End of communication channel while running proc

Hi ,
As soon as i run a proc i get the following error
BEGIN cdw_load.pa_cdw_gi_extract.pr_cdw_gi_usr_rep_extract('PL'); END;
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
Process ID: 31568
Session ID: 963 Serial number: 693
THE OTHER STATEMENTS /PROGRAMS in the same data base run fine.
i checked the oracle directories are present.
Please help
procedure is below
procedure pr_cdw_gi_usr_rep_extract(i_cntry_cd in varchar2)
-- Procedure PR_GI_USR_REP_EXTRACT is created to extract data for user rep extract.
-- Modification History - None
-- Additional Procedure included and Purpose
-- PR_LOG_ERROR is added to handle the exceptions.
v_file utl_file.file_type;
v_file_name varchar2 (50);
v_file_rec nvarchar2 (32767);
va_strng nvarchar2 (200);
v_errcode varchar2 (30);
v_errmessage varchar2 (300);
v_cntry_cd codi.dim_mrkt.cntry_cd%type;
v_message hz_metadata.hz_job_log_detail.processor_message%type;
v_job_seq_id pls_integer := 0;
v_slct_cnt pls_integer := 0;
v_mrkt_id number := 0;
v_rec_cnt number := 0;
v_prev_3rd_cmpgn number := 0; -- Limit the search on frp table to a max of 3 campaigns
v_prev_2nd_cmpgn number := 0; -- LObtain the campaign previous campaign
v_cmpgn_perd_id number := 0; -- Obtain the latest available camapign from frp ..
--cursor for extracting the data for usr_rep
-- Note: The search campaigns (3 camapigns) were used in an inlist as partition pruning was not happenning with BETEEEN clause
cursor ext_usr_rep
select 1 from dual ;
-- procedure for logging the errors during exception handling
procedure log_error(v_message varchar2)
hz_metadata.pa_log_gsl.end_logging ('ABORT');
hz_metadata.pa_log_gsl.log_error (p_entity_value => 'N/A',
p_app_message => v_message,
p_system_message => sqlerrm,
p_reprocess_ind => null,
p_continue_on_error => 'Y'
dbms_output.put_line ('Usr Rep - Extract not generated');
end log_error;
-- end of the log_error procedure
-------main begin ----------------------------
v_cntry_cd := upper(i_cntry_cd);
v_message := 'Capture the market id';
select distinct mrkt_id
into v_mrkt_id
from codi.dim_mrkt
where cntry_cd = v_cntry_cd;
**v_file_name := 'OMSRPT_'||v_cntry_cd ||'_USR_REP.TXT';**
v_message := 'Logging details in to JOB LOG table';
pa_generic.lcl_init_logging (p_module_nm => 'Extracting data for User representatives',
p_program_nm => 'PR_GI_USR_REP_EXTRACT',
p_entity_nm => v_file_name,
p_job_log_id => pa_generic.g_job_seq_id,
p_cntry_cd => v_cntry_cd
execute immediate 'alter session set global_names=false';
-- Fetch the start and end camapigns for limiting the search on fact_rep_prfrmnc
select nvl(max(fld_sls_cmpgn_perd_id), 20040301) into v_cmpgn_perd_id from cdw.sum_mrkt_acct_sls where mrkt_id = v_mrkt_id ;
-- Fetch the 3rd previous campaign
v_prev_3rd_cmpgn := pa_generic.fn_get_past_cmpgn(v_mrkt_id,v_cmpgn_perd_id,3) ;
-- Fetch the 2nd previous campaign
v_prev_2nd_cmpgn := pa_generic.fn_get_past_cmpgn(v_mrkt_id,v_cmpgn_perd_id,2) ;
v_message := 'Opening the file';
v_file := utl_file.fopen_nchar ('CDW_GI_EXTRACT_' || v_cntry_cd || '_DIR', v_file_name, 'W', 32000);
--loop and fetch the cursor ext_usr_rep1
v_message := 'Opening Cursor ';
for ext_usr_reprec in ext_usr_rep
va_strng := ext_usr_reprec.cur_fet;
utl_file.put_line_nchar (v_file, va_strng);
v_slct_cnt := v_slct_cnt + 1;
end loop;
v_message := 'Closing the file ';
utl_file.fclose (v_file);
v_message := 'Log the successful completion message';
hz_metadata.pa_log_gsl.end_logging ('SUCCESS');
v_message := 'Update the stats';
hz_metadata.pa_log_gsl.log_count (p_app_message => 'DATABASE OPERATION STATISTICS',
p_insert_count => 0,
p_update_count => 0,
p_select_count => v_slct_cnt,
p_error_count => 0
when utl_file.invalid_path
log_error (v_message || ' due to invalid path');
when utl_file.invalid_mode
log_error (v_message || ' due to invalid mode');
when utl_file.invalid_operation
log_error (v_message || ' due to invalid operation');
when utl_file.write_error
log_error (v_message || ' due to write error');
when utl_file.internal_error
log_error (v_message || ' due to internal error');
when utl_file.invalid_filehandle
log_error (v_message || ' due to invalid file');
when no_data_found
log_error (v_message || ' due to no data');
when too_many_rows
log_error (v_message || ' due to more rows');
when others
log_error (v_message);
end pr_cdw_gi_usr_rep_extract;

ORA-3113 may be caused also (or should I say mostly ?) by Oracle bugs: you need to check your database instance alert log for ORA-07445 or ORA-00600 error message and for related trace file:
oerr ora 3113
03113, 00000, "end-of-file on communication channel"
// *Cause: The connection between Client and Server process was broken.
// *Action: There was a communication error that requires further investigation.
//          First, check for network problems and review the SQL*Net setup.
//          Also, look in the alert.log file for any errors. Finally, test to
//          see whether the server process is dead and whether a trace file
//          was generated at failure time.

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    Check as follows;
    select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where object_name like
    'UTL%'The objects should only belong to SYS, if they do belong do some other user (example HR, etc). Drop objects belong to other users (not sys).
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    You can also review Oracle Metalink Document: ORA-03113 Error When Executing Utlrp.sql: Doc ID: Note:413922.1

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    This is the most frequently asked question from Oracle developers.. Never mind putting some light on this error, I want to put it alight! ;-)
    First thing. It is not The Error. It is a sympton of an error.
    This message does not come from the database. It comes from the client OCI (of JDBC) drivers - which suddenly discovered that the Oracle connection (usually a TCP socket connection) has been torn down at the server side. It attempts to write to that socket, only to find that the other party has hung up.
    Why has the other party hung up? That party is either a Dedicated Server Process or a Dispatcher Process. If a dedicated server dies (crashes), it will take its socket handles with it to The Great Recycle Bin In The Sky. If you was serviced by a shared server and it died, the Dispatcher (who handles the TCP comms for it), will automatically close that shared server's connection.
    Usually when a process dies on the Oracle server, it leaves behind an error in the alert log, and trace files. That is where you will find the inklings of what The Error was that caused your client to get the EOF on comms channel message.

  • ORA-03113 : end-of-file on communication channel while running a SQL Query

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    AND */
    WHERE (SRCE_SYS_ID = 850 OR (SRCE_SYS_ID IN (1747,1764) AND GEO_ID IN (826,372) AND PRTTN_BY_FUNC_DATE>=to_date('20060701','YYYYMMDD') ))
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    Yes, we get the same error and no dumps are getting created.It might be interesting to look at a trace file for this SQL statement with event 10046 at level 12 and event 10053 at level 1 enabled for the session. You may need to modify the query slightly to make certain that a hard parse is required (possibly by specifying a couple of the column names to be returned rather than *). Take a look through the raw trace file for something like this
    cost: -1.#IND  card: 1.#INFThere is at least one query in the ERP package that I use that will output the following in a 10053 trace when optimizer_features_enable is greater than, followed by an ORA-600:
      Access Path: index (AllEqUnique)
        Index: SYS_C004588
        resc_io: 1.00  resc_cpu: 8341
        ix_sel: 0.5  ix_sel_with_filters: 0.5
        NL Join: Cost: 1.#J  Resp: 1.#J  Degree: 1
          Cost_io: 1.#J  Cost_cpu: 1
          Resp_io: 1.#J  Resp_cpu: 1
      Best NL cost: 1797693134862315700000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
              resc: 3.01 resc_io: 3.00 resc_cpu: 35947
              resp: 3.01 resp_io: 3.00 resp_cpu: 35947
    Outer Join Card:  1.#J = max ( outer (1.#J), (outer (1.#J) * inner (2.00) * sel (0.5) )
    Join Card - Rounded: 1 Computed: 1.#JYou may be experiencing a similar problem that might become evident with both trace events enabled.
    Charles Hooper
    IT Manager/Oracle DBA
    K&M Machine-Fabricating, Inc.

  • Orphan sessions - end of communication channel

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    We are facing with a server crash or are forced to shutdown and restart the db server on monthly basis approx. and we believe that this problem is related to orphan sessions created by users connected through application servers (remote desktop connection - RDC) and when our off-site link drops these sessions exists on the db and when the connection re-establishes new connections are formed and this kept on going untill a crash occurs or we are forced to shutdown the db - which also ends in a crash after giving a message 'End of communication channel' - to control the extra sessions from being created we tried setting the retention time of a connection to 5 minutes but this seems to be adding on to the problem as well. Before proceeding any further let me apprise you on our environment:
    Windows 2000 Advanced server running on ML-570 dual processor
    DB Users: 350-300 approx. concurrent sessions
    Front end application s/w are developed in VB 6 and are deployed on "Unisys ES 7000 Orion 230" on 3-4 partitions each of 4-6 processors - These is used as our application servers.
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    Can any body please tell us is this a orphan session problem and its remedy? or its something else - do we need an application server to manage the transactions or any thing which can help in the resolution of the problem.
    You help is appreciated as always.
    Take care.

    Try tracing the drop user statement. Then you'll see exactly what's happening very near the point where the socket is closed. Repeating the test with varying input parameters--I know there are many of them and that's precisely the point--for a few iterations will produce enough trace data that you'll be better equipped to decide on a reasonable course of action.
    alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12';
    drop user hard_to_kill;
    The resulting trace data will tell you if you have to go so far as admin level sql net tracing.


    Iam trying to install 0racle 8.1.7 on an NT server machine with SP6a.During the installation while the database is created I get the following error:
    ORA0-03113 end of communication channel.
    I have performed the installation (after unistalling, cleaning the registry ) 3 times and even have taken the machine off the network, but the same error occurs.
    I have installed 8.1.7 on another machine and never had this problem.
    Any ideas what is happenning?
    Thanks in advance

    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    I saw this when running the "Database Configuration Assistant" and "sqlplus". When the "Database Configuration Assistant" gave me this error during Oracle 9i (9.2.0) installation on Red Hat 2.1 AS, I simply removed the shared memory segments owned
    by the Oracle user and I restarted the "Database Configuration Assistant". I'm not sure if this is the right way but it always worked for me. Here is what I did to get the "Database Configuration Assistant" running again:
    I executed the ipcs command to get the address of the shared memory segments that have been allocated by Oracle:
    # ipcs
    ------ Shared Memory Segments --------
    key shmid owner perms bytes nattch status
    0x00000000 0 root 600 196608 2
    0x00000001 32769 root 600 655360 2
    0x00000000 458755 oracle 660 4194304 0
    0x00000000 491524 oracle 660 33554432 0
    0x00000000 524293 oracle 660 33554432 0
    0x00000000 557062 oracle 660 33554432 0
    0x00000000 589831 oracle 660 33554432 0
    0x00000000 622600 oracle 660 33554432 0
    0x00000000 655369 oracle 660 33554432 0
    0x00000000 688138 oracle 660 33554432 0
    0x3ecee0b0 720907 oracle 660 4194304 0
    ------ Semaphore Arrays --------
    key semid owner perms nsems status
    ------ Message Queues --------
    key msqid owner perms used-bytes messages
    Then I removed all shared memory segments that were owned by the Oracle user during the installation with the following command:
    # ipcrm shm 458755 491524 524293 557062 589831 622600 655369 688138 720907
    After that I restarted the "Database Configuration Assistant". Once the installation was done I immediately restarted the DB as well.
    Caveat: I'm not sure if this procedure can cause any other problems if it's done during the installation.
    But if you get this problem in connection with sqlplus, then simply make sure that the database is down and exit sqlplus. After that, follow the procedure above by removing all shared memory segments that belong to the Oracle user. To my knowledge,
    this should not cause any problems.

  • End of communication channel when select from view

    We are using DB and when we run select statement from view it gives End of communication channel error but when we run the query by using the sql in the view it works fine.
    Please advise what may be wrong.

    Like other poster suggested, please post some sample code, query your used to build the view (you can scramble the real table/column name as your wish) and the actual screen capture of the error.
    This will help others to help you. Right now you are only describing symptoms while no one has idea what it really is.

  • Problem with ORA -03113 End of Communication Channel

    Oracle Database 10g Release - Production
    Windows Server 2003 Version V5.2 Service Pack 2
    Im having this problem when executing an stored procedure that executes a SQL statement wich has uses db links... I get this end of communication channel error.. so I thought it was a network issue, but all connections are fine.
    The thing is that the procedure works fine, but just out of the nothing starts to give that problem, shutting down the database would not correct the problem, only restarting the server will fix the issue temporarily. I checked the dump file related to the process am running and I found this, I think it might be like a memory problem but not sure
    Windows thread id: 5632, image: ORACLE.EXE (J002)
    *** ACTION NAME:() 2010-09-01 09:18:59.490
    *** MODULE NAME:() 2010-09-01 09:18:59.490
    *** SERVICE NAME:(SYS$USERS) 2010-09-01 09:18:59.490
    *** SESSION ID:(545.34045) 2010-09-01 09:18:59.490
    *** 2010-09-01 09:18:59.490
    ksedmp: internal or fatal error
    ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [ACCESS_VIOLATION] [_kghalf+478] [PC:0x603BEB04] [ADDR:0x61E26AE8] [UNABLE_TO_WRITE] []
    No current SQL statement being executed.
    what do you recommend me to try here?

    Hi Ogan,
    I agree ! Of course we are often obliged to compose with minimal downtime, testing resources, editors, management, time etc.
    I have the same problems but keeping the base version is a pain and if you consider you won't have to install many patchsets after this one on the 10gR2 homes/databases. It's a "good" investment if you have to keep the 10gR2 for several years (going to 11g is more difficult than installing a patchset !)
    Oracle patchsets are great and well tested and if you pay your Oracle license you pay for that ! The patchsets, patchset updates, support make the difference with the versions you can download "freely" on OTN.
    Best regards

  • End of communication channel error

    While working with our application developed in VB, In some times when I use describe command in sql * plus, giving "end of communication channel error" and getting disconnected from the database. Select and other DML commands are working well.
    Any suggestions please...
    Thanks in advance....

    Check the alert log and with your network people for any errors.

  • End of Communications Channel

    I face a problem here when I create a database. When I run the scripts to create a database, it gives the message end-of-communication channel. Just bear in mind that there is space in the location for the database. Some details are as follow:
    There is a HP server.
    The database is created in the nfs which is not the local directory.
    Please advice ...
    - Tassy -

    I got a problem quite like urs on HP too.
    It was cause of the max OS process was reached. U have to modify a kernel variable. Dont remember exactly the name but it's something like nb_proc.
    Hope it helps,

  • End of communication channel error on second execution

    a select view over a database link will return results once but on second execution returns end of communication channel error.
    i have lots of other views working fine this way. the problem view did work but has started failing. .
    running the view on the database which is running the htmldb application in a sqlplus session (which is the same schema which htmldb is using for the application) works fine. it is only htmldb which is showing the problem both from within the application and the sql workshop

    For a 'serious' error like that you will probably want to work with Oracle support who will be able to work with you to resolve the problem.

  • End Of communication Error while executing java procedure (Urgent)

    Hi All,
    I am using oracle 10g on linux server. Client machine is on xp. I hava a java procedure which executes the sqlldr on server. Earlier it was working fine, but after reinstalling the oracle 10g on server. It started giving "end of Communication channel error". I am not aware that what paramete has to set. Can some body put light on this error.

    This is the most frequently asked question from Oracle developers.. Never mind putting some light on this error, I want to put it alight! ;-)
    First thing. It is not The Error. It is a sympton of an error.
    This message does not come from the database. It comes from the client OCI (of JDBC) drivers - which suddenly discovered that the Oracle connection (usually a TCP socket connection) has been torn down at the server side. It attempts to write to that socket, only to find that the other party has hung up.
    Why has the other party hung up? That party is either a Dedicated Server Process or a Dispatcher Process. If a dedicated server dies (crashes), it will take its socket handles with it to The Great Recycle Bin In The Sky. If you was serviced by a shared server and it died, the Dispatcher (who handles the TCP comms for it), will automatically close that shared server's connection.
    Usually when a process dies on the Oracle server, it leaves behind an error in the alert log, and trace files. That is where you will find the inklings of what The Error was that caused your client to get the EOF on comms channel message.

  • How can we stop communication channel at run time?

      I have a requirement where in we have to stop the JMS Sender communication channel in case the Receiver System is down. Could you please let me know how to stop the sender communication channel at run time.
    Rajeev Gupta

    Like Praveen Kumar said, I dont think there is an out of the box solution for this. But if you want to stop the communication channel, you could do it using a BPM.This solution is just something that came to my mind. It would be resource intensive to implement this. But here goes...
    Try to make the call to the Receiver System a synchronous call and have an exception branch in the block which has the synchronous step type. So if the Receiver System is down you would get an error in the Sync Step Type and it would go to the exception branch.Try to make a HTTP call from BPM to stop the communication channel. The URL for the HTTP call could be what Matias Denker suggested. This would stop the communication channel. This solution might however have two disadvantage that i foresee.
    1) It might stop the communication channel not only for system down but for any kind of synchronous error.
    2) Starting the communication channel has to again be a whole different process.
    Praveen M

  • End-of-communication channel error from client

    In my server oracle(oracle9i enterprices edition) is working fine but from client side i'm getting the following error
    *end-of-communication channel error
    But my network is working fine
    anyone can you give me the solution for this problem....?
    Message was edited by:

    checkout TNSPING <service name> from cmd prompt
    Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
    (C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corp.
    C:\Documents and Settings\NJi>tnsping issl
    TNS Ping Utility for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production on 25-OCT-06
    Copyright , 1996(c) Oracle Corporation 1995. All rights reserved.
    Attempting to contact (ADDRESS=(COMMUNITY=tcp.world)(PROTOCOL=TCP)(Host=198.1.2.
    OK (100 msec)

  • ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel while executing a query

    Hi all,
    I am getting following error while executing one of the query.
    ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel
    The query involves subqueries. At one point, in the second last condition of the whole query is the cause. what makes the query to disconnect from database.
    I am pasting the whole query with highlighted part causing the error.
    A.Num_Employee_Id as col_0_0_,
    A.Str_Name_For_Reports as col_1_0_
    Est_Esb_employee_m A
    and A.Num_Employee_Id not in
    Est_Esb_Employee_Service_D B
    B.Dat_Effective_Date is not null
    Est_Esb_Employee_Service_D C
    and C.Dat_Effective_Date is not null
    and B.Num_Transaction_Id=
    Est_Esb_Employee_Service_D D
    Est_Esb_Employee_Service_D E
    and D.Num_Employee_Id=B.Num_Employee_Id
    and B.Num_New_Office_Id=1
    order by
    Awaiting your valuable suggestions.
    Vijay Kumar

    I would start by compareing the explain plan of both versions of the statement.
    Also by adding such a restriction you might change from an uncorrelated subquery to a correlated subquery. I'm not sure, because your code is hardly readably without formatting.
    In any case you seem to select again and again from the same table. Maybe you should find a way to optimize to query in terms of io (less table access). Then this problem could go away.

Maybe you are looking for

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