EJBs and Stored Procedures

I want to bind an EJB (probably an BMP entity bean) to the result of a stored procedure.
Can this be done? Are there any examples? thx

You would be after the JDBC CallableStatement interface which is part of JDBC 2.0
Most of the EJB books have a chapter on JDBC which will include it, there are probably examples on the web but I'm afraid I don't know where to find them.

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    Source Qualifier -> Stored procedure -> Update strategy (only two ports: ROW_WID and custom column) -> Target Table
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    Best Regards
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    Have you tried using bulk load type?
    In Workflow Manager can you open the associated task, navigate to the mapping tab and seled the target table.
    What is the value for "Target load type" and which of the following boxes are checked: Insert, Update as Update, Update as Insert, Update else Insert, Delete?

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    Here's a sample. The next code drop of the XSQL Servlet will make the easy-to-do from within XSQL Pages:
    package package1;
    import org.w3c.dom.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    import oracle.xml.sql.query.OracleXMLQuery;
    public class Class1 extends Object {
    public static void main( String[] arg ) throws Exception {
    Connection conn = getConnection();
    CallableStatement ocs = conn.prepareCall("begin ? := App.HotItems('PAUL'); end;");
    ResultSet rs = ((OracleCallableStatement)ocs).getCursor(1);
    OracleXMLQuery oxq = new OracleXMLQuery(conn,rs);
    public static Connection getConnection() throws Exception {
    String username = "scott";
    String password = "tiger";
    String dburl = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:xml";
    String driverClass = "oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver";
    Driver d = (Driver)Class.forName(driverClass).newInstance();
    return DriverManager.getConnection(dburl,username,password);

  • Approval Procedures and Stored Procedures

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    Please assist.
    Bongani Dlamini

    Hi Gordon
    The stored procedure is just for validating if the user has selected the udf value.
    It is not for approval*
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    Process Flow.
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    Bongani Dlamini

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    Best regards,
    Lucas Jellema

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    I'm stumped. Any insight or guidance will be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

    My DBA bumped up the large_pool_size and java_pool_size settings and the problem went away. I couldn't convince him to bump the settings one at a time, so am not sure which one was at the root of the problem.
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  • SQL Server 2008 R2 - Report Builder 3.0 - timeout using shared data source and stored procedure

    I select the shared datasource from the data source propeties dialog, test the connection and everything is good.
    I add a dataset by selecting "use a dataset embedded in my report" option within the Dataset properties dialog.
    I select the newly added data source, click the "Stored procedure" query type and drop down the list box and select my intended stored procedure.
    the timeout for the dataset is "0" seconds.
    I click the "OK" button and I'm presented with the parameters to the stored procedure.
    I enter valid data for the parameters and click the "OK" button.
    I then get the following error message after 30 seconds:
    The problem is, all of the timeouts, that I'm aware of, have values of zero (no timeout) or high enough values that 30 seconds isn't even close to the timeout.
    I think the smallest timeout we have is 120 seconds.
    I have searched this site and many others and the solutions all involve altering the stored procedure to get the fields into report builder and then revert the stored procedure back to its original form.
    To me, this is NOT a solution.  
    I have too many stored procedures that need to be brought into Report Builder.
    I need a real solution.
    Thank you for you time, Tim Caldwell.
    Timothy E Caldwell

    I don't mean to be rude, but really, check to see if the stored procedure can return data rows???
    Maybe I'm not being clear enough.
    The stored procedure runs perfectly fine.
    it runs perfectly fine in the production environment and the test environment.
    I can access the stored procedure in several ways and have it return correct data.
    I can even trick report builder into creating a dataset with parameters and run the stored procedure that way.
    What I cannot do, is to get report builder to not timeout after 30 seconds on the initial creation of a dataset with a Query type of stored procedure.
    I have seen this issues posted again and again and again on may different sites and the "solution" is to simplifiy the stored procedure by creating a stored procedure that has a create table and a select in the stored procedure and that's it.  After
    report builder creates the dataset the developer then has to replace the simplified stored procedure with the actual stored procedure and everything works fine after that.
    HOWEVER, having to go through this process for 70 or more stored procedures is ridiculous.
    It would appear that there is something within report builder itself that is causing this issue.
    The SQL Script included is an example of a stored procedure that will not create fields create a dataset with fields and parameters in Report Builder 3.0:
    /****** Object: StoredProcedure [dbo].[COGNOS_Level5ScriptSP] Script Date: 11/17/2014 08:02:26 ******/
    ALTER procedure [dbo].[COGNOS_Level5ScriptSP]
    @CompanyCode varchar(8) = null,
    @GetSiblings varchar(1) = 'N'
    -- get emergency contact info
    select *
    into #tmp_Contacts
    con.connamelast as [Emer Contact Last Name],
    con.connamefirst as [Emer Contact First Name],
    con.connamemiddle as [Emer Contact Middle Initial/Name]--,
    ,ROW_NUMBER() over (Partition by ConEEID order by ConNameLast)as rn
    case when con.conphonepreferred = 'H'
    then '(' + substring(con.conphonehomenumber, 1, 3) + ')' + substring(con.conphonehomenumber, 4, 3) + '-' + substring(con.conphonehomenumber, 7, 4)
    else '(' + substring(con.conphoneothernumber , 1, 3) + ')' + substring(con.conphoneothernumber , 4, 3) + '-' + substring(con.conphoneothernumber , 7, 4)
    ) as [Emergency Phone]
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.Contacts con
    where con.ConIsEmergencyContact='y'
    and con.ConIsActive='y'
    ) A
    where A.rn = 1
    CREATE TABLE #tmp_CompanyCodes (CompanyCode varchar(8))
    If @GetSiblings = 'Y'
    INSERT INTO #tmp_CompanyCodes (CompanyCode)
    EXEC [z_GetClientNumbers_For_ParentOrg_By_ClientNumber] @CompanyCode
    INSERT INTO #tmp_CompanyCodes
    values (@CompanyCode)
    select *
    into #tmp_Company
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.Company
    where cmpcompanycode in (select CompanyCode from #tmp_CompanyCodes)
    select distinct
    cmpcompanycode as [Client ID],
    CmpCompanyDBAName as [Client Name],
    eec.eecEmplStatus AS [Employment Status],
    eec.eecEmpNo AS [Employee Num],
    rtrim(eep.eepNameLast) AS [Last Name],
    rtrim(eep.eepNameFirst) AS [First Name],
    isnull(rtrim(ltrim(eep.eepNameMiddle)), '') AS [Middle Initial/Name],
    rtrim(eep.eepAddressLine1) AS [Address Line 1],
    isnull(rtrim(eep.eepAddressLine2), '') AS [Address Line 2],
    eep.eepAddressCity AS [City],
    eep.eepAddressState AS [State],
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) > 5 and charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) = 0
    THEN substring(eep.eepAddressZipCode, 1, 5)
    ELSE rtrim(eep.eepAddressZipCode)
    END AS [Zip code],
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) > 5 and charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) = 0
    THEN substring(eep.eepAddressZipCode, 6, 4)
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) > 5 and charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) > 0
    THEN substring(eep.eepAddressZipCode, charindex(eep.eepAddressZipCode, '-', 1) + 1, 4)
    WHEN len(eep.eepAddressZipCode) <= 5
    THEN ''
    END AS [ZIP + 4],
    substring(eep.eepSSN, 1, 3) + '-' + substring(eep.eepSSN, 4, 2) + '-' + substring(eep.eepSSN, 6, 4) AS [SSN],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eep.eepDateOfBirth, 101), '') AS [Date Of Birth],
    eetFED.TAXCODE AS [FED Tax Code],
    eetFED.FILINGSTATUS AS [Fed Filing Status],
    eetFED.EXEMPTIONS AS [Fed Exemption Allowance],
    eetFED.ADDITIONAL AS [Additional Fed Withholding],
    eetSIT.TAXCODE AS [SIT Tax Code],
    eetSIT.FILINGSTATUS AS [State Filing Status],
    eetSIT.EXEMPTIONS AS [State Exemption Allowance],
    eetSIT.ADDITIONAL AS [Additional State Withholding],
    isnull('(' + substring(eep.eepPhoneHomeNumber, 1, 3) + ')' + substring(eep.eepPhoneHomeNumber, 4, 3) + '-' + substring(eep.eepPhoneHomeNumber, 7, 4), '') AS [Home Phone],
    isnull((SELECT cod.codDesc
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.Codes cod WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE cod.codCode = eep.eepEthnicID
    AND cod.codDosTable = 'ETHNICCODE'), '') AS [Race-Origin], --eep.eepEthnicID AS [Race-Origin],
    eep.eepGender AS [Gender],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eec.eecDateOfOriginalHire, 101), '') AS [Original Hire Date],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eec.eecDateOfSeniority, 101), '') AS [Seniority Date],
    isnull(convert(VARCHAR(10), eec.eecDateOfTermination, 101), '') AS [Termination Date],
    isnull(eecTermType,'') as [Termination Type],
    isnull(TchDesc, '') as [Termination Reason],
    rtrim(eec.eecJobCode) AS [WC Code],
    isnull(eec.eecJobTitle, '') AS [Job Title],
    pgr.pgrPayFrequency AS [Pay Frequency],
    eec.eecFullTimeOrPartTime AS [Full/Part Time],
    eec.eecSalaryOrHourly AS [Pay Type],
    isnull(convert(MONEY, eec.eecHourlyPayRate), 0.00) AS [Hourly Rate],
    isnull(eec.eecAnnSalary, 0.00) AS [Annual Salary],
    [YTD Hours],
    isnull(eep.eepNameFormer, '') AS [Maiden Name],
    eec.eecLocation AS [Location ID],
    rtrim(eec.eecOrgLvl1) AS [Department ID],
    eec.eecorglvl2 AS [Cost Item],
    eec.eecorglvl3 as [Client Project],
    eec.eecPayGroup as [Pay Group],
    isnull(eepAddressEMail,' ') as [Email Address],
    isNull(BankName1,' ') as PrimaryBank,
    isNull(BankRoute1,' ') as PrimaryRouteNum,
    isNull(Account1,' ') as PrimaryAccount,
    isNull(AcctType1,' ') as PrimaryAcctType,
    isNull(DepositRule1,' ') as PrimaryDepositRule,
    isNull(BankName2,' ') as SecondaryBank,
    isNull(BankRoute2,' ') as SecondaryRouteNum,
    isNull(Account2,' ') as SecondaryAccount,
    isNull(AcctType2,' ') as SecondaryAcctType,
    isNull(DepositRule2,' ') as SecondaryDepositRule,
    WHEN DepositRule2 = 'D'
    THEN '$' + convert(varchar, cast(EddAmtOrPct2 AS decimal(10,2)))
    WHEN DepositRule2 = 'P'
    THEN convert(varchar, cast((EddAmtOrPct2*100) AS decimal(10,0))) + '%'
    ELSE null
    END,' ') as SecondaryDepositAmount,
    isNull(BankName3,' ') as ThirdBank,
    isNull(BankRoute3,' ') as ThirdRouteNum,
    isNull(Account3,' ') as ThirdAccount,
    isNull(AcctType3,' ') as ThirdAcctType,
    isNull(DepositRule3,' ') as ThirdDepositRule,
    WHEN DepositRule3 = 'D'
    THEN '$' + convert(varchar, cast(EddAmtOrPct3 AS decimal(10,2)))
    WHEN DepositRule3 = 'P'
    THEN convert(varchar, cast((EddAmtOrPct3*100) AS decimal(10,0))) + '%'
    ELSE null
    END,' ') as ThirdDepositAmount,
    eec.eecEEID AS [Employee EEID],
    eec.EecJobCode As [Job Code],
    isnull(eec.EecTimeclockID,' ') As [Time Clock ID],
    con.[Emer Contact Last Name],
    con.[Emer Contact First Name],
    con.[Emer Contact Middle Initial/Name],
    con.[Emergency Phone]
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empPers eep WITH (NOLOCK)
    inner join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empComp eec WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON eep.eepEEID = eec.eecEEID
    inner join #tmp_Company cmp WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON eec.eecCOID = cmp.cmpCOID
    inner join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.PayGroup pgr WITH (NOLOCK)
    ON eec.eecPayGroup = pgr.pgrPayGroup
    left outer join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.TrmReasn
    on tchCode = eecTermReason
    left join (select CAST(sum(isnull(eee.eeeYTDHrs,0.00))AS DECIMAL(18,2)) as [YTD Hours],
    from [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpEarn eee with (NOLOCK)
    group by eeeCOID,eeeEEID)eee
    on eec.eecEEID = eee.eeeEEID
    and eec.eecCOID = eee.eeeCOID
    left join (SELECT eetCOID AS COID,
    eetEEID AS EEID,
    eetTaxCode AS TAXCODE,
    eetFilingStatus AS FILINGSTATUS,
    eetExemptions AS EXEMPTIONS,
    eetExtraTaxDollars AS ADDITIONAL
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empTax WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eetTaxCode = 'USFIT'
    ON eec.eecCOID = eetFED.COID
    and eec.eecEEID = eetFED.EEID
    left join (SELECT eetCOID AS COID,
    eetEEID AS EEID,
    eetTaxCode AS TAXCODE,
    eetFilingStatus AS FILINGSTATUS,
    eetExemptions AS EXEMPTIONS,
    eetExtraTaxDollars AS ADDITIONAL
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.empTax WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eetTaxCode like '%SIT'
    AND eetIsWorkInTaxCode = 'Y'
    ON eec.eecCOID = eetSIT.COID
    and eec.eecEEID = eetSIT.EEID
    left outer join (SELECT eddCOID,
    eddEEBankName BankName1,
    eddEEBankRoute BankRoute1,
    eddAcct Account1,
    EddAcctType AcctType1,
    EddDepositRule DepositRule1,
    EddAmtOrPct EddAmtOrPct1
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpDirDp WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eddSequence = '99')edd
    ON eec.eecCOID = edd.eddCOID
    and eec.eecEEID = edd.eddEEID
    left outer join (SELECT eddCOID,
    eddEEBankName BankName2,
    eddEEBankRoute BankRoute2,
    eddAcct Account2,
    EddAcctType AcctType2,
    EddDepositRule DepositRule2,
    EddAmtOrPct EddAmtOrPct2
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpDirDp WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eddSequence = '01')edd2
    ON eec.eecCOID = edd2.eddCOID
    and eec.eecEEID = edd2.eddEEID
    left outer join (SELECT eddCOID,
    eddEEBankName BankName3,
    eddEEBankRoute BankRoute3,
    eddAcct Account3,
    EddAcctType AcctType3,
    EddDepositRule DepositRule3,
    EddAmtOrPct EddAmtOrPct3
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpDirDp WITH (NOLOCK)
    WHERE eddSequence = '02')edd3
    ON eec.eecCOID = edd3.eddCOID
    and eec.eecEEID = edd3.eddEEID
    left outer join (SELECT eecCOID,
    rtrim(eepNameLast) + ', ' +
    rtrim(eepNameFirst) + ' ' +
    isnull(rtrim(ltrim(eepNameMiddle)), '') AS [Supervisor]
    FROM [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpComp WITH (NOLOCK)
    join [ultiprosqlprod1].[ultipro_crum].dbo.EmpPers with (NoLock)
    on eeceeid = eepeeid)eec2
    ON eec.eecSupervisorID = eec2.eecEEID
    left outer join #tmp_Contacts con
    on eep.eepEEID = con.ConEEID
    order by [Client ID],
    [Last Name],
    [First Name]
    drop table #tmp_Contacts
    Timothy E Caldwell

  • Crystal Report and stored procedure calls

    1.   I am trying to access a Stored Procedure through Crystal Reports 2008. I have 3 Parameters in it and now I need the 2 Parameters from the stored Procedure to be given by User and the 3rd Parameter should be passed from the backend code. Please help me with the setps that would help me do this.
    2.I also have another Stored procedure where I have 3 parameters and in addition to that I should provide two other parameters for user to enter. Now the total number of parameters will be 5 Parameters. Can any one let me know how to implement all these parameters.
    3. In another Storedprocedure I have two Parameters which are discrete and multi select and both of them are cascaded. How do I implement those.

    Please re-post if this is still an issue or purchase a case and have a dedicated support engineer work with you directly:

  • Crystal Reports 9 and Stored Procedures using supplied parameters from user

    I have a Crystal Reports 9 report that prints and works fine.  It requests from the user 2 pieces of data which both are String data and not nulls.  I want to use the same report in a Visual Basic.Net 2003 program.  I can pull the report onto the form and it runs wonderfully.  I want to make it run programatically with out prompting for the user to key in the parameters.  I can supply them from an existing data file.  I have tried many things but have lacked the solution. 
    How can I pass the parameters from VB.Net 2003 to the stored procedure which runs the Crystal Report with in the VB.Net 2003 program.
    I appreciate all help and comments.
    Can this be done or do I need to just re-write the report in VB.Net 2003?

    Hi, Norman;
    It sure is possible to pass parameters to a Stored Procedure via our .NET SDK.
    Have a look at these samples:
    There are samples showing passing parameters.

  • Multithreading and stored procedures

    Does anyone know of any problems with calling a stored procedure that returns a reference cursor in a multithreading application? In other words, if I have multiple threads calling the same stored procedure is the reference cursor guarenteed to be unique to each thread/thread safe?
    Thanks in advance,

    That should work fine and each call will get a separate ref cursor as long as the app is written properly and is managing it's threads anbd handles properly. Are you seeing some behaviour that suggests this is not the case?

  • Oracle 8i and stored procedures

    Hi I was hoping someone could point me to the right direction here.
    I have been using SQL server before and often use stored procedures. I understand that if you want to use stored procedures you will use the CallableStatement object and the prepareCall method of the Connection object like so:
    let's say my stored proc has 2 number parameters:
    CallableStatement cs = con.prepareCall( " { call <stored_proc_name> (?, ?) } );
    cs.getString(1, 1);
    cs.getString(2, 2);
    ResultSet rs = cs.executeQuery( );
    where con is my connection object that i used to connect to my database. So far am I right with the following code?
    But my problem is I have to use Oracle 8i. So what is the equivalent of SQL server stored procs in Oracle? Is it functions? Procedures? Or Java Stored Procedures? I have been reading all these sites and the forums for ideas but still haev no clue what approach I should take
    I have managed to connect to my db using the thin drivers and have successfully passed SQL statements. Although, I don't want to pass SQL statements, I want to use stored procedures. With SQL server I would create all my stored procedures and use my beans to call these stored procedures. So as a new user of Oracle 8i coming form SQL server, what approach do I use and how?
    Thanks in advance for all the help!

    Alright well looks like I'm stuck now.
    This seems more like a PL\SQL question though. If I want to return 2 or more values do I use function or a procedure? here's the code I made:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sign_in(username VARCHAR(20), userpassword VARCHAR(20))
    RETURN NUMBER IS id_num NUMBER, user_type VARCHAR(1);
    SELECT * INTO id_num, user_type
    WHERE USERNAME = username
    AND USER_PASSWORD = userpassword
    AND idm.ID_NUM = prs.ID_NUM;
    RETURN id_num, user_type;
    now according to Oracle this is an invalid function. But the error message doesn't say much. Basically I want to pass 2 parameters to use for a query and return 2 variables from the result of the query. Am I suppose to use a procedure?
    If I pass paramters do which string do I use to prepareCall: "{ ? = CALL sign_in (?, ?) }" or do I use the "{ CALL sign_in (?, ?) }"
    But my problem right now is how to make the proper stored procedure. I'd be very much obliged to anyone who can give a sample. Thank you all for your time!

  • Prepared Statement and Stored Procedure..

    I have about 200 SQL statement in my Java application
    I have two options either to convert into
    Stored procedures
    or to convert into prepared statement ....
    Please guide me which options should be best....
    I need difference
    1)in term of speed.
    Senior DBA

    club your statements on the basis of related functionalities and change it to stored procedures as it will redudce no. of calls to the database and will be faster to fetch data in one go and even reduce the memory requirements.

  • Prepared Statement and Stored Procedure difference?

    For SQL in my web applications I use PreparedStatement object alot in my JDBC working with Oracle 9i.
    I also heard the term Stored Procedure. What is the difference between Stored Procedure and Prepared Statement?

    I am new to java programming, can anybody explain
    what exactly precompiled means
    Thank you
    PalspaceWhat does you subject line have to do with your question?
    The difference between a stored proc and a prepared statement is mainly this.
    A stored proc is stored in the database server permanently and can be used and re-used from a different connections.
    A PreparedStatement is not valid across connections.
    Stored procs are almost always precompiled. (I am just hedging a bit here just in case but you can consider it 100%)
    PreparedStatements MAY be precompiled. Hard to say.
    Precompiling means at least one of and perhaps all of the following depending on the database
    - The parsing of the SQL statement
    - The checking of the SQL against the data dictionary to ensure that the tables and columns referenced actually exist
    - The preparation of a query plan
    Last but not least Stored procedures may (and often do) contain more than simple queries but are in fact relatively complex programs written in a DB specific language (an offshoot of SQL of some sort).

  • Collable statement and stored procedure problem

    I am using a collable statement to execute a stored procedure.
    The stored procedure is a bit complex since it uses a function to retrieve sequence nextval (newId),
    than insert a row and returns the newId.
    Anyway, I checked it with sql plus and it works, but when trying to execute it from my Java code, I get the following error message:
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06550: line 1, column 33:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol ";" when expecting one of the following:
    . ( ) , * @ % & | = - + < / > at in mod not range rem => ..
    <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like
    between is null is not || indicator is dangling
    The symbol ")" was substituted for ";" to continue.
    Anyone can help?

    My PL/SQL code:
    newId NUMBER;
    RETURN newId;
    sentBy IN VARCHAR,
    subject IN VARCHAR,
    msg IN VARCHAR,
    newId OUT NUMBER)
    newId := getNotifSeq;
    END insertNotifMsg;
    My Java code to call the procedure:
    conn = myDBconn.getConnection();
    CallableStatement callStmt = conn.prepareCall("{call insertNotifMsg(?,?,?,?}");
    callStmt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.INTEGER);
    ResultSet rs = callStmt.executeQuery();
    if (!rs.next()) {
    throw new SQLException("ERROR: Notification was not inserted into database!");
    long newId = callStmt.getInt(4);

  • Difference between Function and Stored Procedure

    Hi guys, i don't understand the exact difference between a function and a stored procedure. I did lot of google but still. Can somebody explain in simple words. Thanks.

    Here's an example of a user-defined function:
    (      in_num       IN     PLS_INTEGER
         IF  in_num IS NULL
              RETURN     NULL;
         ELSIF in_num <= 1
              RETURN  1;
              RETURN  in_num * factorial (in_num - 1);
         END IF;
    END     factorial;
    SHOW ERRORSThis function retruns an integer. You can use the function (or, more properly, the integer that it returns) anywhere an integer expression is allowed.
    For example
    ,     factorial (ROWNUM)     AS f
    ,     loc
    ,     SUBSTR ( loc
                , 1
                , factorial (ROWNUM)
                )          AS s
    FROM     scott.dept;Output:
    `   ROWNUM          F LOC           S
             1          1 NEW YORK      N
             2          2 DALLAS        DA
             3          6 CHICAGO       CHICAG
             4         24 BOSTON        BOSTON

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