Environment variable for share and etc

Hi all, first let me say sorry if this is the wrong sub-section, This one is the closest as far as I could tell.
I've been messing around with building self-contained packages for top level apps like gimp, vlc etc. Ive gotten all the libraries worked out by using LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
However they still need files in /usr/share and /etc. I know I can change these at compile time, but what im trying to do change some variable to look in the programs root directory not the systems.
Does anyone know if sysconfdir can be changed at runtime? for example use ~/Progs/Gimp/usr/share instead of /usr/share? Ive been playing around with a command called cde which sandboxes that apps fairly well
but its very unclean, and is not aware of any files outside the sandbox (think chroot).
Thanks in advance, and sorry for my bad grammer.

Did you check this?

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    Hi All,
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    Thanks Sridhar ,
    which hostname?
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    Thank you in advance,
    Edited by: Blaize on Jul 19, 2008 5:49 AM

    Blaize wrote:
    Ok */ust/bin* is needed in the PATH. Why it affected java but not javac then?
    Provide an instructive solution or an instructive comment if you have.I should have thought it would have been fairly obvious that it was because javac was not in /usr/bin (and that it would have been just as easy to be certain, i.e. type "ls /usr/bin/javac"), but I guess not.
    I also would have thought, that it should be fairly obvious that a search path will always be read in a specific order (after all that is one of the reasons to have one, so that command searches aren't random), and, extrapolating from there, that it should be fairly obvious, considering the problem observed, that that search order was from left to right, but again, I guess not.
    Use your head for something other than a paper weight, and maybe you wouldn't need to become either defensive or aggresive, but, once again, that must be something that's beyond you.
    Learn how to type "How to configure path environment variable" into Google, and maybe the same would apply, but, once again, that is probably something that's beyond you.

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    Hi BabeeshC,
    Before you deploy SharePoint 2013 on the Azure platform, you must ensure that your Azure virtualization solution meets all the licensing requirements.
    Every element of a SharePoint 2013 farm that is installed on Azure virtual machines must comply with the licensing requirements for SharePoint 2013 and related and supporting technologies.
     SharePoint 2010 and SQL Server licenses should be purchased separately.
    More information, please refer to the links:
    Best Regards,
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Environment variables for j2ee1.4sdk on windows xp home

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    What environment variables do I have to set, and to which values??? "http://java.sun.com/j2ee/1.4/docs/tutorial/doc/index.html" says:
    In order to run the asant scripts, you must configure your environment and properties files as follows:
    * Add <JAVA_HOME>/bin to the front of your path.
    * Add <J2EE_HOME>/bin and <J2EE_HOME>/share/bin to the front of your path so that J2EE 1.4 Application Server scripts (asadmin, asant, deploytool, and wscompile) override other installations.
    * Set the j2ee.home property in the file <INSTALL>/j2eetutorial14/examples/common/build.properties to the location of your J2EE Application Server installation. The build process uses the j2ee.home property to include the J2EE library archive, <J2EE_HOME>/lib/j2ee.jar, in the classpath. If you wish to use an IDE or the javac compiler to build J2EE applications, you must add this JAR to your classpath.
    - so do I only have to set the %PATH% variable or also %CLASSPATH% manually?
    - what directories do I have to set the variables to according to my directory structure as described above?
    Thanks in advance! :)
    yours sincerely,

    Instructions you are reading are relevant for J2EE 1.4 tutorial samples - if you want to compile and deploy your own code you don't have to go through all the steps described in tutorial documentation.
    Based on the information you provided about your installation you should do the following in order to compile your own code:
    * add C:\Sun\AppServer\jdk\bin;C:\Sun\AppServer\bin; at the beginning of your existing PATH
    (you don't have to add C:\Sun\AppServer\share\bin for the simple reason that it does not exist anymore in this release and its content got moved into C:\Sun\AppServer\bin)
    * in order to compile your code, you must make sure that C:\Sun\AppServer\lib\j2ee.jar is in your classpath - how are you going to achieve that depends on the development environment you are using
    Hope this helps...

  • Different Environment Variable in OS and Solman

    Hi dear experts,
    I have a weird question here. I set the environment variable in the OS as blew:
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    echo $PATH
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    I have restarted solman, but the issue persisted. Can you give me any advices? Thank you.
    Pany Pan

    Hi Gaurav,
    There is only bash.bashrc exists, I have never did anything to this file before. As below:
    # /etc/bash.bashrc for SuSE Linux
    # PLEASE DO NOT CHANGE /etc/bash.bashrc There are chances that your changes
    # will be lost during system upgrades.  Instead use /etc/bash.bashrc.local
    # for your local settings, favourite global aliases, VISUAL and EDITOR
    # variables, etc ...
    # Check which shell is reading this file
    if test -z "$is" ; then
    if test -f /proc/mounts ; then
      if ! is=$(readlink /proc/$$/exe 2>/dev/null) ; then
        case "$0" in
        *pcksh) is=ksh ;;
        *) is=sh ;;
      case "$is" in
        */bash) is=bash
      case "$0" in
      is=sh ;;
      esac ;;
        */ash) is=ash  ;;
        */dash) is=ash  ;;
        */ksh) is=ksh  ;;
        */ksh93) is=ksh  ;;
        */pdksh) is=ksh  ;;
        */*pcksh) is=ksh  ;;
        */zsh) is=zsh  ;;
        */*) is=sh   ;;
      # `r' in $- occurs *after* system files are parsed
      for a in $SHELL ; do
        case "$a" in
            readonly restricted=true ;;
            readonly restricted=true ;;
            readonly restricted=true ;;
      unset a
    # Call common progams from /bin or /usr/bin only
    path ()
        if test -x /usr/bin/$1 ; then
        elif test -x   /bin/$1 ; then
    # ksh/ash sometimes do not know
    test -z "$UID"  && readonly  UID=`path id -ur 2> /dev/null`
    test -z "$EUID" && readonly EUID=`path id -u  2> /dev/null`
    # Colored file listings
    if test -x /usr/bin/dircolors ; then
        # set up the color-ls environment variables:
        if test -f $HOME/.dir_colors ; then
      eval "`/usr/bin/dircolors -b $HOME/.dir_colors`"
        elif test -f /etc/DIR_COLORS ; then
      eval "`/usr/bin/dircolors -b /etc/DIR_COLORS`"
    # ls color option depends on the terminal
    # If LS_COLORS is set but empty, the terminal has no colors.
    if test "${LS_COLORS+empty}" = "${LS_COLORS:+empty}" ; then
    if test "$UID" = 0 ; then
        LS_OPTIONS="-A -N $LS_OPTIONS -T 0"
        LS_OPTIONS="-N $LS_OPTIONS -T 0"
    # Avoid trouble with Emacs shell mode
    if test "$EMACS" = "t" ; then
        LS_OPTIONS='-N --color=none -T 0';
        path tset -I -Q
        path stty cooked pass8 dec nl -echo
    export LS_OPTIONS
    # Set prompt and aliases to something useful for an interactive shell
    case "$-" in
        # Some useful functions
        if test -z "$restricted" ; then
      startx  () {
         test -x /usr/bin/startx || {
      echo "No startx installed" 1>&2
      return 1;
         /usr/bin/startx ${1+"$@"} 2>&1 | tee $HOME/.xsession-errors
      remount () { /bin/mount -o remount,${1+"$@"} ; }
        # Set prompt to something useful
        case "$is" in
      # Append history list instead of override
      shopt -s histappend
      # All commands of root will have a time stamp
      if test "$UID" -eq 0  ; then
      # Force a reset of the readline library
      unset TERMCAP
      # Returns short path (last two directories)
      spwd () {
       ( IFS=/
         set $PWD
         if test $# -le 3 ; then
      echo "$PWD"
      eval echo \"..\${$(($#-1))}/\${$#}\"
         fi ) ; }
      # Set xterm prompt with short path (last 18 characters)
      ppwd () {
         local _t="$1" _w _x _u="$USER" _h="$HOST"
         test -n "$_t"    || return
         test "${_t#tty}" = $_t && _t=pts/$_t
         test -O /dev/$_t || return
         _w="$(dirs +0)"
         test ${#_w} -le 18 || _w="...${_w#$(printf "%.*s" $_x "$_w")}"
         printf "\e]2;%s@%s:%s\007\e]1;%s\007" "$_u" "$_h" "$_w" "$_h" > /dev/$_t
      # If set: do not follow sym links
      # set -P
      # Other prompting for root
      if test "$UID" -eq 0  ; then
         _p=" #"
         if test \( "$TERM" = "xterm" -o "${TERM#screen}" != "$TERM" \) \
         -a -z "$EMACS" -a -z "$MC_SID" -a -n "$DISPLAY" \
         -a ! -r $HOME/.bash.expert
      _t="\$(ppwd \l)"
         if test -n "$restricted" ; then
      case "$(declare -p PS1 2> /dev/null)" in
         # With full path on prompt
         PS1="${_t}${_u}:\w${_p} "
    #    # With short path on prompt
    #    PS1="${_t}${_u}:\$(spwd)${_p} "
    #    # With physical path even if reached over sym link
    #    PS1="${_t}${_u}:\$(pwd -P)${_p} "
      # Colored root prompt (see bugzilla #144620)
      if test "$UID" -eq 0 -a -t ; then
         _bred="$(path tput bold 2> /dev/null; path tput setaf 1 2> /dev/null)"
         _sgr0="$(path tput sgr0 2> /dev/null)"
         unset _bred _sgr0
      unset _u _p _t
      cd () {
         local ret
         command cd "$@"
         if test "$UID" = 0 ; then
      PS1="${HOST}:${PWD} # "
      PS1="${USER}@${HOST}:${PWD}> "
         return $ret
      cd .
      # Some users of the ksh are not common with the usage of PS1.
      # This variable should not be exported, because normally only
      # interactive shells set this variable by default to ``$ ''.
      if test "${PS1-\$ }" = '$ ' ; then
         if test "$UID" = 0 ; then
      PS1="${HOST}:"'${PWD}'" # "
      PS1="${USER}@${HOST}:"'${PWD}'"> "
    # setopt chaselinks
      if test "$UID" = 0; then
         PS1='%n@%m:%~ # '
         PS1='%n@%m:%~> '
    # PS1='\u:\w> '
      PS1='\h:\w> '
        PS2='> '
        if test "$is" = "ash" ; then
      # The ash shell does not have an alias builtin in
      # therefore we use functions here. This is a seperate
      # file because other shells may run into trouble
      # if they parse this even if they do not expand.
      test -s /etc/profile.d/alias.ash && . /etc/profile.d/alias.ash
      unalias ls 2>/dev/null
            case "$is" in
      bash) alias ls='ls $LS_OPTIONS' ;;
      zsh)  alias ls='\ls $=LS_OPTIONS' ;;
      *)    alias ls='/bin/ls $LS_OPTIONS' ;;
      alias dir='ls -l'
      alias ll='ls -l'
      alias la='ls -la'
      alias l='ls -alF'
      alias ls-l='ls -l'
      # Set some generic aliases
      alias o='less'
      alias ..='cd ..'
      alias ...='cd ../..'
      alias cd..='cd ..'
      if test "$is" != "ksh" ; then
         alias -- +='pushd .'
         alias -- -='popd'
      alias rd=rmdir
      alias md='mkdir -p'
      if test "$is" = "bash" -a ! -x /bin/which -a ! -x /usr/bin/which ; then
         # Other shells use the which command in path (e.g. ash) or
         # their own builtin for the which command (e.g. ksh and zsh).
         _which () {
      local file=$(type -p ${1+"$@"} 2>/dev/null)
      if test -n "$file" -a -x "$file"; then
         echo "$file"
         return 0
      hash -r
      type -P ${1+"$@"}
         alias which=_which
      alias rehash='hash -r'
      alias you='if test "$EUID" = 0 ; then /sbin/yast2 online_update ; else su - -c "/sbin/yast2 online_update" ; fi'
      if test "$is" != "ksh" ; then
         alias beep='echo -en "\007"'
         alias beep='echo -en "\x07"'
      alias unmount='echo "Error: Try the command: umount" 1>&2; false'
      test -s $HOME/.alias && . $HOME/.alias
        # Expert mode: if we find $HOME/.bash.expert we skip our settings
        # used for interactive completion and read in the expert file.
        if test "$is" = "bash" -a -r $HOME/.bash.expert ; then
      . $HOME/.bash.expert
        elif test "$is" = "bash" ; then
      # Complete builtin of the bash 2.0 and higher
      case "$BASH_VERSION" in
         if test -e $HOME/.bash_completion ; then
      . $HOME/.bash_completion
         elif test -e /etc/bash_completion ; then
      . /etc/bash_completion
         elif test -s /etc/profile.d/complete.bash ; then
      . /etc/profile.d/complete.bash
         for s in /etc/bash_completion.d/*.sh ; do
      test -r $s && . $s
         if test -f /etc/bash_command_not_found ; then
      . /etc/bash_command_not_found
        # Do not save dupes and lines starting by space in the bash history file
        if test "$is" = "ksh" ; then
      # Use a ksh specific history file and enable
        # emacs line editor
        : ${HISTFILE=$HOME/.kshrc_history}
        : ${VISUAL=emacs}
      case $(set -o) in
      *multiline*) set -o multiline
        # command not found handler in zsh version
        if test "$is" = "zsh" ; then
      if test -f /etc/zsh_command_not_found ; then
         . /etc/zsh_command_not_found
    # Just in case the user excutes a command with ssh
    if test -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" -a -z "$PROFILEREAD" ; then
        . /etc/profile > /dev/null 2>&1
        unset _SOURCED_FOR_SSH
    # And now let us see if there is e.g. a local bash.bashrc
    # (for options defined by your sysadmin, not SuSE Linux)
    case "$is" in
    bash) test -s /etc/bash.bashrc.local && . /etc/bash.bashrc.local ;;
    ksh)  test -s /etc/ksh.kshrc.local   && . /etc/ksh.kshrc.local ;;
    zsh)  test -s /etc/zsh.zshrc.local   && . /etc/zsh.zshrc.local ;;
    ash)  test -s /etc/ash.ashrc.local   && . /etc/ash.ashrc.local
    test -s /etc/sh.shrc.local && . /etc/sh.shrc.local
    if test -n "$restricted" -a -z "$PROFILEREAD" ; then
        export PATH
    # End of /etc/bash.bashrc

  • Build error on using  environment variable for  CS5 on Mac

    I have created a sample project using dollyx on Mac for CS5 . I have used an environment variable and defined it in Source tree of XCode preferences.
    I am using snow leapard  and my XCode version is 3.2.2 .
    I have defined variable as IDSDK7  for /idsdk7 (which is my SDK directory). I am creating project outside SDK . While creating project with DollyX  , I am giving  SDK's path as $(IDSDK7) which is absolute path and not relative with respect to the project .
    I am getting many build errors  -----
    /idsdk7/external/afl/includes/AErrors.h:31:0 /idsdk7/external/afl/includes/AErrors.h:31:19: error: Files.h: No such file or directory
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Debugging.h:53:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Debugging.h:53:3: error: #error DEBUG and NDEBUG are out of sync!
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:35:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:35:26: error: adobe/move.hpp: No such file or directory
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:34:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:34:30: error: adobe/typeinfo.hpp: No such file or directory
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:211:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:211: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:120:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:120: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:1196:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:1196: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:322:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:322: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:751:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:751: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:385:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:385: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488:0 /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488: warning: 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>::mainFile'
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488:0 /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488: warning: 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>::miniSaveFile'
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:779:0 /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:779: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:506:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:506: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Vector.h:241:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Vector.h:241: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382: warning: 'InvertRgn' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/QD.framework/Headers/ QuickdrawAPI.h:1831)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382: warning: 'InvertRgn' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/QD.framework/Headers/ QuickdrawAPI.h:1831)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618: warning: 'SysBeep' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Headers/Soun d.h:1383)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618:0 /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618: warning: 'SysBeep' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Headers/Soun d.h:1383)
    /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTActionComponent.cpp:0:0 /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTActionComponent.cpp: At global scope:
    /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTActionComponent.cpp:43:0 /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTActionComponent.cpp:43: warning: 'CTActionComponent' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'CTActionComponent::<anonymous>'
    /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTActionComponent.cpp:43:0 /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTActionComponent.cpp:43: warning: 'CTActionComponent' declared with greater visibility than its base 'CActionComponent'
    CompileC build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/Objects-normal/i386/CTNoStrip.o ../Source/CTNoStrip.cpp normal i386 c++ com.apple.compilers.gcc.4_2
    cd /CS5Test/Prj
    setenv LANG en_US.US-ASCII
    /Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 -x c++ -arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -Os -Werror -DMACINTOSH -DMACOSX_SDKVERSION= -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -gdwarf-2 -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/CS5Test.hmap -F/CS5Test/Prj/../debug/sdk -F/idsdk7/build/mac/debug/packagefolder/contents/macos -F/idsdk7/build/mac/debug/packagefolder/contents/Frameworks -I/CS5Test/Prj/../debug/sdk/include -I/idsdk7/external/afl/includes -I/idsdk7/source/precomp/msvc -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/xmedia -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/preflight -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/ui -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/tables -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/text -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/graphics -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/widgetbin/includes -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/workgroup -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/interactive -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/interactive/ui -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/colormgmt -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/utils -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/incopy -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/layout -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/cjk -I/idsdk7/source/precomp/common -I/idsdk7/source/public/includes -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/plugins -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/files -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/objectmodel -I/idsdk7/external/asl/boost_libraries -I/idsdk7/source/sdksamples/common -I/idsdk7/external/afl/includes -I../Source -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/DerivedSources/i386 -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/DerivedSources -include /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch -c /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTNoStrip.cpp -o /CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/Objects-normal/i386/CTNoStrip.o
    In file included from /idsdk7/external/afl/includes/AFile.h:30,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:34,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/external/afl/includes/AErrors.h:31:19: error: Files.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:28,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Debugging.h:53:3: error: #error DEBUG and NDEBUG are out of sync!
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:31,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:35:26: error: adobe/move.hpp: No such file or directory
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:34:30: error: adobe/typeinfo.hpp: No such file or directory
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:31,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:211: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:120: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:1196: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:322: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:751: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:385: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488: warning: 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>::mainFile'
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488: warning: 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>::miniSaveFile'
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:779: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:506: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:51,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Vector.h:241: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/SystemUtils.h:33,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMPoint.h:29,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMMatrix.h:33,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:53,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h: In function 'void InvertSysRgn(OpaqueGrafPtr*, const __HIShape*)':
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382: warning: 'InvertRgn' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/QD.framework/Headers/ QuickdrawAPI.h:1831)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382: warning: 'InvertRgn' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/QD.framework/Headers/ QuickdrawAPI.h:1831)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h: In function 'void SystemBeep()':
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618: warning: 'SysBeep' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Headers/Soun d.h:1383)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618: warning: 'SysBeep' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Headers/Soun d.h:1383)
    CompileC build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/Objects-normal/i386/CTID.o ../Source/CTID.cpp normal i386 c++ com.apple.compilers.gcc.4_2
    cd /CS5Test/Prj
    setenv LANG en_US.US-ASCII
    /Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 -x c++ -arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -Os -Werror -DMACINTOSH -DMACOSX_SDKVERSION= -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -gdwarf-2 -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/CS5Test.hmap -F/CS5Test/Prj/../debug/sdk -F/idsdk7/build/mac/debug/packagefolder/contents/macos -F/idsdk7/build/mac/debug/packagefolder/contents/Frameworks -I/CS5Test/Prj/../debug/sdk/include -I/idsdk7/external/afl/includes -I/idsdk7/source/precomp/msvc -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/xmedia -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/preflight -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/ui -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/tables -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/text -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/graphics -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/widgetbin/includes -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/workgroup -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/interactive -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/interactive/ui -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/colormgmt -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/utils -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/incopy -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/layout -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/cjk -I/idsdk7/source/precomp/common -I/idsdk7/source/public/includes -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/plugins -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/files -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/objectmodel -I/idsdk7/external/asl/boost_libraries -I/idsdk7/source/sdksamples/common -I/idsdk7/external/afl/includes -I../Source -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/DerivedSources/i386 -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/DerivedSources -include /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch -c /CS5Test/Prj/../Source/CTID.cpp -o /CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/Objects-normal/i386/CTID.o
    In file included from /idsdk7/external/afl/includes/AFile.h:30,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:34,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/external/afl/includes/AErrors.h:31:19: error: Files.h: No such file or directory
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:28,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Debugging.h:53:3: error: #error DEBUG and NDEBUG are out of sync!
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:31,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:35:26: error: adobe/move.hpp: No such file or directory
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:34:30: error: adobe/typeinfo.hpp: No such file or directory
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:31,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/UnicodeSavvyString.h:211: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:36,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:120: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMString.h:1196: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:322: error: expected `)' before '<' token
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/WideString.h:751: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:37,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/IDFile.h:385: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    cc1plus: warnings being treated as errors
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:76,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488: warning: 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>::mainFile'
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:488: warning: 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>' declared with greater visibility than the type of its field 'IDataBase::<anonymous struct>::miniSaveFile'
    /idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture/IDataBase.h:779: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:48,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/InterfacePtr.h:506: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:51,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/K2Vector.h:241: error: expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before '(' token
    In file included from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/SystemUtils.h:33,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMPoint.h:29,
                     from /idsdk7/source/public/includes/PMMatrix.h:33,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/common/ShukHeaders.cp:53,
                     from /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch:30,
                     from <command-line>:0:
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h: In function 'void InvertSysRgn(OpaqueGrafPtr*, const __HIShape*)':
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382: warning: 'InvertRgn' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/QD.framework/Headers/ QuickdrawAPI.h:1831)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:382: warning: 'InvertRgn' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Frameworks/QD.framework/Headers/ QuickdrawAPI.h:1831)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h: In function 'void SystemBeep()':
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618: warning: 'SysBeep' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Headers/Soun d.h:1383)
    /idsdk7/source/public/includes/MSystemUtils.h:618: warning: 'SysBeep' is deprecated (declared at /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Frameworks/CarbonSound.framework/Headers/Soun d.h:1383)
    CompileC build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/Objects-normal/i386/SDKPlugInEntrypoint.o /idsdk7/source/sdksamples/common/SDKPlugInEntrypoint.cpp normal i386 c++ com.apple.compilers.gcc.4_2
    cd /CS5Test/Prj
    setenv LANG en_US.US-ASCII
    /Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 -x c++ -arch i386 -fmessage-length=0 -pipe -Wno-trigraphs -fpascal-strings -fasm-blocks -Os -Werror -DMACINTOSH -DMACOSX_SDKVERSION= -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -gdwarf-2 -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/CS5Test.hmap -F/CS5Test/Prj/../debug/sdk -F/idsdk7/build/mac/debug/packagefolder/contents/macos -F/idsdk7/build/mac/debug/packagefolder/contents/Frameworks -I/CS5Test/Prj/../debug/sdk/include -I/idsdk7/external/afl/includes -I/idsdk7/source/precomp/msvc -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/xmedia -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/preflight -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/ui -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/tables -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/text -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/graphics -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/widgetbin/includes -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/workgroup -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/interactive -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/interactive/ui -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/colormgmt -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/utils -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/incopy -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/layout -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/architecture -I/idsdk7/source/public/interfaces/cjk -I/idsdk7/source/precomp/common -I/idsdk7/source/public/includes -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/plugins -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/files -I/idsdk7/source/public/libs/publiclib/objectmodel -I/idsdk7/external/asl/boost_libraries -I/idsdk7/source/sdksamples/common -I/idsdk7/external/afl/includes -I../Source -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/DerivedSources/i386 -I/CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/DerivedSources -include /idsdk7/source/precomp/gcc/PluginPrefix.pch -c /CS5Test/Prj//idsdk7/source/sdksamples/common/SDKPlugInEntrypoint.cpp -o /CS5Test/Prj/build/CS5Test.build/Default/Debug.build/Objects-normal/i386/SDKPlugInEntrypo int.o
    i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: /CS5Test/Prj//idsdk7/source/sdksamples/common/SDKPlugInEntrypoint.cpp: No such file or directory
    i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: warning: '-x c++' after last input file has no effect
    i686-apple-darwin10-gcc-4.2.1: no input files
    Command /Developer/usr/bin/gcc-4.2 failed with exit code 1
    Without using environment variable everything works fine . (i.e when I give SDK's dir path like ../../  i.e relative to my project)

    There is workaround : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12629395/weblogic-using-environment-variable-double-quotes-in-arguments-in-server
    Just posting here for reference. Let's see if we get a different answer from anyone else.

  • CF Set form.variable for query and Next/Previous pages error

    I have a CF form with a select that posts to a CF "action" page.
    On the action page I: CFSET ItemNumber=#form.ItemNumber#
    I CFOUTPUT the 'ItemNumber' into the CFQUERY (which is an Inner Join dependant on the '#ItemNumber#')...
    All of the above works just fine and displays the database fields in color alternating rows, per the rest of the code.
    Here's the problem:
    I'm displaying 40 rows on a page per "Next and Previous" code. (CFPARAM name="start" default="1" and CFPARAM name="disp" default="40" along with the rest of the NextN code in the header and body). This does display 40 rows on the page and puts a link at the bottom of the page "Next 40 Rows", etc.
    Note: I'm only querying the database once and using the query (query name="data") to populate the table rows And the NextN code (CFOUTPUT name="data") And (CFIF start + disp GREATER THAN data.RecordCount, etc)...
    The problem happens when you click the "Next 40 Rows" link to display the 2nd page of rows. Since (I'm assuming) this NextN code is 're-reading' the same page from top to bottom, an error is thrown when the code tries to read the CFSET ItemNumber=#form.ItemNumber# at the top of the page.
    With the #form.ItemNumber# on this action page Originally coming from the previous posting of the form to this action page, when the "Next 40 Rows" link is clicked and the NextN code re-reads this action page - the CFSET ItemNumber (#form.ItemNumber) is not getting populated and throws the error...
    I hope I've not made this sound confusing.
    I can get the NextN code to work when I'm just querying the database without "flying in" a form variable. But when I CFSET a variable (#form.ItemNumber#) that is inserted into the query, the second page of the NextN throws an error and doesn't display.
    I would include the page code here but it would be fairly lengthy and, as well, the NextN code is a 'standard' CF code -- I've narrowed the problem down to the above "Element is undefined" (when the page tries to reload from the "Next 40 Rows" link) and am hoping there's a simple fix or another way to display the records in Next and Previous pages.
    Thanks to anyone in advance for shedding light on this.
    - e

    Thank you for the reply, Owain.
    Yes - The Next/Previous at the bottom of the page are hyperlinks.
    <a href="ThisPage.cfm?start=#Evaluate("start + disp")#">
    The following is at the top of the page (and is the variable from the form that I CFOUTPUT in the query):
    <cfparam name="ItemNumberDropdown01" default="">
    <cfset ItemNumber = #form.ItemNumberDropdown01#>
    The error report showed that the "Next Page" hyperlink was reading an undefined variable... although when the "action page" first opens from the form posting to it, it populates the CFSET just fine (per the cfparam and cfset above)... As you mention, the hyperlink clearing the form scope is what causes the error in trying to display the next set of records...
    The form page and the 'action page' are both secure pages with an application page setting the session, etc. Am I at risk in using an URL scope?
    Where would this URL scope be put? (The href is shown above - would the URL scope go in this? - How would this be written?)
    The CFPARAM and CFSET would still exist at the top of the 'action page' and still throw an error wouldn't it or would this be replaced with something else to read the form.variable for this 'first' action page to be displayed?
    Thanks again for the 'education' on this...
    - ed

  • Environment Variables for Visual Basic Clients

    How does one set the environment variables when writing clients in Visual Basic.
    I would like the set the variables TUXDIR, WSNADDR etc at runtime, instead of
    setting them in the Control Panel

    I don't know too much about Visual Basic, but if you can bind to the Tuxedo C
    functions from VB I'd suggest you simply call the tuxputenv() function a couple
    of times to setup the environment for your process.
    Hope this helps,
    "Gaurang" <[email protected]> wrote:
    How does one set the environment variables when writing clients in Visual
    I would like the set the variables TUXDIR, WSNADDR etc at runtime, instead
    setting them in the Control Panel

  • Environment Variables for EBS 12.1

    I'm trying to install the Oracle EBS 12 into my machine and i'm wondering if i need to setup environment variables in the bash_profile. If i should configure this, please tell me what are those.

    Hi Aj,
    You do not have to setup any environment variables, But you have to make sue you follow all the pre-requisites befor installing R12
    Depending on you operating system please see
    761566.1 - Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x86-64
    761564.1 - Oracle E-Business Suite Installation and Upgrade Notes Release 12 (12.1.1) for Linux x86

  • The NLS_LANG environment variable for Form Builder 10g on Linux

    I have installed Oracle Developer Suite 10g on Linux Enterprise AS4 successfully,and set environment variable NLS_LANG="SIMPLIFIED CHINESE_CHINA.ZHS16GBK",LANG="zh_CN.UTF-8".When i executed the following: /home/oracle/Orant/bin/frmbld
    I got the error as:
    X Error of failed request:BadFont(invalid Fond parameter)
    Major opcode of failed request:56(X_ChangeGC)
    Resource id in failed request:Ox2c000af
    Serial number of failed request:3376
    Current serial number in output stream 3517
    FRM-18122: ’Form Builder Debugger.
    If i delete the NLS_LANG environment variable,the Form Builder can be running,but i can't keyboard input[b] chinese characters in the PL/SQL Editor.
    I don't know how to solve the problem,anybody can help me?

    Hello Howard,
    Check out the following link here you can find your desired NLS parameters.
    And about the NLS_LANG for developer why you want to create for developer. Its is already there in REGISTRY. Just seaching in developer registry you can find there.
    how do I set more than 1 at a time.
    You can set only one NLS_LANG parameter at a time.
    Edited by: Ammad Ahmed on Apr 15, 2010 8:52 PM

  • R12, Environment Variables on Windows, and OBIEE

    Dear Experts,
    I've managed to install R12 on Windows.
    Now, in the global environment variable, Path, the user Oracle has a number of directories in its default PATH, starting with the Oracle apps middle tier.
    I notice that there are .cmd scripts that set the Path.
    This script sets the path to look in: c:\oapps\db
    cd C:\oapps\db\tech_st\11.1.0
    echo %PATH%
    This script sets the path to look in: c:\oapps\apps
    set PATH=""
    cd c:\oapps\apps\apps_st\appl
    echo %PATH%
    I'd like to install OBIEE on the same server. Obviously, I don't want any path conflicts. And, OBIEE uses a different version of java.
    Do all these Apps directories need to remain in the global PATH environment variable? Or, can the directories be removed from the path, and the scripts can be relied on to set the appropriate variables?
    Thanks a lot!

    if you want global settings (always present, even after reboot), you have to edit the autoexec.bat file, e..g
    SET CLASSPATH=c:\myclasses
    you can set environment variables temporarility in a DOS shell using the same command.
    if possible, you should avoid the CLASSPATH environment variable, and use the -cp or -classpath option for java and javac. This helps a lot to solve classpath confusions.

  • WinPE Environment Variable for Boot Media

    I would like to reference a file located on a WinPE CD after the Preinstall Environment is loaded.  Is there an Environment Variable that will allow me to directly access the PE disk?

    Got a great answer over at Stack Overflow!  If the MediaType property doesn't work for you (if there is more than one removable disk) you could potentially use the VolumeName property.  The solution ended up being a startnet.cmd with just the wpeinit command and a call out to this VBS.  After the VBS detects the booted disk, I sent the drive letter back out to the imaging CMD script as a parameter.
    strComputer = "."
    Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
    Set colDisks = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_LogicalDisk where MediaType = 2")
    For Each objDisk in colDisks
        Wscript.Echo objDisk.DeviceID & objDisk.Description

Maybe you are looking for

  • CRM 7.0 upgrade ( i5/OS PASE program not found or in use)

    Hi, We are upgrading CRM 5.0 to CRM 7.0 on iSeries (V6r1) and facing the following issue. When I execute this command    STARTUP    SID(CD3)  TYPE(ABAP)  RESTART(YES)  DVDPATH('/Inst_DVDs/51036889')         SAPUPLIB(SAPUP)  OPTIONS('jce_policy_zip=/I

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    Hi folks. I am implementing a system which translates exported iMovie videos to Flash FLV files for Internet placement. Fun stuff. I've been having some issues with files not having the right dimensions. I export from iMovie at 320x240. CD_ROM as a q

  • Remove XML declaration header in Oracle

    Hi, is there a way to remove the XML declaration <?xml version="1.0" ?> generated by oracle - ex - <Envelope> - <Body> <?xml version="1.0" ?> - <MSG09> to - <Envelope> - <Body> - <MSG09> Thanks

  • How can i do a  NW07 double stack system to standalone java engine

    Hi all, i need a hand to this task. So i have an Abap (BI) + Java (EP) double stack system which connect to an other Abap (BI, this is the backend system). The abap system from the double stack is useless. So i would like to reduce the double stack t

  • TS1717 I tunes 10.7 will not launch on windows 7

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