Empty Album

I regularly synch my devices to iPhoto and today when I did it I came up with an empty album the does not exist in my iPhoto library. All other selected albums synched normally. I can't delete the album from my devices indicating to me that they (the devices) think it exists in my iPhoto library. How do I delete this empty album from my devices?

Question is mute.. Figured it out.

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    Finished migration to the new Photos for OS X, and my library across all devices is now the same.  However, if viewing Photos through iCloud,com (via Mac), I still see many unused empty Album folders.  These folders (albums) do not appear on any of my OS X or IOS devices.  I can;t seem to find a method to delete these folders.
    Any help would be appreciated

    You cannot select an album on cloud.com! You can only open it. And if you right-click on it, there is only the custom safari menu.
    By the the way the empty albums are only visible is 3 cases:
    1. They appear on results while searching on searching field.
    2. They are visible on iCloud.com.
    3. They are visible through "Documents 5" application by Readdle.
    In all the 3 cases you cannot delete them.
    ... or I don't know how.

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  • Corrupt Library6.iphoto - empty albums

    Hello, guys, hope someone out there is smarter than I (and smarter than "I-Photo").
    I have a corrupt library6.iphoto here. About 100 of my albums show zero pictures (only one is populated). But all 40Gb of photos are still intact in the 'Original' and 'Modified' folders. I believe the problem is a corrupt slideshow I just created. I think that because when I try to click that slideshow, iPhoto quits abruptly (i.e. no obvious way to delete it).
    I read this thread (and many similar) http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=9861491&#9861491
    and the three options described there will cause a lot of work:
    Option 1. "Back-Up": My latest backup is about 15Gb ago (yes, that's a human error), and I've modified a lot of pictures since then, so I estimate I would lose about 20 to 30 hours of work.
    Option 2. "Rebuild": I'm in the process of rebuilding another 40Gb Library, but I guess it won't work since the corrupt Library6 file is a fraction of the size of my last backed up library6 file.
    Option 3. "Re-Populate": Not all the Rolls correspond to Albums, so there isn't an easy way to re-create my albums (another, 5 to 10 hours of work).
    My questions:
    A) Since I see the empty Album-structure intact in the corrupt library, is it possible that the album-data is still stored somewhere (despite the fact that the Library6 file is a fraction of what it was)?
    B) Is it possible to rebuild the libraries using all available photos in the Pictures folder? (i.e. using both folders 'Modified' and 'Originals'?)
    C) Is it possible to kick that slideshow out of the database, thereby leaving the empty Album-structure for me to re-populate?
    A thousand thanks to anyone who can help.

    That library6.iphoto file is toast. There is no going back to it. Even if you could “repopulate” it somehow, you would be bringing data into an entity known to unstable - nothing too wise there
    As you don’t have an up-to-date- back up your choices are two:
    The first attempts to leverage the data about your albums mentioned here:
    A) Since I see the empty Album-structure intact in the corrupt library, is it possible that the album-data is still stored somewhere (despite the fact that the Library6 file is a fraction of what it was)?
    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.
    Rebuild from Scratch.
    B) Is it possible to rebuild the libraries using all available photos in the Pictures folder? (i.e. using both folders 'Modified' and 'Originals'?)
    Yes, simply import the photos from both Folders. But you will have massive duplication as each will be treated as a new photo in itself. If you don’t have a working back up and/or if rebuilding with iPhoto Library Manager fails there is +no way+ to re-construct the relationship between the Original and Modified versions.
    C) Is it possible to kick that slideshow out of the database, thereby leaving the empty Album-structure for me to re-populate?
    To create and populate a new *iPhoto 6* library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Rolls and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Roll Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

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    Try this instead:
    Drive Partition and Format
    1. Open Disk Utility in your Utilities folder.
    2. Select the backup volume from the left side list. Click on the Erase tab in the DU main window.
    3. Set the format type to Mac OS Extended (Journaled.)
    4. Click on the Erase button.
    You will need to reconfigure Time Machine preferences for the backup.
    FYI: Never remove Time Machine backup data except through the Time Machine application. If you aren't sure about using Time Machine then visit Pondini's Time Machine FAQ for help with all things related to Time Machine.

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    I want to delete them. I click "Edit" but when I touch an album/folder to select it, all I can do is move it. No "X" appears for deleting. No trash can.
    Please help!

    here's a photo of my iPad Photo app folder -

  • Import to iPhoto results in empty Album

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    1. Get Current page from Safari
    2. Get Image URLs from webpage
    3. Download URLs
    4. Import photos into iPhoto (New Album) (Delete originals) (Show entire action)
    The only problem is, all I wind up with is an empty folder! No errors or anything - just no pictures. HELP!! (Please.)

    Sounds like it is working in a way, but not the way you expected. When it gets images, it gets all of the images which may include buttons and advertisements and so forth. That's because those are images, too.
    Since you have different websites, you should make a separate workflow for each. For each workflow, add Safari's action "Filter URLs" and set one or more conditions to match just the URLs you want. This action should be placed after the action you use to get the URLs, such as after "Get Image URLs form Webpage" or after "Get Link URLs from Webpages".
    You'll need to view the URLs you want so you can get an idea of what they have in common to filter them from the ones you don't want. You can do this in Safari by hovering you mouse cursor over the links and viewing the status bar at the bottom of the window. Safari's "View" menu has an option to "Show Status Bar".
    If instead you want the images on the page itself, then you can either view the source (check the "View" menu again) for the URLs, or right-click (or Control-click) and choose to open the image in a new window or tab. Though, if the image is also a link and want that image but not the linked image, then you'll probably need to view the source.
    Once you figured out the pattern of how the images are named or located, then you can set up the proper filter to gather only them. Consider matching the path or perhaps part of the names. Automator's action "View Results" will be very helpful with this, and you'll want to just view the results without doing anything else in the workflow after it until you get precisely what you want. You can disable the other actions in the workflow after the "View Results" action by clicking on each action's number in the workflow, or delete the other actions after it for now, or just create a new workflow.
    As you can tell, because of the complexity of determining what links you want and what it is you are trying to download, such inconsistency pretty much requires a separate workflow for each website, and perhaps each page on a given website if the pages aren't consistent. However, it's really just the filtering action that will be the most time consuming to set up. Everything else just flows.
    I have a feeling the images from the .Mac site are probably going to be easier to obtain than from the random page layouts of the MySpace site. That's partly because I remember the .Mac webpages being used in an example for this type of workflow. But if you aren't trying to make a workflow that'll work with just any MySpace page, then you'll probably have easier success focusing on just one MySpace page per workflow.
    I've had wonderful success with this type of workflow so I know something like this will work. Recently, I quickly created a workflow for downloading all of the PDF maps of the local bus routes from a page listing the links to the PDFs. Admittedly, the filter on that was quite simple since I wanted all URL links leading to a PDF. Once I had them, I didn't bother saving the workflow, particularly since I can quickly build another several months later when I want to do it again.

  • Empty albums

    I interrupted a file transfer and corrupted my iPhoto database. All my albums are listed, but are empty. I can see folders for both Original and Modified. I've tried reimporting from the Originals folder, one roll at a time, but it must be copying files somewhere as I end up running out of hard drive space. (I only have about 10GB left). I have 4 years of photos on here, about 6000. Can someone explain the step by step process to rebuild my albums?

    Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums and keywords back.
    Because this process creates an entirely new library and leaves your old one untouched, it is non-destructive, and if you're not happy with the results you can simply return to your old one.

  • Multiple imports of empty albums every time I open iPhoto.

    Every time I open iPhoto it prompts me with, "A Photo has been found in the iPhoto Library that was not imported. Would you like to import it?" It asks me this question twice, and I answer with Yes twice, and then each time I have a new album that says Recovered Photos, but there's nothing in them. If I click No, it creates a folder elsewhere on my computer and it gets frustrating have to go and keep deleting these empty folders and albums. What can I do?

    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Open the iPhoto library package in the Finder by Control-clicking on it and selecting "Show Package Contents" from the drop down menu. Then look for a folder titled "Import" or "Importing" and move it to the Desktop. DO NOT move or rename any other item in the library.
    Launch iPhoto and the message should be gone. Look in the Import folder to see if it's a photo you want to keep. If so drag it into iPhoto to import. Otherwise delete the folder and contents.

  • Delete an empty album from iPad air

    Please help, how do I delete an empty photo album from my new iPad air?

    If the Album was added via iTunes sync then it needs to be removed via iTunes sync:
    iTunes: Syncing photos
    See the To delete synced photos and videos from your device section of the article

  • How do I change the name of an empty album in my photo file?

    Could someone out there please tell me how to change the name on a photo file and or delete one?

    In the Photos app, go to the Albums list and tap the Edit button.  Pick an album, tap the red icon on the left and then tap the Delete button. 
    Don't think you can change the name of an album or a photo without relying on a computer.

  • Despite your solution provided in the earlier email, I could not retrieve my pics from the albums since it is still showing empty albums, pls help to retrieve my pics

    Dear apple support,
    Despite the earlier email sent from your side, I have not been able to retrieve m pics as albums are still showing blank, as once there were man pics in it.
    Please help me to retrieve m pics
    Ahmad Raza

    For info, most of the people on these forums, including myself, are fellow users - you're not talking to Apple or iTunes Support here. It also would have been better if you had posted a reply on your original thread rather than starting a new one so that people know what you are referring to : https://discussions.apple.com/message/22781267#22781267
    How did the photos get onto the iPad e.g. were they synced from a computer, taken with the iPad, copied to it via the camera conenction kit ? And were the albums created directly on the iPad - if they were and you then 'copied' photos into them, then if you then deleted the original photos from your iPad then you would also be deleting all pointers to them (so they will no longer show in the created albums).

  • Multiple empty Last Import albums in iPad Photos

    I use the camera connection kit to pull photos from an SD card into my iPad 2. This has worked perfectly for about half a year. Recently after importing, I noticed that instead of a single "Last Import" album in the Photos app on the iPad, there were several. One contained the photos just imported, the rest were empty.
    They can't be selected for deletion straight out of the iPad through the edit option, seemingly since I didn't create them but the system did.
    I pulled all the photos off the iPad. The empty albums remain.
    Bringing in new photos from an SD card creates another album. That ones goes away when the pictures in it are deleted/imported, while the empty ones remain.
    I deleted the "iPod Photo Cache" from the hard drive that the iPad syncs its photos to. And even stopped having iTunes sync any photos to the iPad.
    I'm still left staring at 14 Last Import albums.
    This seems to have occurred since upgrading to iOS 5.1. I am not using iCloud to sync photos.
    Now I've got my iPad 3 and have restored it from the backup of my iPad 2 and now the empty albums are on it too.
    I've tried everything I can think of. I've only seen one other discussion here and its hard to believe this has only happened to so few users.
    Other suggestions? Does Apple have a fix or workaround?

    Solution found in this discussion:

  • Empty iphoto after updating to 10.8

    my ipad 2 iphoto library is missing most of the photos since updating to 10.8 today.  It shows mostly empty albums, photos, and events, with an occasional picture showing up.  I have restarted it several times, and hooked it up to my imac with iphoto & itunes.  Nothing has helped, I have not restored the ipad 2, because I don't know what will happen to the pictures that did stay in the Photos app.  It constantly flashes "updating photo library", but of course its not. Please advise.

    my ipad 2 iphoto library is missing most of the photos since updating to 10.8 today.  It shows mostly empty albums, photos, and events, with an occasional picture showing up.  I have restarted it several times, and hooked it up to my imac with iphoto & itunes.  Nothing has helped, I have not restored the ipad 2, because I don't know what will happen to the pictures that did stay in the Photos app.  It constantly flashes "updating photo library", but of course its not. Please advise.

  • The links I send to my album opens the Revel front page on other computers.

    If I copy the link form my browser as the FAQ page says (FAQ: How do I share files in Revel?) it opens only the Revel front page on other computers. Also in the Mac app, the share option is not active. What's wrong?
    And an additional question: if I shared an album this way, by sharing the link, is there any way to cancel the sharing?

    Hi Gábor,
    It is possible you are sharing the wrong URL. This wouldn't surprise me as the FAQ is terribly confusing. I am going to re-state how to share an album with friends.
    To share an album from adoberevel.com:
    1. Go into your Library and create an album with whatever images you'd like.
    2. While in the album select Share. A dialog displays - select to Start Sharing
    3. After that another dialog displays with a short URL. Copy that URL and send it out via email or use one of the share icons that display on that screen. You can also select from that screen if you want people to be able to download images.
    You can select to stop sharing the album at any time by going back to that same dialog and select to Stop Sharing.
    If you want to share an album through the Revel Desktop:
    1. Go into your Library and select the Album icon (or go to File>New Empty Album
    2. Enter a name for you album. Select the Share to adoberevel.com checkbox. You can also decide if you want to allow downloads here.
    3. A short URL will be generated. You can copy that now if you'd like or come back to it. Select Create button.
    4. Add photos to the album.
    5. Click on the album in the list and a little " i " will display next to the album name. Click on it and the URL will display. That is the URL that you share. 
    Again, you can select to stop sharing the album at any time by going back to that same dialog and select to Stop Sharing.

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