Error message in java script using IE6

I get the following error message on a web page java script with Internet Explorer 6 "C:\WINNT\Desktop\Error Report.htm."
The java script works fine with IE 5, but not with IE6. Any ideas why or how to fix?
Thank you,

There are three scripts, here they are:
1. Scripts.js
NS4 = (document.layers);
IE4 = (document.all);
ver4 = (NS4 || IE4);
IE5 = (IE4 && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("5.")!=-1);
isMac = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Mac") != -1);
isMenu = (NS4 || (IE4 && !isMac) || (IE5 && isMac));
function popUp(){return};
function popDown(){return};
if (!ver4) event = null;
if (isMenu) {
menuVersion = 3;
menuWidth = 120;
childOverlap = 5;
childOffset = 0;
perCentOver = null;
secondsVisible = .2;
fntCol = "#ffffff";
fntSiz = "11";
fntBold = false;
fntItal = false;
fntFam = "times new roman, times, serif";
backCol = "#303886";
overCol = "#91B3EE";
overFnt = "#000000";
borWid = 0;
borCol = "#ffffff";
borSty = "solid";
itemPad = 5;
imgSrc = "";
imgSiz = 0;
separator = 1;
separatorCol = "#ffffff";
isFrames = false; // <-- IMPORTANT for full window
navFrLoc = "left"; // <-- display. see below
keepHilite = true;
clickStart = false;
clickKill = false;
function swapimg( imgid, newimg ) {
imgid.src = newimg.src;
if( document.images ) {
about_on = new Image();
about_on.src = "./images/about_on.jpg";
about_off = new Image();
about_off.src = "./images/about_off.jpg";
practice_on = new Image();
practice_on.src = "./images/practice_on.jpg";
practice_off = new Image();
practice_off.src = "./images/practice_off.jpg";
lawyer_on = new Image();
lawyer_on.src = "./images/lawyer_on.jpg";
lawyer_off = new Image();
lawyer_off.src = "./images/lawyer_off.jpg";
career_on = new Image();
career_on.src = "./images/career_on.jpg";
career_off = new Image();
career_off.src = "./images/career_off.jpg";
resources_on = new Image();
resources_on.src = "./images/resources_on.jpg";
resources_off = new Image();
resources_off.src = "./images/resources_off.jpg";
contact_on = new Image();
contact_on.src = "./images/contact_on.jpg";
contact_off = new Image();
contact_off.src = "./images/contact_off.jpg";
2. hierArrays.js
arMenu1 = new Array(
"Pro Bono Activities","./about/probono.html",0
arMenu2 = new Array(
"Commercial Finance","./practice/finance.html",0,
"Corporate and Securities","./practice/corporate.html",0,
"Land Use, Local Government and Environmental Law","./practice/land.html",0,
"Real Estate","./practice/realestate.html",0,
"Tax and Estate Planning","./practice/tax.html",0
arMenu3 = new Array(
"Of Counsel","./lawyers/counsel/index.html",0,
"By Practice Area","./lawyers/practice.html",0,
"Full Listing","./lawyers/full.html",0
arMenu4 = new Array(
"Contact Information","./contact/info.html",0,
"Driving Directions","./contact/directions.html",0
arMenu5 = new Array(
"Summer Associate Program","./career/sumassoc.html",0
3. hierMenus.js
* by Peter Belesis. v3.10.2 000720
* Copyright (c) 2000 Corp. All Rights Reserved.
* Originally published and documented at
* You may use this code on a public Web site only if this entire
* copyright notice appears unchanged and you publicly display
* on the Web page a link to
* Contact [email protected] for all other uses.
loader = (isFrames) ? (NS4) ? parent : parent.document.body : window;
loader.onload = startIt;
     origWidth = loader.innerWidth;
     origHeight = loader.innerHeight;
     loader.onresize = reDo;
isLoaded = false;
NSresized = false;
if (!window.menuVersion) {
     clickKill = keepHilite = clickStart = false;
if (!window.imgHspace) imgHspace=0;
isWin = (navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Win") != -1)
mSecsVis = secondsVisible*1000;
isRight = (window.navFrLoc && navFrLoc == "right");
fullImgSize = (imgSiz+(imgHspace*2));
if(!IE5) {
     imgSuf = (isRight) ? ">" : " ALIGN=RIGHT>";
     imgStr = "<IMG SRC='" + imgSrc + "' WIDTH=" + imgSiz + " HEIGHT=" + imgSiz +" VSPACE=2 HSPACE="+ imgHspace +" BORDER=0"+ imgSuf;
     if(IE4) imgStr = "<SPAN STYLE='height:100%;width:"+ (fullImgSize-(isRight?3:0)) +";float:"+ (isRight?"left":"right") +";overflow:hidden'>"+ imgStr +"</SPAN>";
areCreated = false;
menuLoc = null;
function initVars() {
     if(areCreated) {
          for(i=1; i<topCount; i++) {
               cur = eval("elMenu"+i);
     topCount = 1;
     areCreated = false;
     beingCreated = false;
     isOverMenu = false;
     currentMenu = null;
     allTimer = null;
function NSunloaded(){
     isLoaded = false;
function NSloaded(e){
     if ( == mainFrName) {
function IEunloaded() {
     isLoaded = false;
function keepTrack() {
     if (menuLoc.document.readyState == "complete") {
     else {
function startIt() {
     isLoaded = true;
     if (isFrames) {
          menuLoc = eval("parent.frames." + mainFrName);
          if (NS4) {
               loader.onload = NSloaded;
               menuLoc.onunload = NSunloaded;
          if (IE4) {
               menuLoc.document.body.onunload = IEunloaded;
     else {
          menuLoc = window;
     menuLoc.nav = nav = window;
     if (clickKill) {
          if (NS4) menuLoc.document.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEDOWN);
          menuLoc.document.onmousedown = clicked;
function makeTop(){
     beingCreated = true;
     if(IE4) {
          topZ = 0;
          for (z=0;z<menuLoc.document.all.length;z++){
               oldEl = menuLoc.document.all(z);
               topZ = Math.max(,topZ)
     while(eval("window.arMenu" + topCount)) {
          (NS4) ? makeMenuNS(false,topCount) : makeMenuIE(false,topCount);
     status = (topCount-1) + " Hierarchical Menu Trees Created"
     areCreated = true;
     beingCreated = false;
// the following line was added by Rachel Gockley ([email protected]) on 27 July 2000
status = "";
function makeMenuNS(isChild,menuCount,parMenu,parItem) {
     tempArray = eval("arMenu" + menuCount);
     if (!isChild) {
          tempWidth = tempArray[0] ? tempArray[0] : menuWidth;
          menu = makeElement("elMenu" + menuCount,tempWidth,null,null);
     else {
          menu = makeElement("elMenu" + menuCount,null,parMenu,null);
     menu.array = tempArray;
     menu.setMenuTree = setMenuTree;
     while (menu.itemCount < menu.maxItems) {
          status = "Creating Hierarchical Menus: " + menuCount + " / " + menu.itemCount;
          prevItem = (menu.itemCount > 1) ? menu.item : null;
          itemName = "item" + menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount;
          menu.item = makeElement(itemName,null,null,menu);
          menu.item.prevItem = prevItem;
          menu.item.setup = itemSetup;
          if (menu.item.hasMore) {
               makeMenuNS(true,menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount,menu,menu.item);
               menu = menu.parentMenu;
     menu.lastItem = menu.item;
function findTree(men){
     foundTree = false;
          if(men.array) {
               foundTree = true;
     return foundTree;
function setMenuTree(isChild,parMenu) {
     if (!isChild) {
          this.menuWidth = this.array[0] ? this.array[0] : menuWidth;
          this.menuLeft = this.array[1];
          this.menuTop = this.array[2];
          this.menuFontColor = this.array[3] ? this.array[3] : fntCol;
          this.menuFontOver = this.array[4] ? this.array[4] : overFnt;
          this.menuBGColor = this.array[5] ? this.array[5] : backCol;
          this.menuBGOver = this.array[6] ? this.array[6] : overCol;
          this.menuBorCol = this.array[7] ? this.array[7] : borCol;
          this.menuSeparatorCol = this.array[8] ? this.array[8] : separatorCol;
          this.treeParent = this;
          this.startChild = this;
          this.isTree = findTree(this);
     else {
          this.menuWidth = parMenu.menuWidth;
          this.menuLeft = parMenu.menuLeft;
          this.menuTop = parMenu.menuTop;
          this.menuFontColor = parMenu.menuFontColor;
          this.menuFontOver = parMenu.menuFontOver;
          this.menuBGColor = parMenu.menuBGColor;
          this.menuBGOver = parMenu.menuBGOver;
          this.menuBorCol = parMenu.menuBorCol;
          this.menuSeparatorCol = parMenu.menuSeparatorCol;
          this.treeParent = parMenu.treeParent;
          this.isTree = parMenu.isTree;
     this.maxItems = (isChild) ? this.array.length/3 : (this.array.length-9)/3;
     this.hasParent = isChild;
     this.setup = menuSetup;
     this.itemCount = 0;
function makeMenuIE(isChild,menuCount,parMenu) {
     menu = makeElement("elMenu" + menuCount);
     menu.array = eval("arMenu" + menuCount);
     menu.setMenuTree = setMenuTree;
     menu.itemStr = "";
     while (menu.itemCount < menu.maxItems) {
          status = "Creating Hierarchical Menus: " + menuCount + " / " + menu.itemCount;
          itemName = "item" + menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount;
          arrayPointer = (isChild) ? (menu.itemCount-1)*3 :((menu.itemCount-1)*3)+9;
          dispText = menu.array[arrayPointer];
          hasMore = menu.array[arrayPointer + 2];
          if(IE5) {
               newSpan = menuLoc.document.createElement("SPAN");
               with(newSpan) {
                    id = itemName;
                    with(style) {
                         width = (menu.menuWidth-(borWid*2));
                         fontSize = fntSiz + "pt";
                         fontWeight = (fntBold) ? "bold" : "normal";
                         fontStyle = (fntItal) ? "italic" : "normal";
                         fontFamily = fntFam;
                         padding = itemPad;
                         borderBottomWidth = separator + "px";
                         borderBottomStyle = "solid";
                    innerHTML = dispText;
               newBreak = menuLoc.document.createElement("BR");
               if(hasMore) {
//3.10.2 added next 2 statements:
                    if (isRight) = itemPad+fullImgSize;
                    else = itemPad+fullImgSize;
                    newImage = menuLoc.document.createElement("IMAGE");
                         src = imgSrc;
                         with(style) {
                              position = "absolute";
                              width = imgSiz;
                              height = imgSiz;
                              left = (isRight) ? itemPad : ( - itemPad - imgSiz);
                              top = newSpan.offsetTop + itemPad + (isMac ? 0 : 2);
          else {
               htmStr = (hasMore) ? imgStr + dispText : dispText;
               menu.itemStr += "<SPAN ID=" + itemName + " STYLE=\"width:" + (menu.menuWidth-(borWid*2)) + "\">" + htmStr + "</SPAN><BR>";
          if (hasMore) {
               makeMenuIE(true,menuCount + "_" + menu.itemCount,menu);
               menu = menu.parentMenu;
     if(!IE5) menu.innerHTML = menu.itemStr;
     itemColl = menu.children.tags("SPAN");
     for (i=0; i<itemColl.length; i++) {
          it = itemColl(i);
          it.setup = itemSetup;
     menu.lastItem = itemColl(itemColl.length-1);
function makeElement(whichEl,whichWidth,whichParent,whichContainer) {
     if (NS4) {
          if (whichWidth) {
               elWidth = whichWidth;
          else {
               elWidth = (whichContainer) ? whichContainer.menuWidth : whichParent.menuWidth;
               if (whichContainer) elWidth = elWidth-(borWid*2)-(itemPad*2);
          if (!whichContainer) whichContainer = menuLoc;
          eval(whichEl + "= new Layer(elWidth,whichContainer)");
     else {
          if (IE5) {
               newDiv = menuLoc.document.createElement("DIV");
      = "absolute";
      = whichEl;
          else {
               elStr = "<DIV ID=" + whichEl + " STYLE='position:absolute'></DIV>";
          if (isFrames) eval(whichEl + "= menuLoc." + whichEl);
     return eval(whichEl);
function itemSetup(whichItem,whichArray) {
     this.onmouseover = itemOver;
     this.onmouseout = itemOut;
     this.container = (NS4) ? this.parentLayer : this.parentElement;
     arrayPointer = (this.container.hasParent) ? (whichItem-1)*3 : ((whichItem-1)*3)+9;
     this.dispText = whichArray[arrayPointer];
     this.linkText = whichArray[arrayPointer + 1];
     this.hasMore = whichArray[arrayPointer + 2];
     if (IE4 && this.hasMore) {
          this.child = eval("elMenu" +;
          this.child.parentMenu = this.container;
          this.child.parentItem = this;
     if (this.linkText) {
          if (NS4) {
               this.onmouseup = linkIt;
          else {
               this.onclick = linkIt;
      = "hand";
     if (NS4) {
          htmStr = this.dispText;
          if (fntBold) htmStr = htmStr.bold();
          if (fntItal) htmStr = htmStr.italics();
          htmStr = "<FONT FACE='" + fntFam + "' POINT-SIZE=" + fntSiz + ">" + htmStr+ "</FONT>";
          this.htmStrOver = htmStr.fontcolor(this.container.menuFontOver);
          this.htmStr = htmStr.fontcolor(this.container.menuFontColor);
          if(this.hasMore) {
          this.visibility = "inherit";
          this.bgColor = this.container.menuBGColor;
          if (whichItem == 1) {
      = borWid + itemPad;
          else {
      = + this.prevItem.clip.height + separator;
          this.left = borWid + itemPad;
 = this.clip.left = -itemPad;
          this.clip.right = this.container.menuWidth-(borWid*2)-itemPad;
          maxTxtWidth = this.container.menuWidth-(borWid*2)-(itemPad*2);
          if (this.container.isTree) maxTxtWidth-=(fullImgSize);
          this.txtLyrOff = new Layer(maxTxtWidth,this);
          if (isRight && this.container.isTree) this.txtLyrOff.left = fullImgSize;
          this.txtLyrOff.visibility = "inherit";
          this.clip.bottom = this.txtLyrOff.document.height+itemPad;
          this.txtLyrOn = new Layer(maxTxtWidth,this);
          if (isRight && this.container.isTree) this.txtLyrOn.left = fullImgSize;
          this.txtLyrOn.visibility = "hide";
          this.dummyLyr = new Layer(100,this);
          this.dummyLyr.left = = -itemPad;
          this.dummyLyr.clip.width = this.clip.width;
          this.dummyLyr.clip.height = this.clip.height;
          this.dummyLyr.visibility = "inherit";
     else {
          with ( {
               if(!IE5) {
                    fontSize = fntSiz + "pt";
                    fontWeight = (fntBold) ? "bold" : "normal";
                    fontStyle = (fntItal) ? "italic" : "normal";
                    fontFamily = fntFam;
                    padding = itemPad;
                    borderBottomWidth = separator + "px";
                    borderBottomStyle = "solid";
//3.10.2 modified next statement to one following
//               if (this.container.isTree && (IE5 || (!IE5 && !this.hasMore))) {
               if (this.container.isTree && !this.hasMore) {
                    if (isRight) paddingLeft = itemPad+fullImgSize;
                    else paddingRight = itemPad+fullImgSize;
               color = this.container.menuFontColor;
               borderBottomColor = this.container.menuSeparatorCol;
               backgroundColor = this.container.menuBGColor;
function menuSetup(hasParent,openCont,openItem) {
     this.onmouseover = menuOver;
     this.onmouseout = menuOut;
     this.showIt = showIt;
     this.keepInWindow = keepInWindow;
     this.hideTree = hideTree
     this.hideParents = hideParents;
     this.hideChildren = hideChildren;
     this.hideTop = hideTop;
     this.hasChildVisible = false;
     this.isOn = false;
     this.hideTimer = null;
     this.childOverlap = (perCentOver != null) ? ((perCentOver/100) * this.menuWidth) : childOverlap;
     this.currentItem = null;
     this.hideSelf = hideSelf;
     if (hasParent) {
          this.hasParent = true;
          this.parentMenu = openCont;
          if (NS4) {
               this.parentItem = openItem;
               this.parentItem.child = this;
     else {
          this.hasParent = false;
     if (NS4) {
          this.bgColor = this.menuBorCol;
          this.fullHeight = + this.lastItem.clip.bottom + borWid;
          this.clip.right = this.menuWidth;
          this.clip.bottom = this.fullHeight;
     else {
          with ( {
               width = this.menuWidth;
               borderWidth = borWid;
               borderColor = this.menuBorCol;
               borderStyle = borSty;
               zIndex = topZ;
//3.10.2 added next statement
               overflow = "hidden";
          this.fullHeight = this.offsetHeight;
          if(isMac) = this.fullHeight;
          this.fullHeight = this.scrollHeight;
          this.onselectstart = cancelSelect;
          this.moveTo = moveTo;
function popUp(menuName,e){
     if (NS4 && NSresized) startIt();
     if (!isLoaded) return;
     linkEl = (NS4) ? : event.srcElement;
     if (clickStart) linkEl.onclick = popMenu;
     if (!beingCreated && !areCreated) startIt();
     linkEl.menuName = menuName;
     if (!clickStart) popMenu(e);
function popMenu(e){
     if (!isLoaded || !areCreated) return true;
     eType = (NS4) ? e.type : event.type;
     if (clickStart && eType != "click") return true;
     linkEl = (NS4) ? : event.srcElement;
     currentMenu = eval(linkEl.menuName);
     currentMenu.hasParent = false;
     currentMenu.treeParent.startChild = currentMenu;
     if (IE4) menuLocBod = menuLoc.document.body;
     if (!isFrames) {
          xPos = (currentMenu.menuLeft) ? currentMenu.menuLeft : (NS4) ? e.pageX : (event.clientX + menuLocBod.scrollLeft);
          yPos = (currentMenu.menuTop) ? currentMenu.menuTop : (NS4) ? e.pageY : (event.clientY + menuLocBod.scrollTop);
     else {
          switch (navFrLoc) {
               case "left":
                    xPos = (currentMenu.menuLeft) ? currentMenu.menuLeft : (NS4) ? menuLoc.pageXOffset : menuLocBod.scrollLeft;
                    yPos = (currentMenu.menuTop) ? currentMenu.menuTop : (NS4) ? (e.pageY-pageYOffset)+menuLoc.pageYOffset : event.clientY + menuLocBod.scrollTop;
               case "top":
                    xPos = (currentMenu.menuLeft) ? currentMenu.menuLeft : (NS4) ? (e.pageX-pageXOffset)+menuLoc.pageXOffset : event.clientX + menuLocBod.scrollLeft;
                    yPos = (currentMenu.menuTop) ? currentMenu.menuTop : (NS4) ? menuLoc.pageYOffset : menuLocBod.scrollTop;
               case "bottom":
                    xPos = (currentMenu.menuLeft) ? currentMenu.menuLeft : (NS4) ? (e.pageX-pageXOffset)+menuLoc.pageXOffset : event.clientX + menuLocBod.scrollLeft;
                    yPos = (currentMenu.menuTop) ? currentMenu.menuTop : (NS4) ? menuLoc.pageYOffset+menuLoc.innerHeight : menuLocBod.scrollTop + menuLocBod.clientHeight;
               case "right":
                    xPos = (currentMenu.menuLeft) ? currentMenu.menuLeft : (NS4) ? menuLoc.pageXOffset+menuLoc.innerWidth : menuLocBod.scrollLeft+menuLocBod.clientWidth;
                    yPos = (currentMenu.menuTop) ? currentMenu.menuTop : (NS4) ? (e.pageY-pageYOffset)+menuLoc.pageYOffset : event.clientY + menuLocBod.scrollTop;
     currentMenu.isOn = true;
     return false;
function menuOver(e) {
     this.isOn = true;
     isOverMenu = true;
     currentMenu = this;
     if (this.hideTimer) clearTimeout(this.hideTimer);
function menuOut() {
     if (IE4) {
          theEvent = menuLoc.event;
          if (theEvent.srcElement.contains(theEvent.toElement)) return;
     this.isOn = false;
     isOverMenu = false;
     menuLoc.status = "";
     if (!clickKill) allTimer = setTimeout("currentMenu.hideTree()",10);
function itemOver(){
     if (keepHilite) {
          if (this.container.currentItem && this.container.currentItem != this) {
               if (NS4) {
                    this.container.currentItem.bgColor = this.container.menuBGColor;
                    this.container.currentItem.txtLyrOff.visibility = "inherit";
                    this.container.currentItem.txtLyrOn.visibility = "hide";
               else {
                    with ( {
                         backgroundColor = this.container.menuBGColor;
                         color = this.container.menuFontColor;
     if (IE4) {
          theEvent = menuLoc.event;
          if (theEvent.srcElement.tagName == "IMG") return;
 = this.container.menuBGOver;
 = this.container.menuFontOver;
     else {
          this.bgColor = this.container.menuBGOver;
          this.txtLyrOff.visibility = "hide";
          this.txtLyrOn.visibility = "inherit";
     menuLoc.status = this.linkText;
     this.container.currentItem = this;
     if (this.container.hasChildVisible) {
     if (this.hasMore) {
          horOffset = (isRight) ? (this.container.childOverlap - this.container.menuWidth) : (this.container.menuWidth - this.container.childOverlap);
          if (NS4) {
               this.childX = this.container.left + horOffset;
               this.childY = ( + childOffset;
          else {
               this.childX = + horOffset;
               this.childY = this.offsetTop + + childOffset + borWid;
          this.container.hasChildVisible = true;
          this.container.visibleChild = this.child;
function itemOut() {
     if (IE4) {
          theEvent = menuLoc.event;
          if (theEvent.srcElement.contains(theEvent.toElement)
     || (theEvent.fromElement.tagName=="IMG" && theEvent.toElement.contains(theEvent.fromElement)))
          if (!keepHilite) {
      = this.container.menuBGColor;
      = this.container.menuFontColor;
     else {
          if (!keepHilite) {
               this.bgColor = this.container.menuBGColor;
               this.txtLyrOff.visibility = "inherit";
               this.txtLyrOn.visibility = "hide";
          if (!isOverMenu && !clickKill) {
               allTimer = setTimeout("currentMenu.hideTree()",10);
function moveTo(xPos,yPos) { = xPos; = yPos;
function showIt(on) {
     if (NS4) {
          this.visibility = (on) ? "show" : "hide";
          if (keepHilite && this.currentItem) {
               this.currentItem.bgColor = this.menuBGColor;
               this.currentItem.txtLyrOff.visibility = "inherit";
               this.currentItem.txtLyrOn.visibility = "hide";
     else {
 = (on) ? "visible" : "hidden";
          if (keepHilite && this.currentItem) {
               with ( {
                    backgroundColor = this.menuBGColor;
                    color = this.menuFontColor;
     this.currentItem = null;
function keepInWindow() {
     scrBars = 20;
     botScrBar = (isFrames && navFrLoc=="bottom") ? (borWid*2) : scrBars;
     rtScrBar = (isFrames && navFrLoc=="right") ? (borWid*2) : scrBars;
     if (NS4) {
          winRight = (menuLoc.pageXOffset + menuLoc.innerWidth) - rtScrBar;
          rightPos = this.left + this.menuWidth;
          if (rightPos > winRight) {
               if (this.hasParent) {
                    parentLeft = this.parentMenu.left;
                    newLeft = ((parentLeft-this.menuWidth) + this.childOverlap);
                    this.left = newLeft;
               else {
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          botPos = + this.fullHeight;
          if (botPos > winBot) {
               dif = botPos - winBot;
      -= dif;
          winLeft = menuLoc.pageXOffset;
          leftPos = this.left;
          if (leftPos < winLeft) {
               if (this.hasParent) {
                    parentLeft = this.parentMenu.left;
                    newLeft = ((parentLeft+this.menuWidth) - this.childOverlap);
                    this.left = newLeft;
               else {
                    this.left = 5;
     else {
          winRight = (menuLoc.document.body.scrollLeft + menuLoc.document.body.clientWidth) - rtScrBar;
          rightPos = + this.menuWidth;
          if (rightPos > winRight) {
               if (this.hasParent) {
                    parentLeft =;
                    newLeft = ((parentLeft - this.menuWidth) + this.childOverlap);
           = newLeft;
               else {
                    dif = rightPos - winRight;
           -= dif;
          winBot = (menuLoc.document.body.scrollTop + menuLoc.document.body.clientHeight) - botScrBar;
          botPos = + this.fullHeight;
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      -= dif;
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          leftPos =;
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           = newLeft;
               else {
           = 5;
function linkIt() {
     if (this.linkText.indexOf("javascript:")!=-1) eval(this.linkText)
     else menuLoc.location.href = this.linkText;
function popDown(menuName){
     if (!isLoaded || !areCreated) return;
     whichEl = eval(menuName);
     whichEl.isOn = false;
     if (!clickKill) whichEl.hideTop();
function hideAll() {
     for(i=1; i<topCount; i++) {
          temp = eval("elMenu" + i + ".startChild");
          temp.isOn = false;
          if (temp.hasChildVisible) temp.hideChildren();
function hideTree() {
     allTimer = null;
     if (isOverMenu) return;
     if (this.hasChildVisible) {
function hideTop() {
     whichTop = this;
     (clickKill) ? whichTop.hideSelf() : (this.hideTimer = setTimeout("if(whichTop.hideSelf)whichTop.hideSelf()",mSecsVis));
function hideSelf() {
     this.hideTimer = null;
     if (!this.isOn && !isOverMenu) {
function hideParents() {
     tempMenu = this;
     while (tempMenu.hasParent) {
          tempMenu.parentMenu.isOn = false;
          tempMenu = tempMenu.parentMenu;
function hideChildren(item) {
     tempMenu = this.visibleChild;
     while (tempMenu.hasChildVisible) {
          tempMenu.hasChildVisible = false;
          tempMenu = tempMenu.visibleChild;
     if (!this.isOn || !item.hasMore || this.visibleChild != this.child) {
          this.hasChildVisible = false;
function cancelSelect(){return false}
function reDo(){
     if (loader.innerWidth==origWidth && loader.innerHeight==origHeight) return;
function clicked() {
     if (!isOverMenu && currentMenu!=null && !currentMenu.isOn) {
          whichEl = currentMenu;
window.onerror = handleErr;
function handleErr(){
     arAccessErrors = ["permission","access"];
     mess = arguments[0].toLowerCase();
     found = false;
     for (i=0;i<arAccessErrors.length;i++) {
          errStr = arAccessErrors[i];
          if (mess.indexOf(errStr)!=-1) found = true;
     return found;

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    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox (Tools) > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
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    Do you see a Last 7 days folder?
    If not then older history has been deleted.<br />
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    Well I solved my problem.
    What still doesn't make sense though is that dragging iTune audio files directly on to the iTunes application icon gave me the error message... which is why I originally discounted it as being a potential link problem. If I had been able to get files to open normally (i.e. without an error message) I would have known it was a simple link problem. Strange.
    Anyway... relinking my folder of audio files did the trick.
    If you don't already know how here are the steps...
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    I have to stop the script, hence, the list with my previous tabs never comes up.

    Which file is mentioned as the cause of that script error?<br />
    Is that a file with a chrome protocol?

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    == URL of affected sites ==
    http:// (always) and (sometimes)

    There does appear to be any support whatsoever from mighty "non caring" FIREFOX & people are getting fed up. We may as well try another system, if they can't be bothered to provide any support for their system, we can't be bothered to use their system.

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    Do you have that problem when running in the Firefox SafeMode? <br />
    [] <br />
    ''Don't select anything right now, just use "Continue in SafeMode."''
    If not, see this: <br />

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    Attached is an image of the error message.

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    it doesn't seem to find the class! i've even put it in the bin dir of java. i'm using 1.4
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    Java(TM) Plug-in: Version 1.4.2_01
    Using JRE version 1.4.2_01 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
    User home directory = C:\Documents and Settings\mark gandolfo
    c: clear console window
    f: finalize objects on finalization queue
    g: garbage collect
    h: display this help message
    l: dump classloader list
    m: print memory usage
    o: trigger logging
    p: reload proxy configuration
    q: hide console
    r: reload policy configuration
    s: dump system properties
    t: dump thread list
    v: dump thread stack
    x: clear classloader cache
    0-5: set trace level to <n>
    load: class FirstApplet.class not found.
    java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: FirstApplet.class
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.findClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.loadCode(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.plugin.AppletViewer.createApplet(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletPanel.runLoader(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
    Caused by: C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_01\bin\FirstApplet\class.class (The system cannot find the path specified)
         at Method)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at<init>(Unknown Source)
         at Source)
         at Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.getBytes(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader.access$100(Unknown Source)
         at sun.applet.AppletClassLoader$ Source)
         at Method)
         ... 10 more

    :) never mind, stupid mistake! (another) but i'm sure there will be more!
    quick question though (so i dont' waste the thread)
    when i close my browser when i've loaded my own applet, the browser eats resources to the point where it freezes my AMD2.4ghz 512mb ram computer! :(
    any suggestions?

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    Every time Firefox opened
    == Today ==
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US) AppleWebKit/533.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/5.0.375.125 Safari/533.4

    Close all iWork applications
    Uninstall Keynote; this must be done with an application remover tool to delete the installation properly. Appcleaner is known to work correctly for this purpose, it is free and can be downloaded from here: Appcleaner Download
    empty the trash
    shutdown the Mac and restart. After the start up chime, hold down the shift key until the apple logo appears
    let the Mac complete the start up procedure completely, it will take longer than usual as the hard drive is being repaired
    Reinstall Keynote by logging into the Mac App Store using download / install

  • After upgrading to AppWorld error message "Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" occurs

    After upgrading to AppWorld error message "Exception: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError" occurs,  is there a way to downgrade back to the old version at this point.
    Thank you.

    RIM is aware of this issue and has yet to resolve it.
    One solution is to downgrade your AppWorld.
    First, delete what you have at Options > Device > Applications
    (or on OS5, Options > Advanced > Applications).
    Then, using your BlackBerry browser, navigate to this link for your OS level:
    BlackBerry App World v3.0.1.29 [OS7]
    BlackBerry App World v3.0.1.29 [OS6]
    BlackBerry App World v3.0.1.29 [OS5]
    1. If any post helps you please click the below the post(s) that helped you.
    2. Please resolve your thread by marking the post "Solution?" which solved it for you!
    3. Install free BlackBerry Protect today for backups of contacts and data.
    4. Guide to Unlocking your BlackBerry & Unlock Codes
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  • For weeks I have been viewing a doggy day care via their web cam.  This weekend I upgraded to Lion and have been unable to view the center since.  I get an error message for java webcam class not found.  All of my software is up to date--suggestions?

    For weeks I have been viewing a doggy day care center via their web cam.  This weekend I upgraded to Lion and have been unable to view the center.  I get an error message for Java plug-in 1.6.0_29 class not found.  Any suggestions on how to fix this?

    Sorry, don't know what else to suggest unless there's a URL to the problem stream that someone here can try. Otherwise we can't test it to try and determine what might be wrong.
    BTW, make sure they're testing it with a Mac, not with a Windows system. If they test only with Windows, what they say is or is not working doesn't mean much.

  • Why do I get an error message saying unable to use disk when creating a DVD

    I have successfully burned two DVD's of a group of three I am burning of my last vacation pictures. I have successfully created WMV files for each day of the trip which I have combined to create the three DVD's so they won't be too lengthy. I created a menu with main menu and stop menu markers. When I went to burn the third disk, which is the shortest of the group the program would encode to the 96% and then the disk would eject and it would give an errow message saying the disk was not compatable. This was the same type of DVD-RW disks I used on the two successful disks. I tried redoing the burn 3  times with each time getting to 96% on the encription and then the same error message occurred. I used fresh disks each time. On the forth try I cut the number of WMV files down to 3 to make the DVD half as long. The same thing happened at the 96th% spot of the encription process. Nothing had ever been put on the disks. I am using top quality Memorex DVD-RW disks. Please let me know what else I can do. I am very frustrated. Oh yes, I closed the program down each time I got the error and also shut down and restarted the computer afer each error. I really want to finish this project as I have been working on it now for two weeks non stop. Thank you.

    Good, that gets one possibility out of the way.
    Since the error about the disc indicates that the Transcoding has already finished, I think that we can probably rule out the next step, but let's look anyway.
    Now, for Transcoding to DVD, PrE uses 2-pass Encoding, so it would seem that this problem is comng right at the end of the second pass, at the end of the Timeline. Look very closely at that point, and see if there is anything odd there. Things like gaps in the Video of a Timeline, or sometimes Assets that are not proper, can cause Transcoding to stop. Anything there? [I think that with a disc error, Transcoding HAS completed, and the progress bar is just lagging slightly behind, but more questions are probably needed.]
    Last, what brand of blank media are you using? The reason that I ask this is that some companies, like Memorex, buy the cheapest disc that day, and rebrand them, so in a spindle of 25, you might end up with blank discs by different mfgrs., and some can be much better, than others.
    Good luck,

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