End of Statement error

I have the a query that keeps coming up with an error when I try to place in in a form as VBA. The following is the code:
txtOperationID = "SELECT TOP 1 [idsOpSymbolID] & " " & Format([txtOperationSub#]+1,"0000") AS NewOpID " & _
"FROM tblOperations LEFT JOIN tblOperationsSUB ON tblOperations.idsOpSymbolID = tblOperationsSUB.idrOpSymbolID " & _
"WHERE (((tblOperations.idsOpSymbolID) = [Forms]![frmNewProjectOperationTrackingNumber]![Combo91])) " & _
"ORDER BY tblOperationsSUB.[txtOperationSub#] DESC"
I am given the following error:  Compile Error, Expected end of statement.  Any suggestions?

You have to neutralize " in string:
txtOperationID = "SELECT TOP 1 [idsOpSymbolID] & "" "" & Format([txtOperationSub#]+1,""0000"") AS NewOpID " & _
"FROM tblOperations LEFT JOIN tblOperationsSUB ON tblOperations.idsOpSymbolID = tblOperationsSUB.idrOpSymbolID " & _
"WHERE (((tblOperations.idsOpSymbolID) = [Forms]![frmNewProjectOperationTrackingNumber]![Combo91])) " & _
"ORDER BY tblOperationsSUB.[txtOperationSub#] DESC"

Similar Messages

  • Expected End Of Statement Error

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    paste the code in a DW 8 recordset that I create and run a test to
    make sure it works. No problem. Returns resutls as expected. I can
    also access the fields in the recordset. When I test the Web page I
    Error Type:
    Microsoft VBScript compilation (0x800A0401)
    Expected end of statement
    /cssmetrics/dallas/scorecard.asp, line 10, column 2647
    See Attachment. I am baffled to what it is looking forward.
    Your help is greatly appreciated.

    'VERSION 5.00
    'Object = "{648A5603-2C6E-101B-82B6-000000000014}#1.1#0"; "Mscomm32.ocx"
    Begin VB.Form FrmMain
    Your code is not VB .Net.  You may be able to find some assistance with your problem from the resources listed here: 
    VB6 and older

  • Getting end of statement error in SAP CRM bp script

    When I run the code below without the for loop everything runs perfectly ok. However when I add the for loop I get the error statement end of statement I think it has something to do with handling of the code inside the for loop but I have  no clue how to solve it
    Somebody any idea?
    I know the code is not working correctly I need to add variable to fill in the values however I need to first tackle the end of statement issue
    If Not IsObject(application) Then
       Set SapGuiAuto  = GetObject("SAPGUI")
       Set application = SapGuiAuto.GetScriptingEngine
    End If
    If Not IsObject(connection) Then
       Set connection = application.Children(0)
    End If
    If Not IsObject(session) Then
       Set session    = connection.Children(0)
    End If
    If IsObject(WScript) Then
       WScript.ConnectObject session,     "on"
       WScript.ConnectObject application, "on"
    End If
    Dim objExcel
    Dim objSheet, intRow, i, d
    Set objExcel = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
    Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet
    session.findById("wnd[0]").resizeWorkingPane 132,30,false
    Dim total_row
    total_row = objSheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
    For i = 1 To CInt(total_row)
         session.findById("wnd[0]/tbar[0]/okcd").text = "/nbp"
         session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
         session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtBUS_JOEL_MAIN-OPEN_NUMBER").text = "19496"
         session.findById("wnd[1]/usr/ctxtBUS_JOEL_MAIN-OPEN_NUMBER").caretPosition = 5
         Dim strScreen
         session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 6
         session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
         session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/subSCREEN_3000_RESIZING_AREA:SAPLBUS_LOCATOR:2000/subSCREEN_1010_RIGHT_AREA:SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL:1000/ssubSCREEN_1000_WORKAREA_AREA:SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL:1100/ssubSCREEN_1100_MAIN_AREA:SAPLBUPA_DIALOG_JOEL:1101/tabsGS_SCREEN_1100_TABSTRIP/tabpSCREEN_1100_TAB_04/ssubSCREEN_1100_TABSTRIP_AREA:SAPLBUSS:0028/ssubGENSUB:SAPLBUSS:7002/subA02P01:SAPLBUD0:1500/tblSAPLBUD0TCTRL_BUT0BK/btnPUSH_BUP_IBAN[5,0]").press     session.findById("wnd[1]/tbar[0]/btn[0]").press
    Next i
    Edited by: R. Brouwer on Dec 23, 2010 3:31 PM

    i think nothing can be followed by the command "Next" in VBS. Your example would be the right way in VB or VBA.

  • ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement Error while Executing Procedure

    I am trying to execute following procedure through java code, but i am getting ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement error.
    Procedure is :
    (vResult out int)
    vCardId varchar2(16);
    vForacid varchar2(16);
    vApp_Entry_No varchar2(10);
    vSrNo number(6);
    vCardStatus char(1);
    vCardStat char(2);
    vExpiryDate date;
    Cursor cardCur1 is
    select u.card_number,trim(u.ACCOUNT_NUMBER),u.CARD_STATUS,to_char(u.EXPIRY_DATE,'dd-MM-yyyy')
    FROM DailyCardData u
    where default_indicator='1'
    and isprocessed = 'N'
    order by expiry_date;
    vSrNo := 0;
    vResult := 0;
    open cardCur1;
    fetch cardCur1 into vCardId,vForacid,vCardStat,vExpiryDate;
    if cardCur1%NOTFOUND then
    end if;
    if (vCardStat != null) then
    vCardStatus := 'H';
    elsif (vExpiryDate <= sysdate) then
    vCardStatus := 'E';
    vCardStatus := null;
    end if;
    select a.app_entry_no into vApp_Entry_No from Application a,ApplicationLinkedAccounts l
    where l.foracid = vForacid and l.AcSrNo = '1'
    and a.app_entry_no = l.app_entry_no
    and a.cardid is null
    update Application set CardId = vCardId,
    Card_Status = vCardStatus,APPLICATIONPROCESSEDFLAG = 'Y',
    where App_Entry_No = vApp_Entry_No;
    update DailyCardData set isprocessed = 'Y',app_entry_no = vApp_Entry_No
    where card_number = vCardId;
    end Loop;
    close cardCur1;
    vResult := 1;
    Can any body help me in that?
    Thank You,

    First of all I don't see a procedure header.
    Secondly I see you commit inside your procedure. This is a bug.
    Thirdly I see you also commit inside a loop. This is also a bug, and needs to be removed asap.
    The error indicates a statement doesn't parse. As you don't post the error stack, nor a table definition no one can reproduce the problem.
    You need to isolate the statements, one by one, and run them through sql*plus to see what happens.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

  • How front end query invoke error message at backend

    Dear all,
    Please help me this out! I'm working on servlets(using Apache server). I'm sending sql statement to (dbaccess) database. If I do a sql statement directly at backend, the db will generate an error message. Now I'm sending the query at front end. When error occurs, the backend doesn't show the error message. I have no idea how to 1) generate the error messages at backend when a sql from front end is executed. 2) And then how the backend send the error message to the frontend.
    If you have any idea, please help me. I greatly appreciate that!

    Thanks. Backend means database. But I just wonder why this exception not shown on my webpage. I made it to print out in html file.
    And are you sure that the exception front end caught is the same error message that I get if I run the sql statement at backend directly? Because I'm thinking of ways to make the error message both detail and user friendly to understand.
    What would you think?
    Thanks again!

  • Find: stat() error /proc/26354: No such file or directory

    Dear everyone,
    I am using Solaris 10u8 on 02 Sun Fire X4240 servers. I also installed Sun Cluster 3.2u3 and Oracle RAC 10gR2 for these 2 servers.
    When I tried to execute the find command, I receive the result I need. However, in the end of the output, I saw additional lines:
    +# find / -name * log -print | grep samba+
    +{color:#ff0000}find: stat() error /proc/26354: No such file or directory{color}+
    I also tried with less complex syntax but got the same result, for example:
    +# find / -name samba+
    +{color:#ff0000}find: stat() error /proc/24252: No such file or directory+
    +find: stat() error /proc/24345: No such file or directory{color}+
    I don't know why these unormal outputs appeared. Does anyone know what the problem is here ?
    Any advice from you is appreciated. Thanks for your help and please help me in this case.

    /proc is a virtual filesystem reperesenting running processes.
    By doing a a find from / your allowing find to pass though /proc.
    Those errors indicate processes that exited while the find was running. So the files suddenly disappeared.
    The errors are harmless. But if possible, try not to allow find to scan /proc.

  • VBS Expected Statement error

    IHi there:
    Hi there:
    I am trying to build an XML file from a string and I am getting a Expected Statement Error.  I am not sure what
    is wrong that would cause this error with a simple loop for a bar graph.  Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance! Brett
    <%@ Language=VBScript %>
    Dim oConn, rs
    Dim strConnQuery
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oConn.Mode = 1
    'Create the path to database
    oConn.open session("DSN")
    'This page generates the XML data for the Chart contained in
    'Database Objects - Initialization
    Dim oRs, oRs2, strQuery
    'strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated
    Dim strXML
    'Create the recordset to retrieve data
    Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Function getTotals()
       'Initialize database objects
    Dim oRs, strSQL
    'Variable to store XML Data
    Dim strXML
    'To store categories
    Dim strCat
    'To store amount Dataset & quantity dataset
        Dim strAmtDS, strQtyDS
    strCat = "select * from fusion_category"
    strSQL = "select * from claim_table where reference_num =" & session("globalrefno")
    Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    oRs.Open strSQL, oConn
    'Initialize <categories> element
    strCat = "<categories>"
    'Initialize datasets
    strIncDS = "<dataset seriesname='Incurred'>"
    strPdDS = "<dataset seriesName='Paid' parentYAxis='P'>"
    'Variable to store link
    Dim strLink
    'Iterate through each data row
    Do While not oRs.EOF
    strCat = strCat & "<category label='" & oRs("Category") & "'/>"
    strIncDS = strIncDS & "<set value='" & oRs("Incurred") & "'/>"
    strPdDS = strPdDS & "<set value='" & oRs("Paid") & "'/>"
    'Closing elements
    strCat = strCat & "</categories>"
    strIncDS = strIncDS & "</dataset>"
    strPdDS = strPdDS & "</dataset>"
    'Entire XML - concatenation
    strXML =  strCat & strIncDS & strPdDS
    Set oRs = nothing
    getTotals = strXML
        End Function
    strXML = "<chart caption='Incurred vs Paid" & getTotals() & "' xAxisName='Year' palette='" & "' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0'>"
    'Get the data
    strXML = strXML & "<set label='Incurred' value='" & getTotals() & "' />"
    strXML = strXML & "<set label='Paid' value='" & getTotals() & "' />"
    strXML = strXML & "</chart>"
    'Output it
    Response.ContentType = "text/xml"

    Hi there:
    I am trying to build an XML file from a string and I am getting a Expected Statement Error.  I am not sure what
    is wrong that would cause this error with a simple loop for a bar graph.  Any ideas?
    Thanks in advance! Brett
    <%@ Language=VBScript %>
    Dim oConn, rs
    Dim strConnQuery
    Set oConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    oConn.Mode = 1
    'Create the path to database
    oConn.open session("DSN")
    'This page generates the XML data for the Chart contained in
    'Database Objects - Initialization
    Dim oRs, oRs2, strQuery
    'strXML will be used to store the entire XML document generated
    Dim strXML
    'Create the recordset to retrieve data
    Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    Function getTotals()
       'Initialize database objects
    Dim oRs, strSQL
    'Variable to store XML Data
    Dim strXML
    'To store categories
    Dim strCat
    'To store amount Dataset & quantity dataset
        Dim strAmtDS, strQtyDS
    strCat = "select * from fusion_category"
    strSQL = "select * from claim_table where reference_num =" & session("globalrefno")
    Set oRs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    oRs.Open strSQL, oConn
    'Initialize <categories> element
    strCat = "<categories>"
    'Initialize datasets
    strIncDS = "<dataset seriesname='Incurred'>"
    strPdDS = "<dataset seriesName='Paid' parentYAxis='P'>"
    'Variable to store link
    Dim strLink
    'Iterate through each data row
    Do While not oRs.EOF
    strCat = strCat & "<category label='" & oRs("Category") & "'/>"
    strIncDS = strIncDS & "<set value='" & oRs("Incurred") & "'/>"
    strPdDS = strPdDS & "<set value='" & oRs("Paid") & "'/>"
    'Closing elements
    strCat = strCat & "</categories>"
    strIncDS = strIncDS & "</dataset>"
    strPdDS = strPdDS & "</dataset>"
    'Entire XML - concatenation
    strXML =  strCat & strIncDS & strPdDS
    Set oRs = nothing
    getTotals = strXML
        End Function
    strXML = "<chart caption='Incurred vs Paid" & getTotals() & "' xAxisName='Year' palette='" & "' numberPrefix='$' formatNumberScale='0'>"
    'Get the data
    strXML = strXML & "<set label='Incurred' value='" & getTotals() & "' />"
    strXML = strXML & "<set label='Paid' value='" & getTotals() & "' />"
    strXML = strXML & "</chart>"
    'Output it
    Response.ContentType = "text/xml"

  • Since up grading to new OS Lion  my iPhone iPod and iPad  all give me sync issues  they load apps , music , books , movies , but refuse photos  and the sync ends with an error 50 message most times  , yes  I have re booted  reinstalled new i Tunes  help !

    Since up grading to the  new OS Lion  basicly problem free except  my iPhone iPod and iPad  all give me sync issues  they load apps , music , books , movies , but refuse photos  and the sync ends with an error 50 message most times  , yes  I have re booted  reinstalled new i Tunes and all my others   help !   I have update every thing I can  re installed  , no other issues apart from Parallels  and windows  which  I have deleted and will reisnstall and up date when I get my discs back moving house so in storage boxes somewhere ? , but who needs  Windows ?  is any one else suffering , or have any solutions 

    Hi Ken,
    Wow, I've logged into adobe and never seen your response until now.
    I need to make the forums more of a daily stop I guess.
    Thank you for your response, When I go to the Archives, it states I have none. In addition, previously when I'd tried to move items to the archive, they just disappeared  
    Currently my desktop is not connecting at all, Everytime I connect, it's states "We have now logged you out" and requests I login again.
    I have of course rebooted,
    Gone into taskmanager, killed all the relevant threads,  tried again to login through the desktop, no luck, I'll have to uninstall it, make sure the threads are killed, then reboot it and then reinstall it, but I've not had the time to do that.
    On another note, and just as a point of reference, myself, personally, I hate these "cloud" file repositories (not to be confused with adobe cloud services which I love) but the file repositories themselves imho, are a blackhole of resource usage when one doesn't/isn't using them,
    Is there a way we can use it more of a "ftp" sort of thing, when I want to I can  put files there?  There is no way to "Download" the repository, no way to download the folders.. only individual files and then it takes I think three different steps before the download starts.. I find this very inhibiting.  Just an fyi. for what it's worth.
    Please, feel free to contact me,
    I'm on g+ chat [email protected]

  • Expected End Of Statement

    RETURN=Text"Compatibility Troubleshooter" ;
    RETURN=Text"Please Don't Close"
    Error:Expected End Of Statement
    Source:Microsoft VBScript compailation error

    Error:Expected End Of Statement
    Source:Microsoft VBScript compailation error
    Questions relating to versions of Basic other than .Net should asked here:
    Visual Basic for Applications 

  • Logical end of file error

    I am getting a "logical end of file error =39" message when trying to export audio to SDII for making a time stamped (BWF) . Any ideas?

    How long is the wedding video?
    My standard list of things to do first...
    Run MacJanitor (free download) to do all the Unix Cron Maintenance scripts.
    Run Disk Utility (Applications -> Utilities) and repair disk permissions on your start up drive (typically your internal drive). Also verify any other drives mounted on the system.
    Run Preferential Treatment (free download) to check for corrupt/damaged application and system preference files.
    Run Cache Out X (free download) to clear all system and application caches.
    Reboot your Mac.
    If you still can not get it to run correctly, next thing to try is to throw out the iDVD preference file (don't forget to change back those preferences you want different from the defaults next time you run it). If it still doesn't work, then I would suggest you reinstall iDVD.

  • TABLE ILLEGAL STATEMENT  error with MODIFY command

    Hi gurus,
    i want you to inform me about table illegal statement error. The error occurs when i use modify as below.
    loop at itab.
       select .......
             where xxx eq itab-xxxx.
           MODIFY itab.
    i know that i have to give the sy-tabix as INDEX parameter to the modify command. but i want to know why i have to do this?
    cause when i debug, i follow the sy-tabix field and it have not a change in select endselect.
    may the reason of the error about cursor in select and cursor effects modify command?
    or why?

    I guess this is because your MODIFY statement is inside the SELECT ... ENDSELECT & not inside the LOOP ... ENDLOOP.
    SAP documentation says:
    Within a LOOP loop, the INDEX addition can be ommitted. In this case the current table line of the LOOP loop is changed.
    You have to change the coding:
    DATA: v_index TYPE i.
    loop at itab.
    v_index = sy-index.
    select .......
    where xxx eq itab-xxxx.
    MODIFY itab INDEX v_index.
    PS: The coding practice followed is not very performance oriented as well. May be you should have a look around in some blogs, wikis in SCN & change the code accordingly.
    Edited by: Suhas Saha on Nov 19, 2009 9:41 AM

  • End of file error, elements 12

    I've recently started getting an 'End of file' error when I try to open around a third of my RAW files in Elements 12.
    Very frustrating, as I've some decent photo's, and means I'm taking having to take photo's twice to compensate, not ideal. I wondered if it may be a space issue, so have deleted lots of files from my Toshiba laptop, and in particular edited files that use up more space.  This hasn't helped though so I'm pulling my hair out.  
    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thank you.

    Yes, definitely, the GB Project file is corrupt, delete it, empty the trash, and it would be a good idea to run some kind of disk repair program, even if it's just Disk Utility. Then create a new project file.
    Good luck --HangTime [Will Compute for Food] B-|>

  • I am getting "ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement"  error.?

    I did installed oracle 11gR2. and used "DBMS_METADATA_DIFF.COMPARE_ALTER('TABLE','TBL_A','TBL_A','USER1','USER2')"   to see the result like below,  but I am getting "ORA-00900: invalid SQL statement"  error.   Any idea?
    I am using:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
    PL/SQL Release - Production
    CORE Production
    TNS for 32-bit Windows: Version - Production
    NLSRTL Version - Production
    SQL> desc user1.tbl_a
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    FIELD_A1                                  NOT NULL NUMBER
    FIELD_A2                                           VARCHAR2(20)
    FIELD_A4                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(5,2)
    FIELD_A5                                           VARCHAR2(10)
    FIELD_A6                                  NOT NULL NUMBER(2)
    SQL> desc user2.tbl_a
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    FIELD_A1                                  NOT NULL NUMBER
    FIELD_A2                                           VARCHAR2(50)
    FIELD_A3                                           DATE
    FIELD_A4                                           NUMBER(5,2)
    FIELD_A5                                  NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10)
    SQL> select dbms_metadata_diff.compare_alter('TABLE','TBL_A','TBL_A','USER1','USER2') from dual
    expected result:

    Thanks for reply rp,
    I got result using "select dbms_metadata_diff.compare_alter('TABLE','TBL_A','TBL_A','USER1','USER2') from dual"

  • SQL Service Broker 2012: the connection was closed by the remote end, or an error occurred while receiving data: '64(The specified network name is no longer available.)'

    Anyone can help with the below issue please? Much appreciated.
    We have about 2k+ messages in sys.transmission_queue
    Telnet to the ports 4022 is working fine.
    Network connectivity has been ruled out.
    The firewalls are OFF.
    We also explicitly provided the permissions to the service account on Server A and Server B to the Service broker end points.
    ENDPOINT <broker> <domain\serviceaccount>
    Currently for troubleshooting purposes, the DR node is also out of the Availability Group, which means that we right now have only one replica the server is now a traditional cluster.
    Important thing to note is when a SQL Server service is restarted, all the messages in the sys.transmission queue is cleared immediately. After about 30-40 minutes, the errors are continued to be seen with the below
    connection was
    closed by the
    remote end,
    or an
    error occurred while
    receiving data:
    '64(The specified network name is no longer available.)'

    We were able to narrow down the issue to an irrelevant IP coming into play during the data transfer. We tried ssbdiagnose runtime and found this error:
    Microsoft Windows [Version 6.1.7601]
    Copyright (c) 2009 Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    C:\Windows\system32>SSBDIAGNOSE -E RUNTIME -ID 54F03D35-1A94-48D2-8144-5A9D24B24520 Connect to -S <SourceServer> -d <SourceDB> Connect To -S <DestinationServer> -d <DestinationDB>
    Microsoft SQL Server 11.0.2100.60
    Service Broker Diagnostic Utility
    An internal exception occurred: Timeout expired.  The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding.
    P  29830                                 Could not find the connection to the SQL Server that
    corresponds to the routing address tcp://XX.XXX.XXX.199:4022. Ensure the tool is connected to this server to allow investigation of runtime events
    The IP that corresponds to routing address is no where configured within the SSB. We are yet unsure why this IP is being referred despite not being configured anywhere. We identified that this IP belongs to one of nodes other SQL Server cluster, which has
    no direct relation to the source server. We failed over that irrelevant SQL Server cluster and made another node active and to our surprise, the data from sys.transmission_queue started flowing. Even today we are able to reproduce the issue, if we bring
    back this node [XX.XXX.XXX.199] as active. Since, its a high business activity period, we are not investigating further until we get an approved downtime to find the root cause of it.
    When we get a approved downtime, we will bring the node [XX.XXX.XXX.199] as active and we will be running Network Monitor, Process Monitor and the SSB Diagnose all in parallel to capture the process/program that is accessing the irrelevant IP.
    Once, we are able to nail down the root cause, I will share more information.

  • HELP! 'unexpected end of file' error-Is there a fix?! OS 10.4.11

    Getting 'Unexpected end of file' error when trying to open a file (that's a rush job) in QuarkXpress 6.5.  I attributed it to lack of memory, so I immediately backed up all files and HD to an external drive to free up space. Restarted and prayed... Quark launched, but file won't open. Same error.
    Have: 2.1 GHz PPC G5, 1.5 GB DDR2 SDRAM  OS 10.4.11 (pre Intel)
    Capacity: 232.8GB, Available: 163GB, Used 69.6GB
    Have been searching help site for 5 hours looking for answer and am DESPERATE!  I saved changes regularly, but can't access this file at all... I've lost 2 full days & nights working on this project that has to be done in 2 days.
    Ran Disk Utility, but no success opening this specific Quark file (Quark will launch- it's just this file that's affected).  Have tried to down load Applejack, etc. but keep finding out they only support OS 10.5 or higher.  (Haven't been able to afford upgraded system since Intel requires purchase of full verions of graphics software instead of upgrades to the tune of $6k).
    PLEASE, I only know enough to be dangerous, so ANY help is GREATLY APPRECIATED! 
    Savvy folks- if I'm in the wrong place, please send me a link where I can solve this personal catastrophy.
    Many thanks-in-advance

    I think you best do over your work from scratch.  You need to make backup copies of the files regularly.  You need to have copies on multiple disks or flash drives.
    I saved changes regularly
    You should know that this isn't sufficient. You need to have multiplte copies of the file.  Backup anyone?  Could be the file structure got messed up.  Could be Quark messed up the file.
    You need to get a newer machine.  G5's are not reliable any more.  Need to see if Quark will run in compatiblity mode on an intel machine.  You should at least get an external firewire drive from owc.  Old hd's are not reliable.
    Boot in safe mode. Hold down the shift key when powering on the machine. This will run a disk repair program. Boot up will take longer as the harddrive is scanned and repaired.
    See this article:
    Or from:
        mrtotes article  :
        Boot from the OS X Install disk and from the Menu Bar choose Disk Utility. Then run "Repair Disk" and "Repair Disk Permissions" on your hard disk.
        a brody:
    Here the apple article on booting single user mode and using fsck. See the section on Use fsck:
    I suspect not but Perhaps Disk Warrior will be of some help:

Maybe you are looking for