Error importing WSDL file

Hi All,
When i try to import a WSDL file in the repository as an external definition i get the following error message:
"Unable to convert imported document to WSDL
Reason: Tag input cannot have an attribute message from namespace
Check the selected category"
Below here is the WSDL file. Can anyone see what i do wrong and/or is wrong with the WSDL file?
thanks a bunch!
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:xs="" name="IwsSAPPocservice"
targetNamespace="urn://test/" xmlns:tns="urn://test/" xmlns:soap=""
xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:mime=""
    <xs:schema targetNamespace="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf" xmlns="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf">
      <xs:complexType name="TRemotableOrder">
          <xs:element name="DagID" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="OrderNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="BedrLoc_Proc_Cd" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="KlantNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="KlantNr_Verreken" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Aanpak_Loc_Cd" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Aanpak_OrderNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Aanpak_Order_Dt" type="xs:dateTime"/>
          <xs:element name="OrderRegels" type="ns1:OrderRegelArray"/>
      <xs:complexType name="OrderRegelArray">
          <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
            <xs:attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TRemotableOrderRegel[]"
      <xs:complexType name="TRemotableOrderRegel">
          <xs:element name="OrderRegelNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="ProdAfsprNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="ProdSrt_ID" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Landen_Groep" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Frank_Wijze_OptieSrt_Cd" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Ref_Aantal" type="xs:double"/>
          <xs:element name="MeetEh_Cd_Aantal" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Ref_Gew" type="xs:double"/>
          <xs:element name="MeetEh_Cd_Ref_Aantal" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Ptt_Aantal" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Ptt_Gewicht_Per_Zending" type="xs:double"/>
          <xs:element name="Partij_Gewogen_Totaal" type="xs:double"/>
          <xs:element name="Partij_Handmatig" type="xs:double"/>
          <xs:element name="Metingen" type="ns1:OrderRegelMetingenArray"/>
          <xs:element name="ProdAfspraken" type="ns1:OrderRegelProdAfsprakenArray"/>
      <xs:complexType name="OrderRegelMetingenArray">
          <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
            <xs:attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TRemotableOrderRegelMeting[]"
      <xs:complexType name="OrderRegelProdAfsprakenArray">
          <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
            <xs:attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TOrderRegelProdAfspraak[]"
      <xs:complexType name="TRemotableOrderRegelMeting">
          <xs:element name="OptieSrt_Cd" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="MeetEenh_Cd" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="OrderRgl_Met_Wrd" type="xs:double"/>
      <xs:complexType name="TOrderRegelProdAfspraak">
          <xs:element name="ProdAfsprNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Oordeel_Balie_Cd" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Res_Ctr_Vnw_1" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Res_Ctr_Vnw_2" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Res_Ctr_Vnw_3" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Ers_Afhandelingscode" type="xs:string"/>
          <xs:element name="Min_Aantal_Voorw_Ind" type="xs:string"/>
      <xs:complexType name="PrijsInfoArray">
          <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
            <xs:attribute ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TRemotablePrijsInfo[]"
      <xs:complexType name="TRemotablePrijsInfo">
          <xs:element name="RegelNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="PrijsNr" type="xs:int"/>
          <xs:element name="Prijs" type="xs:double"/>
          <xs:element name="Btw" type="xs:double"/>
  <message name="prijsOrderRegel0Request">
    <part name="klantnr_verreken" type="xs:int"/>
    <part name="aanpak_loc_cd" type="xs:int"/>
    <part name="orderrglnr" type="xs:int"/>
    <part name="prodafsprnr" type="xs:int"/>
    <part name="prodsrt_id" type="xs:int"/>
    <part name="landen_groep" type="xs:int"/>
    <part name="frank_wijze_optiesrt_cd" type="xs:int"/>
    <part name="Prijs" type="xs:double"/>
    <part name="BTW" type="xs:double"/>
  <message name="prijsOrderRegel0Response">
    <part name="Prijs" type="xs:double"/>
    <part name="BTW" type="xs:double"/>
    <part name="return" type="xs:int"/>
  <message name="prijsOrderObj1Request">
    <part name="order" type="ns1:TRemotableOrder"/>
  <message name="prijsOrderObj1Response">
    <part name="return" type="ns1:PrijsInfoArray"/>
  <portType name="IwsSAPPoc">
    <operation name="prijsOrderRegel">
      <input message="tns:prijsOrderRegel0Request"/>
      <output message="tns:prijsOrderRegel0Response"/>
    <operation name="prijsOrderObj">
      <input message="tns:prijsOrderObj1Request"/>
      <output message="tns:prijsOrderObj1Response"/>
  <binding name="IwsSAPPocbinding" type="tns:IwsSAPPoc">
    <soap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
    <operation name="prijsOrderRegel">
      <soap:operation soapAction="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc#prijsOrderRegel" style="rpc"/>
      <input message="tns:prijsOrderRegel0Request">
        <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle=""
      <output message="tns:prijsOrderRegel0Response">
        <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle=""
    <operation name="prijsOrderObj">
      <soap:operation soapAction="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc#prijsOrderObj" style="rpc"/>
      <input message="tns:prijsOrderObj1Request">
        <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle=""
      <output message="tns:prijsOrderObj1Response">
        <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle=""
  <service name="IwsSAPPocservice">
    <port name="IwsSAPPocPort" binding="tns:IwsSAPPocbinding">
      <soap:address location="http://prid0059.tpgpost.local/SAPPocWebService/SAPPocWebService.exe/soap/IwsSAPPoc"/>

Hi Jeffrey,
Modify the file like this, it will work.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
<definitions xmlns="" xmlns:soapenc=""<b> xmlns:tns="urn://test/"</b> xmlns:xs="" xmlns:ns1="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf" xmlns:mime="" xmlns:soap="" name="IwsSAPPocservice" targetNamespace="urn://test/">
          <xs:schema xmlns="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf" targetNamespace="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf">
               <xs:complexType name="TRemotableOrder">
                         <xs:element name="DagID" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="OrderNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="BedrLoc_Proc_Cd" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="KlantNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="KlantNr_Verreken" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Aanpak_Loc_Cd" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Aanpak_OrderNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Aanpak_Order_Dt" type="xs:dateTime" />
                         <xs:element name="OrderRegels" type="ns1:OrderRegelArray" />
               <xs:complexType name="OrderRegelArray">
                         <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
                              <xs:sequence />
                              <xs:attribute xmlns:n1="" ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TRemotableOrderRegel[]" />
               <xs:complexType name="TRemotableOrderRegel">
                         <xs:element name="OrderRegelNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="ProdAfsprNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="ProdSrt_ID" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Landen_Groep" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Frank_Wijze_OptieSrt_Cd" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Ref_Aantal" type="xs:double" />
                         <xs:element name="MeetEh_Cd_Aantal" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Ref_Gew" type="xs:double" />
                         <xs:element name="MeetEh_Cd_Ref_Aantal" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Ptt_Aantal" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Ptt_Gewicht_Per_Zending" type="xs:double" />
                         <xs:element name="Partij_Gewogen_Totaal" type="xs:double" />
                         <xs:element name="Partij_Handmatig" type="xs:double" />
                         <xs:element name="Metingen" type="ns1:OrderRegelMetingenArray" />
                         <xs:element name="ProdAfspraken" type="ns1:OrderRegelProdAfsprakenArray" />
               <xs:complexType name="OrderRegelMetingenArray">
                         <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
                              <xs:sequence />
                              <xs:attribute xmlns:n1="" ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TRemotableOrderRegelMeting[]" />
               <xs:complexType name="OrderRegelProdAfsprakenArray">
                         <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
                              <xs:sequence />
                              <xs:attribute xmlns:n1="" ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TOrderRegelProdAfspraak[]" />
               <xs:complexType name="TRemotableOrderRegelMeting">
                         <xs:element name="OptieSrt_Cd" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="MeetEenh_Cd" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="OrderRgl_Met_Wrd" type="xs:double" />
               <xs:complexType name="TOrderRegelProdAfspraak">
                         <xs:element name="ProdAfsprNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Oordeel_Balie_Cd" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Res_Ctr_Vnw_1" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Res_Ctr_Vnw_2" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Res_Ctr_Vnw_3" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Ers_Afhandelingscode" type="xs:string" />
                         <xs:element name="Min_Aantal_Voorw_Ind" type="xs:string" />
               <xs:complexType name="PrijsInfoArray">
                         <xs:restriction base="soapenc:Array">
                              <xs:sequence />
                              <xs:attribute xmlns:n1="" ref="soapenc:arrayType" n1:arrayType="ns1:TRemotablePrijsInfo[]" />
               <xs:complexType name="TRemotablePrijsInfo">
                         <xs:element name="RegelNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="PrijsNr" type="xs:int" />
                         <xs:element name="Prijs" type="xs:double" />
                         <xs:element name="Btw" type="xs:double" />
     <message name="prijsOrderRegel0Request">
          <part name="klantnr_verreken" type="xs:int" />
          <part name="aanpak_loc_cd" type="xs:int" />
          <part name="orderrglnr" type="xs:int" />
          <part name="prodafsprnr" type="xs:int" />
          <part name="prodsrt_id" type="xs:int" />
          <part name="landen_groep" type="xs:int" />
          <part name="frank_wijze_optiesrt_cd" type="xs:int" />
          <part name="Prijs" type="xs:double" />
          <part name="BTW" type="xs:double" />
     <message name="prijsOrderRegel0Response">
          <part name="Prijs" type="xs:double" />
          <part name="BTW" type="xs:double" />
          <part name="return" type="xs:int" />
     <message name="prijsOrderObj1Request">
          <part name="order" type="ns1:TRemotableOrder" />
     <message name="prijsOrderObj1Response">
          <part name="return" type="ns1:PrijsInfoArray" />
     <portType name="IwsSAPPoc">
          <operation name="prijsOrderRegel">
<b>               <tns:input message="prijsOrderRegel0Request" />
               <tns:output message="prijsOrderRegel0Response" /></b>
          <operation name="prijsOrderObj">
<b>               <tns:input message="prijsOrderObj1Request" />
               <tns:output message="prijsOrderObj1Response" /></b>
     <binding name="IwsSAPPocbinding" type="tns:IwsSAPPoc">
          <soap:binding style="rpc" transport="" />
          <operation name="prijsOrderRegel">
               <soap:operation soapAction="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc#prijsOrderRegel" style="rpc" />
<b>               <tns:input message="prijsOrderRegel0Request"></b>
                    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc" />
<b>               </tns:input>
               <tns:output message="prijsOrderRegel0Response"></b>
                    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc" />
          <operation name="prijsOrderObj">
               <soap:operation soapAction="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc#prijsOrderObj" style="rpc" />
<b>               <tns:input message="prijsOrderObj1Request"></b>
                    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc" />
<b>               </tns:input>
               <tns:output message="prijsOrderObj1Response"></b>
                    <soap:body use="encoded" encodingStyle="" namespace="urn:tpg_sapxi-wsSAPPocIntf-IwsSAPPoc" />
     <service name="IwsSAPPocservice">
          <port name="IwsSAPPocPort" binding="tns:IwsSAPPocbinding">
               <soap:address location="http://prid0059.tpgpost.local/SAPPocWebService/SAPPocWebService.exe/soap/IwsSAPPoc" />

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    import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
    import java.rmi.RemoteException;
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    public boolean showB(String fileName) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, RemoteException;
    public boolean findB() throws IOException, RemoteException;
    public boolean rewriteB(String fileName) throws IOException, RemoteException;
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    Are u trying out the example frm that Web Service Book frm that some publisher, He must be using xrpcc. Ok
    .........For WSDL file not to be created there are few reasons and in them I kno one. For wsdeploy tool to create the wsdl file it reads the jaxrpc-ri.xml file and the war file.
    ........for the proper working of this, the impl file shd have methods which throw Remote exceptions and no errors, of course It does compile in the earlier command execution but.. few minute errors like the above might prevent the creation of wsdl file, chk these and try
    ........Hope it wrks..........|ABY|

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    problems occur during the import of xsd and wsdl files as external definitions if the target namespace contains more than 60 characters. The system does not issue any error message, however, the list of the
    recognized messages remains empty.
    For a wsdl file, you simply need to edit the target namespace manually ( attribute "targetNamespace" of the wsdl:definitions element) and reduce the number of characters to less than 60. For the structure of the extracted messages (exception: import assuming rpc style binding, see below), this target namespace does not have any importance.
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    Hi Jeff,
    How are you specifying the WSDL URI?
    - If as an absolute path on your machine, make sure there are
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    - If you are specifying it as an HTTP url (accessing it over
    the Apache HTTP server, for example), the workaround is a little
    more complicated. There are indeed some unresolved issues with the
    ActionScript generator. Try putting the wsdl and xsd files inside a
    folder in the webroot, and another copy of the xsd in the webroot.
    This worked for me - the problem is about locating the imported
    document correctly: the introspection correctly uses the sibling
    xsd file, while the generator incorrectly looks for that file one
    level up. We’ll look into this and fix it.
    Please let me know if it starts working or if it still does
    not generate the ActionScript client classes. Thank you.
    Also, please be aware of another known issue about WSDL with
    (For WSDLs that import other documents, the cached WSDL file should
    include the content of the imported documents).

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    Any thoughts?
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-03 10:22:09] **
    Code............................................. 53
    Description...................................... File not found
    Procedure........................................ clsUtilities.fShellAndWait
    Component........................................ upsWDataWindowDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 4888
    User............................................. omarcassim
    Computer Name.................................... STJH1076
    App Name......................................... FDMUAT
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPUAT1
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... FMS_TO_HFM
    Location ID...................................... 752
    Location Seg..................................... 6
    Category......................................... ACTUALS
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Dec - 2010
    Period ID........................................ 12/31/2010
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... False
    Is Auditor....................................... False
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-03 10:22:09] **
    Code............................................. 53
    Description...................................... File not found
    Procedure........................................ clsImpDataPump.fImportTextFile
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 4888
    User............................................. omarcassim
    Computer Name.................................... STJH1076
    App Name......................................... FDMUAT
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPUAT1
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... FMS_TO_HFM
    Location ID...................................... 752
    Location Seg..................................... 6
    Category......................................... ACTUALS
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Dec - 2010
    Period ID........................................ 12/31/2010
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... False
    Is Auditor....................................... False
    ** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry [2011-03-03 10:22:09] **
    Code............................................. 53
    Description...................................... File not found
    Procedure........................................ clsImpProcessMgr.fLoadAndProcessFile
    Component........................................ upsWObjectsDM
    Version.......................................... 1112
    Thread........................................... 4888
    User............................................. omarcassim
    Computer Name.................................... STJH1076
    App Name......................................... FDMUAT
    Client App....................................... WebClient
    Provider......................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
    Data Server......................................
    Database Name.................................... HYPUAT1
    Trusted Connect.................................. False
    Connect Status.. Connection Open
    Location......................................... FMS_TO_HFM
    Location ID...................................... 752
    Location Seg..................................... 6
    Category......................................... ACTUALS
    Category ID...................................... 12
    Period........................................... Dec - 2010
    Period ID........................................ 12/31/2010
    POV Local........................................ False
    Language......................................... 1033
    User Level....................................... 1
    All Partitions................................... False
    Is Auditor....................................... False

    I don't make use of an Oracle back end; however, if he is doing a SQL 'bulk insert' load type where he needs to pass the file, he probably needs to double check the path he used for the application assuming the database server is not the same as the FDM server.
    i.e. App Path of C:\Hyperion\FDM\FDMApps\Blah\
    Wouldn't work so good if Oracle DB is just passed a file path/name to import similar to MS SQL. Might need something like:
    \\<FDM Server>\FDMApps\Blah\

  • Error Loading WSDL File

    I am trying to load a XMLA provider WSDL in creating Adaptive Web Service Model
    but I get error loading the file.  Where on earth is this log file that is referred to?

    You can check the  error by using ErrorLob view
    Goto Window->Show view->Other->PDE Runtim->Error Log

  • Error importing external files in flash cs6

    I am getting this error message when I try to import image files into my flash CS6 animation: "Unable to load external importer C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Flash CS6\es_ES\Configuration\Importers\PhotoshopReader.dll". I am using Windows XP SP3.

    The file was in the directory. We finally solved it by installing SP3 again.

  • Messages not adviced in extern definition after import wsdl-file from WAS

    Hi friends,
    after importing the three wsld-files in repository (extern definitions) the messages are not adviced. The referendes to the files are fine, because the name is shown at the tab externe...
    But i´m not shure wheather i tool the right link ant Web Service Navigator. It is right to download the default SAP WSDL Files or the default one? Because in the SAP WSDL-files there will be an exception during import in XI repository (tag sap:useFeatur). What is the problem that the messages are not shown on the tab messages in externe definitions?
    Thanks in advance,

    I've the same problem. Here is my WSDL:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wsdl:definitions targetNamespace="" xmlns="" xmlns:apachesoap="" xmlns:impl="" xmlns:intf="" xmlns:soapenc="" xmlns:tns1="" xmlns:tns2="" xmlns:wsdl="" xmlns:wsdlsoap="" xmlns:xsd="">
              <schema targetNamespace="" xmlns="">
                   <import namespace=""/>
                   <complexType name="MSOBean">
                             <element name="installationName" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="requestId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="returnCode" type="xsd:int"/>
                             <element name="returnMessage" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                   <complexType name="MSIBean">
                             <element name="password" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="project" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="requestId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
                             <element name="userId" nillable="true" type="xsd:string"/>
         <wsdl:message name="actualizeRequest">
              <wsdl:part name="inData" type="tns1:MSIBean"/>
         <wsdl:message name="actualizeResponse">
              <wsdl:part name="actualizeReturn" type="tns1:MSOBean"/>
         <wsdl:portType name="MSService">
              <wsdl:operation name="actualize" parameterOrder="inData">
                   <wsdl:input message="impl:actualizeRequest" name="actualizeRequest"/>
                   <wsdl:output message="impl:actualizeResponse" name="actualizeResponse"/>
         <wsdl:binding name="MyServicesSoapBinding" type="impl:MSService">
              <wsdlsoap:binding style="rpc" transport=""/>
              <wsdl:operation name="actualize">
                   <wsdlsoap:operation soapAction=""/>
                   <wsdl:input name="actualizeRequest">
                        <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="" use="encoded"/>
                   <wsdl:output name="actualizeResponse">
                        <wsdlsoap:body encodingStyle="" namespace="" use="encoded"/>
         <wsdl:service name="MSServiceService">
              <wsdl:port binding="impl:MyServicesSoapBinding" name="MyServices">
                   <wsdlsoap:address location=""/>
    No Idea.

  • Error: Imported bank file format does not correspond to selected format

    Hi All,
    I am trying to execute FF.5 transaction - Import Electronic Bank Statement - for brazilian bank (Banco do Brasil) but I got an error message no. 8B795 (Imported bank file format does not correspond to selected format), I tried format B (Cobrança/pagar itau) and 1 (Cobrança/pagar bradesco).
    The file that I am trying to upload has 400 positions.
    Does anyone know which format I should to use?

    In my case our bank was sending us a file using the version 085, while we were waiting for one of those: 030, 040, 050, 084 or 087.
    Now they will send these files using the version 087.
    Thank you!

  • Error in WSDL file from soamanager

    I am taking SalesorderCreatefromdat2 bapi and trying to expose as webservice, I have the steps fromt the Tcode:SE80, after completing the steps, I am trying to get the WSDL file which i can use in the PI.
    But i am getting and error:
    SRT Framework exception: Cofiguration is invalid: Subject type:'op' is not in scope 'bo' of property ''
    Advance Thanks...

    I am also getting the same problem on a Web Service created from a function module. This happens when I try to create a new endpoint and save.
    Did you manage to find a solution to this.

  • Importing WSDL File in Webdynpro abap component

    hi experts,
    I wanted to use a wsdl in my webdynpro component, ie. in wd java, i can create model and in that i get options to import a wsdl via wsdl file, i have a wsdl file, but how can the same be achived here in wd abap, i could import a functional module, but i dont know how to import wsdl ...
    have gone through this url but i could not find the blog.
    Govardan Raj S

    hi Kiran,
    The links you have suggested are help full, im completely new to this feild,
    here il explain what i did,
    i have a wsdl file named as M****_*******_Pzzzz_Baaaaa_Details.wsdl
    using se80 i went to my package where my webdyrnpro component is stored.
    right click of this pkg, i selected create -> enterprise service /webservice - > proxy object.
    here i got a pop with options as 1) consumer Group 2) Exception Classes 3) Service Provider 4) Service Consumer 5) Data Types 6) Data Types Enhancements
    i selected service consumer , coz i wanted to consume wsdl.
    then on click of continue ,
    here i selected Local File  radion button.
    then browse my wsdl file in my computer, then gave prefix as zbaadtlprxy
    and assigned a package and request that im using currently and completed.
    now i created a proxy object with name available as
    M****_C*********_P*******_Batch_D .
    i activated the same.
    now after this what is the next step. ?

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