Embed PDF file in HTML region

Hi There
I have a simple report - with a link to view an underlying document. The document will be displayed on a seperate page with one HTML region. Say the file to display is statement.pdf and it is has already been uploaded to apex images. There is a hidden field P3_FILENAME on the display page. This gets set from the report. On the HTML region:
<div style="">
<embed height="600" width="1200" name="Statement" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#&P3_FILENAME." type="application/pdf" />
</div>but it does not work. However, if I simply do this and 'run' the page - it displays fine.
<div style="">
<embed height="600" width="1200" name="Statement" src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGES#statement.pdf" type="application/pdf" />
</div>Looking at the source of the resultant failing page I can see that the values were correctly set.
Any ideas?

I think the HTML is looking for the explicit &P3_FILENAME. and can't find it because it is being referenced through the HTML rendering engine rather than the PL/SQL engine which would handle the variable substitution.
Try creating a PL/SQL region where you write out the div tags as strings using DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE. I use this to create some rather complicated reports and it works great for letting me do variable substitution amongst my HTML. Here's a simple example (mine's a procedure I call to feed in page variables):
create or replace PROCEDURE PROC_DASH_SAFETY(x_org NUMBER, x_dt DATE)
  v_dt_disp        VARCHAR2(15);
  v_dt             DATE           := x_dt;
  v_org_id         NUMBER         := x_org;
  v_fact_id        NUMBER;
  v_org_nm         VARCHAR2(47);
  v_org_tz         VARCHAR2(4);
  ontime           VARCHAR2(47);
  v_saf_ct         PLS_INTEGER    := 0;
  v_eff_ct         PLS_INTEGER    := 0;
  saf_aud_t        NUMBER;
  saf_aud_a        NUMBER;
  eqp_aud_t        NUMBER;
  eqp_aud_a        NUMBER;
  saf_chk_t        NUMBER;
  saf_chk_a        NUMBER;
  saf_loss         NUMBER;
  eff_mpg_t        NUMBER;
  eff_mpg_a        NUMBER;
  eff_idl_t        NUMBER;
  eff_idl_a        NUMBER;
  eff_brk_t        NUMBER;
  eff_brk_a        NUMBER;
  pm_tgt_pct       NUMBER;
  pm_ct            INTEGER;
  pm_act_pct       NUMBER;
  pm_done          NUMBER;
  pm_ovrdue        NUMBER;
begin  -- 100
  select ORG_NM, TZ into v_org_nm, v_org_tz from ORG_ENTITIES
   where ORG_ID = v_org_id;
  v_dt_disp   :=  to_char(v_dt,'MM/DD/YYYY');
  select CASE WHEN v_org_tz = 'MST' and sysdate - v_dt < 33/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'MDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 33/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'MST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 33/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'MDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 33/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'CST' and sysdate - v_dt < 32/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'CDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 32/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'CST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 32/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'CDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 32/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'EST' and sysdate - v_dt < 31/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'EDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 31/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'EST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 31/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'EDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 31/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'PST' and sysdate - v_dt < 34/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'PDT' and sysdate - v_dt < 34/24
                 THEN '<span class="grn">Yes</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'PST' and sysdate - v_dt >= 34/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            WHEN v_org_tz = 'PDT' and sysdate - v_dt >= 34/24
                 THEN '<span class="red">No</span>'
            ELSE '<span class="red">No</span>'
       END as PRINT_TIME
  into ontime
  from dual;
  htp.p('<p class="lgl">Dashboard information is confidential.  Refer to your employee handbook for confidentiality guidelines.</p>');
  --htp.p('<p>'|| v_org_nm ||' on '|| v_dt_disp ||'</p>');
  htp.p('<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Run Information" width="800">');
      htp.p('<tr><td>Dashboard for '|| v_org_nm ||' on '|| v_dt_disp ||'</td><td> </td>');
      htp.p('<td>Dashboard run on time? '|| ontime ||'</td></tr>');
  htp.p('<table border="3" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Daily Dashboard">');
  htp.p('<tr><td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Safety Information" width="400">');
  select COUNT(ID) into v_saf_ct from DASHBOARD_AUDITS
   where DATE_INDEX = v_dt and ORG_ID = v_org_id;
      htp.p('<tr><th><div title="Safety">Safety</div></th><td class="c">Target</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">Actual</td><td class="c">%</td>');
          htp.p('<td style="text-decoration: underline;">Loss Free Day?</td></tr>');
  IF v_saf_ct = 1 THEN
    select LOSS into saf_loss from DASHBOARD_AUDITS
     where DATE_INDEX = v_dt and ORG_ID = v_org_id;
      into saf_aud_t, saf_aud_a, saf_chk_t, saf_chk_a, eqp_aud_t, eqp_aud_a
     where DATE_INDEX = v_dt and ORG_ID = v_org_id;
----Safety Audits
    IF saf_aud_t > 0 THEN
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Safety Audits</td><td class="c">'|| saf_aud_t ||'</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_aud_a||'</td>');
        IF ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2) >= 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2)||'%</td>');
        ELSIF ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2) < 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(saf_aud_a*100/saf_aud_t,2)||'%</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="crd">-</td>');
        END IF;
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Safety Audits</td><td class="c">No Audit Target set</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_aud_a||'</td><td class="c">-</td>');
      END IF;
      IF saf_loss = 1 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">Yes</td></tr>');
          htp.p('<td class="crd">No</td></tr>');
      END IF;
----Equipment Audits
    --eqp_aud_t        := 0;
    --eqp_aud_a        := 0;
    IF eqp_aud_t > 0 THEN
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Equipment Audits</td><td class="c">'||eqp_aud_t||'</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||eqp_aud_a||'</td>');
        IF ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2) >= 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
        ELSIF ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2) < 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(eqp_aud_a*100/eqp_aud_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
          htp.p('<td class="crd">-</td></tr>');
        END IF;
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Equipment Audits</td><td class="c">No Equipment Audits Target Set</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||eqp_aud_a||'</td><td class="c">-</td>');
      END IF;
    IF saf_chk_t > 0 THEN
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Check Rides</td><td class="c">'||saf_chk_t||'</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_chk_a||'</td>');
        IF ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2) >= 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
        ELSIF ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2) < 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(saf_chk_a*100/saf_chk_t,2)||'%</td></tr>');
          htp.p('<td class="crd">-</td></tr>');
        END IF;
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Check Rides</td><td class="c">No Checkride Target Set</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||saf_chk_a||'</td><td class="c">-</td>');
      END IF;
      htp.p('<tr><td colspan="4">This information has not been recorded.</td></tr>');
  select COUNT(ID) into v_eff_ct from VF_TARGET_PERF
     where ORG_ID = v_org_id and v_dt between BEGIN_DATE and NVL(END_DATE,sysdate);
  IF v_eff_ct = 1 THEN
    select MPG, IDLE_TIME, HARD_BRAKES into eff_mpg_t, eff_idl_t, eff_brk_t
      from VF_TARGET_PERF
     where ORG_ID = v_org_id and v_dt between BEGIN_DATE and NVL(END_DATE,sysdate);
    eff_mpg_t        := 0;
    eff_idl_t        := 0;
    eff_brk_t        := 0;
    into eff_mpg_a, eff_brk_a, eff_idl_a
         (select EQUIP_TAG from EQUIPMENT
           WHERE ORG_ID = v_org_id and EQUIP_TYPE_ID = 1)
     and TRIP_FUEL > 0 AND DRIVING_MPG <= 10;
  htp.p('<td><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" summary="Performance" width="400">');
      htp.p('<tr><th>Efficiency</th><td class="c">Target</td>');
      htp.p('<td class="c">Actual</td><td class="c">%</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c"> </td><td class="c"> </td></tr>');
      htp.p('<tr><td>  MPG</td><td class="c">'||eff_mpg_t||'</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(eff_mpg_a,2)||'</td>');
  IF eff_mpg_t > 0 THEN
    IF ROUND(eff_mpg_a/eff_mpg_t*100,1) >= 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(eff_mpg_a/eff_mpg_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(eff_mpg_a/eff_mpg_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
    END IF;
          htp.p('<td class="c">-</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c"> </td><td class="c"> </td></tr>');
------Idle Time
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Idle Time</td><td class="c">'||eff_idl_t||'</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(eff_idl_a,2)||'</td>');
  IF eff_idl_t > 0 THEN
    IF ROUND(eff_idl_a/eff_idl_t*100,1) > 100 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(eff_idl_a/eff_idl_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(eff_idl_a/eff_idl_t*100,1)||'%</td>');
    END IF;
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">-</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c" colspan="2">PM''s</td></tr>');
------Hard Brakes
      htp.p('<tr><td>  Hard Brakes</td><td class="c">'||eff_brk_t||'</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(eff_brk_a,0)||'</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">-</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="cu">Complete</td><td class="cu">Overdue</td></tr>');
------Preventative Maintenance
  select COUNT(ID) into pm_ct from DASHBOARD_PM
   where ORG_ID = v_org_id and DATE_INDEX = v_dt;
  IF pm_ct = 1 THEN
    select PM_TARGET into pm_tgt_pct from PM_TARGETS
     where ORG_ID = v_org_id and v_dt >= START_DATE and v_dt <= NVL(END_DATE,sysdate);
    select PM_COMPLETE, PM_DUE into pm_done, pm_ovrdue
      from DASHBOARD_PM where ORG_ID = v_org_id and DATE_INDEX = v_dt;
    IF pm_ovrdue = 0 THEN
      pm_act_pct       := 100;
    ELSIF pm_done > 0 THEN
      pm_act_pct       := ROUND((pm_done-pm_ovrdue)/pm_done*100,1);
      pm_act_pct       := 0;
    END IF;
      htp.p('<tr><td>  PM Currency</td><td class="c">'||ROUND(pm_tgt_pct,1)||'%</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||ROUND(pm_act_pct,1)||'%</td>');
    IF pm_tgt_pct > 0 THEN
      IF ROUND(pm_act_pct-pm_tgt_pct,1) < 0 THEN
          htp.p('<td class="crd">'||ROUND(pm_act_pct-pm_tgt_pct,1)||'%</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">'||ROUND(pm_act_pct-pm_tgt_pct,1)||'%</td>');
      END IF;
          htp.p('<td class="crd">Set Target!</td>');
    END IF;
          htp.p('<td class="c">'||pm_done||'</td><td class="c">'||pm_ovrdue||'</td></tr>');
      htp.p('<tr><td>  PM Currency</td><td class="c">- %</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">- %</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="cgr">Enter PMs!</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="crd">- %</td>');
          htp.p('<td class="c">--</td><td class="c">--</td></tr>');
    when VALUE_ERROR then
      dbms_output.put_line('VALUE_ERROR exception raised');

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    &diams; Please remember to mark appropriate posts as correct/helpful. For the long run, it will benefit us all.
    &diams; Author of Oracle Application Express 3.2 – The Essentials and More

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    Yes, that is easily done. See this doc on how to download a blob from a table:
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    Hello Jim,
    in my IE 8 your website looks great, I don't see any overlaps. To show you what I did, here you can follow and check my proceeding by using my (German) "Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro".
    Step 1:
    Step 2:
    Step 3:
    Step 4:
    I'm sure that you can understand the used German terms, if not, bitte frage mich nachher noch einmal.
    Good luck! (German: Glück auf!)
    Would you say where in one of these countless "St. Alban's" did you find these "Fratzensteine"?

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    Save the pages of the document as images and create a HTML file with references to the images.

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    I cant use "Adobe live cycle PDF Generator" as we just have license for Adobe Acrobat 8 Professional.
    Please help...
    Thanks and Regards,
    Anand Mahadik.

    > It is hard to believe that Adobe doesn't provide a toolkit for generating PDF files, so many web based applications have vector based content that needs to be converted to PDF!!!!
    They do, it's just not free (A company in business to make money? I'm sure IBM would never think this way... ;)). As mentioned you have Adobe LiveCycle PDF Generator, which you can customize and extend with Java. You also have the Adobe PDF Library SDK, which is written for use with C/C++ although if you license it from Datalogics (the only company in NA Adobe allows to license the PDF Library) you will also get .NET and Java interfaces (part of the DLE - DataLogics Extensions).
    > There must be a way to generate PDF dynamically on a server or from Javascript!
    JavaScript? Not really, no. As far as I'm aware JavaScript has no file system access capabilities without some form of intermediary (like sending the data to a webservice that writes it out to file). How would you create a PDF file with JavaScript?
    The PDF Standard is also in ISOs hands now (ISO 32000-1:2008), it is no longer owned by Adobe - you can download a copy of the specification from them and write your own library based on that as well.

  • Icon issues when embed pdf file into a word document

    I recently updated my Acrobat Reader on my laptop with windows 2010 and no every time I need to embed a PDF file into a word document the ICON for the pdf file is not correct, I have to browse manually everytime and it is becoming very time consuming, specially when you need to embed large amount of documents.
    This problem it only happens with PDF files, I uninstalled office and the adobe acrobat reader and the problem continues, according to Microsoft support the problem is not word but the Adobe Reader, I do not know what to do since I tried everything on the internet.
    It looks to me that somehow when I updated my reader the link between the Reader and Office is broken and office is not correctly linked to the right folder were the PDF reader Icon is located.

    You can rebuild the icon database on your windows Vista/Windows 7 system by doing this:
    1) rename the hidden file named IconCache.db to IconCache-old.db.  this file is hidden so you may need to unhide it.  the file is in your profile folder <%userprofile%\AppData\Local> %userprofile% represents the path to user profile folder.
    Now Close all folder windows that are currently open and follow these steps.
    1. Launch Task Manager using the CTRL+SHIFT+ESC key sequence, or by running taskmgr.exe.
    2. In the Process tab, right-click on the Explorer.exe process and select End Process.
    3. Click the End process button when asked for confirmation.
    4. From the File menu of Task Manager, select New Task (Run…)
    5. Type EXPLORER.EXE, and click OK.
    Hope this helps and let us know if it worked or not.  If this doesn't work then File Association may be another method to try.
    Good luck.

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