Emailing photos from Macbook

Hi, I hope you can help me.
I am still getting my head around a Mac, after coming 'over' from Windows. Now i have a problem.
I was emailing photos to family that are stored in my iphoto libary with my gmail account. Anyway they cant open the photos, obviously as they have Windows and not a Mac.
Is there around this? I have found out via this community that i can export photos to a disc for a Windows user to open on their computer, so i am hoping you all can help me with this query.
Thanks in advance

My answer presumes you are using Apple iPhoto to store these pictures, and Apple Mail to send them. If this is not the case, this is not an Apple problem at all.
iPhoto pictures are stored as .jpg I do not know how you get .png out of iPhoto. If this is coming off some google site, it is a google problem not a Mac problem.
When using Apple Mail to send Mail, you type the Address information into the header and type any text in the body of the email, then click the "Attach" Icon. In the Dialog box that opens, you select where on your Mac this Mac file is stored, and you get a checkbox under the list of filenames:
[ ] Send Windows-Friendly Attachments.
If you are not using Apple Mail, this is not an Apple problem, it is a problem with whatever mail program you are using.
Macs are inherently very compatible with Windows, and most users find that the problems they have with compatibility are caused by Windows Operator Error, not flaws in their Mac.

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    sheilaniner wrote:
    my confidential information
    Sharing you are allowing the email to be sent.
    Your SMTP has a password and it is confidential, if you do not agree it does not have access to that password.

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    Are you able to email from Mail with those two accounts?  If so:
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    what email service - Yahoo mail have been acting up lately
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    To email photos from within iPhoto you need to use one of the following applications for email:
    1. Apple's Mail (it comes with your Mac)
    2. Entourage
    3. AOL
    4. Eudora
    Only these four apps allow direct emailing from within iPhoto. You make your choice in the iPhoto Menu -> Preferences -> General pane.
    OF course, you need to set up these clients to work for email with your own email settings. Fir details on how to do that you'll ned to consult the Help on the particular app.
    If you use Web-based email, you cannot email from within iPhoto. In that case you can use one, some or any of the following:
    For 10.5 users: You can use any Open / Attach / Browse dialogue. On the left there's a Media heading, your pics can be accessed there. Apple-Click for selecting multiple pics.
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    To upload to a site that does not have an iPhoto Export Plug-in the recommended way is to Select the Pic in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export and export the pic to the desktop, then upload from there. After the upload you can trash the pic on the desktop. It's only a copy and your original is safe in iPhoto.
    This is also true for emailing with Web-based services. If you're using Gmail you can use iPhoto2GMail
    If you use Apple's Mail, Entourage, AOL or Eudora you can email from within iPhoto. With 10.5 you can access the Library from the New Message Window in Mail:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    If you use a Cocoa-based Browser such as Safari, you can drag the pics from the iPhoto Window to the Attach window in the browser.
    Or, if you want to access the files with iPhoto not running, then create a Media Browser using Automator (takes about 10 seconds) or use THIS
    Other options include:
    1. *Drag and Drop*: Drag a photo from the iPhoto Window to the desktop, there iPhoto will make a full-sized copy of the pic.
    2. *File -> Export*: Select the files in the iPhoto Window and go File -> Export. The dialogue will give you various options, including altering the format, naming the files and changing the size. Again, producing a copy.
    3. *Show File*: Right- (or Control-) Click on a pic and in the resulting dialogue choose 'Show File'. A Finder window will pop open with the file already selected.

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    Do you have two-step verification enabled  and are trying to mail from your iCloud account?
    Then check this solution:
    If you had two-step verification enabled, you have to set up an app-specific password for iPhoto, if you want to use iPhoto as a Mail client.
    See the post below:
    Re: I am using iPhoto version 9.6 and I can no longer get an email sent with a photo attached. I get an error message saying the email did not go through because the server did not reply. I can send the photo with Mail. Help!in response to Gary Kissler
    This solution is for those of you using 2-step verification for your Apple ID and are using iCloud as the mail server that you are trying to mail photos with.
    I too had this issue. The problem in my case occurred because I had setup 2-step authentication for my Apple ID. If you have done this then you will get the error message "the mail server did not recognize your email/password...". To solve the problem go to:
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    Click Password and Security in the left column
    Click Generate an app-specific password
    Enter iPhoto as the name of the app
    Copy the password and paste this into the password box in iPhoto where you would normally enter your apple ID (in the mail account section in iPhoto preferences).
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    Re: Mac's new Photos app is not letting me email 

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    You should be able to move the iPhoto Library via an external disk. iPhoto 9.5: Move your iPhoto library to a new location

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    If you are using the iPhoto email client there is no sent mail box
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