Erasing photos in Iphoto IOS

I transmitted photos to Iphoto on my Ipad  from another IOS device.  the photo appears in IPhoto on the device and not in the Photos app.  I am trying to erase the photo from Iphoto and there doesn't appear to be an option to do that.  Can anyone help me?

OK, got it.  The photo in Iphoto that has been transmitted is located in an album called (Clé) in French which I assume is Key in English.  The version of the photo in that Key album is the only version that can be erased using the tools menu at the bottom right of the screen.

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    Adunn83 I agree, this needs to addressed by apple in the next update. You should be able to delete photos that are on the iPad camera roll from within iPhoto, end of discussion. 
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    Use iOS 6.0.1 on your device and a computer running Mountain Lion (OSX 10.8.x) and the latest version of iPhoto.
    With iCloud and PhotoStream turned on, photos shared to the Camera Roll or taken with the device are copied to your PhotoStream. When you start iPhoto on your Mac you'll see a PhotoStream selection in the left column your Camera Roll Photos will be there. Copy them to the albums you want to store them in or export them to other folders on your computer for back up.

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    iPhoto for iOS only looks at the images you sync from your computer to your iOS device.  It does not have the ability to alter the images / file structure in any way that will feed back into Aperture.
    Should you make an edit to an image in iPhoto for iOS you will need to share the image to your devices camera roll.  This will make the image show up in Aperture as an item to be imported (just as if you had taken a picture with the camera).
    Hope that helps.

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    To remove a pic from an album you hit delete. In no version of iPhoto did hitting delete in an album move the pics to the trash. It would only do that in the full library.
    In v6 hitting option (or alt) key - delete would move a pic from an album to the trash, and in v7 this has changed to option (or alt) key +  + delete together to move a pic from an album directly to the trash.

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    Could you give more details please, so we can compare notes?
    How are you editing and transfering your photos - editing directly in the, the, iPhoto IOS?
    And what kind of IOS device? iPad, iPod, iPhone?
    And how have the photos been transferred to your Mac? Photo Stream? Import by connecting the device?
    I just made a test on my iPad with IOS 7 and all edits transferred:
    Taking the pictures with the
    Editing them in the and saving the edited version to the camera roll.
    The edited version with all edits appeared in the Photo Stream (a few hours later ) and all edits were there.
    But if you edited in the and not in the, it is harder to get the edited version to the Camera Roll. I use iPhoto to save an edited copy of the photo to the camera Roll (from the "Share" menu in iPhoto). That adds them to the Photo Stream as well.
    But the biggest problem with this is, that saving back to the Camera Roll after editing in iPhoto appears to be changing all dates and the lens information anad Camera Make is now missing from the EXIF..
    The photo I took yesterday should show the dates like this:  Sept. 23,
    But it is showing Sept. 24 for all dates:
    So my suggestion would be to do basic edits in the before the photos will be saved to the Camera Roll for the first time, and to postpone all further edits, until the photos are in Aperture. Or, to keep both versions in the camera roll, the original and the edited version.

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    -I deleted all photos on the iPad and resynced them.
    -I deleted the iOS Photo cache and resync all photos.
    Till now without any success.
    Any ideas ?
    Does it work on your side or do you have the same problem ?
    Thx you so much in advance

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    Thank you to anyone who replys.

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    I have a G5 which I intend to keep.
    Now that I have updated my iphone 4s to iOS 7.0.
    I cannot add music to my iphone or upload photos to iphoto.
    I have the last itunes 10.6.3. which was supported by apple.
    itunes will not interact with my iphone on any level.
    Apple made all the equipment I use.
    Bentley and Ferrari etc do not stop making parts for their cars?
    The least Apple could is.
    A. Update itunes to run on a G5
    Regarding iOS 7.0 you have totally lost the plot.
    We buy apple why?
    Intuitive interface.
    Stable software.
    All that Steve Jobs consider sacrosanct.
    Quality is about ongoing support longevity of product.
    Its not about trying to sell to every person on the planet, others are way ahead of you.
    So try respective the customers you have, it wont be long before theirs a better operating system and your lead in hardware is marginal. 
    Glyn Evans
    My post on facebook this morning.
    If you have an iPhone or iPad do not update to ISO 7 unless you want an operating system that looks like windows 8. The graphics looks like it was designed by a artistically challenged mongoose and the operating system is not intuitive something apple users expect. Overly complicated ugly and generally change for the sake of apples paranoia since the death of Steve Jobs.

    You need to update iTunes to 11.1 on your PC

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    Albums that you synced from a computer can't be amended in the Photos app, the only way to add (or remove) photos to those albums is to do it on your Mac and resync.

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    I just noticed an album in iPhoto iOS 7.1 that is titled "Photo Box."  How is it created?

    It is one of the automatically created albums, see this help page: 
    What are albums?
    Photo Box: If a photo appears in an album (Edited, Favorites, Journals, or custom) and you delete the photo from your device, the photo remains in the album. If you remove the photo’s edits and tags, or delete the photo from the journal, iPhoto moves the photo to the Photo Box album (and removes it from the album it was in). If you edit or tag a photo in the Photo Box album, or add it to a journal, the photo is removed from the Photo Box album (and added to the appropriate album).
    Basically, iPhoto keeps photos in this album, if they are needed for products.

  • HT5181 iPhoto for iOS: Photos in iphoto's Camera Roll folder are not updated automatically with edits from other programs

    How can I solve the problem în the subject?

    How can I solve the problem în the subject?
    What exactly are you trying to do?
    Have you been editing photos in iPhoto and want to add them to your camera rool or photo stream?
    Then do exactly as the article describes, that you lonked to:
    iPhoto for iOS: Photos in Camera Roll are not updated automatically with edits from iPhoto
    Use iPhoto's Sharing to save a copy of the edited photo to the Caera Roll, or explain on mor e detail, what you want to do.

  • How do I exclude photos from iPhoto for iOS

    I have iPhoto for iOS but unfortunately I can't find a way to exclude the photos I don't want anymore. Do you know how do I do it?

    Do you mean, you want to delete certain photos from your iPhoto Library on your IOS device?
    Photos that have been synced to iPhoto need to be removed on the device you are syncing from, then sync again. Photos that you imported from mail or the camera roll can be deleted using the menu:
    See this manual page: Delete photos and this thread:
    Re: How can I delete photos in iPhoto on my iPad2?
    If you edited a photo you need to revert the edits, before you can remove it. Otherwise it will stay in the "Edited" album.

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    How to get same order of appearance of photos in Iphoto album and album shown to IOS devices after sharing?

    Hello Leonie!
    I use Iphoto sharing with my family on their ios devises.  And it works. 
    The only problem is that, now, I try to organize the photos in a meaningful way (not chronologically) before Iphoto Sharing (Icloud)
    But on the ios devices the photos is arranged chronologically.
    Is there a solution?
    MBP 2009
    Iphoto 9.5.1
    IPAD 3
    best regards Joakim

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    No. The photos will remain in iPhoto on your computer. You are just deleting them from the iPad.

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