Enlarged desktop view with jagged fonts.

    Hello all ...
I have an imac running os 10.6.8 with an intel core 2 duo processor. For whatever reason, my desktop and subsequent windows of apps are too large for my screen. I have to bring the cursor to the edges to shift the display. The font is also somewhat blurry and inconsistent. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I think you accidentally hit CMD+Option+8, do it again, or open System Preferencess>Universal Access>Seeing & turn Zoom OFF.
Universal Access was changed to Accessibilty in 10.8.x.

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    Musaafir wrote:
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    Acrobat Reader 7.0
    Oracle Database
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    [ PDF:Subset ]
    # This example shows how to subset Arial True Type font into the PDF file
    # Arial = "Arial.ttf"
    # The True Type font files must exist in any one of the folders specified in
    SimSun..Italic.Bold.. = "SimSun.ttf"
    SimSun...Bold.. = "SimSun.ttf"
    SimSun..Italic... = "SimSun.ttf"
    SimSun..... = "SimSun.ttf"
    and also like that (just to try something else, but it does not change anything) :
    [ PDF:Subset ]
    # This example shows how to subset Arial True Type font into the PDF file
    # Arial = "Arial.ttf"
    # The True Type font files must exist in any one of the folders specified in
    SimSun = "SimSun.ttf"
    Obviously, with an Arial font, we can map the different files Arialb.ttf, Arialbi.ttf, ... according to the desired font style we want, but with SimSun font, there is only one file : SimSun.ttf.
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    Does somebody have an idea??
    Thanks a lot !

    Hi I am also facing same Problem If you get solution to this please help me.
    I have one sugestion,Inf you PDF file go to file>Document Properties>fonts
    chech that if tyep is TYPE3 and font is CUSTOM then it is using subsetting ,and if not then report is using pdfs default font and it is not using required font
    Hope this may solve your Problem

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    made fonts dynamic with animation
    How can I fix this?
    I am still a beginner using flash so the simpler the option the better.

    there are quite a few ways you could mess this up but no one way that's typical.
    create a new fla.  click on the text tool, select static in the combobox and add a textfield to the stage.  animate it.  test it.  any problems?
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    If you have a PC/notebook/tablet with an Intel-based processor running Windows 8 (not Windows RT), you can install Adobe Reader XI (desktop app with classic UI) and run it on the Windows 8 desktop.
    Download Adobe Reader XI from
    Note: Because Adobe Reader Touch is a Windows Store app with Modern UI, it does not run in the classic desktop environment.

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    2. Provide link to get from mobile to desktop.
    3. Open site with opera mini.  The mobile view loads.
    4. Click the link to get to the desktop view.  Muse redirects to something like site.com/phone/index.html?devicelock=phone
    5. Put in the URL for the original site, eg. site.com.
    6. Now, when you go to site.com, the URL resolves to the desktop site.  Incorrectly.
    7. Try clearing the history and cache in opera mini -> same result.
    8. Go to explicit link to phone site.  Then go back to base URL site.com.  Still resolves incorrectly to desktop site.
    It appears Muse is not supporting opera mini / mobile responsively, please advise.

    That's not quite correct. Please see step #8 above.  Even if I follow a "go to phone site" link with a "devicelock=phone" parameter, it may take me to the phone site, but default navigation remains stuck on desktop, when I put in the site URL.  If your understanding of the design is what you described, then the actual behavior is not in alignment. I would appreciate you passing that on to the engineers.
    Even with the design you describe, there is a problem considering the following use case:
    1. User views phone site on their flip phone.
    2. User attempts to load desktop site.  Site loads, but is not viewable on mobile device.
    3. User wants to revert to phone site and does not have ability to click a link, so they go back to the referring page or e-mail which contains ... the original site URL.
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  • Problem with embed font such us some character

    Hi  i have some problems with a font.
    I have this simple code.
    package {
    import flash.text.AntiAliasType;
    import flash.text.TextFormat;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.Font;
    import flash.display.Sprite;
    [SWF(backgroundColor="#FFFFFF", frameRate="31", width="700", height="500")]
    public class ExampleEmbedFontKoz extends Sprite {
    private var mytextfield : TextField;
    private var format : TextFormat;
    public function ExampleEmbedFontKoz() {
    private function createText() : void {
    mytextfield= new TextField();
    mytextfield.embedFonts= true;
    mytextfield.width= 400;
    mytextfield.border= true;
    mytextfield.autoSize= TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT;
    mytextfield.antiAliasType= AntiAliasType.ADVANCED;
    format= new TextFormat();
    mytextfield.defaultTextFormat= format;
    mytextfield.text= "try embed KozgoPro and write puntualitation.\n i can't view this letters: è é ò à ù ì";
    package {
    public class AssetManager {
    [Embed(source="KozGoPro-Regular.otf", fontName="KozGoPro-Regular",mimeType="application/x-font", fontWeight="normal", fontStyle="normal" , unicodeRange="U+0021-U+007B,U+0400-U+04CE,U+2000-U+206F,U+20A0-U+20CF,U+2100-U+2183,U+002 0-U+002F,U+0030-U+0039,U+003A-U+0040,U+0041-U+005A,U+005B-U+0060,U+0061-U+007A,U+007B-U+00 7E")]
    public static  var kozgopro : Class;
    when i write character such us è ò à ì don't view nothing.
    I put file online... [url]http://depositfiles.com/en/rmv/6620791594111859[/url]

    Thank i added this range and now works...
    this range are lettere è ò à +ù ì

  • Strange view with iOS 8 devices

    Hi there,
    with our iOS 8 devices the SharePoint 2010 delivers a stange view. The content stays the same, but the horizontal and vertical navigation look strange. Some items in the horizontal navigation cannot be clicked.
    Look at this screenshot. On the top you can see the broken view with iOS 8 devices. Below is the normal view. How can I achieve the normal view for all devices? I tried disabling all mobile views, but iOS 8 devices still get this strange view.

    I know that this thread already has an "answer" posted, but we have this issue on our public facing website, so it was difficult to be able to tell people they need run in desktop mode and so the hunt continued. In this stackoverflow thread, they
    talk about what the actual problem is (long story short is this new version of iOS 8 has safari version of 600, which is being captured and misinterpreted in the mozilla.browser file as version 60 instead of 600 - full description here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25978746/ios-8-safari-8-not-working-with-asp-net-ajax-extensions).
    So what this means is you have to either make the correct fix in the mozilla.browser file (which isn't recommended by Microsoft) or you go in and extend the Safari60 id (which is the one that grabs the iOS 8 browser) in the compat.browser file. When taking
    this approach, since you don't seem to be able to have multiple parentIds in a browser element, is you will need to inherit the Safari60 element the way that it describes in the stackoverflow article by doing something like this:
        <browser id="Safari6xx_bugfix" parentID="Safari60">
              <capability name="appleWebTechnologyVersion" match="6\d\d" />
              <capability name="ecmascriptversion"       value="1.4" />
              <capability name="w3cdomversion"           value="1.0" />
              <capability name="supportsCallback"        value="true" />
    you then also need to find all the ids in this file that match Safari2, AppleSafari, iPhoneSafari, iPodSafari and duplicate all those entries so that you can inherit from the Safari6xx_bugfix element we created here.
    An example of what we did to solve this is included below (yes, we did not want the iPod or iPhone to be recognized as mobile devices, so that element was changed from the original value of true, but other than that, these elements are exact duplicates of
    the originals - where the original just has an id minus the "_6xx_bugfix")
        <browser id="Safari2_6xx_bugfix" parentID="Safari6xx_bugfix">
                <adapter controlType="System.Web.UI.WebControls.Menu"
                         adapterType="" />
        <browser id="AppleSafari_6xx_bugfix" parentID="Safari2_6xx_bugfix">
                <userAgent match="Mac OS" />
        <browser id="iPhoneSafari_6xx_bugfix" parentID="AppleSafari_6xx_bugfix">
                <userAgent match="iPhone" />
                <userAgent match="Mobile" /> 
                <capability name="isMobileDevice"                    value="false" />
                <capability name="canInitiateVoiceCall"              value="true" />
                <capability name="optimumPageWeight"                 value="1500" />
                <capability name="requiresViewportMetaTag"           value="true" />
                <capability name="supportsTouchScreen"               value="true" />
                <capability name="telephoneNumberDetectionDisabled"  value="true" />
        <browser id="iPodSafari_6xx_bugfix" parentID="AppleSafari_6xx_bugfix">
                <userAgent match="iPod" />
                <userAgent match="Mobile" /> 
                <capability name="isMobileDevice"                    value="false" />
                <capability name="canInitiateVoiceCall"              value="true" />
                <capability name="optimumPageWeight"                 value="1500" />
                <capability name="requiresViewportMetaTag"           value="true" />
                <capability name="supportsTouchScreen"               value="true" />
    Hope this helps anyone else who is having this problem and hopefully in the future it won't be needed because MS will fix the original mozilla.browser file to not mistake a version of 600 as 60.

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