAgreementVersion Descriptor:
    OneToOneQueryKey projectAgreementQueryKey = new OneToOneQueryKey();
              ExpressionBuilder x = new ExpressionBuilder();
    Anybody have some ideas of the right combination of getField() and getParameter() calls against the ExpressionBuilder so that the query key is valid in TOPLink's eyes? Could the problem be that I must define the query key via a descriptor amendment method?

    James, thanks for the response. I had originally created and added the OneToOneQueryKey against the ProjectAgreementVersion Descriptor as the Descriptor was being built. I later attempted to defer the QueryKey creation and addition to the Descriptor to Descriptor amendment time, but got the same result.
    I also verify the Descriptor's QueryKeys after adding the OneToOneQueryKey and at the time an Expression is being built to use the QueryKey. At both times, a QueryKey exists by the given name as well as how you suggested. It appears that the QueryKey is present on the ProjectAgreementVersion Descriptor, but is simply invalid. Here is the stack trace this is generated when the ReadAllQuery is executed with the built Expression that uses this QueryKey:
    [java] [2005-07-06 15:53:31.407] LOCAL EXCEPTION STACK:
    [java] EXCEPTION [TOPLINK-6015] (TopLink - 9.0.3 (Build 423)): oracle.topli
    [java] EXCEPTION DESCRIPTION: Invalid query key [projectAgreementQueryKey]
    in expression.
    [java] QUERY: ReadAllQuery(ProjectAgreement)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.exceptions.QueryException.invalidQueryKeyInExp
    ression(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.RelationExpression.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.CompoundExpression.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.CompoundExpression.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SubSelectExpression.norma
    lize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.FunctionExpression.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.CompoundExpression.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.CompoundExpression.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.CompoundExpression.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.expressions.SQLSelectStatement.normal
    ize(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.ExpressionQueryMechani
    sm.buildNormalSelectStatement(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.internal.queryframework.ExpressionQueryMechani
    sm.prepareCursorSelectAllRows(Unknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.queryframework.CursorPolicy.prepare(Unknown So
    [java] at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ReadAllQuery.prepare(Unknown So
    [java] at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.checkPrepare(Unkn
    own Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.queryframework.DatabaseQuery.execute(Unknown S
    [java] at oracle.toplink.queryframework.ReadQuery.execute(Unknown Sourc
    [java] at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.internalExecuteQuery(U
    nknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.threetier.ServerSession.internalExecuteQuery(U
    nknown Source)
    [java] at oracle.toplink.threetier.ClientSession.internalExecuteQuery(C
    [java] at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Unknown S
    [java] at oracle.toplink.publicinterface.Session.executeQuery(Unknown S
    Any other ideas?

  • Toplink map: No primary keys defined for table, what can I do?

    I have the following DDL:
         CUSTID CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
         TITLE CHAR(15) NOT NULL,
         NAME2 CHAR(40) NOT NULL,
         CHGID CHAR(10) NOT NULL,
         CHGDT DATE,
         INDUSTRYCD CHAR(30));
    How do I add this to a Toplink Map? I always get the error:
    Descriptor Custaddr -> Some mappings are incomplete.
    Descriptor Custaddr -> No primary keys specified in CAM_CUSTINFO.CUSTOMERMASTER table.
    Descriptor Custaddr -> The following Query Keys do not have associated database fields: adddt, address1, address2, address3, address4, addressseqnum, billtoaddr, chgdt, chgid, city, country, county, custid, department, descr, effstatus, fax, fips, geocode, houseType, incitylimit, latitude, longitude, num1, num2, phone, phonecountry, phoneext, phonesecondary, postal, secondaryext, shiptoaddr, soldtoaddr, state, taxcd
    Mapping adddt -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping address1 -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping address2 -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping address3 -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping address4 -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping addressseqnum -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping billtoaddr -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping chgdt -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping chgid -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping city -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping country -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping county -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping custid -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping department -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping descr -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping effstatus -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping fax -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping fips -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping geocode -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping houseType -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping incitylimit -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping latitude -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping longitude -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping num1 -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping num2 -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping phone -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping phonecountry -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping phoneext -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping phonesecondary -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping postal -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping secondaryext -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping shiptoaddr -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping soldtoaddr -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping state -> No database field is selected.
    Mapping taxcd -> No database field is selected.
    This isn't in the Developer's guide?
    Detailed information would be greatly appreciated.

    Follow these steps.
    1. First map your CustomerMaster descriptor either manually or by using the automap wizard.
    2. Specify the primary key(s) (it does not have to be on the database) by checking appropriate fields listed under the "Primary Keys:" in "Descriptor Info" tab.
    3. Run the mapping status report to make sure you have no errors in mapping.
    Hope this helps.

  • In the report builder 6i when I choose the query  type as Express Query .....

    In the report builder 6i when I choose the query type as Express Query and go to next step where on pressing the connect button I am getting the following error.
    REP-6029 : Express error.
    How can I solve this problem ?
    Nanda Kishore

    DiId you download Oracle Reports Developer/Server Release 6i for Express, Files for Oracle8i for Windows NT from OTN?
    If so, could you provide me wih more information?

  • Invalid API Key Error in Ecosign API

    I'm using the sample soap code(Developer kit) given by echosign api for testping, but it always show invalid api key error while i'm executing from terminal. Please give the solution as soon as possible, and i'm not able to get solution from google also.
    This is my API Key:
    Client Secret:
    I tried with this comment in terminal:
    php demo.php https://secure.echosign.com/services/EchoSignDocumentService20?wsdl 6IaJHev8N48JbsZcM4Itggzt0pAHF0iS test
    This is demo.php file:
    // get input
    $Url = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']);
    $ApiKey = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']);
    $cmd = array_shift($_SERVER['argv']);
    $params = $_SERVER['argv'];
    if (!$cmd) print_usage();
    $S = new SOAPClient($Url);
    call_user_func("cmd_$cmd", $params);
    function cmd_test() {
        global $Url, $ApiKey, $S;
        print "Testing basic connectivity...\n";
        $r = $S->testPing(array('apiKey' => $ApiKey));
        print "Message from server: {$r->documentKey->message}\n";
        print "Testing file transfer...\n";
        $text = file_get_contents('../test.pdf');
        $r = $S->testEchoFile(array('apiKey' => $ApiKey, 'file' => base64_encode($text)))->outFile;
        if (base64_decode($r) === $text) {
            print "Woohoo! Everything seems to work.\n";
        else {
            die("ERROR: Some kind of problem with file transfer, it seems.\n");
    function cmd_send() {
        global $Url, $ApiKey, $S;
        list($filename, $recipient) = reset(func_get_args());
        $r = $S->sendDocument(array(
            'apiKey' => $ApiKey,
            'documentCreationInfo' => array(
                    'fileInfos' => array(
                        'FileInfo' => array(
                            'file'     => file_get_contents($filename),
                            'fileName' => $filename,
                    'message' => "This is neat.",
                    'name'    => "Test from SOAP-Lite: $filename",
                    'signatureFlow' => "SENDER_SIGNATURE_NOT_REQUIRED",
                    'signatureType' => "ESIGN",
                    'tos' => array( $recipient ),
        print "Document key is: {$r->documentKeys->DocumentKey->documentKey}\n";
    function cmd_info() {
        global $Url, $ApiKey, $S;
        list($doc_key) = reset(func_get_args());
        $r = $S->getDocumentInfo(array('apiKey' => $ApiKey, 'documentKey' => $doc_key))->documentInfo;
        print "Document is in status: {$r->status}\n";
        print "Document History: ";
        foreach($r->events->DocumentHistoryEvent as $_) {
            $keytext =
              ? " (versionKey: {$_->documentVersionKey})"
            print "{$_->description} on {$_->date}$keytext\n";
        print "Latest versionKey: {$r->latestDocumentKey}\n";
    function cmd_latest() {
        global $Url, $ApiKey, $S;
        list ($doc_key, $filename) = reset(func_get_args());
        $r = $S->getLatestDocument(array('apiKey' => $ApiKey, 'documentKey' => $doc_key))->pdf;
        //$r = base64_decode($r);
        file_put_contents($filename, $r);
    function print_usage() {
      demo.php <URL> <API key> <function> [parameters]
    where the function is one of:
      send <filename> <recipient_email>
      info <documentKey>
      latest <documentKey> <filename>
    test will run basic tests to make sure you can communicate with the web service
    send will create a new agreement in the EchoSign system, and returns a documentKey
    info returns the current status and all the history events for a given documentKey
    latest saves the latest version of the document as a PDF with the given filename
    --------------------------  End of file ---------------------------------------------------------------

    This is my API Key:
    Client Secret:
    Client secret is not the same as an api key!
    in addition to the above, integration key or access codes can be had by going to personal preferences>access code and clicking the plus sign.

  • Unable to boot: Mac HD verify error - invalid index key

    Thank you in advance for your assistance. Please provide a detailed response. There is a lot I have to learn about computers.
    I allowed my macbook air mid-2013 os x 10.10.2 to update yesterday. I didn't look at what the update was (just saw the notification and clicked restart). It shut down, but did not restart. When I try to boot, the loading bar slows and tops at approx 35%, and the computer shuts off. I can boot in recovery mode. In disk utility, on the left side the first line is Macintosh HD. I can verify this without errors. The second line is also Macintosh HD written in lighter grey. I cannot interact with this until I click unlock and type in my password. After doing so, it is written in dark black, and I then have the option to verify disk. Doing so, I am given the follow error in the log:
    (in red) Invalid index key.
    (in red) Invalid record count.
    (in red) The volume Macintosh HD could not be verified completely.
    (in black) File system check exit code is 8.
    (in red) Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click Repair Disk.
    A pop-up message says:
    Disk Utility stopped verifying "Macintosh HD"
    This disk needs to be repaired.
    I click an "ok" box, but the Repair Disk button is not available.
    At this point, I noticed the "mount" button is available. If I click this, it says:
    Mount Failed
    The disk "Macintosh HD" could not be mounted.
    Try running First Aid on the disk and then retry mounting.
    Of course, the only option in First Aid is Verify Disk, which I have already done.
    I also tried reinstalling OS X from safe mode, but the installation failed. I would ideally like to fix this without losing any data, but my computer is backed up so it won't be terrible if I have to start fresh. My SSD failed on my macbook air 2012, so I hope this isn't happening again.
    Thank you.

    Startup Issues - Resolve
    Startup Issues - Resolve (2)
    Startup Issues - Resolve (3)

  • Can we create range variable for Query Key Date

    Hello Gurus,
    Can we create a range variable for Query Key Date ? when I tried to give a range of values for Query Key Date, I am unable to find Range Values option. I found only Single Values.
    so, Please let me know if we can use Range variables for Query Key Date ??
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Aarthi,
    This is relevant for the time dependant master data that is being pulled in thw query. Like if you are using a nav attr in the query and this nav attr is time dependant, then which record (from the char master data) is to be pulled into the report, depends upon the key date that you specify.
    The default key date value is the date on which the query is executed, that is <Today>.
    Hope this helps...

  • APD query key date with variable for time dependent MD display attributes

    In a APD I use a query as a source with a query key date that is filled with a customer exit variable.
    When I run the query as a user, the time dependent MD display attributes look fine. However, when I use the query in an APD, I get no values for the time dependent display attributes.
    Any suggestions?

    Try to run query using RSCRM_BAPI Tcode, this you can also schedule in background

  • WAP Error Message Received invalid EAPOL-Key MIC (msg 2/4)

    Hi there
    can anyone help me with this error message Received invalid EAPOL-Key MIC (msg 2/4) .
    Time Stamp
    Nov  5 2012 15:11:27
    Received invalid EAPOL-Key MIC (msg 2/4)
    I only get this message from one device when connecting to the WLAN.
    This happens only from time to time. Sometimes it connects without any problem.
    Appriciate any help.

    This is an error when the STA (the computer) constructs the packet. 2/4 is indicate of the handshake process where it sends a nonce-value with its own MIC. A MIC is a message integrity check (or code).
    Basically, this error is saying, whatever that computer is sending is invalid. You can try to make the AP behave differently such as force the use of AES instead of AES+TKIP depending on what product you have. Pretty much removing "mixed" wireless networking. As example, try using WPA2 (AES) only.
    Such errors are more common using TKIP since it is the nature of TKIP to send a per-packet-key.
    Please rate helpful posts

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