Empty nodes using JhsTreeMenuPageTemplate

Hi guys,
JHeadstart version
I'm using the JhsTreeMenuPageTemplate as my page template to generate my menu's in the tree structure. I also have "Authorize using group permissions" set which sets the "rendered" attribute of each "itemNode" in the menu to the group name. The problem I have is that for roles that do not have all group permissions, the empty node on the tree menu is still shown (just the link/text is not rendered). This looks terribly messy if a role only has a few permissions. How can I prevent the itemNode (and groupNodes) from being created at all if the user does not have the permission for that menu item ?

According to this post (Dynamic Tree menu rendering problem by Steven, JHS is scheduled for release next week or the week after....

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    Source XML is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <IMDSCDB xmlns="http://xml.dod.mil/log/maint/fs/main/4.0.0">
    <EndItemTCTOReporting originator="EMOC">
    <CorrectiveActionNarrative>Test Test</CorrectiveActionNarrative>
    Desired output is:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <IMDSCDB xmlns="http://xml.dod.mil/log/maint/fs/main/4.0.0">
    <EndItemTCTOReporting originator="EMOC">
    <CorrectiveActionNarrative>Test Test</CorrectiveActionNarrative>
    XSLT to remove all empty nodes is:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:template match="@* | node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
    <xsl:template match="*[not(descendant::text()[normalize-space()])]" >
    I believe I need to use the | operator to select the additional node set of just the <BypassDateEdits> node, but repeated attempt and research on the web has enabled me to find a solution.
    Any assistance would be appreciated.

    having gotten a big clue from tsuji, I finally achieved the correct XSLT.
    This XSLT:
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <xsl:template match="@* | node()">
    <xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
    <xsl:template match="*[not(local-name()='BypassDateEdits') and namespace-uri()='http://xml.dod.mil/log/maint/fs/main/4.0.0'][not(descendant::text()[normalize-space()])]" >
    Yields the desired results:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><IMDSCDB xmlns="http://xml.dod.mil/log/maint/fs/main/4.0.0">
    <EndItemTCTOReporting originator="EMOC">
    <CorrectiveActionNarrative>Test Test</CorrectiveActionNarrative>
    Thank you tsuji,

  • Print empty nodes in a Huffman binary Tree

    I have constructed a binary huffman tree, and I need to print the empty nodes as a character '-'. As I am using the array structure to build the huffman tree, I am very confused how I can go about it. This is my code. Any help will be appreciated:
    import java.util.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.lang.*;
    public class Huffman
        static char letters;
        static int frequency;
        static char frequency1;
        static int alphabet;
        static char frqtable [][];
        static char treetable[][];
        static TreeNode myTree[];
        static int i = 0;
        static int j = 0;
        static Scanner in = new Scanner(System.in);
        static int index = 0;
        static Vector temp = new Vector();
        static String finalarray[];
        public static void main (String args[])throws IOException{
            treetable = frqtable;
            buildHuffmanTree(treetable, alphabet);
           // printGeneralTree();
         public static void setFrequencyTable() throws IOException{
            System.out.println ("Please enter number of distinct alphabet");
            alphabet = in.nextInt();
            frqtable = new char[alphabet][2];
           for (int count = 0; count<alphabet; count++){
                System.out.println ("Enter the character");
                letters = (char) System.in.read();
                frqtable[i][j] = letters;
                System.out.println ("Enter frequency");
                frequency = in.nextInt();
                frequency1 = Integer.toString(frequency).charAt(0); ;
                frqtable[i][j+1] = frequency1;
                i = i+1;
                j = 0;
        public static void sortArray (char[][]treetable){
            char templetter;
            char tempfrq;
          for (int j=0; j < frqtable.length; j++) {
            for (int i=0; i < frqtable.length-1; i++) {
                  if((treetable[1]) < (treetable[i+1][1])){
    tempfrq = (treetable[i][1]);
    templetter = (treetable[i][0]);
    (treetable[i][1]) = (treetable[i+1][1]);
    (treetable[i][0]) = (treetable[i+1][0]);
    (treetable[i+1][1]) = tempfrq;
    (treetable[i+1][0]) =templetter;
    public static void levelorderTraversal(TreeNode root) {
    levelorderHelper( root);
    private static void levelorderHelper( TreeNode node ) {
    if( node == null )
    queue( node ); // queues root
    qLeftqRight( index ); // queues Left/Right node of the node at 'index'
    printIt(); // prints contents of queue
    private static boolean queue( TreeNode n ) {
    if( n != null ){ // if child exists, queue it
    temp.addElement( n );
    return true;
    return false;
    private static void qLeftqRight( int i ) { // for each queued node, queue its children
    while( i < temp.size() ) {
    TreeNode tmp = (TreeNode) temp.elementAt( i );
    if (tmp.leaf == false){
    queue( tmp.left );
    queue( tmp.right );
    private static void printIt() {
    finalarray = new String[temp.size()];
    for( int x = 0; x < temp.size(); x++ ) {
    TreeNode t = (TreeNode) temp.elementAt( x );
    if(t.ch == '\0'){
    finalarray[x] = Integer.toString(t.count);
    public static void buildHuffmanTree(char [][] treetable, int alphabet){
    myTree = new TreeNode [alphabet];
    TreeNode leftNode, rightNode;
    TreeNode newNode = null;
    for ( int i = 0; i < alphabet; i++ ){
    myTree[i] = new TreeNode (treetable[i][0], Character.getNumericValue(treetable[i][1]));
    for (int j =((myTree.length)-1); j>0; j--){
    newNode = new TreeNode(myTree[j], myTree[j-1]);
    myTree[j] = null;
    myTree[j-1] =null;
    for(int c = 0; c<(j-1); c++){
    if(myTree[c].count <= newNode.count){
    for(int x = alphabet-1; x>c; x--){
    myTree[x] = myTree[x-1];
    myTree[c] = newNode;
    c= j-1;
    myTree[0] = newNode;
    for(int i = 0; i < finalarray.length; i++){
    public class TreeNode{ 
    final boolean leaf;
    int count;
    final char ch;
    final TreeNode left,
    public TreeNode ( char ch, int count )
    {  this.leaf  = true;
    this.count = count;
    this.ch = ch;
    this.left = null;
    this.right = null;
    public char getChar(){
    return ch;
    public TreeNode ( TreeNode left, TreeNode right)
    {  this.leaf  = false;
    this.count = left.count + right.count;
    this.left = left;
    this.right = right;
    this.ch ='\0';

    doobybug wrote:
    The finalarray actually prints the array.No, finalarray IS and array. It doesn't print anything.
    The problem I think is with the TreeNode class where a leaf states the left and right nodes as null, but if I instantiate them to '-' they will continue to assign empty nodes until the program runs out of memory!!I don't know what you're saying here, but it sounds like you think that you have to set the Node to '-' in order to be able to print '-'. Really all you have to do is
    for each node {
      if the node is empty {
        print -
      else {
        print whatever you print for non-empty nodes
    }Or if an "empty" node is still a Node object, just with certain attribute values, then just create a toString method in the Node class that returns "-" when the Node is empty.
    Really, if you know how to iterate over your nodes, and you know how to determine whether a node is empty, then your problem is solved, there's nothing else to it.

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    Source1 -> T1
            -> S1
                  -> Field2
    Because I am using receiver side FCC populating with empty node
    Based on condition T1 is populating when condition fails I am populating target T1 and structure elements are mapped with constant. 
    Ex: Target payload when condition failed below data is populating ..
    In this I want to ignore creating the file.
    Here Is the my content conversion parameters,
    S1.fieldNames - Field1,Field2
    S1.fieldSeparator - ,
    S1.endSeprator u2013 u2018nlu2019
    I used processing tab u2018Ignoreu2019 option id did not worked. Appreciate your help. 

    Hi Raj,
       I went my receiver mapping signature tab I chagned occurance from 1 to 0..1
    then my mapping got lossed now message type level I put the condition. When my condition not satisfy I am not creatin gthe target node itself.(I mean here message type) Messages ->message1 only is creating..
    but in SXMB_MONI below error I am getting..
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Request Message Mapping
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="http://sap.com/xi/XI/Message/30" xmlns:SOAP="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:Code area="MAPPING">GENERIC</SAP:Code>
      <SAP:P1>Split mapping created no messages</SAP:P1>
      <SAP:P2 />
      <SAP:P3 />
      <SAP:P4 />
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:Stack>Split mapping created no messages</SAP:Stack>
    Thanks for your response.

  • How To Remove Empty Node From Source XML

    How can I remove an empty node from the source xml in a XSLT mapping.
    For e.g. If the source xml is like:
    Then the xml should become:
    I need to do this because the output of my XSLT mapping is showing blank spaces for each blank node.

    Use <xsl:if>
    Or else you may find different options here

  • Removing empty node created by Value Mapping Functoid

    If the first input parameter to Value Mapping functoid is not true, it creates an empty element in the destination which I don't want, how can I get rid of this empty element, if it's empty I do not want it to created in the destination document.
    Do let me know how can I achive this within a Map.

    You can get rid of the empty nodes in your map by using a custom functoid and use XSLT script (also given below) and mentioned in this article
    Remove empty nodes in BizTalk by using XSLT
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="@@ YOUR NAMESPACE @@" version="1.0" xmlns:ns0="http://Stater.Isvcs.Iface.BO.GetLoanData.ElfV2">
        <xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes" />
        <xsl:template match="node()">
            <xsl:if test="count(descendant::text()[string-length(normalize-space(.))>0]|@*)">
                    <xsl:apply-templates select="@*|node()" />
        <xsl:template match="@*">
            <xsl:copy />
        <xsl:template match="text()">
            <xsl:value-of select="normalize-space(.)" />
    Abdul Rafay - MVP & MCTS BizTalk Server
    blog: http://abdulrafaysbiztalk.wordpress.com/
    Please mark this as answer if it helps.

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    "<imp1:payload>&lt;?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'ISO-8859-15' standalone = 'no'?>
    &lt;!-- Oracle eXtensible Markup Language Gateway Server -->&lt;!DOCTYPE PROCESS_PO_007 SYSTEM "003_process_po_007.dtd">&lt;PROCESS_PO_007>&lt;CNTROLAREA>" etc
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    How can we "parse" the string to a node using an XSL transformation file?

    Can you tell me which code are you using currently for transferrring the data? It might help me to figure out what your problem is.

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     <DocumentReference OrderId="order001">
     <DocumentReference OrderId="order002">
     <DocumentReference OrderId="order003">
    I have to loop through this xml and retrieve the orderId values inside Biztalk orchestration.
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    Added a loopshape to make sure it loops thru all nodes
    Loop condition:   n<=nodeCount     (where n is an integer variable, n=0 to begin with, incremented by 1 thru each loop, nodeCount is # of DocumentReference nodes)
     I try retrieve to the orderId in the following expression shape using the below xpath query
      xpathQuery = System.String.Format("//*[local-name()='OrderReference'][{0}]/@orderID)",n);
      sOrderId = xpath(MsgSingleInvoice,xpathQuery);
    And I get the following exception:
    Inner exception: '//*[local-name()='OrderReference'][1]/@orderID)' has an invalid token.
    Exception type: XPathException
    Appreciate any help!   thanks!

    Thanks for the quick response. I got rid of it.
    And I see a different error:
    Inner exception: Specified cast is not valid. Exception type: InvalidCastException
    Source: Microsoft.XLANGs.Engine  
    Target Site: System.Object XPathLoad(Microsoft.XLANGs.Core.Part, System.String, System.Type)
    Since variable 'n' is of integer type, I suspected it and changed it to n.ToString() and tested again and still see the same error.

  • Sending empty files using SFTP Adapter

    I am trying to send empty files using SFTP adapter. The interface has to send the file whether its empty file or containing data using SFTP adapter. I am using BizTalk Server 2013 R2. Is it a bug or the hotfix is already there for this issue.

    The issue here is not your SFTP not able to send 0KB files, but the file receive adapter that is receiving the file. The file adapter deletes 0 KB files and doest not transmit it further.
    If u have a ftp receive for example you should be able to send 0KB files.
    If u have a custom file receive adapter , is it handling 0KB files ?
    Regards &lt;br/&gt; When you see answers and helpful posts,&lt;br/&gt; please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer

  • How to identify empty InfoObjects used in a Cube

    Hello Gurus!
    I need some help. How do I find empty InfoObjects used in a Cube?
    I have 20+ Cubes and I need to identify those objects in the cubes, which are empty /not filled/. Statistics
    Except writing an ABAP
    Thanks in advance

    Thank you for such fast response!
    @Tarak: unfortunately in the TX: LISTCUBE /or display data via RSA1/ you cannot display all characteristics for 'larger' cubes. Additionally you would have to select filter on each characteristics separately.
    @Aduri: could you please give me a more detailed hint? I know cube statistics for load requests, for storage space, for DB time, for IO in report use, but not for IO data, no data.
    @Analyst: Transactional data. Well, to check each mapping for 20+ cubes is a possibility. I have hoped to find a faster way, however.

  • Create a empty node in target structure

      The scenerio is idoc(HRMD_A07) to file
      my target structure is
          field 1
          field 2
          field 3
          field 5
          field 6
          field 7
    Record is mapped to EP1LOGI ,
    Record1 is mapped to E1P0001 and the fields from this segment are mapped to field 1, 2 and 3
    Record2 is mapped to E1P0002 and the fields from this segment are mapped to field 5 and 6
    Record3 is mapped to E1P0105 and the fields from this segment are mapped to field 7.
    Say in one EP1LOGI i do not have E1P0105 in the source. NOW i would like to get a empty node
    <Record3> <Record3/> in target structure.
    Please advice...

    My content conversion is
    Record.fieldFixedLengths         0
    Record.endSeparator              'nl'
    Record1.fieldFixedLengths     8,4,10,2,8
    Record1.endSeparator           ','
    Record2fieldFixedLengths    40,40
    Record2endSeparator           ','
    Record3fieldFixedLengths     241
    Record3endSeparator          'nl'
    My source idoc does not have email id ( field7) for the first employee and has email id for teh second employee.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ns0:MT_ELEARNING_dummy xmlns:ns0="http://TFL.com/E-learning/Kallidus">
             <USRID_LONG>email addtress</USRID_LONG>
    Now i get the file as ---ALL IN one line
    01221690101000000400633550022222' ,'Barry                                   Tredinnick                              ' ,'                                                            ' ,'01221793101000000400833550295392' ,'David                                   Sinclair                                   ' ,' email address
    I cannot figure out why i am getting ',' before the second employee number 01221793...
    I want to get the file as:
    01221690101000000400633550022222' ,'Barry   Tredinnick          ' ,'              
    '01221793101000000400833550295392' ,'David    Sinclair            ' ,'email address
    Kindly help

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    Hi wei,
    <b>Non-singleton nodes:</b>
    Web Dynpro allows you to define non-singleton nodes. Each non-singleton node has one node instance for each node element of the parent collection at runtime. The advantage is that each instance can be accessed directly. When using non-singleton nodes, the nodes are only created when the node values are retrieved. This can save resources that otherwise would slow down the performance of the application.
    <b>Supply function:</b>
    The Web Dynpro tools also automatically enhance the corresponding controller class with a supply function including the user coding area contained in it
    Supply functions are implemented as methods of type
    <b>public void supplyChildNodeElements(SomeChildNode node,
    in a Web Dynpro controller (view controller or custom controller). Supply functions and context nodes have a 1..1 relationship, that is, supply functions are specific for individual context nodes. Under certain conditions, supply functions are called by pages in the Web Dynpro runtime environment.
    Hope this helps u,

  • How to access a node using ID?

    Hi All,
    I have defined specific id for each node object. How can i access one particular node using the id?
    Can any one help me on this?
    Thamizharasu S

    I just started to create my first javafx apps and stumbled upon the same problem. How can I access a Node which is identfied by the ID attribute?
    Text {
      content: "Click me to greet!"
      onMouseClicked: function( e:MouseEvent ):Void {
         //Access myselft to change the content attribute
    ...Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

  • ALL IP SLAs to dmVPN spokes give invalid RTT=1 . Nodes use NTP. What can be the reason for this?

    IP SLA Measurements are invalid. RTT should be 20 to 60ms, but IP SLAs deliver RTT=1ms. This applies for UDP Jitter and UDP echo IP SLAs.
    Nodes use NTP time.

    you can use any router you want - I use a netgear others belkin - up to you.
    If you like a post, or want to say thanks for a helpful answer, please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side of the post.
    If someone answers your question correctly please let other members know by clicking on ’Mark as Accepted Solution’.

  • Suppressing empty nodes in ALV tree grid

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    Expand or Collapse Branches or Hide Areas
    You are able to expand and collapse the branches of the tree structure individually or together. Beyond that you are able to make a node or an item completely invisible.
    Function                                       Class                                   Method
    Expand individual branch               CL_SALV_NODE                  EXPAND 
    Collapse individual branch                                                        COLLAPSE
    Expand all branches                    CL_SALV_NODES                EXPAND_ALL
    Collapse all branches                                                              COLLAPSE_ALL
    Change visibility of a node            CL_SALV_NODE                  SET_VISIBLE
    Check whether the node is visible                                             IS_VISIBLE
    Change visibility of an item             CL_SALV_ITEM                 SET_VISIBLE
    Check whether the item is visible                                             IS_VISIBLE

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