Error 90020302: Invalid last name. Exam Registration

Hi there, this is my first time trying to register for a MSCA Certification Exam, and before getting to Pearson VUE, there's a Microsoft "Register for your exam" page, that is giving me an error "Error 90020302: Invalid last name.", once
I've completed all required data. My last name is González, so i thought, maybe the letter "á" is giving trouble, so I tried Gonzalez as well, but with no different results. Can someone help me? Thanks!

You can contact your  local Microsoft support center for help with the registration process:
When you see answers and helpful posts, please click Vote As Helpful, Propose As Answer, and/or Mark As Answer
Danny van Dam

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    Hi Manoj,
    This is the output:
    SQL> desc all_tab_columns
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    OWNER                                      NOT NULL      VARCHAR2(30)
    TABLE_NAME                             NOT NULL      VARCHAR2(30)
    COLUMN_NAME                          NOT NULL      VARCHAR2(30)
    DATA_TYPE                                           VARCHAR2(106)
    DATA_TYPE_MOD                                           VARCHAR2(3)
    DATA_TYPE_OWNER                                         VARCHAR2(30)
    DATA_LENGTH                           NOT NULL      NUMBER
    DATA_PRECISION                                          NUMBER
    DATA_SCALE                                                   NUMBER
    NULLABLE                                                     VARCHAR2(1)
    COLUMN_ID                                 NOT NULL      NUMBER
    DEFAULT_LENGTH                                          NUMBER
    DATA_DEFAULT                                            LONG
    NUM_DISTINCT                                                 NUMBER
    LOW_VALUE                                                    RAW(32)
    HIGH_VALUE                                                   RAW(32)
    DENSITY                                                      NUMBER
    NUM_NULLS                                                    NUMBER
    NUM_BUCKETS                                             NUMBER
    LAST_ANALYZED                                           DATE
    SAMPLE_SIZE                                                  NUMBER
    CHARACTER_SET_NAME                                    VARCHAR2(44)
    CHAR_COL_DECL_LENGTH                                 NUMBER
    GLOBAL_STATS                                            VARCHAR2(3)
    USER_STATS                                                   VARCHAR2(3)
    AVG_COL_LEN                                             NUMBER
    Thanks for your help.

  • The error: "Oracle Error 904 / Invalid Column name"

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    Asif, to add another question to the list of things to check. Is the version of the exp utility you are using to perform the export operation the same version as the database? If not, that would explain the error.
    If you are trying to export using a newer version of the export utility that generally will not work. You should switch to using the db version.
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    TO do this the formula has to be in a member block. Try wrapping the data opt. Ommand in

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  • XID protocol error , sense 08910005 invalid CP name

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    (NNS). For example, our internal mainframe is a NNS, so I can have two HIS Servers using IP-DLC configured to connect to the NNS and I can enable APPC communication between the two HIS Servers. I cannot do this directly without an NNS.
    Using DLC to connect HIS Servers has and can be done, but not with current versions. The DLC protocol and the 802.2 DLC link service have been removed from HIS starting with HIS 2010. HIS 2009 is the last version that supports DLC and this is only on 32-bit
    systems because a 64-bit version of DLC never existed. The last 32-bit Windows Server version is Windows Server 2008 (not R2). Since you have HIS 2010, you don't have an option to try DLC. If you were to try HIS 2009, you would need to make sure the MFES servers
    are running on 32-bit operating systems.
    Have you checked with MicroFocus to see if they have any options to meet your needs?
    I have worked with customers using MicroFocus with HIS, but they were communicating with IBM mainframes or AS/400s.
    Stephen Jackson - MSFT

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    Hi all,
    I have installed some addons  on server, and the same is installed on client systems as well. on server everything works well. But when it comes to client systems, one particular form shows an error message, "Invalid Field Name", on loading the form.
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    Rohan S. Kamble.

    Hi Rohan,
    Are you sure you have the same version of DI (also addon) on your client and your server side?
    Reinstall the addon on your client, check if the problem still happens.

  • Invalid column name in IMGSimilar

    Hi all,
    I have a question for the function IMGSimilar.
    I have a table musterbildsig, in which the generated signatures of 100 pictures are stored in the column msbild_sig. Each Signature in this table is to compare with all signatures in the column bild_signature of the table bildtable_intern_signature.
    I use the following java code.
    OracleResultSet rs_mbsig = (OracleResultSet) stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM musterbildsig");
    while ({
    OrdImageSignature mbsig = (OrdImageSignature) rs_mbsig.getCustomDatum(2, OrdImageSignature.getFactory());
    String str = "SELECT bsig.bild_id, ORDSYS.IMGScore(1) AS Score FROM bildtable_intern_signature bsig WHERE ORDSYS.IMGSimilar(bsig.bild_signature, mbsig, 'color=\"0,7\" texture=\"0,5\" location=\"0,1\"', (float)th, 1) = 1 ORDER BY Score asc";
    OracleResultSet rs = (OracleResultSet) stmt.executeQuery(str);
    But i get the error message: invalid column name.
    I think, mbsig is wrong. But i don't know, how can i correct that?
    Please help!
    Thank you very much and greeting from germany!

    I think you aren't able to use "mbsig" directly in your query string. Instead you should substitute it with "?" as follows.
    String str = "SELECT bsig.bild_id, ORDSYS.IMGScore(1) AS Score FROM bildtable_intern_signature bsig WHERE ORDSYS.IMGSimilar(bsig.bild_signature, ?, 'color=\"0,7\" texture=\"0,5\" location=\"0,1\"', (float)th, 1) = 1 ORDER BY Score asc";
    After you have to declare, what "?" is by:
    OraclePreparedStatement stmt = (OraclePreparedStatement)conn.prepareStatement(str);
    stmt.setCustomDatum(1, mbsig);
    Now you can retrieve data with:
    OracleResultSet rs = (OracleResultSet) stmt.executeQuery();
    I hope it helps.
    greetings from germany :)

  • Invalid Column name 'fill_factor'

    converting from sybase 11.5 to Oracle 9i.
    Using sybase 11.5 driver and the sybase 11 plugin.
    The load source model stops with an error : 'invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
    This occurs just at the point where it says 'capturing .. SYSPROCEDURES'
    How can I get around this??
    Please email me at : [email protected]

    Even I am getting the same error when trying to see the table structure in sybase from SSMA tool. 
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : EFTArchive_bk2
         Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    I am not sure how to fix this. 
    This answer doesn't help me. "In SQL Server 2005 the fill_factor is spelled as FILLFACTOR." As I am
    getting this error sybase database itself.  
    I am using SSMA to migrate data from sybase to sql. when I select the tables in sybase, I am getting
    above error. (Invalid column name "fill_factor") 
    Could some please help me how to fix this error?

  • SSMA for Sybase - Table Not Load: Invalid Column Name fill_factor

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    Analyzing metadata...
    Converting procedure Mortality.dbo.proc_exposure_1 ...
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         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : study
         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    Converting procedure Mortality.dbo.proc_mortality_output ...
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : sysindexes
         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : sysindexes
         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : exposure_array
         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : mortality_rate_table
         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    Converting procedure Mortality.dbo.proc_study_work_1 ...
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : study_working
         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : study_working
         [Native Error code: 207]
    [DataDirect ADO Sybase Provider] Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.

    Even I am getting the same error when trying to see the table structure in sybase from SSMA tool. 
    Sybase Server Object Collector error: table : EFTArchive_bk2
         Invalid column name 'fill_factor'.
         Error occurred while loading content.
    I am not sure how to fix this. 
    This answer doesn't help me. "In SQL Server 2005 the fill_factor is spelled as FILLFACTOR." As I am
    getting this error sybase database itself.  
    I am using SSMA to migrate data from sybase to sql. when I select the tables in sybase, I am getting
    above error. (Invalid column name "fill_factor") 
    Could some please help me how to fix this error?

  • Profiler bug? (Invalid object name '#Results'.)

    Hi. I've been using SQL Server Profiler to look for any "Exception" events, across any databases, etc.
    Despite no issues from SSMS, I notice that the error message "Invalid object name '#Results'." shows up in Profiler when I run the following example queries (either ad-hoc or stored procedure):
    CREATE TABLE #Results (myDate datetime)
    INSERT INTO #Results(myDate) SELECT getdate()
    SELECT * FROM #Results
    DROP TABLE #Results
    SELECT getdate() AS myDate INTO #Results
    SELECT * FROM #Results
    DROP TABLE #Results;
    I'm all for standards... is there a way to re-write the query to prevent Profiler from catching a false-positive Exception?

    To add on Stefan's comment about deferred name resolution, remember that Profiler/SQL Trace (as well as Extended Events) expose internals of SQL Server operation that are not otherwise visible.  An understanding of SQL Server architecture and internals
    is sometimes needed to properly interpret the results.
    Dan Guzman, SQL Server MVP,

  • Query timeout expired and Invalid object name

    I have a program that processes data (dequeues) and polls about every 2.5 seconds - normally there are several records to process per second - it does this constantly 24/7.  The program runs fine at about 100 sites. At 2 sites the following error occurs
    about once per day. Typically the table has less than 10 records that get processed ie read then deleted. DataObjects are used ie the data is read, connection closed, processed, deleted using T-SQL from ADO - ie transactions are as short as possible.  
    Error#-2147217871 Query timeout expired. SQL:SELECT RealID, RxerID, PhoneID, Min(ServerDtTm), min(ID) FROM dbo.tblPreReceiver GROUP BY RealID, RxerID, PhoneID ORDER BY Min(ServerDtTm), min(ID)
    Inner exception Error No. -2147217865. Error Desc:Invalid object name 'dbo.tblPreReceiver'.. Native Error:208 Source:Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server SQL State:42S02.
    SQL Server 2008R2 (Express at one site and Standard another).
    The program then runs again 2.5 seconds later without error.
    Can anyone explain why? 
    I suspect it is a blocking error but the error message does not suggest this at all.  There is another application which writes to this queue, this does not report the error. 

    Yes, blocking can be the cause. The default command timeout is 30 sec and if the table is locked by an other process, the command waits until the table is accessable ... or the timeout raises. You could increase the timeout value or you could perform "dirty
    read" = ignoring lock, but I don't want to suggest to do it.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Cluster network name resource 'Cluster Name' failed registration of one or more associated DNS name(s) for the following reason: The handle is invalid.

    I'm stuck here trying to figure this error out.  
    2003 domain, 2012 hyper v core 3 nodes.  (I have two of these hyper V groups, hvclust2012 is the problem group, hvclust2008 is okay)
    In Failover Cluster Manager I see these errors, "Cluster network name resource 'Cluster Name' failed registration of one or more associated DNS name(s) for the following reason:  The handle is invalid."
    I restarted the host node that was listed in having the error then another node starts showing the errors.
    I tried to follow this site:
    Then this error shows up when doing the repair:  there was an error repairing the active directory object for 'Cluster Name'
    I looked at our domain controller and noticed I don't have access to local users and groups.  I can access our other hvclust2008 (both clusters are same version 2012).
    <image here>
    I came upon this thread:
    Now, I'm stuck on adding a managed service account (mas).  I'm not sure if I'm way off track to fix this.  Any advice?  Thanks in advance!
    <image here>

    Thanks Elton,
    I restarted 3 hosts after applying the hotfix.  Then I did the steps below and got stuck on step 5.  That is when I get the error (image above).  There
    was an error repairing the active directory object for 'Cluster Name'.  For more data, see 'Information Details'.
    To reset the password on the affected name resource, perform the following steps:
    From Failover Cluster Manager, locate the name resource.
    Right-click on the resource, and click Properties.
    On the Policies tab, select If resource fails, do not restart, and then click OK.
    Right-click on the resource, click More Actions, and then click Simulate Failure.
    When the name resource shows "Failed," right-click on the resource, click More Actions, and then click Repair.
    After the name resource is online, right-click on the resource, and then click Properties.
    On the Policies tab, select If resource fails, attempt restart on current node, and then click OK.

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