Enlarging the print output

I PDF'd a Word document and wanted to print it as a booklet.  The problem is that when printing 2 on a page the margin increased another 1 inch.  Now what was only a one inch margin appears to be almost a 3 inch.  I tried fit to print and it did increase the output but now it has a 2" margin.  HELP please.

Note the "Size" read out on the crop popup this tells you the size your cropped image wil be. eg. The image here is a 21 megapixel image, cropping the image like so reduces the file size to 5MP, your exported file size can only be a max of this 5MP.
Hope this Helps, (HTH)

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    Hi Venkatesh,
    Check the condition record in transaction NACE. Whether the print output field is present in the condition record.

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    Unfortunately, Acrobat isn't made for that type of editing.
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    Hi ..
    Command + T should definitely work.
    Restart your Mac then try again.
    If that doesn't help, a Safe Mode boot deletes some system caches that may help after an OS X upgrade.
    Top left corner of your screen click the  Apple   > Shut Down.
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    About Safe Mode.

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    You can use an extension to set a default font size and page zoom on web pages.
    *Default FullZoom Level: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/default-fullzoom-level/
    *NoSquint: https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/nosquint/

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    Hey , Welcome to the HP forums! I hope you enjoy your stay here. I see that you are trying to enlarge the size of a document you are trying to print. While the specific directions will change depending on your operating system, the program you are using, and the type of document you want to print, I can certainly make sure you get pointed in the right direction. Assuming you are trying to print a text document (and please let me know if you are not) then first you will want to highlight the text you are trying to change the text of. Once highlighted you are looking for an option found at the top of most windows. The option usually has a font name to its left such as Times New Roman. When you select a larger font size it will change the highlighted text so that it matches the size you selected. I've included an image of the option below.  If you are trying to print something that is not a text document then please let me know what program you are trying to print from as well as what operating system you are using. If you are not sure what your operating system is you can click here to find it. If you have any other questions please let me know. Also, if this resolves your issues then please let other forum users know by clicking on Accept as Solution below my post. I hope this helps and I hope you have a great evening!  

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    Hi David
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