Encoding tiff format using JIMI

Did anyone use JIMI to create a tiff image ? Is it possible to modify the image using this JIMI package ? When I invoke Jimi.putImage(displayCanvas.image, filename); method it doesn't save if i give tiff or tif as extension.
Anyone over here ?!

So you've tried everything suggested here
[First result when I searched 'No baseline TIFF 6.0 file'|https://forums.sdn.sap.com/click.jspa?searchID=29274664&messageID=7758243]
and none of it has worked?

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  • Bridge CC default TIFF format

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    I use Image Processor to batch convert JPEGs to TIFFs before further work. I'm on Mac, and the default TIFF format uses Mac byte order. However, other departments at my place of work require IBM PC byter order for TIFFs.
    Is there any way to change Bridge / Photoshop Image Processor default to IBM PC byte order for batch operations. I can obviously use a Photoshop Action and Batch it, but Image Processor is a little more straightforward and simple, and would be the ideal method.

    Image Processor Pro (available at http://russellbrown.com/scripts.html) does everything Image Processor does and a lot more, including specifying byte order for TIFFs.

  • UPoad lgoo using RSTXLMDC ERROR showing TIFF format error: No baseline TIFF

    I am geeting the below problem while uploading a tif format file using RSTXLDMC
    Load File
    The file contains     13.930  bytes
    This is a TIFF file with INTEL byte order
    First IFD offset:                                   13.744
    Reading IFD from offset     13.744  Number of Tags         15
    ImageWidth:                                            559
    ImageLength:                                           279
    BitsPerSample levels:                                    1
    BitsPerSample - level 1:                                 8
    BitsPerSample - level 2:                                 0
    BitsPerSample - level 3:                                 0
    Compression:                                             5
    Photometric Interpretation:                              3
    Number of StripOffsets:                                 14
    SamplesPerPixel:                                         1
    RowsPerStrip:                                           21
    Number of StripByteCounts:                              14
    XResolution:                                            96  /
    YResolution:                                            96  /
    ResolutionUnit:                                          2
    ColorMap size:                                         256
    TIFF format error: No baseline TIFF 6.0 file
    and I am not expecting the below code
    How to Upload graphics (IMAGE) to your Sapscript?
    Command in your Sapscript
    These are the steps to be followed for uploading graphics in R/3 system 
    1.   First save the file as BMP 
    2.   Open the BMP file in IMaging (Goto -> Programs -> Accessories -> Imaging) and 
          make it Zoom as 100% and save as *.TIFF 
    3.   Open SE38 and execute program RSTXLDMC
    4.   Give your TIFF file path name 
    5.   Select Bcol (for Color) 
    6.   TEXT ID will be ZHEX-MACRO-*. 
    7.   Inplace of * write your own logo name (ZCOMPANYLOGO) 
    8.   Execute the program 
    9.   Now Goto SE71 create your ZFORM 
    10. Create logo window 
    11. Goto text element of logo window

    The error message usually means that you try to upload a graphic with a
    TIFF format, which is not supported. Please check the compression type
    of the TIFF file with your graphic program. The SAP supports
    uncompressed TIFF files and Packbits compressed TIFF files.
    Read SAP note: 39031 tells about baseline.
    Not every TIFF dataset can be uploaded, there are some preconditions.

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    In the generated XML file data into BLOB field is, but their XML Publisher can not handle.
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    <fo:instream-foreign-object content-type="image/tiff"> <xsl:value-of select=".//FILE_DATA"/>
    If the output JPG file to a PDF report, all displayed perfectly.
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    <xsl:value-of select=".//FILE_DATA"/>

    It seems that these error messages MOD_OC4J_0184 etc are associated with some sort of timeout.
    My problem finally solved - see my comments at:
    Re: FOP
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  • How to load compressed tiff image formats with JIMI

    this method
    Image image=image = Jimi.getImage(imgResource);returns incorrect Image width & height (-1) for TIFF compressed formats.
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    Wild guess: how old is JIMI technology? Has it been
    kept uptodate, or has
    it been abandoned? And is LZW compression in TIFF
    format a more recent feature?yes i checked jimi docs and here is what they say :
    * Bi-level / Greyscale / Palette / True Color images
    * Uncompressed images
    * CCITT compressed Bi-level images with CCITT RLE, CCITT Group 3 1D Fax, CCITT Group 3 2D Fax, CCITT Group 4 Fax, CCITT Class F Fax
    * Packbits compressed images
    * LZW Compressed images
    * Tiled TIFF files
    * Handles all values of Orientation
    * TIFF / JPG compression variant
    * any color space except RGB
    * True Color images not of Red/Green/Blue format

  • Saving Scanned Image in TIFF Format

    I am using Gnome TWAIN Package V4.3 to scan images. I can save the image in JPEG format, but have not figured out how to save it in TIFF format. Can someone provide an example of how to save images scanned using the Gnome package to TIFF Format?

    Try this example from www.gnome.sk:
    * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Gnome spol. s r.o. All Rights Reserved.
    * This software is the confidential and proprietary information of
    * Gnome spol. s r.o. You shall not disclose such Confidential
    * Information and shall use it only in accordance with the terms
    * of the license agreement you entered into with Gnome.
    // JavaTwain package version 5.0
    Example8 demonstrates how to save a acquired image to the TIFF file format, using JAI.
    You need to install JAI and set a classpath to the JAI library before
    compiling and running the example.
    import javax.media.jai.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import com.sun.media.jai.codec.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import SK.gnome.twain.*;
    public class Example8
    protected RenderedOp image ;
    public Example8() throws Exception
    { Twain twain = new Twain();
    Image awt_image=Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(new TwainImage(twain));
    RenderedOp image = (RenderedOp) JAI.create("AWTImage", awt_image);
    OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream("test.tiff");
    TIFFEncodeParam param = new TIFFEncodeParam();
    ImageEncoder enc = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("TIFF", os,param);
    public static void main (String args[]) throws Exception
    { Example8 example8 =new Example8();

  • How does the TIFF format compress images?

    When we choose "File> Save As" to save an image to a TIFF file, a TIFF Options dialogue box appears with 4 image compression options( None, LZW, Zip, Jpeg). What is this for? Does the TIFF format compress images? Are they destructive to the image quality? THANK YOU

    If you select no compression, it will take up too much space, guaranteed.  TIFF lets you pick any compression method supported by your program and the viewing program.  Some are lossy, some are lossless.  Most TIFFs tend to be compressed in LZW or ZIP, both of which are lossless.  You can also choose to compress your TIFF using JPEG compression, which is lossy, but I can't imagine why you would do this instead of simply saving as a JPEG file, which is more likely to be properly opened in browsers than a JPEG-compressed TIFF file.
    And in response to one of the previous posts, not all compression throws away details from your file.  Only lossy compression (e.g., JPEG, or in the music area MP3) throws away data.  The lossless compression techniques simply encode the data in fewer bits if possible.  (One important fact not relevant to the web, where you will use 8-bit-per-channel files:  If your photos are 16-bit-per-channel, don't save in LZW compressed format; they will actually become larger than the uncompressed image.)  For a simplified example, if there is a series of 16 pixels of solid white, a losslessly compressed image will have code that says, in effect, 16 pixels of (255,255,255) using an abbreviated code instead of simply listing (255,255,255) sixteen times.  It builds up a directory of byte combinations and can use just a few bytes to refer to many bytes of image data.  Because the coding and decoding is exact, there is no change in the image data when it's opened.
    JPEG is a lossy compression technique that doesn't actually record pixel values at all.  It uses formulas to specify averages and changes within regions.  In effect, it records the fact that a given group of pixels has values centered on X color, and that the upper left is much pinker and the lower right is much greener than the average.  When you pick the degree of quality for JPEG compression, you tell it how small to make the comparison cells.  As you can imagine, if the image has text, tree branches, or other highly contrasty subject matter, this will cause serious weirdness if the comparison cells aren't very small (i.e., you don't have the quality set to max).

  • Resizing animated GIF using JIMI.

    Hi everybody,
    I have a very simple question: how can i resize an animated gif using JIMI?
    what i can do now is open the gif resize it and save it as a jpeg pic, but the animation dosen't normally remain. i want to save it as a gif thus the animation info remains.
    when i try saving it using this code:
                catch(JimiException je){
                    System.err.println("JimiException: " + je.toString());
                }i get this exception:
    com.sun.jimi.core.JimiException: Cannot find encoder for type: image/gif.
    Where can i find a gif encoder for JIMI?
    Please help.

    Jimi doesn't support GIF encoding and I afraid not support resizing animated GIFs but resize only the first frame. To resize animated GIFs I suggest to use Gif4J (http://www.gif4j.com): it's commercial but it works and works very well.

  • Converting a pdf-document in a tiff-formatted document

    I have created an interactive form in web-dynpro.
    Now I want to convert the pdf document with the  user filled-in data into a document with tiff-format.
    But I´don´t know how.
    Can you help me?
    Best regards

    You can potentially use the Adobe bean library with the Batik.jar file to convert the PDF to TIFF or any other image format.
    The Adobe bean library is available from
    <a href="http://www.adobe.com/products/acrviewer/acrvdnld.html?name=Accept">Adobe</a>
    Batik is avaiable from <a href="http://xmlgraphics.apache.org/batik/">Batik</a>

  • How to burst reports in text and XML format using API

    Hi there,
    I need to be able to burst PDF, Excel etc reports and at the same time, generate XML files containing metadata that will accompany the PDF files to their destination. The reason for this, is that the destination requires metadata to class the documents in the content management system.
    My issue is that I just cannot get bursting to XML, text or HTML format right. There is very little documentation available around creating reports in these formats using the API's and perhaps someone who has gotten this right can, once and for all, solve this issue where others can find the solution.
    Alright, here is some sample supporting documentation (For the sake of the question, I have removed the bursting to PDF, Excel etc. formats and I am just focusing on the XML output):
    In my code for bursting, I make use of the following constructor...
    DocumentProcessor dp =
    new DocumentProcessor("ControlFile.xml", "TestData.xml", "temp");
    The ControlFile.xml looks like this...
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="http://xmlns.oracle.com/oxp/xapi">
    _<xapi:request select="/DATA/LIST_BRANCH/BRANCH">
    ______<xapi:filesystem id="dst" output="C:\${BRANCH_NAME}.xml"/>
    ___<xapi:document output-type="text" delivery="dst">
    ______<xapi:template type="xsl-fo" location="Template.xsl"></xapi:template>
    The data in my TestData.xml looks like this:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    ______________ OTHER IRRELEVANT DATA
    ______________ OTHER IRRELEVANT DATA
    In my ControlFile.xml, I reference my XSL file called Template.xsl which should do my transformations into XML. That file looks like:
    <xsl:stylesheet version="2.0" xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform">
    __<xsl:output method="xml" indent="yes">
    __<xsl:template match="/">
    ___________<xsl:value-of select="BRANCH_NAME"/>
    I have tried about forty variations of the ControlFile.xml and Template.xsl and have had no luck. Among the various error messages that the compiler has reported to me, these are the most common:
    [101507_055953158][][EXCEPTION] Error while generating the Document...
    [101507_055953158][][EXCEPTION] org.xml.sax.SAXException: element metadata is not supported yet.
    [101507_061037084][][EXCEPTION] Error while generating the Document...
    [101507_061037094][][EXCEPTION] oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLParseException: Start of root element expected.
    I have managed in some cases to get the API code to compile, but the outputs are empty 0kb files.
    I have also exported an XSL-FO file from word, but the output is always PDF even with tweaking.
    I have wasted about 9 hours on this problem and it is driving me mad! If anyone has ideas, tips and/or solutions, they would be very welcome.
    Thanks in advance,

    For anyone interested... here it is!
    Format Setup:
    <OUTPUT CHARACTER SET> iso-8859-1
    <NEW RECORD CHARACTER>     Carriage Return
    Format Data Records:
    <NEW RECORD> FileHeaderRec
    255________________Alpha_____'<NAME>’ || BRANCH_NAME || ‘.pdf</NAME>’
    255________________Alpha_____'<DESC>NON-MOTOR VEHICLE CLAIMS</DESC>’
    255________________Alpha_____‘<CONTROL_AREA>MAIN CONTROL AREA</CONTROL_AREA>’
    255________________Alpha_____‘<BRANCH_CODE>’ || BRANCH_CODE || ‘</BRANCH_CODE>’
    255________________Alpha_____‘<BRANCH_NAME>’ || BRANCH_NAME || ‘</BRANCH_NAME>’

  • I am struggling! Help! I need to move 3500 pics-in TIFF format in 175 folders and sub folders from my old PSE6, Windows XP to my new PSE13, Windows8.1. I have the PSE6 backed up on an external hard drive. What is the safe way to do this? Can anyone at Ado

    I am struggling! Help! I need to move 3500 pics-in TIFF format in 175 folders and sub folders from my old PSE6, Windows XP to my new PSE13, Windows8.1. I have the PSE6 backed up on an external hard drive. What is the safe way to do this? Can anyone at Adobe help me? Please?

    Use the Organizer backup & restore method, starting the restore from the TLY file. Probably best to use a custom location as the XP file structure will be different. See this link for further help:

  • What XML encoding do I use to get APEX to import an XML file?

    APEX on AIX 5.3
    SQL Developer 1.5.5 on Windows XP Pro SP3
    Oracle EE on AIX 5.3
    Trying to import an XML file generated from SQL Developer into a table using APEX Import utility.
    I'm getting the error: ORA-19200: Invalid column specification
    All I've done is exported the EMP table from SQL Developer (v. 1.5.5) into an XML file and then tried to load into an empty EMP table in the database ( using APEX and the Data Load Utility.
    I've tried creating the XML file using different encodings out of SQL Developer but so far an still getting the above error.
    Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hi Scott
    First of all I was successful in exporting and re-importing the EMP table to and from APEX.
    When I exported the EMP table in XML format using SQL Developer, the resulting XML looked very different from the same data exported from APEX. My APEX exported XML looked just like yours. Here are the first 3 rows of the XML file exported from SQL Developer. I'm NOT an XML person so I can't judge whether or not this is valid XML but I can tell you that it doesn't import into an empty EMP table through APEX. I can control the encoding type in SQL Developer and have tried several different flavors.
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8' ?>
              <COLUMN NAME="EMPNO"><![CDATA[7876]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="JOB"><![CDATA[CLERK]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="MGR"><![CDATA[7788]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="HIREDATE"><![CDATA[12-JAN-83]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="SAL"><![CDATA[1100]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="COMM"><![CDATA[]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="DEPTNO"><![CDATA[20]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="EMPNO"><![CDATA[7499]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="MGR"><![CDATA[7698]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="HIREDATE"><![CDATA[20-FEB-81]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="SAL"><![CDATA[1600]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="COMM"><![CDATA[300]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="DEPTNO"><![CDATA[30]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="EMPNO"><![CDATA[7521]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="ENAME"><![CDATA[WARD]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="MGR"><![CDATA[7698]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="HIREDATE"><![CDATA[22-FEB-81]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="SAL"><![CDATA[1250]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="COMM"><![CDATA[500]]></COLUMN>
              <COLUMN NAME="DEPTNO"><![CDATA[30]]></COLUMN>
    Maybe I should move this thread to the SQL Developer or XML forums.
    If you have any other suggestions I would be most appreciative.
    Thanks very much for your help.

  • Photo Pages: TIFF Format Doesn't Work?

    I just published an iWeb site with 3 photo pages in it. All of the photos were in TIFF format. I found that when the site was viewed via Safari (or IE in Windows) the photos looked horrible...pixellated...slideshows didn't work, etc.).
    I then tried re-publishing the site and got the same results.
    My next step was to convert all of the TIFF photos into JPEG format and republish the site again. This seemed to do the trick, as now all of the photos look good, and the slideshows now work.
    If, as I'm guessing, iWeb doesn't play well with TIFF images, why are we allowed to use them...shouldn't iWeb warn against this?
    Has anyone else had this problem?

    Hi Mike ...
    I think this byte order thing is probably the same for most (all?) multi-platform raw converters. I've checked this with Bibble and ACR. If I drag a converted tiff into iWeb the displays messed up. If I then load into PS and do a "save as" you get the dialogue which lets you choose pc/mac byte order and checking the mac option fixes things. Similarly doing a "save as" out of Preview saves in mac order.
    Hopefully they'll fix it in an update.
    Regards, Roman

  • Any way to convert PDF document in to Tiff format with inbuilt IBR features

    Is there any way to convert PDF document in to Tiff format with inbuilt IBR features?
    In our Webcenter Portal app, we create the PDF document with the content of ADF pages and check it in UCM using RIDC api.
    There will some batch job which will retrieve the documents from UCM and send them to client internal Document management system. The client / batch job will only process TIFF files. So we need a way to convert the PDF into TIFF. We are okie to have both PDF and TIFF stored in UCM.
    When i have done research, i could only see components like PDFexport or TIFFConverter which only converts the other formats into PDF. But i am expecting a reverse conversion. Is it possible ? Thanks

    949767 wrote:
    Is there any way to convert PDF document in to Tiff format with inbuilt IBR features?
    In our Webcenter Portal app, we create the PDF document with the content of ADF pages and check it in UCM using RIDC api.
    There will some batch job which will retrieve the documents from UCM and send them to client internal Document management system. The client / batch job will only process TIFF files. So we need a way to convert the PDF into TIFF. We are okie to have both PDF and TIFF stored in UCM.
    When i have done research, i could only see components like PDFexport or TIFFConverter which only converts the other formats into PDF. But i am expecting a reverse conversion. Is it possible ? ThanksYa actually I got a tool that could [convert pdf | http://www.allbestapp.com/products/pdf-converter.html] to other formats, including jpg and tiff. that may fit your need.
    You could take a shot through the link above.
    Edited by: user13548958 on 2012-8-23 上午10:49
    Edited by: user13548958 on 2012-8-23 上午10:52

  • Plz tell me which sound file format uses minimum memory of a director file

    plz tell me which sound file format uses minimum memory of a director file. bcoz on adding sound the projector file becomes a large memory file .
    so i am confused that which file format should be used.

    Are you certain that you're asking your question in the right place? This forum is about the Adobe Media Encoder application. Most of the people who answer questions here are familiar with the digital video and audio applications such as After Effects and Premiere Pro.
    If you have a question about Director, it's probably best to ask on the Director forum. But I see that you already know that, since you already have a thread on that forum to ask this question, and it got an answer:

Maybe you are looking for