Equivalent for %= request.getParameter("input") %

I am using facelets what is the equivalent for
<%= request.getParameter("input") %>


Similar Messages

  • Shorthand for request.getparameter

    i've recently discovered the ${} shorthand for get attribute ie.
    <% request.setAttribute("test","100");%>
    where ${test} will write the value of 100 to screen. conveniently this doesn't give a null error if test is undefined. even more conveniently it seems to have some automatic kind of casting so
    will return the value of 50.0 without the need to convert to an integer (or similar)
    i was wondering if anyone knew of a similar shorthand for displaying request.getParameter() objects and/or strings.

    The expression language is currently available only in attribute values.
    Future versions will allow its use in template text.
    shame it's not implemented yet.Ahh but it is.
    EL available only in attribute values applies only to JSP1.2 containers, when using JSTL.
    The "future version" is JSP2.0. That is available in Tomcat 5.
    the shortcut for request.getParameter("myString");
    Check out the implicit objects available in EL:

  • Shorthand for request.getParameter v2

    quick recap, thanks to evnafets for showing
    the shorthand for

    btw: i've tested this using resin 3 and it works fine

  • Double type for request.getParameter

    Hi , I have a page to get a parameter which is a double
    I declare :
    Double score = request.getParameter("score") == null ? "" : request.getParameter("score");
    But I got error :
    incompatible types found; java.lang.String, required:java.lang.Double.
    Any idea how to solve this.
    I appreciated for any solution.
    Thank you very much in advance.

    request.getParameter always returns a string, so you'll have to convert it to a double.
    Something like this:
    String score = request.getParameter("score");
    Double score = (score == null) ? 0 : new Double(score);

  • Partner for request.getParameter?

    Does Servlet API contain any methods to add parameter to
    I have a situation where I should add key=value-pair to request
    that I am forwarding to other servlet.
    How can this kind of thing be handled?
    There are no request.setParameter or response.setParameter methods
    or I did not find them. And using request.setAttribute does not work in
    this case.
    Is it possible to do a own new request and fill a new
    key=value-pair there ?
    Can anyone help me?

    Here's an extract from the servlet spec:
    Java Servlet Specification Version 2.2 39
    In the ServletContext and ServletRequest methods which allow the creation of a RequestDispatcher using path information, optional query string information may be attached to the path. For example, a Developer may obtain a RequestDispatcher by using the following code:
    String path = ?/raisons.jsp?orderno=5?;
    RequestDispatcher rd = context.getRequestDispatcher(path);
    rd.include(request, response);The contents of the query string are added to the parameter set that the included servlet has access to. The parameters are ordered so that any parameters specified in the query string used to create the RequestDispatcher take precedence. The parameters associated with a
    RequestDispatcher are only scoped for the duration of the include or forward call.
    i.e. you can add or override parameters by including them on the getRequestDispatcher() path.

  • In WL6.1 request.getParameter returns NULL for URL parameters that exist

              With the following URL, I get different results between WebLogic 4.5.1 and WebLogic
              Weblogic 6.1 returns:
              query string = apple=macintosh&tree&dog&country=USA
              apple = macintosh
              tree = null
              dog = null
              country = USA
              WebLogic 4.5.1 returns:
              query string = apple=macintosh&tree&dog&country=USA
              apple = macintosh
              tree =
              dog =
              country = USA
              here is the jsp...
              * ParamtersTest.jsp which shows that empty parameters are ignored in WebLogic
              String apple, tree, dog, country;
              apple = request.getParameter("apple");
              tree = request.getParameter("tree");
              dog = request.getParameter("dog");
              country = request.getParameter("country");
              out.println("<br>query string = " + request.getQueryString());
              out.println("<br>apple = " + apple);
              out.println("<br>tree = " + tree);
              out.println("<br>dog = " + dog);
              out.println("<br>country = " + country);
              From the documentation on the getParameter() method:
              Returns the value of a request parameter as a String, or null if the parameter
              does not exist.
              In my opinion, not existing and being empty are different. Also, every other web
              application environment we've dealt with (including WebLogic 4.5.1) treats them
              as different. If the parameter doesn't have a value, (i.e. ...&tree&dog&...) then
              getParameter() returns the empty string, not null.
              As a result of this we have JSPs that break when running on 6.1.

    Found the solution at last. Tomcat servlet container can't handle the chunked transfer-encoding that the J2ME Wireless Toolkit uses when you call outputstream.flush() in midlet. Using outputstream.close() instead of outputstream.flush() will avoid this problem for small requests. For all the codes in the articles on Http Post in Wireless Forum, don't use outputstream.flush() and it will run perfectly - Servlet's request.getParameter(parameterName) will work fine in doPost method.

  • Request.getParameter() not working correctly for Check Boxes!

    I am writing my own custom form action in cq5.4 and I need to access the fields of my form. I have a checkbox component on my form named 'cbox' and now I want to access it.
    So this is the code I'm writing in the JSP
    String name = request.getParameter("cbox");
    But when I fill up the data on the form and submit it.. I only get the first element of the checkbox which I had selected. So suppose if the checkbox was having some options..
    and if I selected b and d then I only get 'b'.
    Actually the type of the name variable must be String Array. But when I do..
    String[] name = request.getParameter("cbox");
    //it gives me compilation error saying cannot convert from String to String[]
    I cannot understand whats happening here. Can someone help me? How do I find out that which options has the user checked?

    I think you are looking for getParameterValues().
    If you read http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/1.3/api/javax/servlet/ServletRequest.html#getParameter(java. lang.String) and http://docs.oracle.com/javaee/1.3/api/javax/servlet/ServletRequest.html#getParameterValues (java.lang.String), you'll see the behavior you are seeing is as-documented.

  • Getting chinese charaters from Form using request.getParameter()

    I want my JSPs to be unicode enabled. In HTML forms user can enter any characters like japnese, chinese etc. But on the server side if user enters any such characters i am getting decimal equivalent of that character in the form of &#{decimal equivalent}; in the request.egetParameter() method.
    For ex if I enter �&#35234;&#35235;&#35271;&#35273;&#35333; then i get "&#9570;&# 35234;&# 35235;&# 35271;&# 35273;&# 35333;" in request.getPrameter().
    I have given the charset "UTF-8" in the header of my JSPs.
    I tried to decode it with URLDecoder but it fails then i tried to read these parameters using reader but it also fails, then
    String para = request.getParameter("para"); // where para is name of received parameter
    byte[] bytes = para.getBytes();
    para = new String(bytes, "UTF-8");
    This also fails.
    Can anyone please tell me how to handel this problem?

    I have tried this in my jsp and it works for me, assuming that the form is submitted with encoding UTF-8 :
    Submitting JSP :
    <form action="test.jsp">
    <input type="text" name="a">
    This is test.jsp :
    String a = new String (request.getParameter ("a").getBytes (), "UTF-8");
    Passed Parameter = <%=a%>
    Hope that helps

  • Retriving only hidden parameters from request.getParameter

    I want to retrive only the hidden parameters from previous JSP page into current JSP page. The problem here is that my hidden parameters in privious page are dynamically generated (parameter names are decided based on values retrived from the database) and I cannot retrive them using "request.getParameter(<parametername>)"
    Can I find the parameter type (i.e. text box, text area, checkbox, radio or hidden) from the request.getParameter() or request.getParameterNames() methods? or is there any other way to find it.
    Thanks in advance for any help

    You can use the getParameterNames() or getParameterMap() methods from javax.servlet.ServletRequest to get all the parameters in the request. Even if they're dynamically generated, and you don't know the names in advance, these methods will ferret them out.
    getParameterMap() returns name String, values String [] pairs, so you'll have to work with String arrays to get the input out. It's got to be that way to accomodate checkboxes and other HTML form elements that can send more than one value for a given name.
    I prefer getParameterMap, because I don't like using Enumerations as much. - MOD

  • How to get Int value from request.getParameter()?

    Hi all,
    I have a integer value which is passed from one page to another page.
    i am geting this value in the next page using
    Suppose value of "i" in page1 is 32, i pass this as hidden variable to next page.
    <input type="hidden" Value="<%=i%>" NAME="limit">
    in page2, i fethch this value to a variable by name "limit"
    String limit=request.getParameter("limit");
    but, since value stored in limit is int, i can't assign it to string.
    i can't use request.getParameter for int values.
    How to solve my problem.
    I know it is simple,
    Pls. help me
    String limit=request.getParameter("limit");

      String limitSTR = request.getParameter("limit");
      int limit = -1;
      if (limitSTR != null) limit = Integer.parseInt(limitSTR);

  • Submitting request.getParameter value on page submit

    I am getting the value from the request parameter as under
    String mod = request.getParameter("mod");
    Now i want this mod value to be submitted as page submits. For that i used:
    <h:inputHidden id="mod_field" value="" />
    Now the question is how to pass the above mod value using this hidden input? and secondly how to bind it with the property in the backing bean (say the name of my backing bean is bean.navigation) so that i can access and use the value.

    Hay this exception has again started showing me up.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException: param.mod
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.servlet.jsp.JspException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException: param.mod
    root cause
    javax.faces.el.EvaluationException: javax.faces.FacesException: javax.faces.el.ReferenceSyntaxException: param.mod

  • JSP request.getParameter bug

    i try the following code for receive Parameters from jsp.
    <% String name=request.getParameter("Name"); %>
    but when Name TextField(in HTML) is empty and i want to check
    for none empty field with (if) instruction with following code..
    if(name ==null ) //somecodes..
    this instruction not run and programs continue .

    It's not a bug.
    String name=request.getParameter("Name");
    if (name == null) {
      //what to do if parameter does not exist
      //e.g.: a checkbox not checked
    } else if (name.trim().equals("")) {
      //what to do if parameter exists but is 'empty'
      //e.g.: an text input field with no non-whitespace characters
      //NOTE: if you want leading and trailing spaces to be
      //      considered values, remove the .trim() from the condition
    } else {
      //there is a value.. do with it as you will

  • Jsp request.getparameter doesn't get querystring values

    We have recently deployed our jsp application which was running successfully on ias8i apache jserv into the 8.1.7 JVM and configured the mod_ose on the Oracle HTTP server every thing seems to be fine except the following case.
    Here we are accepting the userid,password from a jsp and submiting to the same jsp for action on submit we are reading a combination of jsp form feilds and url querystrings strangely we are able to get values only for the form feilds and querystrings return null.
    The same peice of code works fine on apache jserv implementation.
    Any clues please write to me.
    <SCRIPT Language="JavaScript">
    function check_password()
    document.Login.action ="problem.jsp?tab=YES&nSessionId="+document.Login.sessionid.value+"&nUserId=" + document.Login.userid.value;
    document.Login.target = "_top";
    document.Login.method = "post";
    userid = request.getParameter("userid");
    password = request.getParameter("password");
    tab = request.getParameter("tab");
    <form name="Login" Border="0" TopMargin="0" LeftMargin="0" Marginheight="0" Marginwidth="0">
    <td class="FORMHEADERLEFTB"><b> Login</td>
    <td class="FORMHEADERLEFT">:</td>
    <td><input TYPE="TEXT" NAME="userid" SIZE="25" VALUE="<%=userid%> MAXLENGTH="10"></td>
    <td class="FORMHEADERLEFTB"> Password</td>
    <td class="FORMHEADERLEFT">:</td>
    <td><input TYPE="password" NAME="password" SIZE="25" VALUE="<%=password%>" MAXLENGTH="10" onChange="check_password()"></td>
    <input type="hidden" name="sessionid" value="999999">

    How are you retrieving the parameter values? I am able to retrieve parameters successfully using the following simple testcase:
    <form method="post" action="servlet1">
    <input type="text" name="un"/>
    <input type="text" name="pw"/></P>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"/>
    servlet1.java: (copy and paste from doGet() to doPost() method depending on value of form method in untitled1.jsp)
    String un = request.getParameter("un").toString();
    String pw = request.getParameter("pw").toString();
    Please test this and let me know your results and the differences with what you are trying to do.
    Java Tools Team

  • Newbie request.getParameter(String) issue

    I'm having an issue setting a boolean value in a bean based off a string from request.getParameter(). I've created a small example to illustrate what I want to happen:
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
      <body><form method="POST" action="testWork.jsp">
          <input type="hidden" name="hiddenTest" value="1"/>
          <input type="submit" name="submitTest" value="Submit"/>
    <jsp:useBean id="test" scope="session"
        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"/>
      out.print("<p>" + request.getParameter("hiddenTest") + "</p>" );
      // Great it's sending "1"
      //So when I set this in the bean I should get true
      out.print("<p>" + test.getTestB() + "</p>" ); 
      //False? Not nice!!
      //Alright there must be an issue with my code in the bean, so hardcode a
      //"1" in.  I should still get false.
      out.print("<p>" + test.getTestB() + "</p>" );
      //True?? I hate you.
    package thistestapp;
    public class testClass {
        private Boolean testB;
        public void setTestB(String testB) {
            if ( testB == "1"){
               this.testB = true;
               this.testB = false;
        public Boolean getTestB() {
            return testB;
    }So, I want when the bean is sent a "1" from the form to set the bean value to true. I however can't get that to happen. I'm sure there's something I'm missing.

    ? if ( testB == "1"){
    Standard beginner's error. If you want to test if two strings contain the same text, use the equals() method. Like this:if ( testB.equals("1")){Your code tests whether the two sides of the == operator refer to the same object. It's possible and likely for two different strings to contain the same value, which is what you are really interested in.

  • Unable get complete filepath from jsp page using request.getParameter()

    Hey all,
    i am actually trying to get the selected file path value using request.getParameter into the servlet where i will read the (csv or txt) file but i dont get the full path but only the file name(test.txt) not the complete path(C:\\Temp\\test.txt) i selected in JSP page using browse file.
    Output :
    FILE PATH : test.txt
    Error : java.io.FileNotFoundException: test.txt (The system cannot find the file specified)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.open(Native Method)
    at java.io.FileInputStream.<init>(FileInputStream.java:106)
    at java.io.FileReader.<init>(FileReader.java:55)
    at com.test.TestServlet.processRequest(TestServlet.java:39)
    at com.test.TestServlet.doPost(TestServlet.java:75)
    <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>DEMO SERVLET</title>
    <h2>Hello World!</h2>
    <form name="myform" action="TestServlet" method="POST"
    FILE NAME : <input type="text" name="filename" value="" size="25" /><br><br>
    FILE SELECT : <input type="file" name="myfile" value="" width="25" /><br><br>
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" name="submit" />
    Servlet Code :
    protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException, FileNotFoundException {
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    try {
    String filename = request.getParameter("filename");
    String filepath = request.getParameter("myfile");
    out.println("<title>Servlet TestServlet</title>");
    out.println("<h1>Servlet TestServlet at " + request.getContextPath() + "</h1>");
    if (filepath != null) {
    File f = new File(filepath);
    BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
    String strLine;
    String[] tokens;
    while ((strLine = br.readLine()) != null) {
    tokens = strLine.split(",");
    for (int i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
    out.println("<h1>Servlet TestServlet at " + tokens[i] + "</h1>");
    } finally {
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    processRequest(request, response);
    Needed Output :
    FILE PATH : C:\\Temp\\test.txt
    Any suggestions Plz??

    As the [HTML specification|http://www.w3.org/TR/html401/interact/forms.html] states, you should be setting the enctype to multipart/form-data to be able to upload files to the server. In the server side, you need to process the multipart/form-data binary stream by parsing the HttpServletRequest#getInputStream(). It is a lot of work to get it to work flawlessly. There are 3rd party API's around which can do that for you, such as [Apache Commons FileUpload|http://commons.apache.org/fileupload] (carefully read the User Guide how to use it).
    You can also consider to use a Filter which makes use of the FileUpload API to preprocess the request so that you can continue writing the servlet code as usual. Here is an example: [http://balusc.blogspot.com/2007/11/multipartfilter.html].

Maybe you are looking for