EncodingStyle error in JWSDP 1.1 generated SOAP XML?

I ran wscompile to generate some stubs for a simple "fortune cookie" web service. I know this service works fine because I have tested it with clients using other toolkits. So the stubs are generated, I use them to call the service and it fails. I trapped the XML being sent to the service, it is included below. An "encodingStyle" is being inserted into one of my parameter elements, but it is not being given a value so it is invalid. Can anyone tell me whether this is a bug in JWSDP or how to fix it so that this value is set correctly or is not set at all and defaults to the parent's encodingStyle?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>..
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"
<ns0:fortuneRequest env:encodingStyle="">

For a SOAP response to be deserialize, com.sun.xml.rpc.encoding.SOAPDeserializationContext.verifyEncodingStyle() will be called, but SOAPDeserializationContext only pushed an empty string in the encodingStyleContext stack. It assumes the SOAP response received will tell it about encoding styles in the response; but for some SOAP implementations (such as Delphi, and maybe .NET?), this is not true.
A workaround is to open your SOAP client stub source file (generated by wscompile, you have to keep it), finding the below text:
protected void _readFirstBodyElement
Insert the following statement below it:
Then Delphi/.NET web services work happily with JWSDP generated clients.

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    I am trying to generate a soap packet using SAAJ.
    I have a generated SOAP.xml and an attachment file (which is a zip file).
    I am able to generated a packet in following format
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    Content-Location: Envelope2290
    << And here is my SOAP.xml file>>
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary
    Content-Location: MeFAttachment.zip
    << And here is my attachment zip file>>
    But the format I want to generate is :
    MIME-Version: 1.0
    Content-Type: Multipart/Related; boundary=MIMEBoundary; type="text/xml"
    Content-Description: Transmission file for IRS MeF
    X-eFileRoutingCode: MEF
    Content-Type: "text/xml"; charset=UTF-8
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
    Content-Location: Envelope2290
    << And here is my SOAP.xml file>>
    Content-Type: application/octet-stream
    Content-Transfer-Encoding: Binary
    Content-Location: MeFAttachment
    << And here is my attachment zip file>>
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    did u get any solution for that!!! i also hav the same problem

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  • JWSDP1.5: wscompile error: "(should not happen): tie.generator.002

    Hi all,
    I'm working with a doc/lit webservice; I have a WSDL and I'm attempting to generate Java artefacts with wscompile. I'm using JWSDP1.5. I've had a range of errors (I'm updating an old WSDL for the Tentative Hold Protocol, see http://www.w3.org/TR/tenthold-2/). The latest, though, is problematic. The final error message is:
    error: generator error: internal error (should not happen): tie.generator.002I have included the full output from wscompile at the end of this posting; I'll post the full WSDL in a reply. Any advice would be much appreciated!
    --Tim West
    Full output (from wscompile Ant task) - added linebreaks for readability
    Buildfile: C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\build.xml
    [wscompile] command line: wscompile -d C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\zant-build \
    -features:documentliteral,wsi -g -gen:server -keep -verbose \
    C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\server-wscompile-config.xml -classpath (path omitted for readability)
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: userDefinedBody]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdHeader]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdRequestAckHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdCancellationRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdCancellationResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusQueryHdr]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusResponseBody]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: statusStructure]
    [wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: userDefinedBody]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdHeader]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdRequestAckHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyGrantHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyDenialHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdCancellationRequestHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdCancellationResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusQueryHdr]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: statusStructure]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusResponseBody]
    [wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusResponseHdr]
    [wscompile] error: generator error: internal error (should not happen): tie.generator.002
    BUILD FAILED: C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\build.xml:342: wscompile failed
    Total time: 2 seconds

    Hi again,
    The offending WSDL is below. I should add that I Googled this and couldn't find anything useful. Axis is happy with the WSDL, as is the validator at http://www.soapclient.com/SoapTools.html (though I'm not sure of its quality). I'm now downloading IBM Websphere 6 to see how that goes.
    Thanks again,
    -Tim West
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
        <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdHeader -->
          <!-- Note - This information is required in all the Tentative Hold Protocol
                      communications. -->
          <!-- Fields- holdID - UUID. -->
          <!--             customerID - account number or other identifier -->
          <!--             replyTo - could be a unique locator such as a URI or an
                              email address depending on the communication protocol
                              to be used. -->
          <!-- comment - space for trading partner defined info. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdHeader">
              <element name="holdID" type="int"/>
              <element name="customerID" type="string"/>
              <element name="replyTo" type="string"/>
              <element name="comment" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - userDefinedBody -->
          <!-- Note - This will carry any domain-specific information  (e.g., product
                ID and quantity). An implementation shall probably have many
                different userDefinedBody's (one for holdRequest, holdRequestAck,
                ...). This body is used in all messages. -->
          <!-- Fields - Trading partner to trading partner specific or an agreed
             - standard (e.g., RosettaNet PIP). -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
            <!-- TIM: Just junk here for now, must fix later -->
          <complexType name="userDefinedBody">
              <element name="someRequestField" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdRequestHdr -->
          <!-- Note - Specifies the Tentative Hold Protocol header for messages
             - requesting a tentative hold. -->
          <!-- Fields - Same as holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdRequestHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdRequestAckHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + timeUntilResponse - a indication of the time it
             - will take the resource provider to process the request. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdRequestAckHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="timeUntilResponse" type="duration"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdGrantHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdDuration - the agreed to length of the hold
             - on the resource requested. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdGrantHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="holdDuration" type="duration"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdDenialHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + reason - a description of the reason for the
             - denial. The implementation may choose to use reason codes or just
             - textual descriptions. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdDenialHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="reason" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyRequestHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdModifyRequestHdr">
              <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyGrantHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdDuration - the agreed to length of the hold
             - on the resource requested. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdModifyGrantHdr">
              <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyDenialHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + reason - a description of the reason for the denial.
             - The implementation may choose to use reason codes or just textual
             - descriptions.-->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdModifyDenialHdr">
              <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr -->
          <!-- Note - The use of a single type for this response was to facilitate a
             - synchronous request/response for the modify request without preventing
             - asynchronous.-->
          <!-- Fields - Either holdModifyGrantHdr or holdModifyDenialHdr -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- TIM: JWSDP does not support xsd:choice, so I'm turning this into a sequence.
             -      The implementor is now responsible for ensuring exactly one of these
                    is present.
          <complexType name="holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr">
              <element name="grant" type="holdSchema:holdModifyGrantHdr"/>
              <element name="deny" type="holdSchema:holdModifyDenialHdr"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdCancellationRequestHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + customerReason - a description of or a code for
             - the reason why the hold is being cancelled. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdCancellationRequestHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="customerReason" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdCancellationResponseHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdCancellationResponseHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdCancellationNotificationHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + cancellationReason - a description of or a code
             -for the reason the vendor is cancelling the hold. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdCancellationNotificationHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="cancellationReason" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdStatusQueryHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdStatusQueryHdr">
              <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdStatusResponseHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdStatusResponseHdr">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - statusStructure -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdState - a description of the state of the hold.
             - Possible values currently defined are: responding, in process, active,
             - and inactive. The definition is left open (not restricted) for future or
             - user refinement of the useful values. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="statusStructure">
              <element name="itemHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="holdState" type="string"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdStatusResponseBody -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdItemsCount - the number of holds matching the holdStatusQuery. -->
          <!--             itemList - The header and state of the holds that match the query. -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <complexType name="holdStatusResponseBody">
              <element name="holdItemsCount" type="int"/>
              <element name="itemList" type="holdSchema:statusStructure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- Item - holdErrorHdr -->
          <!-- Note - -->
          <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
          <!-- =================================================================== -->
          <!-- TIM: Combined old "holdErrorHdr" and "holdErrorBody" as a fault must
             - have only a single part (see WSDL sec 3.6).
          <complexType name="holdError">
              <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
              <element name="holdErrorType" type="int"/>
              <element name="holdErrorDesc" type="string"/>
          <!-- TIM: To use doc/lit, we need <element> tags here to reference from WSDL -->
          <element name="userDefinedBody" type="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
          <element name="holdRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdRequestHdr"/>
          <element name="holdRequestAckHdr" type="holdSchema:holdRequestAckHdr"/>
          <element name="holdGrantHdr" type="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
          <element name="holdDenialHdr" type="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyRequestHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyGrantHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyGrantHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyDenialHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyDenialHdr"/>
          <element name="holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr"/>
          <element name="holdCancellationRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationRequestHdr"/>
          <element name="holdCancellationResponseHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationResponseHdr"/>
          <element name="holdCancellationNotificationHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationNotificationHdr"/>
          <element name="holdStatusQueryHdr" type="holdSchema:holdStatusQueryHdr"/>
          <element name="holdStatusResponseHdr" type="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseHdr"/>
          <element name="holdStatusResponseBody" type="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseBody"/>
          <element name="holdError" type="holdSchema:holdError"/>
      <message name="HoldRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldRequest" element="holdSchema:holdRequestHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldRequestAck">
        <part name="headerHoldRequestAck" element="holdSchema:holdRequestAckHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldRequestAck" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldGrantResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldGrantResponse" element="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldGrantResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldDenialResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldDenialResponse" element="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldDenialResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldModifyRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldModifyRequest" element="holdSchema:holdModifyRequestHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldModifyRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldModifyResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldModifyResponse" element="holdSchema:holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldModifyResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldCancellationRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldCancellationRequest" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationRequestHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldCancellationRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldCancellationResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldCancellationResponse" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationResponseHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldCancellationResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldCancellationNotification">
        <part name="header" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationNotificationHdr"/>
        <part name="body" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldStatusQueryRequest">
        <part name="headerHoldStatusQueryRequest" element="holdSchema:holdStatusQueryHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldStatusQueryRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <message name="HoldStatusResponse">
        <part name="headerHoldStatusResponse" element="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseHdr"/>
        <part name="bodyHoldStatusResponse" element="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseBody"/>
      <message name="HoldErrorResponse">
        <!-- TIM: altered to be consistent with updated schema - the
           - fault body must have only one part
        <part name="bodyHoldErrorResponse" element="holdSchema:holdError"/>
      <portType name="TentativeHoldServicePortType">
        <operation name="InitiateHold">
          <input message="tns:HoldRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldRequestAck"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
        <operation name="InitiateHoldModify">
          <input message="tns:HoldModifyRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldModifyResponse"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
        <operation name="InitiateHoldCancellation">
          <input message="tns:HoldCancellationRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldCancellationResponse"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
        <operation name="InitiateStatusQuery">
          <input message="tns:HoldStatusQueryRequest"/>
          <output message="tns:HoldStatusResponse"/>
          <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
      <portType name="TentativeHoldNotificationServicePortType">
        <operation name="NotifyHoldGranted">
          <output message="tns:HoldGrantResponse"/>
        <operation name="NotifyHoldDenied">
          <output message="tns:HoldDenialResponse"/>
        <operation name="NotifyServerHoldCancellation">
          <output message="tns:HoldCancellationNotification"/>
      <binding name="TentativeHoldSoapBinding" type="tns:TentativeHoldServicePortType">
        <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
          <operation name="InitiateHold">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHold"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="InitiateHoldModify">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHoldModify"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="InitiateHoldCancellation">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHoldCancellation"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
          <operation name="InitiateStatusQuery">
            <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateStatusQuery"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
              <soap:body use="literal"/>
            <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
              <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
      <service name="TentativeHoldService">
        <documentation> Mythical Tentative Hold Web service</documentation>
        <port name="TentativeHoldPort" binding="tns:TentativeHoldSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://xyz.com/tentativeHold/"/>
      <service name="TentativeHoldNotificationService">
        <port name="NotificationPort" binding="tns:TentativeHoldSoapBinding">
          <soap:address location="http://xyz.com/tentativeHoldNotification"/>

  • Generating SOAP Envelope when DO NOT USE ENVELOPE option is marked

    My scenario: SPROXY => XI => 3rdParty WebService. Communication is synchronous. I've a problem with soap envelope. It is required by webservice, but when I use standard soap envelope generated by SAP I've a problem with receiving response from webservice.
    So I want to create my own envelope. For this reason I've used DO NOT USE SOAP ENVELOPE option. Now the challenge comes. How can I create my own soap envelope?
    Do you have any working example? Soap envelope should be added to message send from XI to 3rdParty WebService.
    Helping answers => a lot of points

    I'm talking about HTTP header.
    When I'm sending SOAP request from SAP my whole message looks like when I use soap envelope
    POST / HTTP/1.0
    Accept: */*
    User-Agent: SAP-Messaging-com.sap.aii.messaging/1.0505
    Content-ID: <soap-02cce7702b1a11dd9902000c29ee261e[at]sap.com>
    Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8
    Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="soap-02cce7702b1a11dd9902000c29ee261e[at]sap.com.xml"
    Content-Description: SOAP
    Content-Length: 259
    <SOAP:Envelope xmlns:SOAP='http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/'><SOAP:Header/><SOAP:Body><ns0:Sd2Ids_SzfExport xmlns:ns0='http://www.dat.de/sdii/ids/Sd2SOAP.wsdl'><arg1>1234567899-0</arg1><arg2>1</arg2></ns0:Sd2Ids_SzfExport></SOAP:Body></SOAP:Envelope>
    Always after such request I got and HTTP 411 error.
    In opposite, when I'm sending request from e.g. Altova or SoapUI, my message looks:
    POST / HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: text/xml; Charset=UTF-8
    User-Agent: XML Spy
    Content-Length: 489
    Connection: Keep-Alive
    Cache-Control: no-cache
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
              <m:Sd2Ids_SzfExport xmlns:m="http://www.dat.de/sdii/ids/Sd2SOAP.wsdl">
                   <arg1 xsi:type="xsd:string">1234567899-0</arg1>
                   <arg2 xsi:type="xsd:string">1</arg2>
    After that request WebService response is correct.
    You can find such differences (except Content-length which is a result of XML message formatting) in those two headers:
    - for first is used HTTP 1.0 protocol for later 1.1
    - in SAP header an info about attachment is added
    After a lot of test I thing that those attachment info in header of HTTP is causing a problem. So I want to use DO NOT USE SOAP ENVELOPE option to generate HTTP header without Content-Disposition and generate SOAP Envelope manually.

  • Generate SOAP Template

    The SOAP Message functionality show in error at the time of SOAP Response Message.
    can u plz guide me ...
    SOAP Response Message
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <faultstring>Component Interface API.</faultstring>
    <CIFault xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Enterprise/Tools/schemas/M116479.V1">
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Cannot find Component Interface {CI_FPMSALSTEP_PNLResponse} (91,2)</DefaultMessage>
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Initialization Failed (90,7)</DefaultMessage>
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Not Authorized (90,6)</DefaultMessage>
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Error initializing Component Interface {CI_FPMSALSTEP_PNLResponse}</DefaultMessage>

    Please provide how you call the webservice?
    Answer :- I am calling webservices through SOAP UI or Generate SOAP Templates.
    What tools/applciation do you use to call the webservice.
    PT 8.52/ HRMS 9.1
    How does your wsdl look like?
    SOAP Response message for CI_MI_PERSONAL_CI through Generate SOAP Templates for find operation.
    SOAP Response Message
    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <IBResponse type="error" xmlns="">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <![CDATA*User password failed. (158,45)*]>
    <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:m29="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Enterprise/Tools/schemas/M292846.V1">
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
    <faultstring>Component Interface API.</faultstring>
    <CIFault xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/Enterprise/Tools/schemas/M116479.V1">
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Cannot find Component Interface {CI_FPMSALSTEP_PNLResponse} (91,2)</DefaultMessage>
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Initialization Failed (90,7)</DefaultMessage>
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Not Authorized (90,6)</DefaultMessage>
    <IBResponse type="Error">
    <DefaultTitle>Integration Broker Response</DefaultTitle>
    <DefaultMessage>Error initializing Component Interface {CI_FPMSALSTEP_PNLResponse}</DefaultMessage>

  • Unable to generate the XML file through SQL script. getting error PLS-00306

    I am fetching the data from cursor and generating the xml output I am getting the below error.
    When I have checked the cursor query it is fetching the data in to single column.
    Input truncated to 1 characters
    Enter value for 7: EXEC FND_CONC_STAT.COLLECT;
    DBMS_LOB.append (tmp_file, r.core_xml);
    ERROR at line 95:
    ORA-06550: line 95, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'APPEND'
    ORA-06550: line 95, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored

    Hi Alex,
    thanks for the responce..
    i have fixed the issue
    i have used XMLAttributes to get the value
    NAME "TranACK",
    XMLAttributes ('1' as "TranNum",
    (select distinct to_char(SYSDATE,'yyyy-mm-dd')
    from DUAL) as "PrcDate"),
    a.PAYMENT_ID AS "PmtID"),
    to_char(a.VALUE_DATE,'yyyy-mm-dd') as "ValueDate" ),
    a.PAYMENT_AMOUNT AS "CurAmt"),
    a.CURRENCY_CODE AS "CurCode")
    ).getclobval ()
    AS line_xml
    where a.PAYMENT_BATCH_ID=P_batch_id;

  • Error while creating table maintenance generator

    I am getting below error while creating table maintenance generator.
    Screen SAPLZtest   0002 could not be generated.   In DYNPFIELD_ATTR field LENGTH has the invalid value 241.
    Reason for that error might be:
    In the table I have a field with a dataelement(customized) of type Char and length 241.
    But in the other table Iam using the standard data element(standard) of same type(241 char).In this table Iam able to create table maintenance generator without any errors.
    And the domain Iam using is same for both the tables.
    Please help me to solve this.
    Thanks in advance,

    you can go to transaction se51 and go your screen. active it.. you can find thesolution.
    refer these links..
    Error in table control
    Error while creating table maintainence generator !
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Error in generating Outbound Xml in SNC

    Hi All:
    We are working on SNC 7.0 vrsion along with Pi 7.0 and ECC 6.0.
    When SNC gets a PO from ECC and supplier confirms it then we are not able to see any outbound xml file generation in SNC .
    Due to this nothing is coming out from SNC.
    Folowing are the configuration has been done in SNC.
    A> Outbound processing message ReplishmentOrderConfirmation_Out has been configured properly for sender and receiver.
    B> All required ODM and TSODM has been activated properly.
    C> Structure in proxy name space has been re generated properly for above mentioned outbound message.
    D> No badi has been activated as of now in SNC area.
    Whats happening in SNC once supplier confirms PO.
    A>Error dump saying that Assertion Failed .
    My question.
    A> Do we have to activate any badi by default to generate any outbound xml?
    B> Is there any report by which we can check weather proxy structure has been called or not for generating outbound Xml?
    C>How to generate and activate TSODM and related POS in time series Order Data Management ?
    D>Report to check that what Time Series Object has been activated as of now ?
    Please let us know ur views to slove this

    Hi Ganesh,
    If you have errors within proxy setup, you will get the XML blocked in SXMB_XI transaction.
    As I could see from your description, the problems might be due to any one of these reasons.
    1. Validation Checks - PO Confirmation invloves a validation check before getting published. There might an error if this fails.
    2. ODM and TSDM not initialised properly - Try to generate and activate the necessary ODM and TSDM data types.

  • Error in BI Publisher when generating excel format

    I was facing an issue in BI Publisher where I was getting this error message when trying to generate the excel format for a report.
    BIP Version : Oracle BI Publisher
    Template used : XSL-FO
    Data source : XML file
    However, if I turn off the "Enable Document Caching" option in the Report node , the excel report is getting generated. The issue is resolved now, but am trying to understand what the issue was and how turning off the cache resolved it.
    If anyone has faced this issue before, and knows the reason - please let me know
    Thanks in advance

    So the doc cache, does just that it caches the document. I assume there might be some issue with caching Excel files. Have to admit I can not reproduce it. Turning cache on and constantly calling for the Excel (either type) is not failing.
    Ahh just noticed that you have an XSL-FO template, can you share it and some data so I test and maybe log a bug?

  • Getting Error of Runtime Exceeded while generating OTF for PDF in smartform.

    Hi All,
    I am getting a error of runtime exceeded while generating OTF file for PDF in smartform through FM. The report is taking too much time before giving the output...and most of the time going to dump saying report has exceeded the runtime. All is working well till the Smartform FM reached. I debugged this FM and found that the TABLES parameter is having problem, may be there are too many tables in that parameter.Please help. Below is the code-
        formname           = c_form_name
        fm_name            = v_fm_name
        no_form            = 1
        no_function_module = 2
        OTHERS             = 3.
    CALL FUNCTION   v_fm_name
        control_parameters      = wa_control
        output_options             = wa_output
        user_settings                = 'X'
        spl_gl                         = p_spl_gl
        open_dt                      = p_budat
        bukrs                         = p_bukrs
        w_check                    = w_check
        w_check1                   = w_check1
    *   document_output_info =
        job_output_info                  = wa_otf
    *   job_output_options     =
        kna1                       = t_kna1
        bsid_p                     = t_bsid_p
        bsid                         = t_bsid
        TEXT                       = t_text
        spl                           = t_spl
        bsid_x                      = t_bsid_x
        bsid_l                       = t_bsid_l
        bsid_h                      = t_bsid_h
        bsid_q                     = t_bsid_q
        bsid_tot                   = t_bsid_tot
        formatting_error           = 1
        internal_error             = 2
        send_error                 = 3
        user_canceled              = 4
        OTHERS                     = 5

    Yes as Eltan says you need to consider there are two blocks of abap program:
    - the first one is the driver program (but it seems there's no problem here because it called the smartform quickly)
    - the second one is inside the smartform (It's possible to write abap routine in the smartform), and it seems the problem could be here
    The variable c_form_name has the name of the smartform, you can manage it by transaction SMARTFORMS
    but now it's not possible to say you why the print takes too long time, you need to do a trace

  • "Error while parsing SOAP XML payload: no element found" received when invoking Web Service

    Running PB 12.1 Build 7000.  Using Easysoap.  Error ""Error while parsing SOAP XML payload: no element found" received when invoking Web Service".  This error does not appear to be coming from the application code.  Noticed that there were some erroneous characters showing up within the header portion of the XML ("&Quot;").  Not sure where these are coming from.  When I do a find within the PB code for ""&quot;" it gets located within two objects, whereas they both reference a "temp_xml_letter".  Not sure where or what temp_xml_letter resides???   The developer of this is no longer with us and my exposure to WSDL and Web Services is rather limited.  Need to get this resolved...please.
    This is the result of the search.  Notice the extraneous characters ("&quot;"):
    ---------- Search: Searching Target darwin for 'temp_xml'    (9:52:41 AM)
    ---------- 2 Matches Found On "temp_xml":
    dar1main.pbl(d_as400_mq_xml).d_as400_mq_xml:  export.xml(usetemplate="temp_xml_letter" headgroups="1" includewhitespace="0" metadatatype=0 savemetadata=0  template=(comment="" encoding="UTF-8" name="temp_xml_letter" xml="<?xml version=~"1.0~" encoding=~"UTF-16LE~" standalone=~"yes~"?><EmailServiceTransaction xmlns=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email/EmailService" ~" xmlns:imc=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/IMC~" xmlns:xsi=~"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance~" xmlns:root=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/RootTypes~" xmlns:email=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email~" xsi:schemaLocation=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email/EmailService http://dev.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email/EmailService/V10-TRX-EmailService.xsd~"><EmailServiceInformation><EmailServiceDetail __pbband=~"detail~"><ApplicationIdentifier> applicationidentifier </ApplicationIdentifier><AddresseeInformation><AddresseeDetail><Number> number </Number></AddresseeDetail></AddresseeInformation><EmailMessageInformation><Ema
    darlettr.pbl(d_email_xml).d_email_xml:  export.xml(usetemplate="temp_xml_letter" headgroups="1" includewhitespace="0" metadatatype=0 savemetadata=0  template=(comment="" encoding="UTF-8" name="temp_xml_letter" xml="<?xml version=~"1.0~" encoding=~"UTF-16LE~" standalone=~"yes~"?><EmailServiceTransaction xmlns=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email/EmailService" ~" xmlns:imc=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/IMC~" xmlns:xsi=~"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance~" xmlns:root=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/RootTypes~" xmlns:email=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email~" xsi:schemaLocation=~"http://xml.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email/EmailService http://dev.xxnamespace.com/Utility/Email/EmailService/V10-TRX-EmailService.xsd~"><EmailServiceInformation><EmailServiceDetail __pbband=~"detail~"><ApplicationIdentifier> applicationidentifier </ApplicationIdentifier><AddresseeInformation><AddresseeDetail><Number> imcnumber </Number></AddresseeDetail></AddresseeInformation><EmailMessageInformation><Ema
    ---------- Done 2 Matches Found On "temp_xml":
    ---------- Finished Searching Target darwin for 'temp_xml'    (9:52:41 AM)

    Maybe "extraneous" is an incorrect term.  Apparantly, based upon the writeup within Wiki, the parser I am using does not interpret the "&quot;"?  How do I find which parser is being utilized and how to control it?
    If the document is read by an XML parser that does not or cannot read external entities, then only the five built-in XML character entities (see above) can safely be used, although other entities may be used if they are declared in the internal DTD subset.
    If the document is read by an XML parser that does read external entities, then the five built-in XML character entities can safely be used. The other 248 HTML character entities can be used as long as the XHTML DTD is accessible to the parser at the time the document is read. Other entities may also be used if they are declared in the internal DTD subset.

  • Error message needs to be generated in case of change in released PO.

    Hi all,
    please help me how to solve this issue
    Error message needs to be generated in case of change in released PO.
    1) change in incoterms,  
    2) payment terms,                 
    3) quantity                             
    4) rate.                                    
    The system should allow for change on the higher side.

    Hi ,
    I think you point no 3 & 4 can be solved using option available in release startegy and for point 1 & 2 u have to try with some user_exits. I think so , others can comment on this .

  • WE60 - Error while generating the xml schema

    Using the transaction WE60 I am trying to generate an XML schema for the BASIC type : DEBMDM06, Segment release - 7 and record type version - 3. Following error message is displayed. "Structure of segment E1T023W is unknown". Kindly let me know how to generate an XML schema successfully and what is the reason for this error to come up

    Hi Aruna,
    It seems a dictionary error but it doesn't occurs to me. I can download the XML schema without problems in SAP ECC 6.0.
    If you let me know your email I can send it zipped to you.
    Reward points if helps.

  • Error while generating an XML Document from XML Schema with JAXB

    I am following this OTN tutorial to generate the XML document from Java classes got from the XSD document.
    I am able to generate all the Java classes but getting error on compiling the XMLConstructor.java class which is use for generating the XML document :
    I am using JDK 1.5 and
    Oracle 10g XML Developer's Kit (XDK) Production for Java. xdk_nt_10_1_0_2_0_production
    (though these are warnings I am not able to run it.)
    C:\Prototype\classes\jaxbderived\catalog>javac -Xlint XMLConstructor.java
    warning: [path] bad path element "%CLASSPATH%": no such file or directory
    XMLConstructor.java:42: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a member of the raw type java.util.List
    XMLConstructor.java:46: warning: [unchecked] unchecked call to add(E) as a membe
    r of the raw type java.util.List
    Sanjeev ([email protected])

    Use JDK 1.4.

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