ERP 2005/UDB 8.2 - Database Layout

I'm looking through the install DVD trying to find the DB layout/install script. Does anyone know when I can find it? (space requirements and layout info).

to look at the layout at table level does not make much sense in my opinion. Even from a planning view.
All tables are stored in tablespaces, which are made up by containers on filesystem-level. So the interesting question is: How much size is needed for which tablespace and how to distribute the containers. For a rough space estimation you could look into the appropriate SAP-note (depending on the Release you install, check the installation guide for this note) or look into the file DBSIZE.TPL (R3setup) or DBSIZE.XML (SAPinst), which is located on the first Export Disk of the installation CDs / DVDs.
When you are planning your disk layout be aware not to mix up certain type of files (online-log-files, temp-tablespace, data-tablespaces) on the same disks. Depending on the I/O-rate (SAPS, transactions-rates) of your system you should use enough disk controllers and "spindels".
By the way: Why do you do not use DB2 9?
Kind regards
Waldemar Gaida

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  • Import ABAP error in ERP 2005 SR2 IDES installation

    Hi Experts
                   I am trying to install the SAP ERP 2005 SR2 ( OS is 2003 and Database is Oracle 10g )IDES which i downloaded from the SAP market place and got
    the following error at the IMPORT ABAP task
    INFO 2008-02-20 14:19:37
    Output of C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_16\bin\java.exe -classpath migmon.jar -showversion -dbType ORA -importDirs "D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_1\EXP1;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_2\EXP2;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_3\EXP3;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_4\EXP4;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_5\EXP5;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP6;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP7;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP8;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP9;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP10;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP11" -installDir C:\PROGRA1\SAPINS1\ERP\SYSTEM\ORA\CENTRAL\AS
    -orderBy "" -r3loadExe D:\usr\sap\SRD\SYS\exe\nuc\NTI386\R3load.exe -tskFiles yes -extFiles yes -dbCodepage 1100
    -jobNum 3 -monitorTimeout 30 -loadArgs " -stop_on_error" -trace all -sapinst is written to the logfile
    WARNING 2008-02-20 14:31:07
    Execution of the command "C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_16\bin\java.exe -classpath migmon.jar -showversion -dbType ORA -importDirs "D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_1\EXP1;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_2\EXP2;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_3\EXP3;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_4\EXP4;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_5\EXP5;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP6;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP7;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP8;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP9;D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP10;
    D:\ERP 2005 IDES\51032413_6\EXP11" -installDir C:\PROGRA1\SAPINS1\ERP\SYSTEM\ORA\CENTRAL\AS
    -orderBy "" -r3loadExe D:\usr\sap\SRD\SYS\exe\nuc\NTI386\R3load.exe -tskFiles yes -extFiles yes -dbCodepage 1100
    -jobNum 3 -monitorTimeout 30 -loadArgs " -stop_on_error" -trace all -sapinst" finished with return code 103.
    Output: java version "1.4.2_16"Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_16-b05)Java HotSpot(TM)
    Client VM (build 1.4.2_16-b05, mixed mode)Import Monitor jobs: running 1, waiting 18, completed 0, failed 0, total 19.
    Loading of 'SAPSDIC' import package: ERRORImport Monitor jobs: running 0, waiting 18, completed 0, failed 1, total 19.
    ERROR 2008-02-20 14:31:07
    CJS-30022 Program 'Migration Monitor' exits with error code 103. For details see log file(s), import_monitor.log.
    ERROR 2008-02-20 14:31:07
    FCO-00011 The step runMigrationMonitor with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW
    was executed with status ERROR .
    can anyone help me to fix this error. Installation of ECC 6.0 with SQL SERVER 2005 was done fine.
    Thanking you

    Hi Mrudul,
       Understood you have downloaded the completed IDES SAP 2005 SR2 package, i have also downloaded it several months ago, but i found the package not full good when i prepare to install it last week, 3 of 35 Exp unpackage CRC32 error(51032413_part15.rar & 51032413_part16.rar & 51032413_part17.rar) when unpackage them, can you do me a favor to share me the 3 rar files? As the original download address have been obsoleted away, i can tell you my FTP site to store them.
    51032413_part15.rar & 51032413_part16.rar & 51032413_part17.rar
    Or  51032413_3\EXP3\DATA\SAPAPPL1.009 & SAPAPPL1.010
    12/17/2006  02:32 AM     1,048,576,000 SAPAPPL1.009
    12/17/2006  02:42 AM       954,643,456 SAPAPPL1.010
    Best rds,
    msn: [email protected]

  • Error in installing ERP 2005

    Hi All,
    While installing SAP ERP 2005 we are getting an error CJS-30022  'Program migration monitor' exists with error code 103.
    TRACE: 2008-02-19 17:37:27 run
    Loading of 'SAPNTAB' import package is started.
    TRACE: 2008-02-19 17:37:27 processPackage
    Task file generation for 'SAPNTAB' import package:
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe -ctf I E:\Dumps\SAP_ERP_2005_SR1_Install_Export_51031798_CD2\EXP10\DATA\SAPNTAB.STR "C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\ADA\CENTRAL\AS\DDLADA.TPL" SAPNTAB.TSK ADA -l SAPNTAB.log
    TRACE: 2008-02-19 17:37:28 processPackage
    Loading of 'SAPNTAB' import package into database:
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe -i SAPNTAB.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPNTAB.log -nolog -c 0
    ERROR: 2008-02-19 17:37:28 run
    Loading of 'SAPNTAB' import package is interrupted with R3load error.
    Process 'D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe -i SAPNTAB.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPNTAB.log -nolog -c 0' exited with return code 2.
    For mode details see 'SAPNTAB.log' file.
    Standard error output:
    sapparam: sapargv( argc, argv) has not been called.
    sapparam(1c): No Profile used.
    sapparam: SAPSYSTEMNAME neither in Profile nor in Commandline
    WARNING: 2008-02-19 17:37:54
    Cannot continue import because not all import packages with data conversion tables are loaded successfully.
    WARNING: 2008-02-19 17:37:54
    1 error(s) during processing of packages.
    INFO: 2008-02-19 17:37:54
    Import Monitor is stopped.
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20080219173728
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 01:28:45
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe -ctf I E:\Dumps\SAP_ERP_2005_SR1_Install_Export_51031798_CD2\EXP10\DATA\SAPNTAB.STR C:\Program Files\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\ADA\CENTRAL\AS\DDLADA.TPL SAPNTAB.TSK ADA -l SAPNTAB.log
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: job completed
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20080219173728
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20080219173728
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#13 $ SAP
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4 [UNICODE]
    Compiled Jul 17 2007 01:28:45
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe -i SAPNTAB.cmd -dbcodepage 4103 -l SAPNTAB.log -nolog -c 0
    DbSl Trace: Connect to database failed, rc = -10709 (Connection failed (RTE:database not running))
    (DB) ERROR: db_connect rc = 256
    DbSl Trace: Connect to database failed, rc = -10709 (Connection failed (RTE:database not running))
    (DB) ERROR: DbSlErrorMsg rc = 99
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    D:\usr\sap\EC6\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20080219173728
    Please help me to resolve this error.

    Thanks Juan,
    Now I am facing one Java related error,Please help me regarding this.
    Waiting for your reply.
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:45 PM  Info: UME configurator ( called for action "setup"
    PerfTimes : loadNativeLayer: loading jperflib failed. no jperflib in java.library.path
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:50 PM  Info: Using SID "EC6" for secure storage
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:51 PM  Error: main()
    [EXCEPTION] I/O error on file "
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by:
    sapserver1\sapmnt\EC6\SYS\global\security\data\ (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open)
         at Method)
         ... 9 more
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:51 PM  Info: Leaving with return code 99
    Feb 20, 2008 5:44:25 PM  Info: UME configurator ( called for action "setup"
    PerfTimes : loadNativeLayer: loading jperflib failed. no jperflib in java.library.path
    Feb 20, 2008 5:44:29 PM  Info: Using SID "EC6" for secure storage
    Feb 20, 2008 5:44:31 PM  Info: Created group entry in secure storage: Group "SAP_J2EE_ADMIN", roles "Administrator"
    Feb 20, 2008 5:44:31 PM  Info: Created group entry in secure storage: Group "SAP_J2EE_GUEST", roles ""
    Feb 20, 2008 5:44:31 PM  Info: Created user entry in secure storage: User "J2EE_ADMIN", password set, parent groups "SAP_J2EE_ADMIN", locked "false", roles ""
    Feb 20, 2008 5:44:31 PM  Error: main()
    [EXCEPTION] I/O error on file "
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by:
    sapserver1\sapmnt\EC6\SYS\global\security\data\ (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open)
         at Method)
         ... 9 more
    Feb 20, 2008 5:44:31 PM  Info: Leaving with return code 99
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:22 PM  Info: UME configurator ( called for action "setup"
    PerfTimes : loadNativeLayer: loading jperflib failed. no jperflib in java.library.path
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:23 PM  Info: Using SID "EC6" for secure storage
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:24 PM  Info: Created group entry in secure storage: Group "SAP_J2EE_ADMIN", roles "Administrator"
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:24 PM  Info: Created group entry in secure storage: Group "SAP_J2EE_GUEST", roles ""
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:24 PM  Info: Created user entry in secure storage: User "J2EE_ADMIN", password set, parent groups "SAP_J2EE_ADMIN", locked "false", roles ""
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:24 PM  Error: main()
    [EXCEPTION] I/O error on file "
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    Caused by:
    sapserver1\sapmnt\EC6\SYS\global\security\data\ (The requested operation cannot be performed on a file with a user-mapped section open)
         at Method)
         ... 9 more
    Feb 20, 2008 5:51:24 PM  Info: Leaving with return code 99
    Thanks & Regards,

  • IDES ERP 2005 / open ABAP dictionary conversion during SPAM Update

    Dear all,
    First of all, I'm currently busy implementing a educational enviroment for our company, we are using IDES MySAP ERP 2005 SR1 MSSQL.
    At the moment we are trying to upgrade the SPAM version from version 20 to 22.
    However, during the requirement checks the following error occurred :
    <b>Open conversions in the data dictionary</b>
    <i>Phase CHECK_REQUIREMENTS: Explanation of Errors
    Some open conversion requests still exist in the ABAP Data Dictionary
    for the following ABAP Dictionary objects. To avoid inconsistencies and
    loss of data, you must process these conversions first.
    Proceed as follows:
    - Open a new session.
    - Start the Database Utility (transaction SE14).
    - Correct the inconsistencies for the specified objects.
    - Repeat the import phase. If no more inconsistencies are found, the
      import continues.
    Phase CHECK_REQUIREMENTS: Open ABAP Dictionary Conversions
    Object Type       Object Name
    Table Index       LXE_WRK_4 ~ STA
                       SC2T327F363DFA4T ~ ESI
                       SC2T327F363DFA4T ~ KYS
    It seems that the indexes mentioned above are missing or doesn't exist!!!! i've tried looking for a sap note or a solution on SDN. However, haven't found a solution at all, or I'm looking at the wrong spot.
    Is there a note or can somebody provide me what's in the indexes, so i can create it in our IDES system.
    Yam-Lang Lee

    Hi Kiran,
    Thank you very much. I managed to create the first index.
    However not the indexes on table SC2T327F363DFA4T. Can't find any information for the indexes for this table. Did found note 959811. There it state that de indexes were deleted. But still stuck in the check_requirements of the SPAM Update!

  • Configuration guide for ESS/MSS mySAP ERP 2005

    Can you please send me configuration guide for ESS/MSS mySAP ERP 2005.
    Thanks in advance
    --> SAP Business Suite Applications
    --> SAP ERP
    --> mySAP ERP 2005
    --> Upgrade
    --> Upgrade Documentation - mySAP ERP 2005 SR2
    There choose your database and operating system.
    If you're looking for functional details check

  • System Crash during ERP 2005 (ECC 6.0) SR2 ABAP+JAVA installation

    Hi all,
    I am fairly new to this fascinating world of SAP BASIS and recently got hit by an issue which I faced during an ERP 2005 SR2 (ECC 6.0) ABAP+JAVA installation.
    My Installation Particulars:
    1. OS: Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-bit)
    2. DB: Oracle
    3. RAM: 2 GB
    4. Installation type: LOCAL and CENTRAL SYSTEM INSTALLATION.
    I have tried the installation thrice and each time the IMPORT ABAP step (phase 18) comes, 3 parallel IMPORT JOBS runs and after few of them completes the system restarts or crashes abruptly. So as a matter of fact, the R3LOAD which were running had to stop without getting completed, so whenever I start from old installation, the INSTALLATION MASTER throws error and I had to start a new installation. then again, during this phase the system/server/computer crashes.
    The minimum RAM requirement for this ERP installation is 3 GB, so probably 2 GB is not being able to cope up the pressure of the R3LOAD jobs...well, i am not sure of that!
    During the parameter specification, at the DATABASE EXPORT screen I have specified 3 parallel jobs. Well, the question which I have are as follows:
    1. Will I reduce the number of PARALLEL JOBS to 1 or 2, without going with the default value of 3, in order to avoid these crashes?
    2. Can I still install the SAP with 2 GB RAM?
    Please do help...

    Thanks everyone for your valuable replies.
    Well, as far as the OS is concerned, this version (ERP 2005 SR2), is compatible on 32-bit OS also. I am confirmed because I have done this installation on different machines also, prior to this installation, where my OS was 32 bit, but RAM was 4 GB. That is why, I am presuming this to be a hardware issue.
    By CRASH, I mean during that step the computer shuts down abruptly by itself.
    Well, I am starting the installation again, by specifying only 1 parallel job. Let's see if it works or not! If it doesn't then I will have to increase the RAM surely.
    Anyways, if you have anymore informations to share regarding this issue please feel free. I will soon post the UPDATE on this thread.
    Thanks and Happy New Year to all of you.

  • Size - Java Add-In (ERP 2005 ABAP)

    ERP 2005 ABAP installed. Want to add the Java stack. (AIX/Oracle)
    How much space/additional memory required (sandbox)?
    My ABAP is 82gb, looked at note 851169; do I just need an additional 2700MB? Since I am 64bit; each Java server node 2gb...

    Hi Kai,
    The JAVA installation is really small so the numbers you are quotes are quite accurate for a base installation - you should double check with the SAP ERP master guide and it's referenced sizing note.
    The real question is what do you want to do with it? If you are going to use the JAVA based applications of SAP ERP, you should size them like you would for other SAP ERP applications. Most of the SAP ERP applications that use JAVA do have store much data in the Java database but in the ABAP database so the java system is usually quite small.
    I hope this helps,

  • Errors in R3load processes during Copy Source System ERP 2005

    I'm executing the Copy Source from an ERP 2005 SR2 nounicode system. In windows2003 32 bits.
    During R3load processes I have the follow error for all packages.
    I used the users "administrator" and <SID>adm, and in both the error is the same:
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20091214170332
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#20 $ SAP
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4
    Compiled Aug 24 2009 02:22:21
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe -ctf E X:\EXP_QAS\ABAP\DATA\SAPAPPL1_77.STR X:\EXP_QAS\ABAP\DB\DDLORA.TPL SAPAPPL1_77.TSK ORA -l SAPAPPL1_77.log
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: job completed
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20091214170332
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: START OF LOG: 20091214170332
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: sccsid @(#) $Id: //bas/700_REL/src/R3ld/R3load/R3ldmain.c#20 $ SAP
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: version R7.00/V1.4
    Compiled Aug 24 2009 02:22:21
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe -e SAPAPPL1_77.cmd -l SAPAPPL1_77.log -stop_on_error
    DbSl Trace: ORA-1403 when accessing table SAPUSER
    (DB) INFO: connected to DB
    (DB) INFO: Export without hintfile
    Alternate NameTab for type "BAPIPAREX_HELP" was missing and has been simulated.
    Tab field CUEX-[9] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : CUEX&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:9&                        rscpgdio 41
    Tab field CUKN-[7] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : CUKN&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:7&                        rscpgdio 41
    Tab field CURSCOD-[5] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : CURSCOD&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:5&                     rscpgdio 41
    Tab field EDID2-[7] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : EDID2&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:7&                       rscpgdio 41
    Tab field EDID4-[7] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : EDID4&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:7&                       rscpgdio 41
    Tab field EDIDD_OLD-[6] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : EDIDD_OLD&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:6&                   rscpgdio 41
    Alternate NameTab for type "T52C5" was missing and has been simulated.
    Tab field TPRI_PAR-[13] has type DDic:172 ABAP:8
    (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : TPRI_PAR&DDic:172&ABAP:8&field:13&                   rscpgdio 41
    (GSI) INFO: dbname   = "QAS20061101081107                                                                                "
    (GSI) INFO: vname    = "ORACLE                          "
    (GSI) INFO: hostname = "LDCTES15                                                        "
    (GSI) INFO: sysname  = "Windows NT"
    (GSI) INFO: nodename = "LDCTES15"
    (GSI) INFO: release  = "5.2"
    (GSI) INFO: version  = "3790 Service Pack 1"
    (GSI) INFO: machine  = "4x Intel 801586 (Mod 33 Step 2)"
    (BEK) ERROR: SAPSYSTEMNAME not in environment
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: job finished with 1 error(s)
    F:\usr\sap\QAS\SYS\exe\run\R3load.exe: END OF LOG: 20091214170332
    Best regards, Alberto.

    First I'd suggest you switch the database codepage to a supported one:
    Note 102402 - Changing the database character set
    > Tab field CUEX-[9] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    > (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : CUEX&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:9&                        rscpgdio 41
    > Tab field CUKN-[7] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    > (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : CUKN&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:7&                        rscpgdio 41
    > Tab field CURSCOD-[5] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    > (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : CURSCOD&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:5&                     rscpgdio 41
    > Tab field EDID2-[7] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    > (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : EDID2&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:7&                       rscpgdio 41
    > Tab field EDID4-[7] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    > (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : EDID4&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:7&                       rscpgdio 41
    > Tab field EDIDD_OLD-[6] has type DDic:168 ABAP:9
    > (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : EDIDD_OLD&DDic:168&ABAP:9&field:6&                   rscpgdio 41
    > Alternate NameTab for type "T52C5" was missing and has been simulated.
    > Tab field TPRI_PAR-[13] has type DDic:172 ABAP:8
    > (SYSLOG) INFO: k CQ9 : TPRI_PAR&DDic:172&ABAP:8&field:13&                   rscpgdio 41
    I'd execute a DDIC vs. database check in DB02OLD.
    > (BEK) ERROR: SAPSYSTEMNAME not in environment
    Is that variable set for <sid>adm?

  • Proper database layout

    I'm looking for some advice on setting up a database with regards to the log files and data files. I come from a SQL Server background and figure some of the basic ideas will follow across to Oracle.
    In SQL Server, I would create two partitions on the system, a RAID 1 for my operating system, SQL Server 2005, the master database, and the log files for my user databases. The second would be a RAID 5 partition for the data files for my user databases and nothing more. I assume this is what you'd do in Oracle as well. Is that accurate?
    Also, is there a database/schema in Oracle similar to the master database in SQL Server? Is it advisable to move that off to a faster partition in Oracle as it is in SQL Server?
    Any information regarding best practices for database layout is greatly appreciated.

    the master database in SQL Server is nothing but the SYSTEM tablespace in Oracle which contains all the dictionary and all other database related information. Going with LOCAL MANAGED TABLESPACE and with SEGMENT SPACE MANAGEMENT AUTO are best for automatic management of space. Users tablespace must be created separate from SYSTEM tablespace to relieve contention in database.

  • CU & UC from 46c to ERP 2005

    I am in Planning phase for CU & UC from 46c to ERP 2005 need to know few things
    - Hardware requirement for Unicode preparation system - CPU/ Memory and Storage - I am planning to use Copy of Prod for Unicode prep system : My prod DB is 1TB.. Which SAP verion is recommanded for Unicode Prep- 4.7 on 620  or directely ERP2004  / 640 or  ERP 2005700
    - Storage requirement for Export  dump for 1TB database ??
    - Approximate Timing to export / import -- I know it depends on CPU's/ memory etc os source/ target ... in general ??
    - SAP suggest 10-30% increase in Memory - any comments ?
    - SAP suggest  40-50% increase CPU usage - any comments ?
    One last question :
    i am planning to use parallel landscape for this for non-prod but Prod I am planning to use same hardware as it is today. any comments on this idea ?
    Awating response from experts... thanks in advance....

    Hello Jignesh,
    >> I am planning to use Copy of Prod for Unicode prep system : My prod DB is 1TB.. Which SAP verion is recommanded for Unicode Prep- 4.7 on 620 or directely ERP2004 / 640 or ERP 2005700
    As you told you have 4.6c ... why are you want to make a copy of the prod system? You can make all preparations for that in the "Live"-system and upgrade directly to ERP 2005 (take a look at sapnote #928729). After that you can make the unicode conversion... i have done a CU&UC for 4.6c to ERP 2005 ... the steps are:
    1) Make preparations in 4.6c
    2) Upgrade your 4.6c to ERP 2005
    3) Make the unicode conversion
    4) Make After-Steps
    >> Storage requirement for Export dump for 1TB database ??
    I have exported a 2.4 TB database.. the export data was round about 550 GB
    >> Approximate Timing to export / import -- I know it depends on CPU's/ memory etc os source/ target ... in general ??
    There is no general.. in my experience it depends on the biggest tables (if you export parallel) and the cpu for the convertion. I have used distribution monitor and table splitting to get good export times. Only to say some values.. i needed round about 13 hours for exporting and importing the 2.4 TB database with the distribution monitor (package & table splitting)
    >> SAP suggest 10-30% increase in Memory - any comments ?
    >> SAP suggest 40-50% increase CPU usage - any comments ?
    I have seen that the memory is really a big topic.. but the CPU was not as expected... but this also depends on the amount of parallel users. In my experience memory +40% and cpu +25%.

  • Installing Netweaver or ERP 2005 ? confused....

    Hi all, i have spent a few days trying to understand the landscape of this whole installation sequence.
    I have installed SQL server 2005 on my Windows 2003. After that i'm completely lost on what i should do next. There seems to be information overload in the market place and i hope someone can assist in a high level manner.
    My ultimate purpose is  to be able to implement the SAP Access Controls applications but even before that i want to sort out what i should be installing on the Netweaver portion.
    After installing the DB, i started installing Netweaver 2004s SR2 and hit multiple differnet kinds of error. Then a ex-colleague told me that installing ERP 2005 will already include everything. Do i install all over again? Does ERP 2005 really contain 'everything'?
    Hope someone can help shed some light and save me some nightmares....

    Hi when you start the Installation from your INST Master
    select SCS (central service Instance)
    this will install your Central Instance, Database Instance,  later on wht ever you want to install please check the boxes for Ex BI, PI, EP
    you want with java, or only Abap you can select the parameters
    if you need any more help please do let me know
    i hope this will be usefull

  • Sapinst has crashed when install erp 2005 support release 2

         I install  erp 2005 support release 2,appear sapinst has crashed.the installation GUI was closed,please refer to the below information.
            os is aix 5300-09-00-0000.master cd is 51032260.database is db2 v9.1
    INFO       2009-04-18 19:39:09 [syuxcfile.cpp:574]
               CSyFileImpl::copy(const CSyPath & /tmp/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/DB6/CENTRAL/AS/inifile.3.xml, ISyNode::CopyMoveMode_t 0x3, ISyProgressObserver*) const 
    Copied file '/tmp/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/DB6/CENTRAL/AS/inifile.xml' to '/tmp/sapinst_instdir/ERP/SYSTEM/DB6/CENTRAL/AS/inifile.3.xml'.
    iauxsysex.c:317: child /tmp/sapinst_exe.458994.1240051085/sapinst (pid 475186) has crashed. Executable directory is /tmp/sapinst_exe.458994.1240051085. Contact Support.
    iaextract.c:814: child has signaled an exec error. Keeping directory /tmp/sapinst_exe.458994.1240051085
    Please give me help.

    The reason from the above error seems that
    1. permission problem for /tmp
    2. most importantly it seems that the / (root) file system is full
    Please check

  • Report RFKLBU10: Missing Parameter for Logical filename in Release ERP 2005

    Hello Experts,
    Report RFKLBU10 in Sap Release 4.6c hat a parameter "Old dataset logical name".
    The new version of this report in SAP Release ERP 2005 there is no such parameter.
    Is this a SAP-Bug ?
    Best regards,

    There are no Export or Print events accessible for the viewer
    Since it sounds like you are creating the reportdocument object in your click event, the settings on this object become out of scope on successive postbacks executed by other events.
    to get around this without major changes, you can place your "report" object in session in this event and retrieve it from session on successive postbacks.  This should solve your problems around navigation, printing and exporting.  What you will need to do is check if the session object exists (usually in page_load or page_initialze) and if so, retrieve it from session and bind it to the viewer's reportsource.  If the session object does not exist, then do nothing (ie you have not clicked your button yet that retrieves the parameter values from session and loads the report).  Also, in your click event you can check if the report session object exists and if so, remove it so that it can be re-created with your new parameter values (ie i'm assuming the only time you want to set parameter values is in this event).

  • SAP ERP 2005 SR 2 IDES installation error in step "Run ABAP Reports"

    I'm installing SAP ERP 2005 SR 2 IDES on Win2003 R2 SP2 and Oracle 10.2 to create a test-system for my diploma thesis.
    During the step "Import ABAP" I got the following message:
    ERROR: 2008-05-21 20:50:38
    1 objects have error/ignore/execute or unknown status in the task lines.
    Invalid objects are saved in 'invalid_objects.txt' file.
    package   object  type  action  status
    SAPDFACT  ?N      pkey  create
    but the installation went on until "Run ABAP Reports".
    Warnings and Errors in sapinst.log are:
    WARNING 2008-05-27 15:09:36
    Execution of the command "C:\usr\sap\IMP\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\stopsap.exe name=IMP nr=00 SAPDIAHOST=imperia-sap" finished with return code -1. Output:
    STOPSAP: execution of C:\usr\sap\IMP\SYS\exe\uc\NTI386\sapntwaitforhalt.exe name=IMP nr=00 SAPDIAHOST=imperia-sap 3600 failed
    Details are written to C:\Programme\sapinst_instdir\ERP\SYSTEM\ORA\CENTRAL\AS\stopsap.log
    WARNING 2008-05-27 15:09:36
    Could not stop instance 'DVEBMGS00' of SAP system IMP.
    WARNING 2008-05-27 15:09:38
    Connect to message server (imperia-sap/3900) failed: NIECONN_REFUSED.
    WARNING[E] 2008-05-27 15:12:05
    FSL-06002  Error 1060 (Der angegebene Dienst ist kein installierter Dienst.) in execution of a 'OpenService' function, line (266), with parameter (sapccmsr.00).
    WARNING[E] 2008-05-27 15:21:42
    FRF-00007  Unable to open RFC connection.
    ERROR 2008-05-27 16:30:15
    FRF-00025  Unable to call function. Error message: connection closed without message (CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED) .
    INFO 2008-05-27 16:30:19
    RFC connection closed.
    ERROR 2008-05-27 16:30:45
    MUT-03025  Caught ERfcExcept in Modulecall: connection closed without message (CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED).
    ERROR 2008-05-27 16:30:47
    FCO-00011  The step runRADDBDIF with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_CI_Instance|ind|ind|ind|ind|11|0|NW_CI_Instance_ABAP_Reports|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|runRADDBDIF was executed with status ERROR .
    Full log of today is available at []
    Has anyone an idea how I can finish this installation?

    It seems that the system did not come up and thus the RFC call fails.
    What´s the output of
    (in the directory)?

  • ISR NATIVE CONTROLS  ERP -2005 is not working in ECC 6.0, MSS 1.0 Version

    Does anybody knows, why the ISR Controls for ERP 2005 is not working properly.  We utilized the DropDown List Controls, we binded to the correct field in the FORM. We have filled the ADDITIONAL_DATA table, on the SET_ADDITIONAL_VALUES method also, to populate .
    The DropDown values are not populating in runtime.
    We are running ECC 6 Version, Basis is on SP12, and Application Platform is on SP09.  We have MSS 1.0 for SP 10.
    What might be the problem, what do  you feel about procedure in ISR Controls binding? 
    INFO: It doesn't have that SAP-VHLIST , illusion here. 
    Please guide me , as I am strucked from all ways, any note, patch to apply,  any config issue.
    chitti babu

    In case of DDLB, apart from the binding, there's something else needs to be done.
    Goto binding tab : incase adobe life cycle designer 7.1, a link "Specify item values" is highlighted.
    Item Text : text
    Item Key :key.
    This should resolve ths issue.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

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