Error in PR relese procedure

Can any body explain me, what could be the error, in setting the relese procedure
Error in classification (class ZRG_EBAN class type 032)
Message no. ME179
Please check the specified class or class type in Customizing for the release procedure.
MNV Ramana

Goto CL24N tocde and enter you calss ZRG_EBAN  and class type 032 and populate the value in change mode and make sure that alll the value is populated here.
generally this error comes when you have not maintained the values here.
Or go to in change mode via SPRO and enter the value and save (release procedure)

Similar Messages

  • Error While executing a procedure

    Hello FOlks,
    When i try to execute this procedure below i get the error saying "Compiled with errors"
    ORA--00942-Table or View does not exist
    SQL Statement ignored at Line 17.
    I tried querying the table and it returns no data. How do i debug this error.
    create or replace procedure Load_FADM_Staging_Area_test(p_data_load_date date) is
    v_start_date                date;
    v_end_date                  date;
    if  p_data_load_date is null then
        select (sysdate - 7), (sysdate - 1) into v_start_date, v_end_date from dual;
      elsif p_data_load_date is not null then
       select (p_data_load_date - 7), (p_data_load_date - 1) into v_start_date, v_end_date from dual;
        raise_application_error('-20042', 'Data control - GetDataControlAuditData : Date parameter must be a date of this or a previous week.');
      end if;
    ,'HRI' schema_name
    , sysdate Load_date
    ,'ETLPROCESS001' Load_user
    from stage_bill@hri1_read_only_remote a
    --created_date >= to_date('20101031 235959', 'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS')
    created_date >= v_start_date
    --created_date <= to_date('20101111 235959', 'YYYYMMDD HH24MISS')
      created_date <= v_end_date
    and not exists
    e.action_plan  e_action_plan
    ,e.action_plan_status e_action_plan_status
    ,e.batch_id e_batch_id
    ,e.client_cause_code e_client_cause_code
    ,e.client_id e_client_id
    ,e.client_datafeed_code e_client_datafeed_code
    ,e.client_policy_identifier e_client_policy_identifier
    ,e.close_date e_close_date
    ,e.created_date e_created_date
    ,e.date_of_incident e_date_of_incident
    ,e.date_typed e_date_typed
    ,e.discovery_source e_discovery_source
    ,e.employer_group_id e_employer_group_id
    ,e.event_id e_event_id
    ,e.event_status_code  e_event_status_code
    ,e.event_type_code e_event_type_code
    ,e.exclude_from_invoice e_exclude_from_invoice
    ,e.from_ncoa_date e_from_ncoa_date
    ,e.group_contract_funding_type e_group_contract_funding_type
    ,e.hmo_ppo_indemnity_type e_hmo_ppo_indemnity_type
    ,e.insurance_product_name e_insurance_product_name
    ,e.insured_termination_date e_insured_termination_date
    ,e.invoice_date e_invoice_date
    ,e.letter_status e_letter_status
    ,e.letter_status_date e_letter_status_date
    ,e.liability_analysis e_liability_analysis
    ,e.loss_city e_loss_city
    ,e.loss_description e_loss_description
    ,e.loss_state_code e_loss_state_code
    ,e.manually_moved e_manually_moved
    ,e.moved_by_user_id e_moved_by_user_id
    ,e.ncoa_code e_ncoa_code
    ,e.next_steps e_next_steps
    ,e.open_date e_open_date
    ,e.policy_holder_address1 e_policy_holder_address1
    ,e.policy_holder_address2 e_policy_holder_address2
    ,eccf.Client_field_data  eccf_client_fleld_data
    ,eccf.Client_field_name eccf_client_field_name
    ,eccf.Client_id eccf_client_id
    ,eccf.Event_case_id eccf_event_case_id
    ,ecf.client_field_data  ecf_client_field_data
    ,ecf.client_field_name ecf_client_field_name
    ,ecf.client_id ecf_client_id
    ,ecf.event_id  ecf_event_id
    event@hri1_read_only_remote e,
    event_case@hri1_read_only_remote ec,
    event_case_client_field@hri1_read_only_remote eccf,
    event_client_field@hri1_read_only_remote ecf,
    stg_fadm_hri_stage_bill sb
    e.event_id = ec.event_id and
    e.event_id = ecf.event_id  and
    ec.event_case_id = eccf.event_case_id and
    e.event_id = ecf.event_id and
    e.client_id = ecf.client_id and
    e.client_id = ec.client_id and
    ec.client_id = ecf.client_id and
    e.event_id = sb.event_id  and
    ec.event_case_id = sb.event_case_id and
    eccf.event_case_id = sb.event_case_id and
    ecf.event_id = sb.event_id;
    end Load_FADM_Staging_Area_TEST;

    Just noticed
    I tried querying the table and it returns no data.Could be your NOT EXISTS clause, you are missing something? - "Something" exists, unless the table is empty.
    Should probably be something like:
    AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL -- You are actually not selecting anything, just probing for existence
                      WHERE  <<Correlation to table "a">>Furthermore, you'll never manage to compile the procedure since your second select does not select INTO anything.
    (A more apprpriate subject would be "Error while compiling a procedure".)
    Finally, When would the ELSE be reached here?
    if p_data_load_date IS NULL then
        select (sysdate - 7), (sysdate - 1) into v_start_date, v_end_date from dual;
    elsif p_data_load_date IS NOT NULL then
        select (p_data_load_date - 7), (p_data_load_date - 1) into v_start_date, v_end_date from dual;
        raise_application_error('-20042', 'Data control - GetDataControlAuditData : Date parameter must be a date of this or a previous week.');
    end if;Regards

  • Error in executing a procedure

    Hello All,
    I am trying to use an update statement in PL/SQL procedure with some date parameters.
    Can anyone please tell me whats wrong with the syntax.
    Also please suggest any better ways to do this.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure NEW_PROGRAM_test(Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1 IN integer)
    start_date date;
    end_date_1 date;
    end_date_3 date;
    if Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1:= 0 then
    start_date := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE)+1, -1));
    end_date_1 := trunc((add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 0)));
    end_date_3 := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 2));
    Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1:= 1
    start_date := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE)+1, 0));
    end_date_1 := trunc((add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 1)));
    end_date_3 := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 3));
    {dbms_output.put_line('This is invalid, please retry!');
    End if;
    Update mytable1 m1
    set AT_EXP_FLAG ='Y'
    --expiration_date between to_date('01-AUG-2006', 'DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('31-OCT-2006', 'DD-MON-YYYY')
    expiration_date between start_date and end_date_3
    and exists (select contact_id
    from mytable1 m2
    --((extract(year from expiration_date)=CURRENT_YEAR_AS_4digits) and (extract(month from expiration_date) = (CURRENT_MONTH_AS_2digits+1)))
    -- m2.expiration_date between to_date('01-AUG-2006', 'DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('31-AUG-2006', 'DD-MON-YYYY')
    (m2.expiration_date between startdate and end_date_1) and (m2.contact_id = m1.contact_id));

A: Error in executing a procedure

Thank Every one,
I have taken out the curly braces { } and changed the assignment operator to comparision operator. The procedure compiles without any errors.
However, I have declared variables(start_date, End_date_1 and End_date_3). How do I use them in the statement below:
(m2.expiration_date between to_date('startdate', 'DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('end_date_1', 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
When I use this as is, and execute the procedure with 1 as input parameter I am getting this error:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-06512: at "DBUSER.NEW_PROGRAM_TEST", line 28
ORA-06512: at line 7
Here is the complete proc:
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure NEW_PROGRAM_test(Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1 IN integer)
start_date date;
end_date_1 date;
end_date_3 date;
IF Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1= 0 then
start_date := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE)+1, -1));
end_date_1 := trunc((add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 0)));
end_date_3 := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 2));
Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1= 1 then
start_date := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE)+1, 0));
end_date_1 := trunc((add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 1)));
end_date_3 := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 3));
     dbms_output.put_line('This is invalid, please retry!');
End if;
Update mytable1 m1
set AT_EXP_FLAG ='Y'
expiration_date between start_date and end_date_3
and exists (select contact_id
from mytable1 m2
          (m2.expiration_date between to_date('startdate', 'DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('end_date_1', 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
-- (m2.expiration_date between 'startdate' and 'end_date_1')
          and (m2.contact_id = m1.contact_id));
Please suggest ..
Thanks in advance.

Thank Every one,
I have taken out the curly braces { } and changed the assignment operator to comparision operator. The procedure compiles without any errors.
However, I have declared variables(start_date, End_date_1 and End_date_3). How do I use them in the statement below:
(m2.expiration_date between to_date('startdate', 'DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('end_date_1', 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
When I use this as is, and execute the procedure with 1 as input parameter I am getting this error:
ORA-01858: a non-numeric character was found where a numeric was expected
ORA-06512: at "DBUSER.NEW_PROGRAM_TEST", line 28
ORA-06512: at line 7
Here is the complete proc:
CREATE OR REPLACE procedure NEW_PROGRAM_test(Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1 IN integer)
start_date date;
end_date_1 date;
end_date_3 date;
IF Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1= 0 then
start_date := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE)+1, -1));
end_date_1 := trunc((add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 0)));
end_date_3 := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 2));
Enter0_if_this_Mon_ELSE_entr1= 1 then
start_date := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE)+1, 0));
end_date_1 := trunc((add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 1)));
end_date_3 := trunc(add_months(LAST_DAY(SYSDATE), 3));
     dbms_output.put_line('This is invalid, please retry!');
End if;
Update mytable1 m1
set AT_EXP_FLAG ='Y'
expiration_date between start_date and end_date_3
and exists (select contact_id
from mytable1 m2
          (m2.expiration_date between to_date('startdate', 'DD-MON-YYYY') and to_date('end_date_1', 'DD-MON-YYYY'))
-- (m2.expiration_date between 'startdate' and 'end_date_1')
          and (m2.contact_id = m1.contact_id));
Please suggest ..
Thanks in advance.

  • Error while executing the procedure

    I tried the following example it's compiled but while executing giving the errors
    create or replace PROCEDURE createRZGSet (
            rNm IN VARCHAR2,
            rDsc IN VARCHAR2,
            rId OUT NUMBER
        ) IS
            cId INTEGER;       
            cId := 1;       
            SELECT q_id.NEXTVAL
              INTO rId
              FROM DUAL;
            INSERT INTO t_set (rid,
    flag)        VALUES (rId,rNm,rDsc,cid,'P');
    /The above is compiled ... but while executing
    SQL> declare
      2   optval number;
      3  begin
      4   execute createRZGSet('myp','miyapur',optval);
      5  dbms_output.put_line('val returned is:'||optval);
      6  end;
      7  /
    execute createRZGSet('myp','miyapur',optval);
    ERROR at line 4:
    ORA-06550: line 4, column 10:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "CREATERZGSet" when expecting one
    of the following:
    := . ( @ % ; immediate
    The symbol ":=" was substituted for "CREATERZGSet" to continue.could you please hint me in this error..

    The above is compiled ... but while executing
    SQL> declare
    2   optval number;
    3  begin
    4   execute createRZGSet('myp','miyapur',optval);
    5  dbms_output.put_line('val returned is:'||optval);
    6  end;
    7  /remove the execute key word. it belongs to SQL Plus. in pl/sql you can just give the procedure name thats enought.
    SQL> declare
      2   optval number;
      3  begin
      4   createRZGSet('myp','miyapur',optval);
      5  dbms_output.put_line('val returned is:'||optval);
      6  end;
      7  /

  • Error while invoking Stored Procedure.

    I am trying to invoke a stored procedure which has one input parameter and 3 output parameters. In the procedure, I am selecting 3 columns from a table based on the input parameter. I have generated a WSDL from database, along with wsdl an xsd has been created. I have used this WSDL in creating partner link on the target side. For source side partner link, I have created WSDL based on the xsd which is created from database. I have deployed this BPEL process and when I try to debug the flow it is failing while invoking the stored procedure I am getting below soap fault.
    {color:#3366ff}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="{color}{color:#3366ff}" xmlns:xsd="{color}{color:#3366ff}" xmlns:xsi="{color}{color:#3366ff}" xsi:schemaLocation="{color}{color:#3366ff} {color}{color:#3366ff}">
    <faultcode xmlns="">SOAP-ENV:Server</faultcode>
    <faultstring xmlns="">BPCOR-6135:A fault was not handled in the process scope; Fault Name is {}systemFault; Fault Data is <?xml version="1.0&;quot; encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:sxeh="" type="sxeh:faultMessage" version="1.0&;quot; xmlns:jbi=""><jbi:part>Error occured while executing GETRESULTS(?,?,?,?) Reason: Unable to convert normalized message content to Procedure, Error occured during populating Procedure.Reason: Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=12 SQLState: null ErrorCode:17012</jbi:part></jbi:message>. Sending errors for the pending requests in the process scope before terminating the process instance</faultstring>
    <faultactor xmlns="">sun-bpel-engine</faultactor>
    <detail xmlns="">
    <detailText>BPCOR-6135:A fault was not handled in the process scope; Fault Name is {}systemFault; Fault Data is <?xml version="1.0&;quot; encoding="UTF-8"?><jbi:message xmlns:sxeh="" type="sxeh:faultMessage" version="1.0&;quot; xmlns:jbi=""><jbi:part>Error occured while executing GETRESULTS(?,?,?,?) Reason: Unable to convert normalized message content to Procedure, Error occured during populating Procedure.Reason: Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=12 SQLState: null ErrorCode:17012</jbi:part></jbi:message>. Sending errors for the pending requests in the process scope before terminating the process instance
    Caused by: BPCOR-6131:An Error status was received while doing an invoke (partnerLink=StoreProc, portType={}jdbcPortType, operation=execute)
    BPCOR-6129:Line Number is 30
    BPCOR-6130:Activity Name is Invoke1
    Caused by: Error occured while executing GETRESULTS(?,?,?,?) Reason: Unable to convert normalized message content to Procedure, Error occured during populating Procedure.Reason: Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=12 SQLState: null ErrorCode:17012
    Caused by: Unable to convert normalized message content to Procedure, Error occured during populating Procedure.Reason: Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=12 SQLState: null ErrorCode:17012
    Caused by: Parameter Type Conflict: sqlType=12</detailText>
    {color:#000000}Plz help me to fix this issue.

    First of all does this scenario occur again.
    "Works first/second time. Later gives this error."
    After you restart the SOA server are you able to reproduce this scenario?
    As already pointed out and from the error message, database connection is reset.
    If you find this error again, try this out.
    em -> home / oc4j_soa -> Administration -> JDBC Resources
    Use the "Test Connection" option for the Connection Pool that you are using for your database JNDI.
    It comes back and say "Connection to "XYZCP" established successfully." it is good to use.
    Run the BPEL process again and once you find the error, come back and test the connection.
    If it comes back with Error, diagnose based on the error message received.
    Kalidass Mookkaiah


    Hi ,
    while executing this procedure , I am getting follwoing errors:
    Create or Replace procedure ADD_CUSTOM_INDEX is
    INDX_NOT_EXIST Number;
    for V_ROW in C1 loop
         END IF;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00972: identifier is too long
    ORA-06512: at "LOLAP.ADD_CUSTOM_INDEX", line 13
    ORA-06512: at line 1.
    sturtuce of W_custom_test table is as below:
    "CREATE_DDL" VARCHAR2(1200),
    Any Pointer??????

    Instead of giving as below, go for the not null constraints.
    That should help

  • Event ID: 5014, 5004 The DFS Replication Service is stopping communication with partner / Error 1726 (The remote procedure call failed.)

    I'm replicating between two servers in two sites (Server A - Server 2012 R2 STD, Server B - Server 2008 R2) over a VPN (Sonicwall Firewall).  Though the initial replication seems to be
    happening it is very slow (the folder in question is less than 3GB).  I'm seeing these in the event viewer every few minutes:
    The DFS Replication service is stopping communication with partner PPIFTC for replication group FTC due to an error. The service will retry the connection periodically.
    Additional Information:
    Error: 1726 (The remote procedure call failed.)
    and then....
    The DFS Replication service successfully established an inbound connection with partner PPIFTC for replication group FTC.
    Here are all my troubleshooting steps (keep in mind that our VPN is going through a SonicWall <--I increased the TCP timeout to 24 hours):
    -Increased TCP Timeout to 24 hours 
    -Added the following values on both sending and receiving members and rebooted server
    Value =DisableTaskOffload
    Type = DWORD
    Data = 1
    Value =EnableTCPChimney
    Type = DWORD
    Data = 0
    Value =EnableTCPA
    Type = DWORD
    Data = 0
    Value =EnableRSS
    Type = DWORD
    Data = 0
    ---------------------------------more troubleshooting--------------------------
    -Disabled AntiVirus on both members
    -Made sure DFSR TCP ports 135 & 5722 are open
    -Installed all hotfixes for 2008 R2 ( and rebooted
    -Ran NETSTAT –ANOBP TCP and the DFS executable results are listed below:
    Sending Member:
      TCP    10.x.x.x:53               
    LISTENING       1692
      TCP    10.x.x.x:54669        
    10.x.x.x:5722          TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:54673        
    10.x.x.x:5722          ESTABLISHED     1656
      TCP    10.x.x.x:64773        
    10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     1692
      TCP    10.x.x.x:64787        
    10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     1656
      TCP    10.x.x.x:64795        
    10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     2104
    Receiving Member:
      TCP    10.x.x.x:56683        
    10.x.x.x:389           ESTABLISHED     7472
      TCP    10.x.x.x:57625        
    10.x.x.x:54886         ESTABLISHED     2808
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61759        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61760        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61763        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61764        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61770        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61771        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61774        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61775        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61776        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61777        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61778        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61779        
    10.x.x.x:57625         TIME_WAIT       0
      TCP    10.x.x.x:61784        
    10.x.x.x:52757         ESTABLISHED     7472
      TCP    10.x.x.x:63661        
    10.x.x.x:63781         ESTABLISHED     4880
    ------------------------------more troubleshooting--------------------------
    -Increased Staging to 32GB
    -Opened the ADSIedit.msc console to verify the "Authenticated Users" is set with the default READ permission on the following object:
    a. The computer object of the DFS server
    b. The DFSR-LocalSettings object under the DFS server computer object
    ping <var>10.x.x.x</var> -f -l 1472 and got replies back from both servers
    -AD replication is successful on all partners
    -Nslookup is working so DNS is working
    -Updated NIC drivers on both servers
    - I ran the following to set the Primary Member:
    dfsradmin Membership Set /RGName:<replication group name> /RFName:<replicated folder name> /MemName:<primary member> /IsPrimary:True
    Then Dfsrdiag Pollad /Member:<member name>
    I'm seeing these errors in the dfsr logs:
    20141014 19:28:17.746 9116 SRTR   957 [WARN] SERVER_EstablishSession Failed to establish a replicated folder session. connId:{45C8C309-4EDD-459A-A0BB-4C5FACD97D44} csId:{7AC7917F-F96F-411B-A4D8-6BB303B3C813}
    + [Error:9051(0x235b) UpstreamTransport::EstablishSession upstreamtransport.cpp:808 9116 C The content set is not ready]
    + [Error:9051(0x235b) OutConnection::EstablishSession outconnection.cpp:532 9116 C The content set is not ready]
    + [Error:9051(0x235b) OutConnection::EstablishSession outconnection.cpp:471 9116 C The content set is not ready]
    ---------------------------------------more troubleshooting-----------------------------
    I've done a lot of research on the Internet and most of it is pointing to the same stuff I've tried.  Does anyone have any other suggestions?  Maybe I need to look somewhere
    else on the server side or firewall side? 
    I tried replicating from a 2012 R2 server to another 2012 server and am getting the same events in the event log so maybe it's not a server issue. 
    Some other things I'm wondering:
    -Could it be the speed of the NICs?  Server A is a 2012 Server that has Hyper-V installed.  NIC teaming was initially setup and since Hyper-V is installed the NIC is a "vEthernet
    (Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver Virtual Switch) running at a speed of 10.0Gbps whereas Server B is running a single NIC at 1.0Gbps
    -Could occasional ping timeout's cause the issue?  From time to time I get a timeout but it's not as often as the events I'm seeing.  I'm getting 53ms pings.  The folder
    is only 3 GB so it shouldn't take that long to replicate but it's been days.  The schedule I have set for replication is mostly all day except for our backup times which start at 11pm-5am.  Throughout the rest of the time I have it set anywhere from
    4Mbps to 64 Kbps.  Server A is on a 5mb circuit and Server B is on a 10mb circuit. 

    I'm seeing the same errors, all servers are running 2008 R2 x64. Across multiple sites, VPN is steady and reliably.
    185 events from 12:28:21 to 12:49:25
    Events are for all five servers (one per office, five total offices, no two in the same city, across three states).
    Events are not limited to one replication group. I have quite a few replication groups, so I don't know for sure but I'm running under the reasonable assumption that none are spared.
    Reminder from original post (and also, yes, same for me), the error is: Error: 1726 (The remote procedure call failed.)
    Some way to figure out what code triggers an Event ID 5014, and what code therein specifies an Error 1726, would extremely helpful. Trying random command line/registry changes on live servers is exceptionally unappealing.
    Side note, 1726 is referenced here:
    But it says, "This RPC connection problem may be caused by an unstable WAN connection." I don't believe this is the case for my system.
    It also says...
    For most RPC connection problems, the DFS Replication service will try to obtain the files again without logging a warning or an error in the DFS Replication log. You can capture the network trace to determine whether the cause of the problem is at the network
    layer. To examine the TCP ports that the DFS Replication service is using on replication partners, run the following command in a
    Command Prompt window:
    This returns all open TCP connections. The connections in question are "DFSRs.exe", which the command won't let you filter for.
    Instead, I used the NETSTAT command as advertised, dumping output to info.txt:
    NETSTAT -ANOBP TCP >> X:\info.txt
    Then I opened Excel and manually opened the .TXT for the open wizard. I chose fixed-width fields based on the first row for each result, and then added a column:
    =IF(A3="Can not", "Can not obtain ownership information", IF(LEFT(A3,1) = "[", A3&B3&C3, ""))
    Dragging this down through the entire file let me see that row (Row F) as the file name. Some anomalies were present but none impacted DFSrs.exe results.
    Finally, you can sort/filter (I sorted because I like being able to see everything, should I choose to) to get just the results you need, with the partial rows removed from the result set, or bumped to the end.
    My server had 125 connections open.
    That is a staggering number of connections to review, and I feel like I'm looking for a needle in a haystack.
    I'll see if I can find anything useful out, but a better solution would be most wonderful.

  • ERROR-Logging of Stored Procedure (Stop / Going on after error + logging)

    Hi @all,
    I am using a Stored Procedure which is very simple:
    =>The stored procedure is selecting many tousands of records from table1 + table2.
    => Some values (records) will be summarized (aggregated/group by).
    =>After this selection and summarizing, this records will be deleted from table3 (if they exist in table3).
    =>Then the selected records will be inserted in table3.
    Now I want to do the following:
    Is there a way to log the errors of the stored procedure?
    For example, the stored procedure is copying many thousands of records.
    If there is a problem on copying/ inserting a record to table3, then I want a error-log in a loggin_table.
    Is there a way to write the error-logs from a stored procedure to a special table in database?
    I want to do this in 2 ways:
    1) On error the error is logged and the stored procedure is stopped.
    2) On error the error is logged and the stored procedure is going on to insert/summarize the next record.
    I don't know how I can get these errors of a stored procedure. Maybe it isn't possible? Or is it better to use a function?
    Hope anyone can give me a hint?
    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,

    option one:
    as i know you can have another table without primer key (log table).
    then before you insert into table, select the record count using primary key. if it is duplicate then put those record into the table.
    option two:
    write the log into file.
    f utl_file.file_type;
    s varchar2(200);
    f := utl_file.fopen('SAMPLEDATA','sample1.txt','R');
    end loop;
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    refer :
    Edited by: Upul Indika on Apr 9, 2009 12:45 PM

  • Hi, just tried to upgrade to 11.2 but now when I try to open itunes I get an error message saying "the procedure entry point ADiAdID_acquirematchslotifnecessary could not be located in the dynamic link library iAdCore.dll". Any suggestions?

    Hi, just tried to upgrade to 11.2 but now when I try to open itunes I get an error message saying "the procedure entry point ADiAdID_acquirematchslotifnecessary could not be located in the dynamic link library iAdCore.dll". Any suggestions for a non techy person?

    See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates.
    Try the repair tip in the third box first.

  • Error While Creating PAS Procedure

    Dear Friends
    I am getting following error while creating PAS procedure. I login using Admin
    Access to Database Admin.EWK Denied by the Operating System
    What might be the reason for this error?

    Hi SriG,
    When you try to open a PAS procedure, it creates a temporary editor work file on the client system. This file is created in the directory referenced by the DBHOME variable in the client-side lsserver.ini file. If the user doesn't have permission to write to this directory then the application will be
    unable to open any database sets. So make sure your O.S. user has full access to DBHOME.

  • Error while activating Stored Procedure

    Hi All,
    I am tried to create the Stored procedure but when I am trying to activate same then Procedure is not getting activated.
    Please help.
    Neha Singla

    Error log:
    Repository: Encountered an error in repository runtime extension;error preparing statement create procedure "_SYS_BIC"."test-pg/TEST" (  in IN_PERIO_TO NVARCHAR(7) ,  in IN_PERIO_FROM NVARCHAR(7) ,  in STRIP_DECIN_TT "_SYS_BIC"."test-pg/TEST/tabletype/STRIP_DECIN_TT" ,  out STRIPDEC_TT "_SYS_BIC"."test-pg/TEST/tabletype/STRIPDEC_TT"  ) language SQLSCRIPT sql security invoker reads sql data as n /********* Begin Procedure Script ***********/ n BEGIN nnSTRIPDEC_TT = nSELECTntPERIO,ntTO_DECIMAL (SUM(VVGRW),10,0) AS VVGRW,ntTO_DECIMAL (SUM(VV010),10,0) AS VV010nFROMnt@STRIP_DECIN_TT@nWHEREntPERIO BETWEEN @IN_PERIO_FROM@ AND @IN_PERIO_TO@nGROUP BY PERIOnHAVING SUM(VV010) > 1000;n END; n /******** End Procedure Script ************/ for oid
         TO_DECIMAL (SUM(VV010),10,0) AS VV010
    HAVING SUM(VV010) > 1000;
    Please help.

  • Error as no calculation procedure assigned to company code

    Dear Member,
    I am SAP hr Fresher, Im practising in IDES,
    When i create Personal Area iam getting
    Error as no calculation procedure assigned to company code???
    What should i do???????
    Help me out experts.......

    Please execute t-code OX02 and assign your company code to the country in which it exists.
    Hope this helps,

  • Error in event driven procedure

    Dear Gurus...I created the following procedure to implement Event Driven Reporting:
    CREATE OR REPLACE procedure ABC.eve_drv_rep as
    myPlist system.SRW_PARAMLIST;
    myIdent system.SRW.Job_Ident;
    myPlist := system.SRW_PARAMLIST(system.SRW_PARAMETER('',''));
    system.srw.add_parameter(myPlist,'DESNAME','[email protected]');
    myIdent := system.srw.run_report(myPlist);
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20001,'Error sending email.Error: '||sqlerrm);
    --Dbms_Put.Put_Line('Error sending email.Error: '||dbms_util.get_detailed_sqlerrm);
    Procedure is created successfully but when I execute this procedure, I get the following error:
    ORA-20001'Error sending email.Error: ORA-20999
    ORA-06512: at "Nml.Eve_Drv_Rep", line 17
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    Can u guess where is the problem?
    2ndly I want to know that whether I should give IP address or Application Server Machine Name in GATEWAY parameter?
    And in SERVER parameter either I should give the Application Server Machine Name or Report Server name installed on Application Server Machine?
    Lastly from where I can get the complete list of Parameters to be added in SRW.Add_Parameter like SERVER, GATEWAY etc.
    Please note that we r using Database 10g Rel.2 and Forms and Reports services on Application Server on Widows Server-2003 platform and the report being called was developed in Reports 10g.

    Remove this (And never put it in again)
    when others then
    raise_application_error(-20001,'Error sending email.Error: '||sqlerrm);
    --Dbms_Put.Put_Line('Error sending email.Error: '||dbms_util.get_detailed_sqlerrm);This will tell you more about what is going on, such as giving you the location of the error.
    But 20999, is a user defined exception, are you putting objects into system schema?

  • When computer boots I get error box stating "The procedure entry point _NSConcreteStackBlock could not be located in the dynamic link libray CoreFoundation.dll".  I have removed iTunes and all of it's components several times and re-loaded programs.

    When I boot my computer I get error box stating "The procedure entry point _NSConcreteStackBlock could not be located in the dynamic link library CoreFoundation.dll.  I have completely removed iTunes and related programs and reinstalled them several times.  Doesn't fix the issue.  Any ideas on how to fix this?

    You should have one copy of CoreFoundation.dll in C:\Program Files\Common Files\Apple Application Support or C:\Program Files (x68)\Common Files\Apple Application Support if this is a 64-bit Windows.
    The detailed file properties should be as shown.
    If the file you have is correct check to see if there is another copy in the main iTunes folder. If so delete it and see if that helps.
    Otherwise try uninstalling/deleting folders/reinstalling iTunes again. See Troubleshooting issues with iTunes for Windows updates for more details. Your issue looks a bit like it might be a variation of the issue in the first box.
    Also worth checking that you have uninstalled the MobileMe control panel and any third party software that might try to talk to iTunes.

  • Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 127: The specified procedure could not be found. (...SQORA32.DLL).

    I recently upgraded from 10g to 11g and upon this upgrade, a website of mine stopped working.
    It is a classic ASP website.  I added a "testdatabase" page to the website to test the basic functionality of opening a connection.  I've pasted the testdatabase page below.  Anyways, upon running this page, I get this error:
    Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 127: The specified procedure could not be found. (Oracle in OraClient11g_home1_32bit, D:\app\oracleadm\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\SQORA32.DLL).
    I have two other environments where I have done the same upgrade and the site works just fine.  I have compared all the IIS settings in my other environments to that of the one suffering from the error.  Also, in the IIS settings, I have made sure that "Allow 32bit" was checked.
    D:\app\oracleadm\product\11.2.0\client_1\BIN\SQORA32.DLL is actually where this DLL resides. 
    I have also checked to make sure the environment variables are correct.
    The very first environment variable in the PATH setting is D:\app\oracleadm\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin; and there are no other references to oracle in the PATH environment variable.
    I have done a google search and I've seen that people also tell me to check ORACLE_HOME to make sure it's correct.  I've checked this in both of the working environments and there is nothing there.  There is also nothing there in the broken environment.  What should be there?  If anything?
    I don't know where else to look.  What could be causing this error?
    Option Explicit
    Response.Expires = 0
    Response.Buffer  = true
    Dim conn
    On Error Resume Next
    Set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    conn.Open "DSN=RPS11;UID=FFXQM;PWD=ffxqm6prd$"
    If Err.Number <> 0 Then
    Response.Write (Err.Description & "<br><br>")
    Set conn = Nothing
    End If
    Set conn = Nothing
    On Error GoTo 0

    As a temporary solution, add the Administrators group to the IUSR and IWAM userids and see if that works. If it solves the problem, then it IS a matter of setting the users privledges correctly.

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