Error management in an event handler in a powershell form

Hi guys
I wrote a powershell form using event handler. It ask for a name and a IP adress and other things
In the event handler,
- if the user leave the name blank, I open a message box saying it should not be empty
- if the user enter a wrong ip adress, I open a message box saying it should be like x.x.x.x
If both occurs, it displays 2 message box.
But I would like to display only the first message box of the first error and then exit the handler, to avoid displaying many messages.
How to exit from a handler  and stay in the form  (not like the cancel button handler which close the form with a form.close() statement)
I tried break statement or exit without success

Hi guys
This is the code I wrote today. I may give also the full code of the interface, but it reach 1300 lines.
$Retry variable lets me control the first error in the interface to display the message box.
It's not finished yet, I need to add something like "formclose" if $Retry is false.
I use semicolons because for me, it's easier to read :-).
I'm sorry I don't understand the explanation in your link.
What would happen if I type
$_.Cancel = $true
instead of $Retry = 1, it will exit immediately from the handler ? I can't try now, I'm came back home
function IsIP($value) {
$match = "\b(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|1\d\d|[1-9]?\d)){3}\b"
return $value -match $match
function IsURL([string]$Url)
if($Url -eq $null) {return $false}
else {return $Url -match "^(ht|f)tp(s?)\:\/\/[0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*"+`
function toBinary ($dottedDecimal){
$dottedDecimal.split(".") | %{$binary=$binary + $([convert]::toString($_,2).padleft(8,"0"))}
return $binary
#Provide Custom Code for events specified in PrimalForms.
#TODO: Place custom script here
$HardwareCombo.SelectedIndex = 0 # Default values of Combo boxes
$WindowsEditionCombo.SelectedIndex = 0
#TODO: Place custom script here
#TODO: Place custom script here
#TODO: Place custom script here
#TODO: Place custom script here
$Retry = $false
# ServerName
$ServerName2Install = $ServerName.Text
if ($ServerName2Install -eq "") {$MSg = "Server name is missing"; $Retry = $true}
# Windows Version
$TabWindowsVersion = @("2008R2STD","2008R2ENT","2008R2DTC","2012R2STD","2012R2DTC")
$i = $WindowsEditionCombo.SelectedIndex
$WindowsVersion = $TabWindowsVersion[$i]
if (! $Retry) {
# OperIP : mandatory
$OperIP = $OperIP1.Text + "." + $OperIP2.Text + "." + $OperIP3.Text + "." + $OperIP4.Text
$OperMask = $OperMask1.Text + "." + $OperMask2.Text + "." + $OperMask3.Text + "." + $OperMask4.Text
$DefaultGateway = $Gateway1.Text + "." + $Gateway2.Text + "." + $Gateway3.Text + "." + $Gateway4.Text
$Msg = ""
$OperIPOK = IsIP($OperIP); if (! $OperIPOK) { $Msg = $Msg + "OperIP is invalid`n";$Retry = $true }
$OperMaskOK = IsIP($OperMask); if (! $OperMaskOK) { $Msg = $Msg + "OperMask is invalid`n";$Retry = $true }
$DefaultGatewayOK = IsIP($DefaultGateway); if (! $DefaultGatewayOK) { $Msg = $Msg + "DefaultGateway is invalid`n";$Retry = $true}
$ipBinary = toBinary $OperIP
$smBinary = toBinary $OperMask
#how many bits are the network ID
#validate the subnet mask
if(($smBinary.length -ne 32) -or ($smBinary.substring($netBits).contains("1") -eq $true)) {$Msg = "Subnet Mask is invalid!";$Retry = $true}
else {
#validate that the IP address
if(($ipBinary.length -ne 32) -or ($ipBinary.substring($netBits) -eq "00000000") -or ($ipBinary.substring($netBits) -eq "11111111")) {$Msg = "IP Address is invalid!";$Retry = $True}
# TechIP : optional
if (!$Retry) {
if (($TechIP1.Text -eq "") -and ($TechIP2.Text -eq "") -and ($TechIP3.Text -eq "") -and ($TechIP4.Text -eq ""))
$TechIP = ""
$TechMask = ""
$TechIP = $TechIP1.Text + "." + $TechIP2.Text + "." + $TechIP3.Text + "." + $TechIP4.Text
$TechMask = $TechMask1.Text + "." + $TechMask2.Text + "." + $TechMask3.Text + "." + $TechMask4.Text
$TechIPOK = IsIP($TechIP)
if (! $TechIPOK) { $Msg = $Msg + "TechIP is invalid`n";$Retry = $true }
$TechMaskOK = IsIP($TechMask)
if (! $TechMaskOK) { $Msg = $Msg + "TechMask is invalid`n";$Retry = $true }
# DNS domain
if (! $Retry) {
$DnsDomainSrv2Install = $DnsDomain.Text
if ($DnsDomainSrv2Install -eq "") {$Msg = $Msg + "DNS Domain is invalid`n";$Retry = $true }
# DNS Suffixes
if (! $Retry) {
$DnsSuffixes2Install = $DnsSuffixes.Text.replace("`n",":")
if ($DnsSuffixes2Install[$DnsSuffixes2Install.Length] -eq ":") {
$DnsSuffixes2Install = $DnsSuffixes2Install.Substring(0,$DnsSuffixes2Install.Length-1)
if ($DnsSuffixes2Install -eq "") {$Msg = $Msg + "DNS suffixes list is invalid`n";$Retry = $true }
# DNS adresses
if (! $Retry) {
if ($DNSIP11.Text -ne "") {
$DNSIP1 = $DNSIP11.Text + "." + $DNSIP12.Text + "." + $DNSIP13.Text + "." + $DNSIP14.Text
$DNSIP1POK = IsIP($DNSIP1) ; if (! $DNSIP1POK) { $Msg = $Msg + "DNS IP 1 is invalid`n";$Retry = $true } else { $DNSAddrList = $DNSIP1}
if ($DNSIP21.Text -ne "") {
$DNSIP2 = $DNSIP21.Text + "." + $DNSIP22.Text + "." + $DNSIP23.Text + "." + $DNSIP24.Text
$DNSIP2POK = IsIP($DNSIP2) ; if (! $DNSIP2POK) { $Msg = $Msg + "DNS IP 2 is invalid`n";$Retry = $true } else {$DNSAddrList = $DNSAddrList + ":" + $DNSIP2}
if ($DNSIP31.Text -ne "") {
$DNSIP3 = $DNSIP31.Text + "." + $DNSIP32.Text + "." + $DNSIP33.Text + "." + $DNSIP34.Text
$DNSIP3POK = IsIP($DNSIP3) ; if (! $DNSIP3POK) { $Msg = $Msg + "DNS IP 3 is invalid`n";$Retry = $true } else {$DNSAddrList = $DNSAddrList + ":" + $DNSIP3}
if ($DNSIP41.Text -ne "") {
$DNSIP4 = $DNSIP41.Text + "." + $DNSIP42.Text + "." + $DNSIP43.Text + "." + $DNSIP44.Text
$DNSIP4POK = IsIP($DNSIP4) ; if (! $DNSIP4POK) { $Msg = $Msg + "DNS IP 4 is invalid`n";$Retry = $true } else {$DNSAddrList = $DNSAddrList + ":" + $DNSIP4}
else { $Msg = $Msg + "At least, one Dns server IP must be provided`n";$Retry = $true }
# Hardware
$TabHardware = @("VM","HP","MS")
$i = $HardwareCombo.SelectedIndex
$Hardware = $TabHardware[$i]
# vCenter
$vCenterName = "parameter.not.used"
# Flags
if (! $Retry) {
$Flag = ""
if ($CheckBoxPED.Checked -eq $true) {$Flag = $Flag + "1;"} else {$Flag = $Flag + "_;"}
if ($CheckBoxOmnivision.Checked -eq $true) {$Flag = $Flag + "1;"} else {$Flag = $Flag + "_;"}
if ($CheckBoxBackup.Checked -eq $true) {$Flag = $Flag + "1;"} else {$Flag = $Flag + "_;"}
if ($CheckBoxNagiosInstall.Checked -eq $true) {$Flag = $Flag + "1;"} else {$Flag = $Flag + "_;"}
if ($CheckBoxInstallSRM.Checked -eq $true) {$Flag = $Flag + "1;"} else {$Flag = $Flag + "_;"}
$WsusUrl2Configure = $WsusUrl.Text;
if ($WsusUrl2Configure -eq "") {$WsusUrl2Configure = "_"}
else {
$WsusURLOK = IsUrl($WsusUrl2Configure)
if (! $WsusURLOK) {$Msg = $Msg + "WSUS Url is Invalid`n";$Retry = $true }
$Flag = $Flag + $WsusUrl2Configure
if ($CheckBoxHPSA.Checked -eq $true) {$Flag = $Flag + ";1"} else {$Flag = $Flag + ";_"}
$Flag = """""$Flag"""""""
if ($Retry) {[System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox]::Show($Msg,"Status",0);$Msg = ""}
else { $WinFactoryCall = "start-process ""cmd.exe"" ""/c .\GenBootImage.cmd "
$WinFactoryCall = $WinFactoryCall + $ServerName2Install + " " + $WindowsVersion + " " + $OperIP + " " + $OperMask + " " + $DefaultGateway + " " + $TechIP + " " + $TechMask
$WinFactoryCall = $WinFactoryCall + " " + $DNSAddrList + " " + $DnsDomainSrv2Install + " " + $DnsSuffixes2Install + " " + $Hardware + " " + $vCenterName + " " + $Flag + " -wait"
write-host $WinFactoryCall
{#Correct the initial state of the form to prevent the .Net maximized form issue
$WinFactoryGUI.WindowState = $InitialFormWindowState

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    We should write a post process event handler that updates the manager field. So, I used the following code to update the manager field when a user gets created:
    public EventResult execute(long processId, long eventId,
    Orchestration orchestration) {
    System.out.println("Test for Event Handler");
    String userKey = getUserKey(processId, orchestration);
    UserManager userMgmt = Platform.getService(UserManager.class);
    System.out.println(userMgmt.modify(new User(userKey)));
    userMgmt.modify("usr_mgr_key","28",new User(userKey));
    } catch (ValidationFailedException e) {
    } catch (AccessDeniedException e) {
    System.out.println("Exception2");} catch (UserModifyException e) {
    System.out.println("Exception3");} catch (NoSuchUserException e) {
    System.out.println("Exception4");} catch (SearchKeyNotUniqueException e) {
    return new EventResult();
    private String getUserKey (long processID, Orchestration orchestration) {
    String userKey;
    String entityType = orchestration.getTarget().getType();
    EventResult result;
    result = new EventResult();
    System.out.println("Entity Type"+entityType);
    System.out.println("Process ID"+processID);
    if (!orchestration.getOperation().equals("CREATE")) {
    userKey = orchestration.getTarget().getEntityId();
    } else {
    OrchestrationEngine orchEngine = Platform.getService(OrchestrationEngine.class);
    userKey = (String) orchEngine.getActionResult(processID);
    return userKey;
    It compiles fine and when we try to create a user, the user gets created successfully. But, the expected behaviour of upadting the manager field with the user key '28' is not happening. My approach above - is it right or is there any other method that will make it work?
    The output message I see is:
    Test for Event Handler
    Entity TypeUser
    Process ID140343
    <27-Feb-2012 10:56:41 o'clock GMT> <Warning> <oracle.iam.callbacks.common> <IAM-2030146> <[CALLBACKMSG] Are applicable policies present for this async eventhandler ? : false>
    <27-Feb-2012 10:56:44 o'clock GMT> <Error> <oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.impl> <IAM-3051212> <An error occurred while searching for users - : [usr_mgr_key].>

    i hope wrong coding.
    Use this code.
    UserManager userMgmt = oimClient.getService(UserManager.class);
    //Attribute you want to modify
    HashMap<String, Object> atrrMap= new HashMap<String, Object>();
    atrrMap.put("usr_manager_key", Long.valueOf("1")); //user will upadated with manager key 1 (xelsysadm) make sure usr_key 1 (manager) exist in OIM.
    //get the user to whom you want to modify
    User user = userMgmt.getDetails("usr_key", "41", null);
    user = new User(String.valueOf(user.getId()), atrrMap);
    UserManagerResult result = userMgmt.modify("usr_key", String.valueOf("41"), user);
    //UserManagerResult str = userMgmt.modify("usr_mgr_key","111",new User("41"));
    System.out.println("UserUpdate.process() "+result.getStatus());
    Also don't use UserManager class, As it will go for looping.
    EntityManager entityManager = Platform.getService(EntityManager.class);
    entityManager.modifyEntity(orchestrationTarget.getType(), userKey, mapAttrs);
    Also I am assuming you want to use Associate manager With user use case.

  • About Event Handling in user Defined Form (In Addon)

    Hi Every One,
    Can Anyone Give Me Notes On EventHandling in forms That are Disgened using Sdk UIAPI .Like Button event ,application event, menuevent... etc with saple code

    Hi Sura,
    Hope this helps. C# sample code.
    //   SAP MANAGE UI API 2005 SDK Sample
    //   File:      CatchingEvents.cs
    //   Copyright (c) SAP MANAGE
    //  1. Add reference to the "SAP Business One UI API"
    //  2. Insert the development connection string to the "Command line argument"
    //  1.
    //     a. Project->Add Reference...
    //     b. select the "SAP Business One UI API 2005" From the COM folder
    //  2.
    //      a. Project->Properties...
    //      b. choose Configuration Properties folder (place the arrow on Debugging)
    //      c. place the following connection string in the 'Command line arguments' field
    //  0030002C0030002C00530041005000420044005F00440061007400650076002C0050004C006F006D0056004900490056
    using System;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    class CatchingEvents  {
        //  This parameter will use us to manipulate the
        //  SAP Business One Application
        private SAPbouiCOM.Application SBO_Application;
        private void SetApplication() {
            //  Use an SboGuiApi object to establish connection
            //  with the SAP Business One application and return an
            //  initialized appliction object
            SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi SboGuiApi = null;
            string sConnectionString = null;
            SboGuiApi = new SAPbouiCOM.SboGuiApi();
            //  by following the steps specified above, the following
            //  statment should be suficient for either development or run mode
            sConnectionString = System.Convert.ToString( Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().GetValue( 1 ) );
            //  connect to a running SBO Application
            SboGuiApi.Connect( sConnectionString );
            //  get an initialized application object
            SBO_Application = SboGuiApi.GetApplication( -1 );
        public CatchingEvents() {
            //  set SBO_Application with an initialized application object
            // events handled by SBO_Application_AppEvent
            SBO_Application.AppEvent += new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_AppEventEventHandler( SBO_Application_AppEvent );
            // events handled by SBO_Application_MenuEvent
            SBO_Application.MenuEvent += new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_MenuEventEventHandler( SBO_Application_MenuEvent );
            // events handled by SBO_Application_ItemEvent
            SBO_Application.ItemEvent += new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ItemEventEventHandler( SBO_Application_ItemEvent );
            // events handled by SBO_Application_ProgressBarEvent
            SBO_Application.ProgressBarEvent += new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_ProgressBarEventEventHandler( SBO_Application_ProgressBarEvent );
            // events handled by SBO_Application_StatusBarEvent
            SBO_Application.StatusBarEvent += new SAPbouiCOM._IApplicationEvents_StatusBarEventEventHandler( SBO_Application_StatusBarEvent );
        private void SBO_Application_AppEvent( SAPbouiCOM.BoAppEventTypes EventType ) {
            //  the following are the events sent by the application
            //  (Ignore aet_ServerTermination)
            //  in order to implement your own code upon each of the events
            //  place you code instead of the matching message box statement
            switch ( EventType ) {
                case SAPbouiCOM.BoAppEventTypes.aet_ShutDown:
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox( "A Shut Down Event has been caught" + Environment.NewLine + "Terminating Add On...", 1, "Ok", "", "" );
                    //  Take care of terminating your AddOn application
                case SAPbouiCOM.BoAppEventTypes.aet_CompanyChanged:
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox( "A Company Change Event has been caught", 1, "Ok", "", "" );
                    //  Check the new company name, if your add on was not meant for
                    //  the new company terminate your AddOn
                    //     If SBO_Application.Company.Name Is Not "Company1" then
                    //          Close
                    //     End If
                case SAPbouiCOM.BoAppEventTypes.aet_LanguageChanged:
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox( "A Languge Change Event has been caught", 1, "Ok", "", "" );
        private void SBO_Application_MenuEvent( ref SAPbouiCOM.MenuEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent ) {
            //  in order to activate your own forms instead of SAP Business One system forms
            //  process the menu event by your self
            //  change BubbleEvent to False so that SAP Business One won't process it
            BubbleEvent = true;
            if ( pVal.BeforeAction == true ) {
                SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage( "Menu item: " + pVal.MenuUID + " sent an event BEFORE SAP Business One processes it.", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, true );
                //  to stop SAP Business One from processing this event
                //  unmark the following statement
                //  BubbleEvent = False
            else {
                SBO_Application.SetStatusBarMessage( "Menu item: " + pVal.MenuUID + " sent an event AFTER SAP Business One processes it.", SAPbouiCOM.BoMessageTime.bmt_Long, true );
        private void SBO_Application_ItemEvent( string FormUID, ref SAPbouiCOM.ItemEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent ) {
            //  BubbleEvent sets the behavior of SAP Business One.
            //  False means that the application will not continue processing this event.
            BubbleEvent = true;
            if ( pVal.FormType != 0 ) {
                //  the message box form type is 0
                //  I chose not to deal with events triggered by a message box
                //  every event will open a message box with the event
                //  name and the form UID how sent it
                SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes EventEnum = 0;
                EventEnum = pVal.EventType;
                // To prevent an endless loop of MessageBoxes,
                // we'll not notify et_FORM_ACTIVATE and et_FORM_LOAD events
                if ( ( EventEnum != SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_ACTIVATE ) & ( EventEnum != SAPbouiCOM.BoEventTypes.et_FORM_LOAD ) ) {
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox( "An " + EventEnum.ToString() + " has been sent by a form with the unique ID: " + FormUID, 1, "Ok", "", "" );
        private void SBO_Application_ProgressBarEvent( ref SAPbouiCOM.ProgressBarEvent pVal, out bool BubbleEvent) {
            SAPbouiCOM.BoProgressBarEventTypes EventEnum = 0;
            EventEnum = pVal.EventType;
            BubbleEvent = true;
            SBO_Application.MessageBox( "The event " + EventEnum.ToString() + " has been sent", 1, "Ok", "", "" );
        private void SBO_Application_StatusBarEvent( string Text, SAPbouiCOM.BoStatusBarMessageType MessageType ) {
            SBO_Application.MessageBox( @"Status bar event with message: """ + Text + @""" has been sent", 1, "Ok", "", "" );

  • Javascript embedded in button pl/sql event handler not being executed

    Javascript calls not working from pl/sql button event handler. What am I missing? Are specific settings needed to execute javascript from pl/sql proceedures?
    Example: Want to toggle target='_blank' off and on in a button pl/sql event handler to open url call in new window & then reset when processing submit is done & the app returns to the form.
    portal form button's pl/sql submit handler:
    htp.p('<script language=JavaScript>') ;
    htp.p('"_blank"') ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    PORTAL.wwa_app_module.set_target('') ;
    htp.p('<script language=JavaScript>') ;
    htp.p('"_blank"') ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    end ;
    Putting the following in the button's javascript on_click event handler works great:'_blank'
    to force opening new window with a call in the button's submit pl/sql code via:
    PORTAL.wwa_app_module.set_target('') ;
    but then the target='_blank' is left on when the submit is done & we return to the form.
    putting the above javascript as a function (called fcn_newpage) elsewhere (e.g., after form opens) & calling in the submit pl/sql with
    htp.p('fcn_newpage') ;
    also doesn't work.
    Metalink thought this was an application issue instead of a bug, so thought I'd see if anyone knows what's going wrong here. (Portal

    thanks for your discussion of my post.
    Please clarify:
    "htp.p('fcn_newwindow') sends a string":
    What would you suggest the proper syntax for a function fcn_newwindow() call from a pl/sql javascript block that differs from
    htp.p('<script language="Javascript">') ;
    or more simply
    htp.p('fcn_newwindow') ;
    More generally, what I'm trying to figure out is under what conditions javascript is executed, if ever, in the pl/sql of a button (either the submit or custom event handler, depending on the button).
    I've seen lots of posts asking how to do a simple htp.p('alert("THIS IS TROUBLE")') ; in a pl/sql event handler for a button on a form, but no description of how this can be done successfully.
    In addition to alerts, in my case, I'd like to call a javascript fcn from a pl/sql event handle that would pass a URL (e.g., where the javascript fcn executed The API call to set_target(URL) in pl/sql has no ability to open in a new window, so calling that is inadequate to my needs and I must resort to javascript.
    Its clear in the PL/SQL of a button, you can effect form components since p_session..set_target & p_session.get_target set or get the contents of form components.
    So to see if javascript ever works, I tried to focus on something simple that only had to set what amounts to an enviromental variable when we returned to the form after a post. I chose to try to change the html value of TARGET from javascript in the PL/SQL button because it doesn't need to be implemented until we finish the post and return to the form.
    So I focused on a hack, setting this.form.TARGET='_blank' in the on_click event handler that forced every subsequent URL call or refresh of the form to be a new window. I then wanted to turn off opening new windows once I'd opened the URL call in a new window by setting TARGET='' in the portal form. I can achieve what I want by coding this.form.TARGET='' in the javascript (on_focus, on_change, or on_mousedown, ...) of every form component that might refresh the form. However, that is a ridiculous hack when a simple htp.p('<script>') ; htp.p('""') ; htp.p('</script>') ; at the end of the button's pl/sql event handle should do the same thing reliably if javascript ever works in the pl/sql event handler.
    If we didn't have access to form components through p_session calls, I'd assume it was a scope issue (what is available from the pl/sql event handler). But unless my syntax is just off, when, if ever, can javascript be used in a portal form's pl/sql event handler for a button?
    if I code a javascript funtion in the forms' pl/sql before displaying form:
    htp.p('<script language="JavaScript">') ;
    htp.p('function fcn_new_window(URL)') ;
    htp.p('' ) ;
    htp.p('</script>') ;
    the function can be called from a button's on_click javascript event handler:
    but from the same button's pl/sql submit event handler this call doesn't work: htp.p('fcn_new_window("")')
    So my questions remain: Is there other syntax I need, or does javascript ever work properly from the pl/sql of a form button's event handler? If it doesn't work, isn't this a bug that should be fixed by Oracle?
    I can probably figure out hacks to make things work the way I need, but executing javascript from pl/sql event handlers seems to be the expected way to affect portal html pages (forms, reports, ...) and it seems not to work as expected. I don't feel I should have to implement hacks for something as simple as calling a javascript function from pl/sql when almost every example I've found in metalink or the forums or Oracle Press's "portal bible" suggests using javascript from pl/sql via the utility htp.p() to effect web page components in portal.
    My TAR on the subject, while still open, returned the result basically: "We can reproduce your situation. Everything looks okay to us, but we can't explain how to use javascript where you want or point you to any documentation that would solve your problem or expain why it should not work the way you want it to. We don't feel its a technical issue. Why don't you post the problem on the portal applications forum."
    I'm hoping I'm just missing something fundamental and everything will work if I implement it a little differently. So if anyone sees my error, please let me know.
    by the way, not sure this is germain, but in reference to your comment:
    "redirections in pl/sql procedures give a peculiar result. in a pl/sql procedure, usually, portals give the last redirection statement and ignore anything else coming after it."
    if I try to raise an alert:
    htp.p('alert("you screwed up")');
    in a pl/sql event handler, it still doesn't raise the alert, even though its the last thing implemented in the event handler. But if I set the value of a text box using p_session..set_value_as_string() at the same spot, it correctly sets the text box value when I return to the form.

  • Applet Event Handler

    Would someone please help me. I am new to applet development and I get a compile error associated with the event handling in my first ever applet code as follows:
    C:\j2sdk1.4.2_01\bin>javac illegal start of expression
    private class Handler implements ActionListener {
    ^ ';' expected
    private class Handler implements ActionListener {
    2 errors
    This is the code:
    // trajectory Analysis Program:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class trajectory_j extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
         private JTextArea introductionArea, resultsArea;
         private JLabel spanLabel, chordLabel,
              thicknessLabel, massLabel, altitudeLabel, velocityLabel,
              trajectory_angleLabel, time_incrementLabel, rotation_factorLabel,
              calculationLabel, resultsLabel;
         private JTextField spanField, chordField, thicknessField,
              massField, altitudeField, velocityField, trajectory_angleField,
              time_incrementField, rotation_factorField;
         private JButton startButton, resetButton, contButton, termButton;
         String introduction_string, span_string, chord_string, thickness_string, mass_string,
              altitude_string, velocity_string, trajectory_angle_string,
              time_increment_string, rotation_factor_string, results_string;
         double span, chord, thickness, mass, altitude, velocity, trajectory_angle, time_increment,
              rotation_factor, distance, velocity_fps, elapsed_time;
         int status_a;
         int status_b;
         int status_c;
    /* deletion of code segment a
              span = 0;
              chord = 0;
              thickness = 0;
              mass = 0;
              altitude = 0;
              velocity = 0;
              trajectory_angle = 0;
              time_increment = 0;
              rotation_factor = 0;
              distance = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
         // create objects
         public void init()
              status_a = 0;
              status_b = 0;
              status_c = 0;
              // create container & panel
              Container container = getContentPane();     
              Panel panel = new Panel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT));
              container.add( panel );
              // set up vertical boxlayout
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              Box inputbox1 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox2 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox3 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box buttonbox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              introduction_string = "This is the introduction";
              // set up introduction
              introductionArea = new JTextArea( introduction_string, 10, 50 );
              introductionArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( introductionArea ) );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox1);
              // set up span
              spanLabel = new JLabel( "span (feet)" );
              spanField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( spanLabel );
              inputbox1.add( spanField );
              Dimension minSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension maxSize = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up chord
              chordLabel = new JLabel( "chord (feet)" );
              chordField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( chordLabel );
              inputbox1.add( chordField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up thickness
              thicknessLabel = new JLabel( "thickness (feet)" );
              thicknessField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessLabel );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up mass
              massLabel = new JLabel( "mass (slugs)" );
              massField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox1.add( massLabel );
              inputbox1.add( massField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox2);
              // set up altitude
              altitudeLabel = new JLabel( "altitude (feet)");
              altitudeField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeLabel );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up velocity
              velocityLabel = new JLabel( "velocity (Mach Number)");
              velocityField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( velocityLabel );
              inputbox2.add( velocityField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up trajectory_angle
              trajectory_angleLabel = new JLabel( "trajectory angle ( -90 degrees <= trajectory angle <= 90 degrees )");
              trajectory_angleField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleLabel );
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox3);
              Dimension minSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension prefSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension maxSizeF = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up time_increment
              time_incrementLabel = new JLabel( "time increment (seconds)" );
              time_incrementField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementLabel );
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up rotation_factor
              rotation_factorLabel = new JLabel( "rotation factor ( non-negative number)" );
              rotation_factorField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorLabel );
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( buttonbox);
              // set up start
              startButton = new JButton( "START" );
              buttonbox.add( startButton );
              Dimension minSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension prefSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension maxSizeB = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 30);
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up reset
              resetButton = new JButton( "RESET" );
              buttonbox.add( resetButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up cont
              contButton = new JButton( "CONTINUE" );
              buttonbox.add( contButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up term
              termButton = new JButton( "END" );
              buttonbox.add( termButton );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );          
              // set up results
              resultsArea = new JTextArea( results_string, 10, 50 );
              resultsArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( resultsArea ) );
              // add box to panel
              panel.add( box );
              // register event handlers
              Handler handler = new Handler();
              spanField.addActionListener( handler );
              chordField.addActionListener( handler );          
              thicknessField.addActionListener( handler );
              massField.addActionListener( handler );
              altitudeField.addActionListener( handler );
              velocityField.addActionListener( handler );          
              trajectory_angleField.addActionListener( handler );
              time_incrementField.addActionListener( handler );
              rotation_factorField.addActionListener( handler );
              startButton.addActionListener( handler );
              resetButton.addActionListener( handler );
              contButton.addActionListener( handler );
              termButton.addActionListener( handler );
    // private inner class for event handling
    private class Handler implements ActionListener {
         // process handler events
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              // process resetButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == resetButton )
              // process contButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == contButton )
              // process endButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == termButton )
              // process span event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( span_string );
              // process chord event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( chord_string );
              // process thickness event
              if( event.getSource() == thicknessField ) {
                   thickness = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( thickness_string );     
              // process mass event
              if( event.getSource() == massField ) {
                   mass = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( mass_string );
              // process altitude event
              if( event.getSource() == altitudeField ) {
                   altitude = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( altitude_string );     
              // process velocity event
              if( event.getSource() == velocityField ) {
                   velocity = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( velocity_string );
              // process trajectory_angle event
              if( event.getSource() == trajectory_angleField ) {
                   trajectory_angle = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
              // process time_increment event
              if( event.getSource() == time_incrementField ) {
                   time_increment = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( time_increment_string );
              // process rotation_factor event
              if( event.getSource() == rotation_factorField ) {
                   rotation_factor = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
              // process startButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == startButton && status_b == 9 ) {
                   status_c = 1;
         } // end method event handler
    } // end Handler class
         } // end method init
         public void strtb()
    /* deletion of code segment 1
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        if( status_c == 1 ){
                        resultsArea.setText( results() );
    /* deletion of code segment 2                    
                        }// end method actionPerformed1
                   } // end anonymous inner class1
              ); // end call to addActionlistener1
         } // end method strtb
         public void reset()
    /* deletion of code segment 3
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        span_string = "";
                        chord_string = "";
                        thickness_string = "";
                        mass_string = "";
                        altitude_string = "";
                        velocity_string = "";
                        trajectory_angle_string = "";
                        time_increment_string = "";
                        rotation_factor_string = "";
                        results_string = "";
                        spanField.setText( span_string );
                        chordField.setText( chord_string );
                        thicknessField.setText( thickness_string );
                        massField.setText( mass_string );
                        altitudeField.setText( altitude_string );
                        velocityField.setText( velocity_string );
                        trajectory_angleField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
                        time_incrementField.setText( time_increment_string );
                        rotation_factorField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( true );
                        resultsArea.setText( results_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( false );
                        span = 0;
                        chord = 0;
                        thickness = 0;
                        mass = 0;
                        altitude = 0;
                        velocity = 0;
                        trajectory_angle = 0;
                        time_increment = 0;
                        rotation_factor = 0;
                        distance = 0;
                        velocity_fps = 0;
                        elapsed_time = 0;
    /* deletion of code segment 4               
                        } // end method actionPerformed2
                   } // end anonymous inner class2
              ); // end call to addActionlistener2
         } // end method reset
         public void cont()
         public void calculate()
         distance = 1;
         altitude = 2;
         trajectory_angle = 3;
         velocity_fps = 4;
         elapsed_time = 5;
         public String results()
         results_string =
         "Distance =\t\t" + distance + " miles\n"
         + "Altitude =\t\t" + altitude + " feet\n"
         + "Trajectory Angle =\t" + trajectory_angle + " degrees\n"
         + "Velocity =\t\t" + velocity_fps + " feet per second\n"
         + "Elapsed Time =\t\t" + elapsed_time + " seconds\n"
         + "\nstatus_a = " + status_a + "\nstatus_b = "
         + status_b + "\nstatus_c = " + status_c;
         return results_string;
    public void start()
    if(status_a == 0 )
    if (status_b == 0)
    }// end method start
    } //end class trajectory_a

    The following are copies of html and java source code files for a prior runnable version ( trajectory_b ) of this program which can enlighten some functionality intended by the program.
    <appletcode = "trajectory_b.class" width = "800" height = "600">
    // trajectory Analysis Program:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class trajectory_b extends JApplet implements ActionListener {
         private JTextArea introductionArea, resultsArea;
         private JLabel spanLabel, chordLabel,
              thicknessLabel, massLabel, altitudeLabel, velocityLabel,
              trajectory_angleLabel, time_incrementLabel, rotation_factorLabel,
              calculationLabel, resultsLabel;
         private JTextField spanField, chordField, thicknessField,
              massField, altitudeField, velocityField, trajectory_angleField,
              time_incrementField, rotation_factorField;
         private JButton startButton, resetButton, contButton, termButton;
         String introduction_string, span_string, chord_string, thickness_string, mass_string,
              altitude_string, velocity_string, trajectory_angle_string,
              time_increment_string, rotation_factor_string, results_string;
         double span, chord, thickness, mass, altitude, velocity, trajectory_angle, time_increment,
              rotation_factor, distance, velocity_fps, elapsed_time;
         int status_a;
         int status_b;
         int status_c;
    /* deletion of code segment a
              span = 0;
              chord = 0;
              thickness = 0;
              mass = 0;
              altitude = 0;
              velocity = 0;
              trajectory_angle = 0;
              time_increment = 0;
              rotation_factor = 0;
              distance = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
              velocity_fps = 0;
              elapsed_time = 0;
         // create objects
         public void init()
              status_a = 0;
              status_b = 0;
              status_c = 0;
              // create container & panel
              Container container = getContentPane();     
              Panel panel = new Panel( new FlowLayout( FlowLayout.LEFT));
              container.add( panel );
              // set up vertical boxlayout
              Box box = Box.createVerticalBox();
              Box inputbox1 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox2 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box inputbox3 = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              Box buttonbox = Box.createHorizontalBox();
              introduction_string = "This is the introduction";
              // set up introduction
              introductionArea = new JTextArea( introduction_string, 10, 50 );
              introductionArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( introductionArea ) );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox1);
              // set up span
              spanLabel = new JLabel( "span (feet)" );
              spanField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( spanLabel );
              inputbox1.add( spanField );
              Dimension minSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(5, 15);
              Dimension maxSize = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up chord
              chordLabel = new JLabel( "chord (feet)" );
              chordField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( chordLabel );
              inputbox1.add( chordField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up thickness
              thicknessLabel = new JLabel( "thickness (feet)" );
              thicknessField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessLabel );
              inputbox1.add( thicknessField );
              inputbox1.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up mass
              massLabel = new JLabel( "mass (slugs)" );
              massField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox1.add( massLabel );
              inputbox1.add( massField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox2);
              // set up altitude
              altitudeLabel = new JLabel( "altitude (feet)");
              altitudeField = new JTextField(5 );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeLabel );
              inputbox2.add( altitudeField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up velocity
              velocityLabel = new JLabel( "velocity (Mach Number)");
              velocityField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( velocityLabel );
              inputbox2.add( velocityField );
              inputbox2.add(new Box.Filler(minSize, prefSize, maxSize));
              // set up trajectory_angle
              trajectory_angleLabel = new JLabel( "trajectory angle ( -90 degrees <= trajectory angle <= 90 degrees )");
              trajectory_angleField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleLabel );
              inputbox2.add( trajectory_angleField );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( inputbox3);
              Dimension minSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension prefSizeF = new Dimension(70, 15);
              Dimension maxSizeF = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 15);
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up time_increment
              time_incrementLabel = new JLabel( "time increment (seconds)" );
              time_incrementField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementLabel );
              inputbox3.add( time_incrementField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              // set up rotation_factor
              rotation_factorLabel = new JLabel( "rotation factor ( non-negative number)" );
              rotation_factorField = new JTextField(5);
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorLabel );
              inputbox3.add( rotation_factorField );
              inputbox3.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeF, prefSizeF, maxSizeF));
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );
              box.add( buttonbox);
              // set up start
              startButton = new JButton( "START" );
              buttonbox.add( startButton );
              Dimension minSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension prefSizeB = new Dimension(10, 30);
              Dimension maxSizeB = new Dimension(Short.MAX_VALUE, 30);
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up reset
              resetButton = new JButton( "RESET" );
              buttonbox.add( resetButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up cont
              contButton = new JButton( "CONTINUE" );
              buttonbox.add( contButton );
              buttonbox.add(new Box.Filler(minSizeB, prefSizeB, maxSizeB));
              // set up term
              termButton = new JButton( "END" );
              buttonbox.add( termButton );
              box.add( Box.createVerticalStrut (10) );          
              // set up results
              resultsArea = new JTextArea( results_string, 10, 50 );
              resultsArea.setEditable( false );
              box.add( new JScrollPane( resultsArea ) );
              // add box to panel
              panel.add( box );
              // register event handlers
              Handler handler = new Handler();
              spanField.addActionListener( handler );
              chordField.addActionListener( handler );          
              thicknessField.addActionListener( handler );
              massField.addActionListener( handler );
              altitudeField.addActionListener( handler );
              velocityField.addActionListener( handler );          
              trajectory_angleField.addActionListener( handler );
              time_incrementField.addActionListener( handler );
              rotation_factorField.addActionListener( handler );
              startButton.addActionListener( handler );
              resetButton.addActionListener( handler );
              contButton.addActionListener( handler );
              termButton.addActionListener( handler );
    } // end method init
         // process handler events
         public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
              // process resetButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == resetButton )
              // process contButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == contButton )
              // process endButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == termButton )
              // process span event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( span_string );
              // process chord event
              if( event.getSource() == spanField ) {
                   span = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( chord_string );
              // process thickness event
              if( event.getSource() == thicknessField ) {
                   thickness = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( thickness_string );     
              // process mass event
              if( event.getSource() == massField ) {
                   mass = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( mass_string );
              // process altitude event
              if( event.getSource() == altitudeField ) {
                   altitude = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( altitude_string );     
              // process velocity event
              if( event.getSource() == velocityField ) {
                   velocity = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( velocity_string );
              // process trajectory_angle event
              if( event.getSource() == trajectory_angleField ) {
                   trajectory_angle = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
              // process time_increment event
              if( event.getSource() == time_incrementField ) {
                   time_increment = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( time_increment_string );
              // process rotation_factor event
              if( event.getSource() == rotation_factorField ) {
                   rotation_factor = Double.parseDouble( event.getActionCommand() );
                   spanField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
              // process startButton event
              if ( event.getSource() == startButton && status_b == 9 ) {
         } // end method event handler
         public void strtb()
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        resultsArea.setText( results() );
                        }// end method actionPerformed1
                   } // end anonymous inner class1
              ); // end call to addActionlistener1
         } // end method strtb
         public void reset()
                   new ActionListener() {  // anonymous inner class
                        // set text in resultsArea
                        public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        span_string = "";
                        chord_string = "";
                        thickness_string = "";
                        mass_string = "";
                        altitude_string = "";
                        velocity_string = "";
                        trajectory_angle_string = "";
                        time_increment_string = "";
                        rotation_factor_string = "";
                        results_string = "";
                        spanField.setText( span_string );
                        chordField.setText( chord_string );
                        thicknessField.setText( thickness_string );
                        massField.setText( mass_string );
                        altitudeField.setText( altitude_string );
                        velocityField.setText( velocity_string );
                        trajectory_angleField.setText( trajectory_angle_string );
                        time_incrementField.setText( time_increment_string );
                        rotation_factorField.setText( rotation_factor_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( true );
                        resultsArea.setText( results_string );
    resultsArea.setEditable( false );
                        span = 0;
                        chord = 0;
                        thickness = 0;
                        mass = 0;
                        altitude = 0;
                        velocity = 0;
                        trajectory_angle = 0;
                        time_increment = 0;
                        rotation_factor = 0;
                        distance = 0;
                        velocity_fps = 0;
                        elapsed_time = 0;
                        } // end method actionPerformed2
                   } // end anonymous inner class2
              ); // end call to addActionlistener2
         } // end method reset
         public void cont()
         public void calculate()
         distance = 1;
         altitude = 2;
         trajectory_angle = 3;
         velocity_fps = 4;
         elapsed_time = 5;
         public String results()
         results_string =
         "Distance =\t\t" + distance + " miles\n"
         + "Altitude =\t\t" + altitude + " feet\n"
         + "Trajectory Angle =\t" + trajectory_angle + " degrees\n"
         + "Velocity =\t\t" + velocity_fps + " feet per second\n"
         + "Elapsed Time =\t\t" + elapsed_time + " seconds\n"
         + "\nstatus_a = " + status_a + "\nstatus_b = "
         + status_b + "\nstatus_c = " + status_c;
         return results_string;
    public void start()
    if(status_a == 0 )
    if (status_b == 0)
    }// end method start
    } //end class trajectory_b

  • Event Handler Between Reboot states using Powershell

    I need some help writing an event handler for a powershell script that would meet the following requirement:
    1.  Continue Upon a restart
    2.  Continue Upon a sleep state
    3.  Continue Upon a hibernation state.

    One way that I can see that would meed all three of your requirements is to use a permanent WMI Consumer to watch the event log for each of these type of events and then perform an action.
    It would be best to make a filter for each type of event rather than throwing all into one filter. Depending on your OS, the event IDs may be different, but it is nothing that a quick query via a search engine could find for you.
    Boe Prox
    Blog |
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    PowerShell Deep Dives Book

  • [Create Login] Provisioning Error: event handler/adapter could not be found

    I am running a fresh install of OIM 9.0.3 (installed yesterday) on a Windows XP Machine running:
    Weblogic 813 SP6
    JDK142 11,
    MSSQL 2000 SP3a I have a test resource, a simple MSSQL Table with a few fields, which I used the connector pack to install and connect. I imported the resource without any issues. However, when I attempt to Create Login on the resource, it gives me the following error:
    "An error occurred while retrying one of the tasks
    Create Login: Event Handler not found"When I check the details of Create Login (in my To-Do List for xelsysadm):
    Error Details
    The class file for event handler/adapter "adpDBCREATELOGIN" could not be found.I am very new to this system, and I really don't know where to begin trouble shooting this issue. Any ideas on what might be wrong with the system? It could be anywhere from missing a step in the beginning of the installation to doing something incorrectly. Any pointers on where I can start troubleshooting as to why I can't provision would be very helpful and much appreciated!

    Did you compile the adapters? When you import them from XML they must be compiled before you can use them. Go to the Design Console -> Dev tools -> Adapter Manager and compile them there.

  • Need Help with Event Handler Code - Doesnt come up in Event Handler Manager

    Hello there,
    Below is the code snippet that I am using to create a event handler:
    import com.thortech.util.logging.Logger;
    import com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj;
    import com.thortech.xl.util.logging.LoggerModules;
    public class tcCheckOvrallProvStatusUDFs extends tcBaseEvent
         private static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(LoggerModules.XL_JAVA_CLIENT);
         public tcCheckOvrallProvStatusUDFs()
              setEventName("Generating tcCheckOvrallProvStatusUDFs");
    * @Override
    * @throws Exception
         protected void implementation() throws Exception {
              tcDataObj data = getDataObject();
              String OIDProvStatus = data.getString("usr_udf_oidusrprovstatus");
    String EBSProvStatus = data.getString("usr_udf_ebstcausrprovstatus");
              if (OIDProvStatus.equals("Provisioned") && EBSProvStatus.equals("Provisioned")) {
         * @param data
         * @throws Exception
         private void setOverAllProvStatus(tcDataObj data) throws Exception
              data.setString("usr_udf_ovrrscprovstatus", "Provisioned");
    Its a simple code that I am using to populate value of a UDF field depending on the value of other 2 fields. I want to trigger it on Post-Insert and Post-Update events.
    But even if I restart the OIM server after placing the successfully compiled file (0 errors, 0 warnings) into the EventHandlers folder of OIM_HOME; it doesnt show up in the Design Console -> Development Tools -> Business Rule Definition -> Event Handler Manager. :( In order to create a event handler i need that file to show up in the lookup of event handlers/adapters. This JAR file doesnt come up over there.
    Is there anything missing within the code ?
    What else needs to be specified?
    Please provide some guidance.
    - jhb.

    Now I have placed this JAR file in JAVATasks folder - made an entity adapter - in the event handler manager - i gave the class name/event handler name as 'setUDFValue' and the package as 'project5'. But now im getting it 'DOBJ.EVT_NOT_FOUND - Event Handler not found' error.
    package project5;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcAPIException;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.HashMap;
    import com.thortech.xl.util.config.ConfigurationClient;
    import Thor.API.tcResultSet;
    import Thor.API.tcUtilityFactory;
    import Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf;
    import java.lang.System;
    import Thor.API.Exceptions.tcUserNotFoundException;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    public class setUDFValue {
    private static final String SMTP_HOST_NAME="";
    public setUDFValue() {
    // public static void main(String[] args) {
    // setUDFValue.setvalue("jatinbhatt");
    // setUDFValue.sendemail("[email protected]","[email protected]");
    public static void setvalue(String UserID) {   
    System.setProperty("XL.HomeDir", "F:/oim/oimserver/xellerate");
    System.out.println("Getting configuration...");
    ConfigurationClient.ComplexSetting config = ConfigurationClient.getComplexSettingByPath("Discovery.CoreServer");
    Hashtable env = config.getAllSettings();
    tcUtilityFactory ioUtilityFactory = new tcUtilityFactory(env,"xelsysadm","oimadmin1");
    System.out.println("Getting utility interfaces...");
    tcUserOperationsIntf moUserUtility = (tcUserOperationsIntf)ioUtilityFactory.getUtility("Thor.API.Operations.tcUserOperationsIntf");
    HashMap userMap = new HashMap();
    String str1 = null;
    String str2 = null;
    userMap.put("Users.User ID",UserID);
    userMap.put("Users.Status", "Active");
    tcResultSet userResultSet = null;
    try {
    userResultSet = moUserUtility.findAllUsers(userMap);
    } catch (tcAPIException e2) {
    // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    for (int i=0; i<userResultSet.getRowCount(); i++)
    str1 = userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_OIDUSERPROV");
    str2 = userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_EBSUSERPROV");
    // System.out.println(userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_OIDUSERPROV"));
    // System.out.println(userResultSet.getStringValue("USR_UDF_EBSUSERPROV"));
    if (str1.equals("Provisioned") && (str2.equals("Provisioned") || str2.equals("NA")))
    }catch (Exception e){
    ERROR RMICallHandler-63 XELLERATE.SERVER - Class/Method: tcDataObj/ runEvent encounter some problems: project5.setUDFValue
    java.lang.ClassCastException: project5.setUDFValue
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.runEvent(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.eventPostUpdate(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcUSR.eventPostUpdate(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.dataobj.tcDataObj.update(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcUserOperationsBean.updateUserData(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beansimpl.tcUserOperationsBean.updateUser(Unknown Source)
         at com.thortech.xl.ejb.beans.tcUserOperationsSession.updateUser(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.joinpoint.EJBJoinPointImpl.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.TxRequiredInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.SecurityRoleInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.system.DMSInterceptor.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.interceptor.InvocationContextImpl.proceed(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.InvocationContextPool.invoke(
         at com.evermind.server.ejb.StatelessSessionEJBObject.OC4J_invokeMethod(
         at tcUserOperations_RemoteProxy_6ocop18.updateUser(Unknown Source)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
         at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
         at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
         at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    - jhb.

  • Event Handler Error while Creating User

    I am not able to create users in OIM 11gR1 - " Event handler DemoNotificationEventResolver implemented using class/plug-in nrma.DemoNotificationEventResolver could not be loaded."
    I have deleted this plugin from the "plugins" table in the database. What else am I supposed to do?

    I have deleted it from the MDS Schema. Now I am getting a different error.
    <Dec 20, 2012 5:24:57 PM EST> <Error> <oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.impl> <IAM-3050030> <An exception occurred while performing the operation.
    java.util.MissingResourceException: Can't find resource for bundle java.util.PropertyResourceBundle, key IAM-301094
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getObject(
    at java.util.ResourceBundle.getString(
    at oracle.iam.ldapsync.impl.util.LDAPSyncUtil.createValidationFailedException(
    at oracle.iam.ldapsync.impl.util.LDAPSyncUtil.generateAndValidateRDN(
    at oracle.iam.ldapsync.impl.eventhandlers.user.RDNPreProcessHandler.execute(
    at oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl.OrchProcessData.runPreProcessEvents(
    at oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl.OrchProcessData.runEvents(
    at oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl.OrchProcessData.executeEvents(
    at oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl.OrchestrationEngineImpl.resumeProcess(
    at oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl.OrchestrationEngineImpl.process(
    at oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl.OrchestrationEngineImpl.orchestrate(
    at oracle.iam.platform.kernel.impl.OrchestrationEngineImpl.orchestrate(
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.impl.UserManagerImpl.create(
    at oracle.iam.identity.usermgmt.api.UserManagerEJB.createx(Unknown Source)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(

  • View not copied or enhanced with wizard Error while creating Event Handler method in Z Component

    Hello Friends,
    In one Z Component (Custom Component), in one of the views, while creating event handler, it gave me error message that view not copied or enhanced with wizard.
    I am aware that in Standard Component, if we want to create the event handler method then we need to first Enhance the Component and then we need to enhance the view.
    But, in the Z Component (Custom Component), how to create event handler method in one of the views as while creating event handler method i am getting view not copied or enhanced with wizard error.

    Add a method in views impl class with naming convention eh_on__* with htmt and html_ex parameters.  I dont have have the system right now. Please check any existing event import export parameters.
    Check out do handle event method in the same class.
    Redefine that method.  Call that event method in this handle method. See existing code for reference.
    Attach that event to the button on click event in .htm page.

  • Getting error in event handler method onPlugFromStartView

           I am getting error in event handler method onPlugFromStartView java coding. The error message is u201CThe method wdGetwelcome componentcontroller() is undefined for the IPrivatevieew.
    Plese explain how to resolve this error to deploy the webdynpro application successfully.

    1.It seems some thing corrupt or some problem .
    2. Do one exercise Create one new Dc --component -View ,In component write one method.
        a)  Open the view and then try to add that component.
    Let us know the result
    Best Regards
    Satish Kumar

  • Event handler error

    I gets event handler error from the following applescript code if I leave the desktop space where "XLD" is running.
    Is there a way to avoid this error and keep running the applescript?
    tell application "System Events"
    set wnd to front window of application process "XLD"
    click button "Extract" of tool bar of wnd
    delay 1
    repeat while (name of front window of application process "XLD") = "Progress"
    end repeat
    end tell

    Do you have any Mail plug-ins installed? Mail Act-on, MailTags or whatever? If so, try disable them and then see if the scripts work.
    Alternatively, you can access the iPhoto Library from within Mail:
    Uploaded with plasq's Skitch!
    Just drag and drop to the message.

  • Using yepnope, getting error in event handler.

    Recently discover yepnope and started to implement it into my project to keep common functions in one file. The first set of functions worked fine when I moved them over, but with the last one I'm unable to control a symbol.  It's calling the function fine, it's just wont play the symbol timeline.
    -------Here's the function in the external file
    //Function for audio button
    // Tests the paused attribute and set state.
    voButton = function (){
        if ($('#voiceOver')[0].paused) {
        else {
    -------Here's the call to the function
    Symbol.bindElementAction(compId, symbolName, "${_btnSound}", "click", function(sym, e) {
    //Edge binding end
    Calling the function plays the audio but doesn't change the symbol. Getting the error message:
    functions.js (line 39)
    Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = element
    I've tried different combinations of getComposition() or getSymbol(), nothing.  I read a post somewhere that said I needed to prefix my function creation with sym. and call it the same way.  This didn't work either and caused the function to stop working, but with a new error: sym is not defined in the external file.
    Like I said the function works when I call it, but I can't access the symbol's timeline for some reason.

    I'm trying to include a custom js file to an Edge project, and I'm getting the same "sym is not defined" error. have you found a workaround for this problem?
    can't we just use "sym" or methods like "getSymbol()" in the js loaded by yepnope?
    I can't find any sources about this.
    And I can't find an easy way to substitute "sym"...
    Thanks in advance

  • Help with Javascript error in event handler slowing animation down.

    Hi all--
    I did an animated book cover for my publisher, Baen Books, but an error keeps coming up in my animation.  The actual animating can be viewed here:
    As you can see, when the error pops up, the animation grinds to a halt, an it has to recover.  I am not well enough versed in javascript to know what is going on. The error code below repeats over and over again as it plays.
    6Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = timeline edge.3.0.0.min.js:171
    <error> VM26:184
    Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = timeline edge.3.0.0.min.js:1714Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = timeline edge.3.0.0.min.js:1713
    If anyone has an idea what is causing this, I would be extremely grateful for  any help.
    David Mattingly

    Hi Hemanth--
    I put it in a dropbox folder for you here:
    Dropbox - EdgeAnimation
    This contains 2 versions--a small one for the preview, and then a larger one when people click on the cover preview. Thanks in advance for your help.\
    David Mattingly

  • Javascript error in event handler! edge 4.0.0.js, what to do about it?

    Hello everyone. I get an error in my chrome cosole, what can I do about this?
    I dont have this problem in all browsers, just in chrome, and in some versions of Firefox.
    The problem occurs when I click any label in the iframe (see website, speaks for itself).
    line 5838      window.console.log("Javascript error in event handler! Event Type = " + eventType);
    does anyone know how to fix this?
    And why do I only have this problem in some browsers?

    I basically want the labels in the Iframe to make the parent page animate to a specific anchor tag.
    ps. This is what I posted on the jquery forum as well:
    I tried to do this by letting the iframe .trigger a .click to a button on the .parent page.
    I did this in two ways.
    one: the click is triggerd in (/by) the iframe
    two: the click is triggerd by a script in the parent window, that script is launched by the iframe
    Here's the thing:
    this is what one of the <a>'s that the iframe will click looks like:
    <a class="nonblock nontext anim_swing" id="u185" href="index.html#contact"><!-- simple frame --></a>
    The code is generated by adobe muse which has a function to smoothly scroll to a location on the page, and I am guessing the "anim_swing" class takes care of that.
    I would like the colorful labels in the iframe to do the same thing as the <a> above.
    and it works in some browsers on some computers but somehow not on all of them (with method two the adblocker doesn't seem to be an issue ).
    I also tried to let the parent page scroll directly with the jquery .scrollto function. That did not work either (see the jquery forum).

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  • Thread watch can not be stopped

    Hi, I have a problem that exists for a couple of month. I have been watching a thread in forum Application Express and since then ALL updates on all items in that forum are emailed to my address! It is checked by Oracle that no threads are being watc