Error message A12E5

I am trying to download photoshop CC. An error message occurs A12E5. The same error appears when I try to download the application manager. It is a windows 7 computer. Can you help?

Please refer the mentioned thread: for similar issue.

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    Tried to download trial version of Photoshop CC and got an error message A12E5 what does it mean and what should I do.

    All in order now bought the programme and all seem to be working now
    Kind Regards
    Evelyn Gibson FPSSA, EFIAP, EPSSA(Mille), APSSA(Vers), ARPS.
    <Removed by Moderator>

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    don't know why?
    Neitehr do we. You are not offering any relevant technical info like what computer you are actually on or the exact error message.

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    Lauried42330756 which operating system are you using?  You can find more details regarding the uninstall process for Mac or Windows at Install and update apps -

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    We've encountered the following issues:
    Sorry, there seems to be a problem with the download process (Error code: A12E5). For troubleshooting tips, please visit our customer support page.
    I am currently on a PC. Can you please assist me so I am able to download? Thank you.

    download from here:

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    Hi Beth Rivers,
    A12E5 is a download error. Please restart your machine and try downloading again. If still the same error please follow the steps mentioned in thread: and let us know whether it worked.
    Romit Sinha

  • Error Code A12E5

    I am unable to install Adobe Application Manager. I continue to receive "error code A12E5." I have tried downloading the patch and installing via that method, but that did not work either. Also, when I try to download an app via my Creative Cloud account, the resulting .zip file is empty and my system reports that the file is invalid.
    I believe I have exhausted all methods posted to the forums. Does anyone else have any ideas?
    I'm running Windows 7, Service Pack 1 64-bit on a Dell T3500 with 6GB of RAM. No previous versions of Adobe applications are installed on the machine (it's fresh out of the box).
    Thanks for your help.

    Getting same error while trying to update to Acrobat XI pro Cloud app, also on windows7 64 sp1. But I do have most adobe apps installed.  Adobe Application Manager wants to update first, tries, fails, same error code: A12E5.   Fellow coworker had no troubles installing XI today.  Error code window suggests visiting customer support page.  But not seeing much else on this.  Wondering about next step I should take...
    Update:  Went through about 8 failed efforts to run the Adobe Application manager and constantly getting one initial error message about multiple AAM's running in the background that should be shut down, then it closes that error and tries to proceed updating, ultimately returning the A12E5 error.
    Because of a different issue with DW I decided to delete my windows profile and start new.  Didn't fix this immediately but after couple more tries I was able to update AAM.
    After the windows profile resest,  I tried running an update check from both photoshop and Acrobat X. Neither found any updates, but while photoshop was checking it did pop up a question about allowing Adobe AAM to report failed installs.  I agreed to allow it.  I went and tried opening adobe support advisor, which ran some check but found no errors.  I then tried AAM one more time (9th) and it worked.  It updated AAM and allowed me to install XI successfully.
    Not sure what did it for me.  But everything fine here now.
    Message was edited by: LMn0P

  • AAM gives error code A12E5

    Running windows 7
    Creative suite CS6 is already installed.
    Just subscribed to creative cloud, on clicking on "download" on DW i was told I had to update my AAM. So I clicked through the links and downloaded to desktop and "run as Administrator". It seems to start updtaing and installing but about half way through it throws up the error "Sorry there seems to be a problem with the download process (Error code: A12E5)
    I've tried this seveal times and restarted the PC but all to no avail. I have also tried uninstalling CS6 but that fails and throws up an error message "
    Exit Code: 33
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR: DW040 ...
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 0 fatal error(s), 1 error(s)
    ERROR: DW040: The product "{402F6F2E-5683-491C-977D-0CA599A07CAF}" is not installed. Cannot proceed with the uninstall"
    Just before I completle reinstall Windows can anyone help with this?
    Many thanks

    Hi Jeff,
    Firstly the cleaner tool said that I had to uninstall CS6 first. Because my installation of AAM was corrupted I couldn't do that. So I re-installed Creative Suite CS6 and tried agin thinking that would cure the AAM problem. I still couldn't download any creative cloud product but it did allow me to uninstll CS6. After that I run the CS Cleaner Tool. I then attempted to download the Creative cloud products but again the AAM failed with the same error.
    So I have spent the day doing a clean new install of Window 7. I've installed Microsft Office 2007 and Microsoft Security Essentials and that's all. I went to creative Cloud and downloaded the new AAM sucessfully and successfully installed and run it. I get all the programs listed and so I clicked on install next to Dreamweaver CS6. It downloaded, extracted OK but the install stalls at 9%. I tried Fireworks and that downloaded but did not install at all.
    Following another post I went trough the process of trying to download the trial of DW CS6 but as I had to log in it did not give me the choice of a "try" it just recognises that I am a member of CC and provides the usual download link.
    Any ideas as this is beginning to wear me down a bit.

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    The other day I hooked it up to my laptop (Toshiba, 4 months old) that it's been functioning on with no problems whatsoever. This weird error message flashed twice about it not being able to sync because of some software problem.
    Eversince then, the only thing I can charge my ipod on is the family treadmill in the basement (~_~) as no other computer in the house recognizes it. I can't even charge it through the wall sockets, either.
    I have changed the ipod cord, still no luck. I've also reset the device about 3 or 4 times and uninstalled, restarted the laptop then reinstalled itunes. I would like to reset it back to factory settings but that's impossible as computers/laptops don't pick it up. I live very far from a Mac store...
    What's a girl to do? I can't live without my Busta Rhymes and Wu-Tang Clan!
    Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

    you have to update Vista go to this site and up-date

  • Error message into a Variable.

    Dear users,
    I have a rather usual (unusual from the weekend beers for me though!!) query which I can't figure out a proper way to implement.
    My requirement is like this:
    I have a message class in which I want to define a text 'Employee number & not found'.
    I want to use this in the program, but not to raise this error. Instead, I want to move this error message with the Employee number into a Character(200) variable.
    So instead of using MESSAGE e0xx(messageclass) USING employee number, I would like to move the error text into a variable which looks like:
    lv_text = e0xx(messageclass) USING '1234'   which stores the text 'Employee number 1234 not found' in lv_text.
    How would I acheive it??
    Thanks, V!

    Try tis way
    message e999(00) with i_emp-empno into lv_text.
    press f1 in message will provide you more details

  • IPod seen by windows, not by iTunes+ weird error message

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    and why is there no email adress from apple for service qustions? 10x

    I still don't get it, how can I put it in disk mode if I CANNOT see the iPod in iTunes..?
    Did you read the document i linked you to? here's another link to it:
    Putting iPod into Disk Mode
    whereabouts in that procedure in that document (that you get to by clicking that link) does it say that you have to connect it to iTunes to put it into disk mode?
    ... never mind ... i guess you've fixed it anyway ...

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    Hello. I have been getting this error message. "Songs on the iPod "MAR(the name of my iPod)" cannot update because all of the playlists selecting for updating no longer exist." And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist. I have a feeling ths might have to do with the fact that on vacation the person I was visiting gave me a gift of putting all of his music that would fit into the external hard drive part of my iPod, and for the past week or so I have been putting that music onto my 40 GB portable hard drive at home. I suspect I took a vital folder out of my iPod by accident. Right now I have the folder iPod_control if I open my iPod up in My Computer. Am I missing something? Right now my iPod is empty because iTunes made a composite playlist last week and I deleted it thinking I could get my real playlists back. Can you help me, or reccomend a site/someone who can? Thank you.
    PC   Windows XP  

    And my playlists are still on the left side in my iTunes. They do exist.
    let's just doublecheck this. folks get this message if they have "automatically update selected playlists only" selected in their itunes "ipod" preferences tab. so bring up that tab ("edit > preferences", click "ipod" while the ipod is showing up in the source list), and do a playlist by playlist crosscheck of the playlists selected in that tab, and the playlists showing up in the itunes sourcelist.
    is there any playlist selected in the preferences tab that isn't showing up in the sourcelist?
    love, b

  • Windows Blue Screen Error Message Appears As Soon As IPod Connected

    Everytime I connect my IPod to my computer, I get the Windows Blue Screen error message. Thought it was the cable, so plugged cable in by itself. No problem. Uninstalled IPod and ITunes software and then plugged in IPod, still got the Blue Screen. The Blue Screen says something about "recent plugged in device problem". It is not the cable, it must be the IPod. Did not have this problem when I bought it. Tried it on labtop and get the same error message. I can't do updater or anything that requires me to plug the IPod into a computer because the Blue Screen appears immediately. When I unplug, the Blue Screen remains and locks up the computer so I have to restart each time. I have tried everything I can think of. Please help.

    Hi Mike thank you for replying,
    I am not able to start the computer in safe mode, safe mode with networking, last good known configuration etc, Each time it quickly blue screens and restarts about two secs into the process.
    I was unable to try a clean OS install from the disk as it gave the blue screen error shown in the original post. The same thing happened when I tried to use the repair option on the XP home disc. So i can't get into the computer at all to start diagnosing the fault, the only clue I have is the error message, and after searching the internet I haven't found much enlightenment from that yet.
    If you can help me out or suggest where to search it would be much appreciated.

  • IPod Error Message: "The disk could not be read from or written to."

    I was syncing my sister's video iPod (30GB) and this error message pops up "Attempting to copy to the disk. "SARAH'S IPO" failed. The disk could not be read from or written to."
    I have restored it three times already, but once it starts putting the music and files back onto the iPod it pops up with that error message. I have updated to the latest version of iTunes and iPod software available. My OS is Windows XP.
    Is this something serious? Will I be able to fix it myself or will I need to send it in to be fixed by Apple? Will that be expensive? We didn’t get the Apple replacement plan. D=
    Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance. ^_^
    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   15" PowerBook 1.5 GHz PowerPC G4, 1.5GB RAM - Windows XP with iPod 5 Generation

    Okay I went thru that entire list and here's what I got...
    (1) My OS is XP and is running fine.
    (2) I've updated my windows
    (3) I don't know of any software that might be interfering.
    (4) There are no damaged files.
    (5) My Windows hard-drive is not damaged and I've tried restoring my iPod's disk thru iTunes but it still doesn't work.
    (6) I don't have an iPod photo and I can't find the folder to delete the cache if if I did.
    (7) The USB cord is firmly connected into my USB port and my iPod
    (8) My music is on my external hard-drive so I need to keep 3rd-party hardware connected
    (9) I will try another USB cord to see if that works.
    Is there anything else that I can do? Can Apple fix this?
    Please let me know.

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    What is the exact wording of the error message?

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