Error in running baseline update from ATG

I am trying to import the content in my ATG app schemas as indexed records into Endeca.
After making the configuration changes listed in the ATG-endeca integration guide , When I try to do baseline index from http://localhost:7003/dyn/admin/nucleus/atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin/ , following is what I get :
PreIndexing (Duration: 0:00:00)
     /atg/endeca/index/commerce/CategoryTreeService                COMPLETE (Succeeded)
RepositoryExport (Duration: 0:00:19)
     /atg/endeca/index/commerce/SchemaExporter      58      0      COMPLETE (Succeeded)
     /atg/endeca/index/commerce/CategoryToDimensionOutputConfig      9      0      COMPLETE (Succeeded)
     /atg/endeca/index/commerce/RepositoryTypeDimensionExporter      15      0      COMPLETE (Succeeded)
     /atg/commerce/search/ProductCatalogOutputConfig      31      0      COMPLETE (Succeeded)
EndecaIndexing (Duration: 0:02:18)
     /atg/endeca/index/commerce/EndecaScriptService                COMPLETE (Failed)
following is what I get in logs :
**** info Wed Dec 19 15:09:19 IST 2012 1355909959144 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/EndecaScriptService Starting script BaselineUpdate in application ATGen
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin --- Starting scrip
t BaselineUpdate of application ATGen failed
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptRunner.startScript(ScriptRunner.ja
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.runUpdateScript(ScriptIn
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.performBaselineUpdate(Sc
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.doTask(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.performTask(IndexingTask.
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingPhase$IndexingTaskJob.invoke(I
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin Caused by Connection refused: connect
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.AxisFault.makeFault(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke(HTTPSender.j
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(Invocatio
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at com.endeca.eac.client.ScriptControlPortSOAPBindingStub.startS
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptRunner.startScript(ScriptRunner.ja
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.runUpdateScript(ScriptIn
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.performBaselineUpdate(Sc
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.doTask(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.performTask(IndexingTask.
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingPhase$IndexingTaskJob.invoke(I
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin Caused by (#2) Connection refused: connect
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at Method)
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAcces
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMet
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.getSocket(HTTPSende
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.writeToSocket(HTTPS
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.transport.http.HTTPSender.invoke(HTTPSender.j
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.strategies.InvocationStrategy.visit(Invocatio
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.doVisiting(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.SimpleChain.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invokeEngine(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at org.apache.axis.client.Call.invoke(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at com.endeca.eac.client.ScriptControlPortSOAPBindingStub.startS
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptRunner.startScript(ScriptRunner.ja
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.runUpdateScript(ScriptIn
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.performBaselineUpdate(Sc
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.doTask(
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.performTask(IndexingTask.
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingPhase$IndexingTaskJob.invoke(I
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Wed Dec 19 15:09:20 IST 2012 1355909960330 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin
P.S. - ALL the endeca services are running.
To add to surprise after this , I am unable to perform the baseline update from Endeca also. I get following error while running baseline update on endeca side :
[12.19.12 15:49:23] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'emgr_update_set_post_forge_dims'.
[12.19.12 15:49:32] SEVERE: Utility 'emgr_update_set_post_forge_dims' failed. Refer to utility logs in [ENDECA_CONF]/logs/shell on host ITLHost.
Occurred while executing line 34 of valid BeanShell script:
31| // Upload the generated dimension values to Workbench
32| WorkbenchManager.cleanDirs();
33| Forge.getPostForgeDimensions();
34| WorkbenchManager.updateWsDimensions();
36| // Upload the generated config to Workbench
37| WorkbenchManager.updateWsConfig();
[12.19.12 15:49:32] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. Releasing locks.
Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacComponentControlException
com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.Utility run - Utility 'emgr_update_set_post_forge_dims' failed. Refer to utility logs in [ENDECA_CONF]/logs/shell on host ITLHost.
[12.19.12 15:49:32] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.
The above error persists even if I remove the application using --remove-app command and re-deploy new app with same name as previous one
Any help/pointer would really be appreciated.
Mayank Batra

Thanks Pankaj and Patrick.
My endeca installation works absolutely fine.
When i install endeca with platform services,mdex and tools and framework , I can create the application,initialize, load baseline and baseline update my application beautifully, until I do the baseline index from ATG side.
Once I do that , I am unable to perform indexing from Endeca also.
What I need to do is reinstall the endeca(platform services for least) to resolve this - I have been doing this for quite some time now :(
My Endeca Workbench instance is up, running and reachable on port 8006.
The PlatformServices\workspace\logs\shell\ATGen.emgr_update_set_post_forge_dims.log has following one liner :
ERROR: Could not open acquire_lock.status.
I tried running the baseline index from ATG again and following is what I get in logs this time around :
**** info Mon Dec 24 12:57:32 IST 2012 1356334052168 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/EndecaScriptService Starting script BaselineUpdate in application ATGen
**** info Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503729 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/EndecaScriptService Script BaselineUpdate for application ATGen finished with status Failed
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin --- Script Baselin
eUpdate for application ATGen failed
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptRunner.waitForScript(ScriptRunner.
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.runUpdateScript(ScriptIn
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.performBaselineUpdate(Sc
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.doTask(
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.performTask(IndexingTask.
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingPhase$IndexingTaskJob.invoke(I
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin Caused by Script Base
lineUpdate of application ATGen failed
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptRunner.waitForScript(ScriptRunner.
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.runUpdateScript(ScriptIn
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.eacclient.ScriptIndexable.performBaselineUpdate(Sc
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.doTask(
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingTask.performTask(IndexingTask.
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at atg.endeca.index.admin.IndexingPhase$IndexingTaskJob.invoke(I
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin at
**** Error Mon Dec 24 13:05:03 IST 2012 1356334503843 /atg/endeca/index/commerce/ProductCatalogSimpleIndexingAdmin
Mayank Batra
Edited by: Waste Ideas on Dec 23, 2012 11:37 PM
Edited by: Waste Ideas on Dec 23, 2012 11:38 PM

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    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: FND_GENERIC_MESSAGE. Tokens: MESSAGE = java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: Error occurred during product initialization for MO when executing 'begin MO_GLOBAL.INIT; end;'.
    SQLCODE = -20001
    SQLERROR = ORA-20001: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR: N, ROUTINE, MO_GLOBAL.INIT, N, ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR: N, ROUTINE, MO_GLOBAL.SET_ORG_ACCESS, N, ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: You do not have access privilege to any operating unit. Please check if your profile option MO: Security Profile includes any operating unit or the profile option
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.APP_EXCEPTION", line 52
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 63
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 967
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 547
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    ; (Could not lookup message because there is no database connection)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException.wrapperException(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OACommonUtils.processAOLJErrorStack(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.CreateIcxSession.createTransaction(
         at runregion.jspService(runregion.jsp:103)
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
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    ## Detail 0 ##
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: Error occurred during product initialization for MO when executing 'begin MO_GLOBAL.INIT; end;'.
    SQLCODE = -20001
    SQLERROR = ORA-20001: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR: N, ROUTINE, MO_GLOBAL.INIT, N, ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR: N, ROUTINE, MO_GLOBAL.SET_ORG_ACCESS, N, ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: You do not have access privilege to any operating unit. Please check if your profile option MO: Security Profile includes any operating unit or the profile option
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.APP_EXCEPTION", line 52
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 63
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 967
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 547
    ORA-06512: at line 1
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther(
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         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
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         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.setSecurityContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.updateSessionContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.updateSessionContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.CreateIcxSession.createTransaction(
         at runregion.jspService(runregion.jsp:103)
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
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         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    java.sql.SQLException: ORA-20001: Oracle error -20001: ORA-20001: Error occurred during product initialization for MO when executing 'begin MO_GLOBAL.INIT; end;'.
    SQLCODE = -20001
    SQLERROR = ORA-20001: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR: N, ROUTINE, MO_GLOBAL.INIT, N, ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: SQL_PLSQL_ERROR: N, ROUTINE, MO_GLOBAL.SET_ORG_ACCESS, N, ERRNO, -20001, N, REASON, ORA-20001: You do not have access privilege to any operating unit. Please check if your profile option MO: Security Profile includes any operating unit or the profile option
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.APP_EXCEPTION", line 52
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 63
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 967
    ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_GLOBAL", line 547
    ORA-06512: at line 1
         at oracle.jdbc.dbaccess.DBError.throwSqlException(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTIoer.processError(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.Oall7.receive(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.doOall7(
         at oracle.jdbc.ttc7.TTC7Protocol.parseExecuteFetch(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.executeNonQuery(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteOther(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.doExecuteWithTimeout(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.executeUpdate(
         at oracle.jdbc.driver.OraclePreparedStatement.execute(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext.setSecurityContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.setSecurityContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.updateSessionContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.updateSessionContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.CreateIcxSession.createTransaction(
         at runregion.jspService(runregion.jsp:103)
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
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    oracle.apps.fnd.framework.OAException: Application: FND, Message Name: FND_NO_REGION_DATA. Tokens: REGIONCODE = /oracle/apps/fnd/framework/toolbox/tutorial/webui/HomePG; (Could not lookup message because there is no database connection)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.JRAD2AKMapper.getRootMElement(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanFactoryImpl.getWebBeanTypeDataFromJRAD(
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         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    ## Detail 0 ##
    oracle.adf.mds.exception.MDSRuntimeException: Unable to find component with absolute reference = /oracle/apps/fnd/framework/toolbox/tutorial/webui/HomePG, XML Path = {1}. Please verify that the reference is valid and the definition of the component exists either on the File System or in the MDS Repository.
    The MDS repository is incompatible with the middle tier. Repository version "" is older than minimum repository version "" required. Please upgrade the MDS repository to at least the minimum version specified.
         at oracle.adf.mds.internal.MetadataManagerBase.findElement(
         at oracle.adf.mds.MElement.findElement(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.JRAD2AKMapper.getRootMElement(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanFactoryImpl.getWebBeanTypeDataFromJRAD(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanFactoryImpl.getRootApplicationModuleClass(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
         at OA.jspService(OA.jsp:40)
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    oracle.adf.mds.exception.MDSRuntimeException: Unable to find component with absolute reference = /oracle/apps/fnd/framework/toolbox/tutorial/webui/HomePG, XML Path = {1}. Please verify that the reference is valid and the definition of the component exists either on the File System or in the MDS Repository.
    The MDS repository is incompatible with the middle tier. Repository version "" is older than minimum repository version "" required. Please upgrade the MDS repository to at least the minimum version specified.
         at oracle.adf.mds.internal.MetadataManagerBase.findElement(
         at oracle.adf.mds.MElement.findElement(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.JRAD2AKMapper.getRootMElement(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanFactoryImpl.getWebBeanTypeDataFromJRAD(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAWebBeanFactoryImpl.getRootApplicationModuleClass(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.webui.OAPageBean.preparePage(
         at OA.jspService(OA.jsp:40)
         at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$

  • Error while running SSIS package from Integration service or via Job

    Hi All,
    I encounter the below error while running SSIS Package from Job or integration service. However on execution completes success fully while running from data tools. The issue occurs after migration to 2012 from 2oo5 dtsx. PFB the error.
    SSIS Error Code DTS_E_PRIMEOUTPUTFAILED.  The PrimeOutput method on OLE DB Source returned error code 0xC02020C4.  The component returned a failure code when the pipeline engine called PrimeOutput(). The meaning of the failure code is defined by
    the component, but the error is fatal and the pipeline stopped executing.  There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
    A buffer failed while allocating 10485760 bytes.
    The system reports 26 percent memory load. There are 206110765056 bytes of physical memory with 150503776256 bytes.
    free. There are 2147352576 bytes of virtual memory with 185106432 bytes free. The paging file has 208256339968 bytes with 145642921984 bytes free.
    The package also runs successfully from other servers. This happens only in one of our server.seems like issue with some sql configuration.

    Hi ,
    Are you running using SQL Agent Job and Data tools on same server or different?
    If it is executing fine using Data tools and failing with Job it might be User credentials issue.Try
    to run Job with your credentials by using proxy .
    Prathy K

  • ERROR: exception thrown from IMChannel

    Not sure whether this is better addressed here or in the Instant Messaging forum.
    Basically we're having a problem with the presence service in Portal Server, and it throws a huge exception stack when you do anything except have a blank contact list with noone logged in.
    Portal Server, Access Manager, and IM Server are all installed on the same server in this configuration, and I've tried applying patches to the IM Server APIs to fix the problems to no avail.
    JES 2005Q1
    IM Server patched: 118787-01 118790-01
    Portal server unpatched
    Basically all of this is still a default install, with only minimal customization so customers don't have to configure anything.
    tail -f /var/opt/SUNWam/debug/desktop.debug says:
    07:34:25,192 INFO xmppd [ 4] Authenticating using Identity Server SSO
    06/20/2005 07:34:25:310 AM PDT: Thread[Thread-677,5,main]
    ERROR: exception thrown from IMChannel
    com.sun.portal.providers.ProviderException: JSPProvider.processJSPFile(): jsp=IMContent.jsp, java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jaxen.BaseXPath.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/jaxen/Navigator;)V
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.getContent(
    java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.jaxen.BaseXPath.<init>(Ljava/lang/String;Lorg/jaxen/Navigator;)V
    at net.outer_planes.jso.xpath.JSOXPath.<init>(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.xpath.JSOXPath.<init>(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.DataFactory.createXPath(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.DataFactory.createXPath(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.AbstractElement.getLocaleXPath(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.AbstractElement.findElementsForLocale(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.AbstractElement.findElementsForLocale(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.PresencePacket.getStatus(
    at net.outer_planes.jso.PresencePacket.getStatus(
    at jsps.etc._opt._SUNWps._desktop._sampleportal_en_US._IMChannel._html._IMContent_jsp._jspService(
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.jasper3.jasper.runtime.HttpJspBase.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JspServletWrapper.service(
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.processJspFile(
    at com.sun.portal.providers.jsp.JSPProvider.getContent(
    We're looking to implement JES in the next month or so. I've seen mention of this error with other jaxen flavors, but none mentioning the JES Instant Messaging or Portal Servers

    Does every checkbox have the same name, i.e. "sel".
    In this case you're dealing with a checkbox group. Similar to a select-style dropdown or radio button group.
    I know I've had problems with dropdowns in Netscape where the select parameter was not being passed at all, so I'd get null values. I got around this by having the form submission re-assign the value from the select list to a hidden variable and then getting the value from the request.getParameter("hiddenFieldName") instead of the "dropdownFieldName".
    You could try to name each checkbox individually using an appended ID, such as sel1, sel2, etc. and then have these parameters picked up using a loop construct, request.getParameter("sel" + i) -- you may want to pass some value back that would also indicate how many total checkboxes you had so you could determine how many iterations of the loop to go through.
    On the form side, you could probably set the checkboxes up using a similar looping mechanism so that you wouldn't have to explicitly write each checkbox name.
    If this is in fact similar to the Netscape issue I was having with dropdowns, I'd be interested to hear if it'll work in IE.
    I got a bit off-topic, but hope it helps.

  • While Running baseLine update with Endeca getting Error with ATG11

    HI All,
    While running the baseline update for endeca getting below error,Please help me to resolve this issue
    [11.26.14 18:26:36] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
    [11.26.14 18:26:39] INFO: Definition has not changed.
    [11.26.14 18:26:39] INFO: Starting baseline update script.
    [11.26.14 18:26:39] INFO: Acquired lock 'update_lock'.
    [11.26.14 18:26:40] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_cas-output'.
    [11.26.14 18:26:40] SEVERE: Error communicating with EAC agent while starting utility 'cleanDir_cas-output'.
    Occurred while executing line 8 of valid BeanShell script:
    5|    if (LockManager.acquireLock("update_lock")) {
    6|      // clean directories
    7| CAS.cleanCumulativePartials();
    8|      Dgidx.cleanDirs();
    10|      // run crawl and archive any changes in dvalId mappings
    11| CAS.runBaselineCasCrawl("CRS-last-mile-crawl");
    [11.26.14 18:26:40] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. Releasing locks.
    Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
    com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacCommunicationException
    com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.utility.Utility start - Error communicating with EAC agent while starting utility 'cleanDir_cas-output'.
    Caused by com.endeca.eac.client.EACFault
    sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl newInstance0 – null
    Mahesh Chinchure

    It sounds like you might be working with Endeca Commerce products - this forum is for Endeca Information Discovery.
    You might try posting your questions on one of these forums:
    Oracle Commerce
    Technical Questions

  • Error in performing baseline update

    Hi all,
              I have done ATG installation 10.2, I installed Endeca,During integration of ATG CRS10.2  with endeca
             1.I succesfully created a application with name CRS102,
             2.Initialized the services.
             3.While I am running the base line update I am getting the following errors
    [08.28.13 09:51:54] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
    [08.28.13 09:51:55] INFO: Updating provisioning for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:55] INFO: Updating definition for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: Definition updated.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: Starting baseline update script.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: Acquired lock 'update_lock'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_processing'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:57] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_forge-output'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:59] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_dgidx-output'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:00] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'move_-_to_processing'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:01] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting copy utility 'fetch_config_to_input_for_forge_Forge'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:03] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_ConfigurationGeneratorForge'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:05] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'ConfigurationGeneratorForge'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:03] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting copy utility 'CopyRecsearchConfig'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:03] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_Forge'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:05] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'Forge'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:19] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_Dgidx'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:19] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'Dgidx'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:22] SEVERE: Batch component  'Dgidx' failed. Refer to component logs in C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\config\script\..\..\.\logs\dgidxs\Dgidx on host ITLHost.
    Occurred while executing line 53 of valid BeanShell script:
    51|        Dgidx.archiveLogDir();
    [08.28.13 09:53:22] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. Releasing locks.
    Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
    com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacComponentControlException
    com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.component.BatchComponent run - Batch component  'Dgidx' failed. Refer to component logs in C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\config\script\..\..\.\logs\dgidxs\Dgidx on host ITLHost.
    [08.28.13 09:53:23] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.
    Errors in LOG FILE (Dgidx.log)
    Parsing XML dimensions data with validation turned on
    Parsing project file "C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\data\forge_output\CRS102.xml" (project="CRS102")
    XMLParser: Reading dimensions, dvals, and synonyms from file "C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\data\forge_output\\CRS102.dimensions.xml"
    ERROR 08/28/13 04:23:22.393 UTC (1377663802392) DGIDX {dgidx,baseline} Internal error while decompressing input stream: null
    FATAL 08/28/13 04:23:22.393 UTC (1377663802393) DGIDX {dgidx,baseline} Fatal error at file , line 0, char 0; Message: An exception occurred! Type:RuntimeException, Message:The primary document entity could not be opened. Id=C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\data\forge_output\\CRS102.dimensions.xml
    WARN 08/28/13 04:23:22.394 UTC (1377663802393) DGIDX {dgidx,baseline} Lexer/OLT log: level=-1: 2013/08/28 09:53:22 | INFO    | Disabling log callback
    I checked CRS102.dimensions.xml . This file is getting created but it is empty
    Please help me asap in resolving this error

    Hi all,
              I have done ATG installation 10.2, I installed Endeca,During integration of ATG CRS10.2  with endeca
             1.I succesfully created a application with name CRS102,
             2.Initialized the services.
             3.While I am running the base line update I am getting the following errors
    [08.28.13 09:51:54] INFO: Checking definition from AppConfig.xml against existing EAC provisioning.
    [08.28.13 09:51:55] INFO: Updating provisioning for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:55] INFO: Updating definition for component 'DailyReportGenerator'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: Definition updated.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: Starting baseline update script.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: Acquired lock 'update_lock'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:56] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_processing'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:57] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_forge-output'.
    [08.28.13 09:51:59] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'cleanDir_dgidx-output'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:00] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting shell utility 'move_-_to_processing'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:01] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting copy utility 'fetch_config_to_input_for_forge_Forge'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:03] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_ConfigurationGeneratorForge'.
    [08.28.13 09:52:05] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'ConfigurationGeneratorForge'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:03] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting copy utility 'CopyRecsearchConfig'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:03] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_Forge'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:05] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'Forge'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:19] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting backup utility 'backup_log_dir_for_component_Dgidx'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:19] INFO: [ITLHost] Starting component 'Dgidx'.
    [08.28.13 09:53:22] SEVERE: Batch component  'Dgidx' failed. Refer to component logs in C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\config\script\..\..\.\logs\dgidxs\Dgidx on host ITLHost.
    Occurred while executing line 53 of valid BeanShell script:
    51|        Dgidx.archiveLogDir();
    [08.28.13 09:53:22] SEVERE: Caught an exception while invoking method 'run' on object 'BaselineUpdate'. Releasing locks.
    Caused by java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
    sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl invoke0 - null
    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.AppControlException
    com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.script.Script runBeanShellScript - Error executing valid BeanShell script.
    Caused by com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.exception.EacComponentControlException
    com.endeca.soleng.eac.toolkit.component.BatchComponent run - Batch component  'Dgidx' failed. Refer to component logs in C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\config\script\..\..\.\logs\dgidxs\Dgidx on host ITLHost.
    [08.28.13 09:53:23] INFO: Released lock 'update_lock'.
    Errors in LOG FILE (Dgidx.log)
    Parsing XML dimensions data with validation turned on
    Parsing project file "C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\data\forge_output\CRS102.xml" (project="CRS102")
    XMLParser: Reading dimensions, dvals, and synonyms from file "C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\data\forge_output\\CRS102.dimensions.xml"
    ERROR 08/28/13 04:23:22.393 UTC (1377663802392) DGIDX {dgidx,baseline} Internal error while decompressing input stream: null
    FATAL 08/28/13 04:23:22.393 UTC (1377663802393) DGIDX {dgidx,baseline} Fatal error at file , line 0, char 0; Message: An exception occurred! Type:RuntimeException, Message:The primary document entity could not be opened. Id=C:\Endeca\Apps\CRS102\data\forge_output\\CRS102.dimensions.xml
    WARN 08/28/13 04:23:22.394 UTC (1377663802393) DGIDX {dgidx,baseline} Lexer/OLT log: level=-1: 2013/08/28 09:53:22 | INFO    | Disabling log callback
    I checked CRS102.dimensions.xml . This file is getting created but it is empty
    Please help me asap in resolving this error

  • Rep-52005 error when running a report from form with parameter form

    I am trying to run a report from a web deployed form and this report has a parameter form. I am getting a Rep-52005: The specified key report does not exist in key map file.
    I am using Oracle Forms/Reports My code is below. The first part works fine where I run a report with no parameter form, but the second part when I have a parameter form gets the about error.
    PROCEDURE call_report (
    p_report_name VARCHAR2,
    p_reportobj_name VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
    p_parameter_list paramlist DEFAULT NULL,
    p_parameter_string VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
    repid report_object;
    v_rep VARCHAR2 (100);
    rep_status VARCHAR2 (100);
    v_report_url VARCHAR2 (240);
    v_interface VARCHAR2 (50);
    v_report_parameter VARCHAR2 (1);
    vc_user_name VARCHAR2 (100);
    vc_user_password VARCHAR2 (100);
    vc_user_connect VARCHAR2 (100);
    vc_connect VARCHAR2 (300);
    v_reportserv VARCHAR2 (30);
    v_job_number number;
    /* Get the database to run the report against and
    find out if the report has any parameters */
    SELECT report_parameter_flag
    INTO v_report_parameter
    FROM program_list
    WHERE program_type = 'REPORTS'
    AND UPPER (screen_id) = UPPER (p_report_name);
    vc_user_name := get_application_property (username);
    vc_user_password := get_application_property (password);
    vc_user_connect := get_application_property (connect_string);
    v_reportserv := 'rep_xxxx_ias10g_home';
    v_report_url := '';
    v_job_number := length(v_reportserv) +2;
    vc_connect :=
    || '/'
    || vc_user_password
    || '@'
    || vc_user_connect;
    v_interface := get_application_property (user_interface);
    IF ( v_interface = 'WEB'
    AND v_report_parameter = 'N'
    repid := find_report_object(p_reportobj_name);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_comm_mode, synchronous);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_destype, cache);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_desformat, 'pdf');
    -- v_reportserv := get_report_object_property (repid,report_server);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_server, v_reportserv);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_other, p_parameter_string);
    v_rep := run_report_object (repid);
    rep_status := report_object_status (v_rep);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED'
    web.show_document (
    || '/reports/rwservlet/getjobid='
    || substr(v_rep,v_job_number)
    || '?server='
    || v_reportserv
    message ( rep_status
    || 'Report output aborted');
    END IF;
    ELSIF ( v_interface = 'WEB'
    AND v_report_parameter = 'Y'
    repid := find_report_object (p_reportobj_name);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_comm_mode, synchronous);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_destype, cache);
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_desformat, 'pdf');
    set_report_object_property (repid, report_server, v_reportserv);
    set_report_object_property (
    'paramform=yes P_USER_CONNECT='
    || vc_connect
    || ' P_SERVERNAME='
    || v_reportserv
    || ' P_ACTION='
    || v_report_url
    || '/reports/rwservlet'
    v_rep := run_report_object (repid);
    rep_status := report_object_status (v_rep);
    IF rep_status = 'FINISHED'
    web.show_document (
    || '/reports/rwservlet/getjobid='
    || substr(v_rep,v_job_number)
    || '?server='
    || v_reportserv
    message ( rep_status
    || 'Report output aborted');
    END IF;
    run_product (
    END IF;
    message (SQLERRM);
    My parameter form comes up and I enter the necessary information and hit submit query button. Then I get the Rep-52005: The specified key report does not exist in key map file.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated!!
    Shellie Bricker

    Your code seems to be implementing metalink note 139546.1 - Using Reports parameter forms with RUN_REPORT_OBJECT on the web.
    For what I can see, the P_ACTION parameter should end in ?...
    set_report_object_property (
    'paramform=yes P_USER_CONNECT='
    || vc_connect
    || ' P_SERVERNAME='
    || v_reportserv
    || ' P_ACTION='
    || v_report_url
    || '/reports/rwservlet?'
    );If this does not fix your problem, then to troubleshoot further you would have to post the code in your Before Parameter Form trigger of your report.
    Hope this helps,
    If the above does not fix your problem, my guess is that report name is not being generated in the hidden runtime values build by the code in the Before Parameter Form trigger.
    The above code will throw error REP-52005: The specified key report does not exist in key map file.
    Edited by: Rodolfo Ferrari on Jul 8, 2009 9:43 PM


    We are using oracle data integrator 11g and have created an ODI Scenario and able to run the scenario from ODI studio client.
    We have done the configuration for BAM-ODI integration as mentioned in
    We have started ODI Agent, soa and bam servers. Created a BAM alert -> select action - Run ODI Scenario -> selected the same scenario.
    Alert ran at scheduled time but failed with following error: : truncated data integrator frame received
    Error Message (if any)
    [2012-08-06T11:24:21.046+05:30] [bam_server1] [WARNING] []
    [oracle.bam.eventengine] [tid: bam-pool-Action-thread-1] [userId:
    OracleSystemUser] [ecid:
    3576f9092ef9497a:-743c430a:138fa7450c3:-8000-00000000000000a8,1:23453] [APP:
    oracle-bam#11.1.1] EventEngine: Error occured while running a ODI Scenario.
    [2012-08-06T11:24:21.250+05:30] [bam_server1] [ERROR] []
    [oracle.bam.eventengine] [tid: bam-pool-Action-thread-1] [userId:
    OracleSystemUser] [ecid:
    3576f9092ef9497a:-743c430a:138fa7450c3:-8000-00000000000000a8,1:23453] [APP:
    oracle-bam#11.1.1] EventEngine: Action exception: EEInstEv2 EEInstAct1 Rule
    Id: 2 exception: truncated Data Integrator Frame
    [2012-08-06T11:24:21.250+05:30] [bam_server1] [WARNING] []
    [oracle.bam.eventengine] [tid: bam-pool-Action-thread-1] [userId:
    OracleSystemUser] [ecid:
    3576f9092ef9497a:-743c430a:138fa7450c3:-8000-00000000000000a8,1:23453] [APP:
    oracle-bam#11.1.1] EventEngine: Exception stack trace: [[
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    at oracle.bam.system.Delegate$Sink.invoke(
    at oracle.bam.system.Delegate.dynamicInvoke(
    Any help on this is highly appreciated...
    Rajdip Mukherjee

    Forgot to include the ODI classes RunScenario.invokeScenario() is invoking odi scenario using odi sdk api. Please see the below stack trace :- truncated Data Integrator Frame received
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    Rajdip Mukherjee

  • Error while running a jspx from jdeveloper

    I am trying to run a page from jdeveloper. I ran the page in design mode and got the below error.
    Pls guide me in resolving this issue.
    OracleJSP error:
    The following JSP error occurred:
    Request URI:/Setuptest-ViewController-context-root/popuptest.jspx
    The following exception occurred:
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Cannot find FacesContext

    Looks like ADF Faces library is missing in your view controller project.
    Another thing is: please post the questions related to ADF and JDeveloper at JDeveloper and ADF
    Thanks & Regards !
    Fusion Apps Developer Relations
    Please mark the response helpful or answered appropriately

  • Error while running jspx page from Jdeveloper

    I'm trying to customize LegalEntityDashboard.jspx of finance common ear , but while running the page from Jdeveloper I'm getting below error,
    <04-Nov-2013 07:12:05 o'clock GMT> <Warning> <Munger> <BEA-2156203> <A version attribute was not found in element application in the deployment descriptor in D:\Users\<>\Documents\MyWorkspace\system11.\DefaultDomain\servers\DefaultServer\tmp\_WL_user\oracle.applcp.model\f7pg9o/META-INF/application.xml. A version attribute is required, but this version of the Weblogic Server will assume that the JEE5 is used. Future versions of the Weblogic Server will reject descriptors that do not specify the JEE version.>
    <04-Nov-2013 07:12:05 o'clock GMT> <Warning> <J2EE> <BEA-160140> <Unresolved optional package references (in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF): [Extension-Name: oracle.apps.common.resource, referenced from: D:\Users\<>\Documents\MyWorkspace\system11.\DefaultDomain\servers\DefaultServer\tmp\_WL_user\oracle.webcenter.framework\owur7d]. Make sure the referenced optional package has been deployed as a library.>
    <04-Nov-2013 07:12:05 o'clock GMT> <Warning> <J2EE> <BEA-160195> <The application version lifecycle event listener is ignored because the application XXFinCommonApp is not versioned.>
    <04-Nov-2013 07:12:08 o'clock GMT> <Error> <J2EE> <BEA-160197> <Unable to load descriptor D:\Users\<>\Documents\MyWorkspace\system11.\o.j2ee\drs\XXFinCommonApp\Project1WebApp.war/WEB-INF/web.xml of module Project1WebApp.war. The error is weblogic.descriptor.DescriptorException: Unmarshaller failed
        at weblogic.descriptor.internal.MarshallerFactory$1.createDescriptor(
        at weblogic.descriptor.BasicDescriptorManager.createDescriptor(
        at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.getDescriptorBeanFromReader(
        at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.createDescriptorBean(
        at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.loadDescriptorBeanWithoutPlan(
        at weblogic.application.descriptor.AbstractDescriptorLoader2.loadDescriptorBean(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppDescriptor.getWebAppBean(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.loadDescriptor(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$
        at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment$
        at weblogic.application.utils.StateMachineDriver.nextState(
        at weblogic.application.internal.BaseDeployment.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.EarDeployment.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.DeploymentStateChecker.prepare(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.AppContainerInvoker.prepare(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.createAndPrepareContainer(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.ActivateOperation.doPrepare(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.operations.AbstractOperation.prepare(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handleDeploymentPrepare(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.prepareDeploymentList(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentManager.handlePrepare(
        at weblogic.deploy.internal.targetserver.DeploymentServiceDispatcher.prepare(
        at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.doPrepareCallback(
        at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer.access$000(
        at weblogic.deploy.service.internal.targetserver.DeploymentReceiverCallbackDeliverer$
    Caused by: com.bea.xml.XmlException: weblogic.descriptor.BeanAlreadyExistsException: Bean already exists: "weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.ListenerBeanImpl@101029ea(/Listeners[oracle.bc4j.mbean.BC4JConfigLifeCycleCallBack])"
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.RuntimeBindingType$BeanRuntimeProperty.setValue(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.AttributeRuntimeBindingType$QNameRuntimeProperty.fillCollection(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.MultiIntermediary.getFinalValue(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.AttributeRuntimeBindingType.getFinalObjectFromIntermediary(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.unmarshalBindingType(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshalResult.unmarshalDocument(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.UnmarshallerImpl.unmarshal(
        at weblogic.descriptor.internal.MarshallerFactory$1.createDescriptor(
        ... 33 more
    Caused by: weblogic.descriptor.BeanAlreadyExistsException: Bean already exists: "weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.ListenerBeanImpl@101029ea(/Listeners[oracle.bc4j.mbean.BC4JConfigLifeCycleCallBack])"
        at weblogic.descriptor.internal.ReferenceManager.registerBean(
        at weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.WebAppBeanImpl.setListeners(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor469.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at com.bea.staxb.runtime.internal.util.ReflectionUtils.invokeMethod(
        ... 41 more
    <04-Nov-2013 07:12:08 o'clock GMT> <Error> <HTTP> <BEA-101064> <[WebAppModule(XXFinCommonApp:financialCommon)] Error parsing descriptor in Web appplication "D:\Users\<>\Documents\MyWorkspace\system11.\o.j2ee\drs\XXFinCommonApp\Project1WebApp.war"
    weblogic.application.ModuleException: Unmarshaller failed
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.loadDescriptor(
        at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppModule.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ScopedModuleDriver.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.ModuleListenerInvoker.prepare(
        at weblogic.application.internal.flow.DeploymentCallbackFlow$
        Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    Caused By: weblogic.descriptor.BeanAlreadyExistsException: Bean already exists: "weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.ListenerBeanImpl@101029ea(/Listeners[oracle.bc4j.mbean.BC4JConfigLifeCycleCallBack])"
        at weblogic.descriptor.internal.ReferenceManager.registerBean(
        at weblogic.j2ee.descriptor.WebAppBeanImpl.setListeners(
        at sun.reflect.GeneratedMethodAccessor469.invoke(Unknown Source)
        at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace
    I didn't edit web.xml file manually, please help.

    Is that al what you see in logs? If there is more then please go through again carefully. There are certain serlvet and filter dependencies that are required to be commented out in the web.xml to be able to run it. Also have a look at
    Hope this helps

  • Internal Server Error while running the page from server

    Hi gurus,
    We are getting below error while running the oaf page from our instance. we have executed the query behind the page and it took around 40 seconds to execute. but oaf page is getting errored out with below error message after taking long time.
    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.
    Please contact the server administrator, [email protected] and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.
    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.
    Please help me..

    Is it 9i Jdeveloper or 10G. Also check the Jdeveloper is being run on a compatible database. A Jdeveloper for 11i should run on an instance having 11i installed and same for R12. Also check the version of OA Frameworrk in the Jdeveloper you are using and the version deployed in instance.

  • Error while running Crystal Reports from application

    I am getting the below error when I try to run Crystal Reports from my application.
    There are no Page Servers connected to the Cache Server or all connected Page Servers are disabled or all connected Page Servers are not part of the specified server group. Please try to reconnect later.
    I am able to preview the reports in CMC and Infoview, but when I try to run the same report via my application the above error pops up.
    Sometimes I get a different error:
    The Page Server you are trying to connect to is not accessible. Please contact your system administrator.
    Looks like some configuration settings are missing/ corrupted.
    I tried to look in a number of websites... tried few workarounds, but none seems to be working.
    Any help is highly appreciated.
    Edited by: meenakshitikoo1 on Apr 19, 2011 12:46 PM

    Check the following SAP note

  • IDCS5-win. Error while running a script from indesign(not via estk)

    Hi all,
    After running the script from indesign, I get following error
    ASSERT '(engine->getDebugFlags() & ScScript::kExtendedErrors) == ScScript::kExtendedErrors' in ..\..\..\source\components\script\javascript\JavaScriptRunner.cpp at line 412 failed.
    ..\..\..\source\components\script\javascript\JavaScriptRunner.cpp (412)
    any idea about this?
    The script runs fine when run from ES tool kit.

    My colleague found the problem. We were using extendables library and we still haven't figured out what was actually happening, but removing it solved the problem.

  • Security Violation Error while running schedule task from OIM.

    Hi All,
    I am getting this error while running a custom java schedule task from OIM:
    *Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException [EJB:010160] Security Violation: User '<anonymous>' has insufficient permission to access EJB:*
    at Thor.API.Operations.tcReconciliationOperationsClient.createDeleteReconciliationEvent(UnKnown Source).
    I got this error as soon as my code start creating Delete Reconciliation Event.
    Note: I have already protected the JNDI Namespace.
    Please provide some pointers.

    Hi Rajiv,
    Check this:
    package com.centrica.iam.scheduletask;
    import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Calendar;
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.Set;
    import oracle.iam.connectors.common.ConnectorLogger;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataSet;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataaccess.tcDataSetException;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataobj.PreparedStatementUtil;
    import com.thortech.xl.orb.dataaccess.tcDataAccessException;
    import com.thortech.xl.scheduler.tasks.SchedulerBaseTask;
    import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcInvalidValueException;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcLookupOperationsIntf;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcReconciliationOperationsIntf;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcSchedulerOperationsIntf;
    public class CustomFlatFile extends SchedulerBaseTask {
         private static tcSchedulerOperationsIntf schedulerIntf;
         private static tcLookupOperationsIntf lookupIntf;
         private static tcReconciliationOperationsIntf reconIntf;
         String sObjectName;
         String LookupName;
         String LookupName2;
         String FileDirectory;
         String FileName;
         String File;
         String delimeter;
         String isDeleteTrue;
         HashMap<String, String> attrMap = new HashMap();
         HashMap<String, String> delMap = new HashMap();
         HashMap<String, String> finalMap = new HashMap();
         ArrayList list = new ArrayList();
         public boolean isReconStopped;
         public CustomFlatFile()
              isReconStopped = false;
         public void init()
              LookupName = getAttribute("Attribute Lookup Name");
              FileDirectory = getAttribute("Directory Path");
              FileName = getAttribute("File Name");
              delimeter = getAttribute("Delimeter");
              sObjectName = getAttribute("Resource Object Name");
              isDeleteTrue = getAttribute("Is Delete Allowed");
         public void execute(){
              try {
                   System.out.println("Start Exceute");
                   //Initiate lookupIntf
                   lookupIntf = (tcLookupOperationsIntf)getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcLookupOperationsIntf");
                   catch (tcAPIException tcapiexception){
                        //logger.error(classname, s, tcapiexception.toString());
                        //logger.setStackTrace(tcapiexception, classname, s, tcapiexception.getMessage());
                   catch (Exception excep){
                        //logger.error(classname, s, excep.toString());
                        //logger.setStackTrace(excep, classname, s, excep.getMessage());
                   attrMap = readLookup(LookupName);
                   if (isDeleteTrue.equalsIgnoreCase("true"))
                   System.out.println("Finish Execute");
         public void performDelete()
              System.out.println("Start Perform delete");
              int k = list.size();
              System.out.println("list size " + list.size());
         /*     Hashtable ahashtable[] = new Hashtable[k];
              Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable();
              for (int i=0;i<k;i++)
                   hashtable.put("User Id", list.get(i));
                   ahashtable[i] = hashtable;
              Set set = reconIntf.provideDeletionDetectionData(sObjectName, ahashtable);
              System.out.println("Set--" + set.toString());
              tcResultSet tcresultset = reconIntf.getMissingAccounts(sObjectName, set);
              System.out.println("tcresultset - " + tcresultset.getRowCount());
              if (!(tcresultset.isEmpty()))
                   long l[] = reconIntf.deleteDetectedAccounts(tcresultset);
                   for (int i1=0;i1<l.length;i1++)
                        System.out.println("delete recon key " + l[i1]);
              //Get the existing list of Managed users
                   tcDataSet tcdataset = new tcDataSet();
                   tcDataSet tcdataset1 = new tcDataSet();
                   String query = "select orf.orf_fieldname,prf.prf_columnname, sdk.sdk_name from orf, sdk, pkg, tos, prf, obj " +
                             "where pkg.obj_key = obj.obj_key and pkg.pkg_key = tos.pkg_key and tos.sdk_key is not null " +
                             "and tos.sdk_key=sdk.sdk_key and tos.tos_key=prf.tos_key and prf.prf_iskey='1' and prf.orf_key=orf.orf_key " +
                             "and orf.orf_parent_orf_key is null and obj.obj_name='" + sObjectName + "'";
                   tcdataset.setQuery(getDataBase(), query);
                   String FFName = tcdataset.getString("prf_columnname");
                   String FName = tcdataset.getString("sdk_name");
                   String ROFName = tcdataset.getString("orf_fieldname");
                   System.out.println("form- " + FName + " Field- " + FFName);
                   query = "select " + FFName + " from " + FName + " udtable, oiu a, ost b " +
                             "where udtable.orc_key=a.orc_key and a.ost_key=b.ost_key and b.ost_status!='Revoked'";
                   tcdataset1.setQuery(getDataBase(), query);
                   int i = tcdataset1.getRowCount();
                   ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
                   String s1 = null;
                   System.out.println("N. of rows--" + i);
                   for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
                        s1 = tcdataset1.getString(0);
                        System.out.println("s1---" + s1);
                        if (!(list.contains(s1)))
                             System.out.println("under if--" + s1);
                   //Getting the existing list of unmanaged users
                   query = "select distinct (b.rcd_value) from rce a, rcd b, orf c, obj d where a.rce_key=b.rce_key and " +
                             "b.orf_key=c.orf_key and c.orf_fieldname='" + ROFName + "' and a.rce_status!='Event Linked' " +
                                       "and a.obj_key = d.obj_key and d.obj_name='" + sObjectName + "'";
                   tcdataset1.setQuery(getDataBase(), query);
                   i = tcdataset1.getRowCount();
                   System.out.println("No. Of Unmanaged Users " + i);
                   for (int j=0;j<i;j++)
                        s1 = tcdataset1.getString(0);
                        System.out.println("s1---" + s1);
                        if (!(list.contains(s1)))
                             System.out.println("under if--" + s1);
                   int k1 = list1.size();
                   System.out.println("list1 size--" + k1);
                   for (int j1=0;j1<k1;j1++)
                        delMap.put(ROFName, (String)list1.get(j1));
                        long l = reconIntf.createDeleteReconciliationEvent(sObjectName, delMap);
                        System.out.println("delete recon key--- " + l);
              catch (Exception exception)
         public void readFile(){
              String s = "readFile()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              HashMap map = new HashMap();
              try {
              File = getFile();
              BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(new
              String line = "";
              int k = attrMap.size();
              String value[] = new String[k];
              String Header[]= new String[k];
              if (delimeter.equalsIgnoreCase("|"))
                   delimeter = "\\" + delimeter;
                   line = reader.readLine();
                   Header = line.split(delimeter);
                   while((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
                        value = line.split(delimeter);
                        k = value.length;
                        for (int i = 0;i<k;i++){
                             finalMap.put(attrMap.get(Header), value[i]);
                        System.out.println("Start Ignoring Event");
                        if (!(reconIntf.ignoreEvent(sObjectName, finalMap)))
                             System.out.println("Not Ignored");
                        long l1 = reconIntf.createReconciliationEvent(sObjectName, finalMap, true);
                        System.out.println("Recon Key--" + l1);
                             System.out.println("ignore event ---" + finalMap.toString());
                        list.add(finalMap.get("User Id"));
                        System.out.println(list.size() + "add--" +finalMap.get("User Id") );
              catch (Exception exception)
         public boolean stop(){
              String s = "stop()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              //, s, "Stopping Reconciliation........");
              isReconStopped = true;
              //logger.setMethodFinishLog(classname, s);
              return true;
         FileFilter fileFilter = new FileFilter()
         public boolean accept(File file)
         String sFilePath = file.getName();
         if( sFilePath.startsWith(FileName) )
         return true;
         return false;
         public String getFile() throws FileNotFoundException, Exception{
              String s = "getFile()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              String s1;
              File dir =     new File(FileDirectory);
              File[] files = dir.listFiles(fileFilter);
              if (files.length ==0)
                   throw new FileNotFoundException();
              if (files.length>1)
                   throw new Exception("Multiple Matches found for this file name");
              s1 = files[0].toString();
              //logger.setMethodFinishLog(classname, s);
              return s1;
         public HashMap readLookup(String s1){
              String s = "readLookup()";
              //logger.setMethodStartLog(classname, s);
              HashMap map = new HashMap();
              try {
              tcResultSet tc1=     lookupIntf.getLookupValues(s1);
              int i = tc1.getRowCount();
              for (int j = 0;j<i;j++){
                   map.put(tc1.getStringValue("Lookup Definition.Lookup Code Information.Code Key"), tc1.getStringValue("Lookup Definition.Lookup Code Information.Decode"));
              catch (tcAPIException tcapiexception){
                   //logger.error(classname, s, tcapiexception.toString());
                   //logger.setStackTrace(tcapiexception, classname, s, tcapiexception.getMessage());
              catch (Exception excep){
                   //logger.error(classname, s, excep.toString());
                   //logger.setStackTrace(excep, classname, s, excep.getMessage());
              return map;

  • Error while running Hello world from Tutorial

    Hi ,
    I am facing a strange problem while running Hello world from tutorial. The page expires after running for half an hour and the log in the Jdeveloper is
    [Starting OC4J using the following ports: HTTP=8988, RMI=23891, JMS=9227.]
    C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdk1.4.2\bin\javaw.exe -client -classpath C:\Jdev\jdevbin\j2ee\home\oc4j.jar;C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\lib\jdev-oc4j.jar -Xbootclasspath/p:C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\ojdbc14.jar;C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\ -DRUN_FROM_JDEV=true -mx256m -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=false -Xverify:none -Doracle.j2ee.dont.use.memory.archive=true -Doracle.j2ee.http.socket.timeout=500 com.evermind.server.OC4JServer -config C:\Jdev\jdevhome\jdev\system9.\oc4j-config\server.xml
    [waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]
    Ready message received from Oc4jNotifier.
    Embedded OC4J startup time: 5782 ms.
    Auto-deploying OA Framework web application deployment descriptor (New server version detected)...
    Oracle9iAS ( Containers for J2EE initialized
    Tutalii: C:\Jdev\jdevbin\jdev\appslibrt\ archive
    [Feb 27, 2008 4:31:57 PM IST]:1204110117921:Thread[HttpRequestHandler-25086455,5,main]:-1:-1:sisatpat:[fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.handlerException] C:\u01\VIS\FND.log (The system cannot find the path specified)
         at Method)
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.FileHandleManager.getFileInternal(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.FileHandler.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.FileHandler.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.registerHandlers(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.reInitialize(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.logging.DebugEventManager.reInitialize(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsLog.reInitialize(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext.initLog(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.init(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.Architecture.createWebAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.Architecture.createAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.base.resources.Architecture.createAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.ArchitectureWrapper.createAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.appsimpl.AppsCacheLogger.<clinit>(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.appsimpl.AppsCacheEnvironment.getCacheLogger(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.CacheManager.initCache(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.CacheManager.<clinit>(
         at oracle.apps.jtf.cache.CacheAdmin.isComponentRegistered(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.Cache.registerCacheIfNeeded(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.Cache.initCache(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.Cache.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.cache.AppsCache.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.Profiles.<clinit>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore.init(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.profiles.ExtendedProfileStore.<init>(
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
         at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext.instantiateProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext.makeProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context.setProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.Context.setProfileStore(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.init(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.common.WebAppsContext.<init>(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.server.OAUtility.getWebAppsContext(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.CreateIcxSession.getEncryptedSessId(
         at oracle.apps.fnd.framework.CreateIcxSession.createSession(
         at test_fwktutorial._jspService(test_fwktutorial.jsp:45)
         at oracle.jsp.runtime.HttpJsp.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspPageTable.service(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.internalService(
         at oracle.jsp.runtimev2.JspServlet.service(
         at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
         at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest(
         at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$
    [Feb 27, 2008 4:31:57 PM IST]:1204110117890:Thread[HttpRequestHandler-25086455,5,main]:-1:-1:sisatpat:[fnd.common.logging.FileHandler.publish]:Please check File Permission/Disk Space for: /u01/VIS/FND.log, defaulting Logging to STDERR
    Can any one help!!

    1) Check your using the correct version of Jdev with your instance.
    Metalink note 416708.1 - How to find the correct version of JDeveloper to use with eBusiness Suite 11i or Release 12
    Will give the mappings.
    And check the Jdev setting
    330236.1 - Configuring JDeveloper For Use With Oracle Applications 11i and R12
    2) Instead of using the tutorial, create a sample page, Am and run the page.
    Check what error you are getting.
    With Regards,

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