Error introduced by

Since upgrading to I'm getting these errors
whenever I'm using menues implemented in Flash:
*** Security Sandbox Violation ***
URL for window '' halted (AllowScriptAccess is ''):
(in this case, agencyprograms.html is the destination of the
menu item that I clicked on).
I've read the release notes for and have tried some
of the recommended changes including setting allowscriptaccess to
"always" and opening up the security by modifying the
crossdomain.xml files. I've also tried googling for "URL for window
'' halted (AllowScriptAccess is ''):" without success. What's
strange is that the error message seems to indicate that
allowscriptaccess is not set when I did set it to "always".
Any suggestions? Thanks,

Hi Steve,
Hi Paul,
I already find the solution. This is due to the add-on installed in SAP B1. At first I tried to change the database tracking into false in SQL but failed to do so because I need to check first which tables are affected. I executed the query below and the upgrade was successful.

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    My iPad, however (via any application, including Find-my-iPhone), has a location error of about 250 yards to the south south east. All of my neighbors with new WiFi-only iPods and iPads think location services is crappy, because it doesn't locate them in their home. Those with 3G support don't generally have the problem.
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    What is just as annoying is that there is no info from Apple to even acknowledge that this problem exists...
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    This is Error Text:
    Invalid Order Specification Fault
    Failed to create and start the order due to Cannot find order view node with mnemonic[xmlOrderData] under parent[root]
    And this is the XML that I Submit:
    <ord:CreateOrder xmlns:ord="" >
    <osm7dd:ServicesOrder xmlns:osm7dd="" xmlns:xsi="">
    <osm7dd:productDesc>Motorola 200</osm7dd:productDesc>
    <osm7dd:productDesc>Samsung Toco</osm7dd:productDesc>

    Check if you have added the xmlOrderData element to the Creation Task view

  • Flash is introducing insane rounding errors because of some arbitrary decision to round x and y coordinates to 0.05 increments

    The data type for x and y properties is a double precision floating-point Number, so why is it rounding off values?  Rounding is an unnecessary operation, and furthermore it's not saving any memory, because it just requires me to store a more precise value elsewhere, in addition to the lower-bit rounded value.
    This rounding causing unnecessary additional work when coding against these values, because I have to round other values as well to make sure there aren't discrepancies when transforming coordinates.
    So I was really surprised to discover that if I assign a value to a DisplayObject's x or y coordinates such as 10.3333333, and trace the value, it becomes 10.3.
    If I assign 10.666666, it becomes 10.65.  Apparently it's rounding everything to the nearest 20th of a unit.  So now, I have to override the x and y properties to store the Number-type value, once again as a Number-type, which is not rounded.
    Flash's arbitrary rounding of coordinates is causing erratic rounding errors when performing coordinate system transformations using localToGlobal and globalToLocal to find the composite scale of an object on the stage.
    For example, suppose an object was laid out to occupy one third of the display, and it's width ends up being 200.3333333.  One calculation of my docking framework involves obtaining the orthagonal bounding box of the child by transforming its corner points into stage coordinates using localToGlobal, which accounts for things like scaling and rotation.  So despite everything having a scale of 1, and having zero rotation, you'd still end up with a rectangle with a width of 200.3 instead of the expected 200.3333333 in stage coordinates.  So it would appear as though the composite scale is slightly smaller than 1, since 200.3 / 200.333333 is 0.99983361081528.  But the composite scale is in fact 1, we just don't know that because Flash unexpectedly rounded some coordinates to an arbitrary 1/20 unit.
    No game engine in existence does that with its transformation matrices, because it's retarded to round so early, and then allow those rounding errors to accumulate through a display hierarchy via functions like localToGlobal.
    This rounding is causing jittering by a pixel or so when animating a drop down panel in my my docking framework, because it's constantly correcting for unexpected anomalies in the scaling factor on each frame.  Despite the parent container having a constant fixed width, the child object, once its corner coordinates are passed through localToGlobal, end up reporting rounded widths, which ultimately leads to a series such as the following:
    dockedChild.width: 538.3842482614723, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3754595467979, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3666709755926, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3578825478539, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3490942635798, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3903098666023, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3815210529766, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3727323828218, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3639438561353, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3551554729148, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.346367233158, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3875826274011, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3787938582956, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.37000523266, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3612167504922, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3524284117897, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3436402165502, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.384855402015, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3760666774294, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3672780963132, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3584896586638, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.349701364479, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    dockedChild.width: 538.3909170139807, parent.width: 558.3412118444024
    Is there any way to turn off this rounding to 0.05 units?
    To override the x and y values to have greater precision, I must do the following:
    public class Control extends MovieClip
        public function Control()
            super(); //Flash performs timeline/graphics initialization here, which means after this call, the object may have non-zero x and y values
            _x = super.x; //acquire them immediately, so if we try to set x or y to zero, the 'if (_x != value)' check does not think it's already positioned at zero and ignore the call
            _y = super.y;
        private var _x:Number;
        private var _y:Number;
        override public function get x():Number { return _x; } //return precise value, rather than rounded super.x value
        override public function set x( value:Number ):void
            if (_x != value) //ensure value is actually changing before performing work
                _x = value; //store precise value in private variable
                super.x = value; //DisplayObject will round value to nearest 0.05
                if (stage != null)
                    stage.invalidate(); //ensure RENDER event is dispatched to re-render anything that may need to account for a repositioned object
        override public function get y():Number { return _y; } //return precise value, rather than rounded super.y value
        override public function set y( value:Number ):void
                if (_y != value) //ensure value is actually changing before performing work
                _y = value; //store precise value in private variable
                super.y = value; //DisplayObject will round value to nearest 0.05
                if (stage != null)
                        stage.invalidate(); //ensure RENDER event is dispatched to re-render anything that may need to account for a repositioned object    }
    Most importantly, you must initialize the _x and _y values to super.x and super.y in the constructor immediately after a call to super(), in order to acquire any non-zero values that the object instance may have been initialized with on the timeline.
    I just cannot fathom why they didn't leave the x and y coordinates as-is, instead of rounding them, when it causes so many problems and complications, and requires overriding not only x and y, but functions like localToGlobal/globalToLocal/getRect.
    This has been an issue for a while:
    flash - AS3 x and y property precision - Stack Overflow specifically: flash - AS3 x and y property precision - Stack Overflow
    Problems with Sub-pixel Coordinate Movement
    In fact, that last link says: "
    Running the code:
    The motion is still jerky; and
    The distance between the two squares diverges
    However, the one benefit is that the distance does not diverge by more than 1 pixel."
    That's precisely what I saw happening in my own code, as you can see from the series of widths I posted above, which seem to fluctuate randomly between 358.34 and 358.39.

    Actually, there is a way.
    If you simply activate the 3D transformation by setting z to zero, the matrix3D replaces the matrix and concatatedMatrix properties of the DisplayObject's transform object, and suddenly x and y values maintain a precision higher than a twip.  It's not quite the double-precision value of the Number type, however, and looks more like a single-precision 32-bit floating point value.
    For example, if you run the following code:
    var mc:Sprite = new Sprite();
    mc.x = 200.0 + (1/3); //assign high precision value to x
    trace(mc.x); //traces 200.3 (rounded)
    mc.z = 0; //activate 3D matrix
    mc.x = 200.0 + (1/3);
    trace(mc.x); //traces 200.33333740234374 (still rounded, but accurate to 5 decimal places)
    Based on the traced output, it's clear that it is possible to force the DisplayObject to get and set higher precision values for x and y properties, without any modifications to the underlying classes.  However, I'm not happy with that solution for 2 reasons.  First, it activates stage 3D and introduces graphical glitches and unnecessary bitmap caching.  Second, it's still not "Number" precision; it's something less than that.
    Instead, I was able to successfully work around the issue by altering the overrides for properties x, y, scaleX, scaleY, and methods localToGlobal, globalToLocal, and getRect to use privately maintained values.  I was already using privately maintained width and height values in order to decouple the size from the scaling factors.  No need to override getBounds, since it accounts for stroke widths and will be non-exact anyway.
    The consistent, high precision values are vital, and they increased the performance of my layout framework, because it's actually able to prevent unnecessary assignments to x, y, width, and height when the values aren't actually changing.  #beginrant: Such detection is impossible when Flash internally rounds everything, because if you try to keep something at, for example, 1/3 of the screen, it will always think you're trying to assign a high precision value of 200.33333 over a less precise value of 200.3 as I had previously described.  Alternatively, you'd have to pre-round any value you try to assign, which is more work than it's worth.  It's sort of terrible that Flash rounds property values as it does, because the value you assign can never be read back the same.  That's generally not how numerical properties should work when assigning values of the same data type and precision.  #endrant
    In particular, two optimizations were made in the getRect override.  If the target coordinate system is null or "this", then it simply returns new Rectangle( 0, 0, _width, _height ), and more importantly, if the target coordinate system is "parent" (which is the case 99% of the time) and rotation is zero and scale is 1 (also the case 99% of the time for GUI elements), then it simply returns new Rectangle( _x, _y, _width, _height ), which is the internal, high-precision values for x, y, width, and height (resemblance to AS2 properties is purely coincidental; this is AS3 code).  That allows me to skip the following code path 99% of the time, which would otherwise return the orthagonal bounding box of the element at any rotation in any coordinate system:
    //These instance variables are used to accelerate calculations, see comments.
    //Upper left is always an empty point, and these variables store upper right, lower right, and lower left corner points.
    protected var p_UR:Point; //DO NOT ALTER p_UR.y; LEAVE AT ZERO ALWAYS
    protected var p_LR:Point; //Lower right corner: x = width, y = height
    protected var p_LL:Point; //DO NOT ALTER p_LL.x; LEAVE AT ZERO ALWAYS
    //Returns the orthogonal bounding rectangle of the object in the specified target coordinate system
    //based on its own internal height and width (actual contentRect may be larger).
    //getContentRect function was added to replace the original functionality of this method
    override public function getRect( targetCoordinateSpace:DisplayObject ):Rectangle
        switch (_scaleMode) //GUIControl allows decoupling of size and scale
            case SCALE_NOSYNC_SIZE:
                if (targetCoordinateSpace == null || targetCoordinateSpace == this)
                    return new Rectangle( 0, 0, _width, _height );
                //UPDATE: Created this optimization to ensure rounding errors introduced by
                //Flash's tendency to round x and y coordinates to twips are not introduced
                //by localToGlobal/globalToLocal calls, so they are avoided if possible.
                if (targetCoordinateSpace == parent && rotation == 0 && scaleX == 1 && scaleY == 1)
                    return new Rectangle( _x, _y, _width, _height );
                p_UR.x = _width; //note the p_UR.y is always zero
                p_LR.x = _width;
                p_LR.y = _height;
                p_LL.y = _height; //note the p_LL.x is always zero
            case SCALE_SYNC_SIZE:
                var contentRect:Rectangle = getContentRect( true ); //must use unscaled points when performing local/global transforms, since this object is scaled
                p_UR.x = contentRect.right; //note the p_UR.y is always zero
                p_LR.x = contentRect.right;
                p_LR.y = contentRect.bottom;
                p_LL.y = contentRect.bottom; //note the p_LL.x is always zero
        return calcOrthogonalBoundingBox(
            targetCoordinateSpace.globalToLocal( localToGlobal( EMPTY_POINT ) ),
            targetCoordinateSpace.globalToLocal( localToGlobal( p_UR ) ),
            targetCoordinateSpace.globalToLocal( localToGlobal( p_LR ) ),
            targetCoordinateSpace.globalToLocal( localToGlobal( p_LL ) )
    protected function calcOrthogonalBoundingBox( p0:Point, p1:Point, p2:Point, p3:Point ):Rectangle
        //Assuming no rotation, points 0 and 3 are most likely to be min_x.  This optimization minimizes the likely number of assignments.
        //Similar optimizations are in place for max_x, min_y, and max_y, all patterns are ordered 0,1,2,3... starting with the two most likely candidates in the sequence.
        var min_x:Number = p3.x;
        if (p0.x < min_x) min_x = p0.x;
        if (p1.x < min_x) min_x = p1.x;
        if (p2.x < min_x) min_x = p2.x;
        var max_x:Number = p1.x;
        if (p2.x > max_x) max_x = p2.x;
        if (p3.x > max_x) max_x = p3.x;
        if (p0.x > max_x) max_x = p0.x;
        var min_y:Number = p0.y;
        if (p1.y < min_y) min_y = p1.y;
        if (p2.y < min_y) min_y = p2.y;
        if (p3.y < min_y) min_y = p3.y;
        var max_y:Number = p2.y;
        if (p3.y > max_y) max_y = p3.y;
        if (p0.y > max_y) max_y = p0.y;
        if (p1.y > max_y) max_y = p1.y;
        return new Rectangle( min_x, min_y, max_x - min_x, max_y - min_y );
    In this framework, particularly in SCALE_NOSYNC_SIZE mode (the default), the width and height are assigned and internally maintained, independently of the scaleX and scaleY values.  The internally maintained values are used for performing layout and drawing operations such as backgrounds and borders.  In the extremely rare occasion where the actual content needs to be measured, I just use getBounds, such as in the constructor when initializing the "original" size of the clip's content, if it has timeline content, or possibly bitmap methods for masked objects.
    These changes have all increased the performance of my framework by an order of magnitude and have virtually eliminated 3rd layout passes, so I'm happy with it.  I still wish the Flash runtime would be updated to simply stop rounding these values.

  • Getting error in oracleparameter

    Dear friends,
    I've encountered a problem in working with oraclecommand & oracleparameter in OCP.NET 11. (my oracle db is 11g either) and .NET 3.5 SP1.
    The code which I have problem with is like this:
    var cmd=new OracleCoammad("...");
    cmd.CommandText = @"
    SELECT col1 FROM table WHERE ( :col2 IS NULL OR col2=:col2 AND col3=:col3)
    var p3= new OracleParameter();
    var p2= new OracleParameter();
    The problem is that I get a error which says : you sent insufficient parameters!
    wonderful thing is that changing the name of parameters (removing ":" or giving a random value) doesn't affect on the error!
    the more wonderful thing is that if I declare a new parameter and adding it to parameter collection of command object, it works fine!!!
    It seems ODP.NET looks to parameters just as values for some place holders in the query text!!!...
    one other issue on ODP.NET is that the order of adding the parameters is too important and key point!!...I found this when in another query (like select a from tbl where a=:x and b=:y) i changed the order of adding parameters to parameter collection and see no result was returned!
    Does anyone know why happened this for me?...or it is a rule in ODP.NET instead of bug?

    user11878954 wrote:
    var cmd=new OracleCoammad("...");
    cmd.CommandText = @"
    SELECT col1 FROM table WHERE ( :col2 IS NULL OR col2=:col2 AND col3=:col3)
    ";Probably should read +SELECT col1 FROM table WHERE ( col2 IS NULL OR col2=:col2 AND col3=:col3)+
    unless that is an error introduced when you transposed the code to this thread.

  • 0X4001100200001012 error with windows recovery disk

    For quite some time (over a year), I've been seeing chat about this error when attempting to make recovery disks on Dell machines. Basically, a recovery disk made in windows 7 starts to boot, when tested, but then gets to what looks like the blue background
    for a normal startup screen and shows an error code  0X4001100200001012 error.
    Invariably, someone trots out advice about burning disks slower or running a file error check. Neither of these work. Some believe that the error has something to do with the Dell recover partition that all Dells ship with.
    If one boots with the windows 7 install disk, all goes well, and one can recover an image file, so it is definitely some sort of error introduced at the windows 7 recover disk creation process.
    I have seen this problem with 2, different model, Dells. An HP does not have the problem. Its recovery disks work fine. All three machines are running different versions of windows 7 64. 
    Do you have any insights into what is causing this error, and whether it can be remedies or if Dell owners just have to live with it? Calling Dell technical support is...well, lets just say that life is too short.
    Brad Bortner
    Cambridge MA

    According to your description, it indicates you have a problem with your recovery disk. It may be caused by recover disk creation process.
    You could refer to the similar thread; maybe they can give you some hits:
    Windows 7 repair disk error code 0x4001100200001012
    windows 7 recover disk fails with 0X4001100200001012
    Please Note: Since the website is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    Hope it helps.
    Alex Zhao
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.

  • Meaningful error handling with Sax Parsers (Apache Xerces)

    Hello All,
    I am using the Apache Xerces Parser 2.6.2 to parse some XML documents with a W3C XML Schema document.
    My schema has a lot of rules enforced on the different elements and I was looking at some way to get userfriendly/meaningful prescriptive messages as output back to the user so that he/she can correct the errors in their XML files and have files conformant to the schema.
    If I give an invalid XML file (with errors introduced by myself) the parser throws a SAXParseException with a message like ,
    XML Document has Error: cvc-type.3.1.3: The value 'ANZc9901' of element 'uniqueid' is not valid. line number 6, column number 42
    My XSD file
    <xs:element name="uniqueid">
    <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:pattern value="\s*ANZ[0-9]{4}\s*"/>
    My XML File's uniqueID element
    As you can see, the error message isn't of much use. I was looking at a way to handle them generically, and give out a suggestive error message based on the type of the error. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated

    well, it seems pretty obvious to me... Not sure how you are going to do a whole lot better.

  • How can I calculate the frequency of a 2-4Hz three phase sine wave in 50msec?

    I want to calculate the frequency of a sine wave using either all three phases or just one, but I want to know the frequency after 50 msec, I don't want to have to wait for a full period.

    I have a mathematically sound suggestion but I do not know how well it will work in application. Most period measurements measure the time between a full period or several periods to eliminate the error introduced by the measuring device. Essentially the device error is made insignificant.
    Mathematically you can do much more but there is a tradeoff between recording less information and knowing (or assuming) some values. For instance, if one knew the amplitude and could calculate the derivative of the signal, one could calculate the frequency. A sine wave can be represented by the function: A sin (BX)=C , where A is the amplitude, B is the frequency, C is the present measured value. If the equation is solved for X, we get: X=(sin^(-1)(C/A))/B. The d
    erivative of the first equation is AB cos(BX)=C. If the equation for X is now substituted into the second equation, we get, AB cos(B (sin^(-1)(C/A))/B)=C. Solving for B we get B=C/(A cos(sin^(-1)(C/A))). Remember, we already know A and C, so we are done.
    Practically every step and assumption in the above argument introduces possible error which will affect the accuracy of the frequency. Unfortunately it is a trade off and that is why at least a whole period needs to be measured to get an accurate frequency.
    Jeremy Braden
    National Instruments

  • Exporting HD video from FCE to iDVD

    I'm finishing my first project with Final Cut Express and want to be sure I'm exporting my video correctly for iDVD.
    I imported my NTSC 1080i video to FCE using the Apple Intermediate Codec 60-frame interlaced setting. Edited the video and it looks good.
    I've rendered the video and mixed down the audio. I then exported a QuickTime reference .mov file and added that to my iDVD project.
    When I look at the preview of the movie in iDVD I'm seeing a lot of interlacing lines. Ouch! Will this burn OK or am I in trouble? When I watch the reference movie on my computer it looks fine with no interlacing problem. I'll be making a test burn this evening but the suspense is killing me!
    Every reference I've found says to do this just as I've done. Did I miss a step? Is there something else I should do for HD material? Should I use QuickTime Conversion in FCE to make a standard def 16x9 movie and use that for iDVD?
    I've made lots of DVDs from HD material in iMovie and never had a problem.
    Thanks for your help!

    Not sure about what settings to use, but wanted to remind you that iDVD has a Save As Disc Image option which creates a virtual DVD on your desktop. You can mount and play this on your Mac just like an actual DVD (using DVD Player). So it's a cheap and precise way of previewing your video in standard DVD format.
    You'd Copy the disc image to actual media using Roxio Toast or Apple's Disk Utility. The only differences between the two videos would be the result of viewing on a different monitor/TV, or errors introduced during the copy/burn process (typically bad disks or bad quality disks).

  • Safari 4.0.4 update creates 7510 new permissions problems

    Prior to installing Safari update, running the 'Repair Permissions' in Disk Utility found only one error -- the SUID modification on ARDAgent (Apple Remote Desktop Agent). Apple documents this as being a known issue, but harmless and can be safely ignored. (I'm on OS X 10.6.2 -- if you're still on Leopard then you probably see more errors reported by Disk Utility.)
    AFTER installing the Safari update, running the 'Repair Permissions' now finds 7511 errors (7510 new issues).
    Most of the errors (I confess I did not actually read all 7510 of them line-by-line) indicate that permissions on the files have been modified to -rw-rw-r-- when they should have been -rw-r--r-- (in Unix that means they've added 'write' permission to make the files group-writeable when they should have been just owner-writeable and universally read-able.)
    People have been commenting on the sloppiness of Apple's file permissions for years. It would be so trivial for Apple to catch this during their testing.... after applying the patch, check Disk Utility's 'Repair Permissions' and see if the patch introduced new errors and, if so, correct them prior to releasing the patch.
    The good news is that Disk Utility does correctly repair the permissions. If you run a 2nd pass of 'Repair Permissions' you'll see that all the new errors introduced by Safari 4.0.4 patch are cleaned up.

    Hello Tim:
    Ignore the list. All of us have seen that and have reported it to Apple.

  • Support package stack 11 (Java and ABAP)

    Does anybody have any experience with the latest support package stack 11 already? Are there some problems solved, and more important: are there new errors introduced?
    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Deepu,
    Thanks for your reaction. I'm familiar with this OSS note. I'm mainly curious to customer experiences who have already implemented it. This SPS will solve some of our problems, but we're a little scared for the new errors that will be introduced with it.

  • Displaying note in Web Gallery?

    Is there a way to display the notes I've entered for photos in my Web Gallery? It appears the only option is to display the titles of photos. I know the user can flip over the photo in WG to see the note, but I would like them to appear below the photos as captions.
    If this is not possible with Web Gallery, is there an alternative services (like Flickr) that could do this?

    There's an AppleScript that will copy the Descriptions into the Title field of photos in iPhoto. That way you can get the descriptions into the web gallery. You can get the script here: %2Btitle.
    Be sure to read the comments about deleting the Å character from the script. It's a error introduced in the posting of the script. It works quite well.
    TIP: For insurance against the iPhoto database corruption that many users have experienced I recommend making a backup copy of the Library6.iPhoto (iPhoto.Library for iPhoto 5 and earlier) database file and keep it current. If problems crop up where iPhoto suddenly can't see any photos or thinks there are no photos in the library, replacing the working Library6.iPhoto file with the backup will often get the library back. By keeping it current I mean backup after each import and/or any serious editing or work on books, slideshows, calendars, cards, etc. That insures that if a problem pops up and you do need to replace the database file, you'll retain all those efforts. It doesn't take long to make the backup and it's good insurance.
    I've created an Automator workflow application (requires Tiger or later), iPhoto dB File Backup, that will copy the selected Library6.iPhoto file from your iPhoto Library folder to the Pictures folder, replacing any previous version of it. It's compatible with iPhoto 6 and 7 libraries and Tiger and Leopard. iPhoto does not have to be closed to run the application, just idle. You can download it at Toad's Cellar. Be sure to read the Read Me pdf file.≤br>
    Note: There now an Automator backup application for iPhoto 5 that will work with Tiger or Leopard.

  • RTF not formating correctly

    Hi everyone
    I imported an RTF document and inlcuded it in my splash screen. I have some lingo that updated the ducumented when the EXE is ran:
    on beginsprite me
         member("Lawyer_bio").fileName = the moviePath & "Lawyer_bio.rtf"
         member("Lawyer_bio").rtf = member("Lawyer_bio").rtf
    For some reason, the bullet points on my document are not formating correctly. It works fine with some RTF documents, but with other it does the following:
    See how only the first bullet if formating correctly, why are the other ones not? Like I said, it doesn't happen with all the RTF documents.
    thank you for your time,

    Dear Rafa,
    Please check to see that the sprite cast you were transferring into was not a accidentally a “field” cast member.  Text and field objects have different properties and methods.  Both sprites should be Text cast members. (I can visualize the problem you describe occurring if you were transferring into a Field Cast member from a Text cast member.)
    Curious about how dynamic your application will be, Rafa. 
    I did not experience the same problem when attempting to duplicate the scenario you described.
    Are the formatting errors introduced when you import the file?  Or were they already there in the RTF document before you imported? 
    The way I would troubleshoot is to ‘put char()’ in the message window, from just before to just after the bullet, comparing that with another Text cast member that has properly formatted text, and discover the anomaly.  It should then be easy to write a Lingo handler to detect anomalies and correct the formatting.
    Here is the syntax for text cast members, illustrated.  By creating two text cast members (“A” eh) on the stage, then go to the message window and try:
    set T1 = the member of sprite 1
    set T2 = the member of sprite 2
    et T1.text ="Hello World"
    set T2.text = T1.text
    put char 1 of T2.text
    put the text of member 1 of castlib 1  -- or use the name of the cast member …
    put char 2 of (member 2 of castlib 1).text
    TEXT cast members are much improved over earlier versions of Director.  You used to only be able to manipulate FIELD cast members with Lingo, and the limit to a field cast member was 32kb.
    Adobe keeps on improving Director.  I wonder if Adobe will revive the Shockwave player, or build Director Shockwave into Acrobat.
    I’ve been out of the game for a long time.  I’ve got a lot of catching up to do. 
    But try my Pokey’s Puzzle Page

  • Windows 7 with Airport Extreme External HD Connected

    I have read for the past few hours and worked to get my new Toshiba Windows 7 laptop to recognize my external hard drive that is connected to my Airport Extreme.  I have 2 other laptops, Windows XP, that connected without problems.  I have tried almost every solution I could find in this forum with no success.  I have turned off the windows search function.  I have changed the airport channel from automatic to manual selecting channel 11.  I have Windows 7 Home Edition and cannot access the local security settings. 
    I am at a loss and very frustrated that I just bought this new computer and cannot use it.  Any suggestions or fixes?
    As I mentioned, I have literally spent a few hours searching, reading and trying.

    For Win7 Home edition, you will have to make a Registry change. Please do so only if you are comfortable with making Registry edits ... and, as always, any errors introduced may render your Win7 device unbootable.
    Open registry editor ( Start search - regedit)
    Browse to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa
    Create a new DWORD value  with the following properties:   NAME: LmCompatibilityLevel    VALUE: 1
    Restart your PC and try the connection again.

  • Moving from Linux to Final Cut Pro, Need Help Creating Same Mpeg-4 videos

    I am seeking to move into Final Cut Pro to develop these types of videos that I have previously been creating in Linux.
    How can Final Cut Pro make these videos in the format specified below (OR VERY CLOSE TO IT)?
    Please let me know what settings with screenshots, etc. will make final cut pro output in this way.
    MINIMUM output requirements Video codec: Mpeg-4 (divx) with 2400 vbitrate, Audio Codec: MP3 and File container .avi
    I look forward to your help, below are the details I've used in Linux, so please help me create these videos using Final Cut Pro.
    I need this information by the end of the week.
    To Convert from a captured uncompressed video to MPEG-4 (Divx) with MP3
    audio at 2400 bits using mencoder
    mencoder -ffourcc divx capture002.avi -oac mp3lame -ovc lavc -lavcopts
    vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=2400:v4mv:mbd=2:trell:cmp=3:subcmp=3:mbcmp=3:autoaspect:vp ass=1
    -vf harddup -noskip -mc 0 -o test.avi
    -------------VIDEO ------------
    Video Encoded to Codec (MPEG-4) with ffourcc divx (divx4)
    Video Bitrate = 2400 (vbitrate=2400),
    Allow 4 motion vectors per macroblock (slightly better quality) (v4mv)
    Motion estimation=2 (mbd=2)
    Trellis searched quantization. This will find the optimal encoding for
    each 8x8 block. Trellis searched quantization is quite simply an optimal
    quantization in the PSNR versus bitrate sense (Assuming that there would
    be no rounding errors introduced by the IDCT, which is obviously not the
    case.). It simply finds a block for the minimum of error and lambda*bits.
    Sets the comparison function for full pel motion estimation (cmp=3)
    Sets the comparison function for sub pel motion estimation (subcmp=3)
    Motion Search Algorithm (mbcmp=3)
    Same as the aspect option, but automatically computes aspect, taking into
    account all the adjustments (crop/expand/scale/ etc.) made in the filter
    chain. Does not incur a performance penalty, so you can safely leave it
    always on. (autoaspect)
    Activates internal two (or more) pass mode, only specify if you wish to
    use two (or more) pass encoding. (vpass=1)
    duplicate frames (harddup)
    no skipping (-noskip)
    ------------- AUDIO ------------
    Audio Encoded to Codec (MPEG-3)
    ------------- FILE CONTAINER ------------
    File Container (.avi)

    I need this information by the end of the week.< </div>
    Not likely.
    Easiest solution is to produce your edited material in FCP and then move the fully rendered, self-contained movie, in whatever format you are producing, to your Linux machine and use its encoder/transcoder.
    Compressor will do the job for MP3 and MP4 but you will need to purchase the DIVX codec or transport it to your Mac. You need to talk to DiVX and you need to open the manual for Compressor. Compressor is not easy to learn how to use i na day but whatever you were using on your Linux box was much more difficult to learn.

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