Empty iPhoto library

All of my photos (32,000) are in the iPhoto trash and I cannot move or restore them. All my events are still there - just empty. It seemed to happen when MobileMe shut down. Help

I am continuting to have the same problems with absolutely no progress
On my iMac at work yesterday, I was able to only partially restore the event thumbnails after numerous (and I mean about a dozen) attempts to bring up the iphoto first aid menue by holding down option - command and launcng iphoto - after if finally came up, choosing the restore thumbnails option, there was only a partial restoration of the library.
as for the posting about photos in iphoto trash, one library had nothing but what should be in the library, the other library had several blank thumbnails
today I am on my MBP at home, trying the same thing, and as yet have only been able to get the first aid menue to some up once. I chose the reset permissions option, then closed the library, and have made numerous attempts to relaunch holding down command option to chose the restore thumbnails but the menue will not come up - just iphoto with about 60gb of black thumbnails with event names underneath but no accessible photos.
on both  machines I am getting the "mobile me is discontinued etc" warning - ok, who cares - then I get the "migration of your photo album could not be completed" I chose "try again" no success, over and over and over and over
have gone to mobile me, downloaded my photo and video albums to my MBP HD and will do the same with what I had on iDisk -
am pretty sure I have good backups since I have learned the hard way before but ***
I am pretty sure I did not do anything wrong etc - this is becoming time consuming and annoying - I've already also had issues with iCloud and think it is limited in its usefulness and overated. This last rant about iCloud is because it seems that my iPhoto problems have something to do with mobile me being discontinued. And shortly after moving to Lion and migrating from MM to iCLoud my address book and iCal (both of which were better under snow lion) both went berserk and Apple Care literally had to have their engineers go in there and fix it.
so yes, I don't need this - will readily admit to my stupidity if it is somthing I did - but if so what?!?!?!

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  • To empty iPhoto Library

    Hi everyone
    I would like to empty the iPhoto Library to retrieve a bit of space from my Hard Disk
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    I would like to delete the originals from the Library.
    In the library there are 3 folders: Originals,Modified and Data
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    It need to delete the pictures from all 3 folders to reclaim space on the HD and permanently delete the pictures?
    My trash is already empty.
    Someone who has already addressed the issue knows 100%, without the slightest doubt?
    Thank you

    I would like to delete the originals from the Library.
    In the library there are 3 folders: Originals,Modified and Data
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    It need to delete the pictures from all 3 folders to reclaim space on the HD and permanently delete the pictures?
    My trash is already empty.
    Someone who has already addressed the issue knows 100%, without the slightest
    Sorry, your post was a bit ambigious. "Empty" sounds rather complete and final.
    If you only want to delete some of your photos to free space, don't delete manually from the library package. That will corrupt the library and create inconsistencies in the internal databases.
    Use iPhoto's "delete" command to move photos to the iPhoto Trash, then empty the iPhoto trash. That will remove the photos from all folders (Originals,Modified and Data) inside the library.  The iPhoto application has to do the removal, otherwise your iPhoto library will not work any longer.
    Select the photos in albums or events in the source list in iPhoto's Browser and use the command "Move to Trash ⌘⌫" from the "Photos" menu.

  • Empty iphoto library, albums still there, photos in Finder, help please

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    Try these in order - from best option on down...
    1. Do you have an up-to-date back up? If so, try copy the library6.iphoto file from the back up to the iPhoto Library allowing it to overwrite the damaged file.
    2. Download iPhoto Library Manager and use its rebuild function. This will create a new library based on data in the albumdata.xml file. Not everything will be brought over - no slideshows, books or calendars, for instance - but it should get all your albums back.
    3. If neither of these work then you'll need to create and populate a new library.
    To create and populate a new library:
    Note this will give you a working library with the same Events and pictures as before, however, you will lose your albums, keywords, modified versions, books, calendars etc.
    Move the iPhoto Library to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library on your desktop and find the Originals folder. From the Originals folder drag the individual Event Folders to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

  • Help!! Empty iPhoto Library!!!

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    Does anyone have any suggestions? I really would appreciate the help.

    Welcome to the Apple user assistance forums
    Launch iPhoto while depressing the option key and use the select library function to point to the library on the external drive
    if that does not work see this thread - http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?messageID=8586626&#8586626

  • HELP!!! iTunes synced an empty iPhoto library...

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    Does ANYONE have any ideas at all as to how to resurrect these pics? They are not on my MacBook anymore b/c I told the Genius it was OK to wipe the HD since I had anything important on my iPod.
    Anything and everything is appreciated :-D

    Although you can set the iPod to manually manage other content, you can't manually manage photos as you've now found out.
    Your only hope is some data recovery software as mentioned in this post.

  • Aperture / Iphoto library looks empty.

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    thank you for your help

    Does it mean that I will lose all my versions, ratings etc with my old photos? I have 400Gt+ library with lots of modifications and I would be a catastrophe it they are blown away ;(
    Are you seeing the same library corruption as omar.msk after trying to upgrade the library?  An apparently empty iPhoto library, and the original image files in the "Old Masters" folder instead of the "Masters" folder?
    Then it is the same bug. Recreating he iPhoto Library by importing the Old Masters into a new empty library will only rescue the photos, but not your work - edits, rating, albums, ...
    Copy the Old Masters to an external drive for save keeping, also the Old Previews and Old Thumbnails. Then try first to restore your iPhoto library from your last backup you made before the upgrade.   (iPhoto '11: Restoring from Time Machine with iPhoto '11 (9.2 or later) and OS X Lion 10.7.2 (or later)). Then add any newer photos from the "Old.." folders, that have not been part of the backup.

  • Can't upgrade iPhoto Library - 'unable to write to library "iPhoto Library"'

    I apologise in advance if this is a little convoluted.
    I have a MacBook Pro purchased a little over a year ago and I'm not sure what version of iPhoto is was running. It had a meltdown when I tried to upgrade to Mountain Lion and was ably serviced and returned to me with all my data heroically saved and stored in a shared folder.
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    I have shifted my old iPhoto Library out of the shared folder and into the Pictures folder where it sits alongside the pretty much empty iPhoto Library created automatically by the install. When I try to open my old Library it says it needs to be upgraded, which makes sense, but immediately after the upgrade commences I get an error message saying 'Unable to write to library "iPhoto Library" Check that you have permission to write to the library directory'. I am not sure what to do from this point.
    I have verified that the photos are all still in the old iPhoto Library Package.
    Thank you.

    Hang on - I had browsed extensively, but it was only after I wrote my question that all the other similar ones popped up on the side bar. I've followed the advice in some of those and it seems to be working. I apologise, but I seem to be unable to delete this discussion.

  • Moved iPhoto 11 library to external drive and have a iPhoto Library file left on desktop

    I have a blue file on my desktop labeled iPhoto Library, that appeared during the course of me moving my  iPhoto Library ( iPhoto 11) to an external hard drive to make room on the internal disk, my attempts to reopen iPhoto on the internal disk,  move selected photos from the iPhoto Library on the external drive over to the newly emptied iPhoto Library on my laptop.
    The blue iPhoto Library file contains these items:
    Questions: does this blue file belong somewhere or can I trash it?
    This is what I did:
    1. I opened Pictures, dragged the iPhoto Library from there to the external drive.
    2. When I opened iPhoto on my MBP it said it needed a library to open with and the choices already in the box were:
    iPhoto Library(default)
    iPhoto Library
    3. I chose "iPhoto Library" because I thought "(default)" meant restoring the original library.
    4. iPhoto opened to the "get started with iPhoto" like a new install.
    5.I moved (drag and drop ) some photos from the external drive back into the "empty" iPhoto Library. I tried to move a group of photos but I didn't know how to do it so ...
    6. I took the iPhoto Library from the trash and put it back into the "empty" iPhoto Library.
    7. I tried to delete all the photos except the ones I wanted to keep in the internal iPhoto Library. I couldn't do it so....
    8. I closed iPhoto, went back into Pictures and trashed the internal iPhoto Library again.
    9. Reopened iPhoto and it needed a library to open with and I think I clicked
    iPhoto Library (default)
    10. When I opened iPhoto this time, it was the "get started with iPhoto" but the original photo albums and labels listed but all empty.
    That's what I remember so far.
    Hope you can help.

    It appears you created a new library.  Launch iPhoto with the Option key held down and select "Choose Library". 
    Navigate to the library on the external hard drive and select it.  Once you're satisfied that it's the one you want you can delete that folder from your desktop.

  • Moving Events and iPhoto library to a new Mac

    I just picked up a new Mini for my HTPC. I would like to move the Events and photos that I already have on my other Macs to the new one. I exported all of the photos to a flash drive and then imported them in on the new Mini, but of course it just imported the photos. It did not organize them at all.
    Bottom line, is there any way to move my existing library over to a new Mac without having to re-label all events and stuff like that?
    Thanks guys,

    I lost my iphoto Library when I was moving all my files over to my Mac Mini. I had a clean mini with Leopard and had my photo library on my external only. I was messing around with the Time machine and i think it did a back up which I stopped right away, but I think it deleted the iPhoto library and my iTunes library.(the mini probably had an empty iPhoto library) So now I used Data rescue to try and find it and all of the files from that external are on my mini's desktop with just numbered jpeg files & mp3 files.One folder says recovered music & recovered pictures. Of course there is nothing that says iphoto library and all the files are so mixed up.I have been going thru all the photos and just dragging them in, but it is getting so tedious....Help! Oh, and the photos are very pixelaed now....would that be because they are just jpeg files....I am not sure if they were prior to this whole problem. I have a feeling there is no way around this. Thanks in advance. Robin

  • Copying of iPhoto library going very slowly

    Hello, all,
    Yesterday I purchased a brand new 1TB firewire 800 external drive. It's correctly formatted for my Mac. I had wanted to put my iPhoto library on this drive, OR use it as a backup location for the library. Either way, I needed to copy it over from my iMac's internal drive.
    I tried twice to copy the library (using the Finder), which lists itself as 89GB. Each time the Finder progress bar indicated the copy would take two to three days. That sounded like way too short a time over Firewire 800. To test things out, I did a different backup copy of my *iTunes* library, which is also over 80GB. That library lives on a different external drive, using Firewire 400. THAT copy took less than an hour, and it had to go downstream from one external and then upstream to the new external. A second copy of other files from that external drive also went swimmingly: 22GB in about 12 minutes.
    Does anyone have any insight into what might be happening? Is there something unusual about iPhoto libraries that makes them copy more slowly than other kinds of files?
    Thanks for your help!

    I found a fast soution 45 Gb Library copied in ~30 min. over USB 2.0
    I did a semi-manual copy, by opening the iPhoto Library - "Show package contents" (in right click menu)  then copying the contents to a new iPhoto libaray "Package"
    Instead of copying all at once copy the small files/folders in one batch, wati to complete, then copy the larger files folders.  You can copy the package contents one folder at a time or a few at a time. I found that copying the Library files in one batch, then copying the Masters, Previews, & Thumbnails in a second batch seemed to work well without choking up. 
    Here's the steps
    Connect your hard drive or Mac in Target disk mode
    navigate to the folder containing the iPhoto Library you wish to copy
    'Right click' Show Package Contents
    You'll see apx 19 files - select all but exclude 3 folders: Masters, Previews, & Thumbnails you'll come back for theses later
    Copy these files to an empty folder on your destination drive/Mac (Later you'll use iPhoto to make a new libary "Package" then you'll put these files inside it) The copy should take  a few minutes, high volume + tiny files
    When the first copy is finished, go back and copy the remaining 3 folders Masters, Previews, & Thumbnails.  This is the opposite as previous step, lower volume + larger files.  Copy speeds should be normal ie 30 min. for 45 Gb over USB 2.0.
    Once all these files and folders are copied you need to put them into an empty iPhoto Library container.  An easy way to do this is
    Launch iPhoto holding the Option key
    Choose 'New Library' (choose an apprpriate name)
    Quit iPhoto
    in Finder go to the new Library you just created (User/Pictures/) - be sure its the one you just made
    Right Click (Control + Click) the iPhoto Libraray
    Choose - Show Package Contents (now you're looking at the contents that makup an iPhoto library)
    Select all these files and folders and delete them to the trash Open the folder that has your freshly copied files and put them in this empty iPhoto Library package.
    Close finder windows (disconnect your hard drive or Mac)
    Launch iPhoto (you can hold the Option Key while launching iPhoto to choose the correct Library if you have more than one). 
    Viola. You should have a functional copy from your old Mac/External hard drive.
    The easiest way to mess up your iPhoto Library is to move things around inside the "Package contents" of your iPhoto Library.  Its hidden in there for a reason, so don't go mucking about under the hood.  Best practice is to touch nothing inside the "Show Package Contetns" of your iPhoto library.    As described above, we're merely just speeding up a file transfer and copying files so they mirror their source in a new destination.  Good luck.

  • Restore time machine backups folder or iPhoto library to get album data?

    Simply said, can I use Data Rescue or Disk Drill to restore old Time Machine backups instead of just the entire glob of files? I'm specifically looking for an iPhoto backup with albums and metadata, instead of just restoring the photos themselves. See below for more details.
    I am an amateur or hobbyist photographer. Recently I noted that I have over 70,000 photos in iPhoto and it was really dragging. Kept telling myself to clean it up but never found the time. The other day, it said this version needs to be upgraded. Clicked ok, and when done, all my photos were gone. I have the iPhoto Library on an external and I could see that "it" was still there (almost 700gb) so I went to work trying to find a solution. Went through all of the rebuilding options with no luck and then got my stupid, "I got this" hat on. I said, no problem, I have Time Machine and I'll just restore the iPhoto Library from a few days ago when I know it was working fine. Deleted that "corrupted" library first, went to Time Machine and didn't realize that TM, at the VERY same time, must've run out of room and reset itself - it only had a brand new backup with the now-empty iPhoto Library in it. Luckily, I found all of my photos and have them safe on an external. I've also decided to backup to a cloud site (should've done a long time ago!!) and I'm researching which photo-management software will be best to catalog my pix going forward (likely Lightroom) as the Apple peeps said iPhoto isn't really built to handle that type of load.
    I know I can just re-import my found photos but have I lost all of my album and event data forever? When I go to the iPhoto Library and Show Package Contents, it looks like all that data is still there. Will that just "reset" once I bring back my photos? Otherwise, I have run both Data Rescue and Disk Drill and can see all of the files - either those deleted from the external, or the deleted files that were being backed up by TM on my other external TM disk. However, the reconstructed files don't seem to include an "iPhoto Library" or a backups.backupdb by name and I'm afraid if I do all the work to restore either of those, I'm stuck in the same situation I have now - all of the photos but no album data. Went through these posts extensively and tried all of Pondini's recommendations too.
    In the end, do I chalk this up as a learning experience and spend 2-3 days recreating albums and organizing my photos? Or, is there a way that I can get all that organizational data back - from the iPhoto package contents, restoring from the external, or restoring an old TM backup?

    What I would do is restore the older version to a different location.  Then first try the following on it:
    1 - launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down to open the First Aid window. Be sure to follow the circled recommendation in the screenshot.
    2 - run Option #4, Rebuild Database.
    If that doesn't do the trick continue with
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.>Click on the Add Library button,
    2 -  select the library you want to add from those in the selection window.
    3 - make sure that in the rebuild window the checkbox  "Scavange orphaned photos" is checked.
    4 - now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the Library ➙ Rebuild Library menu option
    5 - in the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed. Click on the Create button.
    Note 1: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments. However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost.
    Note 2:  Your current library will be left untouched for further attempts at a fix if so desired.

  • IPhoto library inflates from photos which were rotated in the camera!!!

    that is awful! I wondered why my iPhoto library is so big. I use the library only for slideshows and creating albums, *NOT for editing*.
    I found it out!!!
    I have tested it with a folder of 100 photos (approx. 1.5 MB each). One version of the folder (NORM) contains 100 horizontal photos. An Other version of the folder (ROTA) contains the same 100 photos with the EXIF-Flag "Rotate 90 CW" (my camera sets this flag automaticaly). The size of the 2 folders are exactly the same:
    <NORM>: 150.871.544 Bytes
    <ROTA>: 150.871.544 Bytes
    Before I import one of these folders, I create an empty iPhoto library, size: 14.556.512 Bytes
    And now the results:
    - If I import <NORM>, then the size of library grows up from 14 MB to 24 MB, reason: iPhoto generates thumbnails of every photo. That's OK.
    - If I import <ROTA>, then the size of library grows up from 14 MB to *255 MB*!! What the heck!!! iPhoto generates thumbnails AND A VERSION OF EACH PHOTO IN FOLDER MODIFIED!!! The size of every modified photo is bigger then 2 MB now (original 1.5 MB)!! Why?? The photo is NOT modified!!!
    Can you enlighten me?

    Not searched the forum then? This "discovery" turns up every couple of weeks. And the answer has been the same since iPhoto 1.
    Your camera has an Auto-Rotate feature. However, the camera does not actually rotate any pixels in the file, but instead flags it with an instruction: "Display me this way".
    Photo, seeing the flag, reads the intention and creates a modified version. Without this version, apps that integrate with iphoto, (like Word Processors, Mail Clients and Web Browsers) would end up with sideways photos. Why? Because they don't understand EXIF tags.
    If you then try to Revert to Original, iPhoto will remove the edited version. However, when it then looks at the Original file again, it sees the flag, and creates a new rotated version. This loop will run as long as you Revert to the Original.
    The solution is to either a: turn off the Auto-Rotate feature on your camera or b: rotate the photos prior to importing them to iPhoto.

  • Restoring iPhoto Library from a backup

    Hi, I recently bought the backup program "Backblaze" just in time! I few days ago I accidentally lost my entire iPhoto library. Luckily after a 12.4 GB download (which took about a day and a half - man backblaze is awesome!) I had my library back. There is one difference. Instead of a package with a cute icon called "iPhoto Library" the restored version has the same file structure except that the package is now just a folder named "iPhoto Library." This means that I can't simply drag it into the photos folder.
    My question. Can I drag the contents of the restored "iPhoto Library" folder into my now empty "iPhoto Library" package?
    In case that was confusing, here is a picture:

    I restored the library in a folder - not a package. You can not simply open the folder in iPhoto.
    But, I decided to just try it and see what happens - it worked.
    I held down option when starting iPhoto, then created a new library. Then I closed iPhoto, showed that package's contents and then dragged the contents of the backblaze backup into the new iPhoto library telling finder to replace everything. My iPhoto library is now fully functional.

  • Downgraded OS from Mavericks and now can't open iPhoto library.

    Updated to Mavericks which made my machine unusable. Consequently reinstalled 10.8.5, and now I can't open iPhoto Library without updating to Mavericks again and installing latest version of iPhoto. Any ideas how to make my iPhoto library compatible with iPhoto 7.1.5?

    If it were me, I would be addressing why Mavericks did not seem to work.
    Your machine easliy meets the minimum system requirements to run Mavericks and simply buying more RAM is not a valid fix for your reported issue.
    If you are really determined to stay on Mountain Lion but now have an incompatible iPhoto library you could try a workaround -
    - Right click on the iPhoto Library, choose Show package contents, look for a "Masters" folder. All your original pics are located within this folder.
    - Hold down the alt key, whilst doing this, click the iPhoto icon on your dock and choose to create new to create a new "empty" iPhoto library
    - Go back to your Masters Folder and Drag individual folders accross into the already open iPhoto to import them. Each folder you drag in will be treated as an "event"
    Having said all this, I would really be trying to upgrade to Mavericks again first before trying a "messy" workaround.
    Why not let us know what happened after you upgraded before trying this?

  • Renamed iPhoto library now unable to open?

    As it was the start of a new year i thought that i would start a new iPhoto library - i went into finder and renamed the iPhoto Library - iPhoto Library2006 - this forced iPhoto to open up new iPhoto Library which of course was empty.
    Now if i try to open iPhoto Library2006 using iPhoto Library Manager or iPhoto Buddy i still get the (empty) iPhoto Library?
    I have since deleted the new iPhoto Library and renamed the iPhoto Library2006 to it's original title - iPhoto Library.
    In Finder this library thows up as 1.62GB but still opens with 'no photos'.
    I'm using iPhoto 6.05
    Where have i gone wrong folks?

    I'm sorry to say, but it looks like somehow in the Naming/Renaming business you have overwritten the library file. With a folder size of 1.63 gigs, I would expect that file to be several megabytes. A 4kb file is brand new.
    Do you have a back up? If so, now is the time for it. If not, then you'll need to rebuild your library from scratch: To rebuild the library: move the iPhoto Library Folder to the desktop
    Launch iPhoto. It will ask if you wish to create a new Library. Say Yes.
    Go into the iPhoto Library Folder on your desktop and find there the Originals folder. From there drag the individual rolls to the iPhoto Window and it will recreate them in the new library.
    When you're sure all is well you can delete the iPhoto Library Folder on your desktop.
    In the future, in addition to your usual back up routine, you might like to make a copy of the library6.iPhoto file whenever you have made changes to the library as protection against database corruption.

Maybe you are looking for