Endnotes Wrap Problem

I'm formatting a book for someone in Pages 2.0.2. I'm using endnotes at the end of each chapter. Most of the endnotes are pretty typical short citations. However, a few of them are quite lengthy - a page or longer.
My problem is that when I create the endnote, instead of wrapping to a new page, the lengthy endnotes simply cutoff at the end of the page. Since I'm not the author, I don't have the option of simply paring down the length of the endnote. Why is this happening and how can I fix it so that the endnotes wrap to a new page if they're longer than one page?

My wife and I are both having the same problem using endnotes. Pages simply chops them off, thus it cannot be used for scholarly work that necessitates this feature.

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              descriptionEditorPane = new JEditorPane();
              HTMLEditorKit htmlEditorKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
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    For the first time in Firefox 36, the white-space property is being honored for textarea controls. So there's your trouble: "pre" means Firefox should emulate the preformatted tag, which requires manual line breaks.
    It would be great if you can convince the site to change this to:
    &lt;textarea id="main_description" name="b[description]" '''style="white-space: pre-wrap;"''' class="editor field"></textarea>
    which is supported by all modern browsers (per the compatibility table here: [https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/CSS/white-space#Browser_compatibility]).
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  • [b]Wrap Problem[/b]

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    81/7 PLS-00435: DML statement without BULK In-BIND cannot be used
    inside FORALL
    81/46 PLS-00518: This INSERT statement requires VALUES clause
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    AgeBal AgingBalArray;
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    I had read somewhere that there is some bug in wrap, ie. it cannot recognize certain syntax.
    Let me know the way out.

    Create Table pTab(no Number(6), Name VARCHAR2(30))
    Create Table cTab(no Number(6), Name Varchar2(30))
         Type tNam is table of pTab%rowtype index by binary_integer;
         tName tNam;
         tName2 tNam;
         Select *
         Bulk collect Into tName     
         From pTab;
         ForAll i in 1..5                    -     Insert into cTab values tName(i);     
    and its working fine...
    Can you please post the code which is giving problem..

  • Creating Packages from BLOB field contents, line wrap problems

    Good afternoon,
    we use an in-house developed database-driven update system to update both our databases and filesystems, the system itself performs really well but there is still one problem I can't fix without some expert help:
    the code of to-be-updated Oracle packages is stored inside of a BLOB field, the BLOB field will contain both the package specification and package body and needs to be split into two parts to first execute the spec and then to execute the package body (I tried to execute both in a single step but this didn't work). This works for packages with less than 32767 characters and also works in some other cases but I found one case where the executed code contains an extra line wrap right in the middle of a word.
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    [... a lot procedure headers ...]
    END MyPack;
    Package Body MyPack AS
    [... a lot more procedures ...]
    PROCEDURE myTest (intID OUT integer)
      SELECT count (*) into intID FROM MyTa[--this is where the dbms_lob.substr() ends --]ble;
    END MyPack;My code searches for the second occurrence of the "Create or replace package", splits the code into spec and body, executes the specification and keeps on adding the rest of the code to a VARCHAR2A variable called "storedCode" from the BLOB. Now in the above example, after the specification has been removed from the string, the remaining characters (ending with the "MyTa" string) are added to the varchar2a variable, the next line is fetched from the BLOB via "dbms_lob.substr()" and added as long as dbms_lob.substr() does not return a NULL value (end of BLOB). When the code is executed after all has been fetched, the generated Package Body will contain an extra line wrap right in the middle of the "MyTable" word compiling the package invalid.
    This is the procedure code I use (definitely improvable, I'm better in MSSQL and MySQL dialects ...) to load, parse and execute the BLOB content:
       -- to run package code
      procedure runPackageCode (stepRef integer)
        numLines integer default 1;
        pos     integer default 1;
        storedCode    LOG_CHANGEDOBJECT.STOREDOBJECT%type;
        objectCursor  integer;
        lSqlOut     integer;
        sqlCommand  dbms_sql.varchar2a;
        emptyCommand dbms_sql.varchar2a;
        pIsError integer := 0;
        pErrorMsg varchar2(200) := '';
        updateRef integer := 0;
        currentUpdate integer := 0;
        schemaReference varchar2(20);
        -- required to do string cutting
        strLine varchar2(32767);
        strLeftFromSlash varchar2(32767);
        strRemaining varchar2(32767);
        intDelimiterPos integer := 0;
        -- retrieve update ID
        SELECT log_update_ref INTO currentUpdate FROM link_update_with_taskstep WHERE log_taskstep_ref = stepRef;
            select storedobject, change_area
            into storedCode, schemaReference
            from vw_storedobjects
            where step_id = stepRef;
          when no_data_found then
            pIsError := 1;
            pErrorMsg := 'Invalid SQL ID ' || stepRef;
            pkg_generic.LogError(updateRef, 'LocalUpdater', stepRef, 'Run package code failed: ' || pErrorMsg);
          if pIsError = 0 then     
              -- change schema
              execute immediate 'alter session set current_schema = ' || schemaReference;         
              objectCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;   
                strLine := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(dbms_lob.substr(storedCode, 32767, pos));
                intDelimiterPos := regexp_instr(strLine, '\s*Create\s*or\s*Replace\s*Package', 2, 1, 0, 'i');
                while intDelimiterPos > 0
                  -- '/' found, execute currently stored statement
                  strLeftFromSlash := substr(strLine, 1, intDelimiterPos-1);
                  strLine := substr(strLine, intDelimiterPos);
                  -- execute the extracted part without any '/' in it
                  sqlCommand(numLines) := regexp_replace(strLeftFromSlash, '(^|\s+)/(\s+|$)', '', 1, 0, 'm');
                  if (sqlCommand(numLines) is not null) then
                    objectCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;   
                    dbms_sql.parse(objectCursor, sqlCommand, 1, numLines, true, dbms_sql.native);
                    lSqlOut := dbms_sql.execute(objectCursor);
                  end if;
                  -- reset sqlCommand
                  sqlCommand := emptyCommand;
                  -- reset line counter and store remaining string
                  numLines := 1;
                  -- check for further '/'s           
                  intDelimiterPos := regexp_instr(strLine, '\s*Create\s*or\s*Replace\s*Package', 2, 1, 0, 'i');
                end loop;
                -- add the remaining strLine to the sqlCommand
                strLine := regexp_replace(strLine, '(^|\s+)/(\s+|$)', '', 1, 0, 'm');
       --> I assume this line breaks the code, lpad()'ing the content to move it to the end of a varchar2a line didn't help
                sqlCommand(numLines) := strLine;
                exit when sqlCommand(numLines) is null;
                pos := pos+32767;
                numLines := numLines+1;
              end loop;
              objectCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;   
              dbms_sql.parse(objectCursor, sqlCommand, 1, numLines, true, dbms_sql.native);   
              lSqlOut := dbms_sql.execute(objectCursor);
              -- reset schema
              execute immediate 'alter session set current_schema = UPDATE_DB';
              -- set state to installed
              pkg_update.setstepstate(stepRef, 'Installed');
        when others then
              -- reset schema
              execute immediate 'alter session set current_schema = UPDATE_DB';
              -- set state to installFailed
              pkg_update.setstepstate(stepRef, 'InstallFailed');
              pkg_generic.LogError(updateRef, 'Database', stepRef, 'Run package code failed: ' || sqlerrm);
        end if;
      END;    Thanks if you kept on reading so far, I would really appreciate any feedback!
    Regards, Sascha

    Welcome to the forum!
    Whenever you post provide your 4 digit Oracle version (result of SELECT * FROM V$VERSION).
    Thanks for providing an easy-to-understand problem statement and for using code tags.
    the code of to-be-updated Oracle packages is stored inside of a BLOB field
    This should be stored in a CLOB since it is character data. Why are you using BLOB?
    the BLOB field will contain both the package specification and package body and needs to be split into two parts to first execute the spec and then to execute the package body
    Good, clear problem statement. So why doesn't your code do just what you said it should do: 1) split the code into two parts, 2) execute the spec and 3) execute the body.
    Instead of writing code that does these three relatively simple steps your code tries to combine splitting and executing and mushes/mashes it all together. The result, as you found, is code that is hard to understand, hard to debug, doesn't work and doesn't report on what it is doing.
    Code like this doesn't have a performance issue so the code should implement the simple step-by-step process that you so elegantly stated in your problem description:
    1. split the code into two parts
    2. execute the spec
    3. execute the body
    My advice is to refactor your code to perform the above steps in the proper order and to add proper exception handling and reporting for each step. Then when a step isn't working you will know exactly where and what the problem is.
    Here are my recommendations.
    1. Add two CLOB variables - one will hold the spec, the second will hold the body
    2. Add a comment (you have some good ones in the code now) for every step no matter how trivial it may be
    3. Add exception/error handling to EVERY STEP
    Your code for the first step has a comment but no exception handling. What should happen if you don't get any data? Why aren't you validating the data you get? Dynamic SQL using table-driven data is great, I love it, but you MUST validate that the data you get is what you expect to get.
        -- retrieve update ID
        SELECT log_update_ref INTO currentUpdate FROM link_update_with_taskstep WHERE log_taskstep_ref = stepRef;Recommended
        -- step 1 - retrieve update ID - This is the id that determines BLAH, BLAH, BLAH - add appropriate to tell a new developer what this ID is and what it means.
            SELECT log_update_ref INTO currentUpdate FROM link_update_with_taskstep WHERE log_taskstep_ref = stepRef;
            WHEN ??? THEN -- what should happen if step 1 fails? Do it here - don't default to an exception handler that is several pages away.
        END;Your code
            select storedobject, change_area
            into storedCode, schemaReference
            from vw_storedobjects
            where step_id = stepRef;
          when no_data_found then
            pIsError := 1;
            pErrorMsg := 'Invalid SQL ID ' || stepRef;
            pkg_generic.LogError(updateRef, 'LocalUpdater', stepRef, 'Run package code failed: ' || pErrorMsg);
    Good - except there is no comment that says what this does - I assume that the query above and this block are the 'retrieve update ID ' step?
    You log an error message and set the error flag to '1'. But since you don't want to continue why aren't you exiting the procedure and returning right here?
          if pIsError = 0 then     
            beginSo now you check the error flag and do several pages of code if there were no errors.
    I don't like that 'inverted' logic.
    If you don't want to continue then STOP right now! Don't make a developer scan through pages and pages of code to find out you really aren't doing anything else if there was an error.
    Either put a RETURN statement in the exception handler above or change your code to
          if pIsError = 1 then     
          end if;Now the rest of the code doesn' t have to be indented; you will never get there if there is an error. Check for errors after every step and exit right then as appropriate.
              -- change schema
              execute immediate 'alter session set current_schema = ' || schemaReference;         
              objectCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;   
                strLine := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_VARCHAR2(dbms_lob.substr(storedCode, 32767, pos));
                intDelimiterPos := regexp_instr(strLine, '\s*Create\s*or\s*Replace\s*Package', 2, 1, 0, 'i');
                while intDelimiterPos > 0
                loopThis code mixes all of the steps together into one giant mess. You open a cursor, try to split the BLOB into spec and body and try to parse and execute both all within a double nested loop.
    Even if that works correctly another developer will have a hard time understanding what the code is doing and fixing it if it goes wrong. And it will go wrong if you let me test if for you because I will put garbage into the BLOB for the spec, body or both to make sure it breaks and to see how your code handles it.
    I suggest you rewrite this double nested loop to perform the three steps separately.
    1. split the code into two parts
    a. put the spec into one new CLOB variable and the body into the other.
    b. use DBMS_OUTPUT (or a work table) to output the spec and body so you can see what the code is and make sure the 'split' process worked properly. You probably created that BLOB by manually concatenating the SPEC and BODY to begin with so now create a SPLIT process to split them again and give them back to you. This is such a fundamental component that I suggest creating a new SPLIT_MY_BLOB procedure. This procedure would take a BLOB and return two CLOBS as OUT parameters: one CLOB is the spec and one is the body. Then you can reuse this 'split' procedure in other code or more complex versions of code. Modular programming is the key.
    2. execute the spec - Now have a step that executes the spec and does something appropriate if the step succeeds or if it fails. I mean, do you really want to do execute the body if the spec execution fails? What do you want to do? Should you delete the body and spec? If you don't you might wind up with an INVALID body based on old code and an INVALID spec based on the new code you were trying to use. How will anyone, including you, know that the spec and body in the ALL_SOURCE view is really two different versions of things?
    This suggests that for your use case you may want to consider DROPPING the entire package, spec and body, before trying to recreate them both. At least if the package is totally missing anyone will know that the entire thing needs to be put back. Ahhhh - but to do that you need to know the package name so you can drop it. Than may require adding another step to get the package name from your data-driven table and adding a DROP PACKAGE step.
    3. execute the body - This step executes the body. Hmmmm - we have two nearly identical steps. So why don't you create a new function/procedure that takes a CLOB as input, uses dynamic sql to execute it and returns a result code. That would be useful. Then you could execute ANY sql stored in a CLOB and have a generic function that you can use for other things.
    Right now you are using the VARCHAR2 table version of DBMS_SQL.PARSE but you would change this to use the CLOB version.
    The end result of this refactoring is a main function/procedure that acts as the CONTROL - it decides what to do and what data (BLOB) to do it with. But it doesn't actually do ANY of the work. It just controls what is done.
    And you have a couple of generic, reuseable functions that actually do the work. One knows how to split a CLOB into spec and body. The other knows how to use dynamic SQL to execute a CLOB.
    Now you have a modular architecture that is easy to understand, easy to code and easy to test.

  • Section endnote numbering problems

    I had been numbering endnote consecutively throughout a long document - but then discovered that I had to change to numbering them by sections. I've put in section breaks and used the document inspector to instruct the program to start numbering again in each section - but that isn't happening - though the numbers sometime do change in the text, they do not in the endnotes. How do I fix?

    klaply wrote:
    Reading through other posts about this, I have found that I have to add a section break in order to make this work, between the title page (1) and the real first page (2). But the problem is whenever I add a section break, it creates an entire blank page for the section break, so I end up with title page, blank page, real first page. Even if I have enough space, etc... every time I create a new section I get a blank page which I cannot type on or use, without deleting the section break and putting me back to square one.
    My guess is that an object is embedded in your title page which fools the tool cuttting the document in pages because on my machine, it works flawlessly.
    You may activate the "Show Invisibles" function which may help to find if there is an odd character embedded.
    Does a section break always do this (add a new blank unuseable page)?
    NO, here it doesn't
    Just have it be a simple thing somewhere that allows the page (or section) to start at "0")
    It would not solve the problem because it would display the number 0 on the first page which is not what you want.
    It would not solve the problem for those wanting a numbering starting on page 3 (or on page 4 …)
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 15 juillet 2008 17:40:19)

  • How to solve text wrapping problem in grid

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    <UserControl x:Class="SimpleUI.Views.BView"
    mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="5" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <GroupBox Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" Header="{x:Static resources:Resources.Course}">
    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width=".2*"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="2" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width=".2*"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="2" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width=".2*"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width="2" />
    <UniformGrid Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="1" Columns="2" Grid.ColumnSpan="6" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center">
    <RadioButton Margin="0, 0, 10, 0" GroupName="ClassType" Content="{x:Static resources:Resources.ClassA}" />
    <RadioButton Margin="0, 0, 10, 0" GroupName="ClassType" Content="{x:Static resources:Resources.ClassB}" />
    <Border Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="3" Grid.ColumnSpan="6" BorderThickness="1" Padding="9" BorderBrush="LightGray">
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto"/>
    <RowDefinition Height="2" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width=".3*" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="10"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width=".25*" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="10"/>
    <ColumnDefinition Width=".25*" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="0" Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.MaterialA}" />
    <TextBox Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="0" Width="120" />
    <ComboBox Grid.Column="4" Grid.Row="0" Width="120"/>
    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="2" Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.MaterialB}" />
    <TextBox Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="2" Width="120" />
    <ComboBox Grid.Column="4" Grid.Row="2" Width="120" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="4" Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.MaterialC}" />
    <TextBox Grid.Column="2" Grid.Row="4" Width="120" />
    <ComboBox Grid.Column="4" Grid.Row="4" Width="120" />
    <view:MessageView Grid.Column="0" Grid.Row="5" />
    <UserControl x:Class="SimpleUI.Views.MessageView"
    mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.Error}" TextTrimming="None" FontWeight="UltraBold" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Row="2" Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.ErrorDescription}" TextAlignment="Justify" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
    <UserControl x:Class="SimpleUI.Views.MessageView"
    mc:Ignorable="d" d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Row="0" Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.Error}" TextTrimming="None" FontWeight="UltraBold" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Row="2" Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.ErrorDescription}" TextAlignment="Justify" TextWrapping="Wrap" VerticalAlignment="Center" />
    Target Result
    Download Sample Project

    Here is updated code for BView.xaml. It will fix the problem
    <UserControl x:Class="SimpleUI.Views.BView"
        <GroupBox Header="{x:Static resources:Resources.Course}">
                    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                    <RowDefinition Height="10" />
                    <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                <UniformGrid Grid.Row="1"
                    <RadioButton Margin="0, 0, 10, 0"
                                 Content="{x:Static resources:Resources.ClassA}" />
                    <RadioButton Margin="0, 0, 10, 0"
                                 Content="{x:Static resources:Resources.ClassB}" />
                <Border Grid.Row="3"
                            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                            <RowDefinition Height="10" />
                            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                            <RowDefinition Height="10" />
                            <RowDefinition Height="Auto" />
                            <RowDefinition Height="2" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="10" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="10" />
                            <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
                        <TextBlock Grid.Column="0"
                                   Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.MaterialA}" />
                        <TextBox Grid.Column="2"
                                 Width="120" />
                        <ComboBox Grid.Column="4"
                                  Width="120" />
                        <TextBlock Grid.Column="0"
                                   Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.MaterialB}" />
                        <TextBox Grid.Column="2"
                                 Width="120" />
                        <ComboBox Grid.Column="4"
                                  Width="120" />
                        <TextBlock Grid.Column="0"
                                   Text="{x:Static resources:Resources.MaterialC}" />
                        <TextBox Grid.Column="2"
                                 Width="120" />
                        <ComboBox Grid.Column="4"
                                  Width="120" />
                <view:MessageView Grid.Row="5" />

  • Endnote Formatting Problems

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    Is there any way to fix this problem?!

    try the following code
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    DecimalFormat precisionTwo = new DecimalFormat( "0.00" );
    System.out.println ( precisionTwo.format([Put your variable in here]) );best of luck

  • Text Wrap Problems

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    I am trying to wrap the text around the leaves on the right hand side.
    Any help would be great, thank you!

    i am wondering if it could be something to do with the fact that I had to draw a rectangle over the part of the image I wanted to wrap the text around and work from this? I tried to following the instructions without the rectangle, selecting the whole leaf image, but when I selected 'wrap text around image' the text just vanished!

  • Endnote X3 Problems

    My endnote x3 has been unusable since yesterday (well, hadn't used it for a few weeks but was working on Snow Leopard before). Every time I open a library or even try to create one, it crashes. Have tried all other forums (official endnote and all) to no avail. Wondering anyone here can help me. The console gives following logs:
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for superclass of class 'NSApplication' in suite 'EndNoteReference': 'item' is not a valid class name.
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'CreateRecord' in suite 'EndNoteReference': the type NSString ('utxt') doesn't match the result Apple event code ('TEXT').
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'Export' in suite 'EndNoteReference': the type NSString ('utxt') doesn't match the result Apple event code ('TEXT').
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'Field' in suite 'EndNoteReference': the type NSString ('utxt') doesn't match the result Apple event code ('TEXT').
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'FieldsOf' in suite 'EndNoteReference': 'list' is not a valid type name.
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'Find' in suite 'EndNoteReference': 'list' is not a valid type name.
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'GetGroups' in suite 'EndNoteReference': 'list' is not a valid type name.
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'GetRecordsIn' in suite 'EndNoteReference': 'list' is not a valid type name.
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'Retrieve' in suite 'EndNoteReference': 'list' is not a valid type name.
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'UnformattedRecord' in suite 'EndNoteReference': the type NSString ('utxt') doesn't match the result Apple event code ('TEXT').
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'PerformQuery' in suite 'EndNoteTechnical': 'list' is not a valid type name.
    10/02/2010 10:44:27 EndNote X3[570] .scriptSuite warning for result type of command 'RTFRecord' in suite 'EndNoteTechnical': the type NSString ('utxt') doesn't match the result Apple event code ('TEXT').
    10/02/2010 10:50:41 com.apple.launchd.peruser.501[312] ([0x0-0x56056].com.ThomsonResearchSoft.EndNote[570]) Exited with exit code: 1

    It works fine, not sure what you are referring to .

  • JEditorPane word wrap problems

    I am using a JEditorPane in a chat window that is used, like instant messenger, between two clients. The ability to insert icons and different fonts is available after setting the editor kit to an HTMLEditorKit. However, after using an HTMLEditorKit, the word wrapping is a bit funky in that the words are cut off when wrapping.
    Is there any way to get aroudn this while STILL using a JEditorPane (or something similar that can accept HTML?). I would be able to use JTextPane, which wraps correct (I believe...I'm trying to think back to my first implementation), but the icons begin to get tricky there. I know how to insert them, but if I have multiple icons, I would need to find all of the first occuring icons since the string needs to be printed immediately to the screen.
    Thanks for any help.

    I don't have an HTML document. Maybe you are mis-interpreting what I am trying to do :)
    I am implementing a simple instant messenger (much like AIM). Right now, I have a JEditorPane that is using an HTMLEditorKit to render HTML. This is used to display emoticons and also change the font and font color. So, the HTML I am generating is manually put in there in the code so text will show up differently - say, the senders name will be red and the recipient will be blue.
    Everything is working fine, except the text is wrapping and words are being cut off. In other words, this is happening:
    | This is an exa |
    | mple of some |
    | thing that is ha |
    | ppenning in m |
    | y chat window. |

  • [solved][bash] PS1 wrapping problem...

    Hello I have my ps1 set to
    # Prompt
    if [ "$TERM" = "linux" ]; then
    PS1="${NORMAL}[\u${BLUE}@\h ${BGREEN}\W${NORMAL}]\$ "
    PS1="\e]2;\u@\H:\w\a${NORMAL}[\u${BLUE}@\h ${BGREEN}\W${NORMAL}]$ "
    However when my prompt displays [pyther@tux world.pyther.net]$ (color) I can only type 3 characters and then it wraps. Please see the screenshot...
    Using a regular prompt (source /etc/profile) works like a charm. Any help would be great!
    Last edited by pyther (2008-10-15 03:06:48)

    Daenyth wrote:Didn't I just answer this question in another thread? You need to escape the colors codes with \[ \] so that bash knows that they are non-printing characters, otherwise they will be counted in the prompt length.
    You're probably confusing this thread with mine a few days ago about using colors in PS1 in bash. ( http://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php? … 03#p432903 )
    This issue is very similar indeed
    Last edited by Dieter@be (2008-10-15 19:41:56)

  • Livecycle Designer 8.0 word wrap problem

    Here is the link to the application I made
    I am using Full* with script xfa.host.setFocus("FieldName"); to get my form to word wrap, but it is cutting off a letter before it does the word wrap to the next line.  Is there any way to not orphan that letter and just move to the next line?  Is there some better script out there for what I am trying to do?

    You are asking for a world of hurt if you try and handle the word wrap yourself. Not to mention the movement from one line to the next.
    Is there anyway you can change their minds? That technique is more in tune with a printed form as opposed to an online ffillable orm.

  • Aloha - I have a Numbers column wrap problem.....

    Aloha - I have a alphabetized song list, 2 columns, that I want to stay on page 1 before going to page 2... right now the list goes all the way down column 1 of each page then jumps to page 1, column 2.  Any suggestions?  Thank You!

    Thanks Wayne - I knew it was simple and didnt want to bang my head for a hour going nowhere!
        Joe C

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