Erro - NF-e geração do aquivo xml versão 2.0

Boa tarde!
Estamos com um problema após aplicarmos as notas no R/3 e atualizarmos o GRC com o SP15:
Ao darmos o número da NF-e no R/3, ele cria com sucesso e o envia para o GRC. No GRC, temos os Erros:
Process Status: 01 Received from Feeder System
Error Status: 20 Signature Service Unreachable
Isto ocorre no ambiente de homologação.
Por favor, alguma idéia do que está ocorrendo?
Muito obrigada,

Bom dia Fabiana,
O validador está ligado? Se sim, é provável que estejam faltando as várias notas corretivas para o layout 2.0 pós SP15.
Em especial para esta questão a 1498700  Problem on signing NF-e   
Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Ró

Similar Messages

  • NFe 3.10 - Erro 225: Rejeição: Falha no shcema XML da NFe

    Boa tarde.
    Estamos com problema no Schema do XML, já verificamos as informações do post abaixo:
    Aqui também ocorre o mesmo problema e quando reenviamos a nota o xml é processado. Porém, precisamos encontrar uma solução
    onde não seja necessário o reenvio manual do documento.
    Baixamos o XML com problema e depois da validação no SEFAZ (após o reenvio) e a unica diferença é a tag abaixo:
    Ela é criada após a validação do XML?
    *** XML Erro Schema
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <NFe xmlns="">
    *** XML OK, após o reenvio da NF
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    - <nfeProc xmlns="" versao="3.10">
    - <NFe xmlns="">
    Gostaria de saber se alguém já passou por este problema e qual foi a solução aplicada.
    Juliano Diniz

    Oi Michael,
    Essa declaração que o José comentou é diferente mesmo, não vi em nenhum outro cliente e ela que deu erro no validador da SEFAZ no seu teste. Se você remove essa TAG e faz o teste no validador da SEFAZ RS o XML aponta outros erros.
    Teoricamente o XML começaria assim:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <NFe xmlns="">
    Além disso o XML do TXT tem umas quebras de linha que separaram o conteúdo das TAG's e causaram erro no validador da SEFAZ tb.
    O validador do GRC é basicamente uma função que aponta erros técnicos no preenchimento dos dados que vieram do ERP ( campos obrigatórios em branco, campos numéricos com valor alfanumérico, etc...) porém ele não validaria a estrutura final do XML ( encoding, montagem das TAG's e namespaces adicionados ).
    OBS: No arquivo adicionado tem o XML completo e por uma questão de "data protection" eu não recomendaria disponibilizar esse tipo de arquivo na internet, pois ele contém dados teoricamente sigilosos de negócio ( Clientes, transportadores, produtos/preços, Certificado digital da empresa emissora, etc...).
    Renan Correa

  • NFe de entrada com XML versão 1.10 em ambiente com versão de XML 2.00

    Olá colegas,
    Nossos locais de negócio estão configurados para a NFe na versão XML 2.0.
    Com isso, todas notas criadas, tanto de saída quanto de entrada são da versão 2.00 do XML.
    Entretanto, ainda recebemos notas de clientes na versão do XML 1.10.
    Com isso, em processos de devolução em SD, ao informar os campos que compõe a chave da NFe, temos dificuldade com campo tpEmis. Consequentemente, não conseguimos gerar a chave corretamente.
    Este campo não existe na versão 1.10 do xml, pois integrava o campo do nr.aleatorio.
    Pergunto: Como está sendo resolvida esta questão por quem já se deparou com ela?
    Heron Caetano

    no recebimento, vc pode ir no botao Nota Fiscal, aba NFe, e setar a versao para "1,10".
    Isso vai fazer com que os parametros sejam mostrados como no layout 1.10 (i.e. randomico de 9 digitos e sem tpEmis).
    Veja a nota [1470661|].

  • Transfert données fichier XML vers Excel

    Bonjour a tous,
    Dans le cadre de la réalisation d'un Banc de test, je suis ammené à enregistrer un grand nombre de données. Ces données sont actuellement sauvegarder dans un fichier XML et je voudrais construire mon rapport de test excel à partir de ce fichier XML.
    Pour ce faire, j'ai créé au préalable un "Modèle" excel dans lequel les cases importantes à remplir sont identifiées par le nom de la variable (signet).
    J'aimerais récupérer à partir de mon fichier XML le nom (étiquette qui correspond au signet dans excel) et la valeur de mes variables pour ensuite les insérer dans mon fichier excel à l'aide du Toolkit Excel "insérer du texte au rapport".
    Je ne sais pas comment récupérer le nom de mes variables ainsi que leur valeur correspondante à partir de mon fichier XML... il faudrait, je pense les mettres dans 2 tableaux différent, le 1er pour les étiquettes et l'autre pour les valeurs.
    Ensuite il faudrait câbler le tableau contenant les "étiquettes" sur l'entrée "paramètres MS Office" avec un "assembler par nom" pour le cluster, et les valeurs câblées sur l'entrée "Texte" du VI "Insérer du texte au rapport"
    Je ne sais pas si je suis clair dans mes explication mais cela me semble réalisable... Cela me permettrait de pouvoir réutiliser ce VI pour chaque création de rapport de test que j'aurais à faire par la suite car il s'adapterait au nombre de données à renseigner. Je n'aurais qu'a créer mon modèle excel en respectant bien la règle => nom des signets = nom des variables.
    Cela fait un moment que je cherche à faire quelquechose de ce type mais sans succès même en cherchant sur les forums ou sur le net
    Ci-joint un petit "schéma de code" afin d'essayer d'être un peu plus clair.
    Si cette méthode vous parait complètement tiré par les cheveux n'hésité pas à me le dire... Je suis débutant en labview et autodidacte...
    D'avance, merci de votre aide.
    schema d'idée.jpg ‏306 KB

    Le type de données est incompatible. Verifier quel est le type en sortie de la fonction xml. Append Report text attend un cluster de deux I32 pour MS offiche parametre et un string pour Text.
    National Instruments France
    #adMrkt{text-align: center;font-size:11px; font-weight: bold;} #adMrkt a {text-decoration: none;} #adMrkt a:hover{font-size: 9px;} #adMrkt a span{display: none;} #adMrkt a:hover span{display: block;}
    Travaux Pratiques d'initiation à LabVIEW et à la mesure
    Du 2 au 23 octobre, partout en France

  • Convertion de données xml vers excel.

    Je suppose que cette question à certainement fait l'objet de plusieurs messages, mais je ne les ai pas trouvés.
    Comment puis-je stocker des données xml dans un fichier excel ?
    Merci pour votre aide.

    Il y a plusieurs manières de lire un fichier xls.Vous pouvez ainsi lire les données de votre tableau directement sous excel.
    - Soit vous utilisez les Vis "ecrire un fichier tableur" et "lire un fichier tableur" dans LabVIEW.
    Ces Vis enverront les données dans un fichier texte contenant des tabulations. Ces Vis sont simple à utiliser mais limités dans les fonctions.
    - Soit vous utilisez ActiveX qui gèrera le tranfert des données de Labview vers Excel.
    Il y a un exemple dans LabVIEW pour effectuer cette tache.
    Allé dans: aide>recherche d'exemple>communication avec des applications
    externes>activeX>Excel > Ecrire une table dans Excel
    - Soit vous utilisez "LabVIEW Report Generation Toolkit".
    Ce toolkit n'est pas inclus dans toutes les versions de LabVIEW, mais c'est possible que vous l'ayez déjà.
    Si vous ne l'avez pas, il est possible de l'acheter.
    Vous trouverez, dans le lien ci-dessous toutes les informations concernants ce toolkit.
    Je reste à votre disposition si vous avez d'autres questions.
    Brice S.
    National Instruments France

  • Erro retorno do status do lote

    Boa tarde a todos.
    Estou passando pela seguinte situação, ao emitir uma NFE a mesma é enviada para a SEFAZ e retornada com o erro 215 - Rejeição: Falha no esquema XML. O problema é que este erro fica apenas no monitor do lote da nota, ele não é atualizado no monitor da nota(a nota fica esperando resposta do lote) e consequentemente não retorna ao ECC. O estado de emissão é PE - Pernambuco e ambiente de Homologação. Alguem já passou por esse problema? Segue em anexo um arquivo com os prints.
    Algumas verificações já realizadas.
    - JOBs estão todos OK
    - Filas (SMQ1 e SMQ2) estão OK
    Muito Obrigado a todos
    Raphael Trivelati

    Existem varios problemas que podem acarretar esse erro, cada um diferente para cada etapa de "gestao" da mensagem do lote.
    Uma solução que vc poderia verificar é se as NFes contidas nesse lote estao aprovadas no SEFAZ, se estao, basta vc finalizar o processamento do lote e em cada uma das NFes que nele estavam contidas solicitar a verificacao do status da nota.
    O que esta ocorrendo muito após o dia 01/04, são falhas na interpretação do cabeçalho da nfe por parte da SEFAZ.
    Vc precisa verificar também se o seu cenario BATCH e BATSR estao configurados para a versao 3.1

  • Status erro: 46 - NF-e 2.0

    Masters of Sap Universe,
    Estou com o seguinte problema com o GRC...
    Aqui estamos com ambiente de GRC com SP15
    No monitor do GRC:
    Status do processo:05
    Status erro 46 - Lote rejeitado pelo Processamento da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica /
    Não existe erros na SXMB_MONI
    Na tentativa de reiniciar o Lote, eles não aparecem nas abas de erro para tentar reinicalizar
    Alguma ideia ?

    Bom dia Fernando,
    Estou com o mesmo problema.
    No GRC apresenta o status do erro (46) que o lote foi rejeitado pelo processamento da NFe.
    No monitor J1BNFE apresenta o erro 215 - Rejeição: Falha no Schema XML.
    Ja fiz o procedimento no validador XML do RS e apareceu que o erro era o sinal na primeira linha. Com isso eu apaguei o sinal e validou.
    O que devo fazer para resolver isso?
    Júlio Meireles

  • Cancelamento/inutilização: erro de sistema PI

    Pessoal, bom dia!
    Por favor, estamos testando o cenário de Cancelamento de NF e as notas estão ficando com os seguintes status:
    Stat. Processo: 06 - Enviado ao Processamento da Nota Fiscal Eletrônica
    Status de erro: 50 - Cancelamento/inutilização: erro de sistema PI
    Analisando o erro no Monitor do PI, peguei o XML enviado ao Sefaz e testei no endereço e os dados estão corretos.
    O Erro detalhado no Monitor do PI é (Error in response):
    Message processing failed. Cause: SOAP: response message contains an error XIAdapter/PARSING/ADAPTER.SOAP_EXCEPTION - soap fault: Unexpected Error java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.xml.soap.SOAPFactory.newInstance(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljavax/xml/soap/SOAPFactory; at br.inf.portalfiscal.soapclient.ClientSoap.( at br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.controller.ValidaDadosCanc.verificarRegistroCirculacao( at br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.controller.ValidaDadosCanc.validaDadosCanc( at br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.controller.ValidacaoXMLHelper.validaCancelamento( at br.inf.portalfiscal.nfe.controller.UtilSession.processarCancelamento( at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor292.invoke(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke( at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke( at org.jboss.invocation.Invocation.performCall( at org.jboss.ejb.StatelessSessionContainer$ContainerInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.CachedConnectionInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.StatelessSessionInstanceInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.CallValidationInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.AbstractTxInterceptor.invokeNext( at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.runWithTransactions( at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.TxInterceptorCMT.invoke( at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.SecurityInterceptor.invoke( at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.LogInterceptor.inv

    De fato, esse trace é do web service da propria SEFAZ.
    Esses objetos referenciados (e.g. não fazem parte do pacote do SAP NFE.
    O status no GRC está como comunicacao de PI (vermelho)?
    Se sim, depois de a SEFAZ corrigir o problema, vc consegue restartar o processo pela aba de Erro de Cancelamento/Inutilizacao no Monitor de NFes.

  • Error 70  - Código do status 225: Rejeição: Falha no Schema XML da Nfe.

    Bom dia grupo!
    Nós estamos atualmente recebendo a seguinte mensagem de erro da SEFAZ relacionado aos batches que nós enviamos: Error status 70 "Error from the authorities" and Código do status (Status Code) 225: Rejeição: Falha no Schema XML da Nfe.
    Nossa configuração é 46C com muitos OSS notes aplicados (veja abaixo)
    Nós estamos realmente parados neste momento e não temos nem ideia de onde começar.
    Marc de Ruijter
    OSS notes for NF-e phase 2
    989115      Nota Fiscal Electronica (NF-e) - Overview Note
    852302      Implementation Overview ISS 2004 - Legal Change MP135/LC116
    759965      New Condition Formulas for MP-135 and ISS 2004
    747607      Basic Customizing for MP135 and ISS legal change Brazil
    980214      DDIC changes: PIS / Cofins Tax Law and Tax Situation
    981123      PIS / Cofins Tax Law and Tax Situation
    981687      NFe: For Services in Muncipio Sao Paulo
    934846      Syntax error: TYPE-POOL 'SXRT' is unknown
    979881      Message S 000 in NF writer when mandatory fields not filled
    980213      Nota Fiscal Electronica (NF-e) of SEFAZ - Phase 2
    1037070      NF-e of SEFAZ - Phase 2, Enhancement 01
    1014600      No output found for the Nota Fiscal
    1052575      NF-e of SEFAZ - Phase 2 / DDIC changes after shipment
    1043688      NF-e of SEFAZ - Phase 2, Enhancement 02
    1062468      NF-e: Multiple volume structure for XML file
    1062251      NF-e: Extension of BADI Interface FILL_HAEDER
    1070261      NF-e of SEFAZ - Phase 2, Enhancement 03
    1094041      NF-e of SEFAZ - Phase 2, Enhancement 04
    1000130      Public System for Digital Bookkeeping (SPED) - Overview Note
    1008306      SD: Manual changes of CFOP for services when ISS tax applies
    998194      Missing ISS Tax Situation in the Nota Fiscal
    1047606      SD/Brazil: Using of error log during Nota Fiscal creation
    120449      SD-Brazil Exchange variance error in Nota Fiscal
    92383      LSA:BR:SD: Tax laws in return nota fiscal
    689157      Nota Fiscal Split and number of Packages
    987882      ISS Tax Law (field J_1BTAXLW3) not copied from sales order
    989965      CFOP redermination in the delivery document not working
    909835      Message 8B 679 raised during the delivery process
    337554      SD: No. of packages in Nota Fiscal
    533046      Repair order inconsistent to object list
    920330      Error when changing the tax codes in a sales order
    998195      PIS/COFINS/ISS Tax Law and Tax Situation in SD
    104606      EDI/IDoc: Mapping IDoc types to ANSI X12
    1094041      NF-e of SEFAZ - Phase 2, Enhancement 04
    1105588      J_1BLFZF: Runtime error OBJECTS_OBJREF_NOT_ASSIGNED
         OSS notes for XML ver 1.1 and NF-e phase 3
    1065334      NF-e: Extension of BADI Interface FILL_ITEM with tax table
    1068615      NF-e: Extension of BADI Interface with SD document flow
    1079826      NF-e: BAdI Interface Enhancement for NF Messages
    1069919      NF-e: Partner in Block E should always be main partner
    1090279      NF-e monitor: automatic refresh upon user actions
    1093252      NF-e: ICMS tax situation in XML File and DANFE
    1113127      NFe: New XML Layout - Version 1.10
    1114348      NF-e - xNFe integration - backend
    1122294      Send/resend NF-e: fill VBFA for BAdI item method
    1124075      NF-e: Serie not taken from Contingency NF-Type
    1144194      NF-e: Cancellation/Skipping Reason
         Bug Fix notes for NF-e BAPI.
    1049946      NF-e: Adaption of Nota Fiscal Bapis
    1147934      NFe: Random number should not be generated for incoming NFes
    1150733      NFe: Randon number and check digit not cleared
    1154995      NF-e: NF BAPI - enhancement for NF-e processing
    1158622      NF-e: NF BAPI - no input of random number possible
         Bug Fix notes for Contingency process
    1158612      NF-e: Wrong partner in Block-E for Entrada
    1240212      NF-e: One time Vendor data not transferred to XML file
    1255450      NF-e: Jurisdiction code for one time vendor / customer
    1257030      NF-e: Country Name for one time vendor / customer
    1069018      Cancellation of incoming NFe shows error J1B_NFE 003
    1070077      NF-e: Protocol number and document status for Denied NF-e
    1145148      NFe: Cancellation for Contingency NFes
    1152263      NF-e monitor: wrong action status '7' for C-NF-e
    1146914      NFe: Synchronous call to messaging system from backend
    1149356      NFe: Dump when NFe is cancelled with MIGO
    1152081      NFe: Dump when NFe is cancelled with VL09
    1153533      NFe: Dump when NFe in contingency is cancelled with VL09
    1156116      NF-e: Contingency by stock transfers
    1160107      NF-e: Cancellation of contingency NF-e with DOCSTA = 1 or 2
    1161347      NF-e: Cancellation of Contingency NF-e - correction
    1238648      NF-e monitor: req. action '3' (send) wrong for swtch. NF-e
    1165953      NF-e: Numbering Gaps
    1244326      NF-e: Numbering gaps - Status update in table J_1BNFENUMGAP
    1245425      NF-e monitor: required process step - contingency
    1252567      NF-e: Resend of NF-e - rejected or with validation error
    1266344      NF-e: Action Indicator for NF-e with validation error
    1254565      NF-e: Synchronization of RFC call between ERP and xNFe
    1053626      MIRO: wrong document reference in nota fiscal
    1073259      NF-e: Transfers - Outgoing NF-e No. not taken by Incoming
    1153874      NF-e: GR for future delivery takes wrong NF-e number
    1174946      NF-e: Serie not considered for duplicate NF-e number in MIRO
         Miscellaneous bug fix notes
    1175538      NF-e: Reference between NF and NF-e
    1244881      NF-e: Mixed scenario in MIRO shows error 8B219
    1257422      MIRO: Error 8B 219 by posting of reference invoices
    1150843      NFe: Text for cancel reason not transferred to XML file
         Bug Fix Notes Group 2
    1059699      NF-e: Reference between NF and NF-e
    1139062      NF-e incoming: Posted via J1B1N -> Wrong Document Status
    1144199      NF-e: SD Billing and Contingency
    1145089      NF-e: Cancellation despite rejected cancel request
    1149787      NF-e: Wrong status-code text in NF-e history
    1151112      NF-e: cancellation-reason text gets lost (pre req of 1150172)
    1150172      NF-e monitor: selection leads to dump
    1068379      Creation of Billing document issues an error 8B 145 (pre req of 1145089)
    1152842      NF-e: cancellation reason does not work
    1154700      NF-e: Random number & check digit not stored in active table
    1073145      PIS / COFINS Tax Laws for Transfers (pre req for 1155231)
    1082527      Missing PIS / COFINS Tax Laws for Transfers (pre req for 1155231)
    997868      VL02N: CFOP, tax laws not copied from delivery (error 8B148) u2013 (pre req of 1155231)
    1155231      PIS/COFINS tax law in NF/NF-e by split valuated material
    1155424      NF-e monitor: Menu -> "Check MS Connection" does not work
    1159177      NF-e: FUNC J_1B_NFE_SET_STATUS_IN_BACKEND set as Rem.Enabl
    1161951      NF-e monitor: "Resend" functionality.
    1162232      NF-e: switch to contingency not possible after MSS Update
    1162512      NF-e: cancellation reason not initial at first-time call.
    1162629      NF-e: creation date gets deleted from NF-e data-base table
    1164283      NF-e: SCS '5' - upon cancel system does not cancel
    1165155      NF-e Monitor: BACK (F3) leads to cancellation
    1165360      NF-e Monitor: new selection parameter - creation user
    1168394      NF-e: Reference document not taken from Nota Fiscal header
    1168798      NF-e: User decision for used NF-Type for Material Movements
    1171383      NF Writer: Copy NF-e that was switched to contingency.
    799445      Nota Fiscal creation: Consideration of local dates (pre req of 1171383)
    1104003      NF-Writer: Serie not taken from Reference NF (pre req of 1171383)
    1156037      NF-e: NF-Writer allow reference with different NF-types (pre req of 1171383)
    1175759      NF-e: central contingency per business place - correction
    1239598      NF-e: Random number and check digits are lost in NF writer.
    1163888      NF-e: Random Number includes spaces (pre req of 1239598)
    1245425      NF-e monitor: required process step u2013 contingency. u2013 applied in bug fix notes no need to apply.
    1246700      NF-e: Wrong reference for NF entradas.
    1257688      NF-e: Update termination with error J1B_NFE 021
    1258021      NF-e: Dump by creation of NF header text for XML file
    1258974      NF-e: Monitor report aborts with DBIF_RSQL_INVALID_RSQL
    1265172      NF-e - Decouple RFC from DB Update
    1285851      NF-e: Cancellation of none authorized documents
    1288925      NF-e: References between NF-e and non NF-e
    1272677      NF-e: Cancellation for Material Document with serial number (pre req for 1288925)
    1247602      NF-e: Cancellation of material documents with serial numbers
    1163104      NF-e: Cancel Material documents with initial cancel reason
    1293944      NF-e: Cancellation of material documents with batch classes.
    1267128      NF-e: Cancellation goods movement with MVT 844 not possible (pre req for 1293944)
    1300000      NF-e: Decouple - Contingency
    1314856      NF-e: Decouple - Contingency in J1BNFE and VF01 & VF04
    1321837      F-e: Cancel of material documents not possible
    1092028      NF-e: Protocol number in NF-header overwritten (pre req for 1265172)
    1114283      NF-e: cancellation - document status cleared in J_1BNFDOC (pre req for 1265172)
    1234053      Local time / local date in NF header and NF-e XML (pre req for 1265172)
    1288994      NF-e: Decupling note 1265172 causes error for incoming NF-e (pre req for 1300000)
    1297042      NF-e: NF-e number missed in access key after decoupling (pre req for 1300000)
    1087535      RFFOBR_A, should be filled with 9 digits in DME file Applied OSS note 1087535 to the object Z_RFFORIY1 which was copied from RFFORIY1
    1097455      NFE: Bank files should accommodate Doc. Numbers with 9 digits
    304961      Wrong boleto check digit with carteira data (pre req of 1097455) - Not relevant
    336117      Include due date factor in Boleto barcode for A/R (pre req of 1097455) - Not relevant
    705726       ITAU: Boleto has negative interest value (pre req of 1097455) - Not relevant
    846297      Func Mod - BOLETO_DATA not printing correct nosso numero (pre req of 1097455) - Not relevant
    852782       BOLETO_DATA - Corrections of note 846297 for Bredesco only (pre req of 1097455) - Not relevant
    1227478      Dump in payment run (F110) when XBLNR is empty
    1138278      NFe: Field PREDBC not filled in XML interface structure (pre req of 1149585)
    1149585       NFe: CST field required in XML file for taxes not in NFe
    1053855      VL02N raises error 8B 053 "Branch not foundu201D
    1165696      RFEBBU00: Error in batch input due to changes in Nota Fiscal
    1180402      NF-e: BADI methods FILL_HEADER and FILL_ITEM
    1180672      NF-e: Gap numbering check doesnu2019t consider the series
    1225338      RFEBBU00: Additional changes to the note 1165696
    1241922      NF-e: Report J_1BNFECHECKNUMBERRANGES xNFe adaption
    1244326      NF-e: Numbering gaps - Status update in table J_1BNFENUMGAP (Applied using other Kintana)
    1270813      NF-e: Year not included in the XML file
    1247264      NF-e: Error in RFC to /XNFE/NFE_CREATE after note 1241922 (pre req for 1274200)
    1274200      NF-e: Numbering gaps report sends SERIE with spaces
    1276185      NF-e: Numbering gaps report sends SERIE with spaces
    1294917      NF-e: Gap numbering check - several corrections
    1324538      Missing address for OT Customer in J_1B_NFE_CREATE_TXT_FILE
    1331432      NF-e: Numbering gaps report detects gaps for initial series
    1332167      NF-e: Rep. J_1BNFECHECKNUMBERRANGES aborts with error DC 006
    1092341      RFFOBR_A,RFFOBR_D: Performance problem while rebate calcula
    1237089      RFEBBU10:While uploading ITAU Bank returnfile- Error(F5 170)
    1051314      Check Digit missing from Boleto number (pre req for 1306966)
    1306966      J_1BBR30:XREF3 is not updated correctly with Boletofrom bank
    1005924      RFFOBR_A-The DME file does not include Rebate for ITAU (pre req for 1287633)
    1287633      RFFOBR_A: Discount amount not calculated correctly
    1234054      NF-e: function J_1B_NFE_MS_REQUESTS_DATA is not RFC enabled
    1297534      NFe cancellation problems in GRC
    1243964      NF-e: Adaption of xNFe interface of function NFE/NFE_SKIP
    1165746      NF-e: Cancel - Error log not updated
    1327465      The program /xnfe/update_erp_status is not updating R/3
    1326691      BAdI for controlling the RFC call of external systems
    1333136      Prevent simultaneous click on buttons in NF-e monitor
    1333742      NF-e got the status 218
    1354192      Validation rules: correction for fields TPLACA and T_UF1
    1373175      Lock object for /XNFE/NFE_CREATE to prevent double transm
    1376500      BAPIRET2 to provide the detailed information to ERP
    1267455      Not possible to create different DOCREF per item using BAPI (pre req for 1373321)
    1373321      BAPI_J_1B_NF_CREATEFROMDATA: DOCREF from Header go to item
    1328583      NF-Writer posting of NF/NFe when mandatory fields not filled
    1338166      NF-e: Random number and check digit lost after note 1328583
    1259918      NF-e: RFC calls for request for cancellation or skip
    1152140      NF-e: backend allows inconsistent new SCS (pre-req for 1298283)
    1162852      NF-e: Inbound errors missed in error log of Monitor Report (pre-req for 1298283)
    1163056      NF-e: Problems with printing via BADI method CALL_RSNAST00 (pre-req for 1298283)
    1276438      NF-e: Parallel Phase not identified in messaging system (pre-req for 1298283)
    1296515      NF-e: J1BNFE reset rejected NF-e after skipping request (pre-req for 1298283)
    1297823      NF-e: Cancelled NF-e shows wrong action indicator (pre-req for 1298283)
    1298283      NF-e: Skip for NF-e with validation error
    1362969      NF-e: check cancellation for billing documents
    1368159      NF-e: cancellation of invoices via original application only
    1370933      NF-e: Accept Rejection to Cancel - wrong status in monitor
    1376324      NF-e: Skip for NF-e with validation error
    1140579      NFe: Field length conflicts from backend interface to XML
    1357713      NF-e: Cancel of incoming NF-es does not update active table.
    1173018      NF-e: Field control for Random Number and Check Digit (pre-req for 1366320)
    1321517      NF-e: MIRO Credit Memos for NF-e shows error 8B 020 (pre-req for 1366320)
    1366320      NF-e MIRO:Save is allowed without mandatory fields filled for NFe
    1375066      NF-e: J_1BNFECHECKNUMBERRANGES ends too early, wrong subrc
    1375894      NF-e: J1BNFE authority check for company code
    1377879      NF-e: Report J_BNFECALLRFC aborts with message A098
    1379062      NF-e: posting GR after cancellation leads to wrong NF-e
    1357777      Cancel billing document without Nota Fiscal cancellation
    1380861      NF-e Resend(proc.stat.07) with Signature error impossible
    1362025      Error while sending Bacen Code EX with 0 on begining
    1249819      NF-e: Field MODFRETE filled incorrectly

    Bom dia Marc de Ruijter,
    Não dá para ler sua thread, mas imagino que seu validador esteja desligado.
    No GRC vá em SPRO --> SAP GRC Nota Fiscal Electronica --> Configure System Response for Each Tax Number (CNPJ)
    Para ligar/desligar o Validador basta clicar no check box na coluna Validation.
    Observação: Para correto funcionamento do GRC deve-se sempre utilizar o validador ligado.
    Após isto refaça seu teste, é provável que você receba um erro de validação para a NF-e. Veja em GRC Web monitor -> NFe Detailed View -> Validation History.
    Fernando Da Ró

  • Meu firefox quando abre da msg de erro FLASH PAROU DE FUNCIONAR e vc fecha e ela reabre e não da pra mexer em mais nada só fica piscando

    Meu firefox só da erro por causa do flash plugin desde que atualizou para o 13 ficou horrivel so da erro, ae depois tentei instalar o 14 para ver e nada mudou..
    não tem como resolver, ja deletei o plugin, resetei as conf. do firefox, desinstalei e reinstalei e nada funciona
    Assinatura do problema:
    Nome do Evento de Problema: BEX
    Nome do Aplicativo: FlashPlayerPlugin_14_0_0_90.exe
    Versão do Aplicativo:
    Carimbo de Data/Hora do Aplicativo: 535f55c1
    Nome do Módulo de Falhas: StackHash_27eb
    Versão do Módulo de Falhas:
    Carimbo de Data/Hora do Módulo de Falhas: 00000000
    Deslocamento de Exceção: 00260f66
    Código de Exceção: c0000005
    Dados de Exceção: 00000008
    Versão do sistema operacional: 6.1.7601.
    Identificação da Localidade: 1046
    Informações Adicionais 1: 27eb
    Informações Adicionais 2: 27eb358fe674a6f15dafe56d42bb9bf3
    Informações Adicionais 3: 2f06
    Informações Adicionais 4: 2f06c18113e6d7c00e6b91fa1fde84b6
    Leia nossa declaração de privacidade online:
    Se a declaração de privacidade online não estiver disponível, leia nossa declaração de privacidade offline:

    Vá no seu painel de controle e desinstale qualquer versão do flash que esteja instalada. Reinicie o computador
    Crie um novo perfil:
    *[ Criando um novo perfil]
    E reinstale a versão estável do flash:
    Verifique também se o problema não está sendo causado pela aceleração de hardware:
    O problema que você descreve parece ser resultado de conflitos com a aceleração dos gráficos através do hardware. Experimente desativar essa opção no Firefox.
    '''Importante:''' Talvez seja necessário reiniciar o Firefox, portando, salve todo o trabalho que estiver fazendo em seu navegador antes de seguir os próximos passos:
    * Clique no botão laranja '''Firefox''' acima ao lado esquerdo, e selecione Preferências
    ** Se não houver um botão laranja '''Firefox''', selecione Ferramentas > Preferências.
    * Na janela de opções selecione o ícone de '''Avançado''' e em seguida clique na aba '''Geral'''
    * Nas opções exibidas, desmarque a opção ''Quando disponível, utilizar a aceleração por hardware''.
    * Reinicie o Firefox.
    Além disso, por favor verifique se existem atualizações do driver Gráfico de seu computador. O seguinte artigo explica como atualizar os drivers:
    [[Upgrade your graphics drivers to use hardware acceleration and WebGL]]
    O seguinte artigo contém mais informações sobre problemas na aceleração por hardware:
    [[Troubleshoot extensions, themes and hardware acceleration issues to solve common Firefox problems]]
    Espero que essas informações sejam úteis. Por favor nos informe se isso resolve seu problema.

  • Lote com status  02 - Enviado ao PI

    Boa Tarde,
    Estamos com 3 lotes que apresentaram o seguinte Status - 02 Enviado ao PI, e não consigo liberá-los para envio para a SEFAZ.
    O erro apresentado no SXI_MONITOR é o seguinte:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
    - <!--  Call Inbound Proxy
    - <SAP:Error xmlns:SAP="" xmlns:SOAP="" SOAP:mustUnderstand="">
      <SAP:P1>Request Message</SAP:P1>
      <SAP:P4>XML Bytepos.: 705 XML Path: ns1:nfeRecepcaoLoteResponse(1)ns1:nfeRecepcaoLoteResult(1)ns2:retEnviNFe(1)ns2:xMotivo(4) Error Text: Ocorreu um perda de dados durante a conversão de Rejeição: Erro não catalogado - Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.NFe_Fila'.'PK_NFe_Fila_1' in database 'NFe_In' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additi. Kernel ErrorId: CONVT_DATA_LOSS</SAP:P4>
      <SAP:AdditionalText />
      <SAP:ApplicationFaultMessage namespace="" />
      <SAP:Stack>Fehler bei der Konvertierung XML => ABAP (Request Message; FehlerId: CX_ST_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR; (/1SAI/TXS93D66C51A914A80B8BD3 XML Bytepos.: 705 XML Path: ns1:nfeRecepcaoLoteResponse(1)ns1:nfeRecepcaoLoteResult(1)ns2:retEnviNFe(1)ns2:xMotivo(4) Error Text: Ocorreu um perda de dados durante a conversão de Rejeição: Erro não catalogado - Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.NF ) ) Ocorreu um erro na deserialização em o programa ST /1SAI/TXS93D66C51A914A80B8BD3. Ocorreu um perda de dados durante a conversão de Rejeição: Erro não catalogado - Could not allocate space for object 'dbo.NFe_Fila'.'PK_NFe_Fila_1' in database 'NFe_In' because the 'PRIMARY' filegroup is full. Create disk space by deleting unneeded files, dropping objects in the filegroup, adding additi.</SAP:Stack>
    Mas não consigo reestartar a mensagem.
    Alguém saberia como solucionar este problema?
    Migdon Silva

    Bom dia Migdon,
    O erro de banco de dados aconteceu na Sefaz SP no dia de hoje, este erro CX_ST_DESERIALIZATION_ERROR aconteceu no proxy do PI para o ABAP devido à descrição do erro no campo xMotivo excedeu o tamanho máximo definido no esquema XML (255 caracteres).
    Como é comum das Secretarias estrapolarem este limite nos erros tipo 999, o GRC foi modificado para truncar este valor e eliminar o problema de proxy através da SAP Note 1319911 (SP09).
    Para resolver o incidente, você deverá acrescentar linhas falsas na tabela de histórico de lote (/xnfe/bat_hist), conforme xemplo:
       BATCHID      = <seu lote>
       ERTIME       = <current time stamp with format YYYYMMDDHHMISE,99999>
                          Ex.:20090522160000,9999999  --> um bom valor de ERTIME é
    pegar o maior atual para o lote e acrescentar 1 segundo.
       BATSTAT      = 02                                                   
       ERROR_STATUS = 01    "General error                                 
    Após acrescentar esta linha você pode ir no GRC Web Monitor e fazer o restart do lote, que será enviado normalmente.
    Atenciosamente, Fernando Da Rós
    Edited by: Fernando Da Ros on May 22, 2009 9:05 PM

  • Best way to restrict data (per consumer-based) in a generic data service

    Hi again!
    In our project, we have a big database and our data services expose data from them. So far, so good.
    However, because of the company's security business process, any consumer needs to approve all the fields they want to use before consuming the data services and also the scope of the query, and not all consumers have the same permissions.
    For example, suppose we have a big table called EMPLOYEES with the following fields (please note that in this fake"table" I am not considering joins and FK's, for the sake of simplicity):
    h3. EMPLOYEES (XML schema element employee)
    ID (not mapped in XML schema)
    NAME (element name)
    LOGIN (element login)
    SUBSIDIARY (element subsidiary)
    DEPARTMENT (element department)
    JOB (element job)
    SALARY (element salary)
    ADDRESS (element address)
    SOCIAL_SECURITY_NUMBER (element socialSecNumber)
    Suppose we have a generic public operation called getEmployeeByLogin($login as xs:string), published in the corporative oracle service bus, that retrieve an employee. Any and every consumer must have their own bus login/password and, based in it, we configure ODSI which elements each consumer will get in the response. So:
    . . . . Consumer1: restricted to see only elements name, login, department, subsidiary
    . . . . Consumer2: restricted to see only elements name, login, department, job, subsidiary
    And so on. Again, so far, so good.
    Our problem: some consumers are allowed to see elements from a specific subsidiary and/or department. Example:
    . . . . Consumer3: restricted to see only elements name, login, department, job, salary ONLY FROM subsidiary "ABC" and department "dept 2"
    . . . . Consumer4: restricted to see only elements name, login, department, job ONLY FROM subsidiaries "ABC", "DEF", "GHI"
    . . . . Consumer5: restricted to see only elements name, login, department, job, salary ONLY FROM subsidiary "MNO", departments "dept 11", "dept 12"
    What would be the best way to attend to these restrictions while using the most generic and reusable solution?
    One answer would be create an operation for each consumer, but I don't want to use this approach unless I have no other alternative.
    I was thinking in creating an abstract level of operations to apply business rules, but I do not know if this is possible or if it is the best solution, because this is kind of hardcoding the solution. Example of this solution:
    . . . . Generic public operation: getEmployeeByLogin($login as xs:string)
    . . . . Specific public operation: getEmployeeByLogin_Consumer3($login as xs:string)
    . . . . Specific public operation: getEmployeeByLogin_Consumer4($login as xs:string)
    . . . . Specific public operation: getEmployeeByLogin_Consumer5($login as xs:string)
    . . . . All public operations above would call the generic private operation: getEmployeeByLogin($login as xs:string, $restrictions as xs:string?):
    . . . . getEmployeeByLogin would call this private operation, passing $restrictions as null.
    . . . . getEmployeeByLogin_Consumer3 would call this private operation, passing $restrictions to read only data from subsidiary "ABC" and department "dept 2".
    . . . . getEmployeeByLogin_Consumer4 would call this private operation, passing $restrictions to read only data from subsidiaries "ABC", "DEF", "GHI".
    . . . . getEmployeeByLogin_Consumer5 would call this private operation, passing $restrictions to read only data from subsidiary "MNO", departments "dept 11", "dept 12"
    What do you think about this scenario? Any idea will be highly appreciated!
    Thank you very much!

    Hi again.
    I am having some difficult trying to build my own XQuery Functions for Security.
    Hitherto, I learnt how to grant permission based in username. Now, I need to implement conditions, like "if username = 'abc', do not show results from department XPTO" and so on, but I am getting erros when I try to reference my xml schema inside the XQuery Functions for Security.
    Could you please tell me where can I get the source project used in the documentation example? I think I can try to find my way if I can study the entire source project. Page 7 of the link you sent me:
    import schema namespace t1 = 'ld:DataServices/CUSTOMER_ORDER' at 'ld:DataServices/Schema/CUSTOMER_ORDER.xsd';
    declare namespace f1 = "ld:CUSTOMER_ORDER";
    declare function f1:secureOrders($order as element(f1:CUSTOMER_ORDER)) as xs:boolean {
         if (fn-bea:is-access-allowed("CUSTOMER_ORDER/LimitAccess", "ld:CUSTOMER_ORDER.ds")) then
         else if ($order/TotalOrderAmount lt (fn-bea:get-property("total_order_amount", "1000000") cast as xs:decimal)) then
    Thank you again!

  • RFC - XI - JDBC - cannot insert in Table !

    Hi Experts...
    I have a scene RFC - XI - JDBC !
    When executing the application in the SXMB_MONI my status is processed successfully!
    But cannot insert the data in SQLServer Tables !
    Im Message Monitoring i have the erros:
    Error No "action" attribute found in XML document ("action" attribute missing or wrong XML structure)
    Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Error processing request in sax parser: No 'action' attribute found in XML document (attribute "action" missing or wrong XML structure).
    I need to insert in 4 tables --> CRHE, CRFT, CRFV and TLINES
    Where CRHE is the father table.
    This is my RFC Structure:
    This is my XML Receiver Structure:
    How to resolve this problem ??? ...i believe the problem is in the action of Message Mappings ?? ...but have some problems to resolve it !
    Some one can Help me !!!
    Thanks Very Much for the atention !!

    Hi Bravesh...
    I don't have error in JDBC adapter !! This is OK !!
    When i send the message from XI to R/3 SXMB_MONI it does not contain errors !
    When executing the application in the SXMB_MONI my status is processed successfully!
    But cannot insert the data in SQLServer Tables !
    Im Message Monitoring i have the erros:
    Error No "action" attribute found in XML document ("action" attribute missing or wrong XML structure)
    Error Exception caught by adapter framework: Error processing request in sax parser: No 'action' attribute found in XML document (attribute "action" missing or wrong XML structure).

  • Error on newInstace() method of SOAPConnectionFactory

    I am trying to finish a million lines of code in a couple of months. And the first few lines are driving me nuts. Somebody get back with some good news before I decide to flip burgers instead.
    I get the following error when I run the listed code.
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: java/util/logging/Log
    at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnection.<clinit>(Htt
    at com.sun.xml.messaging.saaj.client.p2p.HttpSOAPConnectionFactory.creat
    at testClass.main(
    I have commons-logging.jar in the classpath. I am not aware of configuring the API in anyway though.
    The code is as follows:
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnection;
    import javax.xml.soap.SOAPConnectionFactory;
    public class testClass
         public static void main(String args[])
                   SOAPConnectionFactory soapConnectionFactory = SOAPConnectionFactory.newInstance();
                   SOAPConnection soapConnection = soapConnectionFactory.createConnection();
              catch (Exception e)
    Any help will be appreciated.

    Thank veramkovich. But I had figured it out a day after I had posted this problem. I knew that Logger is in JDK 1.4 and was very confident that I had JVM 1.4 as well. But it was not like that. I had downloaded JDK 1.4, included that in my path and all. But then, I had installed WebSphere Application Developer and Oracle 9i client that ships with Java 1.3. So, just for no reason, after three days of struggle, I try "java -version" and could not believe my eyes when I saw that JVM 1.3 was being used. Of course my program was compiling because the libraries that were being used were JDK1.4.
    Now I can give you these 8 points and 2 more if you can help me permanently settle my problem. I cannot seem to set the path variable in XP Pro. I have tried going to control panel and setting the environment variable. I have tried to set the path from command prompt using "set path". But neither am I prompted to restart, nor on restart am I able to get rid of the path spec for JVM 1.3. Also, how can I uninstall JVM 1.3.
    Please help and you will get 10 points. You anyways will get 4 for replying to my message.

  • Integrating Portal 3.0 sp3a with iAS 6.5

    I have the Portal Server installed on one machine and an application running on iAS 6.5 on a different machine.
    I have tried to invoke the application using a URLScraper channel.
    In my application, I have done:
    Session lPortalSession          = null;
    SessionID lsid               = null;      
    log("before generating id");
    lsid           = new SessionID(req);
    log("lsid :"+lsid);
    lPortalSession      = Session.getSession( lsid );
    catch(Exception ex )
    Here, it is getting teh Portal Session Id, but is throwing an exception after that.
    2040 [23/Apr/2002 10:14:24:5] info: WisperMainSrv: lsid :345nwapoqoqdrfcupeat
    f2q3r646p245p@[email protected]@8080@/vcynarg.pbz
    2041 [23/Apr/2002 10:14:24:5] info: --------------------------------------
    2042 org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: Document root element is missing.
    2043 at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.fatal(
    2044 at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.fatal(
    2045 at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.parseInternal(
    2046 at com.sun.xml.parser.Parser.parse(
    2047 at com.sun.xml.tree.XmlDocument.createXmlDocument(XmlDocument.ja
    2048 at com.iplanet.portalserver.util.XMLParser.<init>(
    2049 at com.iplanet.portalserver.naming.share.NamingResponseParser.<i
    2050 at com.iplanet.portalserver.naming.share.NamingResponse.parseXML
    2051 at com.iplanet.portalserver.naming.WebtopNaming.updateNamingTabl
    2052 at com.iplanet.portalserver.naming.WebtopNaming.getNamingProfile
    2053 at com.iplanet.portalserver.naming.WebtopNaming.getServiceURL(We
    ( com.iplanet.portalserver.session.Session.getSessionServiceURL
    ( com.iplanet.portalserver.session.Session.getSessionServiceURL
    ava:439) at com.iplanet.portalserver.session.Session.getSession(Session.j at
    va:47) at
    2059 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    2060 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    (Unknown Source)at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletInfo.service
    te(Unknown Source) com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletRunner.execu
    2063 at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    2064 at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    2065 at Method)
    2066 at
    2067 com.iplanet.portalserver.session.SessionException
    ( com.iplanet.portalserver.session.Session.getSessionServiceURL
    ( com.iplanet.portalserver.session.Session.getSessionServiceURL
    ava:439) at com.iplanet.portalserver.session.Session.getSession(Session.j at
    va:47) at
    2073 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    2074 at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    (Unknown Source)at com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletInfo.service
    te(Unknown Source) com.netscape.server.servlet.servletrunner.ServletRunner.execu
    2077 at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    2078 at com.kivasoft.applogic.AppLogic.execute(Unknown Source)
    2079 at Method)
    2080 at
    2081 inside error page
    What is this error?
    I have performed the following steps:
    1. Added the URL of the application server machine in Forward Cookies List in the Gateway Profile.
    2. Created the following directories on the non-iPS server host:
    3. Copied the platform.conf file from /etc/opt/SUNWips/platform.conf to the same location on the non-iPS server.
    In the platform.conf file, modified the ips.notification.url parameter to to be the FQDN (Fully Qualified Domain Name) of the server my application is running on.
    4. I should have Copied the following JAR files from /opt/SUNWips/lib to the same location on the non-iPS server:
    In this case, there may be a problem. On my Portal Server machine, these files are under /export/home0/IPS/SUNWips/lib, but I have copied them to /opt/SUNWips/lib on the machien running the App server. Could this be a problem?
    5. Copied the following files from /export/home0/IPS/SUNWips/locale to the /opt/SUNWips/locale on the non-iPS server:
    Here, also there may be a problem because tehy are in different paths on the two machines. Does this matter?
    6. Updated the classpath in
    I included the 3 JAR files and /opt/SUNWips/locale in the classpath. However, I could not include xml.jar, as teh server fails to startup on including xml.jar.
    I am using Web Server 6.0
    It gives the following error:
    1686 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] failure (12850): vs(
    t create web applications virtual server environment.
    1687 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] failure (12850): Internal Error: Failed to initi
    lize web application environment (web-apps.xml) for virtual server (https-sun14
    1688 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] info (12850): Internal Error: Failed to initiali
    e web application environment (web-apps.xml) for virtual server (https-sun14.ip
    1689 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] failure (12850): The new configuration was rejec
    ed, rolling back
    1690 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] failure (12850): vs(
    parsing web applications configuration web-apps.xml: sealing violation.
    1691 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] failure (12850): vs(
    t create web applications virtual server environment.
    1692 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] failure (12850): Internal Error: Failed to initi
    lize web application environment (web-apps.xml) for virtual server (https-sun14
    1693 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] info (12850): Internal Error: Failed to initiali
    e web application environment (web-apps.xml) for virtual server (https-sun14.ip
    1694 [23/Apr/2002:09:54:29] failure (12850): 1 subystems could not be rolled
    7. I have added the following line to the iws_server_root/https-your_server_instance_name/config/rules.properites file:
    8. Added the following line to the iws_server_root/https-your_server_instance_name/config/ file:
    Where have I gone wrong?
    Please help....

    iPS 3.0 was never tested with app server 6.5 and iWS 6.0 so most likely it might not work. However here are the issues I see in ur current situation
    #4 and #5 are problems, they should be in the exact directory as original portal installation. #6 could also be a potential problem but I am not sure ..

Maybe you are looking for

  • Computer Not Turning On w/ Power Chord

    My G4 went to sleep w/o warning (the same issue as this thread post?!?!) and now WILL NOT WAKE UP?! (yes I am aware of this "defect" via other posts). Any idea why? Here's what I tried to troubleshoot: 1. A diff power chord 2. Taking battery out and

  • Please help : Problem with setLong during SELECT

         try // do query      String query = "SELECT * FROM Doc_Log WHERE EVENT_ID = ?";      System.out.println("SELECT STATEMENT....:"+"\t"+query);      long PUBLISH_ID = EVENT_ID;      System.out.println("EVENT_ID to be used is:"+"\t"+PUBLISH_ID);    

  • Nvidia gtx 960 msi z97s sli krait edition

    I didnt build this system I had Ibuypower build it my graphics card wont show bios or post screen but will show the windows no problem plays games great now looking on the msi site it says nothing about 960 being compatible why is this not and is the

  • No menu in organizer

    Just downloaded the trial version of photoshop elements 7 No menu bar at the top of the page is available. Is this something that appears once program is activated with a serial number or is it suppose to be present in trial version?

  • Airpot doesn't work

    I had various problems with my Airport from the start, but it's been working good in the next few days, but it doesn't work today. This morning, when I got to my computer, my Internet access wasn't working. I check the Airport status in my menue bar,