Emptying Trash  - confusion

Ok, did a search, and found a help thing about this, but it doesn't really make sense and I want to confirm this is the solution...
I have a bunch of messages in my 4 email accounts on the iPhone.. I've been deleting them and they've been going into the trash.. I was hoping there was a "empty Trash" button, but there isnt... I searched help and it said something along the lines of the trash message rolls off when it hits the set #...
I'm assuming if i have the default aa 25 messages, then when i get 26 messages in trash, the earliest one gets deleted?
Thats how I'm reading the help topic, but it doesnt make sense to do it that way -- I delete something, why would i want it kept around until it rolls off? Why isnt there an "Empty Trash" option?
Am I misreading something?

This is very helpful. Am I correct that setting the iPhone to something like "delete every day" does NOT delete items from an IMAP server? I have my office account set up as IMAP, but deleting an item on the iPhone does not have any effect on the server side (i.e., it is not moved to trash). I am hoping that "emptying" the trash on the iPhone will similarly have no effect on the server, but have been a bit too cautious to check.

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  • Show Photo Settings VS Emptying Trash?

    Am very confused about implications of emptying the trash in iMovie (6hd) ...
    I've done a movie which is really just photos with effects, motion, music.
    It SEEMS, as if it's no longer possible to display a preview of a motion photo (Ken Burns effect) once the trash has been emptied.
    I'd Like to be able to delete the experiments, and truly removed clips - but keep the clips truly in the movie - so that they remain editable. (with a preview)
    ANY ideas? My trash is growing enormous.
    Also, I noticed quite a bit of degradation on 'motion' photo's that had multiple edits(This was not evident till DVD was played). And found the only way to restore quality was to replace the old "clip" with orig photo with same effect recreated. -- has any one else noticed this? IS it related to emptying trash - which seems to store original photo?
    PMacQuad, PMac Quicksilver, PBook G4 Titanium, iMacDV SE   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   10.38 ->10.45

    It SEEMS, as if it's no longer possible to display a
    preview of a motion photo (Ken Burns effect) once the
    trash has been emptied.
    Good catch. Yes, there's a bug in iMovie 6 (not in iMovie 5) that discards the source image if the Ken Burns checkbox is ON when the image was imported. If you empty the iMovie trash, you can't later update the rendered clip.
    I'd Like to be able to delete the experiments, and
    truly removed clips - but keep the clips truly in the
    movie - so that they remain editable. (with a
    If by experiments you mean images that you've imported but no longer want to keep then Yes, you can delete them like any other clip and empty the iMovie trash.
    iMovie 5 and iMovie 6 use non-destructive editing of clips. That means you can always restore a clip to its original length. If you import a 5-minute clip and split it into three parts, each of the three clips can be restored to the length of the original clip. If you screw up, recovery is just a few mouseclicks away.
    In iMovie 4, if Clips 1, 2 and 3 share the same source file, trashing Clip 2 will remove its frames from the source file, shortening the file. You will recover that disk space when you empty the iMovie trash.
    That's not how it works in iMovie 5/6. When you empty the trash the source file is NEVER shortened, for Clips 1 and 3 must be restorable to the full length of the original clip. If other clips use that source file, no disk space is recovered because no frames are removed from the source file.
    Disk space is only recovered when you discard the LAST clip of a source file. Then iMovie HD discards the entire file.
    When it does that, note that iMovie 5/6 moves the file to the Mac Trash (in the Finder). So you must empty the Mac Trash too to recover the disk space.
    BTW, you can pretty much ignore the Trash numbers reported by iMovie HD. It's reporting the size of the source file, which may or may not actually be discarded.
    There are pros and cons to non-destructive editing, of course. The biggest disadvantage is that we recover less disk space. The advantage is we can always restore a clip -- even when Copying and Pasting clips between projects.
    There's also improved reliability. When emptying the Trash in iMovie 5/6, we no longer see the project corruption we sometimes saw in iMovie 2/3/4.
    Fortunately, large FireWire drives are cheap and getting cheaper. (You may need one, by the way, for your drive is very full. Best advice I hear is to leave at least 10% empty or Mac OS X itself can get into trouble.)
    If that's not an option, one solution is to export the iMovie HD project back to the camera, then re-import it to a new project. The new project won't contain the discarded stuff.
    Also, I noticed quite a bit of degradation on
    'motion' photo's that had multiple edits(This was not
    evident till DVD was played). And found the only way
    to restore quality was to replace the old "clip" with
    orig photo with same effect recreated. -- has any
    one else noticed this? IS it related to emptying
    trash - which seems to store original
    See bug above.
    Also be aware of an iMovie 4/5/6 bug that adds jaggies to photos that were NOT rendered by the Ken Burns Effect when importing the image. If iMovie asks permission to render the stills later, it adds jaggies to the video it renders. That will show up on the DVD.

  • I am getting disc full messages on my Mac, unable to empty trash because not enough space, how do I proceed or do I need to increase my 4gig of memory

    I am getting disc full messages on my Mac, unable to empty trash because not enough space, how do I proceed or do I need to increase my 4gig of memory in which case how do I go about this process.

    You are confusing RAM (Random Access Memory) with hard drive data storage space.
    Your hard drive storage is getting too full if you can't empty your Mac's main trash.
    Here are some general tips to keep your Mac's hard drive trim and slim as possible
    You should never, EVER let a conputer hard drive get completely full, EVER
    With Macs and OS X, you shouldn't let the hard drive get below 15 GBs or less of free data space.
    If it does, it's time for some hard drive housecleaning.
    Follow some of my tips for cleaning out, deleting and archiving data from your Mac's internal hard drive.
    Have you emptied your Mac's Trash icon in the Dock?
    ( as you mentioned, you can't empty this as your hard drive is too full.)
    If you use iPhoto, iPhoto has its own trash that needs to be emptied, also.
    If you store images in other locations other than iPhoto, then you will have to weed through these to determine what to archive and what to delete.
    If you use Apple Mail app, Apple Mail also has its own trash area that needs to be emptied, too!
    Delete any old or no longer needed emails and/or archive to disc, flash drives or external hard drive, older emails you want to save.
    Look through your other Mailboxes and other Mail categories to see If there is other mail you can archive and/or delete.
    Look through your Documents folder and delete any type of old useless type files like "Read Me" type files.
    Again, archive to disc, flash drives, ext. hard drives or delete any old documents you no longer use or immediately need.
    Look in your Applications folder, if you have applications you haven't used in a long time, if the app doesn't have a dedicated uninstaller, then you can simply drag it into the OS X Trash icon. IF the application has an uninstaller app, then use it to completely delete the app from your Mac.
    To find other large files, download an app called Omni Disk Sweeper.
    Download an app called OnyX for your version of OS X.
    When you install and launch it, let it do its initial automatic tests, then go to the cleaning and maintenance tabs and run the maintenance tabs that let OnyX clean out all web browser cache files, web browser histories, system cache files, delete old error log files.
    Typically, iTunes and iPhoto libraries are the biggest users of HD space.
    move these files/data off of your internal drive to the external hard drive and deleted off of the internal hard drive.
    If you have any other large folders of personal data or projects, these should be archived or moved, also, to the optical discs, flash drives or external hard drive and then either archived to disc and/or deleted off your internal hard drive.
    Good Luck!

  • Aperture ate my picture files and they are not recoverable.  The guy at the Genius Bar told me to Trash the App, empty Trash, then go to Purchases and reinstall.  But Purchases says it is "Installed" so it does not let me download it again.  HELP!!!!

    Aperture ate my picture files and they are not recoverable.  The guy at the Genius Bar told me to Trash the App, empty Trash, then go to Purchases and reinstall.  But Purchases says it is "Installed" so it does not let me download it again.  HELP!!!!

    I typed Aperture into Spotlight and sure enough it did show up.
    It looks like it is supposed to be in Apps.
    But it is not there.
    So I clicked on the spotlight Aperture and it opened up the App!!!!
    But I do not know where it is to move it!
    How can I find it?
    While Aperture is running and you are seeing it in the Dock, ctrl-click (or right click) the Dock icon.
    You will see a contextual menu. Click on "Options", then select "Show in Finder".
    And check the "keep in Dock" mark, so you will not lose it from the Dock.

  • When I try to empty trash, progress bar stops, and I have to reset finder

    This has been happening for about a week or so. Regardless of what the files are, I am unable to delete them. Whether I do a standard empty trash, or a secure empty trash, I end up with the same progress bar that stops during the process. I've let it sit for several minutes and over an hour, leaving me the only option of doing a force restart of finder.
    Currently I am unable to delete anything, putting a serious hold on my workflow.
    It appears that many people are having all kinds of trash issues with Snow Leopard. I'm assuming Apple is working on a fix, but I'm not sure when that's coming out. Until then, if there is some kind of work-around, I'd love to know about it.
    Any guesstimates on when Apple will release the next OS update?

    Start with http://www.thexlab.com/faqs/trash.html Do note that AFAIK, there aren't any trash issues with Snow Leopard, just the normal handful of common issues, usually fixed by the steps in the linked article.

  • Cannot empty trash: "The operation can't be completed because the item ...

    I've been having trouble emptying the trash. I get the following error, "The operation can’t be completed because the item "_file name_" is in use."
    I've tried unlocking the files, but the unlock doesn't seem to stick.
    I'm not sure if this is related, but a couple of months ago, I had a repair done and since then some of my software have required me to enter my license information again; apparently it looked as if I was running the programs on a different machine.
    Anyone have tips/solns?

    Thank you!
    I ended up sticking the startup disc in, restarting while holding down the "c" key, and "using the Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs function of the Reset Paswoord function of the Utilities menu."
    It worked perfectly; I now have an empty trash can.

  • Emptying trash isn't freeing up any space on MacBook Pro or external drive. Time Machine is OFF.

    Yesterday, while using Final Cut Pro X, I noticed the program/my computer was starting to run slow--and then I was totally caught off guard by a warning that my startup disk was full. I checked Storage and Finder and both my MacBook Pro and external drive had less than 1gb of space each! I usually use Secure Empty Trash and have no problems...but for my drives to be full, it clearly hasn't been working for a few days, possibly weeks.
    I'm using a MacBook Pro (early 2011) and a LaCie Thunderbolt external drive. I'm running Mavericks (10.9.2)
    I am not using Time Machine. When I look at Storage under About This Mac, my Backups on my MBP and LaCie drive are both at zero KB.
    I read through the forums and tried going into Terminal and entering sudo rm -rf ~/.Trash ...but all that did was free up about 10gb on my external drive (I'd emptied upwards of 90gb from my trash).
    Right now I'm basically stuck with a slow laptop and very little storage space, which has slowed my work to a halt. Does anyone know how to fix this?

    Some space suggestions.
    Disk Space - Free Up
    Disk Space – Free Up (2)
    Disk Space Filling Up – OmniDiskSweeper
    Disk Space Filling Up - WhatSize

  • Want to run an archive and install, but can't empty trash to free space

    I don't know where to begin... at some point recently something caused problems with several applications, so after trying to repair permissions and repair disk with no luck, I decided to archive & install. Now I want the old problems back: Word/Excel/Photoshop will not open because of some library error (Carbonlib?), and my network settings keep going screwy such that if my computer goes to sleep, I couldn't pick up my wireless signal anymore without restarting (and then ta-da, there it was like there was never any problem).
    So in trying to archive and install I keep stalling at the very beginning... I'll leave it for hours hoping it would proceed but it wouldn't. I've repaired disk several times, with the same errors ultimately coming up. So without being able to archive and install I figured I'd better back everything up and do an erase & install. Started backing things up in prep for moving them onto a server, but when I plugged the server in, my computer said it couldn't get on. Same exact server wire had just come out of my work computer which connects just fine. So now I've got duplicates of all my files on the desktop, so I try to trash them and when I select 'empty trash' or 'secure empty trash', I get the box that says "preparing to empty trash" and then everything except my wallpaper goes away, and eventually comes back as if I've restarted. Now I definitely can't archive and install because with duplicate copies of all my files I have only 1.7gb available and need 1.9 to install just the required files.
    I'm at a total loss! Incidentally, my ipod won't mount if I try to plug it in.
    Are there other options in disk utility that I can try? I don't know enough to feel comfortable just trying something, and I don't know what the "Restore" option does.
    Oh goodness, I hope somebody knows something that can help me out of this.

    Odd, the link works for me.
    [email protected]

  • I deleted the photos via Finder and empty trash long time ago. The thing is, that I want to recover one event or album.  The event appears in the iphoto but when open, it shows "!". Is it possible to recover the photos?

    I deleted the photos via Finder and empty trash long time ago. The thing is, that I want to recover one event or album.  The event appears in the iphoto but when open, it shows "!". Is it possible to recover the photos?

    No.  When you removed the photos via the finder you damage the library.  Photos should always be removed from the library using iPhoto, never with the Finder.
    If you have a Time Machine backup of the library from before you deleted the photos you can restore the library to the Desktop and export that album from it to import into your current library.
    It's been too long to be able to try one of the file recovery applications.  You sure to have overwritten those files with new files since them.

  • I've deleted all my mail in iCloud and also empty trash, but iCloud mail still occupied my iCloud storage for 1.9GB. What do I do?

    Dear All,
    I've deleted all my mail in iCloud and also empty trash, but iCloud mail still occupied my iCloud storage for 1.9GB. What do I do?

    Hi OaksterMe,
    In order to completely delete emails from your devices and free up space in iCloud, you should follow the steps in this article -
    iCloud: Reduce email storage space
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Brett L 

  • Two issues on Aperture: single photo won't show in viewer, emptied trash won't indicate as empty

    Using Version 3.5.1. Several after-market edit plug-ins attached. Two new problems:
    Very recently, when editing, the single photo viewer mode will start showing only black (blank), or shows the photo very briefly then goes black, or shows another different photo, or a damaged-looking photo. Multiple photo viewer modes still work ok. Problem goes away upon quitting and restarting Aperture, but then shortly soonafter recurs while editing.
    Also, trash continually indicates 477 undeleted photos even after emptying. Additional photos added to trash get added to this count (i.e. it then indicates, say, 492 photos in trash, while showing only the actual 15 legitimate files in the trash folder), and then can successfully deleted the actual trashed files back to the mysterious 477, although with no photos actually left in the trash folder and the Empty Trash function still active for these 477 ghost files. This problem persists despite restarting.
    Any suggestions greatly appreciated.

    Problem goes away upon quitting and restarting Aperture, but then shortly soonafter recurs while editing.
    First of all, make sure you have a current, working backup of your Aperture library.
    Is your Aperture library on your system drive or on an external drive? If external drive, how is the library connected? And is the library referenced or managed?
    Several after-market edit plug-ins attached.
    Have you checked, if your plug-ins are the latest versions, and compatible with MacOS X Mavericks?
    What trouble-shooting measures have you already tried? If you have not already done so, use the Aperture Library First Aid tools and repair the permissions and the database, see this page of the Aperture User Manual:  Repairing and Rebuilding Your Aperture Library: Aperture 3 User Manual
    Post back, with more information.

  • Is it possible to create a secure empty trash shortcut in file menu?

    I have second finger click enabled so that I can quickly move files to the trash bin from the contextual menu. This is fine and dandy, however, for files containing sensitive informaton, I'd like to have a "Secure File Delete" option available (file bypasses the trash bin and is wiped after selecting said option).
    I've searched the threads and checked system prefs. Only options are to change "empty trash" to "secure empty trash". This wouldn't work as I have more files that are typically trashed and not wiped. It'd be nice to have it available as a convenience I suppose
    I know theres an app in the app store that offers this functionality. It's $3-4.
    So my question...is it possible to create such a contextual menu option on my own?
    heres an example of what I'm ltalking about...

    Create a new Service in Automator.
    Set it to receive files an folders in the Finder.
    Drag in an Ask for Confirmation action if you want it.
    Drag in a Run Shell Script action from the Utilities section of the Library.
    Set it to Pass Input as Arguments and Replace the code with:
    srm -r "$@"
    --That's ess-ar-em for Secure ReMove (just copy and paste)
    Save it and it will show up in the Services menu when you right-click on an item in the Finder.
    There are options you can add to it like -s for simple, -m for medium. The default (without options) is 35-pass Gutman.
    You can see what options are available by opening Terminal and typeing
    man srm
    Hit space to scroll down. Q to quit the man page.
    The Verbose and Interactive options won't work since you can respond.
    Note that depending on the algorithm chosen, it may take some time for the file/folder to disappear from the Finder view.

  • Hi guys, an empty folder is stuck in my trash & I get this message: "The Finder can't complete the operation because some data in the folder can't be read or written. (Error code -36). It won't shift no matter how I try to Secure Empty trash. Any ideas?

    Hi guys, an empty folder is stuck in my trash & I get this message: "The Finder can’t complete the operation because some data in the folder can’t be read or written. (Error code -36). It won't shift no matter how I try to Secure Empty trash. Any ideas?

    The Time Machines Backup is formated as Mac OS Extended (Case Sensitive, Journaled), my mac is formated as Mac OS Extended (Journaled).
    The names on the file are all Uppercase
    When I try to copy the Aperture file, it copies about 70% of the file (it's about 33GB in size), and halfway through I get this error.
    I'm able to copy 99.99% of all of the images if I open the Aperture Folder using the "show package contents" under the backups using finder (Time Machine Backups>Backups.backupdb>CQ Macbook Air>2012-04-30-070933>HD.....>Pictures>Aperture Library). The only file I can't copy is that picture, which I'm totally ok with deleting, but Finder won't delete it for me. If nothing else works, I could copy the individual masters and re-create the folders, however I'd hate to do this as I would have to go through 10,000+ pics

  • Empty trash The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).

    I can't empty my trash.  The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).
    I have started up in a guest account and that show empty trash bucket.
    I have use 'option' or all three, control, option, command.  and nothing works.
    This has been a problem for about 3 weeks now.
    I have an external WD hardrive for back up, these are the files that I try to erase - and I have unlocked each one, still no luck....
    Can some one give me a hint what to do?

    Plus all of you that have tried to help me with my 'empty trash' problem.  I have it solved!
    I am running a Western Digital external hard drive.  I phoned them just now and they asked me to unplug the WD drive, and I reset the back up occasions, it was backing up every hour, which was way too often. The trash emptied when I unplugged and now I have rebooted and the trash is still empty
    Thanks to all who gave me suggestions as to what I needed to do to empty my trash can!  It had more than 1600 items living there.  What a relief.

  • When trying to empty trash, (securely or not), I get this: The operation can't be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).

    When trying to empty trash, (securely or not), I get this: The operation can’t be completed because an unexpected error occurred (error code -8003).  FWIW, there are nearly 3000 items in my Trash - although this does not seem the source of the problem.

    Have you read for possible solutions over in the "More Like This" thread over here?-----------------------> 

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