JWSDP1.5: wscompile error: "(should not happen): tie.generator.002

Hi all,
I'm working with a doc/lit webservice; I have a WSDL and I'm attempting to generate Java artefacts with wscompile. I'm using JWSDP1.5. I've had a range of errors (I'm updating an old WSDL for the Tentative Hold Protocol, see http://www.w3.org/TR/tenthold-2/). The latest, though, is problematic. The final error message is:
error: generator error: internal error (should not happen): tie.generator.002I have included the full output from wscompile at the end of this posting; I'll post the full WSDL in a reply. Any advice would be much appreciated!
--Tim West
Full output (from wscompile Ant task) - added linebreaks for readability
Buildfile: C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\build.xml
[wscompile] command line: wscompile -d C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\zant-build \
-features:documentliteral,wsi -g -gen:server -keep -verbose \
C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\server-wscompile-config.xml -classpath (path omitted for readability)
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: userDefinedBody]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdRequestHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdHeader]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdRequestAckHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyRequestHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyGrantHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdGrantHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdModifyDenialHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdDenialHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdCancellationRequestHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdCancellationResponseHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusQueryHdr]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusResponseBody]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: statusStructure]
[wscompile] [CustomClassGenerator: generating JavaClass for: holdStatusResponseHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: userDefinedBody]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdHeader]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdRequestHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdRequestAckHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyRequestHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdGrantHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyGrantHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdDenialHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyDenialHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdCancellationRequestHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdCancellationResponseHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusQueryHdr]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: statusStructure]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusResponseBody]
[wscompile] [LiteralObjectSerializerGenerator: writing  serializer/deserializer for: holdStatusResponseHdr]
[wscompile] error: generator error: internal error (should not happen): tie.generator.002
BUILD FAILED: C:\common\eclipse-projects\thp\build.xml:342: wscompile failed
Total time: 2 seconds

Hi again,
The offending WSDL is below. I should add that I Googled this and couldn't find anything useful. Axis is happy with the WSDL, as is the validator at http://www.soapclient.com/SoapTools.html (though I'm not sure of its quality). I'm now downloading IBM Websphere 6 to see how that goes.
Thanks again,
-Tim West
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <schema xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdHeader -->
      <!-- Note - This information is required in all the Tentative Hold Protocol
                  communications. -->
      <!-- Fields- holdID - UUID. -->
      <!--             customerID - account number or other identifier -->
      <!--             replyTo - could be a unique locator such as a URI or an
                          email address depending on the communication protocol
                          to be used. -->
      <!-- comment - space for trading partner defined info. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdHeader">
          <element name="holdID" type="int"/>
          <element name="customerID" type="string"/>
          <element name="replyTo" type="string"/>
          <element name="comment" type="string"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - userDefinedBody -->
      <!-- Note - This will carry any domain-specific information  (e.g., product
            ID and quantity). An implementation shall probably have many
            different userDefinedBody's (one for holdRequest, holdRequestAck,
            ...). This body is used in all messages. -->
      <!-- Fields - Trading partner to trading partner specific or an agreed
         - standard (e.g., RosettaNet PIP). -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
        <!-- TIM: Just junk here for now, must fix later -->
      <complexType name="userDefinedBody">
          <element name="someRequestField" type="string"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdRequestHdr -->
      <!-- Note - Specifies the Tentative Hold Protocol header for messages
         - requesting a tentative hold. -->
      <!-- Fields - Same as holdHeader -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdRequestHdr">
          <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdRequestAckHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + timeUntilResponse - a indication of the time it
         - will take the resource provider to process the request. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdRequestAckHdr">
          <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <element name="timeUntilResponse" type="duration"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdGrantHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdDuration - the agreed to length of the hold
         - on the resource requested. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdGrantHdr">
          <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <element name="holdDuration" type="duration"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdDenialHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + reason - a description of the reason for the
         - denial. The implementation may choose to use reason codes or just
         - textual descriptions. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdDenialHdr">
          <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <element name="reason" type="string"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdModifyRequestHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdModifyRequestHdr">
          <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdModifyGrantHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdDuration - the agreed to length of the hold
         - on the resource requested. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdModifyGrantHdr">
          <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdModifyDenialHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + reason - a description of the reason for the denial.
         - The implementation may choose to use reason codes or just textual
         - descriptions.-->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdModifyDenialHdr">
          <element name="modifiedHoldRequest" type="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr -->
      <!-- Note - The use of a single type for this response was to facilitate a
         - synchronous request/response for the modify request without preventing
         - asynchronous.-->
      <!-- Fields - Either holdModifyGrantHdr or holdModifyDenialHdr -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- TIM: JWSDP does not support xsd:choice, so I'm turning this into a sequence.
         -      The implementor is now responsible for ensuring exactly one of these
                is present.
      <complexType name="holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr">
          <element name="grant" type="holdSchema:holdModifyGrantHdr"/>
          <element name="deny" type="holdSchema:holdModifyDenialHdr"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdCancellationRequestHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + customerReason - a description of or a code for
         - the reason why the hold is being cancelled. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdCancellationRequestHdr">
          <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <element name="customerReason" type="string"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdCancellationResponseHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdCancellationResponseHdr">
          <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdCancellationNotificationHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + cancellationReason - a description of or a code
         -for the reason the vendor is cancelling the hold. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdCancellationNotificationHdr">
          <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <element name="cancellationReason" type="string"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdStatusQueryHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdStatusQueryHdr">
          <element name="customerHold" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdStatusResponseHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdStatusResponseHdr">
          <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - statusStructure -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader + holdState - a description of the state of the hold.
         - Possible values currently defined are: responding, in process, active,
         - and inactive. The definition is left open (not restricted) for future or
         - user refinement of the useful values. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="statusStructure">
          <element name="itemHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <element name="holdState" type="string"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdStatusResponseBody -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdItemsCount - the number of holds matching the holdStatusQuery. -->
      <!--             itemList - The header and state of the holds that match the query. -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <complexType name="holdStatusResponseBody">
          <element name="holdItemsCount" type="int"/>
          <element name="itemList" type="holdSchema:statusStructure" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- Item - holdErrorHdr -->
      <!-- Note - -->
      <!-- Fields - holdHeader -->
      <!-- =================================================================== -->
      <!-- TIM: Combined old "holdErrorHdr" and "holdErrorBody" as a fault must
         - have only a single part (see WSDL sec 3.6).
      <complexType name="holdError">
          <element name="baseHeader" type="holdSchema:holdHeader"/>
          <element name="holdErrorType" type="int"/>
          <element name="holdErrorDesc" type="string"/>
      <!-- TIM: To use doc/lit, we need <element> tags here to reference from WSDL -->
      <element name="userDefinedBody" type="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
      <element name="holdRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdRequestHdr"/>
      <element name="holdRequestAckHdr" type="holdSchema:holdRequestAckHdr"/>
      <element name="holdGrantHdr" type="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
      <element name="holdDenialHdr" type="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
      <element name="holdModifyRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyRequestHdr"/>
      <element name="holdModifyGrantHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyGrantHdr"/>
      <element name="holdModifyDenialHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyDenialHdr"/>
      <element name="holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr" type="holdSchema:holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr"/>
      <element name="holdCancellationRequestHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationRequestHdr"/>
      <element name="holdCancellationResponseHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationResponseHdr"/>
      <element name="holdCancellationNotificationHdr" type="holdSchema:holdCancellationNotificationHdr"/>
      <element name="holdStatusQueryHdr" type="holdSchema:holdStatusQueryHdr"/>
      <element name="holdStatusResponseHdr" type="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseHdr"/>
      <element name="holdStatusResponseBody" type="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseBody"/>
      <element name="holdError" type="holdSchema:holdError"/>
  <message name="HoldRequest">
    <part name="headerHoldRequest" element="holdSchema:holdRequestHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldRequestAck">
    <part name="headerHoldRequestAck" element="holdSchema:holdRequestAckHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldRequestAck" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldGrantResponse">
    <part name="headerHoldGrantResponse" element="holdSchema:holdGrantHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldGrantResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldDenialResponse">
    <part name="headerHoldDenialResponse" element="holdSchema:holdDenialHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldDenialResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldModifyRequest">
    <part name="headerHoldModifyRequest" element="holdSchema:holdModifyRequestHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldModifyRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldModifyResponse">
    <part name="headerHoldModifyResponse" element="holdSchema:holdModifyResponseChoiceHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldModifyResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldCancellationRequest">
    <part name="headerHoldCancellationRequest" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationRequestHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldCancellationRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldCancellationResponse">
    <part name="headerHoldCancellationResponse" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationResponseHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldCancellationResponse" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldCancellationNotification">
    <part name="header" element="holdSchema:holdCancellationNotificationHdr"/>
    <part name="body" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldStatusQueryRequest">
    <part name="headerHoldStatusQueryRequest" element="holdSchema:holdStatusQueryHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldStatusQueryRequest" element="holdSchema:userDefinedBody"/>
  <message name="HoldStatusResponse">
    <part name="headerHoldStatusResponse" element="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseHdr"/>
    <part name="bodyHoldStatusResponse" element="holdSchema:holdStatusResponseBody"/>
  <message name="HoldErrorResponse">
    <!-- TIM: altered to be consistent with updated schema - the
       - fault body must have only one part
    <part name="bodyHoldErrorResponse" element="holdSchema:holdError"/>
  <portType name="TentativeHoldServicePortType">
    <operation name="InitiateHold">
      <input message="tns:HoldRequest"/>
      <output message="tns:HoldRequestAck"/>
      <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
    <operation name="InitiateHoldModify">
      <input message="tns:HoldModifyRequest"/>
      <output message="tns:HoldModifyResponse"/>
      <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
    <operation name="InitiateHoldCancellation">
      <input message="tns:HoldCancellationRequest"/>
      <output message="tns:HoldCancellationResponse"/>
      <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
    <operation name="InitiateStatusQuery">
      <input message="tns:HoldStatusQueryRequest"/>
      <output message="tns:HoldStatusResponse"/>
      <fault name="HoldErrorResponse" message="tns:HoldErrorResponse"/>
  <portType name="TentativeHoldNotificationServicePortType">
    <operation name="NotifyHoldGranted">
      <output message="tns:HoldGrantResponse"/>
    <operation name="NotifyHoldDenied">
      <output message="tns:HoldDenialResponse"/>
    <operation name="NotifyServerHoldCancellation">
      <output message="tns:HoldCancellationNotification"/>
  <binding name="TentativeHoldSoapBinding" type="tns:TentativeHoldServicePortType">
    <soap:binding transport="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http" style="document"/>
      <operation name="InitiateHold">
        <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHold"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
          <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
      <operation name="InitiateHoldModify">
        <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHoldModify"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
          <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
      <operation name="InitiateHoldCancellation">
        <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateHoldCancellation"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
          <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
      <operation name="InitiateStatusQuery">
        <soap:operation soapAction="http://www.w3.org/2001/08/thp/InitiateStatusQuery"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
          <soap:body use="literal"/>
        <fault name="HoldErrorResponse">
          <soap:fault name="HoldErrorResponse" use="literal"/>
  <service name="TentativeHoldService">
    <documentation> Mythical Tentative Hold Web service</documentation>
    <port name="TentativeHoldPort" binding="tns:TentativeHoldSoapBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://xyz.com/tentativeHold/"/>
  <service name="TentativeHoldNotificationService">
    <port name="NotificationPort" binding="tns:TentativeHoldSoapBinding">
      <soap:address location="http://xyz.com/tentativeHoldNotification"/>

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              Can somebody please throw some light on this error?
              <Mar 5, 2001 10:07:26 AM EST> <Error> <HTTP> <HttpServer5173817,null
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              HTTP/1.0". This should not happen unless the default context failed
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              Myself and lot of other people in my team are getting this error
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              I am getting this error consistently whenever I make some code
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              The only way I could find to overcome this problem is:
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              2) remove jar files from the applications directory
              3) re-deploy and run the client again.
              Thanks a lot
              Kiran Ganuthula

    Partly it could be WLS problem also. Under any circumstances default webapp should be able
              to deploy. I have seen somebody else also reported the same problem. The current problem is
              if you delete anything from apps dir, the corresponding entry is not being deleted from config.xml
              So next time when you boot the server, it tries to deploy the webapp and eventually it fails.
              I 'm not sure if this is the situation in your case.
              In anycase somehow Targets tag is not being picking up. That's why i asked you add
              "WebServers" tag. I think we have done some major changes in SP1, to make sure that
              default webapp deploys all the times.
              If you still have problems, post it to servlet or management group, we will discuss there.
              Kiran G wrote:
              > I edited the config.xml ONLY after getting this error. And, it worked.
              > BTW, can you please be more specific about the changes to config.xml
              > to solve the problem?
              > If possible, can you give pertinent portion(s) of config.xml, highlighting
              > the changes.
              > Thanks
              > Kiran G
              > Kumar Allamraju <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >
              > >
              > >It appears your "default webapp" failed to deploy.
              > >Did you messed up with the config.xml?.
              > >
              > >Add the following to your default webapp tag?
              > >
              > ><Application
              > > Deployed="true"
              > > Name="DefaultWebApp_vindev1"
              > > Path="./config/vindev1/applications"
              > > >
              > > <WebAppComponent
              > > Name="DefaultWebApp_vindev1"
              > > Targets="vindev1"
              > > WebServers="vindev1"
              > > URI="DefaultWebApp_vindev1"
              > > />
              > > </Application>
              > >
              > >
              > >Here vindev1 is my domain's name..
              > >
              > >BTW, this is not a clustering question. So you better
              > >post it to servlet newsgroup where you get much
              > >better answers..
              > >
              > >Kiran G wrote:
              > >
              > >> I forgot to give these details about the problem.
              > >> I am running this cluster using WebLogic 6.0 on a SUN
              > >sparc machine.
              > >>
              > >> The error text given in my original posting appears
              > >in the managed
              > >> weblogic server's log. The exception that the client
              > >receives while
              > >> lookup is :
              > >>
              > >> javax.naming.CommunicationException. Root exception
              > >is java.rmi.UnmarshalException:
              > >> failed to unmarshal class java.lang.Object; nested exception
              > >is:
              > >> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: RingoutSessionBeanHomeImpl_WLStub
              > >> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: RingoutSessionBeanHomeImpl_WLStub
              > >>
              > >> "Kiran G" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > >> >
              > >> >Can somebody please throw some light on this error?
              > >> >
              > >> ><Mar 5, 2001 10:07:26 AM EST> <Error> <HTTP> <HttpServer5173817,null
              > >> >default ctx,POSDev01) found no context for "GET /classes/ringout_statelessSession3@/RingoutSessionBeanHomeImpl_WLStub.class
              > >> >HTTP/1.0". This should not happen unless the default
              > >context
              > >> >failed
              > >> >to deploy.>
              > >> >
              > >> >Myself and lot of other people in my team are getting
              > >> >this error
              > >> >when using beans in a cluster.
              > >> >
              > >> >I am getting this error consistently whenever I make
              > >some
              > >> >code
              > >> >changes in my bean class (not interface changes) and
              > >redeploy
              > >> >it
              > >> >and try to lookup through a stand-alone client.
              > >> >
              > >> >The only way I could find to overcome this problem
              > >is:
              > >> >1) edit config.xml to remove the Application element
              > >completely
              > >> >corresponding to the bean
              > >> >2) remove jar files from the applications directory
              > >> >3) re-deploy and run the client again.
              > >> >
              > >> >Thanks a lot
              > >> >Kiran Ganuthula
              > >> >
              > >> >
              > >> >
              > >> >
              > >> >
              > >
              > >
              > ><!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd html 4.0 transitional//en">
              > ><html>
              > >It appears your "default webapp" failed to deploy.
              > ><br>Did you messed up with the config.xml?.
              > ><p>Add the following to your default webapp tag?
              > ><p><Application
              > ><br> Deployed="true"
              > ><br> Name="DefaultWebApp_vindev1"
              > ><br> Path="./config/vindev1/applications"
              > ><br> >
              > ><br> <WebAppComponent
              > ><br> Name="DefaultWebApp_vindev1"
              > ><br> Targets="vindev1"
              > ><br> <b><font color="#CC0000">
              > >WebServers="vindev1"</font></b>
              > ><br> URI="DefaultWebApp_vindev1"
              > ><br> />
              > ><br> </Application>
              > ><br>
              > ><p>Here vindev1 is my domain's name..
              > ><br><br>
              > >BTW, this is not a clustering question. So you better
              > >post it to servlet
              > >newsgroup where you get much
              > ><br>better answers..
              > ><p>Kiran G wrote:
              > ><blockquote TYPE=CITE>I forgot to give these details about
              > >the problem.
              > ><br>I am running this cluster using WebLogic 6.0 on a
              > >SUN sparc machine.
              > ><p>The error text given in my original posting appears
              > >in the managed
              > ><br>weblogic server's log. The exception that the client
              > >receives while
              > ><br>lookup is :
              > ><p>javax.naming.CommunicationException. Root exception
              > >is java.rmi.UnmarshalException:
              > ><br>failed to unmarshal class java.lang.Object; nested
              > >exception is:
              > ><br> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
              > >RingoutSessionBeanHomeImpl_WLStub
              > ><br>java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: RingoutSessionBeanHomeImpl_WLStub
              > ><p>"Kiran G" <[email protected]> wrote:
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>Can somebody please throw some light on this error?
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>><Mar 5, 2001 10:07:26 AM EST> <Error> <HTTP>
              > ><HttpServer5173817,null
              > ><br>>default ctx,POSDev01) found no context for "GET /classes/ringout_statelessSession3@/RingoutSessionBeanHomeImpl_WLStub.class
              > ><br>>HTTP/1.0". This should not happen unless the default
              > >context
              > ><br>>failed
              > ><br>>to deploy.>
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>Myself and lot of other people in my team are getting
              > ><br>>this error
              > ><br>>when using beans in a cluster.
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>I am getting this error consistently whenever I make
              > >some
              > ><br>>code
              > ><br>>changes in my bean class (not interface changes)
              > >and redeploy
              > ><br>>it
              > ><br>>and try to lookup through a stand-alone client.
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>The only way I could find to overcome this problem
              > >is:
              > ><br>>1) edit config.xml to remove the Application element
              > >completely
              > ><br>>corresponding to the bean
              > ><br>>2) remove jar files from the applications directory
              > ><br>>3) re-deploy and run the client again.
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>Thanks a lot
              > ><br>>Kiran Ganuthula
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>>
              > ><br>></blockquote>
              > ></html>
              > >
              > >

  • Update should not happen in the name of WF-BATCH

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement to change the WF-BATCH to the other user id.
    The task completion or update should not happen in the name of WF-BATCH, instead it should happen with the name of the other user id.
    Please can anybody suggest on this..
    Thanks and Best Regards,

    Hello Sushmitha,
    Like I said, it is only working if a previous step was a dialog step for the same user.
    Then when all steps have advance with dialog it will automatically execute the "background" step (which is now dialog).
    If the "background" step is the first to be executed then this scenario does not work.
    It will only work if the agent has a previous work item AND is the one you want as the changed_by user.
    A work around would be to either
    a) check what the method does. If it executes a FM and if that FM has a parameter for changed by you can create a new method where you pass the changed_by user
    b) check if a bapi/fm exists which allows you to change the user
    c) create a program to execute the same logic as the method. Now you must create a new method where you can schedule this program as a background job with another user as the person who executes it.
    Kind regards, Rob Dielemans

  • Order is showing in T code# VKM3, which should not happen.

    Client using automatic credit check. Customer maintained credit master data for which system is doing credit check.  As per client requirement the future orders created for this customer system should not do a credit check.
    For this we have created a new risk category and in the T code #ova8 , unchecked all the settings for this combination of credit control area,  risk category  and credit group. We maintained the new risk category in the credit master data of that customer, and created a new order and found that the system is not doing any credit check and system is allowing for the billing. However when but this order is showing in T code# VKM3, which should not happen.

    Hi- SAP always shows orders in VKM3 even though they do not have credit hold... SAP lists all orders which have item cat deliver or billing relevant..

  • Purchase order printout should not happen without release of PO

    I have made all the settings for PO release strategy and printout settings. But printout can be taken even before final release. I checked the settings and this printout should not happen before release. Please help me out.
    Thanks in advance.

    Thank ypu for your reply. PO was not released. Printout wa snot able to be taken in ME9F. But Printout can be taken using Print preview in Tcode ME22N. Can we avoid such printing using Print preview option.
    Thank you in advance

  • I keep getting this message and PSCC will not open:Unable to start your subscription for Adobe Photoshop CC.  I keep trying again with no results.  I am on automatic pay system.  This should not happen.

    I keep getting this message and PSCC will not open:Unable to start your subscription for Adobe Photoshop CC.  I keep trying again with no results.  I am on automatic pay system.  This should not happen.
    I had it open a few minutes ago.  Closed it and went to reopen to no avail. How can I open and continue to work?

    Does your Cloud subscription properly show on your account page?
    If you have more than one email, are you sure you are using the correct Adobe ID?
    https://www.adobe.com/account.html for subscriptions on your Adobe page
    If yes
    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Cloud programs do not use serial numbers... you log in to your paid Cloud account to download & install & activate... you MAY need to log out of the Cloud and restart your computer and log back in to the Cloud for things to work
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help http://helpx.adobe.com/x-productkb/policy-pricing/account-password-sign-faq.html
    -ID help https://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html?step=ZNA_id-signing_stillNeedHelp
    If no
    This is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need Adobe staff to help
    Adobe contact information - http://helpx.adobe.com/contact.html
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

  • Should not happen at all...

    Hello, I am extremely upset with Nokia.
    After plugging in my Nokia 6280 the PC Suite notified me that there were updates available for my phone - naturally I clicked to continue and update my phone, making sure it was fully charged and connected properly. It was 'bricked.'
    Upset, I decided to take to the internet to find out if this had happened to others and it seems its a major issue and is happening to many people.
    This is insane. The update should not be offered if it is known to break mobiles.
    I understand that if I take this to a Nokia Service Center then I will be able to have my problem corrected, is this right?
    Do I need proof of purchase? As I am not sure I still have any.
    Giuseppe Landolina

    Ciao Giuseppe!
    You should take a look at this:
    6280 Updates (Still) Not Possible?
    You will find it very useful.

  • I have a CC on file for gaming only, and wen I have no money on it I can never download a free app! An this should not happen! It's free apps!???

    I have a IPad, and a IPhone, I loaded a CC just for gaming, and every time ik don't have money on the card, I cannot download free apps, an this should not be happening because it is a free App..!!!??? What is going on!!??? I want to download an app but nvr can be cuz of the stupid CC I added??!!! Answer plzzzzzzz ....!

    Just to add, you will have to download and unzip it then put it in iTunes if it is a video or audio format iTunes can handle.

  • Reg:Confirmation should not happen without issuing goods.

    Hi Friends.
    We have an issue regarding goods movement.
    I need to know, is there any setting can be made for the below issue.
    1. how to make settings that confirmation of production order or any goods movement( Of finished good) , should not be done untill and unless goods issue has been done for the order,.
    EX: After releasing the order , we have to issue goods for productionn. then only we can do confirmation.
    But we are facing the issue that without issuing the goods also, we are able to confirm. so i need to stop the confirmation or any goods movement which will happen without issuing the goods,,
    Waiting for your positive answers,,thank u in advace.

    You can try the following user exit in your case : Enhancement - MBCF0002 /FM - EXIT_SAPMM07M_001/Include - ZXMBCU02
    Or T.code OPK4. Set termination of Order confirmation in case of wrong Goods movement.
    - Use User Status .T.code is BS02.
    Refer : GR restrict before Confirmation & Confirmation restrict before GI

  • STO delivery should not happen for shelf life expired material

    Hai all,
    When we are doing PGI for STO-PO. shelf life expired material should not do the delivery.The system should give the error message. but in our system when we do PGI the shelf life expired material is deliverying.
    how do we maintain the error message when we doing PGI.
    Edited by: hemanth s on Sep 12, 2008 9:37 AM

    In Inventory management there is a which helps you "Set expiration Date Check". This allows you to make sure that the shelf life of the material is checked before delivery.
    In Material master, you would need to enter relevant information in the "Plant Data/Stor. 1" tab page (Min remaining shelf life, total shelf life). Also in IMG settings, you need to activate the check for both Plant and movement type. The path is as follows:
    IMG Settings > Material Management > Inventory Management and Physical Inventory > Goods Receipt > Set Expiration Date Check. TCode: OMJ5
    Edited by: Sowmya Mohan on Sep 15, 2008 8:43 AM

  • Primary key failure with merge into...should not happen

    I get primary key constraint fail on this MERGE INTO sql.
    Why? Shouldn't the merge into take care of this?
    ORA-00001: unique constraint (NCSL.SYS_C001568) violated
    MERGE INTO SessionTbl2 thistbl
      (SELECT 'b2cdd2f30b786c329ad2f8d04d0e79e9' sessionid FROM dual) thistbl2
      ON (thistbl2.sessionid = thistbl.sessionid AND thistbl.varname=:varname)
      UPDATE SET thistbl.varvalue=:variablevalue,
      INSERT (sessionid,varname,varvalue,tstamp,

    As you say, this should not give a problem then, but the only way to be sure the system is doing what you believe it should do is to use the same variables in the test and in the insert statement. The bind variable depends on the programming language you use and may pass something else than the string that oracle generates in the select from dual. I do not say it will be as such, I just want to make sure that this is not the problem. I have seen things like this before and you keep on looking in the wrong direction for a solution.

  • Error "Lock not set for: Generate index" while running process chain

    SAP BI 7.0
    SP 17
    I am attempting to run a new process chain and the generate index steps are failing with the below errors:
    "Lock NOT set forGenerate index"
    "RSSM PROCESS INDEX terminated, because InfoCube/DSO object could not be locked."
    The process chain just pauses. I let it finish once and it took 2 hours and then it gave the failure messages. I have looked in sm12 and can see the lock records when the process chain is running - unfortunately I can't make much of what's there - everything looks good to me. I also tried creating the indexes manually inside the cube and then re-ran, but still get the same error. Before running the process chain, I can get the indexes to check to green, but then after running the process chain they go back to red. I have attempted many things (including looking at other forum posts), but I still have the error. Please help. Thanks
    Edited by: Brett Hutchinson on Feb 10, 2009 7:50 PM

    So Create index is getting failed in you PS right?
    1)check  if any other loads are running to the same CUBE(May be from other PC's also)
    Goto Manage of the cube and check, some times it may happen if any Loads are running into cube I mean Load/DTP & roll up may be running.. if so wait till the others Loads(Jobs) get complete then Repeat the failed index
    2) If the Create index is running for long time, then  got RSDDV--> Select the CUBE then click on BIA index(Maintenance wizard), you can see a message if indexes are running , this will happen  only when some one would have tried to generate the indexes manually and it may got failed due to some reason , since u are running it manually u couldn't identify whether it got failed or not unless you got to RSDDV and check. So delete the index here and then rebuild them through PC
    Hope it helps!

  • Without QM module, for materials is in Quality, Miro should not happen

    Hi All
    without QM module,
    After GRN  the material is going to quality inspection.
    For such Purchase Orders, I want to restrict the invoice verification process.
    system should give error message.
    M S K

    Through QM module you can block the invoice for payment but you can't stop the posting.
    Do the settings in SPRO > Quality Management > QM in logistics > QM in procurement > Define delivery block, here block invoice option is there.
    But in standard SAP, you can't control the Invoice posting through QM.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Doubt in external context mapping

    Hi, whiel practicing the external context mapping exmaple i read the following lines in the PDF file "At design time, a Web Dynpro component does not know the context structures of its embedding Web Dynpro component. Therefore, it is not possible at

  • Inter-company billing stock tranport order

    Dear all, We are having a scenario where in  we are doing STO using purchase order document type NB, but in the purchase order we are not getting the "condition tab". Have created a pricing procedur for STO. But in the MM- Purchasing- Conditions- Def

  • Uploading Videos in Final Cut Express 4 HD

    Well i have just recently bought a canon vixia hv40 along with Final Cut Express 4. Before Final Cut Express 4, the only experience i've had with editing software is imovie 6 HD and imove 09'. So its been kinda of tough figuring out this program, but

  • Multiple selection Forms in JSP

    I have a JSP page that should insert as many as selected choices on           the forms into a sql server database.           This example is done in ASP:           http://www.codeave.com/ASP/multiple_where.asp           

  • Adobe Acrobat Pro Version 7

    Hi just moving computers , new one has Windows 7 Pro 64bit - old one was XP pro Having difficulty with Adobe Acrobat Pro Ver 7 - error message "PDF Maker cannot locate Adobe PDF Printers' printer driver - Please reinstall Adobe Acrobat 7.0" Reinstall