Email to text not working

Has there been a change in the way to address email messages so that they show up as texts on my phone? I tested both my cell number and my vtext nickname from a notification service and from my personal email account and neither came through to my phone. 

I use [email protected] to forward emails to my phone . . . it gives me most of the message in the email, rather than just the subject line and maybe a word or two of the message.
Emails should be sent to your10-digit [email protected] or

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    Message was edited by: Admin Moderator

    For Gmail it is: open Gmail > menu > settings > your gmail address > notifications check box is unchecked.
    There are some additional notification options for labels too.

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    Sorry for the delay...
    I did what you've told me, new account and manually copied my files from Time Machine. I had lots of permissions problems, but at the end, almost everything is in order... It seems it had to be with some of the Apple Preferences, but I can't be sure, as most of them were dumped to the trash can.
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    Crystal Reports 2008
    SAP Integration KIT

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    [email protected] ,[email protected], [email protected])
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    may not be responding.�
    When i trying to open xls and PDF file
    Expected Result:
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    Pls help me about this senario:
    What is problem in this case:
    I am sending code
    Session session =getSession(host,port,secure);
                   Transport trans = connect(host,port,session,userID,password);
                   Message message = new MimeMessage(session);
                   InternetAddress[] iAddr = null;
                   message.setFrom(new InternetAddress(fromName));
                   iAddr = InternetAddress.parse(toUserName, true);
                   message.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, iAddr);
                   //BodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                   Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
                   MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart=null;
    if(dataLocation!=null && dataLocation.equalsIgnoreCase("ATTACHMENT")){
                        String tmpName=fileName;
                        if( inputstream != null)
                                  tmpName = makeAttachment(fileName,inputstream);
                        messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                        DataSource source = new FileDataSource(tmpName);
                        messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
                        fileName = fileName.replace('\\', '/');
                        fileName = fileName.substring(fileName.lastIndexOf('/') + 1,

    First, when sending your message, the filename should be a simple
    filename, not containing any directory names.
    It sounds like your mail server might be doing some special
    processing of attachments, perhaps to prevent viruses.

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    Reply from Keygames.
    Hi David,
    It is a problem with the website. We are working on a solution.
    Best is to go to for the time being.
    Best regards,
    Date: Sun, 17 Nov 2013 01:43:55 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Unable to play flash games. All I get is a white box. Does anyone have a solution?
        Re: Unable to play flash games. All I get is a white box. Does anyone have a solution?
        created by Pat Willener in Installing Flash Player - View the full discussion

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    That helped thanks-
    I was able to solve this by deleting all "Envelop Index*"- and "ExternalUpdates*"-files in ~/Library/Mail/v2/MailData. After that I restarted Mail and let it reindex all mailboxes.

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    Hi Steve,
    I have tried to export to epub 2 and 3. The video is MP4 (h264). It was working just fine on all devices now I can't seem to get any video to export and work.
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    I have a dynamic text field, set to format html.
    The link that loads in the dynamic text field is:
    href="portfolio_template.php?sec=housing%2F&sub=townhouses%2F&pro=rheingold+gardens%2F&st =2&id=5">Rheingold
    Gardens receives 2006 Building Brooklyn Award</a>
    It does not work.
    If I make a very simple link, like:
    <a href="">link</a>
    It works.
    I have seen in the Flash (MX2004) doc that
    "<a href> must be a string, up to 128 characters."
    My href string is not longer than 128 chars...
    What is wrong?...
    seb ( [email protected]) | high-end web
    Downloads: Slide Show, Directory Browser, Mailing List

    Have tried putting
    http:// in front of your link?

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    Please advise how can I get eh Nokia email works again.  thanks

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  • Rich text not working...

    Under preferences in Mail, I have the message format set to Rich Text and under fonts and colours; I have the message font set to Verdana from the 'windows office compatible' fonts. However, not a single email client that I am sending messages to is interpreting this font. Outlook is simply displaying the text in Times New Roman, which looks awful. Why is this not working?
    Also, when I send a message with a 'windows compatible' attachment, outlook cuts off all of the text after the attachment and shows it as a HTML attachment???

    martinneep wrote:
    So it is intended only for viewing, not for message composition???
    Surely you can see my frustration?
    Yes. Sorry, but I wasn't very clear. The Message Font in Mail preferences is for displaying plain text messages and setting the "default" font. Rich text messages will be displayed in whatever font they were created with.
    The Fonts menu is useful for message composition. But in order to create a rich text message, you must change the font from the default, whatever that default happens to be. So, it is in your interests to make sure that the Message Font in Mail Preferences is not the font you want to use for creating new rich text messages.
    It is the policy of Apple Mail to prefer to send plain text messages whenever possible. Even if you select rich text, Apple Mail will only send plain text if it thinks you haven't used any rich text features. This is a design decision by Apple because they know how much trouble sending and receiving rich text messages really is.
    I send a message to a client, attach an excel spreadsheet... When I receive a reply, I see my quoted message; in Times New Roman, with the most important body of text missing, just because it was typed after the attachment. I basically sent a message that made no sense and that looked very unprofessional.
    You can't go by that. A message sent to a Windows user and returned as a quoted reply is likely to have no relation whatsoever to how it looked on your display or how it looked on your recipient's display when you sent it.
    Also, you seem to be encountering a well-known bug in Outlook. It sounds like what you actually sent was a plain text message with attachments. Outlook is known to handle such messages poorly. It is best in such situations to put your attachments at the end of the message and/or force a rich text message by selecting a non-default font. (That means a font other that what you have defined as the default message font).
    All of your content made it to the recipient, but any text after the attachment shows up as a text attachment. When dealing with users with this old version of Outlook, make sure all of your attachments are at the end of your message. As soon as Outlook sees the first attachment (which will be anything (image, attachment, styled text) that isn't plain text) it treats all following content as attachments.
    His response however (composed in Outlook) looked much more reputable. The message displayed in the same font that it was composed with, in navy blue (because it was a reply) and none of the text was missing!
    Yes. That is because Apple Mail is a far better mail program than Outlook. Apple Mail can properly read Outlook e-mail but Outlook has trouble with anything that wasn't built by Outlook.
    I just don't understand why Apple haven't given us the choice? We have the ability to send a message in rich text, and it works. But we have no way to select that formatting as a default without using some botched up signature. That makes no sense!
    E-mail is just very difficult to get right. The MIME mail standard is 20 years old. To this day, e-mail programs continue to have trouble with it. You are taking your frustrations out on Apple, but that is misdirected. I have been using Apple e-mail software since 1996. Apple has been steadily dumbing it down in order to allow its messages to show up properly in Outlook and other PC e-mail programs.
    When sending e-mail to old e-mail clients, try to use only plain text. Make sure your attachments are at the end of your message. If you want to try using rich text, make sure to select a non-default font. You can argue with me and complain about Apple all you want, but that is going to have zero effect in fixing Outlook 2003.

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