Electric organ rhythm section samples?

Does anyone know where I can find samples of those rhythm sections that used to be in electric organs — typically with colored buttons and styles such as Swing, March, Bossa Nova, Waltz, etc. — ?
MacBook Pro, 2.33 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

I have a CD that is at least ten years old. It came from Big Fish Audio, and it's called "B3 & More-Vital Organs".
It's was formatted for samplecell mac (that shows you how old it is), but it has an audio section as well.
Along with the B3, it had a section at the end that was all the various preset grooves you mentioned, at a few different tempos, I believe.
You could check with Big Fish audio to see if that title is still available, or has at least been re-formated.

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    Could it be that the JamPack came out before the switch to Intel? It seems to be installing, then fails at the end. What to do?

    Try HangTime's suggestion...always a good first step. All five Jam Packs installed just fine on my Core Duo Mac mini.
    What error is it giving you exactly?

  • Sample libraries - string sections... is there something I'm missing?

    Pretty much unconditionally.... well I've only used the EXS24 package that comes with logic and recently got KH emerald, but any time I write something with multiple string sections I pretty much always start out with the individual sections. Violins, viola, cello, etc.
    I fine tune automation and velocity, and still find myself unsatisfied, so just to compare, I switch all of the tracks to the full string section, and I've never really had it not sound, well, better.
    The frustrating part is that I cant just switch around as I please because it completely throws off the fine tuning of velocity so that it sounds awkward and choppy again.
    So maybe I can see how the raw sound of just violins playing would be desireable if it were out of the context of something orchestral, but what am I missing? It just doesnt seem to blend when I use the separate section samples.
    Message was edited by: Ravich

    Ravich wrote:
    But going off of what you said regarding strings... I guess I'm just surprised at how... unimpressed I am with a lot of the KH instruments I have played around with, given what I had heard about the library. Things like obvious timbre changes on only one note of a scale not based on velocity... the oboe seems to be recorded so that it sounds extremely breathy and more like a bassoon saxophone hybrid than an oboe, and all but like 2 of the varying options tend to have very intense vibrato that sounds very uncharacteristic of any oboe I have heard within an orchestral setting. Also it's almost like sometimes the mic switches places from note to note, because the breath of a wind instrument player suddenly becomes very audible.
    Yea, this is why, if you are really serious about this, and can justify the expense, you really need to own several libraries, and learn each ones strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes, amongst all the high dollar samples, that one oboe sample from your old mirage sampler still speaks in the track better than any other. And while that's a slight exaggeration, I think most here would agree with that statement.
    It takes a lot of experimenting before what comes out of your speakers matches what's in your head, and truthfully, I don't think that ever totally happens. You find a compromise you can live with.
    I know Kirk's stuff is among the best value for the money, but I know several folks who feel the same way you do. It's a highly subjective thing, so just because one guy gets a lot of milage out of it, doesn't mean you necessarily will.
    I'd throw out VSL as an strong contender. Do check them out. No libraries offer "Demos", as far as I am aware, because of the size of the samples. But each website has many, many demo recordings, some submitted by users like you and me. So go listen to those, and see which ones "speak" to you.
    Ravich wrote:
    I know they say that digitally modifying the pitch (like using one sample for a range of notes or whatever) is a bad thing, but it would seem to me that those sorts of inconsistencies are worse.
    To the best of my knowledge, the "big" boys aren't doing that anymore, because hard drive size and sample length are really not much of an issue these days.
    To sum this up, I remember reading a quote back in the mid 80's, when sampling was taking hold. Someone said
    "A sample is the right note, played at the wrong time".
    Indicating that while the pitch of the given instrument sample is the playing the right note, it wasn't performed at the point and time you are using it, or in the context that you're using it.
    When you think about how true that is, it's amazing we can get useable results at all out of samples.
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    Don't know what I did, but its fixed. Went to another track with ESX24 and everything loads!

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    I'm not sure if it is a CP70 of CP80. Don't know the difference. But I know 2:
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    - Electric Grand EG70 (www.genuinesoundware.com) (Emulated)
    Last one has really good respons.


    Hey does anybody know some really good quality instrument software that I can run midi with logic? I know about the Jam packs but from what I hear they are not as great as they should be. Im looking for drums,orchestra, piano, brass, strings etc. Any help would be great, thanx.

    whoa, first i gotta say that the jam packs ARE Excellent! i was a GarageBand user first who has since made the jump to Logic (currently 7.2 and about to upgrade to 8). the jam packs for me were a must for GBand although some of those types of sounds are already in Logic.
    For the record jam Packs include the following:
    1. Loops. There are 2 kinds of loops. The first is a "real instrument loop" that is a recording of a real musician in a real studio playing real instruments. These are of high quality though i don't personally use them very much except for some of the percussion loops. However these loops have been analyzed and will conform to tempos and keys (within reason) automatically. You may also cut them up at will. i have created some good Amen type breaks as i make Drum and Bass. The new vocal jam pack has some very well recorded and produced samples.
    The second kind of loops are midi loops. These can conform to all tempos and keys and can be re-arranged at will. Midi loops can be applied to any Software Instrument these are great if you find something close but want to alter it or for analyzing certain styles. Some of the midi guitar loops suprisingly realistic.
    2. All jam packs include Software Instruments. These are of the EXS24 type but can be loaded into both logic and garageband which doesn't feature the EXS24 as it appears in logic, though the basic functionality is there. These instruments can be loaded into GBand and Logic directly. In logic they are in the channel strip settings under GarageBand. They load a simplified version of EXS. The jam packs make use of the instruments by providing loops made with those instruments. Of course you can use the loops and instruments separately.
    Here is the break down.
    The ReMix Jam Pack (my favorite) is a collection of synthetic sounds primarily for Dance Music. you will find 808's 909's though no 303's. These were made in cooperation with Roland (which is rare) you will also find some great although somewhat simplified synth emulations. The loops are primarily synths and drums but they cover almost every genre of dance from House, Trance Electro and Drum and Bass.
    The World Music Jam Pack covers a lot of ground (literally) with asian, latin european, and african instruments and loops. Some of these are great the sitar and steel drums are awesome. Some are disappointing the Bag Pipes for instance. However bag pipes are kind of hard to do and to program correctly however i did download a Amazing Grace midi file and they actually sounded really good.
    The Rhythm Section Jam Pack is a more Rock oriented one with electric and acoustic guitars and basses, horns drum etc. there a really good loops and software instruments. Since these instruments are so well known and since people are so used to hearing them played by real musicians careful programming of the virtual instruments is a must for a finished song. But these can be great for sketches to be played by a real musician later. The drum loops are wonderful, very usable and a singer songwriter's dream come true.
    The Symphonic Orchestra Jam Pack has exactly what you think it would. I feel less qualified to give an opinion on this but can probably safely say that this would not be able to compete with a larger and much more expensive dedicated symphonic instrument. They are usable for a quick spot of drama or as a symphonic backing.
    The last available Jam Pack is the Voices one. This is a weird one because you can't really make a complete vocal line from samples. Mostly because you can't tell a sample what to sing. Also the Voices software instruments are mostly oohhs and ahhs choirs which never sound "real" there is one that you can go through vowels with the mod wheel but again who just talks or sings in vowels? To its credit the samples that are sung by real singers sound incredible though some may find the production a bit OTT. They do work well for my chosen genre which tends to use just vocal snippets and i produced a song that is just lovely using a few lines from one of the "singers" But like all the Jam packs they are completely royalty free and legal to use in a song. They also sync perfectly with Logic and GBand.
    There is one more Jam Pack which i don't have because it is no longer available, so I can't really comment on it.
    i know this was long and i apologize. i probably should have said. " Don't worry about it just buy Logic 8 because you get the first five Jam Packs (not including voices but it does include the first and no longer available one) FOR FREE!" Even for the full version of Logic it's like buying the Jam Packs and getting Logic for free!
    also about the original question about instrument plug-ins. Logic can only use Audio Unit (AU) Plug-ins VSTs will not work in (natively) Logic. For most plug ins you can usually download a "Demo" version to get an idea if it is right for you. There are freeware, shareware, and for pay AU's all over the web and there are multiple forums for discussing them. www.kvraudio.com is an excellent forum completely dedicated to digital audio production with an emphasis on Plug-Ins and many developers of plug-ins actually have their user forums there and communicate directly with users of their products.
    I hope this clarifies things- gos

  • Newbie: Drums. What options are there for drums?

    Hi there,
    I'm having fun with Logic Express. I can play most instruments I need, but not drums. I've never played drums.
    I don't have much money to spend of it.
    Searching through previous threads, I found references to the following drum loop companies:
    Drums on Demand:
    Drums from H*ll (Hehee, the forum edited that word!):
    I already purchased Apple's Jam Pack Rhythm Section. I was a somewhat disappointed in it, because it contains a little bit for everyone, and one or two loops for every style in the world, but not much of what I want.
    I guess I want more slow-tempo rock. But not necessarily "soft rock". I like things to rise and fall in volume in a dramatic way, but not stay soft like a ballad, nor head-banging fast.
    I haven't listened to Drums On Demand, but I'm a bit afraid their "soft" disk might be full of soft dreary ballads, and their "heavy" disk might be full of really fast head-banging stuff.
    Maybe I'll still go with something like Drums On Demand. But the problem with loop disks seems to be that you will buy many loops that you will never use. And maybe, hopefully, find a few that are good. Pity they're not previewable online, and downloadable online.
    What about MIDI loops? Is it possible to purchase MIDI loops and then just apply them to a standard drum kit in Logic Express?
    I figured a MIDI file would be more editable. I could use an existing beat, and then add some extra drum or cymbal smashes to make it fit my music better.
    Or should I just learn to make my own MIDI loops? I have a good sense of rhythm for other instruments. Would it be possible to apply this to drums easily, and play them on a keyboard? Having not played real drums, I am afraid I would not know how to get the feel of a real kit.
    Thanks for your info.
    G5 2x2GHz Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    G5 2x2GHz Mac OS X (10.4.8)
    G5 2x2GHz   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Tofu Mouse, if you ever do consider the more expensive options, take a good and hard and long look at EZdrummer. My band is using it to avoid having to pay for studio time every time we want to record drum tracks (we record the rest of our instruments + my vocals in our own studio, with very good results, but we don't have the equipment to record our own drums), and even without our drummer present, we are able to lay down our drum parts quickly.
    I should mention that the drum arrangements our drummer composes and plays are extremely advanced (he is a schooled jazz, rock and metal drummer, so he is both very technical and very varied in his playing), but thanks to EZdrummer and Logic's brilliant hyper editor, we can usually replicate him even if he isn't present just by listening to low quality live recordings of him playing the actual songs. So far, the only people who have been able to hear that our drums are digital, are the ones who know that our own drumset could never yield so good sound quality as the EZdrummer samples do (The "Human Playing" button in EZdrummer is everyone's friend, ensuring that the drum beats never sound to artificial or perfect)
    And this is probably one of the most advanced ways to use of EZdrummer. If all you want to do is lay down drum parts for home-written material, the included drum loops and the hyper editor will make that extremely easy for you.
    Good luck, whatever peculiar drum tool you end up with

  • Appleworks Database Format Questions

    The first thing I want to do is create a database, enter data into it, and create a printout form which easily distinguishes the data--with AT LEAST a line printed between each record.
    Okay, so far I have created all the fields to enter one record. In the Layout View, I got the fonts, styles, sizes, and alignment of the fields in relation to each other to look pretty good--at least if the Print Preview is accurate. In the List View, the records are in columns of equal size, regardless of the size and type of record. Is this the only way it works?
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    --Fix the printout to print a certain number of records per page, with none "lost" or cut off between pages, and with at least a solid line between each record so I can tell at a glance where each leaves off?
    Thanks for any assistance in clearing any of this up!

    Hi Cornelia,
    To increase the amount of space after a record in your layout, drag the Body boundary down a bit. Use the line tool to draw a separator line in this space if you wish. These operations must be done in Layout mode (Go Layout > Layout).
    "List" is a 'quick & dirty' way to view your data, not a 'real' layout.
    You can change the width of columns by dragging the right boundary of the column header left or right. You can change the order of the columns by dragging the column header to a new location.
    You can change the order of records by grabbing a row header and dragging the row to a new location. And you can grab and drag the bottom boundary of a row to change the height of that row. This last is not terribly useful though, as moving the data (record) does not move the location of the widened row to follow its data.
    To create a new record, use Edit > New Record, or press command-R.
    To duplicate an existing record, use Edit > Duplicate Record, or press command-D.
    The DB will, by default, print as many records as will fit on a page, and will not run one record over a page boundary. Layout size is limited to a single page.
    If you haven't yet done so (and some of your questions would indicate that you haven't), read the database related articles in the "Organizing Information" section of AppleWorks Help (Go Help > AppleWorks Help). You may also find it useful to examine the sample databases found in the Templates section of Starting Points and the Address List databases constructed by the Address List Assistant, also in Starting Points.

  • Realistic drum sound? Advice given and needed

    I am trying to figure out how to get a decent, realistic (ish!) drum sound on the iPad, to use when recording garageband tracks. Let's face it, the smart drums just don't cut it. I have gone through seemingly tons of set-ups and configurations with different apps and so forth, and have sort of settled on a sound which is ok (for now) and is by far the best sound I've achieved so far. Bear in mind that, as a garageband user, I am not investing tons of money into tech - a few pounds per app is all I've spent really. First, I'll describe what I've done in the past, and what I currently do.
    I started with the smart drums, of course. Tiresome very quickly, and they were naturally holding back the quality of my recordings by making them sound, basically, rubbish. I find that with drums, they either need to sound decently realistic, or completely electronic (like a drum machine). Anything in-between is nonsense and sounds bad.
    I next downloaded the DM1 app and made drum tracks using some of the preset acoustic drum kits. Much much better sound, ability to change individual drum sounds and panning. Still not great though, and very laborious as the track had to be (before ios7 and inter-audio apps were usable with garageband) rendered, emailed to myself, downloaded, converted using file conversion software, loaded into another DAW to allow it to be copied, then pasted into garageband. There was also some latency apparent when exporting the file. Bah!
    Eventually I found Easybeats 2. More intuitive, some ok-sounding samples available to use for the different drums. Only 16 bars of drums can be programmed at a time, but that doesn't matter so much as you can easily export the 16 bars into your pasteboard straight from the app, then copy it into garageband (no latency either!). Then just wipe the 16 bars and do the next section. Panning, individual drum control, VELOCITY CONTROL for each hit (finally!).
    Still something was missing though. I had yet to find a kick and snare sound which was close to acceptable. DM1 came closest for those two so far, but much worse for cymbals, hi-hats, toms, and had no velocity for each hit (well I think you could select normal or louder for each hit, but nothing more than that - not good enough). Also the snares were a bit weak-sounding. For some time, my solution was to record a drum track on kick and snare only using DM1, load this into garageband, then record a duplicate track in Easybeats 2, again with kick and snare but this time with everything else as well, then load that on another track, and attempt to sync the tracks as closely as possible (sometimes a laborious job considering the latency from DM1), then mix this down to one track. This gave a powerful sound and I was pleased with it for a while, though looking back now, it was awful. Just awful.
    When I became dissatisfied with this sound, I came to a crossroads. Was I going to stop this quest for realistic ipad drums, and just buy EZdrummer for my laptop? I would need to upgrade my windows as well. And buy a DAW. An investment of hundreds of pounds! No, I would continue my noble quest! But for this, I would need to enlist the help of my laptop.
    What I really needed was a decent kick and snare sound to use in Easybeats 2 (i tried Easybeats 3 but went back to 2. 2 is just better in my opinion). For me, that's 80% of a good drum sound. Average-quality cymbals and hi hats can hide to some extent if the snare and kick are convincing enough. Of course, I'm talking about rough-quality demo tracks - in professional recordings all elements are of course important. I would have to find samples, and save these as a drum kit to be used with Easybeats. But this can't be done using only an ipad. I googled 'acoustic drum samples' on my laptop and on the first page is 'Tom Hicks Samples'. Zip files with tons of samples for every drum you could need, and all free. I don't think you can find better for free online. Still I was not 100% happy with any one sound. I therefore loaded a few sounds into Audacity (free mixing software) and overlayed them, and played with the bass and gain, until I was happy. I then exported these as wavs, created a custom wav kit by sending a compressed file with all of my desired sounds from my laptop directly into Easybeats 2 (you need to plug the ipad into your laptop to enable this), and finally... Finally! My drum kit is completely (for now). The combination of decent sounds and the ability to control the velocity of each hit in Easybeats 2 is, thus far, simply the best method I've discovered for drums on the ipad.
    Not being very technically-minded (I prefer just playing and writing music, but know little about tech or computers) the above methods were things I discovered and experimented with gradually, and something as seemingly simple as, say, creating a custom snare sound by overlaying multiple samples into Audacity, then using that sound for every snare hit, is not something which even occurred to me for a long time. There was certainly nothing online that I found to explain or guide me through any of the steps. Most advice amounted simply to 'use DM1', or to not use the ipad at all. Hopefully my advice may prove useful to anyone undertaking a similar quest.
    I posted this not just to explain my method, but to ask whether anyone has any input or further advice on creating a good drum sound on the ipad. I am always looking for new ideas, and I am not convinced that I have reached the pinnacle of what the ipad can achieve yet.

    I'm definitely going to agree with BeeJay to a point... Logic's drums are not stellar (they're okay, but that's as far as I go), and forget Ultrabeat if you want a little bit a "realism". However, if all you have to work with right now are Logic's kits (and perhaps the Rhythm Section JamPack), go into the EXS and separate the important groups (kick, snare, toms and hi-hats) into their own aux channels and save the the instrument as a multichannel instrument. Work with the separate aux channels by adding in a bit of EQ and/or compression (or do the New York style mix). As well, send the unprocessed signals to a bus containing a drum room reverb and mix them together.
    Another thing you may want to consider is the fact in order to sound like a human, don't play it like a robot. Quantize certain parts, but not every part (and it doesn't have to be at 100% - use lower strengths to bring out a bit of humanness). If you don't have one, get a pad input, such as M-Audio's Trigger Finger. Note the a lot of the kits in the EXS and JamPacks have a few articulations for drums that you need to make use of, such as flams, drags and rimshots to do various beats. Listen to various rhythms and fills and watch how drummers do it (plenty of videos on http://www.drummerworld.com). And, when you make a beat, play the beat.
    Back to samples: if you find that Logic's kits still aren't cutting it for you, definitely go for something like BFD, DKFH or whatever. I fell in love with BFD and highly recommend it. As to whether it sounds like a drummer for you will depend on how you play it. For me, it definitely sounds like a drummer. :-D

  • Can't use EXS24 instruments

    Hi everybody,
    I opened up one of my Garageband projects today, and when I opened it, I got a message that said
    Can't load "Studio Heavy Kit.exs". missing file YT2_CBLOHTX01.aif not found!
    I just recently bought both Logic Pro and Mainstage from the app store, and installed the additional content. Now, I'm opening the project for the first time since I did that, and now I can't use the Studio Heavy Kit. I tried reinstalling the additional content but still nothing. FYI, I downloaded Garageband through the app store as well. I tried looking for a solution on the net and had no success. I am also missing other bass instruments and drum instruments as well.
    Before that, I already had the jam packs installed through the installation files my friend sent me. When I tried installing them, I got an error message saying something about "PPC applications are no longer supported."
    This is ******* me off and I really want to use my projects again. If anyone can help me I would really appreciate it.

    The 'Subby Bass' samples are part of the "Rhythm Section" content.
    Note that a lot of the 'JamPack' samples and Instruments are installed in
    Library:Application Support:GarageBand:Instrument Library:Sampler.
    Check to see if the files have been installed.

  • Coreaudio system overload on Macbook

    I upgraded to a brand new Macbook thinking that its 2ghz would give me even more comfort of use than my Ibook (1ghz)
    unfortunately, since I transferred Logic onto my new computer (after having dutifully erased logic on the other one), I've been getting the dreaded system overload message every time I tried to play my very basic blues files which include only ONE real instrument (my guitar) over a basic rhythm section (bass drums and organ). It just won't take the load.
    This is sooooooooooooooooooo frustrating. I have tried everything that I thought would help (reorganizing memory, buffer size) but to no avail. Any suggestions ?

    Did you upgrade to LE 7.2+?
    This is needed to run properly on a MacBook.

  • Brass Sounds

    Hello all. This is my first time posting on the forum, but I've read several threads in the past.
    I am looking for some good brass sounds. I have the Symphony Orchestra JamPack, but I'm not terribly pleased with those trumpets. Anyone have a suggestion. Your help would be appreciated.
    By the way, I'll tell you the application. I am the music director for my church, and I make tracks on GarageBand for my band to play with. We have a rhythm section, and I add strings and other instruments to fill out the sound.
    Thanks in advance for your help!
    Mac Mini Intel Single Core   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   1 GB Ram

    If you follow my tutorial, all works well...
    Since it is not ready, I have not received the Intel-ready version to test with GarageBand 3. When I do (and hoping we get a GarageBand 4 soon) I will rewrite the above tutorial.
    Once you setup your custom instruments, yes, it all plays very nice. Because these samples are so precise, it may take a little more time to load--depending on the complexity of the instrument. Also, you need a good deal of RAM, so keep that in mind. Again, it depends on the complexity and how many instruments you use. The piece I posted worked on a Mac Mini with just a gig of RAM. So I think your Mini with one gig should suffice. Also, the Brass instruments are not as complex as, say, the Steinway Grand. You should do just fine.

  • Choice Assistance Please

    Right now I am having difficulty choosing between two new DAWs- Logic Studio and Steinberg Cubase. There is no question that both are probably great in their own way, but I personally rely only on the piano roll, and the provided instruments. I can't spend on extra Audio Units, so right now the only thing that's stopping me from getting Cubase is because Halion One doesn't seem to come with great samples at all, it's just a basic GM sampler with barely decent instruments. Logic has a LOT of instruments, but I've heard that they are not that great since they are pretty outdated, and are not much better than the garageband instruments, which I personally despise. So, I honestly don't know what to do. Neither of the programs have trials I can access, (Cubase has one, but I have to buy a usb licenser, which is outrageous) and I don't have the ability to spend another 500 for samples to add to a program that's already 500 to begin with. Would anyone be able to aid me in figuring out which to go for? I know this is a Logic discussion area, but there must be some people who have used both.

    If you've heard primarily techno sounds from the garage band library, it's likely that you did not have an opportunity to hear much of the library. Logic Pro now includes a complete collection of sounds that are otherwise sold separately for GB users. They are called Jam Packs - check them out on the Apple website - and they consist of five $100 sets; Vocals, Orchestra, Remix Tools, World Instruments, Rhythm Section. Maybe 40 gigs or so. GB and it's associated sound collection is often misunderstood as being entirely about prefab phrases and loops. This is not the case.
    I have Spectrasonics, NI, EWQL, Vienna, Ivory, and others, yet I use the "Garage Band" library all the time. When I do it's simply because a given sound is only available there, or because that version fits my current requirement better than other versions from other libraries. It's no doubt true that the expensive libraries use longer samples, more velocity layers, release layers, etc., and sometimes the result is astonishing. But sometimes the right vibrato on the oboe or the right amount of pick noise on the banjo trumps the big detailed sample instrument with some other vibrato/pick noise. In other words you need choices, and the GB/Logic library provides a wealth of them in all areas.

  • External Drives on MBP for recording

    I'm a logic9  'power' user whose about to make 'as live' recording with 2 synth players and full rhythm section and 3 vocalists.
    Historically I've recorded the standard way ie   Logic9 on the internal drive and 2 discrete FW800 drives for samples and audio recording respectively. This was doable on my 2008 iMac but is no longer coping with current larger projects.
    Enter the MBP
    My issue comes from the lack of a FW400 port on the MBP for my Apogee Ensemble. At the moment I'm trialling a 24 track project including 2 software instruments streaming samples from daisy chained drives as follows
    MBP FW800<LacieRugged500<FW400ApogeeEnsemble<FW400LacieRugged(Audio Drive
    When all 26tracks are recording I'm getting just one of my 8 'cores' maxing out. Is the daisy chain causing this
    I know its a Logic scenario but posted here cos I'm thinking distributing external drives across the various MBP ports may be the solution
    Any suggestions??
    Is there a decent FW800/400 Giant hub that you'd recommend?

    This is how Id expect to see the MBP looking just prior to recording a bogstandard LP9 piano.
    Now see below Even recording 6 simultaneously gives me just a little more strain on 1 thread
    Now however cometh the problem. I really wanna use IVORYII . It sounds great and I have a top notch SSD MBP. BUT look at what happens below
    And in fact the one thread actually maxed out a number of times causing the piano to 'distort' .
    As I mentioned above my FW daisy chain is as follows
    MBP FW800<LacieRugged500Gb(5400)<FW400ApogeeEnsemble< 2ndLacieRugged500Gb(5400)(Audio Drive
    This is so frstraing What am I missing?
    The self same project performs better on my 2008 IMac!!!

  • Installed Jam Pack but see no new loops in Garageband loop browser. Why not?

    I successfully installed Jam Pack but don't see new loops in Garageband loop browser. Is there some extra step I'm supposed to do? Before, I had about 57 Rock/Blues loops, and I still have just that. I had 14 instruments under All Drums, and guess what? Still only 14.
    I know the install completed successfully - it said so, anyway.

    Have you filters set on the Loop Browser?  Make sure the GarageBand Preference "Loops > Keyword Browsing > Filter for more relevant content" is off.  Otherwise you will  see a fraction of the available loops.
    To see, if the JamPack has been installed, set the pop-up meu at the top of the Loop Browser to "Rhythm Section". Is that available?
    Did you reindex your Loops after installing the Jam Pack? And did you restart the Mac? In Mt. Lion only restarting a Mac will ensure, that an application is not resumed from a cache, when you launch it again.Restarting the Mac will terminate GarageBand for sure.
    If restarting the Mac does not make the JamPack Loops show, rebuild the Loop index.  See:  Rebuilding the Loop Index in GarageBand 6 or earlier - Apple Support

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    Hi, I'm trying to make a repeating region that contains a spry collapsable panel. The problem is that i need to develop a way to automatically increase the ID of the spry panel. The problem I am encountering is that only the first Collapsible Panel w

  • Can you transfer game saves to another iTunes account?

    When my little sister got an iPod touch I let her use my iTunes account as I couldn't see the harm. Since then, I've got an iPhone and there's a problem with using the same account. Whenever she uses iMessage, the conversations come up on my phone an

  • Help deciphering Mac Pro kernel panic report

    Hi all, my Mac Pro (early 2009, quad core 2.93GHz, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 285) has experienced some kernel panics with automated restarts (8 in total) over the past couple weeks. All panic logs show hardware errors of the "Read ECC" kind, though the affe

  • Day 2

    well, after using L8 to mixdown a L7 song yesterday with no problems starting a new project for a client today was not so great. i had problems with crazy screen re-draw issues. automation mode randomly changing itself from read to latch. creating no

  • PO dollar amount versus invoice dollar amount report?

    Hello, Is there a report that shows the variance between the dollar amount on a purchase order and what was actually paid on the PO's invoice? Thx. Andy Jacobs