Error "Could not find -Xrun library:" when starting WL 6.1 in debug mode

I installed WL 6.1 SP4 on Solaris (trial version). The installation went well
and we were able to start the server and run our application. I then added the
debug options in the start script :
$JAVACMD $JAVA_OPTIONS -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=7212,suspend=n
When I then try to start the server I get the following error :
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find -Xrun library:
I looked and the library is installed in our sdk :
What did we do wrong?
Thanks for your help,

Hi Wayne,
I took the instructions from our WL 5.1 installation. I hope the options are still
the same (if not can you tell me where to find the correct ones?).
You were right about the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. I added the line :
and now I can start the application without any errors.
"Wayne W. Scott" <[email protected]> wrote:
Where did you get the instructions for adding the debug options?
Since is a shared object, what does your LD_LIBRARY_PATH look
Is /products/java/j2sdk1_3_1_07/lib/sparc in it?
Wayne Scott
Roland Pennings wrote:
I installed WL 6.1 SP4 on Solaris (trial version). The installationwent well
and we were able to start the server and run our application. I thenadded the
debug options in the start script :
$JAVACMD $JAVA_OPTIONS -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,address=7212,suspend=n
When I then try to start the server I get the following error :
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not find -Xrun library:
I looked and the library is installed in our sdk :
What did we do wrong?
Thanks for your help,

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    HP-UX yavuz B.11.11 U 9000/800 4205714048 unlimited-user license
    [oracle@yavuz] /oracle # java -version
    java version ""
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    Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 1.4.2 PA2.0 (aCC_AP), mixed mode)
    And Oracle 10g App Server..
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    In .profile
    /PA_RISC2.0;export SHLIB_PATH
    ( is in /opt/hpjmeter/lib/PA_RISC2.0)
    Note: I have also tried to change LD_LIBRARY_PATH (with/without SHLIB_PATH)
    and I have updated my env with
    . .profile
    And I When I run my Oracle App, got the following error message
    Error occurred during initialization of VM
    Could not find -Xrun library:
    What can be the problem.. ?

    I had the same error message.
    I forgot to set the SHLIB_PATH. So after reading your post, I set this variable (actually I did it in the app startup script rather than in .profile, since root has to start the app in question).
    After this all worked, so I would suspect your env variable is not being applied somehow.

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  • Could not find agent library in absolute path

    I have a JVMTI agent which works on windows that I am trying to port to linux.
    I have compiled to code on Ubuntu 10.04 using Eclipse and have created shared library .so file.
    When I try to run an application with the agentpath argument, I get the error: "Could not find agent library in absolute path"
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    java version "1.6.0_20"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_20-b02)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 16.3-b01, mixed mode, sharing)
    I also tried running nm | grep Agent_OnLoad and got the following:
    00029220 T Agent_OnLoad
    00036230 b ZGVZ12AgentOnLoadE4data
    00030720 r ZZ12AgentOnLoadE19__PRETTY_FUNCTION__
    00036240 b ZZ12AgentOnLoadE4data
    My agent references several libraries such as boost asio and log4cxx could it be related somehow to these?
    I think it might be some sort of compilation issue because on windows it works fine.

    I managed to solve my problem.
    It turned out that the error was caused by missing referenced libraries that were not linked in to my so file.
    Once I added all of the required libraries, the agent started working.

  • Could not find agent library on the library path or in the local directory

    Hi all,
    I'm trying to write a jvmti agent that write any information in a mysql db. I've written a simple agent that work correctly and now I'll try to insert the mysqlpp library in my agent:
    1) I've added #include <mysql++.h>
    2) and I've added mysqlpp::Connection      conn(false); (global variable)
    I've modify my Makefile and the compiler and linker work correctly but when I test the agent the VM says "Could not find agent library on the library path or in the local directory"
    Below the code:
    -- analizer.cpp --
    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <jni.h>
    #include <string.h>
    #include <jvmti.h>
    #include <mysql++.h>
    #include "ClassDetail.cpp"
    #define CFN(ptr) checkForNull(ptr, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    static void checkForNull(void *ptr, const char* file, int line) {
        if(ptr == NULL) {
            std::cerr << "ERROR : NullPointerException in " << file <<":"<< line<<"\n";
    static char* getErrorName(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jvmtiError err) {
        jvmtiError errNum;
        char *name;
        errNum = jvmti->GetErrorName(err, &name);
        if( errNum != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
            std::cerr << "ERROR : errore nel reprire l'error name " << errNum;
        return name;
    #define CJVMTIE(jvmti, err) checkJvmtiError(jvmti, err, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    static void checkJvmtiError(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, jvmtiError err, const char* file, int line) {
        if(err != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
            char *name = getErrorName(jvmti, err);
            std::cout << "ERROR : JVMTI error " << err << "("<<name<<") in "<<file<<":"<<line;
    static void vmInit(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env, JNIEnv *jni, jthread thread);
    static void startGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env);
    static void finishGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti_env);
    static jvmtiIterationControl JNICALL heapObject(jlong tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, void* userData);
    jrawMonitorID           lock;
    int                     gc_count;
    long                    heapSize = 0;
    bool                    heapCheck = false;
    mysqlpp::Connection      conn(false);
    JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Agent_OnLoad(JavaVM *vm, char *options, void *reserved) {
        jint                rc;
        jvmtiEnv            *jvmti = NULL;
        jvmtiError          err;
        jvmtiCapabilities   capabilities;
        jvmtiEventCallbacks callbacks;
        rc = vm->GetEnv((void **)&jvmti, JVMTI_VERSION);
        if( rc != JNI_OK) {
            std::cout << "ERROR : Errore nell'ottenere 'environment rc = " << rc;
            return -1;
        err = jvmti->GetCapabilities(&capabilities);
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, err);
        capabilities.can_generate_garbage_collection_events = true;
        capabilities.can_tag_objects = true;
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->AddCapabilities(&capabilities));
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->CreateRawMonitor("agent lock", &lock));
        callbacks.VMInit = &vmInit;
        callbacks.GarbageCollectionStart = &startGCEvent;
        callbacks.GarbageCollectionFinish = &finishGCEvent;
        CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->SetEventCallbacks(&callbacks, sizeof(callbacks)));
        jvmti->SetEventNotificationMode(JVMTI_ENABLE, JVMTI_EVENT_VM_INIT, NULL);
        return 0;
    JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Agent_OnUnload(JavaVM *vm)
    static void JNICALL worker(jvmtiEnv *jvmti, JNIEnv *jni, void *p) {
        std::cout << "worker";
        for (;;) {
            CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->RawMonitorEnter(lock));
            while (gc_count == 0) {
                CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->RawMonitorWait(lock, 0));
            gc_count = 0;
            /* Perform arbitrary JVMTI/JNI work here to do post-GC cleanup */
            if(!heapCheck) {
                heapCheck = true;
                jint        count;
                jclass    *classes;
                CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->GetLoadedClasses(&count, &classes));
                ClassDetail *details = (ClassDetail*)calloc(sizeof(ClassDetail), count);
                for(int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
                    char *sig;
                    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->GetClassSignature(classes, &sig, NULL));
    details[i] = ClassDetail(strdup(sig));
    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->SetTag(classes[i], (jlong)(ptrdiff_t)(void*) (&details[i])));
    heapSize = 0;
    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->IterateOverHeap(JVMTI_HEAP_OBJECT_EITHER, &heapObject, NULL));
    std::cout << "Heap Memory : " << heapSize<<'\n';
    heapCheck = false;
    static void vmInit(jvmtiEnv jvmti, JNIEnv jni, jthread thread) {
    jclass clazz = jni->FindClass("java/lang/Thread");
    jmethodID mid = jni->GetMethodID(clazz, "<init>", "()V");
    jthread _thread = jni->NewObject(clazz, mid);
    CJVMTIE(jvmti, jvmti->RunAgentThread(_thread, &worker, NULL, JVMTI_THREAD_MAX_PRIORITY));
    static void startGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti) {
    static void finishGCEvent(jvmtiEnv *jvmti) {
    std::cout << "****************************************************************** <<<<<<<<<<<< Finito gc\n";
    static jvmtiIterationControl JNICALL heapObject(jlong tag, jlong size, jlong* tag_ptr, void* userData) {
    if(tag != (jlong) 0) {
    std::cout << "Tag : " << tag<< '\n';
    ClassDetail detail = (ClassDetail) (void*) (ptrdiff_t) tag;
    char *sig = detail->getSignature();
    std::cout << "Class " << sig << " size : " << size<<'\n';
    heapSize += size;
    -- ClassDetail.cpp --class ClassDetail {
    char* signature;
    ClassDetail(char* signature){
    this->signature = signature;
    char* getSignature() { return this->signature;}
    # Sample GNU Makefile for building JVMTI Demo waiters
    # Example uses:
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=solaris [OPT=true] [LIBARCH=sparc]
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=solaris [OPT=true] [LIBARCH=sparcv9]
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=linux [OPT=true]
    # gnumake JDK=<java_home> OSNAME=win32 [OPT=true]
    # Source lists
    # Solaris Sun C Compiler Version 5.5
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), solaris)
    # Tell gnumake which compilers to use
    # Sun Solaris Compiler options needed
    # Check LIBARCH for any special compiler options
    LIBARCH=$(shell uname -p)
    ifeq ($(LIBARCH), sparc)
    COMMON_FLAGS+=-xarch=v8 -xregs=no%appl
    ifeq ($(LIBARCH), sparcv9)
    COMMON_FLAGS+=-xarch=v9 -xregs=no%appl
    ifeq ($(OPT), true)
    # Object files needed to create library
    # Library name and options needed to build it
    LDFLAGS=-z defs -ztext
    # Libraries we are dependent on
    LIBRARIES= -lc
    # Building a shared library
    LINK_SHARED=$( -G -o $@
    # Linux GNU C Compiler
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), linux)
    # GNU Compiler options needed to build it
    COMMON_FLAGS=-fno-strict-aliasing -fPIC -fno-omit-frame-pointer
    # Options that help find errors
    COMMON_FLAGS+= -W -Wall -Wno-unused -Wno-parentheses
    ifeq ($(OPT), true)
    # Object files needed to create library
    # Library name and options needed to build it
    LDFLAGS=-Wl,-soname=$(LIBRARY) -static-libgcc -mimpure-text
    LDFLAGS += -lmysqlpp
    # Libraries we are dependent on
    # Building a shared library
    LINK_SHARED=$( -shared -o $@
    # Windows Microsoft C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 12
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), win32)
    # Compiler options needed to build it
    # Options that help find errors
    ifeq ($(OPT), true)
    # Object files needed to create library
    # Library name and options needed to build it
    # Libraries we are dependent on
    # Building a shared library
    LINK_SHARED=link -dll -out:$@
    # Common -I options
    CXXFLAGS += -I.
    #CXXFLAGS += -I../agent_util
    CXXFLAGS += -I$(JDK)/include -I$(JDK)/include/$(OSNAME)
    # Default rule
    all: $(LIBRARY)
    # Build native library
    # Cleanup the built bits
         rm -f $(LIBRARY) $(OBJECTS)
    # Simple tester
    test: all
         LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` $(JDK)/bin/java -agentlib:$(LIBNAME) -jar jvmti-test.jar
         #LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`pwd` $(JDK)/bin/java -agentlib:$(LIBNAME) -version
    # Compilation rule only needed on Windows
    ifeq ($(OSNAME), win32)
    %.obj: %.cpp
         $( $<

    Did you make sure your library (call it x) starts is named (atleast, on linux, possibly libx.dll on windows, not sure)? It will not load otherwise, and you must specify -agentlib:x (rather than saying Yes, it is "funny" how it gives the same uninformative error message for a wide variety of errors. It will also give you this same error message if there are still unresolved symbols upon loading your library (which would be my second guess).

  • [ERROR] could not find source for resource bundle modules.

    We are in the process of upgrading our flex application from SDK3.6 to SDK4.5.0.17899.
    Flexmojos version used for compilation is 3.9.
    The flex library project is complied with SDK4.5.0 version but BUILD is not getting SUCESS from maven.
    The following is the reason is showing and unable to find out the root cause.
    [ERROR] could not find source for resource bundle modules.
    Can you please help me out.

    /Software/FB\ Eclipse\ Plugin/Adobe\ Flex\ Builder\ 3\ Plug-in/sdks/2.0.1/frameworks/locale/en_US/charts_rb.swc into
    the 3.5 SDK directory
    solves the problem.
    Not sure why as the charts_rb.swc comes from Flex 2.0

  • Error: could not find source for resource bundle charts

    I am trying to upgrade from Flex SDk 3.4 to 3.5.
    I have copied the Data Visualisation SWCs under libs, locale and rlsls folders as suggested by adobe.
    I get the following error when building the application
         [java] Loading configuration file /usr/local/lib/flex_sdk/3.5.0/frameworks/flex-config.xml
         [java] Error: could not find source for resource bundle charts.
    What am I missing? Any help is highly appreciated.

    /Software/FB\ Eclipse\ Plugin/Adobe\ Flex\ Builder\ 3\ Plug-in/sdks/2.0.1/frameworks/locale/en_US/charts_rb.swc into
    the 3.5 SDK directory
    solves the problem.
    Not sure why as the charts_rb.swc comes from Flex 2.0

  • Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'

    We are porting a fairly large body of Flex3 code developed under FlexBuilder 3 to Flex4 under FlashBuilder 4.  Most of the conversion appears to be working fine, with one exception.  When I launch the Flex4 version, all my data interchanges with the server works.  Just as it is about to show the UI, the following error occurs:
         Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'
    I am actually using a locale of fr_FR, but I assume it couldn't find that, reverted to en_US, failed again and then barfed.  If I look in
         ~Adobe Flash Builder 4\sdks\4.0.0\frameworks\locale\fr_FR
    I see a lot of swc files, and of course no 'components.swc'.  I believe the problem is that our Flex3 code is using mx components, and the compatibility mode is not properly handling it for some reason.  I think this is mostly from our in-house UI library.  The properties for that library (and for my main app I am testing now) have:
         - Use default SDK (currently "Flex 4.0")
         - Use Flex 3 compability mode
         - Use minimum version (Flash Player) required by the Flex SDK
         - Enable strict type checking
         - Enable warnings
    I also tried putting the compatibility flag in the mxmlc compile line, with no change in behavior.  This project is built by the following script:
    ruby scripts/concat_properties.rb -o ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_common/ ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_common/scout/ ^
         src/main/flex/locale/fr_fr/ ^
    mxmlc -locale=fr_FR -source-path=. ^
         -compatibility-version=3.0.0. ^
         -static-rsls=true ^
         -include-resource-bundles=resources ^
         -output src/main/resources/bundles/mypals/fr_fr_resources.swf
    copy src\main\resources\bundles\mypals\fr_fr_resources.swf ^
    What have I missed???

    You have two posts. I will try to answer each completely.  Second one first. You say I should change my build to include the framework resources.  I am afraid I am not sure which and what to do there.  We combine all our properties file into one large one, then use the following build line:
    mxmlc -locale=fr_FR,en_US -source-path=. ^
         -compatibility-version=3.0.0. ^
         -static-rsls=true ^
         -include-resource-bundles=resources ^
         -output src/main/resources/bundles/mypals/fr_fr_resources.swf
    I am assuming you are telling me to change the "-include-resource-bundles" line, but what to add?  The "sdks\4.0.0\frameworks\locale\en_US" holds 13 swf files.  I tried adding that entire folder (along with the fr_FR folder) to the project library path (in the project properties dialog), but that made no change.  I also tried reverting the library path tab back to "MX Only" instead of "MX + Spark", but again no change.
    For your first message, I did a search for 'spark' in the entire project.  It only existed on 3 lines, each at the start of css files:
        @namespace s "library://";
    I had put those in based on reading needed changes to naming in CSS.  Since I was not actually using any spark ('s') components yet, I removed these lines.  The entire project now does not have the word 'spark' anywhere in it. No change in behavior (as I expected).
    I did a search for "s:" throughout the project.  That does exist in probably 100 places, but all are legitimate. Things like (xmlns:mx="") or variable names ("var matches:Object").  No reference to any s: object.  (While on the topic, why does FlashBuilder still not have a "whole word" box to limit searches??).
    Note that when I first reported this problem, the compiler was set to ONLY support fr_FR.  In fighting this, I changed it to "en_US,fr_FR" hoping that would tell the compiler to load whatever en_US items it was looking for.  We really do not want any English support in this version. (We do have another SWF created with only support for en_US, and another for en_UK, etc.  Each language is a separate node on our server, so there is no need to mix & match at runtime)
    The console shows a lot of swf loads that I do not understand...
    The console output shows (my comments after ==> indicator)
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf - 2,229,992 bytes after decompression
                 ==> our locale is set here, after the above load and before the next line
    Look for name file at: ./data/fr_fr/names.csv
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf - 21,200 bytes after decompression
    Loaded 2278 names.       ==> indicates successful load of data retrieved from server
    Loaded 154 bad words     ==> our second data set has been retrieved and loaded
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 58,777 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 322,606 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\bundles\mypals\fr_fr_resources.swf - 595,025 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 202,168 bytes after decompression
        ==> not sure what this next warning means.  I'm guessing I will later have to research it and return to 'secure' comm with server, but I'm ignoring for now
    Warning: Ignoring 'secure' attribute in policy file from  The 'secure' attribute is only permitted in HTTPS and socket policy files.  See for details.
    Resource bundle loaded for locale fr_fr  ==> at this point, we appear to have our French assets loaded successfully
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 202,168 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 1,303,976 bytes after decompression
    [Unload SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\myname.swf  ==> some runs see this, but others do not. I expect it is a timing issue of whether it is reached or not before the crash
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 794,898 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 194,635 bytes after decompression
    [SWF] C:\ConnectedProducts\common-web\myname\bin-debug\styles\mypals_style.swf - 261,589 bytes after decompression
    ==> everything looks fine up to here.  This is then when the third call to installCompiledResourceBundles occurs
    Error: Could not find compiled resource bundle 'components' for locale 'en_US'.
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundle()[E:\dev\4.0.0\frameworks \projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.resources::ResourceManagerImpl/installCompiledResourceBundles()[E:\dev\4.0.0\framework s\projects\framework\src\mx\resources\]
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/installCompiledResourceBundles()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameHandler()
        at mx.core::FlexModuleFactory/docFrameListener()

  • 12.4 Beta, Error: Could not find a match for std::_Tuple_impl 0, std::string && ::_Tuple_impl(std::tuple std::string &&

    would you guys say code that compiles fine without -std=c++11 should also compile *with* -std=c++11?
    raider@sol112_x86:/tmp $ CC -V
    CC: Sun C++ 5.13 SunOS_i386 Beta2 2014/06/17
    raider@sol112_x86:/tmp $ CC  
    raider@sol112_x86:/tmp $ CC -std=c++11         
    Error: Could not find a match for std::_Tuple_impl<0, std::string &&>::_Tuple_impl(std::tuple<std::string &&>, std::string ) needed in std::tuple<std::string &&>::tuple<std::string, void>(std::string &&).
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/tuple", line 868:     Where: While instantiating "std::tuple<std::string &&>::tuple<std::string, void>(std::string &&)".
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/tuple", line 868:     Where: Instantiated from std::forward_as_tuple<std::string>(std::string &&).
    "/opt/SolarisStudio12.4-beta_jul14-solaris-x86/lib/compilers/CC-gcc/include/c++/4.8.2/bits/stl_map.h", line 485:     Where: Instantiated from non-template code.
    1 Error(s) detected.
    raider@sol112_x86:/tmp $ cat
    #include <map>
    #include <string>
    typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> StrStrMap;
    int main(void)
        StrStrMap dict;
        dict["bug"] = "feature";
        return 0;

    C++11 is approximately a superset of C++03. If you write in the common subset, the code will compile in any mode. For example, a basic hello-world program
    #include <iostream>
    int main() { std::cout << "Hello, world!\n"; }
    will compile and run as C++98/03, as C++11, as C++14, and I'm sure will also work with the next standard, planned for 2017.
    But if you use syntax or library types and functions that are new in C++11, the code will not compile as C++03.
    In my previous post, I might have sounded too negative about compiling C++03 code in C++11 mode. If you have a C++03 program that is intended to be portable, and that works with different compilers on different platforms, chances are good that it will continue to work in C++11. The chances are very good that only minor modifications will be needed.

  • Error: Could not find a match for... ?

    I am trying to compile some code using Studio 10/11 which appears to compile cleanly using a bunch of different C++ compilers (xlC, aCC, VC, g++) but is failing using the C++ compiler in both Studio 10 and Studio 11 with:
    "test.cpp", line 18: Error: Could not find a match for MKGeomT::getDistanceSquared<MKGeomT::_DIM, MKGeomT::_TYPE>(const MKGeomT::Segment<MKT::Dim2, MKT::Double>&, const MKGeomT::Point<MKT::Dim2, MKT::Double>&, MKGeomT::Point<MKT::Dim2, MKT::Double>*, double*).
    "test.cpp", line 23: Error: Could not find a match for MKGeomT::getDistanceSquared<MKGeomT::_DIM, MKGeomT::_TYPE>(const MKGeomT::Segment<MKT::Dim3, MKT::Double>&, const MKGeomT::Point<MKT::Dim3, MKT::Double>&, MKGeomT::Point<MKT::Dim3, MKT::Double>*, double*).
    Any ideas on how to get this to compile would be appreciated.
    /opt/SUNWspro/bin/CC -library=stlport4 -c test.cpp
    #include "all.h"
    namespace MKGeomT
    template < class DIM, class TYPE >
    double getDistanceSquared(Segment < DIM, TYPE > const &segment,
    Point < DIM, TYPE > const &querypt,
    Point < DIM, TYPE > *closestpoint,
    double *param)
    { return 0.0; }
    template double getDistanceSquared < MKT::Dim2 > (Segment2 const &segment,
    Point2 const &querypt,
    Point2 *closestpoint,
    double *param);
    template double getDistanceSquared < MKT::Dim3 > (Segment3 const &segment,
    Point3 const &querypt,
    Point3 *closestpoint,
    double *param);
    // a.h
    namespace MKGeomT
    template < class DIM, class TYPE > class Point;
    template < class DIM, class TYPE > class Segment;
    template < class DIM, class TYPE >
    double getDistanceSquared(Segment < DIM, TYPE > const &segment,
    Point < DIM, TYPE > const &point,
    Point < DIM, TYPE > closestpoint /= 0*/,
    double *param = 0);
    template < class DIM, class TYPE >
    inline double getDistance(Segment < DIM, TYPE > const &segment,
    Point < DIM, TYPE > const &point,
    Point < DIM, TYPE > *closestpoint = 0)
    return 0.0;
    // b.h
    namespace MKT
    class Dim2 { public: enum { NUM_DIM = 2 }; };
    class Dim3 { public: enum { NUM_DIM = 3 }; };
    class Float { public: typedef float  Stor_t; typedef double Calc_t; };
    class Double { public: typedef double Stor_t; typedef double Calc_t; };
    } // end of namespace MKT
    // c.h
    using MKT::Dim2;
    using MKT::Dim3;
    using MKT::Double;
    namespace MKGeomT
    template < class DIM, class TYPE >
    class PointBase
    template < class DIM, class TYPE > class Point;
    #if 1
    template < class _TYPE >
    class Point < Dim2, TYPE > : public PointBase < Dim2, TYPE >
    template < class _TYPE >
    class Point < Dim3, TYPE > : public PointBase < Dim3, TYPE >
    typedef Point < Dim2, Double > Point2;
    typedef Point < Dim3, Double > Point3;
    } // end of namespace MKGeomT
    // d.h
    namespace MKGeomT
    /*! The Segment is a geometry class storing a segment in 3-D. Things
    like the segment vector and length are cached behind the
    scenes so subsequent retrieval is a no-op. */
    template < class DIM, class TYPE = MKT::Double >
    class Segment
    template < class DIM, class TYPE >
    double getDistanceSquared (Segment < DIM, TYPE > const &rkSeg0,
    Segment < DIM, TYPE > const &rkSeg1,
    double* pfSegP0 = 0,
    double* pfSegP1 = 0);
    template < class DIM, class TYPE >
    double getDistanceSquared2(Segment < DIM, TYPE > const &rkSeg0,
    Segment < DIM, TYPE > const &rkSeg1,
    double* pfSegP0 = 0,
    double* pfSegP1 = 0);
    typedef Segment < MKT::Dim2, MKT::Double > Segment2;
    typedef Segment < MKT::Dim3, MKT::Double > Segment3;

    Never mind, I see that you intended to include b.h, c.h, and d.h in all.h.
    Many compilers do not look at template code until the code is instantiated. This code consists only of declarations, with little that can be instantiated. It's possible that other compilers would also complain about this code if they got to the point of processing all the template declarations.
    Can you add some instantiations along with template definitions and a main function so that the code can be compiled and linked?

  • Installation Error: Could not find SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\120 registry key.

    Dear Expert,
    I setup SharePoint for 3 tiers, WFE, APP + DB Server.
    I installed SQL 2014 reporting service Add-in on APP Server and already enable sql reporting service in DB Server. DB Server can do report server.
    I follow the step :  but I stuck in no.2, I cannot start the services, in picture below.
    I checked the SSRS provision is disabled not online
    Please help.

    Hi MasterBird,
    According to your description, when you register and start the Reporting Services SharePoint Service, the error: Could not find SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\120 registry key is thrown out.
    As this
    article say, if you use three-computer deployment, the first computer hosts an instance of a SharePoint product. The Reporting Services Add-in is installed on this computer. The second computer hosts SQL Server Reporting Services and the third computer
    hosts an instance of the Database Engine.
    Regarding the error message, it could cause by the Reporting Services – SharePoint feature and Reporting Services Add-in for SharePoint Products haven’t been installed. Please refer to articles:
    SSRS SharePoint 2013 Create Service Application error: Could not find SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110 registry key Error
    Installing SSRS 2012 in SharePoint Mode on SP2010
    If issue persists, please check the error detailed information in ULS logs, and check Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\120\Setup Bootstrap\Log to see if any error occurred during set up. For more information, please refer to this article:
    Troubleshoot a Reporting Services Installation.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

  • Reportings Services in a 2-Tier Architecture / (Installation Error: Could not find SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110 registry key. )

    we want to install Reporting Services in a 2-Tier Architecture. The Servers are the following:
    SERVER1: Windows Server 2012 and SQL Server 2012
    SERVER2: SharePoint 2013 (WFE)
    Reporting Server is installed on SERVER1 and running. On SERVER2 the registration of the service through Powershell was done but it does not start. An Error when starting the Service on the server occurs with the message:
    "Installation Error: Could not find SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\110 registry key."
    I have found the following in msdn stating that a minimal of the same SharePoint Installation must exist on the Reporting Server. The article is for SQL Server 2008 R2 and SharePoint 2010. Is this the case also for SQL Server 2012 and SharePoint 2013 and
    the root of the problem?
    If so does this mean that I require for the installation another License?!?!
    Thank you in advance!

    According to your post, my understanding is that you wanted to install Reporting Services in a 2-Tier Architecture.
    As the article
    say, if you use Two-Computer Deployment, the first computer hosts an instance of a SharePoint product. The Reporting Services Add-in is installed on this computer. The second computer hosts SQL Server Reporting Services and the Database Engine.
    The steps to install in a  two-tier environment are very similar to a standalone environment hence you can go to refer to the ' Install Reporting Services SharePoint Mode for SharePoint 2013' article at
    To install in a  two-tier environment, you can refer to:
    How to setup, configure and test
    SQL 2012 SP1 SSRS with SharePoint 2013 SP1
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Eclipse give following error :could not find Java 2 runtime environment

    When I try to start eclipse it is giving me following error could not find Java 2 runtime environment.It was working fine untill I installed a new verson of eclipse although I am not whethar that is the source of problem.
    When i give java -version command in command prompt it shows
    Registry key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\CurrentVersion'
    has value '1.4', but '1.6' is required.
    Error: could not find java.dll
    Error: could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment.
    My java Home ,classpath , and path are all set as I say it was earliar woking fine.
    Please Help.

    I know this is a relatively old post, but some people can stumble on this page when doing a search for this problem.
    Anyway, I ran into this on my PC after I installed Sybase which had an older jre.
    1. Run regedit
    2. Look for Java Runtime Environment
    You may have to do multiple searches. Eventually you'll find one with the version number.
    3. Modify the value and change it to the correct version number. (in your case, you would have changed it from 1.4 to 1.6).
    This is much quicker than reinstalling Java every time installing something that uses an older version of Java hoses up the registry value.

  • Error:could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment

    Greetings,i have a java problem with a game(football manager 2008) installation.I have a hp laptop with windows vista installed and when the installation is on 100%.It appears Error:could not find Java 2 Runtime Environment.I have taken some screenshots to help you understand my problem.
    the error:
    Also i tried to join a site which java is required and it appeard the following errors:
    PS:I have installed the java(Java(TM)6 Update 5).I hope to receive a reply with the solution of the problem as soon as possible.Thank you
    Edited by: Cap.George on Mar 7, 2008 8:46 AM
    Edited by: Cap.George on Mar 7, 2008 8:47 AM

    Consider going to a Windows forum
    (or better yet, to Microsoft's web site or to a local book store)
    and learning about Vista's "User Account Control".
    At least do a Google search on it.

  • Idoc Error: Could not find code page for receiving system

    I am facing the following error while processing Idocs.
    ERROR: Could not find code page for receiving system
    For the logical destination BWFIN, you want to determine the code page in which the data is sent with RFC. However, this is not currently possible, and the IDoc cannot yet be dispatched.
    Can somebody suggest a solution for this. I have verified that the RFC destinations have been created both on the sender and receiver, ports (WE21) have been defined, and partner profiles (WE20) also created. How would I troubleshoot this problem?

    I did analyse on this issue.It is all because of the Langauge settings in the SM59.This can be done by the BASIS person.The Language field would be empty, but when ever we send the IDoc from the unicode to a non unicode system we have to mention the Langauage used.
    If this helps you really award me the points.

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